codes and conventions of a front cover

Codes and conventions of a front cover of a magazine

Upload: michaelanderson1999

Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Codes and conventions of a front cover

Codes and conventions of a front cover of a


Page 2: Codes and conventions of a front cover

Masthead • At the top of the page• It’s the largest piece of writing on the page• Its font isn’t used anywhere else in the magazine • Overlapping the main image or the main image covers the masthead

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Main image• Direct address to the reader • Close up/medium close up usually • Relevance to the main article

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cover line• Give a little information about the article to entice people in• Surrounding the main image • About the articles inside the magazine• Smaller font that masthead

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Main cover line • Usually relevant to the main image • Larger than the rest of the cover lines • Sometimes the name of the person/band in the main image

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Background • Simple background usually • Relevant mise-en-scene to the magazine genre• Singular block colour usually

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Banner• Along the top of the page• Usually something exciting that will feature in the magazine

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Incentives • Entice people in to buy the magazine• On the front protected by plastic sleeve

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Colour scheme• Aesthetically pleasing- First thing you see from far away so it can

entice you in• Makes it easier to read• Must be the same the whole way through issue and match the type of

magazine it is

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Splashes and puffs • These look exciting on the page• Makes certain information stand out on the page

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Sub images• Sub images are used to further promote some of the smaller articles

in the issue• Make the front cover more aesthetically pleasing

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Barcode/price/issue number• these show some extra information about the issue• This is how the issue is sold through scanning the barcode

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Positioning statement • Marketing your cover to a certain target audience will improve sales• Rewards your magazine has achieved

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quotes• They show that the information in the articles is straight from mouth• It proves authenticity of the writing

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Buzz words• It stands out as a big deal on the front cover so it would entice people

in • This of course makes the magazine look better too

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Musical iconography• How the magazine looks very much depends on the style of music it is

for and that’s important when making a cover• Fitting target audience

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Fonts • The fonts used should be recognisable • The font of the title shouldn't be used anywhere other than the title • Fits in with style of music