coaching performance coaching_training

Performance Coaching: Training

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Performance Coaching: Training

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What is Training?

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Training improves and develops employees’ knowledge, skills or competencies in their current jobs.

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Types of Training

• Computer-based training• Interactive video• Instructor-led training• Satellite programs• Employee self-directed learning• On-the-job training

• Computer-based training• Interactive video• Instructor-led training• Satellite programs• Employee self-directed learning• On-the-job training

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Training can be conducted in both formal and informal learning settings.

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Unstructured Training

• Giving information not required by the organization as a part of formal training

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Unstructured Training

• Giving information not required by the organization as a part of formal training

• Based on the insight and experience of the supervisor

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Structured Training

• Offered to all employees equally to provide continuity

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Structured Training

• Offered to all employees equally to provide continuity

• Designed to provide the correct or exact procedures for conducting a particular job

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Structured Training

• Offered to all employees equally to provide continuity

• Designed to provide the correct or exact procedures for conducting a particular job

• Takes many hours to complete

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Structured Training

• Offered to all employees equally to provide continuity

• Designed to provide the correct or exact procedures for conducting a particular job

• Takes many hours to complete• Very detailed, and often sequenced with

other training activities

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Four Principles of Training

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Training Employees

• Present new information only if it is meaningful and practical

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Training Employees

• Present new information only if it is meaningful and practical

• Present information in a manner that permits mastery

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Training Employees

• Present new information only if it is meaningful and practical

• Present information in a manner that permits mastery

• Present only one idea or concept at a time

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Training Employees

• Present new information only if it is meaningful and practical

• Present information in a manner that permits mastery

• Present only one idea or concept at a time

• Use feedback and frequent summaries to facilitate retention and memory recall

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Seven Laws of Training

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Two People

• Trainer

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Two People

• Trainer• Learner (employee)

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Two Mental Factors

• Common language or medium of communication

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Two Mental Factors

• Common language or medium of communication

• Tasks, skills or competencies to be communicated

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Three Activities

• Delivery by the trainer

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Three Activities

• Delivery by the trainer• Learning by the employee

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Three Activities

• Delivery by the trainer• Learning by the employee• Review and application of tasks, skills

and competencies by the employee on the job

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Three Activities

Each of these three activities should be present, regardless of the length of the training session.

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Seven Laws of Training

• The Law of the Manager

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The Law of the Manager

Manager or trainer must have knowledge of and experience with the task, skill or competency being taught.

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Seven Laws of Training

• The Law of the Manager• The Law of the Learner

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The Law of the Learner

Learners must focus their attention on the task, skills or competency being taught.

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Types of Attention

• Passive attention

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Types of Attention

• Passive attention• Active attention

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Types of Attention

• Passive attention• Active attention• Secondary passive attention

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Passive Attention

• Is instinctive

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Passive Attention

• Is instinctive• Involves no effort

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Passive Attention

• Is instinctive• Involves no effort• Facilitates inadequate learning

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Active Attention

• Requires employees to distinguish separate stimuli and select the appropriate ones

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Active Attention

• Requires employees to distinguish separate stimuli and select the appropriate ones

• Present during activities that require involvement

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Secondary Passive Attention

• Demands little or no effort

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Secondary Passive Attention

• Demands little or no effort• Learner is focused on material, and is

persistent in understanding it

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Attention Hindrances

• Apathy

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Attention Hindrances

• Apathy• Distraction

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Refers to the lack of interest in a subject or skill.

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Employees’ attention is divided among a variety of stimuli.

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The Law of the Learner

Make an attempt to discover the interests and prior experiences of your employees when presenting material.

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Seven Laws of Training

• The Law of the Manager• The Law of the Learner• The Law of the Language

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The Law of the Language

Language used between the trainer and the learner must be common to both.

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The Law of the Language

• Make sure your explanations are in your audience’s language, and not the definitions of someone else

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The Law of the Language

• Make sure your explanations are in your audience’s language, and not the definitions of someone else

• Make sure you test for understanding before moving forward

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Seven Laws of Training

• The Law of the Manager• The Law of the Learner• The Law of the Language• The Law of the Training Session

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The Law of the Training Session

• Explain the task, skill or competency in a way that employees can comprehend

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The Law of the Training Session

• Explain the task, skill or competency in a way that employees can comprehend

• Identify a point at which to begin, one that associates the material to something the employee is familiar with

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The Law of the Training Session

• Explain the task, skill or competency in a way that employees can comprehend

• Identify a point at which to begin, one that associates the material to something the employee is familiar with

• Base training activities on an identified set of learning objectives

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The Law of the Training Session

• Prioritize and sequence objectives in order to link concepts

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The Law of the Training Session

• Prioritize and sequence objectives in order to link concepts

• Share information in a way that links the unknown to the known

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The Law of the Training Session

• Prioritize and sequence objectives in order to link concepts

• Share information in a way that links the unknown to the known

• Delay presenting a new step until your employees have mastered the previous one

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Seven Laws of Training

• The Law of the Manager• The Law of the Learner• The Law of the Language• The Law of the Training Session• The Law of the Training Process

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The Law of the Training Process

• Make the training process motivating and exciting

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The Law of the Training Process

• Make the training process motivating and exciting

• Provide the material in a manner that motivates employees to become absorbed by it

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The Law of the Training Process

• Make the training process motivating and exciting

• Provide the material in a manner that motivates employees to become absorbed by it

• Stimulate your employees’ minds and challenge their abilities and skills

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The Law of the Training Process

• Don’t exhibit inappropriate and impatient attitudes toward your employees regarding their abilities, skills and lack of comprehension

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Seven Laws of Training

• The Law of the Manager• The Law of the Learner• The Law of the Language• The Law of the Training Session• The Law of the Training Process• The Law of the Learning Process

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The Law of the Learning Process

The learning process is complete when employees can apply what they have learned to the job

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Seven Laws of Training

• The Law of the Manager• The Law of the Learner• The Law of the Language• The Law of the Training Session• The Law of the Training Process• The Law of the Learning Process• The Law of Review and Application

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The Law of Review and Application

• Give employees the opportunity to review, rethink and apply the tasks, skills and competencies they’ve learned

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The Law of Review and Application

• Give employees the opportunity to review, rethink and apply the tasks, skills and competencies they’ve learned

• Ensure employees fully understand what they have learned and how it can be used on the job

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The Law of Review and Application

• Give employees the opportunity to review, rethink and apply the tasks, skills and competencies they’ve learned

• Ensure employees fully understand what they have learned and how it can be used on the job

• Pose realistic problem or circumstance, and give employees the opportunity to apply what they have learned to the problem

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The Law of Review and Application

• Don’t neglect the review and application process

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Transfer of Learning Strategies

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Transfer of Learning Strategies

• Reinforces previous learning

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Transfer of Learning Strategies

• Reinforces previous learning• Practices new skills

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Transfer of Learning Strategies

• Reinforces previous learning• Practices new skills• Integrates new knowledge

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Transfer of Learning Strategies

• Refresher programs• Journals and daily logs• Training and performance aids• Follow-up activities • Failure analysis

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Refresher Programs

• Identify barriers that prevent learning transfer

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Refresher Programs

• Identify barriers that prevent learning transfer

• Talk about difficulties employees are having integrating the new skill or knowledge to their jobs

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Refresher Programs

• Identify barriers that prevent learning transfer

• Talk about difficulties employees are having integrating the new skill or knowledge to their jobs

• Share how employees have incorporated the new skill or knowledge to their particular situation

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Refresher Programs

• Identify barriers that prevent learning transfer

• Talk about difficulties employees are having integrating the new skill or knowledge to their jobs

• Share how employees have incorporated the new skill or knowledge to their particular situation

• Get reinforcement of the major learning points employees were trained on

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Journals and Daily Logs

• Allow employees to document the circumstances and events surrounding the application of skills or integration of knowledge

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Journals and Daily Logs

• Allow employees to document the circumstances and events surrounding the application of skills or integration of knowledge

• Events should be described in as much detail as possible

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Training and Job Aids

• Provide training or job aids that allow new skills and knowledge to be applied more easily

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Training and Job Aids

• Provide training or job aids that allow new skills and knowledge to be applied more easily

• Design these aids in a user-friendly manner

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Training and Job Aids

• Provide training or job aids that allow new skills and knowledge to be applied more easily

• Design these aids in a user-friendly manner• Discuss how these tools can help your

employees transfer skills or knowledge to the job

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Follow-Up Activities

• Give proper and prompt follow-up activities

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Follow-Up Activities

• Give proper and prompt follow-up activities• Use individual and group follow-up sessions

to help you determine how you will train the next time

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Failure Analysis

• Analyze the long-term effect of how the new skills and knowledge interfere with current employee performance, and determine their impact on productivity

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Failure Analysis

• Analyze the long-term effect of how the new skills and knowledge interfere with current employee performance, and determine their impact on productivity

• Use failure analysis to help you identify possible conflicts, so you can better integrate learning in the future

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Failure Analysis

• Analyze the long-term effect of how the new skills and knowledge interfere with current employee performance, and determine their impact on productivity

• Use failure analysis to help you identify possible conflicts, so you can better integrate learning in the future

• Allow employees to try out new skills or knowledge in safe environments, such as work simulations and case studies

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Learning Failure

• Allows for a quicker, more accurate application of new skills and knowledge

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Learning Failure

• Allows for a quicker, more accurate application of new skills and knowledge

• Helps employees increase long-term productivity and improves overall job performance

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Transfer of Learning Strategies

As a manager, you have the responsibility to communicate to your employees that they are responsible for the transfer of learning.

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Transfer of Learning Strategies

Employees must have the desire to manage themselves and the work environment in order to allow a learning transfer.

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Performance Coaching: Training