co pacharacteristics

Characteristic No. Name Length Description Description (20) Length (20) 0 KNDNR 10 Customer Sold-to 1 KUNWE 10 Customer Ship-to aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 0 ARTNR 18 Material 2 YYBAS 8 Base Product Base Product 12 3 YYDBR 7 Brand Denomination Brand Denomination 18 4 YYRBR 7 Range/Product Brand Range/Product Brand 19 5 YYCBR 6 Corporate Brand Corporate Brand 15 6 YYBAI 4 Branded Active Ingr 19 7 MVGR1 3 Material Group 1 Matarial Group 1 16 8 YYORI 4 Product Origin Product Origin 14 9 YYPRT 4 Partnership Partnership 11 10 WWNTY 8 Nestlé Product Type Nestlé Product Type 19 11 WWNGR 5 Nestlé Product Group Nestlé Product Group 20 12 WWNCA 2 Nestlé Prod Category 20 Branded Active Ingredients Nestlé Product Category

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Post on 04-Sep-2015




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Sheet1CharacteristicNo.NameLengthDescriptionDescription (20)LengthShort Text (10)LengthHeading (20)LengthDefinitionProduct / Customer dimensionTable of Origin /Check TableCheck TableCheck TableCharacteristic ValuesData Standard /Derivation No.Global / Local Deriv.Derivation Rule in COPAMoveUsage (eg. for calculation, reporting, allocation, planning, storage, CE4, etc..)Example of Charac. Values(20)(10)(20)Source of DataText TableGlobal / LocalGlobal / LocalGuidelinetable Maint.Condition for CalculationReportingAllocation ToAPO PlanningCE40KNDNR10Customer Sold-toStandard SAPCKNA1KNA1GG1KUNWE10Customer Ship-toaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAStandard SAPCKNA1KNA1GG0ARTNR18MaterialSKU in terms of NestlPMARAMARAGG2YYBAS8Base ProductBase Product12Base Prod.10Base Product12First grouping of SKUs. Locally defined. It has to be lower than the Nestl Product Type. All the SKUs included in one Base Product have to belong to the same Product Channel. It is also the first step of the Local Hierarchy.PMVKE/NESGLB/M_BAS_CK/NESGLB/M_BAS_CKGLDSE100Lic Fees3YYDBR7Brand DenominationBrand Denomination18BrandDenom10Brand Denomination18Lowest level of the Brand Hierarchy. A Brand Denomination aims to make the product description a property of the brand by giving it a special visual treatment (e.g. Classic, Gold, Frapp). A Product Description has no intent to do so (e.g. instant coffee, malted milk).PMARA/NESGLB/M_DBR_CK/NESGLB/M_DBR_CKGGDSE1004YYRBR7Range/Product BrandRange/Product Brand19BrandRange10Range/Product Brand19Middle level of the Brand Hierarchy. Brands which express their competence through a more specific function and/or product features (e.g. Nesquik, Kit Kat).PMARA/NESGLB/M_RBR_CK/NESGLB/M_RBR_CKGGDSE1005YYCBR6Corporate BrandCorporate Brand15BrandCorp9Corporate Brand15Highest level of the Brand Hierarchy. Brands identified by the consumers as having a clear authority in specific food/beverage areas, technologies and/or origin (e.g. Nestl, Nescaf, ...).PMARA/NESGLB/M_CBR_CK/NESGLB/M_CBR_CKGGDSE1006YYBAI4Branded Active IngredientsBranded Active Ingr19BAI3Branded Active Ingr19Physiologically active substances which, when incorporated into existing food products, increase their inherent value by providing the consumer with benefits beyond good taste and normal nutrient content.PMARA/NESGLB/M_BAI_CK/NESGLB/M_BAI_CKGGDSE1007MVGR13Material Group 1Matarial Group 116Mat. Group10Matarial Group 116Used by GD for Planning TTSPMVKETVM1GLGE1008YYORI4Product OriginProduct Origin14ProdOrigin10Product Origin14Factory where the material has been produced. In case of multisources, it has to be considered the main source.PMVKE/NESGLB/M_ORI_CK/NESGLB/M_ORI_CKGLE1009YYPRT4PartnershipPartnership11Partnersh9Partnership11Used in order to calculate License fees to 3rd partiesPMVKE/NESGLB/M_PRT_CK/NESGLB/M_PRT_CKGLE1003rd Party Royalty10WWNTY8Nestl Product TypeNestl Product Type19NProdType9Nestl Product Type19Lowest level of the Product Hierarchy for reporting to the Centre.PT2501T25A1GGDS010LBase Product11WWNGR5Nestl Product GroupNestl Product Group20NProdGrp8Nestl Product Group20Middle level of the Product Hierarchy for reporting to the Centre.PT2502T25A2GGDS020GNestl Product TypeLic Fees12WWNCA2Nestl Product CategoryNestl Prod Category20NProdCat8Nestl Prod Category20Highest level of the Product Hierarchy for reporting to the Centre.PT2503T25A3GGDS030GNestl Product Group13WWNBD12Nestl Brand DenominationNestl Brand Denom18NBrdDenom9Nestl Brand Denom18Brand Denomination at Nestl Product Group Level, for the purpose of reporting to the Centre.PT2505T25A5GG060GNestle Product Group + Brand Denomination14WWNBR12Nestl Range BrandNestl Range Brand18NBrdRange9Nestl Range Brand18Range Brand at Nestl Product Group Level, for the purpose of reporting to the Centre.PT2506T25A6GG050GNestle Product Group + Range/Product Brand15WWNBC8Nestl Corporate BrandNestl Corpor Brand19NBrdCorp8Nestl Corpor Brand19Corporate Brand at Nestl Product Category Level, for the purpose of reporting to the Centre.PT2507T25A7GG040GNestle Prod Category + Corporate Brand16WWNBI9Nestl BAINestl BAI10N BAI5Nestl BAI10Branded Active Ingredients at Nestl Product Group Level, for the purpose of reporting to the Centre.PT2504T25A4GG070GNestle Product Group + BAI17WWLPL8Local Product LowLocal Product Low17LocProLow9Local Product Low17Lowest level of the local product hierarchy.PT2521T25C1GLDS010LBase Product18WWLPM8Local Product MiddleLocal Product Middle20LocProMid9Local Product Middle20Middle level of the local product hierarchy.PT2522T25C2GLDS110LLocal Product Low19WWLPH8Local Product HighLocal Product High18LocProHigh10Local Product High18Highest level of the local product hierarchy.PT2523T25C3GLDS120LLocal Product Middle20WWPCH2Product ChannelProduct Channel15Prod.Chan.10Product Channel15Usual Channel in which a product is sold (e.g. Kit Kat = Retail). Used to determine Nestl Sales Channel.PT2524T25C4GLDS010LBase Product21WWSCR10Sales CreditSales Credit12Sales Cred10Sales Credit12Division or any organizational level of the market.P/CT2541T25E1GLDS300LLocal Product Middle + Customer Channel22WWCCH2Customer ChannelCustomer Channel16CustChan8Customer Channel16Use to determine Nestl Sales Channel. At least the ones that have to be reported to the Centre. Additionally a further split can be done.CKNVVT2535T25D5GLDS200LCustomer Group 123WWLSC2Local Sales ChannelLocal Sales Channel19LocSalChan10Local Sales Channel19Use to determine Sales Channel. At least the ones that have to be reported to the Centre.P/CT2534T25D4GLDS130 / 140LProduct Channel + Customer ChannelLic Fees24WWNCH2Nestle Sales ChannelNest. Sales Channel19NSalesChan10Nest. Sales Channel19Use to determine the 9 Nestl Sales Channel that have to be reported to the Centre.P/CT2508T25A8GGDS150LLocal Sales Channel25KVGR13Customer Group 1Cust. Planning Group20CusPlanGrp10Cust. Planning Group20Used by GD for Planning TTS. Additionally is the lowest level of the customer hierarchy built in COPA.CKNVVTVV1GLGE10026WWNCC10CCS ReportCCS Report10CCS Report10CCS Report10Use for reporting the CCS through CARAT via interfase.CT2509T25A9GG220LLocal Customer Middle27WWLCL10Local Customer LowLocal Customer Low18LocCusLow9Local Customer Low18Lowest level of the Customer Hierarchy built in COPA from Customer Group 1CT2531T25D1GLDS200LCustomer Group 128WWLCM10Local Customer MiddleLocal Customer Middle21LocCusMid9Local Customer Middle21Middle level of the Customer Hierarchy built in COPA from Customer Group 1CT2532T25D2GLDS210LLocal Customer Low29WWLCH10Local Customer HighLocal Customer High19LocCusHigh10Local Customer High19Highest level of the Customer Hierarchy built in COPA from Customer Group 1CT2533T25D3GLDS220LLocal Customer Middle30BZIRK6Sales DistrictSales District14S.District10Sales District14Standard SAP. Could be used for local needsCKNVVT171GL00131REGIO3Geographical AreaGeographical Area17Geog.Area9Geographical Area17Standard SAP. Could be used for local needsCKNA1T005SGL00232LAND13CountryCountry7Country7Country7Standard SAP. Could be used for local needsCKNA1T005GG003WWCH5NOT IN USEDWWCH3NOT IN USEDWWCH4NOT IN USEDKDGRPNOT IN USED

