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Cohomology and Poincar´ e duality Weiyi Zhang Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick December 18, 2013

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Cohomology and Poincare duality

Weiyi Zhang

Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick

December 18, 2013



1 Cohomology 5

1.1 Course description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.2 Cohomology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.3 Universal Coefficient Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.3.1 Chain map and chain homotopy . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.3.2 Hom functor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.3.3 Proof of Universal coefficient theorem, step 1 . . . . . 9

1.4 Ext functor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

1.4.1 Universal coefficient theorem and Kunneth formula forhomology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

1.5 Singular cohomolgy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

1.6 The Eilenberg-Steenrod Axioms for cohomology . . . . . . . . 15

1.7 Mayer-Vietoris Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2 Products 21

2.1 Cup Product for singular cohomology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.1.1 Cap product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

2.1.2 De Rham cohomology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

2.2 Cross Product and Kunneth formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2.2.1 An alternative way to define cross and cup products . 29

2.3 Ljusternik-Schnirelmann category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

2.4 Higher products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3 Poincare duality 37

3.1 Cohomology with compact supports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3.2 Orientations for Manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

3.3 Poincare duality theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4 Applications of Poincare duality 47

4.1 Intersection form, Euler characteristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4.1.1 Intersection pairing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4.1.2 Betti numbers and Euler characteristic . . . . . . . . . 49

4.2 Calculation of cohomology rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51



4.2.1 Cohomology ring of CPn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514.2.2 Cohomology ring of RPn and Borsum-Ulam . . . . . . 514.2.3 Cohomology ring of lens spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

4.3 Degree and Hopf invariant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554.3.1 Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554.3.2 Hopf invariant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

4.4 Alexander duality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584.5 Manifolds with boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

4.5.1 Linking number, Massey product . . . . . . . . . . . . 634.6 Thom isomorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Chapter 1

Cohomology and UniversalCoefficient Theorem

1.1 Course description

Instructor: Weiyi Zhang

Email: [email protected]

Lecture time/room:Wednesday 1pm - 2pm MS.03Thursday 5pm - 6pm CO D1.07Monday 5pm - 6pm MA B1.01


Reference books:

• Allen Hatcher, “Algebraic Topology”, CUP 2002.

• Greenberg and Harper, “Algebraic Topology: a first course” : Addison-Wesley 1981

• William Fulton, “Algebraic Topology: a first course” : Springer 1995,GTM 153

• Bott and Tu, “Differential forms in Algebraic Topology”: Springer-Verlag 1999, GTM 82

Prerequisites: MA3H6 Algebraic Topology, MA3H5 Manifolds

1.2 Cohomology

Recall homology group is defined in the following lines. First, one formsa chain complex, which is a sequence of abelian groups and homomorphisms:



C• : · · · ∂n+1−→ Cn∂n−→ Cn−1

∂n−1−→ · · ·

The choices of the chain complex could be singular, simplicial, or cellular.Homomorphisms ∂n are called boundary map with the property ∂n∂n+1 = 0for all n.

The homology groups (of the chain complex) are defined as

Hn(C•) =Zn(C•)


where the elements of Zn(C•) := ker ∂n are called n-cycles, and elements ofBn(C•) := Im∂n+1 are called n-boundaries.

The cohomology groups are defined in the similar lines as a dual objectof homology groups. We first define the cochain group

Cn = Hom(Cn, G) = C∗n

as the dual of the chain group Cn. And then define the coboundary map δn :Cn → Cn+1 as the dual of boundary map: For f ∈ Cn, define (δnf)(x) :=f(∂n+1x) for x ∈ Cn+1. It is easy to check δn δn−1 = 0.

Then cohomology groups are define as

Hn(C•) =Zn(C•)


where the elements of Zn(C•) := ker δn are called n-cocycles, and elementsof Bn(C•) := Imδn−1 are called n-coboundaries.

C• : · · · δn−1−→ Cnδn−→ Cn+1 δn+1−→ · · ·

Let us calculate several examples. Take the coefficient group G = Z.

Example 1.2.1. Let C• be the chain complex · · · → 0 → Z → 0 → · · ·where Z is at kth position. Then the homology groups are

Hn(C•) =

Z n = k0 n 6= k

The corresponding cochain complex C• is · · · ← 0← Z← 0← · · · whereZ is still at kth position. Then

Hn(C•) =

Z n = k0 n 6= k

Example 1.2.2. Let C• be the chain complex · · · → 0→ Z m→ Z→ 0→ · · ·where Z are at kth and (k − 1)th positions. Then the homology groups are

Hn(C•) =

Zm n = k − 10 n 6= k − 1


The corresponding cochain complex C• is · · · ← 0 ← Z m← Z ← 0 ← · · ·where Z are still at kth and (k − 1)th position. But

Hn(C•) =

Zm n = k0 n 6= k

These examples show the difference of the free part Z and torsion partZn. Actually if Cn is free abelian for all n and Hn(C) is finitely generatedfor all n. And Hn(C) = Fn ⊕ Tn where Fn is free abelian and Tn is torsion.Then Hn(C) = Fn⊕Tn−1. This is the simplest form of Universal coefficienttheorem which determines cohomology groups with arbitrary coefficientsfrom homology with Z coefficients.

Remark 1.2.3. For non-abelian group G, we could still define (co)homology,but the point is that usually Hn(C;G) do not have a group structure whenn > 0, since Imδ need not to be a normal subgroup of kerδ.

1.3 Universal Coefficient Theorem

1.3.1 Chain map and chain homotopy

Definition 1.3.1. A map f : C → D of chain complexes C and D is asequence of homomorphisms f = fn : Cn → Dn such that ∂n fn =fn−1 ∂n.

Proposition 1.3.2. The chain map f : C → D induces a homomorphismf∗ : Hn(C)→ Hn(D) of homology groups.

Proof. By definition, it fn takes cycles in Zn(C) to cycles in Zn(D) and takesboundaries to boundaries. Hence it induces a homomorphism f∗ : Hn(C)→Hn(D).

Definition 1.3.3. Two maps of chain complexes f, g : C → D are chainhomotopic (denoted by f ' g) if there exists a sequence of maps T = Tn :Cn → Dn+1 such that

∂n+1 Tn + Tn−1 ∂n = fn − gn.

We will save the subscripts for boundary maps later on.

Proposition 1.3.4. If f and g are chain homotopic, then their inducedhomomorphisms of homology are equal.

Proof. Let T be a chain homotopy. For any zn ∈ Zn(C), we have

f∗[zn]− g∗[zn] = [gn(zn)− fn(zn)] = [∂ T (zn) + T ∂(zn)] = [∂T (zn)] = 0.


So chain homotopy is an equivalence relation.

Definition 1.3.5. Two chain complexes C and D are called chain homotopyequivalent (C ' D), if there are chain maps f : C → D and g : D → Csuch that

g f ' idC : C → C, f g ' idD : D → D.

Each of them is called a chain homotopy equivalence.

The next result follows from Propostion 1.3.4.

Proposition 1.3.6. Chain homotopy equivalence induces isomorphism ofhomology groups. So if C ' D, then H∗(C) = H∗(D).

The reverse is also true if C and D are complexes of abelian groups.All the above discussion works for cochain complexes with apparent mod-


1.3.2 Hom functor

Notice that the functor Hom(·, G) is the key for cohomology. By defi-nition, Hom(H,G) is the set of all homomorphisms from H to G. It is anabelian group as well, and called homomorphism group. Let us look at itin a more abstract viewpoint. It is a countravariant functor, which meansf : A → B induces f∗ : Hom(B,G) → Hom(A,G) and if furthermorewe have g : B → C then (g f)∗ = f∗ g∗. The above discussion tells usHom(·, G) is also a countravariant functor from Chain complexes to cochaincomplexes.

It has the following properties:

• Splitting exactness: Hom(A1⊕A2, G) = Hom(A1, G)⊕Hom(A2, G);

• Moreover for direct sum: Hom(⊕iAi, G) = ΠiHom(Ai, G);

• left exactness: If Af→ B

g→ C → 0 is an exact sequence, then theinduced sequence

Hom(A,G)f∗←− Hom(B,G)

g∗←− Hom(C,G)←− 0

is exact.

Proofs are left as exercises. The third item is the key for later applications.

Example 1.3.7. Hom(Zm, G) = g ∈ G|mg = 0. In fact, take Hom forexact sequence 0→ Z m→ Z→ Zm → 0, we obtain

0← Gm← G← Hom(Zm, G)← 0.

By item three, the sequence is exact except possibly for the leftmost. SoHom(Zm, G) = ker(G

m→ G)g ∈ G|mg = 0. And when mG 6= G, thesequence is not exact. In general, Hom functor does NOT keep exactness.


To state UCT, we need to introduce a functor Ext(H,G), which mea-sures the failure of Hom to be an exact functor. It is defined from a freeresolution of the abelian group H: 0 → F1 → F0 → H → 0, with Fi = 0for i > 1.This could be obtained in the following way. Choose a set of gen-erators for H and let F0 be a free abelian group with basis in one-to-onecorrespondence with these generators. Then we have a surjective homomor-phism f0 : F0 → H. The kernel of f0 is free as a subgroup of a free abeliangroup. We let F1 be the kernel and the inclusion to F0 as f1. It is an ex-act chain complex sequence. In summary, constructing a free resolution isequivalent to choosing a presentation for A.

Take its dual cochain complex by Hom(F,G), we may lose its exactness,so could have its cohomology group, temporarily denoted by Hn(F ;G). Forthe above constructed resolution, Hn(F ;G) = 0 for n > 1. So the onlyinteresting group is H1(F ;G). As we will show, it is independent of theresolution. There is a standard notation for that: Ext(H,G). The elementin this group could also be interpreted as the isomorphism class of extensionsof G by H, i.e. 0→ G→ J → H → 0.

Finally, the Universal coefficient theorem is ready to state.

Theorem 1.3.8. If a chain complex C of free abelian groups has homologygroups Hn(C), then for each n, there is a natural short exact sequence:

0→ Ext(Hn−1(C), G)→ Hn(C;G)h→ Hom(Hn(C), G)→ 0.

The sequence splits, so that

Hn(C;G) = Ext(Hn−1(C), G)⊕Hom(Hn(C), G).

But the splitting is not natural.

1.3.3 Proof of Universal coefficient theorem, step 1

There is a natural choice of free resolution of the homology group

0→ Bn(C)in→ Zn(C)

q→ Hn(C)→ 0.

So the H1(F ;G) for this free resolution is exactly coker(i∗n : Hom(Zn, G)→Hom(Bn, G)) by definition. Now, let us prove Universal coefficient theoremin two steps.Step 1: derive the split short exact sequence

0→ Cokeri∗n−1 → Hn(C;G)h→ Hom(Hn(C), G)→ 0.

Step 2: Prove H1(F ;G) only depends on H and G, but not the resolution.So cokeri∗n−1 = Ext(Hn−1, G).

We start with Step 1.


Lemma 1.3.9. There is a natural homomorphism

h : Hn(C;G)→ Hom(Hn(C), G).

Proof. We first have the map in the cycle level:For any cocycle α ∈ Zn and any cycle z ∈ Zn, we let h(α)(z) = α(z).

α ∈ Zn means δα = 0, i.e α∂ = 0. In other words, α vanishes on Bn. So hdescends to a map from Zn to Hom(Hn, G).

Next if α ∈ Bn, then α = δβ = β∂. Hence α is zero on Zn. Thusthere is a well defined quotient map h([α])([z]) = α(z) from Hn(C;G) toHom(Hn(C), G).

This is a homomorphism since:

h([α+ β])([z]) = (α+ β)(z) = α(z) + β(z) = h[α]([z]) + h[β]([z]).

Now there is a split short exact sequence

0→ Zn → Cn∂→ Bn−1 → 0.

It splits since Bn−1 is free (for any generator of Bn−1, one could mapit to a preimage of ∂. So it is not canonically chosen.). Thus we havep : Cn → Zn whose restriction to Zn is identity.

We have the commutative diagram

0 Zn+1 Cn+1 Bn 0

0 Zn Cn Bn−1 0


∂ 0

Since the dual of a split short exact sequence is a split short exact se-quence (the splitting exactness of Hom), the following commutative diagramhas exact rows,

0 Z∗n C∗n B∗n−1 0

0 Z∗n+1 C∗n+1 B∗n 0

0 δ




This is a part of a short exact sequence of chain complexes. From this,we have a long exact sequence (because the differential of the complexes Band Z are trivial)

B∗ni∗n←− Z∗n ←− Hn(C;G)←− B∗n−1

i∗n−1←− Z∗n−1.

The connection homomorphism is i∗n because of definition: one takes anelement of Z∗n, pulls back to C∗n, applies δ to get an element in C∗n+1, then


pull back to B∗n. So we first extend a homomorphism f : Zn → G tof ′ : Cn → G, then composes it with ∂, finally view it as a map from Bn. Soit is nothing but the restriction of f from Zn to Bn. We could also see fromits dual operation: given b ∈ Bn, so b = ∂c, then the first step maps it toc, second takes ∂, thus get b back which is in Zn. The composition is theinclusion in.

Hence we have

0← Keri∗n ← Hn(C;G)← Cokeri∗n−1 ← 0.

The last step for Step 1 is

Lemma 1.3.10. ker(i∗n) = Hom(Hn(C), G)

Proof. Because the elements of ker(i∗n) are homomorphisms Zn → G thatvanish on Bn, the same as homomorphisms Hn = Zn/Bn → G.

Under this identification, the natural map h is the map 0 ← Keri∗n ←Hn(C;G). And the short exact sequence splits because of the induced mapp∗.

1.4 Ext functor

Recall that to finish Step 2, we only need to prove that for any two(2-step) free resolutions of abelian group H, the homology groups are iso-morphic. So the notation Ext(H,G) is well defined.

We have the following

Lemma 1.4.1. Given free resolutions F and F ′ of abelian groups H andH ′, then every homomorphism α could be extended to a chain map from Fto F ′:

· · · F2 F1 F0 H 0

· · · F ′2 F ′1 F ′0 H ′ 0






α0 α

f ′2 f ′1 f ′0

Furthermore, any two such chain maps extending α are chain homotopic.

Proof. Since Fi’s are free, it suffices to define αi on a basis of Fi. Givenx ∈ F0, then α(f0(x)) ∈ H ′. Since f ′0 is surjective, we have x′ such thatf ′0(x′) = α(f0(x)). We define α0(x) = x′.

To define α1, for x ∈ F1, α0(f1(x)) lies in Imf ′1 = Kerf ′0 since f ′0α0f1 =αf0f1 = 0. So define α1(x) = x′ such that α0(f1(x)) = f ′1(x′). Other αicould be constructed inductively by a similar way.


To check any such chain maps are chain homotopic, we will only give aproof for the case of 2-step free resolutions, i.e when Fi = F ′i = 0 for n > 1.This is the case we need. The general case is similar and see page 194 ofHatcher for details.

If βi is another extension of α, then we want to find T0 : F0 → F ′1 andT−1 : H → F ′0 such that αi − βi = f ′i+1Ti + Ti−1fi for i = 0, 1. We letT−1 = 0. We let T0(x) = x′ such that f ′1(x′) = α0(x) − β0(x). This couldbe done because f ′0β0(x) = f ′0α0(x) = αf0(x) and Imf ′1 = kerf ′0. Henceα0−β0 = f ′1T0. To check α1−β1 = T0f1, we only need to check the relationafter composing f ′1 since it is injective. It is nothing but f ′1(α1 − β1) =(α0 − β0)f1.

Corollary 1.4.2. For any two free resolutions F and F ′ of H, Hn(F ;G) =Hn(F ′;G).

Proof. It follows from above lemma and (cohomology version of) Proposition1.3.6 by taking α = id : H → H and by looking at the composition of twochain maps, one from F to F ′ and the other from F ′ to F .

Hence we finished step 2 and thus the proof of Theorem 1.3.8.Now the calculation of cohomology groups is reduced to that of Ext. So

next will be the properties of it.

Proposition 1.4.3. Computation properties:

1. Ext(H ⊕H ′, G) = Ext(H,G)⊕ Ext(H ′, G)

2. Ext(H,G) = 0 if H is free abelian

3. Ext(Zn, G) = G/nG.

Proof. For the first, we take direct sum of the free resolution.For the second, we use 0→ H → H → 0 as the resolution to calculate.For the last, we use

0 −→ Z n−→ Z −→ Zn −→ 0.

and the calculation in Example 1.3.7.

Corollary 1.4.4. If the homology groups of chain complex C of free abeliangroups are finitely generated and Hn(C) = Fn ⊕ Tn where Fn is free and Tnis torsion, then Hn(C;Z) = Fn ⊕ Tn−1.

Proof. It follows from Theorem 1.3.8 and Proposition 1.4.3, and the factHom(Zm,Z) = 0, Hom(Z,Z) = Z.

Next property shows how Ext fucntor remedies the left exactness of Homfunctor.


Proposition 1.4.5. Let 0→ A→ B → C → 0 be a short exact sequence ofabelian groups. Then there is a six-term exact sequence 0→ Hom(C,G)→Hom(B,G)→ Hom(A,G)→ Ext(C,G)→ Ext(B,G)→ Ext(A,G)→ 0.

1.4.1 Universal coefficient theorem and Kunneth formula forhomology

Instead of Hom, we apply ⊗ to a free resolution 0→ F1 → F0 → H → 0.This operation is right exact, so by similar idea as Ext, we use Tor to measureits non-exactness, i.e. Tor is the first (and the only non-trivial) homologyof the new complex. Then we have

Theorem 1.4.6. If C is a chain complex of free complex of free abeliangroups, then there are natural short exact sequences

0→ Hn(C)⊗G→ Hn(C;G)→ Tor(Hn−1(C), G)→ 0

for all n. These sequences split, though not naturally.

The proof is almost identical to that of Theorem 1.3.8 after establishingcorresponding properties for Tor. See Hatcher’s Appendix A to Chapter 3for details.

Finally, we want to remark that the universal coefficient theorem inhomology is a special case of the Kunneth theorem. We first introduce tehtensor products of chain complexes.

Let (C, ∂) and (D, ∂) be chain complexes, where Ci and Di are zero fori < 0. The tensor product of chain complexes is

(C ⊗D)n =⊕p+q=n

Cp ⊗Dq,

with differential

∂(cp ⊗ dq) = (∂cp)⊗ dq + (−1)pcp ⊗ (∂dq).

It indeed defines a chain complex since

∂∂(cp⊗dq) = ∂((∂cp)⊗dq+(−1)pcp⊗(∂dq)) = (−1)p−1∂cp⊗∂dq+(−1)p∂cp⊗∂dq = 0.

Tensor product of chain maps is defined as (f⊗g)(cp⊗dq) = (fpcp)⊗(gqdq).Please check it commutes with ∂. We also know that chain homotopy is keptby tensor product.

Theorem 1.4.7 (Kunneth formula). For a free chain complex C and anarbitrary chain complex D, there is a natural short exact sequence


Hp(C)⊗Hq(D)→ Hn(C⊗D)→⊕


Tor(Hp(C), Hq(D))→ 0.

It splits but not canonically.

To get Theorem 1.4.6, we take D as the complex D0 = G and Di = 0for i 6= 0.


1.5 Singular cohomolgy

This is an explicit example of choosing the chain complex and cochaincomplex.

Recall that a standard singular n-simplex is the convex set ∆n ⊂ Rn+1

consisting of all (n+ 1)-tuples of real numbers (v0, · · · , vn) with vi ≥ 0, v0 +· · · + vn = 1. A singular n-simplex in X is a continuous map σ : ∆n → X.The singular chain group Sn(X) is the free abelian group generated by thesingular n-simplices. The boundary homomorphism ∂ : Sn(X) → Sn−1(X)is defined as ∂(σ) =

∑i(−1)iσ|[v0, · · · , vi, · · · , vn]. Then we could define

singular homology and denoted by Hn(X).Fix coefficient group G, we set Sn(X) = Hom(Sn(X), G) be the cochain

group. The coboundary map δ : Sn(X;G) → Sn+1(X;G) is the dual of ∂.

So any φ ∈ Sn(X;G) δφ is the composition Sn+1(X)∂−→ Sn(X)

φ−→ G.Explicitly, for σ : ∆n+1 → X,

δφ(σ) =∑i

(−1)iφ(σ|[v0, · · · , vi, · · · , vn+1]).

For a pair (X,A), we could also talk about relative groups. Let Sn(X,A) =Sn(X)Sn(A) and Sn(X,A;G) = Hom(Sn(X,A), G). The elements of Sn(X,A;G)are n-cochains taking the value 0 on singular n-simplices in A. Hence wehave relative groups H∗(X,A;G) := H∗(S∗(X,A;G)). A map of pairs f :(X,A) → (Y,B) induces homomorphisms f∗ : Sn(Y,B;G) → Sn(X,A;G)and f∗ : Hn(Y,B;G)→ Hn(X,A;G).

We could describe relative cohomology groups in terms of exact se-quences. Recall that the short exact sequence

0→ Sn(A)i−→ Sn(X)

j−→ Sn(X,A)→ 0

splits. By splitting exactness of Hom functor, the dual

0← Sn(A;G)i∗←− Sn(X;G)

j∗←− Sn(X,A;G)← 0

is a split exact sequence as well. Since i∗ and j∗ commute with δ, so itinduces a long exact sequence of cohomolgy groups

· · · −→ Hn(X,A;G)j∗−→ Hn(X;G)

i∗−→ Hn(A;G)δ−→ Hn+1(X,A;G) −→ · · · .

Let us describe the connecting homomorphismHn(A;G)δ−→ Hn+1(X,A;G).

For φ ∈ Zn(A;G), we first extend it to a cochain φ ∈ Sn(X;G), by takingvalue 0 on singular simplices not in A. Then δX(φ) = φ∂ ∈ Sn+1(X;G). Itis in Sn+1(X,A;G) because original φ is a cocycle in A, i.e taking value0 in Bn(A), which means δX(φ) = φ∂ takes value 0 on Sn+1(A). Fi-nally it is in Zn+1(X,A;G) because δX,A(δX φ) = δX(δX φ) = 0. Its class[δX φ] ∈ Hn+1(X,A;G) is δ[φ].


A more general long exact sequence is for a triple (X,A,B), induced by

0← Sn(A,B;G)i∗←− Sn(X,B;G)

j∗←− Sn(X,A;G)← 0.

When B is a point, it induces the long exact sequence for reduced cohomol-ogy.

1.6 The Eilenberg-Steenrod Axioms for cohomol-ogy

For simplicity, let us omit the coefficient G in out notation.A cohomology theory consists of 3 functions:

1. For any integer n and any pair of spaces (X,A), we have an abeliangroup Hn(X,A).

2. For any integer n and any map of pairs f : (X,A) → (Y,B) (f mapsA to B), we obtain homomorphism f∗ : Hn(Y,B)→ Hn(X,A).

3. For any integer n and any pair (X,A), we have a connecting homo-morphism δ : Hn(A)→ Hn+1(X,A).

These functions satisfy the following 7 axioms:

1. Unit: If id : (X,A)→ (X,A) is the identity, id∗ is the identity.

2. Composition: (g f)∗ = f∗ g∗.

3. Naturality: Given f : (X,A) → (Y,B), the following diagram com-mutes:

Hn(A) Hn(B)

Hn+1(X,A) Hn+1(Y,B)


f |∗Aδ


4. Exactness: The following sequence is exact:

· · · −→ Hn(X,A)j∗−→ Hn(X)

i∗−→ Hn(A)δ−→ Hn+1(X,A) −→ · · · .

Here i : A→ X and j : (X, ∅)→ (X,A) are inclusions.

5. Homotopy: If f ' g are homotopic maps of pairs, then f∗ = g∗.

6. Excision: Given (X,A) and U ⊂ X such that U ⊂ int(A). Then theinclusion i : (X\U,A\U)→ (X,A) induces isomorphisms in cohomol-ogy.


7. Dimension: Let P be a one-point space, then

Hn(P ) =

G n = 00 n 6= 0

There are many generalized cohomology theories which satisfy all the ax-ioms except probably the dimension axiom. The Eilenberg-Steenrod unique-ness theorem says that there is a unique cohomology theory satisfying allthe axioms in the category of finite CW complexes. Unfortunately the proofis beyond the scope of current course. But we could prove a weaker version.

Suppose Hn(X,A) and Kn(X,A) are cohomology theories, and φ :Hn(X,A) → Kn(X,A) is a natural transformation of cohomology theo-ries, i.e. it commutes with induced homomorphisms and with coboundaryhomomorphisms in long exact sequence of pairs.

Theorem 1.6.1 (Weak form of Eilenberg-Steenrod Uniqueness). Supposeφ : Hn(X) → Kn(X) is an isomorphism when X = pt. Then φ is anisomorphism for any finite CW complex.

We left the proof to the end of next section.

A few more words about Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms. If we want toprove uniqueness for a larger category, more conditions are needed for theuniqueness. For the category of CW complexes, an eighth axiom is addedto guarantee its uniqueness. This is included in the discussion of Hatcher’sbook.

Milnor Addition: Let X = tXα be disjoint union. Then the inducedhomomorphism

∏α i∗α : Hn(X)→


n(Xα) is an isomorphism.

This axiom has force only if there are infinitely many Xα. The finitesum case is a corollary of the following Mayer-Vietoris Sequence. There arealso examples of cohomology theories which are not additive (by James andWhitehead).

1.7 Mayer-Vietoris Sequences

By using Eilenberg-Steenrod Axioms, we can form the Mayer-VietorisSequence. The model in our mind is X = A ∪ B with A and B open in X.But for the ease of application, we use the following setting.

Definition 1.7.1. For U ⊂ A ⊂ X, the map (X\U,A\U) → (X,A) is anexcision if the induced homomorhism Hn(X,A) → Hn(X\U,A\U) is anisomorphism for all n.


Example 1.7.2. The inclusion (D+, Sn−1)→ (Sn, D−) is an excision. Wecannot apply the Excision Axiom directly. But look at the exact sequencesfrom exactness axiom corresponding to the two pairs, we have H i+1(Sn, D−) =H i+1(Sn) = H i(Sn−1) = H i+1(D+, Sn−1) when i > 0 by noticing Hn(D) =Hn(pt). The rest of two identities also follow from the exact sequence byknowing H0(D) = H0(Sn) = G.

Definition 1.7.3. Suppose A,B ⊂ X, such that

• A ∪B = X

• Both (A,A ∩B)→ (X,B) and (B,A ∩B)→ (X,A) are excisions.

Then (X;A,B) is an excisive triad.

Example 1.7.4. Let X = A∪B with A and B open in X. Then (A,A∩B) =(X\U,B\U) where U = B\(A ∩ B). Since X\U = A, U is closed andU ⊂ B = int(B). Then the excision axiom shows this is an excision.

Example 1.7.5. (Sn;D+, D−) is an excisive triad.

Theorem 1.7.6. Suppose (X;A,B) is an excisive triad. Then there is along exact sequence

· · · −→ Hn(X)(j∗A,j


−→ Hn(A)⊕Hn(B)i∗A−i

∗B−→ Hn(A∩B)

δ−→ Hn+1(X)→ · · ·

Recall that a similar MV sequence is derived for homology as the longexact sequence associated to the short exact sequence

0→ C∗(A ∩B)→ C∗(A)⊕ C∗(B)→ C∗(A+B)→ 0.

We could prove it similarly for singular cohomology say, but bot for a generalcohomology theory.

We need the following algebraic lemma:

Lemma 1.7.7 (Barratt-Whitehead). Suppose we have the following com-mutative diagram with exact rows

· · · An Bn Cn An−1 · · ·

· · · A′n B′n C ′n A′n−1 · · ·






γn αn−1

f ′n g′n h′n

in which every third map γi : Ci → C ′i is an isomorphism. Then there is along exact sequence

· · · −→ An(fn,αn)−→ Bn ⊕A′n

βn−f ′n−→ B′nhnγ

−1n g′n−→ An−1 −→ · · · .


This is a standard diagram chasing argument. We would like to leavethis as an exercise. So we only sketch the proof.

Proof. This is a chain complex is easy to check in terms of commutativityof the diagram. To check the exactness, we have 3 parts:

1. ker(βn−f ′n) ⊂ im(fn, αn). Assume βn(b) = f ′n(d). By commutativityand exactness at Bn, we have a ∈ An such that fn(a) = b. We have αn(a)−d ∈ kerf ′n = imh′n+1. So h′n+1(c′) = αn(a) − d. Let a′ = a − hn+1γ


Then (fn(a′), αn(a′)) = (b, d).2. ker(hnγ

−1n g′n) ⊂ im(βn − f ′n). Let e ∈ ker(hnγ−1

n g′n). By exactnessat Cn, we have b ∈ Bn such that gn(b) = γ−1

n g′n(e). So βn(b)− e ∈ kerg′n =imf ′n. Choose any element d in it, we have e = βn(b)− f ′n(d).

3. ker(fn−1, αn−1) ⊂ im(hnγ−1n g′n). First find an element in Cn. Then

an element in B′n.

Proof. (of the theorem) We have

· · · Hn−1(X) Hn−1(B) Hn(X,B) Hn(X) · · ·

· · · Hn−1(A) Hn−1(A ∩B) Hn(A,A ∩B) Hn(A) · · ·






γn j∗A

i∗A δ h′n

γn is an isomorphism since excisive triad. Hence we have the MV sequenceby Barratt-Whitehead.

Example 1.7.8 (Cones and suspensions). Given a space X, the cone of Xis

C(X) :=X × [0, 1]

(x, 1) ∼ (y, 1), ∀x, y ∈ Xand suspension as

Σ(X) :=X × [0, 1]

(x, 0) ∼ (y, 0), (x, 1) ∼ (y, 1),∀x, y ∈ X.

Then (Σ(X);C+(X), C−(X)) is an excisive triad. Use MV sequence andC+(X) ' C−(X) ' pt, we have Hk(X) = Hk+1(ΣX). If X is connected,H1(ΣX) = 0 and H0(ΣX) = Z.

Especially ΣSn = Sn+1, so it could be used to calculate the cohomologyof Sn inductively. Complete the calculation.

Given a continuous map f : Sn−1 → A for n ≥ 1. We have

X = C(f) := A ∪f Dn =A tDn

f(x) ∼ x,∀x ∈ Sn−1

Notice that if f ' g : Sn−1 → A, then C(f) ' C(g). Also f extends to amap f : Dn → C(f).


Proposition 1.7.9. 1. The inclusion A→ X induces isomorphisms Hq(A) =Hq(X) for q 6= n, n− 1.

2. There is an exact sequence

0→ Hn−1(X)→ Hn−1(A)f∗→ Hn−1(Sn−1)→ Hn(X)→ Hn(A)→ 0

Proof. Use sequence for pairs (or MV sequence). For both items, useH i(X,A) =H i(Dn, Sn−1) = H i−1(Sn−1) and previous calculation for H∗(Sn).

Example 1.7.10. Recall CPn = Cn+1\0∼ where x ∼ y if there exists λ 6= 0

such that λx = y.We write CPn = CPn−1 ∪f D2n, where f : S2n−1 → CPn−1 is the

natural quotient map. The above sequence tells us for 0 < m < 2n,

0→ H2n−1(S2n−1)→ H2n(CPn)→ 0,

0→ Hm(CPn)→ Hm(CPn−1)→ 0.

By induction and H0(CPn) = Z since it is path connected, we have

Hm(CPn) =

Z m = 0, 2, · · · , 2n0 otherwise

Now we can finish the proof of Theorem 1.6.1

Proof. We use induction. The dimension axiom gives us the dimension 0case. Assume it is done for all complexes with dimension less that or equalto n−1, and X be a dimension n cell complex. So X is obtained by attachingn-cells to an (n− 1) cell complex. So we could do these attachment one byone (but A will possibly have dimension n then).

Hence the statement is reduced to the following: Suppose the result istrue for A, prove the statement is true forX = C(f) := A∪fDn. Proposition1.7.9 item 1 tells us φ : Hq(X)→ Kq(X) is an isomorphism for q 6= n−1, n.For the rest, look at

0 Hn−1(X) Hn−1(A) Hn−1(Sn−1) Hn(X) Hn(A) 0

0 Kn−1(X) Kn−1(A) Kn−1(Sn−1) Kn(X) Kn(A) 0

' α '

As we have shown in the suspension calculation, α is also an isomor-phism. So five lemma completes the proof.

The five lemma also shows us H∗(X,A) = K∗(X,A).Notice that for infinite CW complexes, we need Milnor additivity in the

above argument. A telescope argument could reduce infinite dimensionalcase to finite dimensional case.


Chapter 2


In this chapter, we take the coefficients in a commutative ring R with aunit.The most common choices are Z, Zm or Q.

2.1 Cup Product for singular cohomology

There is a product structure in cohomolgy.We start with singular coho-mology. Let σ : ∆m+n → X be a singular simplex. By the front m-face or

mσ, we mean σ|[v0, · · · , vm]. Similarly, for the back n-face or σn, we meanσ|[vm, · · · , vm+n].

Then we define the cup product at chain level:

Definition 2.1.1. Given φ ∈ Sm(X) and ψ ∈ Sn(X), the cup productφ ∪ ψ ∈ Sm+n(X) is defined by

(φ ∪ ψ)(σ) = φ(σ|[v0, · · · , vm]) · ψ(σ|[vm, · · · , vm+n]).

To get intuition for this definition, think about S1 ∨ S1 ∨ S2 and T 2.Details in class.

Lemma 2.1.2. For φ ∈ Sm(X) and ψ ∈ Sn(X), we have

δ(φ ∪ ψ) = δφ ∪ ψ + (−1)mφ ∪ δψ.

Proof. For σ : ∆m+n+1 → X, we have

δφ ∪ ψ(σ) =m+1∑i=0

(−1)iφ(σ|[v0, · · · , vi, · · · , vm+1])ψ(σ|[vm+1, · · · , vm+n+1])

(−1)m(φ∪δψ)(σ) =m+n+1∑i=m

(−1)iφ(σ|[v0, · · · , vm])ψ(σ|[vm, · · · , vi, · · · , vm+n+1])

Add and cancel the last of the first sum and the first of the second sum, wehave δ(φ ∪ ψ)(σ).



Corollary 2.1.3. There is a well defined cup product

Hm(X)×Hn(X)∪−→ Hm+n(X).

Proof. Zm(X)×Zn(X)∪−→ Zm+n(X). If φ ∈ Zm(X), φ∪ δψ = (−1)kδ(φ∪

ψ). Similarly Bm(X)× Zn(X)∪−→ Bm+n(X).

If our φ ∈ Sm(X,A) ⊂ Sm(X), then φ∪ψ ∈ Sm+n(X,A). Thus we have

Hm(X,A)×Hn(X)∪−→ Hm+n(X,A)

Hm(X)×Hn(X,A)∪−→ Hm+n(X,A)

If A,B ⊂ X are relatively open subsets of A ∪B. Then one can define

Hm(X,A)×Hn(X,B)∪−→ Hm+n(X,A ∪B)

as follows. At cochain level, take φ ∈ Sm(X,A) and ψ ∈ Sn(X,B), we haveclearly φ∪ψ ∈ Sm+n(X,A)∩Sm+n(X,B). However, it is not Sm+n(X,A∪B). So we need the fact that the inclusion S∗(A) + S∗(B) ⊂ S∗(A ∪ B)induces isomorphism in homology, which is proved in Algebraic Topologymodule (Proposition 2.21 of Hatcher). This tells us cochain complex S∗(A∪B,A) ∩ S∗(A ∪B,B) has trivial cohomology.

Look at the short exact sequence

0→ S∗(X,A∪B)→ S∗(X,A)∩S∗(X,B)→ S∗(A∪B,A)∩S∗(A∪B,B)→ 0.

We know the inclusion S∗(X,A ∪ B) → S∗(X,A) ∩ S∗(X,B) induces iso-morphism on cohomology.

Lemma 2.1.4. For a map f : X → Y , the induced maps f∗ : Hn(Y ;R)→Hn(X;R) satisfy f∗(α ∪ β) = f∗(α) ∪ f∗(β), and similarly in the relativecase.

Proof. Let α and β represented by φ ∈ Sm and ψ ∈ Sn respectively. Letσ : ∆m+n → X. So f(σ) is a (m+ n)-simplex in Y . Then

f∗(φ ∪ ψ)(σ) =(φ ∪ ψ)(f(σ))

=φ(f(σ)|[v0, · · · , vm])ψ(f(σ)|[vm, · · · , vm+n])

=f∗(φ)(σ|[[v0, · · · , vm])f∗ψ(σ|[vm, · · · , vm+n)

=f∗(φ) ∪ f∗(ψ)(σ)

It is easy to check that the cup product is associative (even at chainlevel): (φ∪ψ)∪θ = φ∪(ψ∪θ). We also know there is a unit: Let 1 ∈ S0(X)be the function takes value 1 on any point of X, then 1 ∪ a = a.


Proposition 2.1.5. If α ∈ Hm(X;R) and β ∈ Hn(X;R) then

α ∪ β = (−1)mnβ ∪ α.

Proof. For a singular n-simplex σ : [v0, · · · , vn]→ X, let σ = σ r where ris the linear map determined by r(vi) = vn−i. Then we define ρ : Sn(X)→Sn(X) by ρ(σ) = εnσ where εn = (−1)

n(n+1)2 .

We want to show ρ is a chain map which is chain homotopic to theidentity. Once we have that, the theorem follows:

(ρ∗φ ∪ ρ∗ψ)(σ) = φ(εmσ|[vm, · · · , v0])ψ(εnσ|[vm+n, · · · , vm])

ρ∗(ψ ∪ φ)(σ) = εm+nψ(σ|[vm+n, · · · , vm])φ(σ|[vm, · · · , v0])

with εm+n = (−1)mnεmεn, show that

ρ∗φ ∪ ρ∗ψ = (−1)mnρ∗(ψ ∪ φ)

at chain level. Since ρ induces identity in cohomology, we have α ∪ β =(−1)mnβ ∪ α when passing to the cohomology level.

Now the proof reduces to the following two lemmas.

Lemma 2.1.6. ρ is a chain map.

Proof. For an n-simplex σ,

∂ρ(σ) = εn∑i

(−1)iσ|[vn, · · · , vn−i, · · · , v0]

ρ∂(σ) =ρ(∑i

(−1)iσ|[v0, · · · , vi, · · · , vn])



(−1)n−iσ|[vn, · · · , vn−i, · · · , v0]

They are equal since εn = (−1)nεn−1.

Lemma 2.1.7. This chain map ρ is chain homotopic to the identity and soit induces the identity homomorphism in cohomology.

Proof. We need the fact that there is a natural division of [v0, · · · , vn] × Iinto n+ 1 simplices. If we denote (vi, 0) by vi and (vi, 1) by wi, then thesesimplices are

σi = [v0, · · · , vi, wi, · · · , wn].

I.e. trace out along the bottom until position i, then jump to top, trace outthe rest start with position i.

We define P : Sn(X)→ Sn+1(X) by

P (σ) =∑i

(−1)iεn−i(σ π)|[v0, · · · , vi, wn, · · · , wi],


where π : ∆× I → ∆ is a projection. We will leave out σ π for notationalsimplicity.

∂P (σ) =∑j≤i

(−1)i(−1)jεn−i[v0, · · · , vj , · · · , vi, wn, · · · , wi]


(−1)i(−1)i+1+n−jεn−i[v0, · · · , vi, wn, · · · , wj , · · · , wi]

P∂(σ) =∑i<j

(−1)i(−1)jεn−i−1[v0, · · · , vi, wn, · · · , wj , · · · , wi]


(−1)i−1(−1)jεn−i[v0, · · · , vj , · · · , vi, wn, · · · , wi]

Since εn−i = (−1)n−iεn−i−1, the terms with i 6= j cancel in the two sums.The terms with j = i give

εn[wn, · · · , w0]+∑i>0

εn−i[v0, · · · , vi−1, wn, · · · , wi]


(−1)n+i+1εn−i[v0, · · · , vi, wn, · · · , wi+1]− [v0, · · · , vn]

The two summations cancel, as replacing i by i − 1 in the second sumproduces a new sign (−1)n+iεn−i+1 = −εn−i. Thus the remaining two termsis just

∂P (σ) + P∂(σ) = εn[wn, · · · , w0]− [v0, · · · , vn] = ρ(σ)− σ.

Hence P is the chain homotopy relates ρ to identity.

Remark 2.1.8. As we mentioned in the class, this proof should be readusing picture.

P is the map from a simplex to get an oriented cylinder with simplicialdivision. Then ∂P is the oriented boundary of the cylinder. P∂ is the partof the boundary without top and bottom and with opposite sign.

Cancellations could also be interpreted: the cancellation on i 6= j is thecancellation on the boundary without top and bottom. Then second cancella-tion above is the intersection face of different simplices in the division withdifferent orientation.

To summarize, we have

Theorem 2.1.9 (The cohomology ring). Let X be a topological space andR a commutative ring with identity. Then

H∗(X;R) =⊕i

H i(X;R)

is a graded commutative ring with identity under the cup product, i.e. ifα ∈ Hm(X;R) and β ∈ Hn(X;R) then α ∪ β = (−1)mnβ ∪ α. MoreoverH∗(X;R) is an R-algebra.


Example 2.1.10. H∗(Sn;Z) = Z[an]a2n

, where the generator of H0 corre-

sponds to 1 and the generator of Hn is an.

Actually, we are ready to calculate the cohomology ring of projectivespaces RPn and CPn. But I would like to leave these after Poincare duality.

We remark that all the above results extend to relative case, i.e replacingH∗(X;R) with H∗(X,A;R).

2.1.1 Cap product

For any space X, there is a bilinear pairing operation between cochainsand chains.

Definition 2.1.11. Let a ∈ Sq(X) and σ ∈ Sp+q(X). Then the cap producta ∩ σ ∈ Sp(X) is

a ∩ σ =< a, σ|[vp, · · · , vp+q] > ·σ|[v0, · · · , vp], or a ∩ σ =< a, σq > ·pσ.

The cap product at chain level has the following properties.

Proposition 2.1.12. 1. Duality: For a, b ∈ S∗(X), c ∈ S∗(X), we have

< a ∪ b, c >=< a, b ∩ c > .

2. Associativity: For a, b ∈ S∗(X), c ∈ S∗(X), we have

(a ∪ b) ∩ c = a ∩ (b ∩ c).

3. Unit:

1 ∩ c = c.

4. Naturality: Let f : X → Y be a map. For b ∈ S∗(Y ) and c ∈ S∗(X),we have

b ∩ (f∗c) = f∗(f∗b ∩ c).

All these are easy to derive from the definition and the properties of cupproduct.

To define cap product on (co)homology, we need

Proposition 2.1.13. For a ∈ Sq(X) and σ ∈ Sp+q(X), we have

∂(a ∩ σ) = (−1)p(δa) ∩ σ + a ∩ (∂σ).


Proof. For simplicity, we omit the notation σ in the calculation.

a ∩ ∂[v0, · · · , vp+q] =


(−1)ia ∩ [v0, · · · , vi, · · · , vp+q]



(−1)i < a, [vp, · · · , vp+q] > [v0, · · · , vi, · · · , vp]

+ (−1)p−1p+q∑i=p−1

(−1)i−p+1 < a, [vp−1 · · · , vi, · · · , vp+q] > [v0, · · · , vp−1]

=∂(a ∩ σ) + (−1)p−1 < a, ∂[vp−1 · · · , vp+q] > [v0, · · · , vp−1]

=∂(a ∩ σ) + (−1)p−1(δa) ∩ σ

Hence it induces the cap product between homology and cohomology:

Hq(X)×Hp+q(X)∩→ Hp(X).

2.1.2 De Rham cohomology

Let M be a smooth manifold of dimension n now. Let Ωq(M) be the(real linear) space of q-forms, let d : Ωq(M) → Ωq+1(M) be the exteriordifferential. Then we have the de Rham cochain complex

0d−→ Ω0(M)

d−→ Ω1(M)d−→ · · · d−→ Ωn(M)

d−→ 0.

We denote he space of closed (exact) k-forms, i.e k-forms ω with dω = 0(ω = dη respectively), by ZkdR(M) (and Bk

dR(M) respectively). We denoteits cohomology by H∗dR(M), which is called the de Rham cohomology of M .

The cup product for de Rham cohomology is just the wedge product ω∧η.Since for k-form ω

d(ω ∧ η) = dω ∧ η + (−1)kω ∧ dη

we know it descends to a product on cohomology by the same argument asCorollary 2.1.3. A notable fact for de Rham cohomology is its cup productis graded commutative even at chain level: x ∧ y = (−1)|x||y|y ∧ x.

There are several reasons prevent us from exploiting the Eilenberg-Steenroduniqueness theorem to claim it is isomorphic to singular cohomologyH∗(X;R).The main reason is de Rham cohomology is only defined for smooth mani-folds. The lack of relative version of de Rham theory could be compensatedby Thom isomorphism.

However, de Rham theorem does ensure this isomorphism.


Theorem 2.1.14 (de Rham theorem). H∗dR(M) = H∗(M ;R) as cohomologyrings.

More precisely, we need two facts for this theorem:1. Let Ssmq (M ;R) be the real space spanned by smooth singular q-simplicesσ : ∆q →M , then the inclusion

Ssm∗ (M ;R)→ S∗(M ;R)

is a chain homotopic equivalence. Then its dual

S∗(M ;R)→ S∗sm(M ;R)

is a cochain homotopic equivalence.2. We could take integration of a q-form on a singular chain of dimensionq, this is a bilinear function

Ωq(M)× Ssmq (M ;R)→ R, (ω, σ) 7→∫σω.

Stokes theorem tells us ∫∂σω =


In other words, exterior differential is dual to boundary map. This pro-vides us a cochain map

Ω∗(M)→ S∗sm(M ;R).

If we show this is a cochain homotopic equivalence, we finish the proof ofde Rham theorem. The proof proceeds as the same pattern as the proof ofPoincare duality which we will provide in next chapter.

2.2 Cross Product and Kunneth formula

We want to understand the cohomology ring of a product space. Let usfirst define the cross product in cohomology.

Definition 2.2.1. If p1 : X × Y → X and p2 : X × Y → Y are theprojections, then define the cross product by

x× y = p∗1(x) ∪ p∗2(y) ∈ Hm+n(X × Y ;R)

for x ∈ Hm(X;R) and y ∈ Hn(Y ;R).

To be more precise, for σ : ∆m+n → X×Y , let σ1 = p1 σ : ∆m+n → Xand σ2 = p2 σ : ∆m+n → Y . Then for φ ∈ Sm(X) and ψ ∈ Sn(Y ), we have

(φ× ψ)(σ) = φ(σ1|[v0, · · · , vm])ψ(σ2|[vm, · · · , vm+n])


We could also extend this to a relative version

Hm(X,A)×Hn(Y,B)→ Hm+n(X × Y,X ×B ∪A× Y ).

Since × is bilinear, it factors through the tensor product to give a linearmap (also denoted ×)

H∗(X;R)⊗R H∗(Y ;R)→ H∗(X × Y ;R).

Proposition 2.2.2. For any a, c ∈ H∗(X;R) and b, d ∈ H∗(Y ;R) withc ∈ Hm(X;R) and b ∈ Hn(Y ;R) we have

(a× b) ∪ (c× d) = (−1)mn(a ∪ c)× (b ∪ d).

Proof. Because (p∗1a ∪ p∗2b) ∪ (p∗1c ∪ p∗2d) = (−1)mnp∗1(a ∪ c) ∪ p∗2(b ∪ d).

Exercise: By above proposition and induction for dimension n, prove thecohomology ring H∗(Tn) for a n-torus is isomorphic to exterior algebraΛZ[x1, · · · , xn]. Any generator has dimension 1.

Recall that the exterior algebra ΛR[x1, x2 · · · ] over a commutative ring Rwith identity is the freeR-module with basis the finite product xi1 · · ·xik , i1 <· · · < ik, with the multiplication defined by the rules xixj = −xjxi andx2i = 0.

The following Kunneth formula generalizes the previous example.

Theorem 2.2.3. The cross product H∗(X;R)⊗RH∗(Y ;R)→ H∗(X×Y ;R)is an isomorphism of rings if X and Y are CW complexes and Hk(Y ;R) isa finitely generated free R-module for all k.

We want to use Theorem 1.6.1. We show the theorem for finite CWcomplexes. For general CW complexes, as we mentioned before, we needMilnor additivity axiom. Consider the following functors:

hn(X,A) = ⊕i+j(H i(X,A;R)⊗R Hj(Y ;R),

kn(X,A) = Hn(X × Y,A× Y ;R).

We have φ : hn(X,A) → kn(X,A) given by the cross product. So we needto check

1. h∗ and k∗ are cohomology theories.

2. φ is a natural transformation.

Proof. First we check h∗ and k∗ are cohomology theories. All axioms areeasy to verify. A few words for exactness axiom. The exactness for k∗ istrivial. For h∗, it is where we use the freeness of Hk(Y ;R).

Naturality of φ with respect to maps between spaces is from the natu-rality of cup products. Natuarality with respect to the coboundary maps isto check the following diagram commutes. We save R in our notation.


Hk(A)×H l(Y ) Hk+1(X,A)×H l(Y )

Hk+l(A× Y ) Hk+l+1(X × Y,A× Y )


× ×


To check this, start with an element (a, b) represented by cocycle φ ∈Sk(A) and ψ ∈ Sl(Y ). Extend φ to a cochain φ ∈ Sk(X;R). Then (φ, ψ)maps rightward to (δφ, ψ) and then downward to π∗X(δφ) ∪ π∗Y (ψ). On theother direction, (φ, ψ) maps downward to π∗X(φ)∪π∗Y (ψ) and then rightwardto δ(π∗X(φ) ∪ π∗Y (ψ)) = π∗X(δφ) ∪ π∗Y (ψ).

I hope the chain level δ and connecting homomorphism δ do not confuseyou!

Example 2.2.4. Now it is more straightforward to show

H∗(Tn) = ΛZ[x1, · · · , xn].

Similarly, one could also show

H∗(Sn × Sm) =[an, am]

a2n = 0, a2

m = 0.

2.2.1 An alternative way to define cross and cup products

We could construct cup product for CW complexes. By virtue of Eilenberg-Steenrod uniqueness, this cup product is the same as that of singular coho-mology.

The cross product in this setting is quite natural. Start with that ofchain level. Take cells ei ∈ X and ej ∈ Y , then we could send it to productcell ei × ej in X × Y . One could extend this map by tensor product fromC∗(X) ⊗ C∗(Y ) to C∗(X × Y ). Then for a pair of cocycles z1, z2 of X andY , it thus yields a cocycle z1 × z2. This defines

H i(X)×Hj(Y )→ H i+j(X × Y ).

One could check it is the same as our previous defined cross product.Then by using the diagonal map ∆ : X → X × X,x 7→ (x, x), we can

define cup product as the composition

Hk(X)×H l(X)×→ Hk+l(X ×X)

∆∗→ Hk+l(X).

This is our previous cup product since

∆∗(a× b) = ∆∗(p∗1(a) ∪ p∗2(b)) = a ∪ b.

But unfortunately, this cup product is not defined at the level of cellularcochains, which prevents us to prove the properties. To resolve this issue,


one need to find cellular map which is homotopic to ∆. This is in generaltrue for maps between CW complexes. And for our case X → X ×X, themap is actually a slight modification of P (called Alexander-Whitney chainapproximation) used in the proof of graded commutativity of cup product.We do not go through the detail again.

2.3 Ljusternik-Schnirelmann category

Definition 2.3.1. The Ljusternik-Schnirelmann category cat(X) of a topo-logical space X is defined to be the smallest integer k such that there is anopen covering Ui1≤i≤k of X such that each inclusion Ui −→ X is null-homotopic (we call Ui is contractible in X), i.e homotopic to a constantmap.

Example 2.3.2. Notice the subtly of the definition. Sn−1 is contractible inDn, although Sn−1 itself is not contractible space.

Example 2.3.3. cat(S1) = 2. Actually, for any suspension Σ(X), cat(Σ(X)) ≤2 since it could be covered by two contractible sets C+(X) and C−(X).

Notice cat(M) <∞ if M is a compact manifold since it could be coveredwith finitely many sets homeomorphic to open discs. And in fact cat(M) ≤dimM + 1. In general, there is no reason for cat(X) to be finite.

Definition 2.3.4. The cup length cl(X) of a topological space X is definedto be

cl(X) := maxn|there exist αi ∈ Hmi(X) with mi > 0 such that α1∪· · ·∪αn 6= 0.

Proposition 2.3.5. For any space X, we have cl(X) < cat(X).

Proof. Suppose cat(X) = n, so X =⋃nj=1 Uj with each Uk contractible in

X. We denote the inclusion by ik. Since ik is nullhomotopic, its inducedhomomorphism i∗k could be decomposed as H∗(X)→ H∗(pt)→ H∗(Uk). Sowhen q > 0, i∗k = 0 : Hq(X)→ Hq(Uk). By the cohomology exact sequencefor the pair (X,Uk), we know j∗k : Hq(X,Uk)→ Hq(X) is surjective. So forany ξk ∈ H∗(X), we have ηk ∈ H∗(X,Uk) such that ξk = j∗k(ηk).

Look at the commute diagram

H∗(X,U1) × · · · × H∗(X,Un) H∗(X,∪nk=1Uk)

H∗(X) × · · · × H∗(X) H∗(X)


j∗n j∗


Hence ξ1 ∪ · · · ∪ ξn = j∗1(η1) ∪ · · · ∪ j∗n(ηn) = j∗(η1 ∪ · · · ∪ ηn) = 0. The lastequality is because of H∗(X,∪nk=1Uk) = H∗(X,X) = 0.

Example 2.3.6. An n-torus Tn has cat(Tn) = n+ 1.

Example 2.3.7. So for any suspension, cl(Σ(X)) = 1 if X is not weaklycontractible. This tells us cup product does not commute with suspensionand hence not a stable property.

Ljusternik-Schnirelmann use the notion of cat to study critical points.Their main theorem is the following

Theorem 2.3.8. Let M be a smooth connected compact manifold and f :M → R is a smooth function. Then f has at least cat(X) critical points.

Example 2.3.9. Any smooth function on T 2 has at least 3 critical points.Can you construct a smooth function on T 2 with exactly 3 critical points?(Hint: use the viewpoint in the proof of the following theorem, construct avector field on torus with 3 singular points.)

Actually, Ljusternik-Schnirelmann category is an example of general cat-egory (It has nothing to do with “category theory”). We assume X be alocally contractible path connected space.

Definition 2.3.10. A category is an assignment ν : 2X → N ∪ 0 (where2X denotes the set of all subsets in X, i.e. the power set) satisfying thefollowing axioms:

• Continuity: for every A ∈ 2X there exists an open set U ⊃ A suchthat ν(A) = ν(U).

• Monotonicity: if A,B ∈ 2X with A ⊂ B then ν(A) ≤ ν(B).

• Subadditivity: for any A,B ∈ 2X we have ν(A ∪B) ≤ ν(A) + ν(B).

• Naturality: if φ : X → Y is a homeomorphism then for any A ∈ 2X ,νY (φ(A)) = νX(A).

• Normalization: ν(∅) = 0, and if A = x0, · · · , xn is a finite set thenν(A) = 1.

To prove Theorem 2.3.8, we prove the following more general proposition.

Proposition 2.3.11. Let X be a locally contractible path connected compactmetric space, and φt a global flow on X. Suppose there exists a Lyapunovfunction Φ : X → R such that Φ strictly decreases along non-constant orbitsof φt. Then Φ has at least ν(X) critical points where ν is any category.


Proof. Let Xc := Φ−1(−∞, c]. A critical value for Φ is a value such thatΦ−1(c) contains a constant orbit. If c is not critical, then for sufficientlysmall δ > 0, we could find t > 0 such that

φt(Xc+δ) ⊂ Xc−δ,

since Φ strictly decreases away from the constant orbits. If c is a criticallevel and U is a neighorhood of Φ−1(c) then for small δ > 0, we have t > 0

φt(Xc+δ\U) ⊂ Xc−δ.

By naturality and monotonicity, ν(Xc+δ\U) ≤ ν(Xc−δ).

For j = 1, · · · , N = ν(X), let

cj := supc|ν(Xc) < j.

Then c1 = minΦ and cN = maxΦ. Note that cj is a critical value of Φfor each j.

Now we want to prove either cj < cj+1 or Φ−1(cj) contains infinitelymany critical points. If the latter happens, the theorem follows immediately.So we assume the latter does not happen, say Φ−1(cj) = x0, · · · , xn. Thenby continuity axiom, there exists a neighborhood U of x0, · · · , xn such thatν(U) = 1.

Then by subadditivity, we have

ν(Xcj+δ) ≤ν(Xcj+δ\U) + 1

≤ν(Xcj−δ) + 1


Hence cj+1 ≥ cj + δ > cj . Thus c1 < · · · < cN are N = ν(X) differentcritical points. This completes the proof.

Then let us finish the proof of Theorem 2.3.8: Give M a Riemannianmetric and let ∇f denote the gradient of f with respect to this metric, is the unique vector field determined by

< (∇f)p, Vp >= dfp(Vp)

for every vector field V . The critical points of f are precisely the zeros of∇f . Let φt be the associated flow of ∇f , i.e.


dt= −(∇f)φt(p).

We claim that f is a Lyapunov function for φt:



dt(f φt(p)) =df(



= < (∇f)φt(p),dφt(p)


=− < dφt(p)




with equality holds if and only if dφt(p)dt = 0, i.e. p is a critical point of f ,

and φt(p) is a constant orbit p. This completes the proof.

2.4 Higher products

Later we will see that the linking number of two spheres Sp and Sq

in Rp+q+1 will be understood as cup product of the cohomolgy ring of thecomplement H∗(Rp+q+1\(Sp∪Sq)). There are links with 3 components witheach two of them are unlinked, but nonetheless all three are link. The mostfamous example is the Borromean rings. This more complicated linkingphenomenon for three or more spheres suggest the existence of higher cupproduct: the Massey product. We start with Massey triple product.

Assume [u], [v], [w] are cohomology classes of dimension p, q and r re-spectively, represented by u ∈ Zp(X), v ∈ Zq(X) and w ∈ Zr(X). If[u] ∪ [v] = 0 = [v] ∪ [w], then we introduce a (set of) new cohomologyclasses. For the notation, we introduce u = (−1)1+deg uu.

Since [u]∪[v] = 0, we have s ∈ Cp+q−1(X) such that δs = u∪v. Similarly,we have t ∈ Cq+r−1(X) such that δt = v ∪ w. The element s ∪ w + u ∪ tdetermines a cocycle in Zp+q+r−1(X):

δ(s ∪ w + u ∪ t) =(−1)p+qδs ∪ w + (−1)pu ∪ δt=(−1)p+qu ∪ v ∪ w + (−1)p+q+1u ∪ v ∪ w = 0

We define the Massey triple product as the set of all such cohomologyclasses

< [u], [v], [w] >= [s ∪ w + u ∪ t]|δs = u ∪ v, δt = v ∪ w.

There are indeterminacy from the different choices of representatives.But we could identify them as following.

Proposition 2.4.1. The Massey triple product < [u], [v], [w] > is an ele-ment of quotient group Hp+q+r−1(X)/([u]∪Hq+r−1(X)+Hp+q−1(X)∪ [w]).

Proof. We need to show different choices of u, v, w, s, t do not affect the cosetin Hp+q+r−1(X) given above. We only check that of s. Others are left asexercise.


If s and s′ are chosen such that δs = u ∪ v = δs′, then

(s ∪ w + u ∪ t)− (s′ ∪ w + u ∪ t) = (s− s′) ∪ w,

which is in Hp+q−1(X) ∪ [w] as cohomology classes.

The Massey product was used to prove the Jacobi identity for Whiteheadproduct in homotopy group.

We could define higher order Massey products. When two triple products< [u], [v], [w] > and < [v], [w], [x] > are defined, and if 0 ∈< [u], [v], [w] >and 0 ∈< [v], [w], [x] >, then we could find

δY1 = t0 ∪ w + u ∪ t1, δY2 = t1 ∪ x+ v ∪ t2

where δt0 = u ∪ v, δt1 = v ∪ w, δt2 = w ∪ x. Then we form a subset< [u], [v], [w], [x] > in H |u|+|v|+|w|+|x|−2(X) whose elements are

u ∪ Y2 + t0 ∪ t2 + Y1 ∪ x.

This is called a fourfold product.As we mentioned in the class, it is better to understand the whole picture

by matrix u sv t


u t0 Y1

v t1 Y2

w t2x

We can do inductively to define n-fold Massey product. < [a1,1], [a2,2], · · · , [an,n] >to be the set of elements of the forms

a1,1a2,n + a1,2a3,n + · · ·+ a1,n−1an,n

for all solutions of the equations

δai,j = ai,iai+1,j + ai,i+1ai+2,j + · · ·+ ai,j−1aj,j , 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n, (i, j) 6= (1, n).

Hence, to ensure the set is non-empty, we need the vanishing of many lowerorder Massey product.

We remark that the Massey products are defined for (homology) of adifferential graded algebra (DGA) A. It is a graded algebra A = ⊕k≤0A


with a differential d : A→ A of degree +1, such that

1. A is graded commutative, i.e

x · y = (−1)kly · x, x ∈ Ak, y ∈ Al


2. d is a derivation, i.e.

d(x · y) = dx · y + (−1)kx · dy, x ∈ Ak

3. d2 = 0

Examples include cohomology ring with 0 as its differential and de Rhamcomplex (Ω∗, d) on a manifold.

Rational homotopy theory of Quillen and Sullivan is built to understand(real) homotopy group by the structure of DGA. For example, a manifoldon which all Massey products vanish is a formal manifold: its real homotopytype follows (“formally”) from its real cohomology ring. Deligne-Griffiths-Morgan-Sullivan proved that all Kahler manifolds are formal.


Chapter 3

Poincare duality

We want to prove the Poincare duality in this chapter. For a compact n-manifold M , this asserts that Hp(Mn) is isomorphic to Hn−p(M

n). It is themost important result in this course, and has lots of important applications.Poincare’s original proof used the idea of dual cell structures (explained inthe class by pictures). It is rather intuitive and geometric proof. However,we will lose some generality if we use this method.

Hence, we use the proof of Milnor. The basic idea of Milnor’s proofis very natural and explained as follows. We know that any n-manifoldis a union of open subsets, each of which is homeomorphic to Rn. It isnatural to first prove (certain version of) the theorem for Rn, and then useMayer-Vietoris sequences to prove the case of a finite union of open subsets.Finally, it passes to the case of an infinite union by a direct limit argument.We will then state and prove a more general version which is applicable tononcompact manifolds since we have to first deal with Rn. For this reason,we need to introduce cohomology with compact supports.

3.1 Cohomology with compact supports

Suppose M is a topological space. The singular cochains with compactsupport is defined as α ∈ Sp(M) such that there is a compact set K ⊂ Msuch that α ∈ Sp(M,M\K) ⊂ Sp(M), i.e. α|M\K = 0. Write Spc (M) forthe set of all these cochains. Note that δ preserves S∗c (M). Hence

Definition 3.1.1. Hpc (M) := Hp(S∗c (M)) is the cohomology with compact

support of M .

Observe that if M is compact H∗c (M) = H∗(M). We will need to cal-culate H∗c (M) in general for the proof of Poincare duality. We want tounderstand it by relative cohomology groups. So we introduce the defini-tion of a direct limit.



Definition 3.1.2. A directed system of abelian groups Gα|a ∈ A is acollection of abelian groups indexed by a partially ordered set A satisfying

1. For all a, b ∈ A there exists c ∈ A such that a ≤ c and b ≤ c.

2. For all a ≤ b there exists a homomorphism fab : Ga → Gb such thatfaa = id and if a ≤ b ≤ c, fac = fbc fab.

Recall that a partially ordered set (or poset) is a set A along with abinary relation ≤ which is reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive:

1. Reflexive: a ≤ a;

2. Antisymmetric: if a ≤ b and b ≤ a, then a = b;

3. Transitive: if a ≤ b and b ≤ c, then a ≤ c.

A partially ordered set with property 1 in Definition 3.1.2 is called adirected set. The main example of directed sets in our mind is the set ofcompact subsets with partial ordering ⊂ and f is the inclusion.

Definition 3.1.3. Given a direct system Gα|a ∈ A, the Direct Limit(colimit) is defined to be


Ga := (⊕a∈AGa)\N

where N ⊂ ⊕a∈AGa is the subgroup generated by x − fab(x) where x ∈ Gaand a ≤ b.

Direct limit has the following universal property. Actually, this propertycharacterizes direct limit.

Proposition 3.1.4 (Universal property of direct limit). Any homomor-phisms φa : Ga → H such that φa = φbfab for any pair a ≤ b factor throughlim−→a∈AGa. That is, there exists a unique homomorphism φ : lim−→a∈AGa → Hsuch that φ ha = φa for all a ∈ A. Here ha : Ga → lim−→a∈AGa are the in-clusion maps.

Ga Gb










Proof. For any g ∈ Ga, we denote its equivalence class in lim−→a∈AGa as [g].

So ha(g) = [g].Let us first construct a φ: φ([g]) = φa(g). It is easy to check that it

makes the diagram commutes. Let us check it is well defined. Supposethere are g1 ∈ Ga and g2 ∈ Gb such that [g1] = [g2]. Then we know there isa c such that a ≤ c and b ≤ c, and fac(g1) = fbc(g2). Then we see that

φa(g1) = φc fac(g1) = φc fbc(g2) = φb(g2).

Then we prove the uniqueness. Otherwise there is another φ′ : lim−→a∈AGa →H such that φ′ ha = φa for all a ∈ A. Then

φ′([g]) = φ′ ha(g) = φa(g) = φ([g]).

In other words, φ′ = φ.

Now we could give an alternative definition of H∗c (M) in terms of directlimit. The compact subsets K ⊂ M form a directed set under inclusion.For K ⊂ L, we have the inclusion (M,M\L) → (M,M\K), and thus thehomomorphism Hp(M,M\K) → Hp(M,M\L). Hence we have the directlimit



This is equal to Hpc (M) we defined at beginning. It is easy to see Hp

c (M) ⊂lim−→K⊂M Hp(M,M\K) by definition. For the other inclusion, each element

of lim−→K⊂M Hp(M,M\K) is represented by a cocycle in Sp(M,M\K) forsome compact K, hence the inclusion at cochain level. And such a cocycleis zero in lim−→K⊂M Hp(M,M\K) if and only if it is in Bp(M,M\L) for somecompact L ⊃ K, hence the inclusion passes to the cohomology level.

Example 3.1.5. We compute H∗c (Rn). Since every compact set of Rn iscontained in the closed ball DR(0) of some radius R ∈ N, we have


Hp(Rn,Rn\DR(0)) = lim−→K⊂Rn


Now for any R > 0, Rn\DR(0) is homotopy equivalent to Sn−1. Hencethe long exact sequence for pairs (Rn,Rn\DR(0)) gives us

Hm(Rn,Rn\DR(0)) =

Z m = n0 m 6= n

Since the map Hn(Rn,Rn\DR(0)) → Hn(Rn,Rn\DR+1(0)) correspondsto the inclusions are isomorphism, we conclude

Hmc (Rn) =

Z m = n0 m 6= n


This example tells us H∗c (M) is NOT a cohomology theory in the senseof Eilenberg-Steenrod. Since it is not a homotopy invariant: A point iscompact, so H∗c (pt) = H∗(pt), but H∗c (Rn) is not the same as H∗(Rn).Actually, it is even not a functor: the constant map Rn → pt does notinduce a map on cohomology with compact support.

3.2 Orientations for Manifolds

Suppose M is an n-manifold. For each x ∈ M , choose an open ball Uwith x ∈ U . Then by excision,

Hn(M,M\x) = Hn(U,U\x) = Z.

Definition 3.2.1. A local orientation µx for M at x is a choice of one ofthe two possible generators for Hn(M,M\x).

If x, y ∈ U then we have homomorphisms ρx and ρy induced by theinclusion of pairs

Hn(M,M\x)ρx← Hn(M,M\U)

ρy→ Hn(M,M\y).

So a generator for Hn(M,M\U) gives a local orientation at any point in U .

Definition 3.2.2. An orientation of M is a function x 7→ µx subject tothe following continuity condition: Given any point x ∈ M , there exists aneighborhood U of x and an element µU ∈ Hn(M,M\U) such that ρy(µU ) =µy for each y ∈ U .

We say M is orientable if there exists an orientation. And if the orien-tation is fixed, M is oriented.

One could translate this into the connectedness of the double cover

M = µx|x ∈M,µx is a local orientation of M at x.

We will not go through this construction, see Hatcher for details. But wesummarize two useful criterion

Proposition 3.2.3. 1. If M is simply connected, then M is orientable.

2. Suppose H1(M ;Z2) = 0, then M is orientable.

Example 3.2.4. 1. Rn, Sn, CPn are orientable.

2. If M and N are orientable, then M ×N is orientable.

To determine which manifolds are not orientable, we have the followinglemma. For the proof, we need relative Mayer-Vietoris sequence which isassigned in Example sheet 1:

· · · → Hn(X,A∩B)→ Hn(X,A)⊕Hn(X,B)→ Hn(X,A∪B)→ Hn−1(X,A∩B)→ · · ·


Lemma 3.2.5. Let M be a n-manifold, and K ⊂ M be a compact subset.Then

1. Hi(M,M\K) = 0 for i > n;

2. Suppose x 7→ ax is an orientation of M . Then there is a unique classaK ∈ Hn(M,M\K) whose image in Hn(M,M\x) is ax for all x ∈ K.

Proof. We want to use the relative Mayer-Vietoris sequence for a triple(X,A,B):

· · · → Hp(X,A ∩B)→ Hp(X,A)⊕Hp(X,B)→ Hp(X,A ∪B)→ · · ·

We write our proof in 4 steps:1. Suppose the lemma is true for K1, K2 and K1 ∩ K2, we want to

prove it is true for K1 ∪ K2 as well. Then we take X = M , A = M\K1,B = M\K2, so

· · · → Hp+1(M,M\(K1∩K2))→ Hp(M,M\K)→ Hp(M,M\K1)⊕Hp(M,M\K2)→ · · ·

By assumption, if p > n the left and right term are both zero, soHp(M,M\K) =0.

For the second statement, we know the mapHn(M,M\K1)⊕Hn(M,M\K2)→Hn(M,M\(K1∩K2)) is the difference map aK1−aK2 . By uniqueness, it hasto be zero. So we have aK from the exact sequence. This is unique because,Hn+1(M,M\(K1 ∩K2)) = 0.

2. We reduce the problem to the case M = Rn. Any compact setK ⊂ M can be written as K1 ∪ · · · ∪Km where each Ki is contained in aneighborhood which is homeomorphic to a ball in Rn. Then apply step 1and induction on K1 ∪ · · · ∪Km−1, Km and their intersection.

3. Suppose M = Rn and K ⊂ Rn is a compact convex subset.For any point x ∈ K, and S is a large (n−1)-sphere with centre x. Then

S is a deformation retract of both Rn\x and Rn\K. Hence the map

Hi(Rn,Rn\K)→ Hi(Rn,Rn\x)

is an isomorphism for each i.Induction also shows this is true when K is a finite union of compact

convex sets.4. Now suppose K ⊂ Rn is an arbitrary compact subset and β ∈

Hi(Rn,Rn\K). We choose a relative cycle z with [z] = β. Let C ∈ Rn\Kbe the union of the images of the boundary of singular simplices in z. C iscompact (could be ∅ if z is closed in the absolute sense), the distance fromK to C is some real number δ > 0.

Cover K by finitely many balls with centres in K and radii < δ. LetN be the union of these balls and so K ⊂ N and z defines a class βN ∈Hi(Rn,Rn\N) so that the restriction ρK(βN ) = β.


If i > n then by step 3, βN = 0 so β = 0. This with step 2 finishes thefirst part of the lemma.

If i = n, step 1 and step 3 also construct aN and then aK = ρK(aN )such that ρx(aN ) = ax and ρx(aK) = ax. We prove the uniqueness: if a′Kis another choice, let β = aK − a′K . So ρx(β) = 0 for any x ∈ K, especiallywhen x is one of the centres of the balls to defineN . By step 3 again, β is zeroon these balls and thus on N . Hence aK−a′K = β = 0 ∈ Hn(Rn,Rn\K).

When M is closed (i.e. compact without boundary), take K = M , wehave

Corollary 3.2.6. Suppose M is a connected closed n-manifold. Then

1. Hi(M) = 0 if i > n;

2. M is orientable if and only if Hn(M) = Z. If M is not orientable,Hn(M) = 0.

Proof. Need a bit words for non-orientable case. If Hn(M) 6= 0, take acycle z 6= 0. We take a cell decomposition of M . Then at two sides of anyn−1-dimensional cell, the coefficient of z is the same. Since M is connected,the coefficient on all n-cells are the same. This gives us an orientation onM .

Example 3.2.7. RP 2n is not orientable, since H2n(RP 2n) = 0. RP 2n+1 isorientable since H2n+1(RP 2n+1) = Z.

In particular, if M itself is compact, then there is one and only oneµM ∈ Hn(M) with the required property. This class µ = µM is called thefundamental homology class of M .

3.3 Poincare duality theorem

The Poincare duality for compact manifolds could be stated now.

Theorem 3.3.1. Let M be a compact and oriented n-manifold, then thehomomorphism

D : Hp(M)→ Hn−p(M), α 7→ α ∩ µM

is an isomorphism.

It actually follows from a more general theorem (which we will prove),for any oriented manifolds. Before stating the result, we need to explain thenotations.

First observe that for any pair (X,A), the cap product gives rise to aparing

Si(X,A)⊗ Sn(X,A)→ Sn−i(X)


and hence to pairing

H i(X,A)⊗Hn(X,A)→ Hn−i(X).

For oriented M , we define the duality map

D : Hpc (M)→ Hn−p(M)

as follows. For any a ∈ Hpc (M) = lim−→Hp(M,M\K), choose a representative

a′ ∈ Hp(M,M\K) and set

D(a) = a′ ∩ µK .

This is well defined since for K ⊂ L, we have the restriction

ρK : Hn(M,M\L)→ Hn(M,M\K)

with ρK(µL) = µK . Then the naturality of the cap product tells us thefollowing diagram commutes:

H i(M,M\K)


H i(M,M\L)



Theorem 3.3.2. Let M be an oriented n-manifold, then the homomorphism

D : Hpc (M)→ Hn−p(M)

is an isomorphism.

Proof. 1. We first prove it for M = Rn. Given a closed ball B, we know thatHn(Rn,Rn\B) = Z with generator µB. Hence Hn(Rn,Rn\B) = Z and byuniversal coefficient theorem, the homomorphism h : Hn(Rn,Rn\B;Z) →Hom(Hn(Rn,Rn\B);Z) is an isomorphism. Then there exists a generatora such that < a, µB >= 1. Now the identity

< 1 ∪ a, µB >=< 1, a ∩ µB >

shows that a ∩ µB is a generator of H0(Rn) = Z. Thus ∩µB gives an iso-morphism Hn(Rn,Rn\B)→ H0(Rn) for all B. Hence by universal propertyof direct limit, the map D is an isomorphism in the case i = n. The casesi 6= n is obvious since it maps 0 to 0.

2. Suppose M = U ∪ V and that the theorem is true for U, V, U ∩ V .We first construct Mayer-Vietoris for H∗c :

· · · → Hp−1c (M)→ Hp

c (U ∩ V )→ Hpc (U)⊕Hp

c (V )→ Hpc (M)→ · · ·


This is obtained from relative Mayer-Vietoris

Hp(M,M\(K∩L))→ Hp(M,M\K)⊕Hp(M,M\L)→ Hp(M,M\(K∪L))

and excisions

Hp(M,M\(K ∩ L)) = Hp(U ∩ V,U ∩ V \(K ∩ L))

Hp(M,M\K) = Hp(U,U\K)

Hp(M,M\L) = Hp(V, V \L)

Now if we know the following diagram of exact sequence is commutative (upto a sign)

Hpc (U ∩ V ) Hp

c (U)⊕Hpc (V ) Hp

c (M) Hp+1c (U ∩ V )

Hn−p(U ∩ V ) Hn−p(U)⊕Hn−p(V ) Hn−p(M) Hn−p−1(U ∩ V )




then five lemma will finish this step.The first two squares are easily seen to commute at the chain level. Much

less simple is the third square, which we will show commutes up to a sign.Notice we only need to show the following is commutative

Hp(M,M\(K ∪ L)) Hp+1(U ∩ V,U ∩ V \(K ∩ L))

Hn−p(M) Hn−p−1(U ∩ V )


∩µK∪L ∩µK∩L

Let A = M\K and B = M\L. Then the δ map is obtained from theshort exact sequence

0→ S∗(M,A) ∩ S∗(M,B)→ S∗(M,A)⊕ S∗(M,B)→ S∗(M,A ∩B)→ 0

Recall that we use the fact S∗(M,A ∪ B) → S∗(M,A) ∩ S∗(M,B) inducesisomorphism on cohomology. For a cocycle φ ∈ S∗(M,A∩B), we write φ =φA − φB for φA ∈ S∗(M,A) and φB ∈ S∗(M,B). Then δ[φ] is representedby the cocycle δφA = δφB ∈ S∗(M,A) ∩ S∗(M,B). Similarly if z ∈ S∗(M)represents a homology class then ∂[z] = [∂zU ], where z = zU − zV withzU ∈ S∗(U) and zV ∈ S∗(V ).

Via barycentric subdivision, the class µK∪L can be represented by achain α that is a sum α = αU\L +αU∩V +αV \K of chains in three open setsU\L, U ∩V , and V \K respectively. By uniqueness of µK∩L the chain αU∩Vrepresents µK∩L, since the other two chains lie in the complement of K ∩L.Similarly the chain αU\L + αU∩V represents µK .


Now let φ be a cocycle representing an element in Hp(M,M\(K ∪ L)).By δ, it maps to δφA. Continuing downward to the bottom, we obtain δφA∩αU∩V , which represents the same homology class as (−1)n−p−1φA ∩ ∂αU∩V ,since

∂(φA ∩ αU∩V ) = (−1)n−pδφA ∩ αU∩V + φA ∩ ∂αU∩V .

For the other way, φ is first mapped to φ∩α ∈ Hn−p(M). Write is as a sumof a chain in U and a chain in V :

φ ∩ α = φ ∩ αU\L + φ ∩ (αU∩V + αV \K).

and by definition ∂[φ ∩ α] = [∂(φ ∩ αU\L)] ∈ Hn−k−1(U ∩ V ).

∂(φ ∩ αU\L) = φ ∩ ∂αU\L = φA ∩ ∂αU\L = −φA ∩ ∂αU∩V .

The second equality is because φB is zero on M\L. The last equality followsfrom αU\L + αU∩V = µK which is a chain in U\K. This completes step 2.

3. Suppose M is the union of a direct system of open subsets Uii∈Iwith the property that if K is a compact subset of M then K is containedin some Ui. Then if we have

Hpc (M) = lim−→

i∈IHpc (Ui), Hn−p(M) = lim−→


and know the theorem is true for each Ui, then the theorem follows for Msince the direct limit of a system of isomorphisms is an isomorphism.

We prove Hp(M) = lim−→i∈I Hp(Ui), the other follows by the same argu-ment. By the universal property of directed limit, we have homomorphism


Hp(Ui)→ Hp(M).

To show it is surjective: if z ∈ Sp(M) is a cycle then there exists a compactset such that [z] ∈ im(Hp(K) → Hp(X)). Assume K ⊂ Ui. Then [z] ∈im(Hp(Ui)→ Hp(M) and so [z] ∈ im(lim−→i∈I Hp(Ui)→ Hp(M)).

For the injectivity, take a cycle z in Ui and assume it is a boundary ofK in X. Then take j so that K ⊂ Uj hence its inclusion into lim−→i∈I Hp(Ui)is 0.

4. Suppose M is an open subset of Rn. If M is convex, it follows fromstep 1 since then M is homeomorphic to Rn. We can find convex opensets V1, V2, · · · such that M = ∪∞i=1Vi (for example, those open discs whosecentres have rational coordinates). Then by step 2, this is true for V1∪· · ·∪Vrfor each r. And by step 3, it is true for ∪r(∪ri=1Vi) = ∪∞i=1Vi = M .

5. M is arbitrary. Consider the family of all open subsets U of M suchthat Poincare duality holds for U . This family is nonempty. In view of step3, we could apply Zorn’s lemma to this family to choose a maximal open setV belonging to it. If V 6= M , then there is an open subset B ⊂M such that


B is homeomorphic to Rn, and B is not contained in V . We apply step 2and step 4 (for the intersection) to conclude Poincare duality also holds forV ∪B, contradicting the maximality of V . Thus V = M .

We also have Poncare duality for non-orientable manifolds, but only forZ2 coefficient. Let M be an arbitrary n-manifold. For each point x ∈M , µx denotes the unique non-zero element of the local homology groupHn(M,M\x;Z2). And for each compact subset K, the same argument ofLemma 3.2.5 gives us the unique element µK of Hn(M,M\K;Z2) such thatρx(µK) = µx for all x ∈ K. Now we define homomorphism

Hp(M,M\K;Z2)→ Hn−p(M ;Z2), x 7→ x ∩ µK .

This induces the homomorphism

D2 : Hpc (M ;Z2)→ Hn−p(M ;Z2).

Theorem 3.3.3. For any n-manifold M , then the homomorphism

D2 : Hpc (M ;Z2)→ Hn−p(M ;Z2)

is an isomorphism.

Chapter 4

Applications of Poincareduality

4.1 Intersection form, Euler characteristic

4.1.1 Intersection pairing

Let M be a closed connected orientable n-manifold. We let µ ∈ Hn(M)be the orientation, i.e. the unique element such that the image of µ inHn(M,M\x) is a generator.

Now we have a pairing on cohomology ring induced by cup product:

<,>: Hk(M)×Hn−k(M)∪−→ Hn(M)

∩µ−→ Z

In other words, < a, b >= (a ∪ b)(µ). This map is called the intersectionforms. One could also define the pairing on homology by taking Poincareduality.

Poincare duality simply tells us that the intersection form is non-singularwhen we take the free part.

Corollary 4.1.1. Suppose we take coefficients in a field F . then the inter-section form

<,>: Hk(M ;F )×Hn−k(M ;F )→ F

is non-singular. The same conclusion if we look at the the pairing

Hk(M ;Z)

Tors× Hn−k(M ;Z)

Tors→ Z.

Here the intersection form is nonsingular means both < α, · > and <·, α > are isomorphisms if α is non-zero.

Proof. Consider the composition

Hn−k(M ;R)h−→ HomR(Hn−k(M ;R), R)

D∗−→ HomR(Hk(M ;R), R)



Recall (from Example sheet 1) that h is an isomorphism for the above twocases. And here D∗ is the Hom-dual of the Poincare duality map D : Hk →Hn−k. Notice

D∗(h(α))(β) = α ∩ (β ∩ µ) = (α ∪ β)(µ) =< α, β > .

Since both D∗ and h are isomorphisms, their composition is an isomorphismand hence the intersection form is non-singular.

Later we will just write Hm(M) for the free part if there is no confusion.

Corollary 4.1.2. Let M be even dimensional (n = 2m) orientable manifold.Then the pairing

Hm(M)×Hm(M)→ Z

is unimodular: choose a basis u1, · · · , uk ∈ Hm(M), then the matrix A =(aij) with aij =< ui, uj > has detA = ±1.

And when m is even, it is symmetric; m is odd, it is anti-symmetric.

Proof. The second conclusion is easy, only prove the first one. Take a basisu1, · · · , uk ∈ Hm(M), then we know there is a dual basis v1, · · · , vk suchthat < ui, vj >= δij . Let A = (aij) where aij =< ui, uj >. Let B is matrixof base change: vj =

∑k bkjuk. Then

δij =< ui, vj >=∑k

bkj < ui, uk >=∑k

aikbkj ,

i.e. AB = I. Since both of A,B are of Z coefficients, then detA = ±1.

Now, if an orientable M has dimension 4m, the intersection pairing is asymmetric unimodular bilinear form. So the eigenvalues are all real numbers.We will denote the numbers of its positive and negative eigenvalues by b+2mand b−2m respectively. Their sum is Betti number b2m. Their difference is animportant invariant called signature, denote by

σ(M) = b+2m − b−2m.

For orientable manifolds of dimensions other than 4m, let σ(M) = 0.There is another viewpoint of the intersection pairing, from homology.

If x, y ∈ H∗(M) and ξ, η ∈ H∗(M) and x = Dξ, y = Dη. Then we define

x · y =< ξ, η >= (ξ ∪ η)(µM )

which is also a non singular pairing by above corollary.Assume X,Y are closed oriented submanifold of dimensions i and j re-

spectively with i + j = n. We also assume they intersect transversally, each point x ∈ X ∩ Y ,

TxX + TxY = TxM.


Then the intersection is also a submanifold of dimension 0, thus finite num-ber of points. Then each x ∈ X∩Y has a sign ε(x) determined by comparingthe orientations of TxX + TxY and TxM . Let a = i∗(µX) and b = i∗(µY )where i is the inclusion. Then the intersection number could be calculatedas

a · b =∑

x∈X∩Yε(x). (4.1)

The intuition is very clear. We choose a singular decomposition of manifoldM such that it also induces singular decomposition of X and Y . So eachintersection point will be a vertex of singular simplices. Since oriented meanswe have µM =

∑si where si are all simplices. And we also have similar

formula for µX and µY constitutes of sub-simplices of si, but might havea sign. Then PD−1(a) ∪ PD−1(b)(

∑si) is nonzero only when si contains

intersection point. And at each intersection point, and any si containingit, the evaluation is just a check of whether the orientations are matched.To make this argument rigorous, we need to make the definition of thecohomology class PD−1(a) clearer such that it satisfies the property wewant: restricting to each normal direction is just 1. This needs the Thomisomorphism theorem.

4.1.2 Betti numbers and Euler characteristic

Let us introduce Betti numbers and Euler characteristic. For a CWcomplex M with finitely many cells in each dimension, let

bi = rank(Hi(M ;Z)) = dimHi(M ;Q) = rank(H i(M ;Z)) = dimH i(M ;Q)).

bi(M) is called the i-th Betti number. The Euler characteristic of M is

χ(M) =n∑i=0


More generally, we have the Poincare series PM (t) =∑∞

i=0 bi(M)ti, andχ(M) = PM (−1).

Give M a finite cell structure, let αi(M) be the number of i-cells, thenwe have χ =

∑i(−1)iαi(M). If we let QM (t) =

∑i αit

i(M), this actuallyfollows from the following more general result

Theorem 4.1.3. Let M be a finite CW complex. then

QM (t)− PM (t) = (1 + t)R(t).

Proof. First if we have a short exact sequence for Abelian groups

0→ A→ B → C → 0


and A,B,C are finitely generated, then rankB = rankA+ rankC.Then we look at short exact sequences

0→ Zq → Cq → Bq−1 → 0

0→ Bq → Zq → Hq → 0

We have ∑q

(rankCq)tq =


(rankZq)tq + t




(rankZq)tq =


(rankBq)tq +



Add them we have

QM (t) = PM (t) + (1 + t)∑q


From this alternative definition of Euler characteristic, it is easy to seeχ(M) has counting property:

Proposition 4.1.4. 1. If A and B are subcomplex of a finite CW com-plex M , χ(A ∪B) + χ(A ∩B) = χ(A) + χ(B).

2. If M is a k-sheeted covering of M , then χ(M) = kχ(M).

Then we have the following restrictions on Euler characteristic of mani-folds.

Proposition 4.1.5. 1. If M is an odd dimensional closed manifold thenχ(M) = 0.

2. If M is an orientable 4k+2-dimensional manifold, then χ(M) is even.

Proof. If M is orientable and odd dimension, then by Poincare duality,χ(M) = 0. If not orientable, we know its double covering M we constructedbefore is orientable and χ(M) = 1

2χ(M) = 0.For the second statement, we know bi = bn−i by Poincare duality. So

χ(M) ≡ b2k+1 mod 2.

We want to prove b2k+1 is even. Choose a basis of H2k+1(M), and let Abe the matrix of intersection form under this basis. Since α ∪ β = −β ∪ αwhen both are 2k + 1 dimensional. So A is antisymmetric: A = −AT . So

detA = detAT = det(−A) = (−1)b2k+1 detA.

Since the matrix is non-degenerate, so b2k+1 is even.

A non-orientable manifold could violate the second statement. For ex-ample, χ(RP 2) = 1.


4.2 Calculation of cohomology rings

4.2.1 Cohomology ring of CP n

We have calculated that

Hm(CPn) =

Z m = 0, 2, · · · , 2n0 otherwise

We claim the cohomology ring

H∗(CPn;Z) =Z[α]


where α has degree 2, i.e α ∈ H2(CPn;Z). Since the inclusion CPn−1 →CPn induces an isomorphism on H i for i ≤ 2n − 2, by induction on n,H2i(CPn;Z) is generated by αi for i < n. By the corollary, there is aninteger m such that the product α ∪mαn−1 = mαn = 1. Hence m = ±1,and our conclusion follows. Notice S2×S4 has the same cohomology groupsas CP 3. But by Kunneth formula,

H∗(S2 × S4;Z) =Z[α, β]

α2, β2.

This is not isomorphic to H∗(CP 3;Z) = Z[α]α4 .

The same calculation works for Quaternionic projective space HPn =Hn+1\0∼ where x ∼ y if there exists λ ∈ H\0 such that λx = y. We conclude


H∗(HPn;Z) =Z[α]


where α has degree 4.Let O be the Cayley numbers. They are non-associative. We can form

OP 1 = S8 and OP 2 and

H∗(OP 2;Z) =Z[α]


4.2.2 Cohomology ring of RP n and Borsum-Ulam

Recall that

Hm(RPn;Z) =

Z m = 0 or m = n = 2k + 1Z2 m odd , 0 < m < n0 otherwise

Hence by universal coefficient theorem, we know

Hm(RPn;Z2) =

Z2 0 ≤ m ≤ n0 otherwise


Using Theorem 3.3.3, and the same argument above for CPn, we con-clude that

H∗(RPn;Z2) =Z2[x]


Now as an application of this calculation, we have

Lemma 4.2.1. Suppose we have a continuous map f : RPm → RPn suchthat f∗ 6= 0 : H1(RPm;Z2)→ H1(RPn;Z2), then m ≤ n.

Proof. SinceH1(X;G) = Hom(H1(X), G), we know f∗ 6= 0 : H1(RPn;Z2)→H1(RPm;Z2).

Take ξ 6= 0 ∈ H1(RPn;Z2), then η = f∗(ξ) 6= 0 ∈ H1(RPm;Z2). By thecalculation of cohomology ring, we know ηm = f∗(ξm) 6= 0. So ξm 6= 0 ∈Hm(RPn;Z2), which means m ≤ n.

Lemma 4.2.2. Let σ be a path connecting an antipodal on Sn. Then un-der the quotient map π : Sn → RPn, it becomes a singular cycle π∗(σ)representing a nonzero element in H1(RPn;Z2).

Proof. We use the cellular decomposition induced from the natural one ofS0 ⊂ S1 ⊂ · · · ⊂ Sn. Let σ be the one connecting S0. When n = 1, π∗(σ)rotates along RP 1 = S1 odd number turns. It is nontrivial in H1(RP 1;Z2).

When n > 1, take path τ with the same end points of σ in S1 ⊂ Sn. Byinduction, π∗(τ) represents nonzero element in H1(RP 1;Z2). Since the in-clusion H1(RP 1;Z2)→ H1(RPn;Z2) is an isomorphism. So π∗(τ) is nonzeroin H1(RPn;Z2) as well. On the other hand, σ − τ is singular cycle in Sn

with n > 1, so it is a boundary. Hence π∗(σ) is nonzero in H1(RPn;Z2).

Theorem 4.2.3. There is no continuous map f : Sn+1 → Sn such thatf(−x) = −f(x).

Proof. If there is such a map, then it gives a map g : RPn+1 → RPn. Takeσ connecting antipodal of Sn+1, it is mapped to a path f∗(σ) connectingthe antipodal of Sn. Hence by Lemma 4.2.2, g∗ 6= 0 : H1(RPn+1;Z2) →H1(RPn;Z2). Then Lemma 4.2.1 finishes the proof.

Corollary 4.2.4 (Borsuk-Ulam). Let f : Sn → Rn be a continuous map.Then there exists x ∈ Sn such that f(x) = f(−x).

Proof. If not, construct

g : Sn → Sn−1, g(x) =f(x)− f(−x)

||f(x)− f(−x)||.

We have g(−x) = −g(x), contradicting Theorem 4.2.3.

Corollary 4.2.5 (Ham sandwich). Let A1, · · · , Am be m measurable sets inRm. Then we have a hyperplane P which bisects each Ai.


Proof. Consider in Rm+1. Fix x0 /∈ Rm. For any vector v ∈ Sm, construct ahyperplane orthogonal to v and pass through x0. It divides Rm+1 and thusRm into two parts. We record the volume of the Ai ⊂ Rm in the half spacedetermined by the direction of v, by fi(v). Hence we have a continuous map

f : Sm → Rm, v 7→ (f1(v), · · · , fm(v)).

By corollary 4.2.4, there exists v wuch that f(v) = f(−v). This hyperplanebisects each Ai.

Another application is the Ljusternik-Schnirelmann category cat(RPn) =n + 1. This is because cl(RPn) = n, so cat(RPn) ≥ n + 1. On the otherhand, it is not hard to construct a smooth function on RPn with n + 1critical points (exercise).

4.2.3 Cohomology ring of lens spaces

Given an integer m > 1 and integers l1, · · · , ln relatively prime to m,define the lens space L = Lm(l1, · · · , ln) to be the orbit space S2n−1/Zm ofthe unit sphere S2n−1 ⊂ Cn with the action of Zm generated by

ρ(z1, · · · , zn) = (e2πil1/mz1, · · · , e2πiln/mzn).

The condition li is coprime to m means Zm acts freely. Thus the projec-tion S2n−1 → L is a covering space. When m = 2, ρ is the antipodal mapand L2 = RP 2n−1.

L has a CW structure with one cell ek for each k ≤ 2n − 1 and theresulting cellular chain complex is

0→ Z 0−→ Z m−→ Z 0−→ · · · 0−→ Z m−→ Z 0−→ Z→ 0


Hk(Lm(l1, · · · , ln)) =

Z k = 0, 2n− 1Zm k odd , 0 < k < 2n− 10 otherwise

By universal coefficient theorem,

Hk(Lm(l1, · · · , ln);Zm) =

Zm 0 ≤ k ≤ 2n− 10 otherwise

Since the cohomology group only depends on m and n, later on wewill denote the lens space by L2n−1

m or simply L2n−1. To calculate the cupproduct, we let α ∈ H1(L2n−1;Zm) and β ∈ H2(L2n−1;Zm) be generators.

We claim that H2i(L2n−1;Zm) is generated by βi and H2i+1(L2n−1;Zm)is generated by αβi.



w w














Use induction, we assume it is true for L2n−1 and want to show it forL2n+1. Using the inclusion L2n−1 → L2n+1 which induces isomorphism incohomology for 0 ≤ k ≤ 2n− 1 by comparing the cellular chain complexes,we may assume the claim holds for Hk(L2n+1;Zm) with k ≤ 2n − 1. Bycorollary 4.1.1, there exists λ ∈ Zm such that β ∪λαβn−1 = λαβn generatesH2n+1(L2n+1;Zm). So λ has to a generator of Zm and therefore αβn is agenerator of H2n+1(L2n+1;Zm). It also implies that βn is a generator ofH2n(L2n;Zm), otherwise αβn would have order less than m.

To complete the calculation of the ring H∗(L2n−1;Zm), we need to com-pute α2. By graded commutativity, we have α∪α = −α∪α. So if m is odd,α2 = 0.

When m = 2k, we claim α2 = kβ. We use the fact that the 2-skeletonS1 ∪fm e2 of L2n−1 is the circle S1 attached by a 2-cell with a map of degreem. We first get the 2-skeleton a ∆-complex structure by subdivide an m-goninto m triangles Ti around a central vertex v, and identify all the outer edgesby rotations of the m-gon. We call the faces in a counterclockwise orderT0, · · · , Tm−1 and the the rays from v which bound Ti by ei and ei+1. Thenwe choose a representative φ for α which assigns value 1 to the boundaryedge. The condition φ is a cocycle means φ(ei) + φ(e) = φ(ei+1), whichmeans we could take φ(ei) = i in Zm. Then by definition of the cup product,(φ∪ φ)(Ti) = φ(ei)φ(e) = i. Since the sum 0 + 1 + · · ·+ (m− 1) is k in Zm,we know φ ∪ φ evaluates as k on

∑Ti. This means α2 = kβ.


H∗(L2n−1;Z2k+1) =Z2k+1[α, β]

α2 = 0, βn = 0

H∗(L2n−1;Z2k) =Z2k[α, β]

α2 = kβ, βn = 0


4.3 Degree and Hopf invariant

4.3.1 Degree

We can define degree of a map f : Mn → Nn between closed orientedconnected manifolds. Indeed, by orientable manifolds Hn(M) = Hn(N) =Z and thus f∗ : Hn(M) → Hn(N) maps the generator µM to an integermultiple k of µN . We call this k := deg(f) the degree of the map f . Thedegree has natural composition property: deg(f)deg(g) = deg(f g). SinceHn(M) = Hn(N) = Z as well, we can define degree as the correspondinginteger for the cohomology f∗ : Hn(N) → Hn(M). Apparently, these twodefinitions result the same number.

Example 4.3.1. A reflection of Sn along a great circle has degree −1, sinceit changes the orientation. Hence the antipodal map a sending x 7→ −x hasdegree (−1)n+1 since it is a composition of n+ 1 reflections.

This example has lots of corollaries. We only show a few.

Corollary 4.3.2. 1. If f, g : Sn → Sn are maps such that f(x) 6= g(x)for all x then f is homotopic to a g.

2. If f : Sn → Sn has no fixed points then it is homotopic to the antipodalmap, and thus has degree (−1)n+1.

Proof. By assumption

x 7→ (1− t)f(x)− tg(x)

||(1− t)f(x)− tg(x)||

is a well defined homotopy from f to a g.

The second follows from the first by taking g = id.

We can also get some information for group actions on Sn. First notethat S2n−1 could be viewed as the unit sphere in Cn, thus it admits a freeaction of S1, i.e. z 7→ eiθz. Especially, it tells us that Zm could act on S2n−1

freely. But for S2n

Corollary 4.3.3. Suppose a group G acts freely on S2n. Then G ≤ Z2.

Proof. By assumption, each non-trivial element g ∈ G has no fixed point,thus has degree −1 by above corollary. Hence there is at most one suchelement, otherwise the composition would give a map of degree 1 which hasto be trivial.

Proposition 4.3.4. Given f : CPn → CPn, there exists an integer k suchthat deg f = kn.


Proof. Let u be a generator of H2(CPn), then f∗(u) = ku for some constantk. Hence f∗(un) = f∗(u)n = knun. By definition, deg f = kn.

Proposition 4.3.5. If f : S2n → CPn with n > 1 then deg(f) = 0.

Proof. f∗(u) = 0 since H2(S2n) = 0. So f∗(un) = f∗(u)n = 0.

Usually, the philosophy behind the last statement is: if there is a map f :M → N with deg(f) 6= 0, then M should have more complicated topologythen N .Exercise:

1. Construct maps of any integer degrees for f : Sn → Sn. (Hint: startwith S1 and then use suspension.)

2. Prove that any n-fold covering map has degree n.

4.3.2 Hopf invariant

Hopf invariant is a sort of degree when studying the maps S2n−1 → Sn.In general, given a map f : Sm → Sn with m ≥ n, we can form the CW


C(f) := Sn ∪f Dm+1 =Sn tDm+1

f(x) ∼ x,∀x ∈ Sm.

The homotopy type of C(f) depends only on the homotopy class of f . Wecould use Proposition 1.7.9 to calculate the (co)homology group of it. Forexample, if m = n and f has degree d. Then Hn(C(f)) = Z|d|, which detectsdegree up to sign.

When m > n, we calculate that the cohomology of C(f) has Z in dimen-sions 0, n and m + 1. Especially when m = 2n − 1, we have chance to usecup product to detect something nontrivial. In this case, choose generatorsα ∈ Hn(C(f)) and β ∈ H2n(C(f)), then the ring structure of H∗(C(f)) isdetermined by α2 = H(f)β for an integer H(f) which is called the Hopfinvariant of f .

If f is a constant map then C(f) = Sn ∨S2n and H(f) = 0. Also, H(f)is always zero for odd n since α2 = −α2 in this case.

Example 4.3.6. 1. n = 2. We use S2 = CP 1 and view S3 as the unitsphere in C2. The map S3 → S2 is defined as

(z0, z1) 7→ [z0 : z1].

From the definition, it is a bundle S1 → S3 → S2, which is called theHopf bundle. It is easy to see that C(f) = CP 2. Thus H(f) = 1 since

H∗(CP 2) = Z[α]α3 .

2. n = 4. Replacing the field C by H, some construction yields the fiberbundle S3 → S7 → S4. And C(f) = HP 2 and H(f) = 1.


3. n = 8. Use Caylay octonion. We have Hopf bundle S7 → S15 → S8.And C(f) = OP 2 and H(f) = 1.

4. n = 1. It is the covering map, viewed as bundle S0 → S1 → RP 1. Itis measured by its degree, which is 2.

It is a fundamental theorem of Adams says that maps S2n−1 → Sn

of Hopf invariant 1 only exists when n = 2, 4, 8. It has many interestingcorollaries:

1. Rn is a division algebra only for n = 1, 2, 4, 8.

2. Sn has n linearly independent tangent vector fields only for n =0, 1, 3, 7.

3. The only fiber bundle Sp → Sq → Sr occur only when (p, q, r) =(0, 1, 1), (1, 3, 2), (3, 7, 4), (7, 15, 8).

One could also define the Hopf invariant in terms of degree. Let y, z betwo different regular values for a map f : S2n−1 → Sn, then the manifoldsf−1(y) and f−1(z) could be oriented and the linking number is defined asthe degree of the function: Let M and N be two manifolds of dimensionn − 1 in S2n−1. Choose a point p ∈ S2n−1 which is not in M or N , andthink S2n−1\p as R2n−1. Then the linking number link(M,N) of M and Nis defined as the degree of the map

g : M ×N → S2n−2, (x, y) 7→ x− y||x− y||


Let us understand this definition in terms of low dimensional examples. Firstis the toy example: the linking of two S0 in S1 or R1. Let the coordinateof S0 be a, b and c, d respectively. Then the map g is determined bythe order of these numbers. For example, if a < c < b < d, then two S0 arelinked both from our common sense and from the formula since g maps to1 once and −1 thrice, so degree one. If a < b < c < d, then degree is zerosince maps to −1 four times. And if a < c < d < b, it maps to 1 and −1both twice. But the degree is 0 as well since g(a, c) and g(a, d) is consideredas opposite orientation because that of c and d.

A more realistic example is for two S1 in S3 or R3. So g : T 2 → S2.For a point v in the unit sphere, the orthogonal projection of the link tothe plane perpendicular to v gives a link diagram on plane. A point in T 2

sends to v corresponds to a crossing in the link diagram where γ1 is overγ2. A neighborhood of it is mapped to a neighborhood of v preserving orreversing orientation depending on the sign of the crossing. Thus the it isjust a signed counting of the number of times g covers v.


There is a more concrete formula (Gauss formula) which could be gen-eralized to higher dimension

link(γ1, γ2) =1

∫ T1


∫ T2


(γ1, γ2, γ1 − γ2)

||γ1 − γ2||3dt1dt2.

It is nothing but an integration interpretation of degree.Now, the Hopf invariant H(f) = link(f−1(y), f−1(z)) for any two regu-

lar values y and z. To understand the equivalence of these definitions, weunderstand the cup product as the intersection of the Poincare dual of co-cycles. For the toy model above, S1 bounds a D2. Pairs of two points in S1

are linked if and only if two semi circle in D2 with the pairs as end pointsintersect. When glue the boundary S1 by a double covering to another S1,we get RP 2, and two semi-circle above become two S1.

For two S1’s, which are considered as inverse image of a regular valueof map S3 → S2, we have similar story. But now S3 bounds D4 where onecould consider the picture in C2, and S1 bounds an immersed disk. Thenthe intersection number of these two surfaces in D4 is exactly the same asthe linking number of two S1 in S3. One could prove this fact by pullingtwo circles until they touch. So the intersection is at the boundary and easyto look at. Finally, since S1 are fibers of the map, after gluing they willbecome a point and the original surfaces will become a closed one.

For an explicit example bearing in mind, one could consider the Hopfbundle S1 → S3 → S2 where the fiber is (z1, z2) with a fixed ratio. Forexample, S1 × 0, 0× S1 ⊂ S3 ⊂ C× C are two of them.

4.4 Alexander duality

Let us first introduce notations. The reduced (co)homology Hi(M) =Hi(M,x) and H i(M) = H i(M,x). So it only differs from original (co)homologyat i = 0.

Theorem 4.4.1. If K is a compact, locally contractible, nonempty, propersubspace of Sn, then Hi(S

n\K;Z) = Hn−i−1(K;Z) for all i.

Proof. We first argue it for i 6= 0. By Poincare duality, Hi(Sn\K;Z) =

Hn−ic (Sn\K). By definition of cohomology with compact supports,

Hn−ic (Sn\K) = lim−→Hn−i(Sn\K,U\K)

where U is taken as open neighborhoods ofK. By excision, Hn−i(Sn\K,U\K) =Hn−i(Sn, U). And by long exact sequence for pairs, Hn−i(Sn, U) = Hn−i−1(U)when i 6= 0. Now if we can show

lim−→ Hn−i−1(U) = Hn−i−1(K),


the argument for i 6= 0 is complete.

To show this, we use the fact that K is a retract of some neighborhoodU0 in Sn since it is locally contractible. Thus in the directed limit we canonly choose these open neighborhood U ⊂ U0 which could be retracted toK. This implies the surjectivity of the map lim−→H∗(U) → H∗(K) since wecan pull back the cohomology of K to that of U . To prove the injectivity,any U ⊂ U0 is regarded as a subspace of Rn ⊂ Sn. The linear homotopyU × I → Rn from the identity to the retraction U → K takes K × Ito K, hence takes V × I to U for some (small) neighborhood V of K bycompactness of I. Hence the inclusion V −→ U is homotopic to the retractionV → K ⊂ U . Thus the restriction H∗(U)→ H∗(V ) factors through H∗(K).Therefore if an element of H∗(U) restrict to 0 in H∗(K), it will be zero inH∗(V ) and thus in lim−→H∗(U).

The only difference for i = 0 case is we do not have Hn(Sn, U) =Hn−1(U). Instead we have the short exact sequence

0→ Hn−1(U)→ Hn(Sn, U)→ Hn(Sn)→ 0

Take directed limit, we have seen the first term becomes lim−→ Hn−1(U) =

Hn−1(K). By Poincare duality, the middle term is H0(Sn\K) and the lastis H0(Sn) = Z. So this sequence tells us H0(Sn\K) = Hn−1(K).

In the proof, we know that the locally contractible condition is used toguarantee lim−→ Hn−i−1(U) = Hn−i−1(K). This is not always true. Look atthe the following example.

Example 4.4.2. Let K denote the subset of the graph of the function y =sin( 1

x) for x 6= 0 and y-axis with |x|, |y| ≤ 1. Since there are three pathcomponents, H0(K;Z) is free abelian of rank 3.

However, for the directed limit lim−→H0(U), we only need calculate it for

open path connected neighborhoods of K, and thus lim−→H0(U) = Z.

Notice that K is not locally contractible at origin. Hence, it is also not aCW complex. This is called topologist’s sine curve which is a typical exampleof a connected but not path connected space. We also notice that this failsthe Alexander duality.

This theorem has many interesting applications. Let us start with thelowest nontrivial dimension n = 2.

Corollary 4.4.3. Let K ⊂ S2 be a simple closed curve, then S2\K has twocomponents.

Proof. Alexander duality says that H0(S2\K) = H1(S1) = Z. SoH0(S2\K) =Z2.


For n = 3, if we take K as knots. The Alexander duality simply tellsus that we cannot distinguish different knots from their homology groups.A result of Gordon-Luecke tells us that the fundamental group of the knotcomplement determines the knot. Actually, if we choose K ⊂ Sn as aspace homeomorphic to Sm, we will have the Alexander duality as well andthe proof is a delightful use of Mayer-Vietoris sequence. Especially, thisworks for a Alexander horned sphere. It is an example homeomorphic to D3

with its boundary homeomorphic to S2, but its complement is not simplyconnected. However, by Alexander duality, its complement has trivial firsthomology.

Exercise: A non-orientable closed surface cannot be embedded in S3 as asubmanifold.

Finally, we want to add that if we work on Cech cohomology insteadof singular cohomology, then the locally contractible condition could be re-moved. This is because Cech cohomology Hq(K) = lim−→Hq(U) for all neigh-

borhoods of K. Especially, for Cech cohomology H0 detects the connectedcomponents instead of path connected components. Notice that it does notcontradict to the Eilenberg-Steenrod uniqueness since all CW complexes arelocally contractible, thus path connected if it is connected.

A final remark on the definition of Cech cohomology. It is defined firstto each open cover U = Uα of a given space X and associate a simpli-cial complex N(U) called its nerve. This associates a vertex to each Uαand a set of k + 1 vertices spans a k-simplex if the corresponding Uα havenonempty intersection. For a refinement V = Vβ of U , which means eachVβ is contained in some Uα, then these inclusion would induce a simpli-cial map N(V) → N(U). Then the Cech cohomology Hq(X) is defined aslim−→Hq(N(U)).

4.5 Manifolds with boundary

An n-manifold with boundary is a Hausdorff space M in which each pointhas an open neighborhood homeomorphic either to Rn (called interior point)or to the half space Rn+ = (x1, · · · , xn) ∈ Rn|xn ≥ 0 (called boundarypoint). An interior point x ∈ M has Hn(M,M\x) = Z. A boundary pointx corresponds to a point (x1, · · · , xn) ∈ Rn+ with xn = 0. By excision, wehave Hn(M,M\x) = Hn(R+

n ,R+n \0) = 0.

If M is a compact manifold with boundary, then ∂M has a collar neigh-borhood, i.e. an open neighoborhood homeomorphic to ∂M × [0, 1) by ahomeomorphism sending ∂M to ∂M × 0.

A compact manifold M with boundary is called orientable if M :=M\∂M is orientable. If ∂M × [0, 1) is a collar neighborhood of ∂M , thenHi(M,∂M) = Hi(M\∂M, ∂M × (0, 1

2)). So Lemma 3.2.5 gives a relative


fundamental class, denoted as [M,∂M ] restricting to a given orientation ateach point of M\∂M . The following tells how to relate relative fundamentalclass to µ∂M . Later, for simplicity, we will write it as [∂M ].

Proposition 4.5.1. An orientation of M determines an orientation of ∂M .

Proof. Consider an open neighborhood U of a point x ∈ ∂M which is home-omorphic to an open half disk in Rn+. Let V = ∂U = U ∩ ∂M and let

y ∈ U = U\V . We have the following isomorphisms

Hn(M, M\U) =Hn(M, M\y)



∂→Hn−1(M\U ,M\U)

=Hn−1(M\U , (M\U)\x)

=Hn−1(∂M, ∂M\x)

=Hn−1(∂M, ∂M\V )

The connecting homomorphism is that of the triple (M,M\U ,M\U) thatis an isomorphism since H∗(M,M\U) = H∗(M,M) = 0. The isomorphismthat follows comes from the observation that the inclusion (M\U)\x →M\U is a homotopy equivalence. The next to last isomorphism is given byexcision of M\U .

Especially, ∂[M,∂M ] restricts to a generator of Hn−1(∂M, ∂M\x) forall x ∈ ∂M and thus is the fundamental class [∂M ] determined by theorientation of ∂M which is induced from that of M .

We have the following

Theorem 4.5.2 (Lefschetz duality). Suppose M is a compact oriented n-manifold with boundary, then the homomorphisms

D : Hp(M)→ Hn−p(M,∂M), α 7→ α ∩ [M,∂M ]

D : Hp(M,∂M)→ Hn−p(M), α 7→ α ∩ [M,∂M ]

are isomorphisms.And the following diagram is commutative.

Hq−1(M) Hq−1(∂M) Hq(M,∂M) Hq(M)

Hn−q−1(M,∂M) Hn−q(∂M) Hn−q(M) Hn−q(M,∂M)





Proof. We just apply Theorem 3.3.2 to M\∂M . Via a collar neighbor-hood, we have Hp(M,∂M) = Hp

c (M\∂M). And obviously, Hn−p(M) =Hn−p(M\∂M). Hence D : Hp(M,∂M)→ Hn−p(M) is an isomorphism.

The commutativity could be checked by inspecting the definition andusing the boundary formula for cap product. Leave the details as an exercise.

Finally by five lemma, D : Hp(M) → Hn−p(M,∂M) is an isomorphismas well.

For general manifold with boundary, we also similarly have Hpc (M) iso-

morphic to Hn−p(M,∂M), and Hpc (M,∂M) isomorphic to Hn−p(M) if we

define Hpc (M,∂M) = lim−→H i(M, (M −K) ∪ ∂M).

Now, we want to know what kind of n-manifolds could be the boundaryof an n+ 1-dimensional manifold with boundary? From the classification ofsurfaces, we now each orientable closed surface is the boundary of certain3-manifold. What about the non-orientable ones?

Theorem 4.5.3. Let an n-manifold Mn = ∂Wn+1. Then χ(M) is even.

Proof. When n is odd, it follows from Corollary 4.1.5.When n is even, take the double of W , which is obtained by take two

copies W+ and W− of W and glue them along the boundary. We denote itby 2W . So W+ ∪W− = 2W and W+ ∩W− = M . Hence, we have

χ(2W ) + χ(M) = χ(W+) + χ(W−) = 2χ(W ).

Since 2W is an odd dimensional manifold, χ(2W ) = 0. Hence χ(M) =2χ(W ), which is an even number.

Example 4.5.4. The double of a Mobius band is a Klein bottle. The doubleof an annulus of dimension 2 is a torus. The double of a disk is a sphere.Whose double is a torus?

For non-orientable surface, RP 2 is not a boundary. But one can checkthat the Klein bottle is a boundary. More generally, one can check thatRP 2k and CP 2k are not boundaries.

The next result relates the signature with the boundaries.

Theorem 4.5.5. Let M4k = ∂W 4k+1 where W is a compact oriented 4k+1-manifold, then σ(M) = 0.

Proof. We use R as coefficient for (co)homology. We denote [M ] = µM .The inclusion i : M → W induces homomorphism i∗ : H2k(W ) →

H2k(M). Let U = Im i∗.For u = i∗(w) ∈ U , we have

< u, u >=< i∗(w)∪ i∗(w), [M ] >=< i∗(w∪w), [M ] >=< w∪w, i∗[M ] >= 0

The last equality is because i∗∂ = 0 in the long exact sequence of the pair(W,M) and [M ] = ∂[W,M ].

We have seen that the diagram


H2k(W ) H2k(M) H2k+1(W,M)

H2k+1(W,M) H2k(M) H2k(W )





∂ i∗

is commutative. So rkImi∗ = rk ker δ = rk ker i∗. Since i∗ and i∗ aredual homomorphisms (that is where we use R coefficient), so rk cokeri∗ =rk ker i∗. Hence

rkH2k(M) = rkImi∗ + rk cokeri∗ = 2rkU.

Let V = H2k(M) and the positive/negative eigenspace of the intersectionform < v, v > would decompose it as V ±. The intersection form is 0 onlinear subspace U , so V + ∩ U = 0. Hence rkV + + rkU ≤ rkV . SimilarlyrkV − + rkU ≤ rkV . However, the intersection is nonsingular, so rkV + +rkV − = rkV .Thus rkV ± = rkU and σ(M) = 0.

This is proved by Thom, as part of his cobordism theory.

4.5.1 Linking number, Massey product

We could interpret the linking number of two cycles in Euclidean spaceby cup product in the complementary space. For example, suppose that Sp

and Sq are disjoint spheres in Sn where n = p+q+1, and 1 ≤ p < q ≤ n−2.By Alexander duality theorem, the complementary space Sn\(Sp ∪ Sq) hascohomology group Z in dimensions p, q and p+q. Therefore the cup productof the generators in dimensions p and q will be a certain multiple of thegenerator of cohomology class in dimension p + q. It can be shown thatthis multiple is just the linking number of Sp and Sq. Another slightlydifferent but easier to generalize definition is the following: we consideropen neighoborhood of the linked spheres and let them be U1, U2, and Mis the complement of U1, U2 in Sn and let the boundary be B = B1 ∪ B2.Let w and v be the generators of Hp and Hq respectively. And let thegenerators µ ∈ Hn(M,B), µi ∈ Hn−1(Bi). These could be chosen to theones compatible with the orientations induced from Sn. Then there is ainclusion g : B →M . We have the exact sequence

Hn−1(M)g∗→ Hn−1(B)

δ→ Hn(M,B)→ 0

Since µi are mapped to µ, the linking number is just the number m suchthat g∗(w ∪ v) = m(µ1 − µ2).

To understand it by intersections for two S1 in S3. Then the w, v cor-responds to singular discs D1, D2 bounds the two S1. And the generator ofH2(S3\(S1 ∪ S1)) corresponds to a path connecting B1 and B2. Hence the


intersection, if in general position, is a signed count of these paths. Can yousee the second viewpoint from this interpretation?

Similar idea could be applied to understand the Massey product. Nowlet us have three spheres in Sn, any two of them have linking number 0. Thegenerators of cohomology in dimensions between 0 and n−1 are denoted byw1, w2, w3. We could similarly define µi and the same exact sequence. Noticeg∗ is injective since the 3 cohomology groups are FREE abelian groups ofdimensions 2, 3, 1. Another view to see this is by the naturality of Alexanderduality, i.e. the following diagram commutes:

Hq(X) Hq(Y )

Hn−q−1(Sn\X) Hn−q−1(Sn\Y )


Now triple product could be understood as higher linking number oflinks, like the ones for Borromean ring.

Theorem 4.5.6. There exists an integer m13 such that

g∗ < w1, w2, w3 >= m13(µ1 − µ3).

For Borromean ring, this integer is 1. Here is a sketch of the proof. Ifx ∈ Hn−1(M) and g∗(x) = a1µ1 +a2µ2 +a3µ3, it follows from the exactnessthat a1 + a2 + a3 = 0. Hence we only need to prove the coefficient µ2

in g∗ < w1, w2, w3 > is 0, or g∗2 < w1, w2, w3 >= 0 for g2 : B2 → M .Actually, we could show g∗2w1 = g∗2w3 = 0, which follows from the naturalityof Alexander duality and the fact that pairwise linking numbers are 0.I.e.understand g∗2 on q1th cohomology as

Hp1(U1)⊕Hp1(U2)⊕Hp1(U3)→ Hp1(Sn\B2) = Hp1(U2)⊕Hp1(Sn\U2)

Then w1 corresponds to the generator of Hp1(U1) where U1 ⊂ Sn\U2 andthe degree of

Hp1(U1)→ Hp1(Sn\U2)

is just the linking number of S1 and S2.

Exercise: Think about how to use the intersection viewpoint to under-stand the m13 of Borromean ring.

4.6 Thom isomorphism

Let B be a manifold. A vector bundle π : E → B of rank n is a familyof n-dimensional real vector spaces Exx∈B, with E := tx∈MEx and π :


E → B mapping Ex to x, equipped with a topology for E such that π iscontinuous and the following local triviality condition holds:

For each x ∈ B there exists a neighborhood U of x and a homeomorphism

t : E|U := π−1(U)→ U × Rn

which is fibre preserving in the sense that for all x ∈ B the restriction of ton Ey is a vector space isomorphism onto Rn.

The space E is called the total space, B is called the base space. Themap π is called the projection. A continuous map s : B → E such thatπs = 1 is called a section of E. We could view B as a subset of E via thezero section x 7→ 0 ∈ Ex. Then denote E0 = E\B.

Typical examples include the trivial bundle B ×Rk; the tangent bundleTM = tx∈MTxM . Let (Ui, φi) be an atlas for M . The diffeomorphismφi : Ui → Rn induces a map

(φi)∗ : TUi → TRn = Rn × Rn

and the normal bundle N = NS/M of S in M which is determined by theexact sequence

0→ TS → TM |S → N → 0.

In the previous statements, we make use of a fact which is a good exercise.

Exercise: A vector bundle of rank n is trivial if and only if it has nsections which are linearly independent on π−1(x) for ∀x ∈ B.

A section of TM is a vector field on M . Especially, it implies that TRnis trivial but TS2 is not trivial.

Similar to that of a manifold, a local orientation at x ∈ B is a preferredgenerator µx ∈ Hn(Ex, Ex\0). A vector bundle is called orientable if forevery point x ∈ B, there is a neighborhood x ∈ U ⊂ B such that the thereis a cohomology class µU ∈ Hn(π−1(U), π−1(U)0) such that µU |Ex = µx.

Theorem 4.6.1. Let π : E → B be an oriented vector bundle of rank n.Then

1. Hm(E,E0) = 0 for m < n.

2. There exists a unique cohomology class u ∈ Hn(E,E0), called theThom class such that for all x ∈ B, the restriction of u to Hn(Ex, Ex\0) =Z is the prefered generator determined by the orientation.

3. The mapT : Hm(B)→ Hm+n(E,E0)

α 7→ π∗α ∪ u

is an isomorphism.


Proof. Let us only prove the case when B is compact. Then we can choosefinite covering Ui such that on each Ui, E is a trivial bundle.

1. First consider the case of trivial bundle E = B × Rn. Then byKunneth formula. We have

H∗(B)⊗H∗(Rn,Rn\0) = H∗(E,E0),

and hence

Hm(E,E0) = Hm−n(B)⊗ Z = Hm−n(B).

So Hn(E,E0) = Z, and we choose u as the generator corresponding to theorientation. Then the theorem is verified in this case.

2. We construct u by induction. Suppose B = V ∪W where the wherethe assertions of the theorem hold for E|V , E|W , E|V ∩W . Considering thelong exact sequence of the pair (E,E0) we have

Hm−1(E|V ∩W , E0|V ∩W )→ Hm(E,E0)→ Hm(E|V , E0|V )⊕Hm(E|W , E0|W )

The the assertion 1 follows from assumption on V,W . For m = n, we have

0→ Hn(E,E0)→ Hn(E|V , E0|V )⊕Hn(E|w, E0|W )→ Hn(E|V ∩W , E0|V ∩W )→ · · ·

By assumption, the Thom classes uV and uW exist and are unique. Byuniqueness, they have the same image in EV ∩W , namely uV ∩W . Thus theyform a cohomology class u ∈ Hn(E,E0). This class is uniquely defined sinceHn−1(E,E0) = 0.

To show the last assertion, we consider the following diagram

Hm(V )⊕Hm(W ) Hm(V ∩W ) Hm+1(B)

Hm+n(E|V , E0|V )⊕Hm+n(E|W , E0|W ) Hm+n(E|V ∩W , E0|V ∩W ) Hm+n+1(E,E0)





If we could show it commutes then the 5-lemma would give the right T isalso isomorphism. Again, the point is to show the second square commutes.Let choose a representative φ ∈ Sm+n(E,E0) of u. Then the restrictions φV ,φW and φV ∩W represent the Thom classes uV , uW and uV ∩W respectively.Now take a ∈ Hk(V ∩ W ) and a representative ψ. Suppose δa = b andif we write ψ = ψV − ψW where ψV ∈ Sk(V ) and ψW ∈ Sk(W ), we have[δψV ] = b. Hence

Tδ(a) = π∗(b) ∪ u = π∗[δψV ] ∪ u.


δT (a) = δ(π∗(a) ∪ uV ∩W ) = [δπ∗(ψV ) ∪ φV ] = Tδ.


Second equality is because φV is closed, the last is because π∗ commuteswith δ since it is a cochain map.

3. Suppose B is covered by finitely many open sets B1, · · · , Bk such thatthe bundle EBi is trivial for each Bi. We will prove by induction on k thatthe theorem is true for E. It is trivial for k = 1. For k > 1, we can assumethe assertions are true for E|B1∪···∪Bk−1

and E|(B1∪···∪Bk−1)∩Bk. Hence by

step 2, the theorem follows.

Now let Mn be a closed smooth manifold and S is a codimension k closedsubmanifold which is cooriented, i.e. the normal bundle NS is an orientedvector bundle. So a natural coorientation would be induced from orienta-tions of TS and TM . The tubular neighborhood theorem states that everysubmanifold S in M has a tubular neighborhood which is diffeomorphic tothe normal bundle. Then we could indentify such a tubular neighborhoodwith our normal bundle NS/M . And the Thom isomorphism applies to thenormal bundle gives

H∗(S)T→ H∗+k(NS , NS\S)→ H∗+k(M,M\S)→ H∗+k(M).

Without confusion, we denote the image of 1 ∈ H0(S) in this sequence byΦ as the image of u ∈ Hk(M,M\S) in Hk(M), and called the the Thomclass of S. Actually, this is the inverse of Poincare with respect to S, i.e

Proposition 4.6.2. i∗[S] = Φ ∩ [M ].

Proof. First, if we denote the inclusion κ : NS → M , i : S → M and theretraction r : NS → S. Then i∗ r∗ = k∗ on homology. We have

Φ ∩ [M ] = u ∩ [M,M\S] = u ∩ k∗[N,N\S] = i∗ r∗(k∗u ∩ [N,N\S]).

Thus Φ ∩ [M ] is i∗ image of some element of Hn−k(S). In other words,Φ ∩ [M ] = t · i∗[S]. We must show t = 1. We only need to prove it in N .For any point p ∈ S, we choose a neighborhood U ⊂ S, such that (V,U) =(Rn,Rn−k), where V = π−1(U) and π : N → S is the normal bundle.Then by definition of fundamental class, [M ] and [S] restrict to fundamentalclasses µ0 and ν0 of Rn and Rn−k respectively. And u is pulled back to theThom class u0 of Rn−k in Rn. Let g : V → N be the inclusion. Then if weread the relation in Hn(N,N\Q) where Q ⊂ V is the set corresponding toRk, we have

i∗[S] = g∗ν0 = g∗(g∗u ∩ µ0) = u ∩ g∗(µ0) = u ∩ [M ] = t · i∗[S].

The second inequality is because of the elementary relation u0 ∩ µ0 = ν0 intrivial bundle case in Step 1 of the Thom isomorphism. Hence t = 1.


Now we could finish the proof of Equation (4.1) by virtue of Proposition4.6.2. Φx ∩ [M ] is just ε(x) for any x ∈ X ∩ Y where the coorientation isinduced from that of X and Y . (It is an exercise to check it. Notice we usenormal bundle for the first and use tangent bundle for the second.) Hencethe proof is reduced to prove

Proposition 4.6.3. ΦX∩Y = ΦX ∪ ΦY . Equivalently, i∗[X ∩ Y ] = i∗[X] ·i∗[Y ].

Proof. It is helpful to introduce some self-explained super and sub scriptsto our Thom classes and inclusions.

ΦX∩Y ∩ [M ] =(iMX∩Y )∗[X ∩ Y ]

=(iMY )∗(iYX∩Y )∗[X ∩ Y ]

=(iMY )∗(uYX∩Y ∩ [Y ])

=(iMY )∗((iMY )∗uMX ∩ [Y ])

=ΦX ∩ (iMY )∗[Y ]

=ΦX ∩ (ΦY ∩ [M ])

=(ΦX ∪ ΦY ) ∩ [M ]

Thom isomorphism has lots of interesting applications, e.g. Lefschetzfixed point theorem. Let us mention another: Euler class.

Definition 4.6.4. Let E → M be a vector bundle and o : M → E be thezero section. Then the Euler class e(E) is the image of Thom class uE underthe composition

Hn(E,E0)→ Hn(E)o∗→ Hn(M).

For the special case when S is a submanifold of M and E is taken asits normal bundle. The Euler class e(S) is the pull back of the Thom classthrough

i : S → (M,M\S).

In this case, Euler class could be viewed as the obstruction of deforming Sto M\S.

Proposition 4.6.5. If the inclusion S ⊂M is homotopic to a map f : S →M whose image is contained in M\S, then e(S) = 0.

Proof. Hence the inclusion i : S → (M,M\S) is homotopic to a map φ : S →(M,M\S) which is factored through (M\S,M\S). Hence in cohomologyi∗ = φ∗ factors through H∗(M\S,M\S) = 0. So i∗ = 0 and hence e(N) =0.


Proposition 4.6.6. T (e(S)) = u ∪ u where u ∈ Hk(M,M\S) is the Thomclass.

Proof. T (e) = T (i∗(u)) = π∗i∗(u) ∪ u = u ∪ u.

Corollary 4.6.7. If the codimension k of S in M is odd, then 2e(S) = 0.

The name of Euler class is from the following

Theorem 4.6.8. Let M be an oriented n-manifold, ∆ : M → M ×M bethe diagonal map. Then

1. < e(M), [∆M ] >= χ(M) where χ is the Euler characteristic.

2. The normal bundle of the diagonal (∆M ) is isomorphic to TM .

The Euler class is a characteristic class in the following sense

Definition 4.6.9. A cohomology class c(E) ∈ H∗(M) associated to anyvector bundle E → M is called a characteristic class if it is natural withrespect to pullbacks in the sense that c(f∗E) = f∗(c(E)).