coding on travel management in c++

#include<iostream.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<dos.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include"d:\gaurav\screen.cpp" #include"d:\gaurav\clear3.cpp" #include"d:\gaurav\box.cpp" #include"d:\gaurav\box1.cpp" #include"d:\gaurav\box2.cpp" #include"d:\gaurav\box3.cpp" #include"d:\gaurav\dbox.cpp" #include"d:\gaurav\clear.cpp" #include"d:\gaurav\clear1.cpp" #include"d:\gaurav\clear2.cpp" #include"d:\gaurav\help.cpp" #include"d:\tc\password.cpp" #include"d:\gaurav\status.cpp" #include"d:\gaurav\market.cpp" #include"d:\gaurav\employ.cpp" #include"d:\gaurav\road.cpp" class book:public road,password,status,market,employ { public: void menu(); }; void book::menu() { clrscr(); login(); char check; do { clrscr(); xyz: clrscr(); textcolor(WHITE); screen(); gotoxy(37,16); cout<<"MAIN MENU"; screen1();

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Page 1: Coding on travel management in c++

#include<iostream.h>#include<fstream.h>#include<conio.h>#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>#include<dos.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include"d:\gaurav\screen.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\clear3.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\box.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\box1.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\box2.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\box3.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\dbox.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\clear.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\clear1.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\clear2.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\help.cpp"#include"d:\tc\password.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\status.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\market.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\employ.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\road.cpp"class book:public road,password,status,market,employ { public:

void menu(); };void book::menu() { clrscr(); login(); char check; do { clrscr(); xyz: clrscr(); textcolor(WHITE); screen(); gotoxy(37,16); cout<<"MAIN MENU"; screen1(); gotoxy(25,20); textcolor(GREEN); cprintf(" 1. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT"); gotoxy(25,23); cprintf(" 2. MARKETING DEPARTMENT"); gotoxy(25,26); cprintf(" 3. EMPLOYEEE DEPARTMENT"); gotoxy(25,29); cprintf(" 4. ROADWAYS DEPARTMENT");

Page 2: Coding on travel management in c++

gotoxy(25,32); cprintf(" 5.PASSWORD"); gotoxy(25,35); cprintf(" 6.HELP"); gotoxy(25,38); cprintf(" 7. EXIT"); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(26,39); _setcursortype(_SOLIDCURSOR);

cprintf("ENTER YOUR CHOICE:"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(44,39); check=getch(); switch(check)

{ case '1':

clrscr(); admin::look(); goto xyz;

case '2': clrscr(); market::make(); goto xyz;

case '3': clrscr(); employ::move(); goto xyz;

case '4': clrscr(); road::march(); goto xyz;

case '5': clrscr(); password::menu(); goto xyz;

case '6': clrscr(); screen2(); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(35,6); cprintf("\nHELP MENU"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(21,10); cprintf("\nTHE TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT

SYSTEM"); textcolor(WHITE); help(); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(18,15); cprintf("IF CHOICE:1# ");

Page 3: Coding on travel management in c++

textcolor(11); gotoxy(26,16); cprintf("The User can work with the "); gotoxy(26,18); cprintf("Administrative Department Menu."); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(18,20); cprintf("IF CHOICE:2# "); textcolor(11); gotoxy(26,21); cprintf("The User can Work with the"); gotoxy(26,23); cprintf("Marketing Department Menu."); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(18,25); cprintf("IF CHOICE:3# "); textcolor(11); gotoxy(26,26); cprintf("The user can work with"); gotoxy(26,28); cprintf("Employee Department Menu."); gotoxy(18,30); textcolor(RED); cprintf("IF CHOICE:4# "); textcolor(11); gotoxy(26,31); cprintf("The user can work with"); gotoxy(26,33); cprintf("Roadways Department Menu."); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(18,35); cprintf("IF CHOICE:5# "); textcolor(11); gotoxy(26,36); cprintf("The user can work with Password Menu"); gotoxy(26,39); textcolor(5); cprintf("Press Any Key To Continue........"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto xyz;

case '7': clrscr(); gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"Thanks For Using This Software..."; getch(); exit(1);

default : gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE);

Page 4: Coding on travel management in c++

getch(); goto xyz;


}while(1); }void main() { textbackground(BLACK); clrscr(); book mo;; getch(); } End of main class coding.

Administrative Module Coding:

Starting of admin class coding:

/*-------------------Including of classes for Inheritence--------------------------*/#include"d:\gaurav\elook.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\recruit.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\budget.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\income.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\salary.cpp"/*-------------------End of Including of classes------------------------------------*//*--------------------Starting of admin class for Administrative Department Menu generation-----------------------*/class admin:public employee,recruitment,income,budget//declaration of class with the inheritence of salary,budget,employee and recruitment class { public:

void look();//declaration of function for Administraive Module menu creation };//End of class declaration/*--------------------------Starting of function definition ---------------------------*/void admin::look() { abc: char first; clrscr(); screen(); gotoxy(28,16); cout<<"ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT MENU"; screen1(); textcolor(GREEN);

Page 5: Coding on travel management in c++

gotoxy(24,21); cprintf(" 1. DEPARTMENT STATUS");//calling for department status menu gotoxy(24,24); cprintf(" 2. EMPLOYEE RECRUITMENT DIVISION");//calling for employee recruitment division gotoxy(24,27); cprintf(" 3. ACCOUNT DIVISION");//calling of account division menu gotoxy(24,30); cprintf(" 4. REPORT");//calling for report generation gotoxy(24,33); cprintf(" 5. HELP");//calling for help generation gotoxy(24,36); cprintf(" 6. RETURN TO MAIN");//return to main menu textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(25,38); cprintf("Enter Your Choice:"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(43,38); first=getch(); switch(first) { case '1'://department status menu generation

dep: char ch6; clrscr(); screen3(); gotoxy(28,15); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT"); gotoxy(27,17); cprintf("DEPARTMENT STATUS SUBMENU"); screen1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(23,22); cprintf("[1] Employee Status");//for checking of

employee status gotoxy(23,25); cprintf("[2] Employee Recruitment Status");//for

checking for recruitment status gotoxy(23,28); cprintf("[3] Account Status");//checking of account

status gotoxy(23,31); cprintf("[4] Help");//for help generation gotoxy(23,34); cprintf("[5] Return to Administrative Menu"); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(32,37); cprintf("Enter Your choice:"); textcolor(WHITE);

Page 6: Coding on travel management in c++

ch6=getch(); switch(ch6) { case '1': //calling of employee_details from

employee class clrscr(); employee estu; estu.employee_details(); getch(); goto dep;

case '2'://calling of recruitment_display from recruitment class

clrscr(); recruitment rlu; rlu.recruitment_display(); gotoxy(25,42); cout<<"Press Any Key To Continue........"; getch(); goto dep;

case '3'://calling for report generation menu dep1: clrscr(); char ch7; screen2(); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nREPORT SUBMENU"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nFOR"); gotoxy(33,10); cprintf("\nACCOUNT DIVISION"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(23,21); textcolor(5); cprintf("1.Income Report");//for income

report generation gotoxy(23,24); cprintf("2.Salary Report");//for salary

report generation gotoxy(23,27); cprintf("3.Budget Report");//for budget

report generation gotoxy(23,30); cprintf("4.Return To Department Status

Submenu "); textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(25,32); cprintf("Enter Your Choice"); textcolor(WHITE); ch7=getch(); switch(ch7)

Page 7: Coding on travel management in c++

{ case '1'://calling of income_show

function from income class clrscr(); income inc; inc.income_show(); getch(); goto dep1;

case '2'://calling of salary_show function from salary class

clrscr(); salary salu; salu.salary_show(); getch(); goto dep1;

case '3'://calling of budget_display function from budget class

clrscr(); budget buk; buk.budget_display(); getch(); goto dep1;

case '4': goto dep;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please

retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto dep1;

} case '4'://calling for help generation

clrscr(); screen2(); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(35,6); cprintf("\nHELP MENU"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nFOR"); gotoxy(32,10); cprintf("\nDEPARTMENT STATUS"); textcolor(WHITE); help(); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(18,18); cprintf("IF CHOICE:1# "); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(26,21); cprintf("The user can take Information


Page 8: Coding on travel management in c++

gotoxy(26,23); cprintf("Employee Status."); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(18,25); cprintf("IF CHOICE:2# "); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(26,27); cprintf("The user can take Information

about"); gotoxy(26,29); cprintf("Employee Recruitment Status."); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(18,31); cprintf("IF CHOICE:3# "); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(26,33); cprintf("The user can take and generate

Report"); gotoxy(26,35); cprintf("about account Status."); gotoxy(18,42); textcolor(5);

cprintf("Press Any Key To Continue........");

textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto dep;

case '5': goto abc;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto dep;

} case '2'://calling of rcruitment menu

clrscr(); recruitment req1; req1.recruitment_menu(); goto abc;

case '3'://calling of account division again: char chor; clrscr(); screen3(); gotoxy(28,15); cout<<"ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT"; gotoxy(31,17); cout<<"ACCOUNT DIVISION";

Page 9: Coding on travel management in c++

screen1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(23,23); cprintf("[1] Income Section");//calling for income

section gotoxy(23,26); cprintf("[2] Salary Section");//calling for salary

section gotoxy(23,29); cprintf("[3] Budget Section");//calling for budget

section gotoxy(23,32); cprintf("[4] Help");//calling for help generation gotoxy(23,35); cprintf("[5] Return to Administrative Menu"); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(32,38); cout<<"Enter Your choice:"; textcolor(WHITE); chor=getch(); switch(chor)

{ case '1'://calling of income menu

clrscr(); income inco; inco.income_menu(); goto again;

case '2'://calling of salary menu clrscr(); salary salo; salo.salary_menu(); goto again;

case '3'://calling of budget menu clrscr(); budget buga; buga.budget_menu(); goto again;

case '4'://for help generationclrscr();screen2();textcolor(RED);gotoxy(35,6);cprintf("\nHELP MENU");gotoxy(39,8);cprintf("\nFOR");gotoxy(32,10);cprintf("\nACCOUNT DIVISION");textcolor(WHITE);help();textcolor(RED);gotoxy(18,18);cprintf("IF CHOICE:1# ");

Page 10: Coding on travel management in c++

textcolor(11);gotoxy(26,20);cprintf("The user can make Entry,

Modification,");gotoxy(26,22);cprintf("Deletion and Details of Income

Details.");textcolor(RED);gotoxy(18,24);cprintf("IF CHOICE:2# ");textcolor(11);gotoxy(26,26);cprintf("The user can make Entry,

Modification,");gotoxy(26,28);cprintf("Deletion and Details of Salary

Details.");textcolor(RED);gotoxy(18,30);cprintf("IF CHOICE:3# ");textcolor(11);gotoxy(26,32);cprintf("The user can make Entry,

Modification,");gotoxy(26,34);cprintf("Deletion and Details of Budget

Details.");textcolor(RED);gotoxy(18,36);cprintf("IF CHOICE:4# ");textcolor(11);gotoxy(26,38);cprintf("The user can take Help For");gotoxy(26,40);cprintf("Account Devision.");gotoxy(18,42);textcolor(5);cprintf("Press Any Key To Continue........");textcolor(WHITE);getch();goto again;

case '5':goto abc;

default:gotoxy(21,46);textcolor(BLUE+BLINK);cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!");textcolor(WHITE);getch();goto again;

} case '4': //for report menu generation

Page 11: Coding on travel management in c++

adm: clrscr(); char ch8; screen2(); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nREPORT MENU"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nFOR"); gotoxy(29,10); cprintf("\nADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT"); textcolor(WHITE); screen1(); gotoxy(23,21); textcolor(5); cprintf("1.Employee Report");//generation for

employee report gotoxy(23,24); cprintf("2.Employee Recruitment Report");//generation

of employee recruitment report gotoxy(23,27); cprintf("3.Income Report");//generation of income

report gotoxy(23,30); cprintf("4.Salary Report For Administrative

Purpose");//generation of salary report gotoxy(23,33); cprintf("5.Budget Report");//generation of budget

report gotoxy(23,36); cprintf("6.Return To Administrative Menu"); textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(25,38); cprintf("Enter Your Choice"); textcolor(WHITE); ch8=getch();

switch(ch8) { case '1'://calling of employee_details function

from employee class clrscr(); employee eps; eps.employee_details(); getch(); goto adm;

case '2'://calling of recruitment_display function from recruitment class

clrscr(); recruitment reco1; reco1.recruitment_display(); getch(); goto adm;

Page 12: Coding on travel management in c++

case '3'://calling of income_show function from income class

clrscr(); income incom; incom.income_show(); getch(); goto adm;

case '4'://calling of salary_show from salary class

clrscr(); salary salo2; salo2.salary_show(); getch(); goto adm;

case '5'://calling of budget_display class from budget class

clrscr(); budget bug3; bug3.budget_display(); getch(); goto adm;

case '6': goto abc;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto adm;

} case '5'://help menu generation for Administrative menu

clrscr(); screen2(); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(35,6); cprintf("\nHELP MENU"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nFOR"); gotoxy(29,10); cprintf("\nADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT"); textcolor(WHITE); help(); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(18,16); cprintf("IF CHOICE:1# "); textcolor(11); gotoxy(26,18); cprintf("The user can check the Department

Status."); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(18,20);

Page 13: Coding on travel management in c++

cprintf("IF CHOICE:2# "); textcolor(11); gotoxy(26,22); cprintf("The user can make Entry, Modification,"); gotoxy(26,24); cprintf("Deletion and Details of Employee

Recruitment"); gotoxy(26,26); cprintf("Division."); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(18,28); cprintf("IF CHOICE:3# "); textcolor(11); gotoxy(26,30); cprintf("The user can work with the Account

Division."); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(18,32); cprintf("IF CHOICE:4# "); textcolor(11); gotoxy(26,34); cprintf("The user can Generate Report For"); gotoxy(26,36); cprintf("all above choices"); gotoxy(18,40); textcolor(5); cprintf("Press Any Key To Continue........"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto abc;

case '6': break;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto abc;

} }/*----------------------------End of admin class-------------------------------*/ End of admin class coding

Starting of budget class coding:

/*-------------------------Starting of budget class--------------------*/class budget//Declaration of budget class with inheritence of shape class

Page 14: Coding on travel management in c++

{ protected:

/*Declaration of variable for access control*/ int valid; int ch1; char ch;

/*End of declaration*/ fstream fin,fin1; //Declaration of fstream variable /*Structure declaration for data,with data dypes*/ struct budget1 { int snum; int plan; char period[12]; char department[15]; char purpose[25]; float amt; }bug; /*End of declaration*/

public: budget()//constructor declaration {"budget.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|

ios::ate); if(!fin) { gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"Unable To Open File"; getch(); exit6(); } bug.snum=1;//assignment of serial number } ~budget()//destructor declaration { fin.close(); delete bug.period,bug.department,bug.purpose;//deletion

of structure explicitly } /*declaraton of function for budget class*/ void budget_create(void); void budget_display(void); void budget_modify(void); void budget_del(void); void budget_menu(); void budget_query(); void budget_save(); void exit6();/*end of function declaration*/

};/*starting of menu function*/

Page 15: Coding on travel management in c++

void budget::budget_menu() { textbackground(BLACK); again3: clrscr(); char ch3; screen3(); gotoxy(18,15); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Account Division of Administrative Department"); gotoxy(31,17); cprintf("Budget Division"); textcolor(WHITE); screen1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(25,21); cprintf("[1] Budget Entry"); //for budget entry gotoxy(25,24); cprintf("[2] Budget Details");//for details show and report generation gotoxy(25,27); cprintf("[3] Budget Deletion");//for deletion of details gotoxy(25,30); cprintf("[4] Budget Modification");//for modification of datails gotoxy(25,33); cprintf("[5] Query for Budget section");//for budget query gotoxy(25,36); cprintf("[6] Return To Account Division Menu"); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(25,38); cprintf("Enter Your Choice:"); textcolor(WHITE); ch3=getch(); switch(ch3) { case '1'://calling of budget_create function

clrscr(); budget_create(); repea3: gotoxy(21,42); textcolor(RED+BLINK); cprintf("HOT KEY: TO MORE ENTRY (PRESS KEY:1)"); gotoxy(21,44); cprintf("HOT KEY:TO EXIT (PRESS KEY:2)"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); char more3; cin>>more3;

switch(more3) { case '1':

Page 16: Coding on travel management in c++

budget_create();//calling of more entry goto repea3;

case '2': goto again3;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto repea3;

} case '2'://calling of budget_display function

budget bol1; bol1.budget_display(); getch(); goto again3;

case '3': //calling of budget_del function budget bol2; bol2.budget_del(); getch(); goto again3;

case '4'://calling of budget_modify function budget bol3; bol3.budget_modify(); getch(); goto again3;

case '5'://calling of budget_query function budget bol4; bol4.budget_query(); getch(); goto again3;

case '6': break;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto again3;

} }//end of menu function/*strating of budget_save function*/void budget::budget_save() { textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); ch=getche(); textcolor(WHITE); if (ch == 'y')

Page 17: Coding on travel management in c++

{ fin.seekp(0,ios::end); fin.write((char*)&bug,sizeof(bug)); gotoxy(23,38); cout<<"Budget Details Entered....."; bug.snum++;//incrementation of serial number clear(25,42); gotoxy(50,38); } else { gotoxy(57,42); return; }}//end of budget_save functionvoid budget::exit6()//function for Error checking durin file handling { fin.close(); }/*starting of budget_create function*/void budget::budget_create() { clrscr(); screen2(); gotoxy(34,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nENTRY FORM"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(34,10); cprintf("\nBUDGT DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen1(); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(18,21); cprintf("Serial Number :"); gotoxy(18,24); cprintf("Enter The Year of Plan :"); gotoxy(18,27); cprintf("Enter The Period of Plan :"); gotoxy(18,30); cprintf("Enter The Name of Department :"); gotoxy(18,33); cprintf("Enter The Purpose :"); gotoxy(18,36); cprintf("Enter The Total Amount :"); textcolor(WHITE); fin.seekp(0,ios::end); gotoxy(52,21); cout<<bug.snum;//generation of the serial number by constructor do

Page 18: Coding on travel management in c++

{ valid=1; gotoxy(52,24); cin>>bug.plan; ch1=bug.plan; if (ch1==0) { valid=0; gotoxy(22,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(52,24); clear(52,24); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(52,27); gets(bug.period); ch=strlen(bug.period); if (ch== 0 || ch>=12) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(52,27); clear(52,27); }

}while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(52,30); gets(bug.department); ch=strlen(bug.department); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(52,30); clear(52,30); } }while(!valid); do

Page 19: Coding on travel management in c++

{ valid=1; gotoxy(52,33); gets(bug.purpose); ch=strlen(bug.purpose); if (ch== 0 || ch>=25) { valid=0;

gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(52,33); clear(52,33); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(52,36); cin>>bug.amt; float ch= bug.amt; if (ch== 0) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(52,36); clear(52,36); } }while(!valid); budget_save(); getch(); }//end of budget_create function/*starting of budget_display function*/void budget::budget_display(void) { clrscr(); textcolor(RED); int m=9; gotoxy(22,2); textcolor(RED); cprintf("THE TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT AGENCY\n"); gotoxy(29,4); cprintf("Budget Details"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(3,5);

Page 20: Coding on travel management in c++

cprintf("\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); gotoxy(3,7); textcolor(BLUE); cprintf("Serial No."); gotoxy(13,7); cprintf("Plan_Year"); gotoxy(24,7); cprintf("Period"); gotoxy(36,7); cprintf("Department"); gotoxy(56,7); cprintf("Purpose"); gotoxy(72,7); cprintf("Amount"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(3,8); cout<<"----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; textcolor(WHITE); fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&bug,sizeof(bug))!=0) { gotoxy(4,m); cout<<bug.snum; gotoxy(13,m); cout<<bug.plan; gotoxy(24,m); cout<<strupr(bug.period); gotoxy(36,m); cout<<strupr(bug.department); gotoxy(56,m); cout<<strupr(bug.purpose); gotoxy(72,m); cout<<bug.amt; m++; } }//end of budget_display function/*starting of budgte_modify function*/void budget::budget_modify(void) { clrscr(); int number1; screen2(); gotoxy(31,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nMODIFICATION fORM\n"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(32,10); cprintf("\nBUDGET DETAILS");

Page 21: Coding on travel management in c++

textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,21); cprintf("Enter The Serial Number To be Modified:"); cin>>number1; clear(20,21); clear1(); int pos=0,count=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&bug,sizeof(bug)))

{ if(bug.snum!=number1) count++; else { int ck; /*displaying of old value for reference*/ scoot(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(10,21); cprintf("Old Value"); gotoxy(10,22); cout<<"---------"; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,23); cprintf("Serial Number :");cout<<bug.snum; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,25); cprintf("Year of Plan :");cout<<bug.plan; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,27); cprintf("Period of Plan:");cout<<bug.period; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,29); cprintf("Department :");cout<<bug.department; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,31); cprintf("Purpose :");cout<<bug.purpose; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,33); cprintf("Amount :");cout<<bug.amt; textcolor(WHITE); /*Entry of new value for modification*/ scoot1(); textcolor(GREEN);

Page 22: Coding on travel management in c++

gotoxy(48,21); cprintf("Enter New Value"); gotoxy(48,22); cout<<"---------------"; textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(40,23); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Serial Number :"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(56,23);cin>>bug.snum;ck=bug.snum;if(ck!=number1) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"Its a Duplicate entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,23); clear3(56,23); }

}while(!valid); gotoxy(40,25); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Year of Plan :"); textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(56,25); cin>>bug.plan; ch1=bug.plan; if (ch1 == 0)

{ valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,25); clear3(56,25);}

}while(!valid); gotoxy(40,27); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Period of Plan :"); textcolor(WHITE); do

Page 23: Coding on travel management in c++

{ valid=1; gotoxy(56,27); gets(bug.period); ch=strlen(bug.period); if (ch== 0 || ch>=12) {

valid=0;gotoxy(40,38);cout<<"Not Skip(or Make More)Entry";getch();clear3(40,38);gotoxy(56,27);clear3(56,27);

} }while(!valid); gotoxy(40,29); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Depatment Name :"); textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(56,29); gets(bug.department); ch=strlen(bug.department); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,29); clear3(56,29); } }while(!valid); gotoxy(40,31); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("The Purpose :"); textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(56,31); gets(bug.purpose); ch=strlen(bug.purpose); if (ch== 0 || ch>=25) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"Not Skip(or Make More)Entry";

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getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,31); clear3(56,31); } }while(!valid); gotoxy(40,33); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Total Amount :"); textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(56,33); cin>>bug.amt; float ch= bug.amt; if (ch== 0) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,33); clear3(56,33); } }while(!valid); pos=count*sizeof(bug); textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); ch=getche(); textcolor(WHITE); if (ch == 'y') {

fin.seekp(pos,ios::beg);fin.write((char*)&bug,sizeof(bug));gotoxy(42,38);cout<<"Budget Details modified....";gotoxy(68,38);return;

} else return; } } if(pos==0) gotoxy(20,42); cout<<"Record Not Found ! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); }//end of budget_modify function/*starting of budget_del function*/

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void budget::budget_del(void) { clrscr(); screen2(); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nDELETION FORM\n"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(34,10); cprintf("\nBUDGET DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); int code1;"temp3.dat",ios::out); gotoxy(23,24); cprintf("Enter The Serial No.To be Deleted:"); cin>>code1; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); int found1=0; while(*)&bug,sizeof(bug))) { if(bug.snum!=code1)

fin1.write((char*)&bug,sizeof(bug)); else

found1=1; } if(found1==0) { gotoxy(25,31); cout<<"Record is Not Found! Try Again..."; fin.clear(); } else if(found1==1) { fin.close(); fin1.close(); remove("budget.dat"); rename("temp3.dat","budget.dat");"budget.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); gotoxy(25,29); cout<<"Record Has been Successfully Deleted..."; textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(32,38); cout<<"Press Any To Exit:"; textcolor(WHITE); } }//end of budget_modify function/*starting of budget_query function*/void budget::budget_query() { clrscr(); int vac;

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screen2(); gotoxy(32,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nQUERY FORM\n"); gotoxy(36,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(30,10); cprintf("\nBUDGET DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,22); cprintf("Enter The Serial Number To be Make Query:"); cin>>vac; clear1(); int co=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&bug,sizeof(bug))!=0) { if(bug.snum!=vac) co++; else {

clrscr();int s=1;screen2();screen1();gotoxy(30,6);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nQUERY RESULT FORM\n");gotoxy(38,8);cprintf("\nOF");gotoxy(31,10);cprintf("\nBUDGET DETAILS");textcolor(WHITE);gotoxy(27,16);cout<<"Quried Budget Year:"<<vac;textcolor(CYAN);gotoxy(20,22);cprintf("Serial Number :");gotoxy(20,24);cprintf("Year of Plan :");gotoxy(20,26);cprintf("Period of plan :");gotoxy(20,28);cprintf("Name of Department :");gotoxy(20,30);cprintf("Purpose :");gotoxy(20,32);cprintf("Total Amount :");textcolor(WHITE);fin.seekg(0,ios::beg);gotoxy(44,22);

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cout<<bug.snum;gotoxy(44,24);cout<<bug.plan;gotoxy(44,26);cout<<strupr(bug.period);gotoxy(44,28);cout<<strupr(bug.department);gotoxy(44,30);cout<<strupr(bug.purpose);gotoxy(44,32);cout<<bug.amt;s++; if (bug.snum==vac) { return; }textcolor(WHITE);flush(fin);

} } if(co==0) gotoxy(10,30); gotoxy(24,42); cout<<"Record Not Found! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); return; }/*end ofbudget_modify function*//*--------------------------End of Budget Class-------------------------*/ End of budget class coding.

Starting of salary class coding:

/*----------------------------Starting of salary class ---------------------------------*/class salary:public employee//class declaration { protected:

int valid; /*starting of structure declaration for data with their

data types*/ struct salary1 { int emp_jcode; char emp_dep[17]; char mode[8]; float emp_sal; char pdate[15]; }sal;//end of structure declaration*/ fstream fin,fin1,fin2;//declaration of fstream variable

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public: salary()//constructor declaration {"salary3.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|

ios::ate); if(!fin)//error/exception handling during file handling { gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"Unable To open File"; getch(); exit2(); } } ~salary()//destructor declaration { fin.close();//closing of file stream delete sal.emp_dep,sal.mode,sal.pdate;//deletion of

struct data explicitly } /*starting of function declaration*/ void salary_entry(); void salary_show(); void salary_del(); void salary_modify(); void salary_menu(); void salary_query(); void salary_save(); void exit2(); /*end of function declaration*/

};//end of class declaration/*starting of salary_menu function definition*/void salary::salary_menu() { again2: clrscr(); char ch3; screen3(); gotoxy(18,15); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Account Division of Administrative Department"); gotoxy(31,17); cprintf("Salary Division"); screen1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(25,21); cprintf("[1] Salary Entry");//for entering of data gotoxy(25,24); cprintf("[2] Salary Details");//for details/report generation gotoxy(25,27); cprintf("[3] Salary Deletion");//for record deletion gotoxy(25,30); cprintf("[4] Salary Modification");//for record modification

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gotoxy(25,33); cprintf("[5] Query for Salary Details");//for query gotoxy(25,36); cprintf("[6] Return To Account Division Menu"); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(25,38); cprintf("Enter Your Choice:"); textcolor(WHITE); ch3=getch(); switch(ch3) { case '1'://calling of salary_entry function

clrscr(); salary_entry(); repea2: gotoxy(21,42); textcolor(RED+BLINK); cprintf("HOT KEY: TO MORE ENTRY (PRESS KEY:1)"); gotoxy(21,44); cprintf("HOT KEY:TO EXIT (PRESS KEY:2)"); textcolor(WHITE); char more2; cin>>more2; switch(more2)

{ case '1'://for more entry

clrscr(); salary_entry(); goto repea2;

case '2': goto again2;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto repea2;

} case '2'://calling of salary_show function

salary som; som.salary_show(); fin.clear(); getch(); goto again2;

case '3'://calling of salary_del function salary som1; som1.salary_del(); fin.clear(); getch(); goto again2;

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case '4'://calling of salary_modify function salary som2; som2.salary_modify(); fin.clear(); getch(); goto again2;

case '5'://calling of salary_query function salary som3; som3.salary_query(); fin.clear(); getch(); goto again2;

case '6': break;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto again2;

} }//end of function definition/*starting of salary_save function body definition*/void salary::salary_save() { char in; textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); in=getche(); textcolor(WHITE); if (in == 'y') { fin.seekp(0,ios::end); fin.write((char*)&sal,sizeof(sal)); gotoxy(23,38); cout<<"Salary Details Entered....."; clear(25,42); gotoxy(52,38); } else gotoxy(56,42); return;}//end of function definition//starting of exit function for error handlingvoid salary::exit2() { fin.close(); }//end of function definition/*starting of salary_entry function definition*/

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void salary::salary_entry() { int valid; clrscr(); screen2(); screen1(); gotoxy(34,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nENTRY FORM\n"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(32,10); cprintf("\nSALARY DETAILS");

textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(20,23); cprintf("Enter The Job_Code :"); gotoxy(20,26); cprintf("Enter The Department Name :"); gotoxy(20,29); cprintf("Enter The Mode of Payment :"); gotoxy(20,32); cprintf("Enter The Salary :"); gotoxy(20,35); cprintf("Enter The date Of payment :"); textcolor(WHITE); fin.seekp(0,ios::end); do { valid=1; employee::employee1 elo1;"elook.dat",ios::in); gotoxy(51,23); cin>>sal.emp_jcode; int ch=sal.emp_jcode; fin2.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&elo1,sizeof(elo1))!=0) { if(ch==elo1.jcode) { gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"Thanks Its a valid entry"; getch(); clear(18,38);

gotoxy(51,23); } else { gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"This Job code is not valid,please retry!"; getch();

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return; } } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(51,26); gets(sal.emp_dep); char ch=strlen(sal.emp_dep); if (ch== 0 || ch>=16) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(51,26); clear(51,26); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(51,29); gets(sal.mode); char ch=strlen(sal.mode); if (ch== 0 || ch>=10) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry";

getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(51,29); clear(51,29); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(51,32); cin>>sal.emp_sal; int ch=sal.emp_sal; if (ch== 0 ) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38);

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gotoxy(51,32); clear(51,32); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(51,35); gets(sal.pdate); char ch=strlen(sal.pdate); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(51,35); clear(51,35); } }while(!valid); salary_save();//calling of salary_save function fin.clear(); getch(); }//end of function definition/*starting of salary_show function definition body*/void salary::salary_show() { clrscr(); int sno=1; gotoxy(22,2); textcolor(RED); cprintf("THE TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT AGENCY"); gotoxy(17,4); cprintf("Sallary Details For Administrative Purpose"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(2,7); cout<<"---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; gotoxy(3,8); textcolor(BLUE); cprintf("SR."); gotoxy(10,8); cprintf("Job_Code"); gotoxy(21,8); cprintf("Department"); gotoxy(42,8); cprintf("Mode"); gotoxy(55,8); cprintf("Salary"); gotoxy(65,8); cprintf("Date_of_Pay");

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textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(2,9); cout<<"---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; int m=11; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&sal,sizeof(sal))!=0) { gotoxy(4,m); cout<<sno; gotoxy(10,m); cout<<sal.emp_jcode; gotoxy(21,m); cout<<strupr(sal.emp_dep); gotoxy(42,m); cout<<strupr(sal.mode); gotoxy(55,m); cout<<sal.emp_sal; gotoxy(65,m); cout<<strupr(sal.pdate); m++; sno++; } textcolor(WHITE); fin.clear(); }//end of salary_show function/*starring of salary_del function definition body*/void salary::salary_del() { clrscr(); screen2(); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nDELETION FORM\n"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(22,10); cprintf("\nSALARY DETAILS OF ADMINISTRATIVE PURPOSE"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); int code;"temp2.dat",ios::out); gotoxy(23,24); cprintf("Enter The Emp_Jcode To be Deleted:"); cin>>code; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); int found=0; while(*)&sal,sizeof(sal))) { if(sal.emp_jcode!=code)

fin1.write((char*)&sal,sizeof(sal)); else


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} if(found==0) { gotoxy(25,31); cout<<"Record is Not Found! Try Again..."; fin.clear(); } else if(found==1) { fin.close(); fin1.close(); remove("salary3.dat"); rename("temp2.dat","salary3.dat");"salary3.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); gotoxy(25,29); cout<<"Record Has been Successfully Deleted..."; textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(32,38); cout<<"Press Any To Exit:"; textcolor(WHITE); } fin.clear(); fin1.clear(); }//end of function definition/*starting of salary_modify function definition*/void salary::salary_modify() { int valid; clrscr(); int jcode; screen2(); gotoxy(31,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nMODIFICATION fORM\n"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(32,10); cprintf("\nSALARY DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,21); cprintf("Enter The Emp_jcode To be Modified:");//modifying through emp_jcode cin>>jcode; clear(20,21); clear1(); int pos=0,count=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&sal,sizeof(sal))) { if(sal.emp_jcode!=jcode) count++;

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else { scoot(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(12,21); cprintf("Old Value");

gotoxy(12,22); cout<<"---------"; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,23); cprintf("Job Code :");cout<<sal.emp_jcode; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,26); cprintf("Department :");cout<<sal.emp_dep; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,29); cprintf("Mode of Payment:");cout<<sal.mode; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,32); cprintf("Salary :");cout<<sal.emp_sal; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,35); cprintf("Date of Payment:");cout<<sal.pdate; textcolor(WHITE); scoot1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(47,21); cprintf("Enter New Value"); gotoxy(47,22); cout<<"---------------"; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(40,23); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Enter Job_code :"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(56,23);cin>>sal.emp_jcode;int ch=sal.emp_jcode; if (ch== 0) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38);

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cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,23); clear3(56,23); } }while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,26); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Department Name:"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(56,26);gets(sal.emp_dep);char ch=strlen(sal.emp_dep); if (ch== 0 || ch>=16) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,26); clear3(56,26); } }while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,29); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Mode of Payment:"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(56,29);gets(sal.mode);char ch=strlen(sal.mode); if (ch== 0 || ch>=10) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,29); clear3(56,29); } }while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,32); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Enter Salary :");

Page 38: Coding on travel management in c++

textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(56,32);cin>>sal.emp_sal;int ch=sal.emp_sal; if (ch== 0 ) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry";

getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,32); clear3(56,32); } }while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,35); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Date of Payment:"); textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(56,35); gets(sal.pdate); char ch=strlen(sal.pdate);

if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,35); clear3(56,35); }}while(!valid);

pos=count*sizeof(sal); char ch; textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); ch=getche(); textcolor(WHITE);

if (ch == 'y') { fin.seekp(pos,ios::beg); fin.write((char*)&sal,sizeof(sal)); gotoxy(45,38);

Page 39: Coding on travel management in c++

cout<<"Salary Details modified...."; gotoxy(73,38); fin.clear(); return; }else return;

} } if(pos==0)//if record is not found gotoxy(20,42); cout<<"Record Not Found ! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); }//end of salary_modify function definition/*starting of salary-query function definition*/void salary::salary_query() { clrscr(); int vac; screen2(); gotoxy(32,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nQUERY FORM\n"); gotoxy(36,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(30,10); cprintf("\nSALARY DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,22); cprintf("Enter The Jcode of Employee To Make Query:"); cin>>vac; clear1(); int co=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&sal,sizeof(sal))!=0) { if(sal.emp_jcode!=vac) co++; else {

clrscr();int s=1;screen2();screen4();gotoxy(30,6);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nQUERY RESULT FORM\n");gotoxy(38,8);cprintf("\nOF");gotoxy(31,10);cprintf("\nSALARY DETAILS");

Page 40: Coding on travel management in c++

textcolor(WHITE);gotoxy(27,16);cout<<"Quried Employee Jcode:"<<vac;gotoxy(20,22);cout<<"Job Code :";gotoxy(20,24);cout<<"Department name :";gotoxy(20,26);cout<<"Mode :";gotoxy(20,28);cout<<"Salary :";gotoxy(20,30);cout<<"Date_of_Pay :";fin.seekg(0,ios::beg);gotoxy(41,22);cout<<sal.emp_jcode;gotoxy(41,24);cout<<strupr(sal.emp_dep);gotoxy(41,26);cout<<strupr(sal.mode);gotoxy(41,28);cout<<sal.emp_sal;gotoxy(41,30);cout<<strupr(sal.pdate);s++; if (sal.emp_jcode==vac) {

return; }textcolor(WHITE);flush(fin);

} } if(co==0) gotoxy(10,30); gotoxy(24,42); cout<<"Record Not Found! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); return; }//end of function definition/*--------------------------End of Salary Class----------------------------*/ End of salary class coding.

Starting of employee class coding:

/*----------------------------Starting of employee class-------------------*/class employee//declaration of employee class {

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protected: fstream fin,fin1;//fstream object struct employee1//structure definition of data with data

types { int jcode; char jdate[12]; char ename[15]; char fname[15]; char add[15]; char des[10]; char sex[2]; }elo;//end of structure declaration

public: employee()//declaration of constructor {"employee.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|

ios::ate); if(!fin) {

gotoxy(22,22);cout<<"Unable To Open File";getch();exit10();

} elo.jcode=1000;//initialization of jcode } ~employee()//declaration of destructor { fin.close();//closing of file delete

elo.ename,elo.fname,elo.add,elo.des,;//deletion of structure data explicitly

} /*starting of function declaration*/ void employee_menu(); void employee_entry(); void employee_details(); void employee_modify(); void employee_del(); void employee_query(); void employee_save(); void exit10(); /*end of function declaration*/

};//end of class declaration/*starting of menu function*/void employee::employee_menu() { emplo: clrscr();

char ek;

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screen3(); gotoxy(30,15); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("EMPLOYEE DEPARTMENT"); gotoxy(27,17); cprintf("EMPLOYEE DIVISION SUBMENU"); textcolor(WHITE); screen1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(23,21); cprintf("[1] Entry of employee Details");//for details entry gotoxy(23,24); cprintf("[2] Employee Details");//for details and report generation gotoxy(23,27); cprintf("[3] Modify of Details");//for modify details gotoxy(23,30); cprintf("[4] Deletion of details");//for deletion of details gotoxy(23,33); cprintf("[5] Query for Employee");//for details query gotoxy(23,36); cprintf("[6] Return to Employee Department Menu"); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(32,38); cprintf("Enter Your choice:"); textcolor(WHITE); ek=getch(); switch(ek) { case '1'://calling of employee_entry function

clrscr(); employee_entry(); eko: gotoxy(21,42); textcolor(RED+BLINK); cprintf("HOT KEY: TO MORE ENTRY (PRESS KEY:1)"); gotoxy(21,44); cprintf("HOT KEY:TO EXIT (PRESS KEY:2)"); textcolor(WHITE); char ek1; cin>>ek1;

switch(ek1) { case '1'://for more entry

employee_entry(); goto eko;

case '2': goto emplo;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!");

Page 43: Coding on travel management in c++

textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto eko;

} case '2'://calling of employee_details function

employee er1; clrscr(); er1.employee_details(); fin.clear(); getch(); goto emplo;

case'3'://calling of employee_modify function employee er2; clrscr(); er2.employee_modify(); getch(); goto emplo;

case'4'://calling of employee_del function employee er3; clrscr(); er3.employee_del(); getch(); goto emplo;

case'5'://calling of employee_query function employee er4; clrscr(); er4.employee_query(); getch(); goto emplo;

case'6': break;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto emplo;

} }//end of menu function/*starting of employee_save function body*/void employee::employee_save() { char in; textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); in=getche(); textcolor(WHITE); if (in == 'y') { fin.seekp(0,ios::end);

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fin.write((char*)&elo,sizeof(elo)); gotoxy(23,37); cout<<"Employee Details Entered....."; elo.jcode++;//incrementation of jcode clear(25,42); gotoxy(50,37); fin.clear(); } else gotoxy(56,42); return;}//end of function bodyvoid employee::exit10()//function for error handling { fin.close(); }/*starting of employe_entry function body*/void employee::employee_entry() { int valid; clrscr(); screen2(); gotoxy(34,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nENTRY FORM"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(31,10); cprintf("\nEMPLOYEE DEATILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen1(); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(18,22); cprintf("Emploee Job_code :"); gotoxy(18,24); cprintf("Enter The Join_Date :"); gotoxy(18,26); cprintf("Enter The Name :"); gotoxy(18,28); cprintf("Enter The Father's Name :"); gotoxy(18,30); cprintf("Enter The Address :"); gotoxy(18,32); cprintf("Enter The Designation :"); gotoxy(18,34); cprintf("Enter The Sex(M/F) :"); textcolor(WHITE); fin.seekp(0,ios::end); gotoxy(48,22); cout<<elo.jcode; do {

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valid=1; gotoxy(48,24); gets(elo.jdate); char ch=strlen(elo.jdate); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(48,24); clear(48,24); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(48,26); gets(elo.ename); char ch=strlen(elo.ename); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(48,26); clear(48,26); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1;

gotoxy(48,28); gets(elo.fname); char ch=strlen(elo.fname); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(48,28); clear(48,28); } }while(!valid); do {

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valid=1; gotoxy(48,30); gets(elo.add); char ch=strlen(elo.add); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(48,30); clear(48,30); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(48,32); gets(elo.des); char ch=strlen(elo.des); if (ch== 0 || ch>=10) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(48,32); clear(48,32); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(48,34); gets(; char ch=strlen(; if (ch== 0 || ch>=2) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(48,34); clear(48,34); } }while(!valid); employee_save();//calling of save function fin.clear(); getch();

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}//end of function body/*starting of employee_details function*/void employee::employee_details() { clrscr(); textcolor(RED); int m=10; gotoxy(22,2); cprintf("THE TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT AGENCY");//<<endl; gotoxy(28,4); cprintf("Employee Details"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(2,6); cprintf("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); textcolor(BLUE); gotoxy(2,7); cprintf("E_jcode"); gotoxy(10,7); cprintf("J_date"); gotoxy(21,7); cprintf("Name"); gotoxy(37,7); cprintf("F_name"); gotoxy(53,7); cprintf("Adderess"); gotoxy(66,7); cprintf("Designation"); gotoxy(78,7); cprintf("Sex"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(2,8); cout<<"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; textcolor(WHITE); fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&elo,sizeof(elo))!=0) { gotoxy(2,m); cout<<elo.jcode; gotoxy(9,m); cout<<strupr(elo.jdate); gotoxy(21,m); cout<<strupr(elo.ename); gotoxy(37,m); cout<<strupr(elo.fname); gotoxy(53,m); cout<<strupr(elo.add); gotoxy(67,m); cout<<strupr(elo.des); gotoxy(79,m); cout<<strupr(;

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m++; } fin.clear(); }//end of function body/*starting of employee_modify function*/void employee::employee_modify() { clrscr();

int number1,valid; screen2(); gotoxy(31,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nMODIFICATION fORM\n"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(31,10); cprintf("\nEMPLOYEE DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,21); cprintf("Enter The Emp_jcode To be Modified:"); cin>>number1; clear(20,21); clear1(); int pos=0,count=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&elo,sizeof(elo))) { if(elo.jcode!=number1) count++; else { int ck; /*Displaying of old value of reference*/ scoot(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(12,21); cprintf("Old Value"); gotoxy(12,22); cout<<"---------"; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,23); cprintf("Emp_jcode :");cout<<elo.jcode; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,25); cprintf("Join Date :");cout<<elo.jdate; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN);

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gotoxy(5,27); cprintf("Name :");cout<<elo.ename; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,29); cprintf("Father's Name :");cout<<elo.fname; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,31); cprintf("Address :");cout<<elo.add; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,33); cprintf("Designation :");cout<<elo.des; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,35); cprintf("Sex :");cout<<; textcolor(WHITE); /*Entering of new value*/ scoot1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(47,21); cprintf("Enter New Value"); gotoxy(47,22); cout<<"---------------"; textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(40,23); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Job code :"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(56,23);cin>>elo.jcode;ck=elo.jcode;if(ck!=number1) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Make Duplicate entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,23); clear3(56,23); }

}while(!valid); gotoxy(40,25); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Join_date :"); textcolor(WHITE);

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do {

valid=1; gotoxy(56,25); gets(elo.jdate); char ch=strlen(elo.jdate); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); textcolor(CYAN); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,25); clear3(56,25); }

}while(!valid); gotoxy(40,27); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Enter The Name :"); textcolor(WHITE); do

{ valid=1; gotoxy(56,27); gets(elo.ename); char ch=strlen(elo.ename); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,27); clear3(56,27); }}while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,29); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Father's Name :"); textcolor(WHITE); do

{ valid=1; gotoxy(56,29); gets(elo.fname); char ch=strlen(elo.fname); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0;

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gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,29); clear3(56,29); }}while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,31); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Enter Address :"); textcolor(WHITE); do

{ valid=1; gotoxy(56,31); gets(elo.add); char ch=strlen(elo.add); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,31); clear3(56,31); }}while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,33); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("The Designation:"); textcolor(WHITE); do

{ valid=1; gotoxy(56,33); gets(elo.des); char ch=strlen(elo.des); if (ch== 0 || ch>=10) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,33); clear3(56,33); }}while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,35); textcolor(CYAN);

Page 52: Coding on travel management in c++

cprintf("Enter The Sex :"); textcolor(WHITE); do

{ valid=1; gotoxy(56,35); gets(; char ch=strlen(; if (ch== 0 || ch>=2) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,35); clear3(56,35); }}while(!valid);

pos=count*sizeof(elo); char ch; textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); ch=getche(); textcolor(WHITE); if (ch == 'y') {

fin.seekp(pos,ios::beg);fin.write((char*)&elo,sizeof(elo));gotoxy(45,38);cout<<"Employee Details modified....";gotoxy(76,38);return;

} else return; } } if(pos==0) gotoxy(20,42); cout<<"Record Not Found ! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); }//end of function body/*starting of employee_del function body*/void employee::employee_del() { clrscr(); screen2(); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nDELETION FORM\n"); gotoxy(39,8);

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cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(33,10); cprintf("\nEMPLOYEE DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); int code1;"temk.dat",ios::out); gotoxy(23,24); cprintf("Enter The Emp_jcode To be Deleted:"); cin>>code1; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); int found1=0; while(*)&elo,sizeof(elo))) { if(elo.jcode!=code1)

fin1.write((char*)&elo,sizeof(elo)); else

found1=1; } if(found1==0) { gotoxy(25,31); cout<<"Record is Not Found! Try Again..."; fin.clear(); } else if(found1==1) { fin.close(); fin1.close(); remove("employee.dat"); rename("temk.dat","employee.dat");"employee.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); gotoxy(25,29); cout<<"Record Has been Successfully Deleted..."; textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(32,38); cout<<"Press Any To Exit:"; textcolor(WHITE); } }//end of function body/*starting of employee_query function body*/void employee::employee_query() { clrscr(); int vac; screen2(); gotoxy(32,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nQUERY FORM\n"); gotoxy(36,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(30,10);

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cprintf("\nEMPLOYEE DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,22); cprintf("Enter The Employee Jcode To Make Query:"); cin>>vac; clear1(); int co=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&elo,sizeof(elo))!=0) { if(elo.jcode!=vac) co++; else {

clrscr();int s=1;screen2();screen1();gotoxy(30,6);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nQUERY RESULT FORM\n");gotoxy(38,8);cprintf("\nOF");gotoxy(30,10);cprintf("\nEMPLOYEE DETAILS");textcolor(WHITE);gotoxy(27,16);cout<<"Quried Employee Jcode:"<<vac;gotoxy(20,22);textcolor(CYAN);cprintf("Employee Jcode :");gotoxy(20,24);cprintf("Joining_date :");gotoxy(20,26);cprintf("Name of Employee :");gotoxy(20,28);cprintf("Father's name :");gotoxy(20,30);cprintf("Address :");gotoxy(20,32);cprintf("Designation :");gotoxy(20,34);cprintf("Sex :");textcolor(WHITE);fin.seekg(0,ios::beg);gotoxy(44,22);cout<<elo.jcode;gotoxy(44,24);cout<<strupr(elo.jdate);gotoxy(44,26);cout<<strupr(elo.ename);

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gotoxy(44,28);cout<<strupr(elo.fname);gotoxy(44,30);cout<<strupr(elo.add);gotoxy(44,32);cout<<strupr(elo.des);gotoxy(44,34);cout<<strupr(;s++; if (elo.jcode==vac) { return; }textcolor(WHITE);flush(fin);

} } if(co==0) gotoxy(10,30); gotoxy(24,42); cout<<"Record Not Found! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); return; }//end of function body/*--------------------------End of Employee Class-------------------------*/ End of Employee class coding Starting of income class coding:

/*------------------------Starting of income class-----------------------*/class income//declaration of income class { protected:

struct//structure declaration for data with their data type

{ int sno; char edate[15]; char dep[16]; int jcode; char mode[10]; int year; float amount; char pay[5]; }ins;//end of structure declaration fstream fin,fin1;//declaration of fstream variable

public: income()//constructor declaration {

Page 56: Coding on travel management in c++"income.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|ios::ate);

if (!fin)//for error/exception handling{ gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"Unable To Open File"; getch(); exit1();}

} ~income()//destructor declaration { fin.close(); delete ins.edate,ins.dep,ins.mode,;//deletion

of structure data explicitly } /*starting of function declaration*/ void income_entry(); void income_show(); void income_menu(); void income_query(); void income_save(); void exit1(); /*end of function declaration*/

};//end of class declaration/*starting of menu function body*/void income::income_menu() { again1: char ch2; clrscr(); screen3(); gotoxy(18,15); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Account Division of Administrative Department"); gotoxy(31,17); cprintf("Income Division"); screen4(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(25,20); cprintf("[1] Income Entry");//for income entry gotoxy(25,23); cprintf("[2] Income Details");//for details/report generation gotoxy(25,26); cprintf("[3] Query For Income details");//query for details gotoxy(25,29); cprintf("[4] Return To Account Division Menu"); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(25,31); cprintf("Enter Your Choice:"); textcolor(WHITE); ch2=getch();

Page 57: Coding on travel management in c++

switch(ch2) { case '1'://calling of income_entry function

clrscr(); income_entry(); repea1: gotoxy(21,42); textcolor(RED+BLINK); cprintf("HOT KEY: TO MORE ENTRY (PRESS KEY:1)"); gotoxy(21,44); cprintf("HOT KEY:TO EXIT (PRESS KEY:2)"); textcolor(WHITE); char more1; cin>>more1; switch(more1)

{ case '1'://for more entry

income_entry(); goto repea1;

case '2': goto again1;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto repea1;

} case '2'://calling of income_show function

income i;

i.income_show(); getch(); goto again1;

case '3'://calling of income_query function income i1; i1.income_query(); getch(); goto again1;

case '4': break;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto again1;

} }//end of menu function body/*starting of income_save function body defination*/

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void income::income_save() { char in; textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); in=getche(); textcolor(WHITE); if (in == 'y') { fin.seekp(0,ios::end); fin.write((char*)&ins,sizeof(ins)); gotoxy(23,38); cout<<"Income Details Entered....."; clear(25,42); gotoxy(52,38); } else gotoxy(56,42); return;}//end of save function declarationvoid income::exit1() { fin.close(); }/*starting of income_entry function*/void income::income_entry() { int valid; clrscr(); screen2(); screen1(); gotoxy(34,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nENTRY FORM"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(33,10); cprintf("\nINCOME DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(20,22); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Enter The Date :"); gotoxy(20,24); cprintf("Enter The Department Name :"); gotoxy(20,26); cprintf("Enter The Head Job_code :"); gotoxy(20,28); cprintf("Enter The Income Mode :"); gotoxy(20,30); cprintf("Enter The Year :"); gotoxy(20,32);

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cprintf("Enter The Total Income :"); gotoxy(20,34); cprintf("Payment :"); textcolor(WHITE); fin.seekp(0,ios::end); do { valid=1; gotoxy(51,22); gets(ins.edate); char ch=strlen(ins.edate); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(51,22); clear(51,22); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(51,24); gets(ins.dep); char ch=strlen(ins.dep); if (ch== 0 || ch>=16) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(51,24); clear(51,24); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(51,26); cin>>ins.jcode; int ch=ins.jcode; if (ch== 0 ) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38);

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gotoxy(51,26); clear(51,26); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(51,28); gets(ins.mode); char ch=strlen(ins.mode); if (ch== 0 || ch>=10) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(51,28); clear(51,28); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(51,30); cin>>ins.year; int ch=ins.year; if (ch== 0 ) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(51,30); clear(51,30); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(51,32); cin>>ins.amount; int ch=ins.amount; if (ch== 0) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(51,32);

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clear(51,32); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(51,34); gets(; char ch=strlen(; if (ch== 0 || ch>=4) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(51,34); clear(51,34); } }while(!valid); income_save(); getch(); }//end of function body/* starting of income_show function body*/void income::income_show() { clrscr(); int sno=1; int rno=100; gotoxy(22,3); textcolor(RED); cprintf("THE TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT AGENCY"); gotoxy(29,5); cprintf("Income Details"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(2,7); cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; gotoxy(2,8); textcolor(BLUE); cprintf("SR."); gotoxy(6,8); cprintf("Date"); gotoxy(18,8); cprintf("Department"); gotoxy(35,8); cprintf("Jcode"); gotoxy(45,8); cprintf("Mode"); gotoxy(54,8); cprintf("Year"); gotoxy(62,8);

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cprintf("Income"); gotoxy(72,8); cprintf("Payment"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(2,9); cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; int m=11; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&ins,sizeof(ins))!=0) { gotoxy(2,m); cout<<sno; gotoxy(6,m); cout<<strupr(ins.edate); gotoxy(18,m); cout<<strupr(ins.dep); gotoxy(35,m); cout<<ins.jcode; gotoxy(45,m); cout<<strupr(ins.mode); gotoxy(54,m); cout<<ins.year; gotoxy(62,m); cout<<ins.amount; gotoxy(74,m); cout<<strupr(; m++; sno++; rno++; } textcolor(WHITE); }//end of function body/*starting of income_query function body*/void income::income_query() { clrscr(); int vac_no; screen2(); gotoxy(32,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nQUERY FORM\n"); gotoxy(36,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(31,10); cprintf("\nINCOME DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,22); cprintf("Enter Eployee Jcode To Make Query:"); cin>>vac_no; clear1();

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int co=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&ins,sizeof(ins))!=0) { if(ins.jcode!=vac_no) co++; else {

clrscr();int s=1;screen2();

screen1();gotoxy(30,6);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nQUERY RESULT FORM\n");gotoxy(38,8);cprintf("\nOF");gotoxy(31,10);cprintf("\nEMPLOYEE DETAILS");textcolor(WHITE);gotoxy(27,16);cout<<"Quried Head_Jcode:"<<vac_no;gotoxy(20,22);textcolor(CYAN);cprintf("Head_jcode :");gotoxy(20,24);cprintf("Date :");gotoxy(20,26);cprintf("Department name :");gotoxy(20,28);cprintf("Income Mode :");gotoxy(20,30);cprintf("Year :");gotoxy(20,32);cprintf("Total Income :");gotoxy(20,34);cprintf("Payment :");textcolor(WHITE);fin.seekg(0,ios::beg);gotoxy(42,22);cout<<ins.jcode;gotoxy(42,24);cout<<strupr(ins.edate);gotoxy(42,26);cout<<strupr(ins.dep);gotoxy(42,28);cout<<strupr(ins.mode);gotoxy(42,30);cout<<ins.year;gotoxy(42,32);cout<<ins.amount;

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gotoxy(42,34);cout<<strupr(;s++; if (ins.jcode==vac_no) { return; }textcolor(WHITE);flush(fin);

} } if(co==0) gotoxy(10,30); gotoxy(24,42); cout<<"Record Not Found! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); return; }//end of function body/*---------------------End of The Income Class----------------------*/ End of income class coding.

Starting of recruitment class coding:

/*-----------------------Starting of recruitment class-------------------*/class recruitment//class declaration { protected:

/*starting of struct declaration for data with their data types*/

struct recruitment1 { int snum; char edate[15]; int seat; char post[10]; float amount; char ldate[15]; }hum;//end of struct declaration fstream fin,fin1;//declaration of fstream variable

public: recruitment()//constructor declaration {"recruitment.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|

ios::ate); if(!fin) { gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"Unable To open File"; getch();

Page 65: Coding on travel management in c++

exit4(); } hum.snum=200;//intialization of vaccency number } ~recruitment()//declaration of destructor { fin.close();//closing of file stram delete hum.edate,,hum.ldate;//deletion of struct

data explicitly } /*starting of function declaration*/ void recruitment_entry(void); void recruitment_display(void); void recruitment_del(void); void recruitment_modify(void); void recruitment_menu(); void recruitment_query(); void recruitment_save(); void exit4(); /*end of function declaration*/

};//end of class declaration/*starting of menu function body*/void recruitment::recruitment_menu() { all: char ch; clrscr(); screen3(); gotoxy(28,15); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT"); gotoxy(27,17); cprintf("EMPLOYEE RECRUITMENT DIVISION"); screen1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(23,21); cprintf("[1] Entry of Details");//for entry of details gotoxy(23,24); cprintf("[2] Recruitment Details");//for showing and report generation gotoxy(23,27); cprintf("[3] Deletion of Details");//for deletion of details gotoxy(23,30); cprintf("[4] Modification of Details");//for modifying of deatails gotoxy(23,33); cprintf("[5] Query for Details");//for query related to data gotoxy(23,36); cprintf("[6] Return to Administrative Menu"); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(32,38); cprintf("Enter Your choice:");

Page 66: Coding on travel management in c++

textcolor(WHITE); ch=getch(); switch(ch) { case '1'://calling of recruitment_entry function

clrscr();recruitment_entry();repea:gotoxy(21,41);textcolor(RED+BLINK);cprintf("HOT KEY: TO MORE ENTRY (PRESS KEY:1)");gotoxy(21,42);cprintf("HOT KEY:TO EXIT (PRESS KEY:2) :");textcolor(WHITE);char more;cin>>more; switch(more) { case '1'://for more entry

recruitment_entry(); flush(fin); goto repea;

case '2': goto all;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto repea;

} case '2'://calling of recruitment_dispaly function

recruitment rom;clrscr();rom.recruitment_display();fin.clear();getch();goto all;

case '3'://calling of recruitment_del functionrecruitment rom1;clrscr();rom1.recruitment_del();fin.clear();fin1.clear();getch();goto all;

case '4'://calling of rcruitment_modify functionrecruitment rom2;rom2.recruitment_modify();flush(fin);getch();

Page 67: Coding on travel management in c++

goto all; case '5'://calling of recruitment_query function

recruitment rom3;rom3.recruitment_query();getch();goto all;

case '6':break;

default:gotoxy(21,46);textcolor(BLUE+BLINK);cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!");textcolor(WHITE);getch();goto all;

} }//end of menu function definiion/*starting of recruitment_save function definition body*/void recruitment::recruitment_save() { char in; textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); in=getche(); textcolor(WHITE); if (in == 'y') { fin.seekp(0,ios::end); fin.write((char*)&hum,sizeof(hum)); gotoxy(23,38); cout<<"Budget Details Entered....."; hum.snum++;//incrementation of vaccency number clear(25,42); gotoxy(52,38); } else gotoxy(56,42); return;}//end of save function definitionvoid recruitment::exit4() { fin.close(); }/*starting of recruitment_entry function body definition*/void recruitment::recruitment_entry(void) { int valid; clrscr(); screen2(); screen1(); gotoxy(34,6);

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textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nENTRY FORM\n"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(30,10); cprintf("\nRECRUITMENT DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(20,22); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Enter The Vaccency Number :"); gotoxy(20,24); cprintf("Enter The Date of Entry :"); gotoxy(20,26); cprintf("Enter The Number_of_Vacent Seats:"); gotoxy(20,28); cprintf("Enter The Name_of_Post :"); gotoxy(20,30); cprintf("Enter The Pay Scale :"); gotoxy(20,32); cprintf("Last Date_of Applicatin receipt :"); textcolor(WHITE); fin.seekp(0,ios::end); gotoxy(54,22); cout<<hum.snum;//displaying automatically through constructor do { valid=1; gotoxy(54,24); gets(hum.edate); char ch=strlen(hum.edate); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(54,24); clear(54,24); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(54,26); cin>>; if ( { valid=0; gotoxy(18,36); cprintf("Seat Entry Should Not be Zero "); getch();

Page 69: Coding on travel management in c++

clear(18,36); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(54,28); gets(; char ch=strlen(; if (ch== 0 || ch>=10) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(54,28); clear(54,28); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(54,30); cin>>hum.amount; float ch=hum.amount; if (ch== 0) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(54,30); clear(54,30); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(54,32); gets(hum.ldate); char ch=strlen(hum.ldate); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(54,32); clear(54,32);

Page 70: Coding on travel management in c++

} }while(!valid); recruitment_save();//calling of recruitment_save function for user need fin.clear(); getch(); }//end of function definition/*starting of recruitment_display function definition*/void recruitment::recruitment_display(void) { clrscr(); int sno=1; int rno=100; gotoxy(22,2); textcolor(RED); cprintf("THE TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT AGENCY"); gotoxy(28,4); cprintf("Recruitment Details"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(2,7); cout<<"---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; gotoxy(3,8); textcolor(BLUE); cprintf("SR."); gotoxy(8,8); cprintf("Vac.No#"); gotoxy(16,8); cprintf("Entry_date"); gotoxy(28,8); cprintf("Vacent_Seats"); gotoxy(43,8); cprintf("Name_of_Post"); gotoxy(58,8); cprintf("pay"); gotoxy(67,8); cprintf("last_date"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(2,9); cout<<"---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; int m=10; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&hum,sizeof(hum))!=0) { gotoxy(4,m); cout<<sno; gotoxy(8,m); cout<<hum.snum; gotoxy(16,m); cout<<strupr(hum.edate); gotoxy(33,m);

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cout<<; gotoxy(43,m); cout<<strupr(; gotoxy(58,m); cout<<hum.amount; gotoxy(67,m); cout<<strupr(hum.ldate); m++; sno++; rno++; } textcolor(WHITE); fin.clear(); }//end of function definition/*strting of recruitment_del function defintion*/void recruitment::recruitment_del(void) { clrscr(); screen2(); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nDELETION FORM\n"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(28,10); cprintf("\nEMPLOYEE RECRUITMENT DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); int number1;"kal.dat",ios::out); gotoxy(23,24); cprintf("Enter The Vaccency No. To be Deleted:"); cin>>number1; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); int found=0; while(*)&hum,sizeof(hum))) { if(hum.snum!=number1)

fin1.write((char*)&hum,sizeof(hum)); else

found=1; } if(found==0) { gotoxy(25,31); cout<<"Record is Not Found! Try Again..."; fin.clear(); } else if(found==1) { fin.close(); fin1.close(); remove("recruitment.dat");

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rename("kal.dat","recruitment.dat");"recruitment.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); gotoxy(25,29); cout<<"Record Has been Successfully Deleted..."; textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(32,38); cout<<"Press Any To Exit:"; textcolor(WHITE); getch(); } fin.clear(); fin1.clear(); }//end of function definition/*starting of recruitent_modify function definition*/void recruitment::recruitment_modify(void) { int valid; clrscr(); int vaccency_no; screen2(); gotoxy(31,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nMODIFICATION fORM\n"); gotoxy(36,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(30,10); cprintf("\nRECRUITMENT DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,22); cprintf("Enter The Vaccency No. To be Modified:"); cin>>vaccency_no; clear(20,22); clear1(); int pos=0,count=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&hum,sizeof(hum))) { if(hum.snum!=vaccency_no) count++; else { scoot(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(10,21); cprintf("Old Value"); gotoxy(10,22); cout<<"---------"; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,24); cprintf("Vacancey Number :");cout<<hum.snum;

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textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,26); cprintf("Date of Entry :");cout<<hum.edate; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,28); cprintf("Vacent Seat :");cout<<; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,30); cprintf("Name of Seat :");cout<<; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,32); cprintf("Pay Scale :");cout<<hum.amount; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,34); cprintf("Last Date :");cout<<hum.ldate; textcolor(WHITE); scoot1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(48,21); cprintf("Enter New Value"); gotoxy(48,22); cout<<"---------------"; textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(40,24); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("The Vaccency No :"); textcolor(WHITE); do

{ valid=1; gotoxy(57,24); cin>>hum.snum; int ck=hum.snum; if(ck!=vaccency_no) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Make Duplicate entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,24); clear3(57,24); }}while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,26); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Date_of_Entry :");

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textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(57,26); gets(hum.edate); char ch=strlen(hum.edate); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15)

{ valid=0;

gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,27); clear3(57,27);}

}while(!valid); gotoxy(40,28); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Vacent Seat :"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(57,28);cin>>;if ( { valid=0; gotoxy(40,36); cprintf("Seat Entry Should Not be Zero "); getch(); clear3(40,36); }}while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,30); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("The Name_of_Post:"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(57,30);gets(;char ch=strlen(; if (ch== 0 || ch>=10) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry";

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getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,30); clear3(57,30); }}while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,32); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("The Pay Scale :"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(57,32);cin>>hum.amount;float ch=hum.amount; if (ch== 0) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear3(18,38); gotoxy(57,32); clear3(57,32); } }while(!valid);gotoxy(40,34);textcolor(CYAN);cprintf("Last Date :");textcolor(WHITE);do{ valid=1; gotoxy(57,34); gets(hum.ldate); char ch=strlen(hum.ldate); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,34); clear3(57,34); } }while(!valid);

pos=count*sizeof(hum); textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):");

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char ch=getche(); textcolor(WHITE);

if (ch == 'y') { fin.seekp(pos,ios::beg); fin.write((char*)&hum,sizeof(hum)); gotoxy(42,38); cout<<"Recruitment Details modified...."; gotoxy(73,38); fin.clear(); return; }else return;

} } if(pos==0)//if record is not found gotoxy(20,42); cout<<"Record Not Found ! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); }//end of function body/*starting of recruitment_query function definition*/void recruitment:: recruitment_query() { clrscr(); int vac_no; screen2(); gotoxy(32,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nQUERY FORM\n"); gotoxy(36,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(29,10); cprintf("\nRECRUITMENT DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,22); cprintf("Enter The Vaccency No. To Make Query:"); cin>>vac_no; clear1(); int co=0;

fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&hum,sizeof(hum))!=0) { if(hum.snum!=vac_no) co++; else {

clrscr();int s=1;screen2();

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screen1();gotoxy(30,6);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nQUERY RESULT FORM\n");gotoxy(38,8);cprintf("\nOF");gotoxy(30,10);cprintf("\nRECRUITMENT DETAILS");textcolor(WHITE);gotoxy(24,16);cout<<"Quried Vaccency Number:"<<vac_no;gotoxy(20,22);textcolor(CYAN);cprintf("Serial Number :");gotoxy(20,24);cprintf("Vaccency Number :");gotoxy(20,26);cprintf("Date of Entry :");gotoxy(20,28);cprintf("Number_of_Vacent Seats :");gotoxy(20,30);cprintf("Name_of_Post :");gotoxy(20,32);cprintf("Pay Scale :");gotoxy(20,34);cprintf("Last Date_of App_receipt:");textcolor(WHITE);fin.seekg(0,ios::beg);gotoxy(45,22);cout<<s;gotoxy(45,24);cout<<hum.snum;gotoxy(45,26);cout<<strupr(hum.edate);gotoxy(45,28);cout<<;gotoxy(45,30);cout<<strupr(;gotoxy(45,32);cout<<hum.amount;gotoxy(45,34);cout<<strupr(hum.ldate);s++; if (hum.snum==vac_no) { return; }textcolor(WHITE);fin.clear();

} } if(co==0)//if record is not found

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gotoxy(10,30); gotoxy(24,42); cout<<"Record Not Found! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); return; }//end of function definition/*---------------------End of Recruitment Class--------------------*/ End of recruitment class coding.

Marketing Module Coding:

Starting of market class coding:

/*----------------------------including of classes for Inheritence------------*/#include"d:\gaurav\purchase.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\lease.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\expense.cpp"/*----------------------------End of including--------------------------------*//*------------------------Starting of market class for creation of menu for Marketing Department----------------------*/class market:public purchase,expense,lease//class declaration and inheritence of purchase,lease,expense { public:

void make();//declaration of function for creation of menu for marketing department };//end of class declaration/*--------------------definition of make function body------------------------*/void market::make() { abc1: clrscr(); screen(); char first1; screen(); gotoxy(30,16); cout<<"MARKETING DEPARTMENT MENU"; screen1(); textcolor(5); gotoxy(24,22); cprintf(" 1. PURCHASE ORDER DIVISION");//calling of purchase division gotoxy(24,25); cprintf(" 2. LEASE DIVISION");//calling of lease section gotoxy(24,28);

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cprintf(" 3. EXPENSES DETAILS DIVISION");//calling of expense division gotoxy(24,31); cprintf(" 4. REPORT");//for report generation gotoxy(24,34); cprintf(" 5. HELP");//help for user related to choices gotoxy(24,37); cprintf(" 6. RETURN TO MAIN");//return tomain menu textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(25,38); cprintf("Enter Your Choice:"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(43,38); first1=getch(); switch(first1) { case '1'://calling of purchase menu function from purchase class

clrscr(); //purchase pum; purchase::purchase_menu(); goto abc1;

case '2'://calling of lease menu function from lease class clrscr(); lease lov; lov.lease_menu(); goto abc1;

case '3'://calling of expense menu function from expense class

clrscr(); //expense expo; expense::expense_menu(); goto abc1;

case '4'://calling for report generation marketo1: clrscr(); char muk6; screen2(); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nREPORT MENU"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nFOR"); gotoxy(30,10); cprintf("\nMARKETING DEPARTMENT"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(23,22); textcolor(11); cprintf("1.Purchase Order Report"); gotoxy(23,24); cprintf("2.Lease Report"); gotoxy(23,26);

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cprintf("3.Expenses Report"); gotoxy(23,28); cprintf("4.Return To Marketing Menu"); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(25,31); cprintf("Enter Your Choice:"); textcolor(WHITE); muk6=getch(); switch(muk6)

{ case '1'://report generation for purchase division

clrscr(); purchase pr; pr.purchase_details(); getch(); goto marketo1;

case '2'://report generation for lease division clrscr(); lease les; les.lease_details(); getch(); goto marketo1;

case '3'://report generation for expense division clrscr(); expense expu; expu.expense_details(); getch(); goto marketo1;

case '4': goto abc1;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto marketo1;

} case '5'://calling for help generation

clrscr(); screen2(); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(35,6); cprintf("\nHELP MENU"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nFOR"); gotoxy(31,10); cprintf("\nMARKETING DEPARTMENT"); textcolor(WHITE); help(); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(15,16);

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cprintf("IF CHOICE:1# "); gotoxy(21,17); textcolor(11); cprintf("The User can work with the Purchase

Divisin."); gotoxy(16,19); textcolor(5); cprintf("IF SUB CHOICE:#"); gotoxy(21,20); textcolor(11); cprintf("The User can make Entry,Modify,Delete and

take"); gotoxy(21,21); cprintf("Details of Purchase Order."); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(15,23); cprintf("IF CHOICE:2# "); textcolor(11); gotoxy(21,24); cprintf("The User can Work with the Lease Division."); gotoxy(16,26); textcolor(5); cprintf("IF SUB CHOICE:#"); gotoxy(21,27); textcolor(11); cprintf("The User can make Entry,Modify,Delete and

take"); gotoxy(21,28); cprintf("Details of Lease Details."); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(15,30); cprintf("IF CHOICE:3# "); textcolor(11); gotoxy(21,31); cprintf("The User Can Work with the Expenses

Division."); gotoxy(16,33); textcolor(5); cprintf("IF SUB CHOICE#"); gotoxy(21,34); textcolor(11); cprintf("The User Can make Entry and Display the

Details."); gotoxy(15,36); textcolor(RED); cprintf("IF CHOICE:4# "); gotoxy(21,37); textcolor(11); cprintf("User can Generate Report For all above

choices."); gotoxy(18,39); textcolor(5);

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cprintf("Press Any Key To Continue........"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto abc1;

case '6': break;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto abc1;


}/*----------------------------End of market class-----------------------------*/ End of market class coding.

Starting of purchase class coding:

/*------------------------------Starting of purchase class-------------------*/class purchase//class declaration { protected:

fstream fin,fin1;//declaration of fstream variable /*starting of structure declaration of data with their

data types*/ struct purchase1 { int order; char vehicle[10]; float cost; int emp_jcode; char data[15]; }pur;//end of structure declaration

public: purchase()//declaration of constructor {"purcase.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|

ios::ate); if(!fin) {

gotoxy(22,22);cout<<"Unable To Open File";getch();exit5();


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pur.order=10;//intialization of purchase order } ~purchase()//declaration of destructor { fin.close(); delete pur.vehicle,;//deletion of structure

varable explicitly } /* starting of declaration of function*/ void purchase_entry(); void purchase_details(); void purchase_menu(); void purchase_query(); void purchase_save(); void exit5(); /*end of functin declaration*/

};//end of class declaration/*starting of menu class defination*/void purchase::purchase_menu() { market1: clrscr(); char m1; screen3(); gotoxy(18,15); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Purchase Division of Marketing Department"); gotoxy(27,17); cprintf("purchase Order Submenu"); screen4(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(25,21); cprintf("[1] Purchase Order Entry");//for entry of purchase order gotoxy(25,24); cprintf("[2] Order Details");//for order details gotoxy(25,27); cprintf("[3] Query For Purchase Order");//for query of details gotoxy(25,30); cprintf("[4] Return To Purchase Division Menu"); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(25,32); cprintf("Enter Your Choice:"); textcolor(WHITE); m1=getch(); switch(m1) { case '1'://calling of purchase_entry function

clrscr(); purchase_entry(); rep: gotoxy(21,42);

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textcolor(RED+BLINK); cprintf("HOT KEY: TO MORE ENTRY (PRESS KEY:1)"); gotoxy(21,44); cprintf("HOT KEY:TO EXIT (PRESS KEY:2)"); textcolor(WHITE); char m2; cin>>m2;

switch(m2) { case '1'://for more enrry

purchase_entry(); goto rep;

case '2': goto market1;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); gotoxy(21,42); goto rep;

} case '2'://calling of purchase_details function

clrscr(); purchase po; po.purchase_details(); fin.clear(); getch(); goto market1;

case'3'://calling of purchase_query function purchase po1; po1.purchase_query(); fin.clear(); getch(); goto market1;

case '4': break;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto market1;

} }//end of menu function/*starting of purchase_save function definition*/void purchase::purchase_save() { char in; textcolor(RED+BLINK);

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gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); in=getche(); textcolor(WHITE); if (in == 'y') { fin.seekp(0,ios::end); fin.write((char*)&pur,sizeof(pur)); gotoxy(23,38); cout<<"Purchase Details Entered....."; pur.order++;//incrementatiuon of purchase order number clear(25,42); gotoxy(52,38); } else gotoxy(56,42); return;}//end of function definitionvoid purchase::exit5() { fin.close(); }/*starting of purchase_entry function definition*/void purchase::purchase_entry() { int valid; clrscr(); screen2(); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nENTRY FORM"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(32,10); cprintf("\nPURCHASE ORDER"); textcolor(WHITE); screen1(); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(18,21); cprintf("Number of Purchase Order :"); gotoxy(18,24); cprintf("Enter The Name of Purchasable Thing :"); gotoxy(18,27); cprintf("Enter The Date :"); gotoxy(18,30); cprintf("Enter The Spended Cost :"); gotoxy(18,33); cprintf("The Job_code of Responsible Employee :"); textcolor(WHITE); fin.seekp(0,ios::end); gotoxy(57,21); cout<<pur.order;//dispalying of purchase order number through constructor

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/*error checking during data entry is strts from here*/ do { valid=1; gotoxy(57,24); gets(pur.vehicle); char ch=strlen(pur.vehicle); if (ch== 0 || ch>=10) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(57,24); clear(57,24); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(57,27); gets(; char ch=strlen(; if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(57,27); clear(57,27); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(57,30); cin>>pur.cost; int ch=pur.cost; if (ch== 0) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(57,30); clear(57,30); } }while(!valid);

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do { valid=1; gotoxy(57,33); cin>>pur.emp_jcode; int ch=pur.emp_jcode; if (ch== 0) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(57,30); clear(57,30); } }while(!valid);/*end of error checking*/ purchase_save();//calling of purchase_save function according to user need fin.clear(); getch(); }//end of function definition/*starting of purchas_details function definition*/void purchase::purchase_details() { clrscr(); int m=9; gotoxy(22,2); textcolor(RED); cprintf("THE TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT AGENCY"); gotoxy(29,4); cprintf("Purchase Oredr"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(2,6); cout<<"-------------------------------------------------------------------------"; gotoxy(3,7); textcolor(BLUE); cprintf("Order No."); gotoxy(15,7); cprintf("Vehicle Name"); gotoxy(31,7); cprintf("Date"); gotoxy(46,7); cprintf("Total Amount"); gotoxy(65,7); cprintf("Emp_Jcode"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(2,8); cout<<"-------------------------------------------------------------------------";

Page 88: Coding on travel management in c++

fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&pur,sizeof(pur))!=0) { gotoxy(5,m); cout<<pur.order; gotoxy(15,m); cout<<strupr(pur.vehicle); gotoxy(31,m); cout<<strupr(; gotoxy(46,m); cout<<pur.cost; gotoxy(67,m); cout<<pur.emp_jcode; m++; } fin.clear(); }//end of function definition/*strting of purchase_query function definition*/void purchase::purchase_query() { clrscr(); int vac; screen2(); gotoxy(32,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nQUERY FORM\n"); gotoxy(36,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(28,10); cprintf("\nPURCHASE DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,22); cprintf("Enter The order Number To Make Query:"); cin>>vac; clear1(); int co=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&pur,sizeof(pur))!=0) { if(pur.order!=vac) co++; else {

clrscr();int s=1;screen2();screen4();gotoxy(30,6);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nQUERY RESULT FORM\n");gotoxy(38,8);

Page 89: Coding on travel management in c++

cprintf("\nOF");gotoxy(29,10);cprintf("\nPURCHASE DETAILS");textcolor(WHITE);gotoxy(27,16);cout<<"Quried Order Number:"<<vac;gotoxy(20,22);textcolor(CYAN);cprintf("Order Number :");gotoxy(20,24);cprintf("Name of Thing :");gotoxy(20,26);cprintf("Date :");gotoxy(20,28);cprintf("Spended Cost :");gotoxy(20,30);cprintf("Job code :");textcolor(WHITE);fin.seekg(0,ios::beg);gotoxy(44,22);cout<<pur.order;gotoxy(44,24);cout<<strupr(pur.vehicle);gotoxy(44,26);cout<<strupr(;gotoxy(44,28);cout<<pur.cost;gotoxy(44,30);cout<<pur.emp_jcode;s++; if (pur.order==vac) { return; }textcolor(WHITE);flush(fin);

} } if(co==0)//if record is not found gotoxy(10,30); gotoxy(24,42); cout<<"Record Not Found! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); return; }//end of function definition body/*--------------------End of purchase class-----------------*/

End of purchase class coding.

Page 90: Coding on travel management in c++

Starting of lease class coding:

/*-----------------------starting of lease class--------------------*/class lease//declaratin of class { protected:

int valid; char ch; int ch1; fstream fin ,fin1;//declaration of fstream variable /*starting of struct declaration for dat with their data

types*/ struct lease1 { long int lea_num; char name[10]; char data[15]; char n_owner[15]; char add[15]; char mode[10]; float pay; char num[12]; }lea;//end of struct declaration

public: lease()//constuctor declaration {"lease6.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|

ios::ate); if (!fin) { gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"Unable To Open File"; getch(); exit8(); } lea.lea_num=100;//initialization of lease number } ~lease()//destructor declaration { fin.close();//closing of file object delete,,lea.n_owner,lea.add,lea.mode,lea.num;//deletion of struct variable explicitly

} /*starting of functtion declaration*/ void lease_entry(); void lease_details(); void lease_del();

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void lease_modify(); void lease_menu(); void lease_query(); void lease_save(); void exit8(); /*end of function declaration*/

};//end of class declaration/*starting of menu function body definetion*/void lease::lease_menu() { market2: clrscr(); char m3; screen3(); gotoxy(18,15); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Lease Division of Marketing Department"); gotoxy(27,17); cprintf("Lease Division Submenu"); screen1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(25,21); cprintf("[1] Lease Details Entry");//for entry of details gotoxy(25,24); cprintf("[2] Lease Details");//for displaying/report generation gotoxy(25,27); cprintf("[3] Lease Deatails Modificatin");//for modify of details gotoxy(25,30); cprintf("[4] Lease details Deletion");//for deletion of details gotoxy(25,33); cprintf("[5] Query For Lease Details");//query for details gotoxy(25,36); cprintf("[6] Return To Purchase Division Menu"); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(25,38); cprintf("Enter Your Choice:"); textcolor(WHITE); m3=getch(); switch(m3) { case '1'://calling of lease_entry function

clrscr();lease_entry();rep3:gotoxy(21,42);textcolor(RED+BLINK);cprintf("HOT KEY: TO MORE ENTRY (PRESS KEY:1)");gotoxy(21,44);cprintf("HOT KEY:TO EXIT (PRESS KEY:2)");

Page 92: Coding on travel management in c++

textcolor(WHITE);char m5;cin>>m5; switch(m5) { case '1'://for more entry

lease_entry(); goto rep3;

case '2': goto market2;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto rep3;

} case '2'://calling of lease_details function

clrscr();lease lo;lo.lease_details();fin.clear();getch();goto market2;

case'3'://calling of lease_modify functionclrscr();lease lo1;lo1.lease_modify();fin.clear();getch();goto market2;

case'4'://calling of lease_del functionclrscr();lease lo2;lo2.lease_del();fin.clear();getch();goto market2;

case'5'://calling of lease_query functionclrscr();lease lo3;lo3.lease_query();fin.clear();getch();goto market2;

case '6':break;

default:gotoxy(21,46);textcolor(BLUE+BLINK);cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!");

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textcolor(WHITE);getch();goto market2;

} }//end of function definetion/*starting of lease_save function definetion*/void lease::lease_save() { textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); ch=getche(); textcolor(WHITE); if (ch == 'y') { fin.seekp(0,ios::end); fin.write((char*)&lea,sizeof(lea)); gotoxy(23,38); cout<<"Lease Details Entered....."; lea.lea_num++;//incrementation of lease number clear(25,42); gotoxy(49,38); } else gotoxy(56,42); return;}//end of lease_save function bodyvoid lease::exit8() { fin.close(); }/*starting of lease_entry function definition*/void lease::lease_entry() { clrscr(); screen2(); gotoxy(34,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nENTRY FORM"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(33,10); cprintf("\nLEASE DETAILS"); screen1(); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(18,21); cprintf("Enter Lease Number :"); gotoxy(18,23); cprintf("Enter The Category of Vehicle :"); gotoxy(18,25); cprintf("Enter The Date :"); gotoxy(18,27);

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cprintf("Enter The Name of Owner :"); gotoxy(18,29); cprintf("Enter The Address :"); gotoxy(18,31); cprintf("Enter The Payment Mode :"); gotoxy(18,33); cprintf("Enter The Amount of Payment :"); gotoxy(18,35); cprintf("Enter The Number :"); textcolor(WHITE); fin.seekp(0,ios::end); gotoxy(52,21); cout<<lea.lea_num;//showing of lease number through constructor /*error handling in the case of data entry*/ do { valid=1; gotoxy(52,23); gets(; ch=strlen(; if (ch== 0 || ch>=10) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(52,23); clear(52,23); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(52,25); gets(; ch=strlen(; if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(52,25); clear(52,25); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(52,27);

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gets(lea.n_owner); ch=strlen(lea.n_owner); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(52,27); clear(52,27); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(52,29); gets(lea.add); ch=strlen(lea.add); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(52,29); clear(52,29); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(52,31); gets(lea.mode); ch=strlen(lea.mode); if (ch== 0 || ch>=10) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(52,31); clear(52,31); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(52,33); cin>>;

Page 96: Coding on travel management in c++; if (ch1== 0 ) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(52,33); clear(52,33); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(52,35); gets(lea.num); ch=strlen(lea.num); if (ch== 0 || ch>=12) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(52,35); clear(52,35); } }while(!valid); /*end of error handling*/ lease_save();//calling of lease_save function for user need fin.clear(); getch();//staying of function }//end of function body definition/* starting of lease_details function definition*/void lease::lease_details() { clrscr(); fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); textcolor(RED); int m=9; gotoxy(22,2); cprintf("THE TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT AGENCY"); gotoxy(29,4); cprintf("Lease Details"); gotoxy(2,6); textcolor(WHITE); cout<<"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; gotoxy(2,7); textcolor(BLUE); cprintf("L_no.");

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gotoxy(8,7); cprintf("V_name"); gotoxy(15,7); cprintf("Number"); gotoxy(26,7); cprintf("Date"); gotoxy(38,7); cprintf("N_ofowner"); gotoxy(53,7); cprintf("Address"); gotoxy(66,7); cprintf("Mode"); gotoxy(74,7); cprintf("Amount"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(2,8); cout<<"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&lea,sizeof(lea))!=0)//checking upto end of file for data display { gotoxy(3,m); cout<<lea.lea_num; gotoxy(8,m); cout<<strupr(; gotoxy(15,m); puts(lea.num); gotoxy(26,m); cout<<strupr(; gotoxy(38,m); cout<<strupr(lea.n_owner); gotoxy(53,m); cout<<strupr(lea.add); gotoxy(66,m); cout<<strupr(lea.mode); gotoxy(75,m); cout<<; m++; } fin.clear(); }//end of function definition/*starting of lease_modify function definition*/void lease::lease_modify() { clrscr(); int sno; screen2(); gotoxy(31,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nMODIFICATION fORM\n"); gotoxy(38,8);

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cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(32,10); cprintf("\nLEASE DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,21); cprintf("Enter The Lease Number To be Modified:");//modify by lease number cin>>sno; clear(20,21); clear1(); int pos=0,count=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&lea,sizeof(lea))) { if(lea.lea_num!=sno) count++; else { scoot(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(10,21); cprintf("Old Value"); gotoxy(10,22); cout<<"---------"; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,23); cprintf("Lease Number :");cout<<lea.lea_num; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,25); cprintf("Category :");cout<<; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,27); cprintf("Date of Lease :");cout<<; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,29); cprintf("Name of Owner :");cout<<lea.n_owner; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,31); cprintf("Owner Address :");cout<<lea.add; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,33); cprintf("Payment Mode :");cout<<lea.mode; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,35);

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cprintf("Amount :");cout<<; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,37); cprintf("Vehicle Number :");cout<<lea.num; textcolor(WHITE); scoot1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(48,21); cprintf("Enter New Value"); gotoxy(48,22); cout<<"---------------"; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(40,23); cprintf("Lease Number :"); textcolor(WHITE); /*checking of duplicate entry*/ do {

valid=1;gotoxy(57,23);cin>>lea.lea_num;int ck=lea.lea_num;if(ck!=sno) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); textcolor(CYAN); cout<<"You Can Not Make Duplicate entry"; textcolor(WHITE); getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,23); clear3(57,23); }

}while(!valid); gotoxy(40,25); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Vehicle Category:"); textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(57,25); gets(; ch=strlen(;

if (ch== 0 || ch>=10) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); textcolor(CYAN);

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cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; textcolor(WHITE); getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,25); clear3(57,25); }

}while(!valid); gotoxy(40,27); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("The Lease Date :"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(57,27);gets(;ch=strlen(; if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,27); clear3(57,27); } }while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,29); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Name of Owner :"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(57,29);gets(lea.n_owner);ch=strlen(lea.n_owner); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,29); clear3(57,29); } }while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,31); textcolor(CYAN);

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cprintf("Enter Address :"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(57,31);gets(lea.add);ch=strlen(lea.add); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,31); clear3(57,31); } }while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,33); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("The Payment Mode:"); textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(57,33); gets(lea.mode); ch=strlen(lea.mode);

if (ch== 0 || ch>=10) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,33); clear3(57,33); }}while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,35); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Amount To Pay :"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(57,35);cin>>;; if (ch1== 0 ) {

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valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,35); clear3(57,35); } }while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,37); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Vehicle Number :"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(57,37);gets(lea.num);ch=strlen(lea.num); if (ch== 0 || ch>=12) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,37); clear3(57,37); } }while(!valid); /*end of checking*/

pos=count*sizeof(lea); textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); ch=getche(); textcolor(WHITE);

if (ch == 'y') { fin.seekp(pos,ios::beg); fin.write((char*)&lea,sizeof(lea)); gotoxy(45,38); cout<<"Lease Details modified...."; gotoxy(70,38); fin.clear(); return; }else return;

} } if(pos==0)//if record is not available

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gotoxy(20,42); cout<<"Record Not Found ! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); }//end of functio definition/*starting of lease_del function*/void lease::lease_del() { clrscr(); screen2(); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nDELETION FORM\n"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(34,10); cprintf("\nLEASE DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); int code1;"temp1.dat",ios::out); gotoxy(23,24); cprintf("Enter The Lease Number To be Deleted:"); cin>>code1; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); int found1=0; while(*)&lea,sizeof(lea))) { if(lea.lea_num!=code1)

fin1.write((char*)&lea,sizeof(lea)); else

found1=1; } if(found1==0) { gotoxy(25,31); cout<<"Record is Not Found! Try Again..."; fin.clear(); } else if(found1==1) { fin.close(); fin1.close(); remove("lease6.dat"); rename("temp1.dat","lease6.dat");"lease6.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); gotoxy(25,29); cout<<"Record Has been Successfully Deleted..."; textcolor(RED+BLINK);

gotoxy(32,38); cout<<"Press Any To Exit:"; textcolor(WHITE); }

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}//end of function definition/*starting of lease_query function definition*/void lease::lease_query() { clrscr(); int vac; screen2(); gotoxy(32,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nQUERY FORM\n"); gotoxy(36,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(31,10); cprintf("\nLEASE DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,22); cprintf("Enter The Lease No. To Make Query:");//by using lease number cin>>vac; clear1(); int co=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&lea,sizeof(lea))!=0) { if(lea.lea_num!=vac) co++; else {

clrscr();int s=1;screen2();screen1();gotoxy(30,6);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nQUERY RESULT FORM\n");gotoxy(38,8);cprintf("\nOF");gotoxy(32,10);cprintf("\nLEASE DETAILS");textcolor(WHITE);gotoxy(24,16);cout<<"Quried Lease Number:"<<vac;gotoxy(20,22);textcolor(CYAN);cprintf("Lease Number :");gotoxy(20,24);cprintf("Category of Vehicle :");gotoxy(20,26);cprintf("Date :");gotoxy(20,28);cprintf("Name of Ownwr :");

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gotoxy(20,30);cprintf("Address of Owner :");gotoxy(20,32);cprintf("Payment Mode :");gotoxy(20,34);cprintf("Amount of payment :");gotoxy(20,36);cprintf("Number of Vehicle :");textcolor(WHITE);fin.seekg(0,ios::beg);/*displaying of particular query*/gotoxy(45,22);cout<<lea.lea_num;gotoxy(45,24);cout<<strupr(;gotoxy(45,26);cout<<strupr(;gotoxy(45,28);cout<<strupr(lea.n_owner);gotoxy(45,30);cout<<strupr(lea.add);gotoxy(45,32);cout<<strupr(lea.mode);gotoxy(45,34);cout<<;gotoxy(45,36);cout<<strupr(lea.num);/*end displaying*/s++; if (lea.lea_num==vac) { return; }textcolor(WHITE);flush(fin);

} } if(co==0)//if record is not available gotoxy(10,30); gotoxy(24,42); cout<<"Record Not Found! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); return; }//end of function definition/*---------------------End of lease class------------------------------*/

End of lease class coding.

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Starting of expense class coding:

/*------------------------Starting of expense class------------------------*/class expense//declaration of expense class { protected:

/*stucture declaration of data with their attributes*/ struct expense1 { int snum; char date[15]; char matter[20]; float amount; }ho;//end of declaration fstream fin,fin1;//decaration of fstream variable

public: expense()//constructor declaration {"expense7.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|

ios::ate); ho.snum=1;//initialization of serial number } ~expense()//destructor declaration { fin.close();//closing of file delete,ho.matter;//deletion of structure data

explicitly } /*starting of function declaration*/ void expense_entry(); void expense_details(); void expense_menu(); void expense_query(); void expense_save(); /*end of function declaration*/

};//end of class declaration/*starting of menu function body*/void expense::expense_menu() { market6: clrscr(); char muk4; screen3(); gotoxy(18,15); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Workshops Division of Marketing Department"); gotoxy(27,17); cprintf("Expenses Details Submenu");

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screen4(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(25,21); cprintf("[1] Expenses Entry");//for details entry gotoxy(25,24); cprintf("[2] Expenses Details");//for details and report generation gotoxy(25,27); cprintf("[3] Query for Expenses details");//for query gotoxy(25,30); cprintf("[4] Return To Workshops Division Menu"); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(25,32); cprintf("Enter Your Choice:"); textcolor(WHITE); muk4=getch(); switch(muk4) { case '1'://calling of expense_entry function

clrscr(); expense_entry(); rep5: gotoxy(21,42); textcolor(RED+BLINK); cprintf("HOT KEY: TO MORE ENTRY (PRESS KEY:1)"); gotoxy(21,44); cprintf("HOT KEY:TO EXIT (PRESS KEY:2)"); textcolor(WHITE); char muk5; muk5=getch(); switch(muk5) {

case '1'://for more entry expense_entry(); goto rep5;

case '2': goto market6;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto rep5;

} case '2'://calling of expense_details function

expense ex; clrscr(); ex.expense_details(); fin.clear(); getch(); goto market6;

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case '3'://calling of expense_query function expense ex1; ex1.expense_query(); fin.clear(); getch(); goto market6;

case '4': break;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto market6;

} }//end of function body/*starting of expense_save function body*/void expense::expense_save() { char in; textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(23,32); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); in=getche(); textcolor(WHITE); if (in == 'y') { fin.seekp(0,ios::end); fin.write((char*)&ho,sizeof(ho)); gotoxy(23,32); cout<<"Expenses Details Entered....."; ho.snum++;//incrementation of serial number clear(25,42); gotoxy(54,32); } else gotoxy(56,42); return;}//end of function body/*starting of expense_enry function*/void expense::expense_entry() { int valid; clrscr(); screen2(); gotoxy(34,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nENTRY FORM"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(31,10);

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cprintf("\nEXPENSES DETAILS"); screen4(); textcolor(BLUE); gotoxy(21,21); cprintf("Serial Number :"); gotoxy(21,24); cprintf("Enter The Date of Entry :"); gotoxy(21,27); cprintf("Enter The Matter :"); gotoxy(21,30); cprintf("Enter The Expenses Amount :"); textcolor(WHITE); fin.seekp(0,ios::end); gotoxy(48,21); cout<<ho.snum; do { valid=1; gotoxy(48,24); gets(; char ch=strlen(; if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(48,24); clear(48,24); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(48,27); gets(ho.matter); char ch=strlen(ho.matter); if (ch== 0 || ch>=20) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(48,27); clear(48,27); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1;

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gotoxy(48,30); cin>>ho.amount; int ch=ho.amount; if (ch== 0 ) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(48,30); clear(48,30); } }while(!valid); expense_save();//calling of save function fin.clear(); getch(); } //end of function body

/*starting of expense_details function body*/void expense::expense_details() { clrscr(); fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); int m=12; gotoxy(31,2); textcolor(RED); cprintf("THE TRAVEL"); gotoxy(33,4); cprintf(" AND"); gotoxy(29,6); cprintf("TRANSPORT AGENCY"); gotoxy(29,8); cprintf("Expenses Details"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(9,9); cout<<"--------------------------------------------------------------"; gotoxy(11,10); textcolor(BLUE); cprintf("S_Number"); gotoxy(21,10); cprintf("Date_of_Entry"); gotoxy(38,10); cprintf("Matter"); gotoxy(63,10); cprintf("Amount"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(9,11); cout<<"--------------------------------------------------------------"; textcolor(WHITE);

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int count=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&ho,sizeof(ho))!=0) { gotoxy(14,m); cout<<ho.snum; gotoxy(21,m); cout<<strupr(; gotoxy(38,m); cout<<strupr(ho.matter); gotoxy(63,m); cout<<ho.amount; m++; count++; } fin.clear(); }//end of function body/*starting of expense_query function*/void expense::expense_query() { clrscr(); int vac; screen2(); gotoxy(32,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nQUERY FORM\n"); gotoxy(36,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(29,10); cprintf("\nEXPENSES DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,22); cprintf("Enter The Serial Number To Make Query:"); cin>>vac; clear1(); int co=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&ho,sizeof(ho))!=0) { if(ho.snum!=vac) co++; else {

clrscr();int s=1;screen2();screen4();gotoxy(30,6);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nQUERY RESULT FORM\n");gotoxy(38,8);

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cprintf("\nOF");gotoxy(29,10);cprintf("\nEXPENSES DETAILS");textcolor(WHITE);gotoxy(25,16);cout<<"Quried Expenses serial Number:"<<vac;gotoxy(20,21);textcolor(CYAN);cprintf("Serial Number :");gotoxy(20,24);cprintf("Date Of entry :");gotoxy(20,27);cprintf("Matter :");gotoxy(20,30);cprintf("Expenses Amount :");textcolor(WHITE);fin.seekg(0,ios::beg);gotoxy(44,21);cout<<ho.snum;gotoxy(44,24);cout<<strupr(;gotoxy(44,27);cout<<strupr(ho.matter);gotoxy(44,30);cout<<ho.amount;s++; if (ho.snum==vac) { return; }textcolor(WHITE);flush(fin);

} } if(co==0) gotoxy(10,30); gotoxy(24,42); cout<<"Record Not Found! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); return; }//end of function body/*--------------------------End of Expenses Class---------------------------*/ End of expenses class coding

Employee Module Coding:

Starting of employ class coding:

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/*-----------------------------Inclution of class for inheritence----------------------*/#include"d:\gaurav\tlook.cpp"/*-----------------------------End of inclution----------------------------------------*//*-----------------------------Stating of employ class---------------------------------*/class employ:public employee,salary,tlook//declaration of class and inheritence of employee,salary and tlook classes { public:

void move();//menu making function for Employee module };//end of class declaration/*------------------------------starting of move function definition------------------*/void employ::move() { abc2: char e; clrscr(); screen(); gotoxy(28,16); cout<<"EMPLOYEEE DEPARTMENT MENU"; screen1(); textcolor(5); gotoxy(24,21); cprintf(" 1. EMPLOYEE DIVISION");//calling of Employee Division gotoxy(24,24); cprintf(" 2. EMPLOYEE SALARY DIVISION");//calling of Salary Division gotoxy(24,27); cprintf(" 3. TIME TABLE DETAILS");//calling of Time-Table Division for employee department gotoxy(24,30); cprintf(" 4. REPORT");//calling of report generation menu gotoxy(24,33); cprintf(" 5. HELP");//calling of help generation menu gotoxy(24,36); cprintf(" 6. RETURN TO MAIN");//return to main menu textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(25,38); cprintf("Enter Your Choice:"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(43,38); e=getch(); switch(e) { case '1'://calling of employee menu function from employee class

clrscr(); employee est; est.employee_menu();

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goto abc2; case '2'://calling of salary menu function from salary class

clrscr(); salary sook; sook.salary_menu(); goto abc2;

case '3'://calling of tlook menu function from tlook class clrscr(); tlook cup; cup.tlook_menu(); goto abc2;

case '4'://calling for report generation emplo3: clrscr(); char took; screen2(); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nREPORT MENU"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nFOR"); gotoxy(30,10); cprintf("\nEMPLOYEE DEPARTMENT"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(23,21); textcolor(11); cprintf("1.Employee Report");//generation fo employee

report gotoxy(23,24); cprintf("2.Salary Report");//calling of salary report gotoxy(23,27); cprintf("3.Time_Table Report");//generation of

time_table report gotoxy(23,30); cprintf("4.Return To Administrative Menu"); textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(25,33); cprintf("Enter Your Choice"); textcolor(WHITE); took=getch();

switch(took) { case '1'://calling of employee details from

employee class clrscr(); employee ewq; ewq.employee_details(); getch(); goto emplo3;

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case '2'://calling of salary show function from salary class

clrscr(); salary sak; sak.salary_show(); getch(); goto emplo3;

case '3'://calling of tlook details function from tlook class

clrscr(); tlook_details(); getch(); goto emplo3;

case '4': goto abc2;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto emplo3;

} case '5'://calling of help generation menu

clrscr(); screen2(); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(35,6); cprintf("\nHELP MENU"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nFOR"); gotoxy(30,10); cprintf("\nEMPLOYEE DEPARTMENT"); textcolor(WHITE); help(); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(15,16); cprintf("IF CHOICE:1# "); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(21,18); cprintf("The User can work with the Employee

Divisin."); gotoxy(16,20); textcolor(5); cprintf("IF SUB CHOICE:#"); gotoxy(21,21); textcolor(GREEN); cprintf("The User can make Entry,Modify,Delete and

take"); gotoxy(21,22); cprintf("Details of Employee Details."); textcolor(RED);

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gotoxy(15,24); cprintf("IF CHOICE:2# "); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(21,26); cprintf("The User can Work with the Salary

Divisin."); gotoxy(16,28); textcolor(5); cprintf("IF SUB CHOICE:#"); gotoxy(21,29); textcolor(GREEN); cprintf("The User can make Entry,Modify,Delete and

take"); gotoxy(21,30); cprintf("Details of Salary Details and"); gotoxy(21,31); cprintf("Expenses Details."); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(15,33); cprintf("IF CHOICE:3# "); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(21,35); cprintf("User can Generate Report For all above

choices."); gotoxy(18,39); textcolor(5); cprintf("Press Any Key To Continue........"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto abc2;

case '6': break;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto abc2;

} }//end of function body/*--------------------------End of Employ class-----------------------------*/

E nd of employ class coding. Starting of tlook class coding:

/*-------------------------Starting of tlook class---------------------------*/class tlook//declaration of class {

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private: int valid; char ch; int ch1; fstream fin,fin1;//variable declaration of fstream

variable /*declaration of structure data with their data types*/ struct tlook2 { int jcode; char attend[7]; char leave[7]; int day; int year; }tom;//end of structure declaration

public: tlook()//constructor declaration {"tlook.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|

ios::ate); if(!fin) {

gotoxy(22,22);cout<<"unable to open file";getch();exit14();

} } ~tlook()//destructor declaration { fin1.close();//closing of file stream delete tom.attend,tom.leave;//deletion of struct data

explicitly } /*starting of function declaration*/ void tlook_entry(); void tlook_details(); void tlook_modify(); void tlook_del(); void tlook_menu(); void tlook_query(); void tlook_save(); void exit14(); /*end of function declaration*/

};//end of class decaration/*starting of tlook_menu function definition*/void tlook::tlook_menu() { emplo2: clrscr(); char t; screen3();

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gotoxy(30,15); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("EMPLOYEE DEPARTMENT"); gotoxy(22,17); cprintf("TIME TABLE DIVISION FOR EMPLOYEE"); textcolor(WHITE); screen1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(23,21); cprintf("[1] Entry of Time_Table Details");//entry of details gotoxy(23,24); cprintf("[2] Time_Table Details");//for details/report generation gotoxy(23,27); cprintf("[3] Modify of Details");//for modifying of details gotoxy(23,30); cprintf("[4] Deletion of details");//for deletion of details gotoxy(23,33); cprintf("[5] Query for Employee Time-Table");//for query of details gotoxy(23,36); cprintf("[6] Return to Employee Department Menu"); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(32,38); cprintf("Enter Your choice:"); textcolor(WHITE); t=getch(); switch(t) { case '1'://calling of tlook_entry function

clrscr(); tlook_entry(); ti: gotoxy(21,42); textcolor(RED+BLINK); cprintf("HOT KEY: TO MORE ENTRY (PRESS KEY:1)"); gotoxy(21,44); cprintf("HOT KEY:TO EXIT (PRESS KEY:2)"); textcolor(WHITE); char ti1; cin>>ti1;

switch(ti1) { case '1'://for more entry

tlook_entry(); goto ti;

case '2': goto emplo2;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!");

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textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto ti;

} case '2'://calling of tlook_details functon

clrscr(); tlook tu; tu.tlook_details(); fin.clear(); getch(); goto emplo2;

case'3'://calling of tlook_modify function clrscr(); tlook tu1; tu1.tlook_modify(); fin.clear(); getch(); goto emplo2;

case'4'://calling of tlook_del function clrscr(); tlook tu2; tu2.tlook_del(); fin.clear(); getch(); goto emplo2;

case'5'://calling of tlook_query function clrscr(); tlook tu3; tu3.tlook_query(); fin.clear(); getch(); goto emplo2;

case'6': break;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto emplo2;

} }//end of menu function definition/*starting of tlook_save function definition*/void tlook::tlook_save() { textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); ch=getche(); textcolor(WHITE); if (ch == 'y')

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{ fin.seekp(0,ios::end); fin.write((char*)&tom,sizeof(tom)); gotoxy(23,38); cout<<"Time-Table Details Entered....."; clear(25,42); gotoxy(53,38); } else gotoxy(56,38); return;}//end of function definitionvoid tlook::exit14()//function for error handling { fin.close(); }/*sarting of table_entry function defintion body*/void tlook::tlook_entry() { clrscr(); screen2(); gotoxy(34,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nENTRY FORM"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(25,10); cprintf("\nTIME-TABLE DEATILS OF EMPLOYEE"); screen1(); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(21,23); cprintf("Enter The Job_code of Employee :"); gotoxy(21,26); cprintf("Enter The Attend Time :"); gotoxy(21,29); cprintf("Enter The Leave Time :"); gotoxy(21,32); cprintf("Enter The Working Days :"); gotoxy(21,35); cprintf("Enter The Working Years :"); textcolor(WHITE); fin.seekp(0,ios::end); /*starting of error checking during data entry*/ do { valid=1; gotoxy(53,23); cin>>tom.jcode; ch1=tom.jcode; if (ch1 == 0) { valid=0;

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gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(53,23); clear(53,23); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(53,26); gets(tom.attend); ch=strlen(tom.attend); if (ch== 0 || ch>=7) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(53,26); clear(53,26); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(53,29); gets(tom.leave); ch=strlen(tom.leave); if (ch== 0 || ch>=7) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(53,29); clear(53,29); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(53,32); cin>>;; if (ch1 == 0) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38);

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cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(53,32); clear(53,32); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(53,35); cin>>tom.year; ch1=tom.year; if (ch1 == 0) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(53,35); clear(53,35); } }while(!valid); /*end of error checking*/ tlook_save();//calling of tlook_save function for user need fin.clear(); getch(); }//end of function defintion/*starting of tlook_details dfinition*/void tlook::tlook_details() { clrscr(); fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); int m=12; gotoxy(31,2); textcolor(RED); cprintf("THE TRAVEL"); gotoxy(33,4); cprintf(" AND"); gotoxy(29,6); cprintf("TRANSPORT AGENCY"); gotoxy(28,8); cprintf("Time_Table Details"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(9,9); cout<<"--------------------------------------------------------------"; textcolor(BLUE); gotoxy(10,10); cprintf("Emp_jcode"); gotoxy(23,10);

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cprintf("Attend_Time"); gotoxy(39,10); cprintf("Leave_Time"); gotoxy(54,10); cprintf("W_days"); gotoxy(64,10); cprintf("W_year"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(9,11); cout<<"--------------------------------------------------------------"; textcolor(WHITE); fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&tom,sizeof(tom))!=0) { gotoxy(12,m); cout<<tom.jcode; gotoxy(24,m); cout<<strupr(tom.attend); gotoxy(40,m); cout<<strupr(tom.leave); gotoxy(57,m); cout<<; gotoxy(66,m); cout<<tom.year; m++; } fin.clear(); }//end of function definition/*starting of tlook_modify function definition*/void tlook::tlook_modify() { clrscr(); int so; screen2(); gotoxy(31,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nMODIFICATION fORM\n"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(25,10); cprintf("\nTIME-TABLE DETAILS FOR EMPLOYEE"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,21); cprintf("Enter The Job_code To be Modified:"); cin>>so; clear(20,21); clear1(); int pos=0,count=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&tom,sizeof(tom)))

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{ if(tom.jcode!=so) count++; else { scoot(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(10,21); cprintf("Old Value"); gotoxy(10,22); cout<<"---------"; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,23); cprintf("Job Code :");cout<<tom.jcode; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,26); cprintf("Attend Time :");cout<<tom.attend; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,29); cprintf("Leave Time :");cout<<tom.leave; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,32); cprintf("Working Day :");cout<<; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,35); cprintf("Working Year :");cout<<tom.year; textcolor(WHITE); scoot1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(48,21); cprintf("Enter New Value"); gotoxy(48,22); cout<<"---------------"; textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(40,23); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Enter Job_code :"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(56,23);cin>>tom.jcode;int ck=tom.jcode;if(ck!=so) { valid=0;

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gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Make Duplicate entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,23); clear3(56,23); }

}while(!valid); gotoxy(40,26); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("The Attend Time:"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(56,26);gets(tom.attend);ch=strlen(tom.attend); if (ch== 0 || ch>=7) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,26); clear3(56,26); }}while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,29); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("The Leave Time :"); textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(56,29); gets(tom.leave); ch=strlen(tom.leave);

if (ch== 0 || ch>=7) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,29); clear3(56,29); }

}while(!valid); gotoxy(40,32); textcolor(CYAN);

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cprintf("Working Days :"); textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(56,32); cin>>;;

if (ch1 == 0) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,32); clear3(56,32); }

}while(!valid); gotoxy(40,35); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Working Years :"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(56,35);cin>>tom.year;ch1=tom.year; if (ch1 == 0) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,35); clear3(56,35); }}while(!valid);

pos=count*sizeof(tom); textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); ch=getche(); textcolor(WHITE);

if (ch == 'y') { fin.seekp(pos,ios::beg); fin.write((char*)&tom,sizeof(tom)); gotoxy(42,38); cout<<"Time Details modified....";

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fin.clear(); gotoxy(68,38); return; }else return;

} } if(pos==0)//if record is not found gotoxy(21,42); cout<<"Record Not Found ! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); }//end of function definition/*starting of tlook_del function definition body*/void tlook::tlook_del() { clrscr(); screen2(); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nDELETION FORM\n");

gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(25,10); cprintf("\nTIME-TABLE DETAILS OF EMPLOYEE"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); int code2;"temu.dat",ios::out); gotoxy(21,24); cprintf("Enter The Serial Number To be Deleted:"); cin>>code2; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); int found2=0; while(*)&tom,sizeof(tom))) { if(tom.jcode!=code2)

fin1.write((char*)&tom,sizeof(tom)); else

found2=1; } if(found2==0) { gotoxy(25,31); cout<<"Record is Not Found! Try Again..."; fin.clear(); } else if(found2==1) { fin.close(); fin1.close(); remove("tlook.dat");

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rename("temu.dat","tlook.dat");"tlook.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); gotoxy(25,29); cout<<"Record Has been Successfully Deleted..."; textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(32,38); cout<<"Press Any To Exit:"; textcolor(WHITE); fin.clear(); }}//end of function definition/*starting of tlook_query function definition*/void tlook::tlook_query() { clrscr(); int vac; screen2(); gotoxy(32,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nQUERY FORM\n"); gotoxy(36,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(28,10); cprintf("\ntime TABLE DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,22); cprintf("Enter The Job code To Make Query:"); cin>>vac; clear1(); int co=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&tom,sizeof(tom))!=0) { if(tom.jcode!=vac) co++; else {

clrscr();int s=1;screen2();screen4();gotoxy(30,6);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nQUERY RESULT FORM\n");gotoxy(38,8);cprintf("\nOF");gotoxy(28,10);cprintf("\nTIME-TABLE DETAILS");textcolor(WHITE);gotoxy(28,16);cout<<"Quried Job Code:"<<vac;

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gotoxy(20,21);textcolor(CYAN);cprintf("Job Code :");gotoxy(20,24);cprintf("Attend Time :");gotoxy(20,27);cprintf("Leave Time :");gotoxy(20,30);cprintf("Working Days :");gotoxy(20,33);cprintf("Working Years :");textcolor(WHITE);fin.seekg(0,ios::beg);gotoxy(40,21);cout<<tom.jcode;gotoxy(40,24);cout<<strupr(tom.attend);gotoxy(40,27);cout<<strupr(tom.leave);gotoxy(40,30);cout<<;gotoxy(40,33);cout<<tom.year;s++; if (tom.jcode==vac) { return; }textcolor(WHITE);flush(fin);

} } if(co==0)//if record is not found gotoxy(10,30); gotoxy(24,42); cout<<"Record Not Found! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); return; }//end of function definition/*-----------------------End of Tlook Class-----------------------*/ End of tlook class coding.

Roadways Module Coding:

Starting of road class coding:

/*-------------------------Inclution of classes for inheritence-----------------------*/#include"d:\gaurav\counter.cpp"

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#include"d:\gaurav\vehicle.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\table.cpp"#include"d:\gaurav\munsi.cpp"/*-------------------------End of Inclution-------------------------------------------*//*-----------------Starting of road class for creation of Roadways Department Menu---------*/class road:public counter,vehicle,table,munsi//declaration of class with inhritence of counter,vehicle,munsi and table class { public:

void march();//declaration of function for creation of roadways menu };/*------------------------------End of class declaration-----------------------------------*//*-----------------------------Starting of march function definition-----------------------*/void road::march() { abc3: char ro; clrscr(); screen(); gotoxy(30,16); cout<<"ROADWAYS DEPARTMENT MENU"; screen1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(24,20); cprintf(" 1. VEHICLE DIVISION");//calling of vehicle division gotoxy(24,23); cprintf(" 2. TIME-TABLE DIVISION");//calling of time-table division gotoxy(24,26); cprintf(" 3. TRUCK COUNTER DIVISION");//calling of truck counter division gotoxy(24,29); cprintf(" 4. MUNSI CONTROL SECTION");//calling of munsi control section gotoxy(24,32); cprintf(" 5. REPORT");//calling of report generation menu gotoxy(24,35); cprintf(" 6. HELP");//calling of help menu gotoxy(24,38); cprintf(" 7. RETURN TO MAIN");//return to main menu textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(25,39); cprintf("Enter Your Choice:"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(43,39); ro=getch(); switch(ro)

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{ case '1'://calling the vehicle_menu function from vehicle class

clrscr(); vehicle::vehicle_menu(); goto abc3;

case '2'://calling the table_menu function from table class clrscr(); table::table_menu(); goto abc3;

case '3'://calling of the counter_menu function from munsi class

clrscr(); counter::counter_menu(); goto abc3;

case '4'://calling of the munsi_menu function from munsi and passenger class

clrscr(); munsi::munsi_menu(); goto abc3;

case '5'://calling of report generation menu repo: clrscr(); char cool; screen2(); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nREPORT MENU"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nFOR"); gotoxy(30,10); cprintf("\nROADWAYS DEPARTMENT"); textcolor(WHITE); screen1(); gotoxy(23,22); textcolor(5); cprintf("1.Vechile Report"); gotoxy(23,25); cprintf("2.Time-Table Report"); gotoxy(23,28); cprintf("3.Counter Report"); gotoxy(23,31); cprintf("4.Passenger Report"); gotoxy(23,34); cprintf("5.Income Report"); gotoxy(23,37); cprintf("6.Return To Roadways Department Menu"); textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(25,39);

cprintf("Enter Your Choice:"); textcolor(WHITE);

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cool=getch();switch(cool) { case '1'://calling from vehicle class

clrscr(); vehicle hick; hick.display(); getch(); goto repo;

case '2'://calling from table class clrscr(); table::table_display(); getch(); goto repo;

case '3'://calling from counter class clrscr(); counter com; com.counter_display(); getch(); goto repo;

case '4'://calling from passenger class munsi mon; mon.passenger_display(); getch(); goto repo;

case '5'://calling from munsi class munsi ipc; ipc.income_display(); getch(); goto repo;

case '6': goto abc3;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto repo;

} case '6'://callling for help generation menu

clrscr(); screen2(); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(35,6); cprintf("\nHELP MENU"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nFOR"); gotoxy(30,10); cprintf("\nROADWAYS DEPARTMENT"); textcolor(WHITE); help();

Page 133: Coding on travel management in c++

textcolor(RED); gotoxy(15,15); cprintf("IF CHOICE:1# "); textcolor(11); gotoxy(21,16); cprintf("The User can work with the Bus&Truck

Divisin."); gotoxy(16,17); textcolor(5); cprintf("IF SUB CHOICE:#"); gotoxy(21,18); textcolor(11); cprintf("The User can make Entry,Modify,Delete and

take"); gotoxy(21,19); cprintf("Details of Vechicles Details."); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(15,21); cprintf("IF CHOICE:2# "); textcolor(11); gotoxy(21,22); cprintf("The User can Work with the Time-Table

Divisin."); gotoxy(16,23); textcolor(5); cprintf("IF SUB CHOICE:#"); gotoxy(21,24); textcolor(11); cprintf("The User can make Entry,Modify,Delete and

take"); gotoxy(21,25); cprintf("Details of Time-Table Details for

Roadways."); gotoxy(15,27); textcolor(RED); cprintf("IF CHOICE:3# "); gotoxy(21,28); textcolor(11); cprintf("The User can Work with The Counter

Division."); gotoxy(16,29); textcolor(5); cprintf("IF SUB CHOICE:#"); gotoxy(21,30); textcolor(11); cprintf("The User can make Entry,Modify,Delete and

take"); gotoxy(21,31); cprintf("Details of Details for Truck Counter."); gotoxy(15,33); textcolor(RED); cprintf("IF CHOICE:4# ");

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gotoxy(21,34); textcolor(11); cprintf("The User can Work with The Munsi Control

Section."); gotoxy(16,35); textcolor(5); cprintf("IF SUB CHOICE:#"); gotoxy(21,36); textcolor(11); cprintf("The User can make Entry,Modify,Delete and

take"); gotoxy(21,37); cprintf("Details of Passenger & Time-Table."); gotoxy(15,39); textcolor(RED); cprintf("IF CHOICE:5# "); gotoxy(21,40); textcolor(11); cprintf("User can Generate Report For all above

choices."); gotoxy(18,41); textcolor(5); cprintf("Press Any Key To Continue........"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto abc3;

case '7': break;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto abc3;

} }/*------------------End of road class definition-----------------------*/

End of road class definition.

Starting of counter class coding:

/*-------------------Starting of counter class----------------------*/class counter//class declaration { protected:

/*declaration of variable for error checking*/ char ch; int valid;

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int ch1; /*end of variable declaration*/ /*definition of structure for data*/ struct counter1 { int snum; char number[12]; char source[17]; char desti[17]; char date[15]; float amount; int jcode; }hero;//structure variable with end of dclaration fstream fin,fin1;//declaration of fstream variable

public: //vehicle vol; counter()//constructor declaration {"counter.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|

ios::ate); if(!fin) { gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"Unable To Open File"; getch(); exit9(); } hero.snum=1;//assinment of serial number } ~counter()//declaration of destructor { delete

hero.number,hero.source,hero.desti,;//deletion of structure data explicitly

fin.close();//closing of file }

/*starting of function declaration*/ void counter_entry(); void counter_display(); void counter_modify(); void counter_del(); void counter_menu(); void counter_query(); void counter_save(); void exit9(); /*end of function declartion*/

};/*starting of menu function*/void counter::counter_menu() { coun:

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clrscr(); char co; screen3(); gotoxy(29,15); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("ROADWAYS DEPARTMENT"); gotoxy(31,17); cprintf("Counter Division"); textcolor(WHITE); screen1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(25,21); cprintf("[1] Truck Counter Details Entry");//for entry of details gotoxy(25,24); cprintf("[2] Counter Details");//for details and report generation gotoxy(25,27); cprintf("[3] Truck Details Modification");//for details modiication gotoxy(25,30); cprintf("[4] Truck Details Deletion");//for deletion of details gotoxy(25,33); cprintf("[5] Query for Truck Counter");//query for details gotoxy(25,36); cprintf("[6] Return To RoadWays Department Menu"); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(25,38); cprintf("Enter Your Choice:"); textcolor(WHITE); co=getch(); switch(co) { case '1'://callingf of counter_entry function

clrscr(); counter_entry(); co: gotoxy(21,42); textcolor(RED+BLINK); cprintf("HOT KEY: TO MORE ENTRY (PRESS KEY:1)"); gotoxy(21,44); cprintf("HOT KEY:TO EXIT (PRESS KEY:2)"); textcolor(WHITE); char co1; cin>>co1;

switch(co1) { case '1'://for more entry

counter_entry(); flush(fin); goto co;

case '2':

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goto coun; default:

gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto co;

} case '2'://calling of counter_display function

counter com; com.counter_display(); fin.clear(); getch(); goto coun;

case '3'://calling of counter_modify function counter com1; com1.counter_modify(); fin.clear(); getch(); goto coun;

case '4'://calling of counter_del funtion counter com2; com2.counter_del(); fin.clear(); getch(); goto coun;

case '5'://calling of counter_query function counter com3; com3.counter_query(); fin.clear(); getch(); goto coun;

case '6': break;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto coun;

} }//end of menu function/*starting of counter_save function defination*/void counter::counter_save() { textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); ch=getche(); textcolor(WHITE);

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if (ch == 'y') { fin.seekp(0,ios::end); fin.write((char*)&hero,sizeof(hero)); gotoxy(23,37); cprintf("Counter Details Entered....."); hero.snum++;//encrementation of serial number clear(25,42); gotoxy(52,37); } else gotoxy(56,42); return;}//end of counter_save functionvoid counter::exit9()//function for error handling { fin.close(); fin.clear(); }/*starting of counter_entry function defination*/void counter::counter_entry() { clrscr(); screen2(); gotoxy(34,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nENTRY FORM"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(33,10); cprintf("\nCOUNTER DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen1(); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(18,22); cprintf("Serial Number :"); gotoxy(18,24); cprintf("Enter The Truck Number :"); gotoxy(18,26); cprintf("Enter The Source From Go :"); gotoxy(18,28); cprintf("Enter The Date To Go :"); gotoxy(18,30); cprintf("Enter The Destination :"); gotoxy(18,32); cprintf("Enter The Charge :"); gotoxy(18,34); cprintf("Enter The Head_Jcode :"); textcolor(WHITE); fin.seekp(0,ios::end); gotoxy(49,22); cout<<hero.snum;

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do { valid=1; gotoxy(49,24); gets(hero.number); ch=strlen(hero.number); if (ch== 0 || ch>=12) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cprintf("You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"); getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(49,24); clear(49,24); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(49,26); gets(hero.source); ch=strlen(hero.source); if (ch== 0 || ch>=17) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cprintf("You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"); getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(49,26); clear(49,26); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(49,28); gets(; ch=strlen(; if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cprintf("You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"); getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(49,28); clear(48,28); } }while(!valid); do

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{ valid=1; gotoxy(49,30); gets(hero.desti); ch=strlen(hero.desti); if (ch== 0 || ch>=17) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cprintf("You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"); getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(49,30); clear(49,30); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(49,32); cin>>hero.amount; float ch=hero.amount; if (ch== 0 ) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cprintf("You Can Not Skip This Entry"); getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(49,32); clear(49,32); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(49,34); cin>>hero.jcode; ch1= hero.jcode; if (ch1== 0) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cprintf("You Can Not Skip This Entry"); getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(49,34); clear(49,34); } }while(!valid); counter_save(); fin.clear();

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getch(); }//end of function defination/*starting of counter_display function*/void counter::counter_display() { clrscr(); textcolor(RED); int m=9; gotoxy(22,2); cprintf("THE TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT AGENCY"); cout<<endl; gotoxy(29,4); cprintf("Counter Details"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(2,6); cprintf("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); gotoxy(2,7); textcolor(BLUE); cprintf("Sno"); gotoxy(7,7); cprintf("Truck_No."); gotoxy(20,7); cprintf("Source"); gotoxy(35,7); cprintf("Desination"); gotoxy(50,7); cprintf("Date"); gotoxy(63,7); cprintf("Charge"); gotoxy(73,7); cprintf("H_Jcode"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(2,8); cprintf("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); textcolor(WHITE); fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&hero,sizeof(hero))!=0) { gotoxy(2,m); cout<<hero.snum; gotoxy(7,m); cout<<strupr(hero.number); gotoxy(20,m); cout<<(strupr(hero.source)); gotoxy(35,m); cprintf(strupr(hero.desti)); gotoxy(50,m); cprintf(strupr(; gotoxy(63,m); cout<<hero.amount;

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gotoxy(73,m); cout<<hero.jcode; m++; } fin.clear(); }//end of function defination/* starting of counter_modify function*/void counter::counter_modify() { clrscr(); int number1; screen2(); gotoxy(31,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nMODIFICATION fORM\n"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(32,10); cprintf("\nCOUNTER DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,21); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Enter Serial No. of Details To be Modified:");//modifying through serial number textcolor(WHITE); cin>>number1; clear(20,21); clear1(); int pos=0,count=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&hero,sizeof(hero))) { if(hero.snum!=number1) count++; else { int ck; /*displaying of old value for reference*/ scoot(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(12,21); cprintf("Old Value"); gotoxy(12,22); cout<<"---------"; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,23); cprintf("Serial Number:");cout<<hero.snum; textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(5,25); textcolor(CYAN);

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cprintf("Truck Number :");cout<<hero.number; textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(5,27); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Source :");cout<<hero.source; textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(5,29); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Destination :");cout<<hero.desti; textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(5,31); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Date :");cout<<;

textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(5,33); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Charge :");cout<<hero.amount; textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(5,35); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Head Job Code:");cout<<hero.jcode; textcolor(WHITE); /*entering of new value*/ scoot1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(47,21); cprintf("Enter New Value"); gotoxy(47,22); cout<<"---------------"; textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(40,23); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Serial Number :"); textcolor(WHITE); do

{ valid=1; gotoxy(56,23); cin>>hero.snum; ck=hero.snum; if(ck!=number1) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cprintf("Not Make Duplicate entry"); getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,23); clear3(56,23); }}while(!valid);

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gotoxy(40,25); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Truck Number :"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(56,25);gets(hero.number);ch=strlen(hero.number);if (ch== 0 || ch>=12) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cprintf("Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"); getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,25); clear3(56,25); }}while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,27); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Source To Go :"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(56,27);gets(hero.source);ch=strlen(hero.source); if (ch== 0 || ch>=17) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cprintf("Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"); getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,27); clear3(56,27); } }while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,29); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("The Destination:"); textcolor(WHITE); do

{ valid=1; gotoxy(56,29); gets(hero.desti); ch=strlen(hero.desti);

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if (ch== 0 || ch>=17) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cprintf("Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"); getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,29); clear3(56,29); } }while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,31); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("The Date To Go :"); textcolor(WHITE);

do {

valid=1;gotoxy(56,31);gets(;ch=strlen(; if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cprintf("Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"); getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,31); clear3(56,31); } }while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,33); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Enter Charge :"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(56,33);cin>>hero.amount;float ch=hero.amount; if (ch== 0 ) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cprintf("Not Skip This Entry"); getch(); clear3(56,38); gotoxy(56,33); clear3(56,33);

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gotoxy(40,35); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("The Head Jcode :"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(56,35);cin>>hero.jcode;ch1= hero.jcode; if (ch1== 0) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cprintf("Not Skip This Entry"); getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,35); clear3(56,35); } }while(!valid);

pos=count*sizeof(hero); textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); ch=getche(); textcolor(WHITE); if (ch == 'y') {

fin.seekp(pos,ios::beg);fin.write((char*)&hero,sizeof(hero));gotoxy(45,38);cout<<"Counter Details modified....";gotoxy(72,38);return;

} else return; } } if(pos==0) gotoxy(20,42); cprintf("Record Not Found ! Try Again..... "); fin.clear(); textcolor(WHITE); fin.clear(); }//end of function defination/*starting of counter_del function deination*/void counter::counter_del() {

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clrscr(); screen2(); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nDELETION FORM\n"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(34,10); cprintf("\nCOUNTER DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); int code1;"coo.dat",ios::out); gotoxy(23,24); cprintf("Enter The Serial No.To be Deleted:"); cin>>code1; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); int found1=0; while(*)&hero,sizeof(hero))) { if(hero.snum!=code1)

fin1.write((char*)&hero,sizeof(hero)); else

found1=1; } if(found1==0) { gotoxy(25,31); cprintf("Record is Not Found! Try Again..."); fin.clear(); } else if(found1==1) { fin.close(); fin1.close(); remove("counter4.dat"); rename("coo.dat","counter4.dat");"counter4.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); gotoxy(25,29); cprintf("Record Has been Successfully Deleted..."); textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(32,38); cprintf("Press Any To Exit:"); textcolor(WHITE); } fin.clear(); fin1.clear(); }//end of functio defination/*starting of counter_query function defination*/void counter::counter_query() { clrscr(); int vac;

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screen2(); gotoxy(32,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nQUERY FORM\n"); gotoxy(36,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(27,10); cprintf("\nTRUCK COUNTER DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,22);

cprintf("Enter Serial Number To Make Query:"); cin>>vac; clear1(); int co=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&hero,sizeof(hero))!=0) { if(hero.snum!=vac) co++; else {

clrscr();int s=1;screen2();screen1();gotoxy(30,6);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nQUERY RESULT FORM\n");gotoxy(38,8);cprintf("\nOF");gotoxy(28,10);cprintf("\nTRUCK COUNTER DETAILS");textcolor(WHITE);gotoxy(27,16);textcolor(CYAN);cout<<"Quried serial Number:"<<vac;gotoxy(20,22);cprintf("Serial Number :");gotoxy(20,24);cprintf("Truck Number :");gotoxy(20,26);cprintf("Source From Go :");gotoxy(20,28);cprintf("Date To Go :");gotoxy(20,30);cprintf("Destination :");gotoxy(20,32);cprintf("Charge :");gotoxy(20,34);cprintf("Head Jcode :");

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textcolor(WHITE);fin.seekg(0,ios::beg);gotoxy(42,22);cout<<hero.snum;gotoxy(42,24);cprintf(strupr(hero.number));gotoxy(42,26);cprintf(strupr(hero.source));gotoxy(42,28);cprintf(strupr(;gotoxy(42,30);cprintf(strupr(hero.desti));gotoxy(42,32);cout<<hero.amount;gotoxy(42,34);cout<<hero.jcode;s++; if (hero.snum==vac) { return; }textcolor(WHITE);flush(fin);

} } if(co==0) gotoxy(10,30); gotoxy(24,42); cprintf("Record Not Found! Try Again..... "); fin.clear(); return; }//end of function defination/*----------------------End of Counter Class-------------------------*/ End of counter class coding.

Starting of vehicle class coding:

/*-------------------Starting of vehicle class-------------------*/class vehicle//class declaration { protected:

/*structure declaration for data with their data types*/ struct vehicle1 { char number[12]; int sn; char status[10]; char pdate[15]; char wstatus[5];

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char category[7]; }vol;//end of structure declaration with structue

variable fstream fin,fin1;//fstream variable

public: vehicle()//constructor declaration {"vehicle.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|

ios::ate); if(!fin) { gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"Unable to Open File"; getch(); exit15(); };//initialization of serial number } ~vehicle()//destructor declaration { fin.close(); delete

vol.number,vol.status,vol.pdate,vol.wstatus,vol.category;//deletion of structor declaration explicitly

} /*starting of function declaration*/ void entry(); void display(); void modify(); void del(); void vehicle_menu(); void query(); void save(); void exit15(); /*end of function declaration*/ };//end of class declaration

/*starting of menu function defination*/void vehicle::vehicle_menu() { vecho: clrscr(); char ve; screen3(); gotoxy(30,15); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("ROADWAYS DEPARTMENT"); gotoxy(31,17); cprintf("Vehicle Division"); screen1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(25,21); cprintf("[1] Vehicle Entry");//for vehicle details entry

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gotoxy(25,24); cprintf("[2] Vehicle Details");//for details gotoxy(25,27); cprintf("[3] Vehicle Modifiction");//for modification of details gotoxy(25,30); cprintf("[4] Vehicle Deletion");//for deletion of records gotoxy(25,33); cprintf("[5] Query for Vehicle details");//for query gotoxy(25,36); cprintf("[6] Return To RoadWays Department Menu"); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(25,38); cprintf("Enter Your Choice:"); textcolor(WHITE); ve=getch(); switch(ve) { case '1'://calling of entry function

clrscr(); entry(); vcl:

gotoxy(21,42); textcolor(RED+BLINK); cprintf("HOT KEY: TO MORE ENTRY (PRESS KEY:1)"); gotoxy(21,44); cprintf("HOT KEY:TO EXIT (PRESS KEY:2)"); textcolor(WHITE); char ve1; cin>>ve1;

switch(ve1) { case '1'://for more entry

entry(); goto vcl;

case '2': goto vecho;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto vcl;

} case '2'://calling of display function

vehicle vim; vim.display(); getch(); goto vecho;

case '3'://calling of modify function

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vehicle vim1; vim1.modify(); getch(); goto vecho;

case '4'://calling of del function vehicle vim2; vim2.del(); getch(); goto vecho;

case '5'://calling of query function vehicle vim3; vim3.query(); getch(); goto vecho;

case '6': break;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto vecho;

} }//end of menu function/*starting of save function declaration*/void vehicle::save() { char in; textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); in=getche(); textcolor(WHITE); if (in == 'y') { fin.seekp(0,ios::end); fin.write((char*)&vol,sizeof(vol)); gotoxy(23,38); cout<<"vehicle Details Entered.....";;//incrementation of serial number clear(25,42); gotoxy(37,65); } else gotoxy(56,42); return;}//end of save function definationvoid vehicle::exit15()//function for error handling { fin.close(); }

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/*starting of entry function declaration*/void vehicle::entry() { int valid; clrscr(); screen2(); gotoxy(34,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nENTRY FORM"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(33,10); cprintf("\nVEHICLE DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen1(); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(18,21); cprintf("Enter The serial Number :"); gotoxy(18,24); cprintf("Enter The Vechile's Number :"); gotoxy(18,27); cprintf("Enter The Category :"); gotoxy(18,30); cprintf("Enter The Status :"); gotoxy(18,33); cprintf("Enter The Purchasing date :"); gotoxy(18,36); cprintf("Enter The Working Status :"); textcolor(WHITE); fin.seekp(0,ios::end); gotoxy(55,21); cout<<; do { valid=1; gotoxy(55,24); gets(vol.number); char ch=strlen(vol.number); if (ch== 0 || ch>=12) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(55,24); clear(55,24); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1;

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gotoxy(55,27); gets(vol.category); char ch=strlen(vol.category); if (ch== 0 || ch>=10) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(55,27); clear(55,27); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(55,30); gets(vol.status); char ch=strlen(vol.status); if (ch== 0 || ch>=10)

{ valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(55,30); clear(55,30); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(55,33); gets(vol.pdate); char ch=strlen(vol.pdate); if (ch== 0 || ch>=12) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(55,33); clear(55,33); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1;

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gotoxy(55,36); gets(vol.wstatus); char ch=strlen(vol.wstatus); if (ch== 0 || ch>=5) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(55,36); clear(55,36); } }while(!valid); save(); fin.clear(); getch(); }//end of function defination/*tarting of display function body*/void vehicle::display()

{ clrscr(); textcolor(RED); int m=9; gotoxy(22,2); cprintf("THE TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT AGENCY"); gotoxy(29,4); cprintf("Vehicle Details"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(2,6); cout<<"----------------------------------------------------------------------------"; gotoxy(3,7); textcolor(BLUE); cprintf("Sno"); gotoxy(14,7); cprintf("Vehicle_No."); gotoxy(32,7); cprintf("Category"); gotoxy(45,7); cprintf("Status"); gotoxy(54,7); cprintf("P_Date"); gotoxy(69,7); cprintf("W_status"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(2,8); cout<<"----------------------------------------------------------------------------"; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&vol,sizeof(vol))!=0)

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{ gotoxy(3,m); cout<<; gotoxy(14,m); cout<<strupr(vol.number); gotoxy(32,m); cout<<strupr(vol.category); gotoxy(45,m); cout<<strupr(vol.status); gotoxy(54,m); cout<<strupr(vol.pdate); gotoxy(71,m); cout<<strupr(vol.wstatus); m++; } fin.clear(); }//end of function body/*starting of modify function body*/void vehicle::modify() { int valid; clrscr(); int number1; screen2(); gotoxy(31,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nMODIFICATION fORM\n"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(32,10); cprintf("\nVEHICLE DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,21); cprintf("Enter Serial No. of Vehicle To be Modified:"); cin>>number1; clear(20,21); clear1(); int pos=0,count=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&vol,sizeof(vol))) { if(!=number1) count++; else { int ck; scoot(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(10,21); cprintf("Old Value"); gotoxy(10,22);

Page 157: Coding on travel management in c++

cout<<"---------"; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,23); cprintf("Serial Number :");cout<<; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN);

gotoxy(5,25); cprintf("Vehicle Number :");cout<<vol.number; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,27); cprintf("Category :");cout<<vol.category; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN);

gotoxy(5,29); cprintf("Status :");cout<<vol.status; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,31); cprintf("Purchase Date :");cout<<vol.pdate; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,33); cprintf("Working Status :");cout<<vol.wstatus; textcolor(WHITE); scoot1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(48,21); cprintf("Enter New Value"); gotoxy(48,22); cout<<"---------------"; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(40,23); cprintf("Serial Number :"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(57,23);cin>>;int;if(ck!=number1) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Make Duplicate entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38);

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gotoxy(57,23); clear3(57,23); }

}while(!valid); gotoxy(40,25); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Vehicle's Number:"); textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(57,25); gets(vol.number); char ch=strlen(vol.number); if (ch== 0 || ch>=12)

{ valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,25); clear3(57,25);}

}while(!valid); gotoxy(40,27); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Enter Category :"); textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(57,27); gets(vol.category); char ch=strlen(vol.category);

if (ch== 0 || ch>=10) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,27); clear3(57,27); }

}while(!valid); gotoxy(40,29); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Enter The Status:"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

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valid=1; gotoxy(57,29); gets(vol.status); char ch=strlen(vol.status);

if (ch== 0 || ch>=10) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,29); clear3(57,29); }

}while(!valid); gotoxy(40,31); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Purchasing Date :"); textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(57,31); gets(vol.pdate); char ch=strlen(vol.pdate);

if (ch== 0 || ch>=12) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,31); clear3(57,31); }

}while(!valid); gotoxy(40,33); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Working Status :"); textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(57,33); gets(vol.wstatus); char ch=strlen(vol.wstatus); if (ch== 0 || ch>=5)

{ valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch();

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clear(40,38); gotoxy(57,33); clear(57,33);}

}while(!valid); pos=count*sizeof(vol); textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); char ch; ch=getche(); textcolor(WHITE);

if (ch == 'y') { fin.seekp(pos,ios::beg); fin.write((char*)&vol,sizeof(vol)); gotoxy(42,38); cout<<"Vehicle Details modified...."; gotoxy(70,38); return; }else return;

} } if(pos==0) gotoxy(20,42); cout<<"Record Not Found ! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); }//end of function body/*starting of del function body*/void vehicle::del() { clrscr(); screen2(); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nDELETION FORM\n"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(34,10); cprintf("\nVEHICLE DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); int code1;"toop.dat",ios::out); gotoxy(23,24); cprintf("Enter The Serial No.To be Deleted:"); cin>>code1; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); int found1=0; while(*)&vol,sizeof(vol))) {

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} if(found1==0) { gotoxy(25,31); cout<<"Record is Not Found! Try Again..."; fin.clear(); } else if(found1==1) { fin.close(); fin1.close(); remove("vehicle.dat"); rename("toop.dat","vehicle.dat");"vehicle.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); gotoxy(25,29); cout<<"Record Has been Successfully Deleted..."; fin.clear(); textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(32,38); cout<<"Press Any To Exit:"; textcolor(WHITE); } }//end of function body/*starting of query function body*/void vehicle:: query() { clrscr(); int vac; screen2(); gotoxy(32,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nQUERY FORM\n"); gotoxy(36,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(27,10); cprintf("\nVEHICLES DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,22); cprintf("Enter Serial Number To Make Query:"); cin>>vac; clear1(); int co=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&vol,sizeof(vol))!=0) { if(!=vac) co++;

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else {

clrscr();int s=1;screen2();screen4();gotoxy(30,6);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nQUERY RESULT FORM\n");gotoxy(38,8);cprintf("\nOF");gotoxy(28,10);cprintf("\nVEHICLE DETAILS");textcolor(WHITE);gotoxy(24,16);cout<<"Quried Serial Number:"<<vac;gotoxy(20,22);cout<<"Serial Number :";gotoxy(20,24);cout<<"Vehicle Number :";gotoxy(20,26);cout<<"category :";gotoxy(20,28);cout<<"Status :";gotoxy(20,30);cout<<"Purchasing Date :";gotoxy(20,32);cout<<"Working status :";fin.seekg(0,ios::beg);gotoxy(45,22);cout<<;gotoxy(45,24);cout<<strupr(vol.number);gotoxy(45,26);

cout<<strupr(vol.category);gotoxy(45,28);cout<<strupr(vol.status);gotoxy(45,30);cout<<strupr(vol.pdate);gotoxy(45,32);cout<<strupr(vol.wstatus);s++; if ( { return; }textcolor(WHITE);flush(fin);

} } if(co==0)

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gotoxy(10,30); gotoxy(24,42); cout<<"Record Not Found! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); return; }//nd of function body/*--------------------------End of Vehicle Class-------------------------*/ End of vehicle class coding.

Starting of munsi class coding:

/*----------------------------------Starting of munsi class---------------------*/class munsi:public passenger//declaration of munsi class also inherit the passenfer class { protected:

int valid; char ch; int ch1; fstream fin2,fin3;//declaration of file stream variable /*starting of struct declaration*/ struct munsi2 { int sno; char idate[15]; char vnumber[12]; char category[8]; float income; }muns;//end of struct declaration

public: munsi()//declaration of contructor {"munsi.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|

ios::ate); if(!fin2)//error/exception handling { gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"Unable To Open File"; getch(); exit11(); } muns.sno=1;//intialization of serial number } ~munsi()//definition of destructor { fin2.close();//closing of stream declaration delete muns.idate,muns.vnumber,muns.category;//deletion

of struct variable explicitly

Page 164: Coding on travel management in c++

} /*starting of function declaration*/ void income_entry(); void income_display(); void munsi_menu(); void income_save(); void exit11(); /*end of function declaration*/

};//end of class declaration/*starting of munsi_menu function definition*/void munsi::munsi_menu() { munpo: clrscr(); char son; screen3(); gotoxy(29,15); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("ROADWAYS DEPARTMENT"); gotoxy(28,17); cprintf("Munsi Control Section"); screen4(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(25,22); cprintf("[1] Passenger Details Section ");//calling of passenger section gotoxy(25,25); cprintf("[2] Income Section For Munsi");//calling of munsi income section gotoxy(25,28); cprintf("[3] Return To Roadways Department Menu"); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(25,31); cprintf("Enter Your Choice:"); textcolor(WHITE); son=getch(); switch(son) { case '1'://calling of passenger fuction

munpo1:clrscr();char mo;screen3();gotoxy(29,15);textcolor(CYAN);cprintf("ROADWAYS DEPARTMENT");gotoxy(30,17);cprintf("Passenger Section");screen1();textcolor(GREEN);gotoxy(23,21);

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cprintf("[1] Entry of Passenger Details");//entry of passenger details

gotoxy(23,24);cprintf("[2] Passenger Details");//for details/report

generationgotoxy(23,27);cprintf("[3] Modification Of Passenger Details");//for

modification of detailsgotoxy(23,30);cprintf("[4] Deletion Of Details");//for deltion of

detailsgotoxy(23,33);cprintf("[5] Query for Passenger details");//for query

of detailsgotoxy(23,36);cprintf("[6] Return To Munsi Control Section");textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK);gotoxy(32,38);cprintf("Enter Your choice:");textcolor(WHITE);mo=getch(); switch(mo) { case'1'://calling of passenger_entry function

clrscr(); passenger_entry(); pass: gotoxy(21,42);

textcolor(RED+BLINK); cprintf("HOT KEY: TO MORE ENTRY (PRESS

KEY:1)"); gotoxy(21,44); cprintf("HOT KEY:TO EXIT (PRESS KEY:2)"); textcolor(WHITE); char co1; cin>>co1; switch(co1) {

case '1'://for more entry passenger_entry(); goto pass;

case '2': goto munpo1;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please

retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto pass;

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} case '2'://calling of passenger_display function

passenger pa; pa.passenger_display(); getch(); clrscr(); goto munpo1;

case '3'://calling of passneger_modify function passenger pa1; pa1.passenger_modify(); getch(); goto munpo1;

case '4'://calling of passenger_del function passenger pa2; pa2.passenger_del(); getch(); goto munpo1;

case '5'://calling of passenger_query function passenger pa3; pa3.passenger_query(); getch(); goto munpo1;

case '6': goto munpo;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto munpo1;

} case '2'://calling of income function

munpon:clrscr();char moo;screen3();gotoxy(29,15);textcolor(CYAN);cprintf("ROADWAYS DEPARTMENT");gotoxy(28,17);cprintf("Income Section For Munsi");screen4();textcolor(GREEN);gotoxy(23,22);cprintf("[1] Entry of Income Details");//for munsi

income entrygotoxy(23,25);cprintf("[2] Income Details");//for dispalying of

detailsgotoxy(23,28);cprintf("[3] Return To Munsi Control Section");

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textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK);gotoxy(32,31);cprintf("Enter Your choice:");textcolor(WHITE);

moo=getch(); switch(moo) { case'1'://calling of income_entry function

clrscr(); income_entry(); pok: gotoxy(21,42); textcolor(RED+BLINK); cprintf("HOT KEY: TO MORE ENTRY (PRESS

KEY:1)"); gotoxy(21,44); cprintf("HOT KEY:TO EXIT (PRESS KEY:2)"); textcolor(WHITE); char po; cin>>po; switch(po) {

case '1'://for more entry income_entry(); goto pok;

case '2': goto munpon;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please

retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto pok;

} case '2'://calling of income_display function

munsi ip; ip.income_display(); getch(); goto munpon;

case '3': goto munpo;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto munpon;


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case '3': break;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto munpo;

} }//end of menu function definition/*starting of income_save function definition*/void munsi::income_save() { textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); ch=getche(); textcolor(WHITE); if (ch == 'y') { fin2.seekp(0,ios::end); fin2.write((char*)&muns,sizeof(muns)); gotoxy(23,31); cout<<"Income Details Entered....."; muns.sno++;//incrementation of serial number clear(25,42); gotoxy(49,31); } else gotoxy(56,42); return;}//end of save function definitionvoid munsi::exit11()//function for error handling { fin2.close(); }/*starting of income_entry function definition*/void munsi::income_entry() { clrscr(); screen2(); gotoxy(34,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nENTRY FORM"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(33,10); cprintf("\nINCOME DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); textcolor(CYAN);

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gotoxy(20,21); cprintf("Serial Number :"); gotoxy(20,23); cprintf("Enter The Vehicle Number :"); gotoxy(20,25); cprintf("Enter The Date :"); gotoxy(20,27); cprintf("Enter The Category :"); gotoxy(20,29); cprintf("Enter The Total Income :"); textcolor(WHITE); fin2.seekp(0,ios::end); gotoxy(50,21); cout<<muns.sno;//displaying of serial number byconstructor do { valid=1; gotoxy(50,23); gets(muns.vnumber); ch=strlen(muns.vnumber); if (ch== 0 || ch>=12) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(50,23); clear(50,23); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(50,25); gets(muns.idate); ch=strlen(muns.idate); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(50,25); clear(50,25); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(50,27);

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gets(muns.category); ch=strlen(muns.category); if (ch== 0 || ch>=10) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(50,27); clear(50,27); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(50,29); cin>>muns.income; ch1=muns.income; if (ch1== 0) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(50,29); clear(50,29); } }while(!valid); income_save();//calling of income_save function for user need getch(); }//end of income_entry function/*starting of income_display function definition*/void munsi::income_display() { clrscr(); int m=9; gotoxy(22,2); textcolor(RED); cprintf("THE TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT AGENCY"); gotoxy(25,4); cprintf("Munsi Income Details"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(3,6); cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; gotoxy(4,7);

textcolor(BLUE); cprintf("Sno"); gotoxy(10,7);

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cprintf("V_Number"); gotoxy(32,7); cprintf("Date"); gotoxy(53,7); cprintf("Category"); gotoxy(70,7); cprintf("Tot_Income"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(3,8); cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; textcolor(WHITE); fin2.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&muns,sizeof(muns))!=0) { gotoxy(5,m); cout<<muns.sno; gotoxy(10,m); cout<<strupr(muns.vnumber); gotoxy(32,m); cout<<strupr(muns.idate); gotoxy(53,m); cout<<strupr(muns.category); gotoxy(70,m); cout<<muns.income; m++; } }//end of function definition/*--------------------------End of Munsi Class-------------------------*/ End of munsi class coding.

Starting of passenger class coding:

/*------------------------------Starting of passenger class---------------*/class passenger//class declaration { private:

int valid; char ch; int ch1; fstream fin,fin1;//fstream variable /*structre declaration for data with their data types*/ struct munsi1 { int snum; char pdate[15]; char number[12]; char name[15]; char padd[15];

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char desti[17]; char source[17]; }mun;//end of structure declaration

public: passenger()//constructor declaration {"passenger.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|

ios::ate); if (!fin) { gotoxy(22,22); cout<<"Unable To Open File"; getch(); exit12(); } mun.snum=1;//intialization of serial number } ~passenger()//destructor declaration { fin.close();//closing of file stream delete

mun.pdate,mun.number,,mun.padd,mun.desti,mun.source;//deletion of structure data explicitly

} /*starting of function declaration*/ void passenger_entry(); void passenger_display(); void passenger_modify(); void passenger_del(); void passenger_query(); void passenger_save(); void exit12(); /*end of function declararation*/

};//end of class declaration/*starting of passenger_save function definition*/void passenger::passenger_save() { textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); ch=getche(); textcolor(WHITE); if (ch == 'y') { fin.seekp(0,ios::end); fin.write((char*)&mun,sizeof(mun)); gotoxy(23,38); cout<<"Passenger Details Entered....."; mun.snum++;//incrementation of serial number clear(25,42); gotoxy(51,38); }

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else gotoxy(56,42); return; }//end of passenger_save function definitionvoid passenger::exit12()//function for error handling { fin.close(); }/*starting of passenger_entry function body*/void passenger::passenger_entry() { clrscr(); screen2(); gotoxy(34,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nENTRY FORM"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(31,10); cprintf("\nPASSENGER DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen1(); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(18,22); cprintf("Serial Number :"); gotoxy(18,24); cprintf("Enter The Date of Travelling :"); gotoxy(18,26); cprintf("Enter The Bus Number :"); gotoxy(18,28); cprintf("Enter The name of Passenger :"); gotoxy(18,30); cprintf("Enter The Adderess :"); gotoxy(18,32); cprintf("Enter The Source :"); gotoxy(18,34); cprintf("Enter The Destination :"); textcolor(WHITE); fin.seekp(0,ios::end); gotoxy(49,22); cout<<mun.snum;//displying of serila number through constructor /*-------------Error handling in the data entry----------------*/ do { valid=1; gotoxy(49,24); gets(mun.pdate); ch=strlen(mun.pdate); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0;

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gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(49,24); clear(49,24); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(49,26); gets(mun.number); ch=strlen(mun.number); if (ch== 0 || ch>=12) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(49,26); clear(49,26); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(49,28); gets(; ch=strlen(; if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(49,28); clear(49,28); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(49,30); gets(mun.padd); ch=strlen(mun.padd); if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38);

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cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(49,30); clear(49,30); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(49,32); gets(mun.source); ch=strlen(mun.source); if (ch== 0 || ch>=17) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(49,32); clear(49,32); } }while(!valid); do {

valid=1; gotoxy(49,34); gets(mun.desti); ch=strlen(mun.desti); if (ch== 0 || ch>=17) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(49,34); clear(49,34); } }while(!valid);/*-------------End of Error handling---------------*/ passenger_save();//calling of passenger_save function for user need fin.clear();

getch(); }//end of pasenger_entry function/*starting of passenger_display function definition*/void passenger::passenger_display() {

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clrscr(); textcolor(RED); int m=9; gotoxy(22,2); cprintf("THE TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT AGENCY"); gotoxy(28,4); cprintf("Passengr Details"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(1,6); cout<<"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; gotoxy(1,7); textcolor(BLUE); cprintf("Sno"); gotoxy(5,7); cprintf("D_of_Travel"); gotoxy(18,7); cprintf("B_Number"); gotoxy(29,7); cprintf("Name"); gotoxy(43,7); cprintf("Address"); gotoxy(57,7); cprintf("Source"); gotoxy(69,7); cprintf("Destination"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(1,8); cout<<"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&mun,sizeof(mun))!=0) { gotoxy(2,m); cout<<mun.snum; gotoxy(5,m); cout<<strupr(mun.pdate); gotoxy(18,m); cout<<strupr(mun.number); gotoxy(29,m); cout<<strupr(; gotoxy(43,m); cout<<strupr(mun.padd); gotoxy(57,m); cout<<strupr(mun.source); gotoxy(69,m); cout<<strupr(mun.desti); m++; } fin.clear();

}//end of passenger_display function

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/*starting of passenger_modify function definition*/void passenger::passenger_modify() { clrscr(); int number1; screen2(); gotoxy(31,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nMODIFICATION fORM\n"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(30,10); cprintf("\nPASSENGER DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,21); cprintf("Enter Serial No. of Details To be Modified:"); cin>>number1; clear(20,21); clear1(); int pos=0,count=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&mun,sizeof(mun))) { if(mun.snum!=number1) count++; else { scoot(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(10,21); cprintf("Old Value"); gotoxy(10,22); cout<<"---------"; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,23); cprintf("Serial Number :");cout<<mun.snum; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,25); cprintf("Date of Travel :");cout<<mun.pdate; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,27); cprintf("Bus Number :");cout<<mun.number; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,29); cprintf("Name :");cout<<; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN);

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gotoxy(5,31); cprintf("Address :");cout<<mun.padd; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,33); cprintf("Source :");cout<<mun.source; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,35); cprintf("Destination :");cout<<mun.desti; textcolor(WHITE); scoot1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(48,21); cprintf("Enter New Value"); gotoxy(48,22); cout<<"---------------"; textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(40,23); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Serial Number :"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(56,23);cin>>mun.snum;int ck=mun.snum;if(ck!=number1) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Make Duplicate entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,23); clear3(56,23); }

}while(!valid); gotoxy(40,25); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Date of Travel :"); textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(56,25); gets(mun.pdate); ch=strlen(mun.pdate);

if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0;

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gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,25); clear3(56,25); }

}while(!valid); gotoxy(40,27); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("The Bus Number :"); textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(56,27); gets(mun.number); ch=strlen(mun.number);

if (ch== 0 || ch>=12) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,27); clear3(56,27); }

}while(!valid); gotoxy(40,29); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Enter The Name :"); textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(56,29); gets(; ch=strlen(;

if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,29); clear3(56,29); }}while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,31); textcolor(CYAN);

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cprintf("Enter Address :"); textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(56,31); gets(mun.padd); ch=strlen(mun.padd);

if (ch== 0 || ch>=15) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,31); clear3(56,31); }}while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,33); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Enter Source :"); textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(56,33); gets(mun.source); ch=strlen(mun.source);

if (ch== 0 || ch>=17) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,33); clear3(56,33); }

}while(!valid); gotoxy(40,35); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("The Destination:"); textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(56,35); gets(mun.desti); ch=strlen(mun.desti);

if (ch== 0 || ch>=17) {

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valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(56,35); clear3(56,35); }

}while(!valid); pos=count*sizeof(mun); textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); ch=getche(); textcolor(WHITE);

if (ch == 'y') { fin.seekp(pos,ios::beg); fin.write((char*)&mun,sizeof(mun)); gotoxy(42,38); cout<<"Passenger Details modified....";


gotoxy(73,38); return; } else return;}

} if(pos==0)//if record is not found gotoxy(20,42); cout<<"Record Not Found ! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); }//end of passenger_modify function/*starting of passenger_del function definition*/void passenger::passenger_del() { clrscr(); screen2(); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nDELETION FORM\n"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(32,10); cprintf("\nPASSENGER DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); int code1;"pol.dat",ios::out); gotoxy(23,24); cprintf("Enter The Serial No.To be Deleted:");

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cin>>code1; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); int found1=0; while(*)&mun,sizeof(mun))) { if(mun.snum!=code1)

fin1.write((char*)&mun,sizeof(mun)); else

found1=1; } if(found1==0) { gotoxy(25,31); cout<<"Record is Not Found! Try Again..."; fin.clear(); } else if(found1==1) { fin.close(); fin1.close(); remove("passanger.dat"); rename("pol.dat","passanger.dat");"passanger.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); gotoxy(25,29); cout<<"Record Has been Successfully Deleted..."; fin.clear(); fin1.clear();

textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(32,38); cout<<"Press Any To Exit:"; textcolor(WHITE); } }//end of passenger_del function/*starting of passenger_query function definiton*/void passenger::passenger_query() { clrscr(); int vac; screen2(); gotoxy(32,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nQUERY FORM\n"); gotoxy(36,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(29,10); cprintf("\nPASSENGER DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,22); cprintf("Enter The Serial Number To Make Query:"); cin>>vac;

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clear1(); int co=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&mun,sizeof(mun))!=0) { if(mun.snum!=vac) co++; else {

clrscr();int s=1;screen2();screen1();gotoxy(30,6);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nQUERY RESULT FORM\n");gotoxy(38,8);cprintf("\nOF");gotoxy(30,10);cprintf("\nPASSENGER DETAILS");textcolor(WHITE);gotoxy(25,16);cout<<"Quried Serial Number:"<<vac;gotoxy(20,22);textcolor(CYAN);cprintf("Serial Number :");gotoxy(20,24);cprintf("Date of Travelling :");gotoxy(20,26);cprintf("Bus Number :");gotoxy(20,28);cprintf("Name of Passenger :");gotoxy(20,30);cprintf("Address of Passenger :");gotoxy(20,32);cprintf("Source :");gotoxy(20,34);cprintf("Destination :");textcolor(WHITE);fin.seekg(0,ios::beg);gotoxy(45,22);cout<<mun.snum;gotoxy(45,24);cout<<strupr(mun.pdate);gotoxy(45,26);cout<<strupr(mun.number);gotoxy(45,28);cout<<strupr(;gotoxy(45,30);cout<<strupr(mun.padd);gotoxy(45,32);cout<<strupr(mun.source);

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gotoxy(45,34);cout<<strupr(mun.desti);s++; if (mun.snum==vac) { return; }textcolor(WHITE);flush(fin);

} } if(co==0)//if record is not found gotoxy(10,30); gotoxy(24,42); cout<<"Record Not Found! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); return; }//end of pasenger_query function/*---------------------------End of Passneger Class------------------------*/ End of passenger class coding. Starting of table class coding:/*-----------------------------Starting of tabl class------------------------*/class table//class declaration { private:

int valid; char ch; int ch1; fstream fin,fin1;//variable declaration of fstream/*declaration of struct for data with their data types*/struct table1 { int sn; char number[12]; char desti[15]; char dtn[10]; float charge; char source[15]; char dtime[10]; }teb;//end of struct declaration

public: table()//constructor declaration {"table.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary|

ios::ate); if(!fin) { gotoxy(22,22);

Page 185: Coding on travel management in c++

cout<<"Unable To Open File"; getch(); exit13(); };//intialization of serial number } ~table()//destructor declaration { fin.close();//closing of file stream delete

teb.number,teb.desti,teb.dtn,teb.source,teb.dtime;//deletion of struct data explicitly

} /*starting of function declaration*/ void table_entry(); void table_display(); void table_modify(); void table_del(); void table_menu(); void table_query(); void table_save(); void exit13(); /*end of function declaration*/

};//end of function declaration/*starting of table_menu function definition body*/void table::table_menu() { tebco: clrscr(); char tb; screen3(); gotoxy(28,15); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("ROADWAYS DEPARTMENT"); gotoxy(27,17); cprintf("Time-Table Division"); screen1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(25,21); cprintf("[1] Time_Table Entry");//for record entry gotoxy(25,24); cprintf("[2] Time_Table Details");//for data show/report generation gotoxy(25,27); cprintf("[3] Time_Table Modifiction");//for modification of details gotoxy(25,30); cprintf("[4] Time_table Deletion");//for deletion of records gotoxy(25,33); cprintf("[5] Query for Time-Table details");//for query of details gotoxy(25,36);

Page 186: Coding on travel management in c++

cprintf("[6] Return To RoadWays Department Menu"); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(25,38); cprintf("Enter Your Choice:"); textcolor(WHITE); tb=getch(); switch(tb) { case '1'://calling of table_entry function

clrscr(); table_entry(); tme: gotoxy(21,42); textcolor(RED+BLINK); cprintf("HOT KEY: TO MORE ENTRY (PRESS KEY:1)"); gotoxy(21,44); cprintf("HOT KEY:TO EXIT (PRESS KEY:2)"); textcolor(WHITE); char tb1; cin>>tb1;

switch(tb1) { case '1'://for more entry

table_entry(); goto tme;

case '2': goto tebco;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto tme;

} case '2'://calling of table_display function

table to; to.table_display(); getch(); goto tebco;

case '3'://calling of table_modify function table to1; to1.table_modify(); getch(); goto tebco;

case '4'://calling of table_del function table to2; to2.table_del(); getch(); goto tebco;

case '5'://calling of table_query function table to3;

Page 187: Coding on travel management in c++

to3.table_query(); getch(); goto tebco;

case '6': break;

default: gotoxy(21,46); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto tebco;

} }//end of table_menu function definition/*starting of table_save function definition body*/void table::table_save() { textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); ch=getche(); textcolor(WHITE); if (ch == 'y') { fin.seekp(0,ios::end); fin.write((char*)&teb,sizeof(teb)); gotoxy(23,38); cout<<"Time-Table Details Entered.....";;//incrementation of serial number clear(25,42); gotoxy(55,38); } else gotoxy(56,42); return; }//end of function definitionvoid table::exit13()//function for error handling { fin.close(); }/*starting of table_entry function definition body*/void table::table_entry() { clrscr(); screen2(); gotoxy(34,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nENTRY FORM"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(23,10); cprintf("\nTIME-TABLE FOR ROADWAYS PURPOSE");

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textcolor(WHITE); screen1(); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(18,22); cprintf("Serial Number :"); gotoxy(18,24); cprintf("Enter The Bus Number :"); gotoxy(18,26); cprintf("Departure time From source :"); gotoxy(18,28); cprintf("Enter The Source From Go :"); gotoxy(18,30); cprintf("Enter The Destination :"); gotoxy(18,32); cprintf("Departure Time From Destination :"); gotoxy(18,34); cprintf("Enter The Government Charge :"); textcolor(WHITE); fin.seekp(0,ios::end); gotoxy(52,22); cout<<;//serial number shows through constructor /* error handling during data entry*/ do { valid=1; gotoxy(52,24); gets(teb.number); ch=strlen(teb.number); if (ch== 0 || ch>=12) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(52,24); clear(52,24); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(52,26); gets(teb.dtime); ch=strlen(teb.dtime); if (ch== 0 || ch>=10) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38);

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gotoxy(52,26); clear(52,26); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(52,28); gets(teb.source); ch=strlen(teb.source); if (ch== 0 || ch>=17) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(52,28); clear(52,28); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(52,30); gets(teb.desti); ch=strlen(teb.desti); if (ch== 0 || ch>=17) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(52,30); clear(52,30); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(52,32); gets(teb.dtn); ch=strlen(teb.dtn); if (ch== 0 || ch>=10) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More) This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(52,32);

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clear(52,32); } }while(!valid); do { valid=1; gotoxy(52,34); cin>>teb.charge; ch1=teb.charge; if (ch1== 0 ) { valid=0; gotoxy(18,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear(18,38); gotoxy(52,34); clear(52,34); } }while(!valid); /*end of error handling*/ table_save();//calling of table_save function for user need getch(); }//end of function definition/*starting of table_display function definition body*/void table::table_display() { clrscr(); textcolor(RED); int m=9; gotoxy(22,2); cprintf("THE TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT AGENCY"); gotoxy(25,4); cprintf("Time_Table Details"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(1,6); cout<<"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; gotoxy(2,7); textcolor(BLUE); cprintf("S_no");

gotoxy(7,7); cprintf("Bus_No."); gotoxy(19,7); cprintf("dep_time_sc"); gotoxy(31,7); cprintf("source"); gotoxy(45,7); cprintf("Destination"); gotoxy(61,7); cprintf("dep_time_des");

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gotoxy(74,7); cprintf("Charge"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(1,8); cout<<"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&teb,sizeof(teb))!=0) { gotoxy(2,m); cout<<; gotoxy(7,m); cout<<strupr(teb.number); gotoxy(22,m); cout<<strupr(teb.dtime); gotoxy(31,m); cout<<strupr(teb.source); gotoxy(45,m); cout<<strupr(teb.desti); gotoxy(64,m); cout<<strupr(teb.dtn); gotoxy(75,m); cout<<teb.charge; m++; } }//end of function definition/*starting of table_modify function definition body*/void table::table_modify() { clrscr(); int number1; screen2(); gotoxy(31,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nMODIFICATION fORM\n"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(28,10); cprintf("\nTIME-TABLE DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,21); cprintf("Enter Serial No. of Bus To be Modified:"); cin>>number1; clear(20,21); clear1(); int pos=0,count=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&teb,sizeof(teb))) { if(!=number1) count++;

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else { scoot(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(10,21); cprintf("Old Value"); gotoxy(10,22); cout<<"---------"; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,23); cprintf("Serial Number :");cout<<; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,25); cprintf("Bus Number :");cout<<teb.number; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,27); cprintf("Time From Source:");cout<<teb.dtime; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,29); cprintf("Source From Go :");cout<<teb.source; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,31); cprintf("Desination :");cout<<teb.desti; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,33); cprintf("Time From Desti.:");cout<<teb.dtn; textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(5,35); cprintf("Charge :");cout<<teb.charge; textcolor(WHITE); scoot1(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(48,21); cprintf("Enter New Value"); gotoxy(48,22); cout<<"---------------"; textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(40,23); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Serial Number :"); textcolor(WHITE); do {


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cin>>;int;if(ck!=number1) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Make Duplicate entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,23); clear3(57,23); }

}while(!valid); gotoxy(40,25); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Enter Bus Number:"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(57,25);gets(teb.number);ch=strlen(teb.number); if (ch== 0 || ch>=12) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,25); clear3(57,25); } }while(!valid);gotoxy(40,27);textcolor(CYAN);cprintf("Time From Source:");textcolor(WHITE);

do{ valid=1; gotoxy(57,27); gets(teb.dtime); ch=strlen(teb.dtime); if (ch== 0 || ch>=10) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,27);

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clear3(57,27); } }while(!valid);gotoxy(40,29);textcolor(CYAN);cprintf("Enter The Source:");textcolor(WHITE);

do{ valid=1; gotoxy(57,29); gets(teb.source); ch=strlen(teb.source); if (ch== 0 || ch>=17) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,29); clear3(57,29); } }while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,31); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("The Destination :"); textcolor(WHITE); do {

valid=1;gotoxy(57,31);gets(teb.desti);ch=strlen(teb.desti); if (ch== 0 || ch>=17) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,31); clear3(57,31); } }while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,33); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Time From Desti.:"); textcolor(WHITE); do {


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gotoxy(57,33);gets(teb.dtn);ch=strlen(teb.dtn); if (ch== 0 || ch>=10) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip(or Make More)Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,33); clear3(57,33); }}while(!valid);

gotoxy(40,35); textcolor(CYAN); cprintf("Enter The Charge:"); textcolor(WHITE); do { valid=1; gotoxy(57,35); cin>>teb.charge; ch1=teb.charge;

if (ch1== 0 ) { valid=0; gotoxy(40,38); cout<<"You Can Not Skip This Entry"; getch(); clear3(40,38); gotoxy(57,35); clear3(57,35); }

}while(!valid); pos=count*sizeof(teb); textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(25,42); cprintf("Are You Sure To Save It(y/n):"); ch=getche(); textcolor(WHITE);

if (ch == 'y') { fin.seekp(pos,ios::beg); fin.write((char*)&teb,sizeof(teb)); gotoxy(42,38); cout<<"Time-Table Details modified...."; gotoxy(74,38); return; }else return;

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} } if(pos==0)//if record is not found gotoxy(20,42); cout<<"Record Not Found ! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); }//end of function definition/*stating of table_del function definiton body*/void table::table_del() { clrscr(); screen2(); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nDELETION FORM\n"); gotoxy(39,8);

cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(30,10); cprintf("\nTIME-TABLE DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); int code1;"too.dat",ios::out); gotoxy(23,24); cprintf("Enter The Serial No.To be Deleted:"); cin>>code1; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); int found1=0; while(*)&teb,sizeof(teb))) { if(!=code1)

fin1.write((char*)&teb,sizeof(teb)); else

found1=1; } if(found1==0) { gotoxy(25,31); cout<<"Record is Not Found! Try Again..."; fin.clear(); } else if(found1==1) { fin.close(); fin1.close(); remove("table.dat"); rename("too.dat","table.dat");"table.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); gotoxy(25,29); cout<<"Record Has been Successfully Deleted..."; textcolor(RED+BLINK); gotoxy(32,38);

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cout<<"Press Any To Exit:"; textcolor(WHITE); } }//end of function definition/*starting of table_query function definition body*/void table::table_query() { clrscr(); int vac; screen2(); gotoxy(32,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nQUERY FORM\n"); gotoxy(36,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(30,10); cprintf("\nTIME-TABLE DETAILS"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); gotoxy(20,22); cprintf("Enter The Serial Number To Make Query:"); cin>>vac; clear1(); int co=0; fin.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&teb,sizeof(teb))!=0) { if(!=vac) co++; else {

clrscr();int s=1;screen2();screen1();gotoxy(30,6);textcolor(RED);cprintf("\nQUERY RESULT FORM\n");gotoxy(38,8);cprintf("\nOF");gotoxy(31,10);cprintf("\nTIME-TABLE DETAILS");textcolor(WHITE);gotoxy(29,16);cout<<"Quried Serial Number:"<<vac;gotoxy(20,21);textcolor(CYAN);cprintf("Serial Number :");gotoxy(20,24);cprintf("Bus Number :");gotoxy(20,27);cprintf("Departure Time From Source :");

Page 198: Coding on travel management in c++

gotoxy(20,30);cprintf("Source :");gotoxy(20,33);cprintf("Destination :");gotoxy(20,36);cprintf("Departure Time From Destination:");gotoxy(20,39);cprintf("Government Charge :");textcolor(WHITE);fin.seekg(0,ios::beg);gotoxy(52,21);cout<<;gotoxy(52,24);cout<<strupr(teb.number);gotoxy(52,27);cout<<strupr(teb.dtime);gotoxy(52,30);cout<<strupr(teb.source);gotoxy(52,33);cout<<strupr(teb.desti);gotoxy(52,36);cout<<strupr(teb.dtn);gotoxy(52,39);cout<<teb.charge;s++; if ( { return; }textcolor(WHITE);flush(fin);

} } if(co==0)//if record is not found gotoxy(10,30); gotoxy(24,42); cout<<"Record Not Found! Try Again..... "; fin.clear(); return; }//end of table_query function definition/*--------------------------End of Table Class-------------------------*/

End of table class coding.

Here I am adding the coding of that functions that is used by this project for Interface

Designing and for more other task.

Coding of screen function: D:\gaurav\box.cpp

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void screen(){ int i,c=11,r=5; /*-----Starting of Box Generation-----*/ for(i=1;i<=62;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",205); c++; } r=13;c=11; for(i=1;i<=62;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",205); c++; } gotoxy(11,5); cprintf("%c",201); gotoxy(72,5); cprintf("%c",187); gotoxy(11,13); cprintf("%c",200); gotoxy(72,13); cprintf("%c",188); r=6; c=11; for(i=1;i<=7;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",186); r++; } r=6; c=72; for(i=1;i<=7;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",186); r++; } gotoxy(21,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nTHE TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM\n"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nOF\n"); gotoxy(23,10); cprintf("\nAMAR JYOTI TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT AGENCY"); textcolor(WHITE); /*-----End of Screen Generation-----*/}

Page 200: Coding on travel management in c++

Starting of Screen1 function coding.d:\gaurav\box1.cpp

void screen1(){ textcolor(BLUE); int i,c=13,r=19; /*-----Starting of Box generation-----*/ for(i=1;i<=58;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",205); c++; } r=40,c=13; for(i=1;i<=58;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",205); c++; } gotoxy(13,19); cprintf("%c",201); gotoxy(70,19); cprintf("%c",187); gotoxy(13,40); cprintf("%c",200); gotoxy(70,40); cprintf("%c",188); r=20; c=13; for(i=1;i<=20;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",186); r++; } r=20; c=70; for(i=1;i<=20;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",186); r++; } textcolor(WHITE); /*-----End of Box Generation-----*/} Starting of screen2 function coding; d:\gaurav\box2.cppvoid screen2()

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{ textcolor(CYAN); int i,c=11,r=3; /*-----Box Generation-----*/ for(i=1;i<=62;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",205); c++; } r=13;c=11; for(i=1;i<=62;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",205); c++; } gotoxy(11,3); cprintf("%c",201); gotoxy(72,3); cprintf("%c",187); gotoxy(11,13); cprintf("%c",200); gotoxy(72,13); cprintf("%c",188); r=4; c=11; for(i=1;i<=9;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",186); r++; } r=4; c=72; for(i=1;i<=9;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",186); r++; } gotoxy(21,4); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nTHE TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM\n"); gotoxy(34,6); /* cprintf("\nENTRY FORM\n"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(32,10); cprintf("\nBUDGET DETAILS");*/ textcolor(WHITE); /*-----End of Screen-----*/

Page 202: Coding on travel management in c++

} Starting of screen3 function coding:d:\gaurav\box3.cppvoid screen3(){ int i,c=11,r=5; /*-----Starting of Box Generation-----*/ for(i=1;i<=62;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",205); c++; } r=13;c=11; for(i=1;i<=62;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",205);

c++; } gotoxy(11,5); cprintf("%c",201); gotoxy(72,5); cprintf("%c",187); gotoxy(11,13); cprintf("%c",200); gotoxy(72,13); cprintf("%c",188); r=6; c=11; for(i=1;i<=7;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",186); r++; } r=6; c=72; for(i=1;i<=7;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",186); r++; } c=11,r=13; for(i=1;i<=3;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",186); r++;

Page 203: Coding on travel management in c++

} gotoxy(11,16); cprintf("%c",200); c=12,r=16; for(i=1;i<=61;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",205); c++; } gotoxy(72,16); cprintf("%c",188); c=72,r=13; for(i=1;i<=3;i++)

{ gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",186); r++; } gotoxy(21,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nTHE TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM\n"); gotoxy(39,8); cprintf("\nOF\n"); gotoxy(23,10); cprintf("\nAMAR JYOTI TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT AGENCY"); textcolor(WHITE); /*-----End of box Screen generation-----*/} Starting of screen4 function coding;d:\gaurav\dbox.cppvoid screen4() { int i,c=17,r=19; /*-----starting of Box generation-----*/ for(i=1;i<=49;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",205); c++; } r=34,c=17; for(i=1;i<=49;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",205); c++; } gotoxy(17,19); cprintf("%c",201);

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gotoxy(66,19); cprintf("%c",187); gotoxy(17,34); cprintf("%c",200); gotoxy(66,34); cprintf("%c",188); r=20,c=17; for(i=1;i<=14;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",186); r++; } r=20,c=66; for(i=1;i<=14;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",186); r++; } /*-----End of Box generation-----*/ } Starting of clear function:d:\gaurav\clear.cppvoid clearscreen(int col,int row) { for(int i=col;i<=80;i++) {


} } Starting of clear function:d:\gaurav\clear1.cppvoid clear1(){ int c,r,i; c=17,r=19; for(i=1;i<=49;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf(" "); c++; } c=17,r=34; for(i=1;i<=49;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf(" "); c++;

Page 205: Coding on travel management in c++

} gotoxy(17,19); cprintf(" "); gotoxy(66,19); cprintf(" "); gotoxy(17,34); cprintf(" "); gotoxy(66,34); cprintf(" "); r=20,c=17; for(i=1;i<=14;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf(" "); r++; } r=20,c=66; for(i=1;i<=14;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf(" "); r++; }} Starting of clear function: d:\gaurav\clear2.cppvoid clear(int col,int row) { for(int i=col;i<=68;i++) { gotoxy(i,row); cprintf(" "); } } Starting of clear3 function:d:\gaurav\clear3.cppvoid clear3(int col,int row) { for(int i=col;i<=77;i++) { gotoxy(i,row); cprintf(" "); } } Starting of Help function coding: d:\gaurav\help.cpp

void help() { int c=13,r=14;

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/*---------------Starting of help Box Generation---------------*/ for(int i=1;i<=58;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",205); c++; } r=42,c=13; for(i=1;i<=58;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",205); c++; } gotoxy(13,14); cprintf("%c",201); gotoxy(70,14); cprintf("%c",187); gotoxy(13,42); cprintf("%c",200); gotoxy(70,42); cprintf("%c",188); r=15; c=13; for(i=1;i<=27;i++) { gotoxy(c,r);

cprintf("%c",186); r++; } r=15; c=70; for(i=1;i<=27;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",186); r++; } }/*-------------End of Help Box Generation---------------*/ End of Help function code. Starting of password class coding: #include<iostream.h>#include<process.h>#include<string.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<conio.h>#include<fstream.h>#include<stdlib.h>

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#define NAME_LENGTH 14#define PASS_LENGTH 14void msgbox();//declaration of function msgbox()/*---------------------------Starting of Password Class------------------*/class password//class declaration { private:

struct pass3//structure declaration for user name and password

{ char name[15]; char password[15]; }pass;//end of declaration fstream file;//declaration of fstream variable

public: password();//constructor /*declaration of function*/ int login(); void change_password(); void change_user(); void entry(); void menu(); /*end of function declaration*/ ~password()//destructor { file.close(); }

};/*starting of menu function*/void password::menu() { repa3: clrscr(); screen2(); gotoxy(33,6); textcolor(RED); cprintf("\nPASSWORD FORM"); gotoxy(38,8); cprintf("\nOF"); gotoxy(21,10); cprintf("\nTHE TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM"); textcolor(WHITE); screen4(); textcolor(5); gotoxy(24,23); cprintf("1.Change of Password");//for change of password gotoxy(24,26); cprintf("2.Change User Name");//for change of user name gotoxy(24,29); cprintf("3.Return to Main Menu"); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK);

Page 208: Coding on travel management in c++

gotoxy(25,31); cprintf("Enter Your Choice:"); textcolor(WHITE); char ch=getch();; switch(ch) { case '1':

clrscr(); password poo; poo.change_password(); getch(); goto repa3;

case '2': clrscr(); password poo1; poo1.change_user(); getch(); goto repa3;

case '3': break;

default : gotoxy(21,42); textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf("Invalid Choice,Please retry!!"); textcolor(WHITE); getch(); goto repa3;

} }//end of menu function body/*starting of change_user function*/void password::change_user() { msgbox(); int pos1=0,count1=0; char usr[14],p,r; gotoxy(34,9); textcolor(BLUE); cprintf("Change User Name"); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(26,12); cprintf("Enter the old User Name:"); gotoxy(51,12); cprintf(" "); gotoxy(51,12); cin>>usr; textcolor(WHITE); file.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&pass,sizeof(pass))!=0) { if (strcmp(,usr)==0) { textcolor(CYAN);

Page 209: Coding on travel management in c++

gotoxy(26,15); cprintf("Enter New User Name :"); gotoxy(51,15); cprintf(" "); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(51,15); cin>>; pos1=count1*sizeof(pass); file.seekp(pos1,ios::beg); file.write((char*)&pass,sizeof(pass)); gotoxy(29,18); cout<<"Your User Name is modified Now..."; return; } else { count1++; if(pos1==0) gotoxy(29,18); cout<<"User Name is Not Matched.."; getch(); file.clear(); } } }//end of function body/*starting of change_password function*/void password::change_password() { clrscr(); msgbox(); int pos=0,count=0; char pop[14],m,n; gotoxy(34,9); textcolor(BLUE); cprintf("Password Change"); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(26,12); cprintf("Enter the old password:"); gotoxy(50,12); cprintf(" "); gotoxy(50,12); for(int l=0;l<8;l++) { m=getch(); pop[l]=m; cout<<"*";

if(m==13) { pop[l]='\0'; break; }


Page 210: Coding on travel management in c++

textcolor(WHITE); file.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&pass,sizeof(pass))!=0) { if (strcmp(pass.password,pop)==0) { textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(26,15); cprintf("Enter New Password :"); gotoxy(50,15); cprintf(" "); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(50,15); for(int k=0;k<8;k++) { n=getch(); pass.password[k]=n; cout<<"*";

if(n==13) { pass.password[k]='\0'; break; }

} pos=count*sizeof(pass); file.seekp(pos,ios::beg); file.write((char*)&pass,sizeof(pass)); gotoxy(29,18); cout<<"Your Password is modified Now...."; return; } else { count++; if(pos==0) gotoxy(29,18); cout<<"Password is Not Matched.."; getch(); file.clear(); } } }//end of function body/*starting of constructor definition*/void password::password() {"password.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary); if(!file) { cout<<endl<<"Unable to Password File"; exit(0); } }//end of definition

Page 211: Coding on travel management in c++

/*starting of entry function for first time entering password and user name*/void password::entry() { clrscr(); cout<<endl<<"Enter Name:"; cin>>; cout<<endl<<"Enter Password:"; cin>>pass.password; file.seekp(0L,ios::end); file.write((char*)&pass,sizeof(pass)); }//end of function definition/*starting of login function*/int password::login() { char t,name1[15]; char passwd[15]; int i,l,flag,j,flag1; j=0; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { clrscr(); textbackground(BLACK); textcolor(WHITE); msgbox(); gotoxy(38,9); textcolor(BLUE); cprintf("Login"); textbackground(LIGHTBLUE); textcolor(WHITE); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(26,12); cprintf("Login Name :"); gotoxy(41,12); cprintf(" "); gotoxy(26,15); cprintf("Password :"); gotoxy(41,15); cprintf(" "); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(41,12); cin>>name1; gotoxy(41,15); for(l=0;l<8;l++) { t=getch(); passwd[l]=t; cout<<"*";

if(t==13) { passwd[l]='\0'; break;

Page 212: Coding on travel management in c++

} } textbackground(BLACK); file.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(*)&pass,sizeof(pass))) { if(strcmp(,name1)==0)

{ if(strcmp(pass.password,passwd)==0) { gotoxy(29,18); cout<<"password Matched,Press Any key....."; getch(); j=1; break; } else { gotoxy(29,18); cout<<"Password Error"; getch(); }

} else {

gotoxy(26,18);cout<<"User Name is Incorrect ";getch();

} }

file.clear(); if(j==1) break; } if(j==1) return 1; else return 0; }//end of function body/*creation of msgbox function*/void msgbox() { clrscr(); int i,j,c=24,r=7; for(i=c;i<=65;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",205); gotoxy(c,20); cprintf("%c",205); c++;

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} gotoxy(24,7); cprintf("%c",201); gotoxy(65,7); cprintf("%c",187); gotoxy(24,20); cprintf("%c",200); gotoxy(65,20); cprintf("%c",188); r=8; c=24; for(i=1;i<=12;i++) { gotoxy(c,r); cprintf("%c",186); gotoxy(65,r); cprintf("%c",186); r++; } textbackground(RED); for(i=25;i<=64;i++) for(j=8;j<=19;j++) { gotoxy(i,j); cprintf(" "); } textbackground(BLACK); textcolor(WHITE); }//end of function