codex deathwatch 2.0 (6th edition)

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Fan-made Deathwatch Codex




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    Codex: Deathwatch

    An Unofficial Supplemental Codex

    for Warhammer 40,000

    By Azathoth DCLXVI

    This game supplement is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.

    Adeptus Astartes, Battlefleet Gothic, Black Flame, Black Library, the Black Library logo, BL Publishing, Blood

    Angels, Bloodquest, Blood Bowl, the Blood Bowl logo, The Blood Bowl Spike Device, Cadian, Catachan, the

    Chaos device, Cityfight, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, City of the Damned, Codex, Daemonhunters, Dark

    Angels, Dark Eldar, Dark Future, the Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, 'Eavy Metal, Eldar, Eldar symbol

    devices, Epic, Eye of Terror, Fanatic, the Fanatic logo, the Fanatic II logo, Fire Warrior, Forge World, Games

    Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Genestealer, Golden Demon, Gorkamorka, Great Unclean One, the Hammer of

    Sigmar logo, Horned Rat logo, Inferno, Inquisitor, the Inquisitor logo, the Inquisitor device, Inquisitor:Conspiracies,

    Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, Kroot, Lord of Change, Marauder, Mordheim, the Mordheim logo,

    Necromunda, Necromunda stencil logo, Necromunda Plate logo, Necron, Nurgle, Ork, Ork skull devices, Sisters of

    Battle, Skaven, the Skaven symbol devices, Slaanesh, Space Hulk, Space Marine, Space Marine chapters, Space

    Marine chapter logos, Talisman, Tau, the Tau caste designations, Tomb Kings, Trio of Warriors, Twin Tailed Comet

    Logo, Tyranid, Tyrannid, Tzeentch, Ultramarines, Warhammer, Warhammer Historical, Warhammer Online,

    Warhammer 40k Device, Warhammer World logo, Warmaster, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all

    associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations illustrations and images from the Blood

    Bowl game, the Warhammer world, the Talisaman world, and the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either , TM

    and/or Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2012, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the

    world. All Rights Reserved

    Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

    All art, illustrations and concepts used without permission.

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    -Deathwatch Kill-team-______________________________________________ You may include a single Deathwatch Kill-team in any non-inquisitorial Imperial army as an HQ choice. It cannot

    be selected as your compulsory HQ choice and cannot be selected as your armys Warlord. The kill-team consists of

    1 Deathwatch Veterans squad and a 0-1 choice of either a Deathwatch Captain or a Deathwatch Codicier.

    Deathwatch Kill Team Special Rules:

    Combat Squad:

    A kill team consisting of six or more models may be split into two combat squads. If this is done, the kill team is

    split into two units of three models each. If the squad is accompanied by a captain or a codicier, that model must be

    attached to one of these two squads.

    The decision to split the unit into combat squads, as well as which models go into each combat squad, must be made

    when the unit is deployed. Both combat squads may be deployed in separate locations. The one exception to this is a

    unit that arrives by drop pod. The player can choose to split such a unit into combat squads when it disembarks from

    the drop pod if they are not separated into combat squads before this.

    If you decide to split a unit into combat squads, then each combat squad is treated as a separate unit for all game

    purposes from that point.

    Follow My Lead:

    At the beginning of the controlling players turn, a deathwatch kill team must choose a Chapter Skill for their entire

    unit to benefit from. The skill selected must be a chapter skill available to one of the squad members home chapters

    (see page 3.)

    The benefits of this skill last until the end of the following player turn and a new skill is selected at the beginning of

    the next controlling players turn. The same skill may be selected repeatedly over multiple turns if the player so


    If a kill team has been split into combat squads, then each squad must select their own skills. The skills each combat

    team selects must be available to one of the models in that half of the combat squad.

    All was lost. The Xenos scum, who smashed us for two days straight, were hurtling towards us again. We

    readied ourselves for death. And then Death came. Ten Space Marines appeared in the midst of the

    alien swarm. They were all in black and they set about the foe with the very fury of the Emperor himself!

    They saved us, and the whole damned Imperial line.

    -Guardsman Kyod, after the recapturing of Heliad VII.

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    Home Chapter:

    Each deathwatch member has been tithed from one of the many different space marine chapters from across the

    imperium. Each model in the kill team must select a different home chapter from the following list:

    Home Chapter Chapter Skill Chapter Psychic Power

    Black Templar Fleet N/A

    Blood Angels Furious Charge Blood Boil

    Blood Ravens Infiltrate, Scout Veil of Time

    Dark Angels Fearless Force Barrier

    Imperial Fists Stubborn Force Dome

    Iron Hands Tank Hunters Machine Curse

    Raven Guard Stealth Fear of the Darkness

    Space Wolves Counter-attack Murderous Hurricane

    Ultramarines Chapter Tactics Might of the Ancients

    White Scars Move Through Cover The Gate of Infinity

    Preferred Enemy:

    A deathwatch kill team has the Preferred Enemy special rule, selecting one entry from the list below as their target

    of choice.

    Dark Eldar






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    -Deathwatch Psychic Powers-_________________________________________ Deathwatch Lexicanum and Codiciers must choose their powers from the list below and may not select powers from

    the disciplines in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

    Basic Powers:

    The Avenger Warp Charge 1

    This is a witchfire power with the following profile:

    Range Strength AP Type

    Template 5 3 Assault 1

    Fury of the Ancients Warp Charge 1

    This is a beam power that is drawn from the librarians base to any one point on any table edge. Every unit in its

    path suffers D3 Strength 5, AP hits and must take a Pinning test. If the attack would hit a friendly unit or a unit

    locked in close combat, it will stop before it hits them and the attack will have no further effect along its course.

    Might of Heroes Warp Charge 1

    This is a blessing and is used at the start of either players Assault phase. If successful, the Librarian (or any one

    other model in the same unit as the Librarian) gains +D3 attacks in that Assault phase.

    Smite Warp Charge 1

    This is a witchfire power and has the following profile:

    Range Strength AP Type

    12 4 2 Assault 4

    Quickening Warp Charge 1

    This is a blessing and is used at the start of the Librarians Assault phase. If successful, the Librarian has the fleet

    special rule and Initiative 10 for the duration of the assault phase.

    Vortex of Doom Warp Charge 1

    This is a witchfire power with the following profile:

    Range Strength AP Type

    12 10 1 Heavy 1, Blast

    If when using this power the Librarian fails his Psychic test, place the Vortex of Doom blast marker on the Librarian

    in this case the template will not scatter.

    Chapter Specific Powers:

    Blood Boil Warp Charge 1 Blood Angels only

    This is a focused witchfire power that automatically hits an enemy unit within 12. One selected model in that unit

    suffers a wound with no armor saves allowed.

    Fear of the Darkness Warp Charge 1 Raven Guard only

    This is a witchfire power that hits automatically an enemy unit within 24. That unit must immediately take a

    Morale test with a -2 penalty to their Leadership. All normal modifiers and/or exceptions apply (e.g. units that never

    fall back are immune to this power).

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    Force Barrier Warp Charge 1 Dark Angels only

    This power gives the Librarian a special form of Invulnerable save that is taken by passing a psychic test rather than

    making a normal Invulnerable save roll. Whenever the Libararian suffers a wound, he may either take a save as

    normal, or he may use the force barrier power instead (once per turn of course). If the Librarian chooses to use the

    power, takes a psychic test and passes it, then the wound is saved (just as if he had made an Invulnerable save.) If

    the test is failed then the Librarian is wounded as if he had failed an Invulnerable save. Attacks that ignore

    Invulnerable saves cannot be stopped by a Force Barrier.

    Force Dome Warp Charge 1 Imperial Fists only

    This is a blessing and is used at the start of the Librarians Movement phase. The Librarian and any unit he is with

    receive a 5+ invulnerable save until the end of the following player turn.

    The deeds of one bold warrior can alter the course of a battle. I have four such men under my command and our

    every deed changes the shape of the galaxy.

    -Sergeant Daegon Incursa, Invaders 1st Company.

    The Gate of Infinity Warp Charge 1 White Scars only

    This power is used at the beginning of the Librarians Movement phase. The Librarian, and any unit he is with, is

    removed from the tabletop and immediately placed back together anywhere within 24 using the deep strike rules. If

    the Librarian travels alone, there is no risk, but if he takes a unit with him, there is a chance something will go

    wrong. If the deep strike attempt scatters and doubles are rolled, one member of the unit, chosen by the controlling

    player, is claimed by the Warp and removed as a casualty (the survivors scatter normally).

    Machine Curse Warp Charge 1 Iron Hands only

    This is a witchfire power with a range of 24 that only affects vehicles. If the Machine Curse hits, the target vehicle

    automatically suffers a single glancing hit.

    Might of the Ancients Warp Charge 1 Ultramarines only

    This is a blessing that is used at the start of the Librarians Assault phase. If successful, the Librarian has Strength 6

    and rolls 2D6 for armor penetration for the remainder of that Assault phase.

    Murderous Hurricane Warp Charge 1 Space Wolves only

    This is a witchfire power with a range of 18. The target unit takes 3D6 Strength 3 hits with AP. Place a marker

    next to the affected unit next turn that unit treats all terrain, even clear terrain, as both difficult and dangerous.

    Veil of Time Warp Charge 1 Blood Ravens only

    This is a blessing that is used at the start of the Librarians Movement phase. Until the end of the player turn, the

    Libararian can choose to re-roll any rolls to hit, to wound rolls, Armor saves, Invulnerable saves, Leadership tests or

    Morale tests. Note that the re-rolled result must be accepted no re-rolling the re-rolls!

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    -Wargear-_________________________________________________________ The wargear described here is in addition to that covered in Codex: Astartes.

    Fire Selector

    A weapon equipped with a fire selector allows the firer to choose which type of ammunition will be used each turn.

    Before shooting during the controlling players Shooting phase, the player may choose to shoot the weapon with its

    normal profile or with the profile of any one special ammunition type that they are equipped with.


    A heavy weapon with suspensor may be fired on the move. It may be fired normally as a Heavy weapon including

    being snap fired, or it may instead fire the same number of shots as an Assault weapon, but with its range halved.

    The controlling player may decide which of the profiles to use before firing in each of his Shooting phases.

    If the weapon has more than one mode of fire or any types special ammunition, these may also be fired as Assault

    weapons should the owner choose.

    For example, the heavy bolter profile would appear as follows:

    Weapon Range Strength AP Type

    Heavy Bolter (Normal) 36 5 4 Heavy 3

    Heavy Bolter (Assault) 18 5 4 Assault 3

    Special Ammunition

    The Deathwatch has access to the following types of special issue ammunition. They may be used by models firing

    boltguns or the boltgun of a combi-weapon or a heavy bolter, as applicable.

    Bolter Special Ammunition

    Hellfire Rounds

    Range Strength AP Type

    24 X 5 Rapid Fire, Fleshbane

    Implosion Rounds

    Range Strength AP Type

    24 4 5 Rapid Fire, Rending

    Inferno Rounds

    Range Strength AP Type

    24 4 5 Rapid Fire, Ignores Cover

    Kraken Rounds

    Range Strength AP Type

    30 4 4 Rapid Fire

    Metal Storm Rounds

    Range Strength AP Type

    24 3 6 Rapid Fire, Blast

    Stalker Rounds with M.40 Targeter

    Range Strength AP Type

    36 4 5 Heavy 2, Pinning

    Vengeance Rounds

    Range Strength AP Type

    18 4 3 Rapid Fire, Gets Hot

    Heavy Bolter Special Ammunition

    Hellfire Shell

    Range Strength AP Type

    36 X 4 Heavy 1, Blast, Fleshbane

    Metal Storm Shell

    Range Strength AP Type

    36 4 5 Heavy 2, Blast

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    Deathwatch Veteran Squad...70 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Deathwatch Veteran 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+

    Unit Composition:

    3 Deathwatch Veterans

    Special Rules:

    And They Shall Know No Fear

    Combat Squad

    Follow My Lead

    Home Chapter

    Preferred Enemy (selected xenos)


    Psyker (Mastery Level 1)


    Blessing of the Omnisiah

    Bolster Defenses

    Damage Control

    Dedicated Transport:

    A Deathwatch Kill Team may take a drop

    pod, rhino or razorback as a dedicated


    Unit Type:

    Infantry (Character)


    Power Armor

    Boltgun with Fire Selector

    Bolt Pistol

    Special Ammunition


    Power Armor

    Boltgun with Fire Selector or Bolt Pistol

    Force Weapon

    Psychic Hood

    Special Ammunition


    Artificer Armor


    Boltgun with Fire Selector or Bolt Pistol


    Special Ammunition

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    May add up to three additional

    veterans +20 pts per model

    Any model in the squad may be equipped with:

    - Frag and krak

    grenades +1 pt per model

    - Melta bombs +5 pts per model

    The squad may add any number of additional

    Preferred Enemies from the above

    list +3 pts each per model

    The squad may select a second type of special

    ammunition +2 pts per model

    Up to two veterans may replace their boltgun

    with one of the following:

    - Flamer +5 pts

    - Meltagun +10 pts

    - Plasmagun +15 pts

    May upgrade a single veteran to an apothecary

    with a narthecium +15 pts

    Any veteran or apothecary may replace their

    boltgun and/or bolt pistol with:

    - Combi-flamer, -melta or plasma or

    plasma pistol +10 pts

    Assault Options:

    Up to three veterans, including an apothecary,

    may be upgraded to assault marines, replacing

    their boltguns and/or bolt pistol with:

    - Chainsword free

    - Plasma pistol +10 pts

    - Inferno pistol or storm shield +15 pts

    - Power weapon +15 pts

    - A single lightning claw +20 pts

    - An additional lightning claw +10 pts

    A single assault marine may instead replace his

    boltgun or bolt pistol with one of the


    - Power fist +25 pts

    - Thunder hammer +30 pts

    Any assault marine may be equipped with a

    jump pack +8 pts per model

    Devastator Options:

    Up to two veterans may be upgraded to

    devastator marines, replacing their boltguns

    with a suspensor and one of the following:

    - A heavy bolter with fire selector,

    multi-melta or missile

    launcher +15 pts per model

    - A plasma cannon +20 pts per model

    - A lascannon +30 pts per model

    If a heavy bolter is selected, it may additionally

    be armed with a single type of heavy bolter

    special ammunition. Each devastator may

    select different ammunition +5 pts per model


    If a deathwatch kill team does not contain a

    Codicier, it may upgrade a single veteran to a

    lexicanum +30 pts

    - A veteran that is upgraded to a

    lexicanum must select a single

    psychic power from either the

    Deathwatch psychic power list or

    from his chapter list. A veteran that

    has selected the Black Templars as his

    home chapter may not be upgraded to

    a Lexicanum.

    - A Lexicanum may be included as an

    assault marine, but may only select

    the jump pack option.


    A single veteran may be upgraded to a

    deathwatch techmarine +25 pts

    A deathwatch techmarine may replace their

    servo-arm with a servo-harness +25 pts

    A deathwatch techmarine may replace his

    boltgun or bolt pistol with:

    - Storm bolter free

    - Combi-flamer, -melta or plasma or

    plasma pistol +10 pts

    A deathwatch techmarine may take either of

    the following:

    - Power weapon +15 pts

    - Thunder Hammer +30 pts

    A deathwatch techmarine may take a single

    servo-skull +3 pts

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    Watch Captain85 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Watch Captain 6 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+

    Unit Composition

    1 Watch Captain

    Unit Type:

    Infantry (Character)

    Special Rules:

    And They Shall Know No Fear

    Combat Squad

    Follow My Lead

    Home Chapter

    Preferred Enemy


    Power Armor

    Boltgun with Fire Selector

    Bolt Pistol

    Frag and Krak Grenades

    Iron Halo

    Special Ammunition


    May replace boltgun and/or bolt pistol with:

    - Chainsword free

    - Storm Bolter +3 pts

    - Combi-flamer, -melta or

    -plasma or plasma pistol +10 pts

    - Storm shield inferno pistol or power

    weapon +15 pts

    - A single lightning claw +20 pts

    - A second lightning claw +10 pts

    - Power fist +25 pts

    - Relic blade or thunder

    hammer +30 pts

    May be given melta bombs +5 pts

    May be given bionics +5 pts

    May take a jump pack +25 pts

    May add any number of additional Preferred Enemies from the above list +3 pts each

    May select a second type of special ammunition from the above list +2 pts

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    Deathwatch Codicier100 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Codicier 5 5 4 4 2 5 2 10 3+

    Unit Composition:

    1 Codicier

    Special Rules:

    And They Shall Know No Fear

    Combat Squad

    Follow My Lead

    Home Chapter

    Preferred Enemy

    Psyker (Mastery Level 1)


    Power Armor

    Force Weapon

    Boltgun with Fire Selector or Bolt Pistol

    Frag and Krak Grenades

    Psychic Hood

    Special Ammunition

    Unit Type:

    Infantry (Character)


    May replace boltgun with:

    - Storm bolter +3 pts

    - Combi-flamer, -melta, or plasma

    or plasma pistol +10 pts

    May be given melta bombs +5 pts

    May take a jump pack +25 pts

    May add any number of additional Preferred

    Enemies from the above list +3 pts each

    May select a second type of special

    ammunition from the above list +2 pts

    Home Chapter

    A Codicier may not select the Black Templars as

    his home chapter.


    A codicier is a Mastery level 1 psyker. He must

    select 2 psychic powers from either the Deathwatch

    psychic power list or from his home chapter.

    I can pulp your flesh and snap your bones in less than a

    second, and without so much as lifting a finger. What is

    the power of technology compared to that?

    -Chief Librarian Vel'cona of the Salamanders.

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    -Sample Deathwatch Kill Team-_______________________________________

    Deathwatch Kill Team 525 points

    Prefered Enemies Orks

    Special Ammunition Stalker Rounds with M.40 Targeter

    Deathwatch Veteran +15 points

    Raven Guard Veteran

    Plasmagun, Bolt Pistol

    Deathwatch Veteran +20 points

    Iron Hands Devastator Marine

    Heavy Bolter with fire selector and suspensor and Hellfire Shells

    Deathwatch Veteran +54 points

    Black Templars Assault Marine

    Jump Pack, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Frag anad Krak Grenades

    Apothecary +54 points

    Ultramarines Assault Marine

    Jump Pack, Power Weapon, Inferno Pistol, Frag and Krak Grenades

    Lexicanum +39 points

    Blood Angels Assault Marine

    Jump Pack, Force Weapon, Bolt Pistol Frag and Krak Grenades, Might of Heroes

    Techmarine +68 points

    Space Wolves Techmarine

    Servo Harness, Boltgun with fire selector, Power Weapon, Servo Skull

    Watch Captain +145 points

    Imperial Fists Captain

    Jump Pack, Relic Blade, Bolt Pistol, Melta Bombs

    Victory often rests on the correct weaponry being in the right place and at the right time. Even the most

    destructive weapons of war are worthless if absent from the battle.

    -Artor Amhad, Chapter Master of the Astral Knights (deceased).

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