cognitive development of the high school learners - psychology 2

Cognitive Development of the High School Learners

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Cognitive Development of the

High School Learners

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Similarly remarkable as the physical changes in the transitional period of adolescence, are changes in thinking patterns. These changes are marked by the acquisition of new cognitive skills due to the brain’s increasing weight and refining synaptic connections ( technically known as the CORPUS COLLOSUM ) which join and coordinate the two hemispheres of the brain.

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Another brain development is the process of continuous concentration of the brain cells in the prefrontal cortex and related temporal and parietal areas ( technically known as myelination)

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Accompanying brain changes in cognitive capability, the adolescent begins to acquire spatial awareness and formulate abstract or general ideas involving numbers, order, and cause-effect. All these changes propel the adolescent from the world of the sensible and concrete thoughts to the world of the possible and the universal (abstract ideas, such as on the generally good, true and beautiful).

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Piaget’s Formal

Operational Thinker

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Piaget formulated the theory of Formal Operational Thinking which demonstrates how the cognitive capacity of the adolescent allows him/her to go beyond the sensible and concrete to dwell on what is abstract, hypothetical, multidimensional and possible.

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Formal Operational thinking consists in :

a)Propositional Thinking – making assertions outside visual evidence and stating what may be possible in things not seen by the eyes (for example, whether an unseen object is red or green, big or small, and flat or round);

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b) Relative Thinking – subjectively making an opinion on facts – involving one’s own bias, prejudice of distortion of facts – which may be either right or wrong (for example, arguing for or against the superiority of the races, whether white, brown, yellow or black);

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c) Real versus Possible – examining a situation and exploring the possible in terms of situations or solutions (e.g. possible success in implementing a student project or school policy).

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For Piaget one indication of formal operational thinking is the ability of the adolescent thinker for combinational analysis, which is his taking back the effects of several variables in a situation, testing one variable at a time, and not randomly.

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Hypothetic-Deductive Reasoning

emerges in the adolescent reasoning from general fact situations to a particular conclusion.

Scientific evidence shows that while adolescents may obtain the capacity of formal operational thinking, only experience and education will allow them to actually practice it.

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Problem-Solving Thinker This involves identifying problems

and seeking new and creative solutions for them.

The problem solving thinker is the one who is able to rethink and reorganize ideas and ask important questions, even defining totally new problems not previously seen.

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He sees cognitive growth, as stage of development, but more

of a sequential acquisition specific knowledge and

strategies for problem solving. ROBERT SIEGLERIn his experiments he uses rule models in relation

to balance, weight, distance, conflict-weight, conflict-distance, and conflict balance problems. thereupon, adolescents may show the ff.;a. Speed in information processingb. Complexityc. increased volume of information processing 

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METACOGNITION It is the ability to think above thinking,

evidenced by awareness of and capacity to identify one’s own thinking processes or strategies-perception, comprehension, memory and problem solving.

INFORMATION PROCESSING TRENDS1. The knowledge acquired through experience

is stored in long term memory and now becomes more declarative (“ I know that ”) and procedural ( “ I know how “ ).

2. Learners becomes aware of his/her poor memory.

3. Adolescent’s ability to acquire an increased amount of knowledge and skills along many areas and domains.

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Overachievers Achievement and IQ tests are

standard measurements of the learner’s abilities, as well as potentials for success in given areas.

In many societies, students who get IQ scores that place them in the top 3 and 5 percent on the bell curve are considered “gifted”. Still, those whose IQ tests are not in the 3 and 5 percent on the bell curve may actually achieve very high academic grades.

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1. Positive self-value2. Openness to

authority3. Positive interpersonal

relations4. Less conflict on issue

of self-autonomy5. Academic oriented6. Goal-oriented7. Control over anxiety

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Underachievers Individuals whose

performance are below the measured IQ levels are called underachievers.

In spite of possible potentials to learn and scores in the top quarter on measured academic ability, their grades are below their measured aptitudes for academic achievement.

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Two types of Underachievers :

1. Withdrawn Underachievers – are described as having a more pronounced tendency to be passive (their overt behavior being submissive and docile).

2. Aggressive Underachievers – tend to be talkative, if not disruptive and rebellious..

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PARENTAL INVOLVEMENTThe influences of parents appears to the dominant influence on the adolescent’s

achievement level more than peer group influence.

Parents of High Achievers demonstrate :

1. Positivity attitude in learning, school, teachers, and intellectual activities.

2. Harmonious and supportive relationship3. Their own capabilities for success, conflict

management, independent choice with which children can identify.

4. Encouragement and support for their children achievement without undue pressure.

5. Active involvement in school program and in parent-teacher-community activities.

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Meanwhile, parents of Underachievers show little or none of the above traits, while possibly

showing :

1. Indifference and disinterestedness in academic and extra-curricular activities.

2. Authoritarian, restrictive and rejecting attitudes or being excessively lax so as to leave their children on their own without any involvement or support.

3. Excessive indulgence, solicitousness, and protectiveness, thus stifling their children’s self initiative.

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Possible adolescent behavior during cognitive growth

Accompanying cognitive growth are possible behaviors which need to be understood for proper guidance of the adolescent :

1.Egocentrism – this is the tendency among adolescents to think too much of themselves, such as to be too sensitive to social acceptance of their appearance, actions, feelings and ideas, etc.

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2. Idealism – The adolescent opens thought on the possible, an avenue to possibly imagining what is far-fetched and less ideal to situations at home, in school, and in society. Imagining the world of the impossible (as a utopia or heaven on earth), the adolescent may become discouraged as social realities (e.g. family discords) fall short of the ideal.

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Developing Occupational Skills

Generally, the high school curriculum tends to focus on academic cognitive learning, neglecting attention to occupational skill. In the Philippines, there is evidence that high school graduates lack skills to directly enter a labor sector. Generally college education is viewed as the path to occupations and careers in life.

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Unfortunately, even college graduates are viewed to lack occupational skills needed for employment in the present-day commercial and industry sectors.

Today, experts believe that high schools can go more along the area of developing occupational skills than they are providing adolescent students in high school. It is important therefore, at least to guide students on their future career choices to view how personality types match occupational interests and potential skills.

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Holland Codes-is a theory of careers and vocational choice based upon personality types. It was developed by the psychologist John L. Holland.- Each letter or code stands for a particular "type":1.Realistic (Doers)2. Investigative (Thinkers)3. Artistic (Creators)4. Social (Helpers)5. Enterprising (Persuaders) 6.Conventional (Organizers).


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Personality Factors : Realistic – This personality type

prefers practical tasks, often requiring physical labor and motor coordination, and less of interpersonal skills, e.g. in construction (carpenters, drivers, etc.)

Investigative – They prefer to think rather than act, being interested in tasks that use conceptual skills, e.g. in the field of the sciences and technology (chemists, scientists, technologists, etc.)

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Social – They are social and tend to engage in interpersonal situations and social interaction, e.g. in the social sciences (social workers, physicians, broadcasters, etc.)

Conventional – They prefer structured tasks and can subject their needs to those of others, e.g. in office jobs (clerks, manual workers, etc.).

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Enterprising – They are skilled and constructive in thoughts and actions, and are capable of leading others, e.g. in business, industries (sales, enterprises, etc.)

Artistic – They prefer unstructured tasks and may show ability for self-expression, e.g. in the arts (artists, musicians, performers, etc.)

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1. Self-reliance2. Ability to manage money3. Social responsibility4. Mature work5. Personal responsibility6. Positive attitudes

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School activities outside the subject for classroom study are mechanism for further

development of the adolescent student, allowing them to acquire new attitudes

(such as discipline and motivation), knowledge (such as of organization, sports, etc.), and skills (organizing, planning, time-

managing, athletics, etc.).

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