codes and conventions of documentaries

Codes and Conventions of documentaries A documentary is a recording of an event, generally based on people’s perspectives and/ or genuine facts.

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Page 1: Codes and Conventions of Documentaries

Codes and Conventions of

documentaries A documentary is a recording of an event, generally based on people’s perspectives and/ or genuine facts.

Page 2: Codes and Conventions of Documentaries

GRAPHICS Are used in documentarians for a range of reasons, these

being: They are normally two lines and in a simple font so it doesn’t distract

the audience. Sometimes graphics are used on the screen to note down an

interviewees name and relation to the subject. Graphics are also used at the end to credit people who are involved in

the production of documentary. It can help to communicate complicated information in a way for that

the average viewer can understand.

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This is used to show a variety of views on a particular topic. A sound track may also accompany the visuals. It helps give the viewer the historical knowledge

easier and show past events which are important to subject matter.

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An Establishing shot is used in most documentaries to set the scene.

Mise-en-scene has to be consistent throughout the documentary and it can also be portrayed through the interviews. E.g. a Documentary about a band so a concert venue or studio may be the setting of the interview.

Natural lighting is the most common source of lighting in a documentary.

Camerawork- is mostly handheld, multi/single camera and long edits.

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INTERVIEWS Interviews are a main element of documentaries as they

bring the story together. When an interview is taking place the camera remains

mainly static, this is so the audience aren’t distracted away from the interview by any movement.

Throughout the interview the interviewee looks at the interviewer not the camera.

Eye line of the interviewee is in line with the top 3rd of frame.

Interviews are filmed mostly close up or a medium close-up on a left or right alignment,

Cutaways are edited into an interview to illustrate to the audience what the interviewee is talking about.

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EDITING Documentaries use lots of cuts because there is

such a variation of interviews, archive footage etc.

Convectional editing is also used, which means the final production only answers and no questions will be on screen.

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Are used to move the narrative along and used to push an idea or a view on the topic forward.