cognos installtion and configuration with oracle

Cognos8 Installation And Configuration with Oracle9i Database

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Page 1: Cognos Installtion and Configuration With Oracle

Cognos8 Installation AndConfiguration with Oracle9i Database

Page 2: Cognos Installtion and Configuration With Oracle

Table of Contents

1. Cognos8.4 Installation:.....................................................................................................42. Oracle 9i database Installation:........................................................................................93. Oracle 9i Configuration:..................................................................................................144. Restore Sample Databases:............................................................................................196. Cognos8.4 Configuration with Oracle 9i Database:.........................................................287. Deployment of Cognos8 Samples:..................................................................................328. Data Sources creation in Cognos Connection:................................................................37

Page 3: Cognos Installtion and Configuration With Oracle


This Document Outlines the Installation and Configuration of the Cognos8.4 with Oracle9i Database. It presents in detail the procedural screenshots of the Installation and Configuration. It also presents procedure for restoring of the Sample Databases, Setting up of the Web- Aliases, Datasource Creation, Deployment of Cognos Samples.

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1. Cognos8.4 Installation:

Copy cognos8.4 dump to local machine

Open folder Server>win32 inside Cognos8

Run the “setup.exe” file from the folder

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Click on Run

Keep default selection of Installation Language Selection as “English (Default)” and proceed to next step

For License Agreement select on option I accept and click on next

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Keep default Installation Location and click on next

For Component Selection by default selected and click on next

Keep default selection of Shortcut Folder and proceed to next step

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For Installation Summary click on next

Installation Progress – after all cognos 8 components install and click on Finish

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2. Oracle 9i database Installation:

Steps to be followed for oracle 9i installation

Copy oracle dump to local machine

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Open folder disk1 inside oracle

Run the “setup.exe” file from the folder

Click Next to proceed

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Keep default file location and proceed to next step

Keep default selection of Available Products as “Oracle 9i Database” and proceed to next step

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Keep default selection of Installation Types as “Enterprise Edition” and proceed to next step

Keep default selection of Database Configuration as “General Purpose”” and proceed to next step

Keep the default Port Number and proceed

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For Database Identification give a name (Preferably “System”) which will be the service name

Keep the default Database File Location and proceed

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Select the Database Character Set as “Unicode (AL32UTF8)”.

At the End of installation give the Sys Password and System Password (preferably same for both) when prompted.

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3. Oracle 9i Configuration:

1. Open Enterprise Manager Console from “Start>All programs>Oracle-Service name”

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2. Enter in the Database using service name as user name and Sys password and select Connect as: SYSDBA(If service name is “System” then you can login as Normal)

3. In Database>Storage>TableSpace right click and select Create tablespace for Content Store and Cognos Samples

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4. In Database>Security>Users create users for Content Manager and for Database samples (Like GOSL,GORT etc)

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Content Manager (CM)

Database Samples (GOSL)

5. For Each Database follow the below steps:

Enter the Username , Give Password(preferably same as username) Select the Tablespace Content Store for Content Manager

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In the Role tab add DBA as the Available Role and check the Admin Option for all

Content Manager (CM)

6. For Each Database follow the below steps: Enter the Username , Give Password(preferably same as username) Select the Tablespace Cognos Samples for Database Samples.

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Add DBA role and check the Admin Option for all Database Samples (GOSL)

Create the Users under the Security in Enterprise Manger Console.

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4. Restore Sample Databases:

To import samples into the User open the DOS Command window and the follow below steps

Type the import command “imp username (GOSL, GORT etc.)/password(of username)

Provide the path of the .DMP file(sample file for Oracle) when prompted for Import file.

Retain the Buffer size as default

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Type N and press ENTER

For “Ignore Create error “ type Y and press Enter

Press Enter for “Import grant“

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Press Enter for “Import table data“

Press Enter for “Import entire export file“

At the end of import we will get a message “Import terminated successfully with warnings”.

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6. Cognos8.4 Configuration with Oracle 9i Database:

1. Copy “ojdbc14.jar” from Oracle Library path “oracle/ora92/jdbc/lib” to C8 library path “Programfiles/cognos/c8/wepapps/p2pd/WEB-INF/lib”

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2. Open Cognos Configuration from “Start>All programs -> Cognos8”

3. Delete Content Store From Data Access -> Content Manager

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4. Right Click on Content Manager create New resource -> Database

5. Type the name as Content Store and select the type Oracle Database

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6. In Content Store type service name of Oracle and User ID ( User ID should be the name of content store created as user in oracle -> security -> users) and its password

7. Test the Content Manager. ( Right- Click Content Store -> Test)

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8. Database Connection succeeds. Save the configuration and start Cognos Service

7. Deployment of Cognos8 Samples:

Go to C8 location C:\Program Files\Cognos\c8\webcontent\samples\Content and copy the Cognos Samples. Zip and paste under the deployment location C:\Program Files\Cognos\c8\deployment

Import the Cognos Samples into the C8 environment

1. Open your browser, and type http://localhost/cognos8, and press Enter.2. Go to Cognos Connection.3. From the Lanch menu, click IBM Cognos Administration.

4. Click on Content Administration

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5. On the toolbar, click New Import.

6. Select the deployment archive page, select the Cognos_Samples archive and then click next.

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6. Specify the name, click next.

7. Select GO Data Warehouse, GO Sales, GO Sales and Retailers packages.

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8. Uncheck the Disable after import and then click next.

9. Click Next on Specify the general options page,

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10. Click Next on Review the summary page,

11. Click Save and run once, and then click Finish.

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12. On the Run with options page, click Run, and then click OK.

8. Data Sources creation in Cognos Connection:

1. Go to IBM Cognos Connection click on Launch -> IBM Cognos Administration

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2. Click on Configuration tab and create New Data Source

3. Type Name and click next

4. Under Connection Type, Select Oracle and then click Next

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5. In the Oracle Connection String , Type Service name (Which is created in Oracle)

6. Under Signon, check the Password box and Type the User ID and Password (Oracle) and Test the Connection.

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7. Data Source created successfully