coding sheet pl_1

PL Project Coding Sheet (Version 1; Jan 19) Notes for coders: Please fill out one sheet for each question asked in given year’s priamaia liniia broadcast. In each of the sub-sections, you can mark multiple items in this section, if applicable. You can highlight the appropriate section and add text, if appropriate. E.g. mark 3.1. and 3.4, if the question concerns jobs, and add something brief: "person lost job." In sections: “other” feel free to specify and add notes on particulars of the question/response/media interaction. I. Basic information/identifiers 1.1. Year: 1.2. Segment No./youtube link to segment: 1.3. Question No. 1.4. How does question come in? Via call center, internet, live link to city/village? II. Person asking question 2.1 Geographic location? ________________ 2.2 Urban/rural 2.3 Age: Under 25, 25-50, over 50 (best judgement) 2.4 Gender: F / M 2.5 Profession: ________________ 2.6 Russian/ non-Russian ethnicity; identified or not identified? 2.7 If yes, what it is? ________________ III. Issue/topic raised by person asking question 3.1. Economic issues? (Y/N) 3.2. Pensions 3.3 Salaries 3.4. Jobs 3.5. Corruption 3.6. Property (property disputes, land ownership, other property) 3.7. Privatization (dispute, clarification, etc.) 3.8. Other economic ________ 4.1 Political and legal issue (Y/N) 4.2. Local authorities; unresponsive or other problems 1

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Page 1: coding sheet PL_1

PL Project Coding Sheet (Version 1; Jan 19)Notes for coders: Please fill out one sheet for each question asked in given year’s priamaia liniia broadcast. In each of the sub-sections, you can mark multiple items in this section, if applicable. You can highlight the appropriate section and add text, if appropriate. E.g. mark 3.1. and 3.4, if the question concerns jobs, and add something brief: "person lost job." In sections: “other” feel free to specify and add notes on particulars of the question/response/media interaction.

I. Basic information/identifiers 1.1. Year: 1.2. Segment No./youtube link to segment:1.3. Question No. 1.4. How does question come in? Via call center, internet, live link to city/village?

II. Person asking question 2.1 Geographic location? ________________2.2 Urban/rural2.3 Age: Under 25, 25-50, over 50 (best judgement) 2.4 Gender: F / M2.5 Profession: ________________2.6 Russian/ non-Russian ethnicity; identified or not identified? 2.7 If yes, what it is? ________________

III. Issue/topic raised by person asking question 3.1. Economic issues? (Y/N) 3.2. Pensions3.3 Salaries3.4. Jobs3.5. Corruption3.6. Property (property disputes, land ownership, other property)3.7. Privatization (dispute, clarification, etc.) 3.8. Other economic ________

4.1 Political and legal issue (Y/N) 4.2. Local authorities; unresponsive or other problems4.3. Police/secret service4.4. Laws, problems with implementation of laws, legal wrongs?4.5. Courts4.6. Elections4.7. Protests4.8 Other political issue ______

5.1. Social issues (Y/N)


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5.2. Immigration (CIS or non-CIS5.3. Narcotics5.4. Schools, universities, education 5.5. Hospitals/healthcare5.6. Orphans5.7. Housing services

6.1. Foreign Relations/Wars 6.2. Concerning US6.3. Concerning the EU/Eastern Europe6.4. Concerning China6.5. Concerning other CIS countries?6.6. Other?

7. Geographical Scope of Question?7.1 Personal/family only7.2. Village7.3. Oblast/krai 7.4. Fed. okrug/other larger region 7.5. Federal/all of Russia7.6. Not specified

IV. Response by VVP (Y/N) 8.1. Acknowledges problem8.2. Makes a promise8.3. Suggests a solution8.4. Clarifies the situation (specify how he does this? legal facts, statistics, other)8.5. Refers to existing Russian laws8.6. Refers to existing policies and reforms underway8.7. Refers to foreign examples (specify: positive, negative, which country)8.8. Does he seem to adjust response to child/pensioner/other

special case? (i.e. polite, simpler in his terms?)8.9. Other types of responses? Describe:

_____________________________________9.0 Additional notes on VVP response:


V. Representation of the Media/reporters’ role before or after this question (Y/N)

10.1 Do reporters make references to imperatives of live broadcast with technical details?

10.2. Do reporters make references to weather/geographic details in their intro?10.3. Is there an exchange between reporters and VVP?


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10.4. Is VVP deferring to reporters as authorities?10.5 How are reporters interacting with the public? 10.6 Are reporters mentioning additional details/statistic/information? 10.7. Other remarks by reporters? _________________________________________