codes and conventions of the teen genre


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Post on 05-Dec-2014



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Page 1: Codes and Conventions of the teen genre
Page 2: Codes and Conventions of the teen genre

Cliques are a staple to any stereotypical teen drama. A prime example of this is ‘Mean Girls’ where the cliques are acknowledged. Even in teen dramas which aren't the stereotypical kind, there are still examples of segregation in school such as in ‘Twilight’ how the Cullens sit on a different table to everyone else and everyone knows all about them.






•Popular for being popular

•The artsy people e.g. artists, actors

•People who aren't in a clique (these people are usually the protagonist of the film)

Page 3: Codes and Conventions of the teen genre

•Stereotypical Nerd- Geeky glasses, shirt and tie, really clever, can’t talk to members of the opposite sex.

•Stereotypical Cheerleader- airhead, slut, no ambitions, popular

•Stereotypical Jock- Bully, popular, mean, stupid, strong, powerful (e.g. can change people’s views)

•Stereotypical outsider- sarcastic, sees people for who they really are

•Stereotypical wannabe- will conform to today's view of ‘cool’ e.g. hipsters

•Stereotypical ‘New Girl’- different from everyone else, breaks stereotypes, kind, intriguing

Just fyi, these aren’t my opinions

Page 4: Codes and Conventions of the teen genre

• High School-

1. Locker room- Jocks, cheerleaders

2. Dining room/Cafeteria- where you sit defines your status

3. Hall/Corridor- where everyone goes everyday to get to their lockers

4. Field/Gym- where the ‘big game’ happens

• Houses of characters

1. For house parties/sleepovers

2. Kitchen- where the family comes together e.g. ‘Easy A’

• Sometimes Universities (‘Pitch Perfect’)

• ‘The mall’

Page 5: Codes and Conventions of the teen genre

One of the many codes and conventions of the teen genre is that of ‘Teen Issues’. This consists of ‘issues’ such as:-

•Peer pressure- being tricked into doing things you don’t want to do e.g. smoking, drinking.

•To conform or not to conform?- When the stereotypical ‘Jock’ has an intellectual mind and wants to become a scientist but is worried about what everyone will think of him- will they call him a nerd? An example of this is in ‘A Cinderella Story’ when Chad Michael Murray’s character wants to go to Princeton instead of following his father’s dream of him running a carwash.

•Hating Life- Wanting to leave your ‘small town’ because you feel that there is more out there.

•Outcast- Not having any friends, feeling ignored, invisible. An example of this is (even though it’s not a film) is Jimmy Edwards in ‘One Tree Hill’ who drifted apart from his friends because they became popular and left him being. It ended in him hating the school, holding a group of his peers hostage and killing himself.