cold and hidden pathogens

Removing Latent Injuries (Cold is not our friend) Heather Bruce WFAS 2014 Hidden Pathogen - Cold 1

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Presentation to WFAS 2014 Houston TX


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Removing Latent

Injuries(Cold is not our friend)

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‘In the old days . . . ‘

All knew to conserve and respect life

People knew what to do, or could find someone who did. Embedded cultural knowledge.

Plants and local ingredients were employed to assist healing.

There was always a myth/religious thread explaining how & why we were here. Life centred around keeping this faith going (spiritual nature of traditional societies interwoven with daily life)

All were understood & did not need spelling out

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Integrating old & new . . (What is ‘medicine’?)

Now we may need to play grand mother/father, as the basics are not there for us to work with:

1. Role of nutrients,

2. sleep,

3. rest,

4. exercise

5. clean water,

6. Respecting life cycles & nature’s fury/benevolence

New graduates have been lead into EBM and RCT and are also missing that the new ‘normal’ is not what life, or our medicine is rooted in.

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Matriarchs – ‘old wives’

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All knew to live by

the ways of Nature,

and most directly

grew their own food,

hence knew how to

tend and nurture

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Suggested beginnings Whatever your great grandparents would tell you

‘Nourishing Traditions’ – the work of Weston Price through

Sally Fallon’s eyes

‘The Nourishing Traditions of Baby and Child Care’ – Sally

Fallon Morell & Thomas S. Cowan

All the work of Dr Pottenger and the book ‘Pottenger’s

Prophecy’ – to see just what we have done to the world and

our global health through moving away from real food and

real farming.

A good beginning –

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Definition of health

Ability of the body to adapt to change

(On all levels to respond to change, and to keep itself

within homeostasis)

Start at the beginning

Yang Qi – digestion, circulation

Support Three Heaters

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Healing – requires change Body can heal itself –

if whatever is blocking this is removed

Many levels

As a practitioner – we could start with the level of home remedies – as would be in all cultures – if they had retained their wisdoms through their elders and respecting their traditions.

Whatever used to work – still will

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Regardless of named

‘disease’ . .

Person is unwell/imbalanced and has sought help.

Thus we know something is troubling their system.We could – reactively treat what they say wrong

OR – observe why the body has not gotten into healing it itself. Moving blockages to healing . .

Where to start?

Yang Qi – needs to transform and transport – and maintain homeostasis.

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Functions of Yang Qi Digestive fire (TH) – supports life (IBS)

Circulation of all resources (peripheral neuropathy)

Thyroid (BBT) and other metabolic issues

All aspects of Spleen Qi holding (prolapses/variscosities))

Immune/Lung Qi strength (Lyme’s etc)

Reproductive & sexual ‘oomph’ (most infertility/(espsperm defects) gyne/’high risk’ pregnancies espplacental issues and FGR)

Fluid transformation (weight/lymph/fat/Sp/Lu/iodine)

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What wastes Yang?Yang is taken out of normal circulation by Latent cold

Yang Qi is then needed to inactivate the cold and keep it from further damaging the organism

We can see it – maybe tongue/blanching/Raynard’s)

We can feel it – use hands

We can ask about it – will tell us if we ask the right questions

We can always assume it is there, and watch all changes (give the patient a mirror to observe their tongue changes) when the Yang Qi is relieved.

Regardless of what the person is distressed about

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ColdStays in the body until it is released

(May not be removed regardless of moxa use)

Is stored in the uterus, stomach and intestines (Dr John Shen)

There it quietly wastes Yang - PLUS

Cold causes contraction – it congests the Qi, and Blood and circulation

Cold causes hardness in this contraction

Yang Qi is then compromised as it has to continually battle an inner threat at the expense of normal body function

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Causes contraction

Hardness –

circulation slows right

down – becoming

solid – think cysts

/fibroids/pain relieved

by heat

Consumes yang

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Can Qi & Blood Flow?

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Some possible vectors

Early lives – inconsiderate birthing exposures.

Loss of umbilical blood, vastly reducing the volume, breathing capacity and warmth

Shen travels through the blood – shock issues?

Baby circulation is immature & there is a huge peripheral area that loses heat quickly (Little body mass)

Early lack of appropriate clothing: parents are warm enough (e.g. All babies in strollers without booties/hats to keep warmth IN)

Life consumes Yang Qi

Choice of ingestibles (poss. already internal heat there & self medicating)

Cold/cool foods, ice creams/fruit juices/etc especially on an empty stomach

Occupational, Hobbies (fishing in NZ is standing in freezing water)

Sleeping – one partner sleeps ‘hotter’ than the other cops continual minute cold increments

Clothing – fashion statements

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Digestive Yang

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How cold can come in ‘therapeutically’

1 – Ice physically placed on everything acute.

2 – Cold blood replacement/nasal gastric feeding

3 – Vibrational effects of medications - insulting body with cold = eg antibiotics . . .

4 – Air conditioning far too cold for the weakened, vulnerable, ill and wounded who there forapparent healing and comfort.

5 – Actual cold connection – in lying on metal, and having metal inside open wounds

6 – Fed and watered with chilled products . . . et al

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COLD – How to get rid of


Upper back

Belly/all body

Hands & feet/bum at night/general chilliness

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REMOVAL METHODGua Sha & cupping

Cup navel /then moxa on


General navel cupping with

possible back work next

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After 30+ years Dr John Shen told us about this in Sydney.

I took it back to clinic and initially used with ‘cold’ gyne patients – with obvious cold bellies, and heat relieving conditions.

Eventually – Is my signature and do it on all with anything and often –if cool to touch – we start there.

(Can’t get the Qi to move if Yang is held over to keep the latent cold in check. Similarly the Blood can’t flow well.

?How do I know? Results – watch the tongue, facial colours, previously sore points, areas, pulses and S&S all disappear in front of you - only do the cup and only as directed.

Followed by moxa on ginger in salt in navel as directed.

Profound changes and prior to any ‘diagnosis’ or needling.

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Eventually I worked back to BBT (for all)

Then role of thyroid

Adrenal exhaustion,

Role of nutrients (Vit D needed for absorption of all fat soluble vitamins and ALL minerals)

Iodine and the blocking of this through modern halogen exposure

Sleep – and nowhere near enough of it.How is the Yin supposed to be regenerated?

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Though working with a

community Nutritional deficiencies, no sun exposure, overworked,

exhausted, not eating one day in 7, no contraception, early marriage.

(Magnesium and) Iodine remarkably deficient

Started on forearm, and gradually plastered it all over the belly/breasts of everyone – esp all pregnant women –I can’t find anyone (symptomatically at least) with a normal BBT (37.2/3C)

Once their often 35.9 – 36.2C is raised – by addition of VitD, Iodine, Selenium and other trace minerals, a lot more fat, and protein and no grains, cereals, their ‘high risk’ pregnancy issues - esp lifetime of pregnancy losses –abated.

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6 ½ months pregnant

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Less than a minute later

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Maximum 3 minutes


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1 - Krohn’s - all life

2 - Lyme’s /Barmah forest

3 – Peripheral Neuropathy

4 – Prostate swelling

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Peripheral neuropathy Male, 62 years old

Broken back – L3 3 years ago

(Feet numbness since then)

Chronic gout – knees scraped and replaced 4 months

ago – failure – can’t run/in pain all the time

Can’t feel from knees down – and tingling/numbness

where he can

He left with a lot more feeling further down his legs.

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After cupping and moxa –

before needles.

Note the Blood deficient

crack, and the change from

the purple body initially.

Often the different layers are

within a few minutes

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Start to finish

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He had not

eaten and was

hungry – so to

allow him to get

to his lunch date,

and not fade out

whilst driving –

he had some

nuts – hence the

coating – but the

tongue body is

very different.

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Lyme disease ++ Male, 33 years old.

Lifetime of marijuana abuse.

Eventually contacted Ross River Fever and Barhman Forest, and then Lyme’s disease.

Been to all naturopaths etc. Can’t work, function, lies about all day

On a swag of tablets.Not much better.

Starts day with a litre of cold milk and then 6 pieces of fruit from fridge. .

Had a freezing cold to touch belly, so started there and first session – ‘just’ cupped the cold out of his belly, used moxa on ginger on salt in his navel.

Felt feeling more like himself than in years.

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But .. . . Habits are hard to break

He would rather swallow tablets than make the changes needed to help himself.

Many $1,000’s later (seemingly addicted to the idea that health would come from a bottle) – he got the message, adjusted what he was fueling himself with – esp eating as ‘hypoglycemic’ patients were instructed to decades ago – a little, often - fat, protein, veggies, no grains, cereal, fruit, sugars – and was almost back to normal.

B12 injections (years of antibiotic use – whole litany of illnesses sparked by lack of self care and a tooth abscess – then diminished immunity and all else followed). A few months of 2 weekly, with a sympathetic doctor who was being guided by me

His depression, numb extremities and lack of life all receded – as long as he stayed away from what upset his Three Heater – and we kept him from the cold invasion.

He still needs to work further on the sugar and marijuana addiction

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Ulcerative Colitis/Chrone’s Male, 37 years old

All his life – horrendous gut/also many structural accidents, causing chronic neck/shoulder/back pain

On multiple drugs and still ulcerative colitis, with +20 diarrhorea daily. Rectal prolapsed from the inflammation and tissue distress from all the evacuations.

Passing out from exhaustion and pain, can’t work, can’t eat, about to be a new dad, and may drop newborn, as he often just fades away

Taking no care of what is being eaten – mostly gluten/dairy/fruit as always has – as though it is irrelevant to his health.

‘Managed’ by medical drug cocktails that are insufficient, rationed and never ‘fix’ his life

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Start at the beginning Cupped cold out, use ginger moxa on salt in navel

Daily sessions till strong enough

Mayan massage techniques - back and belly

Massive improvement – after the anal steaming . .

(Looked at least 20 years younger – 2nd time with his dad in the room also having a session – could not believe the difference in his son)

Take home message – support Yang Qi!

(Anal steaming also happened as part of the Arvigo/Mayan massage session I did once his cold/scars/general health could support this)

Rebuild Yang . . The can make the yin and blood . .(also remarkable long crack in his tongue, and major psychological issues (B12 needed – not found a doctor yet to assist).

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Homework To always eat a little something every three hours – always warm,

savoury or salty/not sweet.

Avoid all cold exposure

Use moxa on sacrum daily if possible

Take B12 tablets with a B complex, 6 daily

Magnesium oil on skin 10 x daily

Vit D – 50,000 iu daily till feeling a lot better then 50,000 iu weekly (to assist absorb minerals) May need to start with 50,000 iyu daily for a few weeks – then can absorb the minerals esp magnesium needed.

Gut bacteria – for gut dysbiosis – to repair gut

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Sacral moxa directions

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Moxa use for homework

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Mother roasting/

vaginal/anal steaming Does a faster and more total job.

From training as an Arvigo/Mayan massage therapist, I have been steaming men and women – vastly easier than moxa on ginger salt on navel . .

Part of most Asian cultures, (Old ways).

Post natal mother care (past on through generations/assumed cultural knowledge – not written and not men’s ways – or ‘medicine’)

– Vietnamese - 3 days daily, for three months - then suppose d to keep up with daily – herbs and steaming for all that ails women. Also wearing a girdle/belly binding/wrap/(faja) in Spanish)

I have added it into men’s care – with amazing results ..

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Prostatic hyperplasia Male, 71

Had a catheter for the past year as prostate is too large for removal, and for urination to happen normally.

Past life of being super nice, whilst internalising Liver Qi constrained – resulted in not PCOS or cancer – but extreme swelling (to quench the fire) and inner rage.

Cupped navel.

The frigid feeling belly gradually over a few weeks became normal temperature.

Moxa as usual – punk on ginger (no aconite) on salt in navel

then Li 2/5 /14 sedated . .and various Shen calming.

Ongoing – once cold expelled (and external house painter all his life)

We worked on a rebuild – including Mayan abdominal massage and anal steaming with herbs to calm and as anti inflammatory

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Start at the beginning Calm the Shen

Retrieve the Yang, including increasing Yang directly with moxa (on ginger on salt in navel)

Undo all scars (esp the Mirror X )

Assist normal to assert itself.

Calm the Shen, nourish Blood

Enhance the TH function

Increase nutrients and remove that which does not serve wellness.

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What else? Belly massage – great before sleeping

All cultures had some form of touch therapies as what else would a mum do?

All cultures had women’s mysteries, as they had to look after the baby making equipment – all seems lost – but not so .. Vassalli in Fiji, Durkann in Sudan, mother roasting in various Asian countries – we just need to go asking respectfully.

Mayan vaginal/anal steaming (men)

(Could also use the Korean style infra red spa treatments now popular – look up ‘V Steams’ . .

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Treatment strategies

Get rid of what is clogging up the system, to allow

nature to reassert itself.

Look to life – vets and farmers

Patience and self discovery grows the inner person

Respect for life and life cycles

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Tribal wisdoms

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FIND OUT MORE - recent conference presentations and loads on cupping navel esp in pregnancy

New Pregnancy App – HeatherSays

Navigation guide through all my research findings – available to all Use Heather’s decades of hands on healing experience – [patients ad practitioners alike).

Click to articles/selection of patient’s eBooks to explain more via

For those who want to know how to help themselves

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