codes and conventions 2

{ Codes and Conventions of my Music Magazine Andrew Kerry 8338

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Post on 29-Nov-2014




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Codes and Conventions of my Music Magazine

Andrew Kerry8338

Drum sticks connote music which displays to the audience immediately that this

is a music magazine.

The font that I chose was Braggodocio. It represents technology which is what the magazine is about.

I created the background by using a stamp. I put the opacity down to conceal it a bit. The background represents technology as it shows key components in technology hardware. This will attract the target audience as they are likely to know what these do.

The subject is wearing a logo on their top. This makes the reader look up to the people in the magazine and make them want to dress and make music like the/be like them.

Notes to represent annotations on YouTube which YouTubers use to advertise their channel and other videos.

Slogan which is short and to the point which YouTubers use because people in the 21st century aren’t patient enough to sit through a whole video. They also want to know what a video is about before watching it in a short and snappy way so they know if it is what they are looking for.

The black and white connotes video editing that online musicians do when they prepare their video for uploading to an online video sharing site.

Red, white and black background which is both appropriate for men and women. This is important because the target audience includes both genders because both men and women make music covers on YouTube.

The subject is playing drums so that when the reader is flicking through the magazine, they will immediately know that it is a music magazine and that article is about a YouTube drummer.

There is a summary so that the reader can flick through and see what the article is about and whether the editor enjoyed the artist and would recommend them, without having to read the whole article.

Inspirational quotes so that the audience will look up and aspire to be like the artist.

Codes and Conventions between magazines.

Bold title which attracts the attention of the reader when they see it on the shelf. This helps the reader know the genre of the magazine while it is on the shelf.

Examples of stories inside the magazine so the reader knows what is inside before they buy the magazine. This is a key code in music tech magazines because they what to know if the magazine can help their needs

Main edited image which is associated with the topic of both music and technology. This helps the reader know the genre before they buy it.

Main image associated with the article on the spread.

Columned text to allow ease of reading.Bold title associated with the article so that when the reader is flicking through magazine, they can easily see if the article is suited for their needs.