co-operation programme for the years 2018-2020 … · 2018. 2. 12. · • bath part1es acknowledge...


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Page 1: CO-OPERATION PROGRAMME FOR THE YEARS 2018-2020 … · 2018. 2. 12. · • Bath part1es acknowledge the informat1on about the cru1se w1th the Polish sh1p ' Dar MlodZiezy' m the penod






Brussels, the 9th of February 2018


Page 2: CO-OPERATION PROGRAMME FOR THE YEARS 2018-2020 … · 2018. 2. 12. · • Bath part1es acknowledge the informat1on about the cru1se w1th the Polish sh1p ' Dar MlodZiezy' m the penod

















The 100th anmversary of Poland's mdependence (2018}, the 100th

anmversary of Polish-Belg1an d1plomat1c relat1ons (2019} and the 75th

ann1versary of the hberat1on of Flanders from the German

occupat1on (2019}


Agnculture and f1shenes

Soc1al welfare, pubhc health, healthcare


Culture, cultural heritage and sports


Mobility and mfrastructure

H1gher Educat1on

Research and mnovat1on

Cooperat1on between local commun1t1es

Tra de

Dec1s1on makmg and the role of research and analys1s m the process

of developmg pubhc pohc1es

General and fmanc1al prov1s1ons


Page 3: CO-OPERATION PROGRAMME FOR THE YEARS 2018-2020 … · 2018. 2. 12. · • Bath part1es acknowledge the informat1on about the cru1se w1th the Polish sh1p ' Dar MlodZiezy' m the penod

Koen Verlaeckt, the Presrdent of the Flemrsh delegatron welcomes the Polrsh delegatron and presents

the members of hrs delegatron.

Department of Foreign Aftairs

• Koen Verlaeckt

• Yves Wantens

• Stefaan De Groote

• Jan Korthoudt

• Roxanne Van Hulle

Flanders lnvestment & Trade

• Bart Van den Bossche

Secretary Genera I, Co-Charrman of the Jornt Polrsh­

Flemrsh Commrssron

General Representatrve of the Government of

Flanders rn Warszawa

Secretary of the Flemrsh part of the Jornt

Polrsh-Fiemrsh Commrssron and polrcy advrsor


Drrector Tourrsm

Polrcy advrsor cultural drplomacy

Area Manager Central & Eastern Europe

Departement Public Gavernanee & the Chancellery

• Jan De Mulder

• Edwrn Lefebre

Department Education & Training

• MagairSoenen

Polrcy advrsor rnternatronal affarrs

Polrcy advrsor local authontres

Polrcy offreer lnternatronalrsatron & Mobrlrty Higher


Departement Welfare, Public Health and Family

• Fabran Domrnguez Socral Affarrs and Publrc Health attaché

Department of Mobility & Public Works

• Olrvrer Vandersnrckt Pohcy Offreer EU and lnternatronal Cooperatron

• Machteld Ryckaert Stagrarre rnternatronal collaboratron

lnstitute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research

• Cathy Plasman lnternatronal relatrons


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Department of Work and Social Economy

Anane Rober, proJect coordmator ESF

Renata Szcz~ch, the President of the Polish delegation thanks for the warm welcome and presents

the members of her delegat1on.

Mi nistry of the Interier and Administration

Renata Szcz~ch

• Joanna Tomasin1-Lewandowska

Barbara Skólska

• W1told Kadenac1

Undersecretary of State, Co-Cha1rman ofthe Jomt

Pol1sh-Fiem1sh Comm1ss1on

Deputy D1rector, International Affa1rs Department,

Deputy Co-Cha1rman of the Jomt Pollsh-Fiem1sh


Head of Unit, International Affa1rs Department

Ch1ef Expert, International Affa1rs Department, Secre­

tary ofthe Pollsh Part of the Jomt Pollsh-Flem1sh


Embassy of the Republic of Poland to the Kingdom of Belgium

• Artur Orzechowsk1

• Joanna Doberszyc- Toulsaly

Ministry of Health

Kata rzyna Przybylska

Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology

• Aleksander S1emaszko

Mi nistry of Culture and National Heritage

• Teresa M1kulska

Ambassador ofthe Republlc of Poland m Belg1um

Mm1ster Counsellor

Head of un1t, E-Health and European Funds Depart­


Head of un1t, International Affa1rs Department

Ch1ef Expert, Department of International Relat1ons


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Ministry of Science and Higher Education

• Anna MaJda

Mi nistry of lnfrastructure

• Anna B1ernacka-Ryg1el

Polish Tourist Organization

Domm1ka Szulc

Heleen Notebaert

Polish lnvestment and Trade Agency

BartfomleJ Danek

Ch1ef Expert, International Aftairs Department

Semor Specialist, Department of Transport Strategy

and International Cooperat1on

D1rector, Pools Informatiebureau voor Toensme


Head of Un1t, Amsterdam


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To implement the d1spos1t1ons of the Co-operat1on Agreement between the Government of the

Republlc of Poland and the Government of Flanders that was s1gned m Warsaw on the 6th of June

1994, the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of Flanders, hereafter called

the Part1es,

have agreed as follows, for the years 2018- 2020


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Poland and Flanders have a long h1story of fnendly relat1ons, shaped by our shared values and

h1story from trade relat1ons between Pollsh cJtJes and the Flem1sh eitJes of the Hanseat1c League,

mdependence wars of the 1830s, to the support afforded by Belgium to Sol!danty.

Flanders regularly commemorates the part1cipation of the 1st Pollsh Armoured DIVJSJon led by

General Stanistaw Maczek m the llberat1on of Flanders trom the German accupatJon m

September 1944 We hope to contmue to preserve the memory about these histoncal events

and Pollsh heroes through JOmtly 1mplemented proJects, e.g. 'Pollsh Days m Flanders' and the

General Maczek exh1b1t1on m Warsaw ( June 2018) and probably also m Gdansk at the WWII

museum m September 2018

The Pollsh Embassy 1s plannmg several act1ons m Flanders. In 2019, Poland and Flanders shall

commemorate two events trom the h1story of Polish-Fiemish relat1ons· the 751h ann1versary of

the lrberatron of Flanders from the German accupatton by the 151 Pollsh Armoured DIVISton of

General S Maczek and the 1001h annrversary of the establishment of Pollsh-Belgian drplomat1c


Flanders welcomes these JnrtiatJves and wlll support wherever poss1ble and specJfJcally for the

proJect 1mplemented by the Pollsh Embassy m Brussels· "Remembenng the Sold1ers of General

Maczek, the Llberators of Flanders". The proJect involves the organrsatron of a cyclmg rally m

September 2019, through Popennge, Roeselare, T1elt, RUiselede, Aalter, Maldegem-Aidegem,

Ghent and Lokeren, wrth the partJcJpatJon and mvolvement of local authont1es m c1ties and

towns liberated by Pollsh sold1ers.

Both PartJes mtent to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatle

relat1ons between our countnes

1.2. List of actions

• Following the mvJtatJon ofthe Mayor of Ghent and the Gavernor of East Flanders, the Pollsh

Embassy m Belg1um shall partJcJpate m the commemorat1on of the llberat1on of Ghent, wh1ch

1s to take place on 1st November 2018.

• As for commemorat1on of the 100th annrversary of the establishment of diplomatle relat1ons

between our countnes, a JOint pubheatJon of the "H1story of Pollsh-Belg1an Relat1ons. trom the 19th to the 21st Century" 1s planned (m Pollsh, Dutch and French), wh1ch shall be

presented and promoted dunng a conference tor Pollsh and Belg1an h1stonans, organ1sed as

a common proJect of several un1versJt1es (f1rst half of 2019) In this context, an Important

topJe of discussJon wlll be the presence of Pollsh generals m the BelgJan army, e.g of General

Kruszewsk1 (2019 marks the 220th ann1versary of h1s b1rth and the 140th ann1versary of h1s

death; Kruszewsk1 1s buned m Gogotów, Podkarpack1e reg1on) The Flem1sh and Pollsh party

wlll engage to further develop th1s JnltJatJve by mutual agreement.


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• An amateur cycling rally m the tootsteps of the sold1ers of the 1st Armoured DIVISion of

General S Maczek shall tally w1th a number of Important a nniversanes and events related to

cyclmg that Belg1um plans to celebrate m 2019. F1rst of all, Tour de France 1s to start m

Brussels on Saturday, 6 July 2019. On 25th June each year , Cyclmg Day shall afford a great

opportun1ty for organ1zmg a JOint Polish-Fiem1sh event. In 2019, 1t w1ll coinc1de with the

100th ann1versary of the so-ca lied "maillot Jaune" (yellow Jersey) and the SOth anmversary of

Eddy Merckx's f1rst v1ctory.

• In JOint partnership w1th IPN, the Polish Mmistry of Foreign Affa1rs and the General

Representat1on of Flanders m Poland, an exh1b1t1on on the liberat1on of Flanders by General

Maczek w1ll be opened on the 4th of June 2018 m Warsaw. Th1s happens m the presence of

Geert Bourgeois, Min1ster Pres1dent of Flanders The WWII museum m Gdansk 1s plannmg to

show th1s exh1b1tion m the second half of the 2018 The exh1b1t1on w1ll travel to Flanders m

2019 on the occas1on of the 75th ann1versary of the liberat1on of Flanders by the 1st Polish

Armoured D1vis1on

• Tagether w1th the Laz1enk1 museum, the MFA, the Off1ce of the Pnme Mm1ster ( Secretary of

State, Anna-Mana Anders) and the Flem1sh General Representat1on an outs1de poster

exh1b1tion at Laz1enk1 Park ( Al. UJazdowskle) on General Maczek 1s env1saged for September

2018 cons1stmg of 30 panels attached to the fence along Lazienk1 Pare Poss1bly, the same

poster exhlb1t1on on General Maczek could be attached to the fence along the

Cinquantenaire Park, m front ofthe Polish Embassy, avenue des Gaulo1s 29.

• Bath part1es acknowledge the informat1on about the cru1se w1th the Polish sh1p ' Dar

MlodZiezy' m the penod May 2018 to March 2019 wh1ch w1ll moor m Antwerp dunng the

world tour celebratmg 100 years of Poland returnmg to Polish Soverem1ty

• The the Flanders lnsp1res International V1s1tors Program

Smce 2010, seven partlelpants from Poland were mv1ted The General Representat1ve of

Flanders m Poland w1ll contmue to detect su1table cand1dates m the future.

Smce 1ts start m 2010, over 100 guests from more than 30 countnes worldw1de part1cipated

m Our guests are experts m the1r respect1ve f1elds, from policy makers to researchers m

public serv1ce and CIVII soc1eties. The themes are related to the long-term policy goals of the

Government of Flanders The obJeCtlves are to prov1de an onentat1on and overv1ew of the

latest mnovat1on trends and potentlal future developments

Un1ts mvolved m co-operat1on from the Polish s1de

The Embassy of the Republic of Po land to the Kmgdom of Belg1um

Joanna Doberszyc-Toulsaly

deputy chief of the m1ss1on

1oanna [email protected]


Un1ts mvolved m co-operat1on from the Flem1sh s1de.

Department of Fore1gn Affa1rs


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Yves Wantens

General Representat1ve of the Government of Flanders m Warsaw

yves wantens@flanders pi

T + 48 22 584 73 43

Stefaan De Groote

Pollcy adv1sor

Bilateral cooperat1on w1th Central Europe

Stefaa n .degroote @vla anderen. be

T +32 2 553 61 56


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Bath Part1es will support exchange of mformat1on on the systems of educat1on, their development

plans and d1rect1ons of reforms, part1cularly m the followmg areas.

• Exchange of expenence and good pract1ces,

• lnclus1on ofthe employers m the vocat1onal educat1on process, w1th part1cular focus on dual


• Career gu1dance for schools

Bath Partles w1ll support the cooperat1on between schools and educat1onal establishments under the

Erasmus+ programme and under eTwmnmg and eTwmnmgPius programmes as well as m the

frameworkof d1rect partnersh1ps

Bath Partles encourage development of cooperat1on between vocat1onal schools and vocat1onal

educat1on establishments, chambers of crafts, soc1al partners and campanles m the f1eld of

trameesh1ps and placements m compames m order to allow education m real work environment and

to 1mprove employab1hty and professional competences.

The cooperat1on wil I comply w1th the cond1t1ons d~rectly agreed by the interested establishments

Un1ts mvolved m co-operat1on from the Pohsh side·

Min1stry of Nat1onal Educat1on

Department for International Cooperat1on

sekretanat dwm@men gov pi

tel · +48 {22) 34 74 312

Department for Strategy, Quahf1cation and Vocat1onal Trammg

sekretanat dskkz@men gov pi

Foundat1on for Development of Educat10nal System

kontakt@frse org pi

Un1ts mvolved m co-operat1on from the Flem1sh s1de

The Department of Educat1on and Trammg·

Mane-Anne Persoons

Adv1sor International Pohcy

[email protected] be

Tel +32 2 553 95 89


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3.11n general

The Polish Party 1s ready to exchange specialist knowledge, mformat10n and expenence m the f1eld of

supportmg vanous farms of add1t1onal agncultural act1v1ty and non-agncultural economie activ1ty m

rural areasas wel! as m the development of tounsm funct1ons m rural areas.

The Pollsh Party suggests to establish cooperation m farm adv1sory servlees based on the exchange of

expenences and expertise in the dornam of farm adv1sory system organ1sat1on, pnnc1ples of

agncultural consultants upsk1llmg, support areas for farmers and rural mhab1tants as wel! as the use

of new communicat1on means for adv1sory servlees

Bath Partles are mterested m developmg the concept of soc1al farmmg and care farms by exchange of

expertise, informat1on and expenence, jamt part1cipat1on m proJects, coordmat1on of Jamt proJects

and development measures, trammg and promotion The Flem1sh Department of Agnculture and

F1shenes 1s wlllmg toshare expenences and mformat1on a bout the support for care farms.

The lnstitute of Natura! F1bres and Med1cmal Plants from Poznarî and the lnst1tute of Soil Sc1ence and

Plant Cult1vation from Putawy have expressed their w1llmgness to contnbute to work m areas

spec1f1ed m the 2018-2020 Action Plan.

The lnst1tute of Technology and L1fe Sc1ences proposed cooperat1on m the followmg matters·

development of expenmental b1omass refmenes;

conducting Jamt research under European CommiSSlon's programmes, 1 e HORYZONT 2020,

FP9 and other programmes production of advanced b1ofuels from agncultural res1due, forest

and urban waste; construction of systems convertmg b1omass to fuels, energy ar chem1cals,

m part1cular power-ta-gas technolog1es, use of fuel cells for generatmg electnc1ty from locally

soureed b1omass.

3.2. Scientific Cooperation al ready financed by Horizon 2020

ILVO (Research lnst1tute for Agnculture, F1shenes and Food m Flanders) has established the followmg

Jamt Research ProJects with Polish partners.

• Agndemo and Nefert1t1, Centrum Doradztwa Roln1czego, Brwmów

• Seafoordtomorrow and the WaterproJect, Zachodmopomorsk1 Un1wersytet Technolog1czny


• Surefarm lnstytut RozwoJU Rolmctwa PolskleJ Akademu Nauk, Warszawa

• Susan and Suscrop, Narodowe Centrum Badarî 1 RozwoJU, Warszawa

• Radar (second phaset lnstytut Uprawy Nawozen1a 1 Gleboznawstwa w Putawach

3.3. Proposal to extend the research funded under Horizon 2020

The Mm1stry of Agnculture and Rural Development of Poland suggests to extend the research

cooperat1on funded under Honzon 2020 w1th the followmg proposals.


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W1th the lnstJtute of Sol! SCJence and Plant CultJvatwn- Natwnal Research lnst1tute

Adaptmg agnculture to elimate change,

lncreasmg the production of quallty legummous crops for the purpose of an1mal product1on,

Impact of agnculture on the natura I environment.

W1th the lnstitute of Bwtechnology for Agn-food lndustry

The development of food production m SME and on fam1ly farms,

Jamt development and research work m the followmg areas. mnovat1ve (funct1onal) food for

human and an1mal consumpt1on; methods offood quallty testmg; waste-free production

W1th the Natwnal Research lnstJtute of Ammal ProteetJon

Proteetion of natura I environment against adverse Impact of an1mal breedmg,

elimate change m1t1gat1on,

Use of PLF m an1mal breedmg,

lmprovmg the methods for assessmg the genet1c value of farm ammals, mcludmg the

genom1c breedmg value assessment,

lmprovmg the an1mal welfare and health level.

W1th the National Plant Breedmg and Acc!Jmatizatwn lnstJtute

Jamt development and researchworkon the new erop vanety breedmg (cereals and


Testmg the res1stance to d1seases of new breedmg matenals;

Part1cipat1on m the research proJects w1thm the frameworkof the European Comm1ss1on


Bath Partles are mterested m the researchers exchange, aimed at developmg the sc1ent1f1c and

research potentlal of cooperatmg organ1zat1ons. ILVO IS mterested 1n an exchange of researchers and

1s Wllling to facilitate v1s1ts, travel and accommodat1on casts at expenses of sendmg party.

Developmg the concept of soc1al farmmg and care farms:

exchange of expertise, mformat1on and expenence, Jamt part1c1patlon m proJects, coordmat1on of

Joint projects and development measures, trammg and promotion. The Flem1sh Department of

Agnculture and F1shenes 1s w1llmg to share expenences and mformat1on about the support for care


Un1ts mvolved m co-operat1on from the Pollsh s1de·

Mm1stry of Agnculture and Ru ral Development

Department for mternat1onal Cooperat1on

sekretanatwm@mmrol gov pi

tel +48 22 623 24 71

Un1ts mvolved m co-operat1on from the Flem1sh s1de


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lnst1tute for Agncultural, F1shenes and Food Research {ILVO)

Cathy Plasman Ir

International relat1ons

T +32 9 272 25 31 M +32 492 97 09 51

Cathy [email protected] be


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4.1. Social integration of disabled people

• Mm1stry of Famlly, Labour and Soc1al Pollcy sees potentlal poss1b11it1es for cooperation m the

area of helpand soc1almtegrat1on and d1sabled people, namely.

• system of long term care for elderly people, d1sabled and chromcally 111 people,

• soc1al and Iabour rehab11itat1on of d1sabled people.

• In Flanders, the VAPH 1s the agency that is competentforthese matters They w1ll cons1der

potentlal opportun1t1es for cooperat1on w1thm the1r scope

4.2. E-health

• On 26 May 2017, the Under-Secretary of State P1otr Gryza met w1th the Flem1sh Mimster for

Social Pollcy, Health and Family Jo Vandeurzen at the Mm1stry of Health m Warsaw They

d1scussed potential Joint proJects of Poland and Flanders m the area of e-health, m the

frameworkof the 2018-2020 Cooperat1on Programme

• Poss1ble f1elds of cooperat1on w1thm e-health proposed by the Polish s1de·

• Exchange of experiences and mformat1on on telemed1cme,

• Development of telemed1cme and mformat1on systems at the pnmary care level,

• Med1cal Umvers1ty of Gdansk would hke to JOin new program between Poland and

Flanders as an entity that will1mplement the program on the Pollsh s1de w1thm the

scope of mtegrated health and e-health,

• Cooperat1on w1ll take place m accordance w1th the terms agreed d1rectly by the

mvolved inst1tut1ons

4.3.Health prophylaxis

• Poss1ble f1elds of cooperat1on w1thm health prophylax1s proposed by the Pol1sh s1de·

• Exchange of expenences and solut1ons to mcrease reg1stenng to screenmg tests,

• Exchange of knowledge on the 1mplementat1on of prevent1ve proJects, mcludmg co­

fmanced by EU funds or other European funds- good pract1ces I successes, but also

p1tfalls m the 1mplementat1on of prevention programs,

• Cooperat1on w1ll take place m accordance w1th the terms agreed d1rectly by the mvolved


4.4. Care and services elderly people


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A delegation of the Warm111sko-Mazursk1e Vo1vodesh1p bnngs on March the 6th 2018 a VISit to

Flanders and more spec1fic to the health care campus m Aalst "Onze-LJeve-VrouwziekenhUJs' and the

'Woon- en Zorgcentrum Smt-Vmcent1us' m Erpe-Mere (centre for recovery stay elderly people).

The a1m of the VISJt IS gettmg to know the practJcal!tJes of care and med1cal servJees for elderly peo­

ple, orgamzat1on of care and servJees for elderly people, coordmated care, elementsof med1cal reha­

biiitat!On after orthopedie surgenes Poland 1s mtroducmg coordmated care and would llke to get the

knowledge from other countnes

Un1ts mvolved m co-operat1on from the Pol1sh s1de·

Mm1stry of Famlly, Employment and Soc1al Pollcy

Department for International Cooperat1on

[email protected] pi

Mm1stry of Health

Departament of European Funds and e-Health

[email protected] pi

tel · +48 22 53 00 238

Med1cal University of Gdansk

Center for lntegrated Care&eHealth

center@gumed edu pi

Units mvolved m co-operat1on from the Flem1sh s1de

Welfare, Publlc Health and Fam1ly Department

Fabian Dommguez

fab1an [email protected] be

M. +32 499 59 40 25


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Bath PartJes encourage the exchange of mformat1on concernmg tounst markets and they promate

tounsm events m Poland and m Flanders

Bath PartJes encourage the organJzatJon of study VISlts for JOUrnallsts, radJa and televJsJon reporters,

researchers and specJal!sts m the f1eld oftounsm

Bath PartJes encourage the organJzatJon of semmars, colloqu1ums and workshop that are proposed

byeach Party, to exchange expenence and 1deas espec1ally m the fJeld of development of tounsm m

rural areas, mcluding rural tounsm, agro-tounsm and educat1onal farmsteads· exchange of expert1se,

mformation and expenence

Umts mvolved m co-operat1on from the Pollsh s1de.

Pools Informatiebureau voor Toensme

bruxelles@pot gov pi

Mm1stry of Agriculture and Ru ral Development

Department for InternatJona I Cooperat1on

sekretanatwm@mmrol gov pi

tel. +48 22 623 24 71

Un1ts mvolved m co-operat1on from the Flem1sh side.

Tounsm Flanders

Jan Van Praet

Pollcy adv1sor

[email protected]

Tel · +32 2 504 03 50


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6.1. Culture and cultural heritage

Bath Partles propose·

• The 1mplementmg JOint proJects and in1t1at1ves related to the 100th anmversary of Poland's


• A cooperat1on between Polish and Flem1sh museums, e.g. the Museum of the Hlstory of

Pollsh Jews 1n Warsaw, Kazerne Dossm m Mechelen and the Red Star Lme Museum m Ant­


• An mvest1gat1on of the development of JOint proJects m the area of research m the Dutch

school of pamtmg {e.g. the proJect regardmg Hans Memlmg's tnptych carned out by the

National Museum m Gdansk, cooperat1on proposals from the Nat1onal Museum m Warsaw

and tazienk1 Królewsk1e Museum)

• The exchange of expenence m protect1on, promotion and management of UNESCO World

Hentage s1tes.

• A development of cooperat1on between cultural and creat1ve sector mst1tut1ons and

organ1zat1ons, m part1cular between reg1onal creat1v1ty eentres

The Pollsh Party Wishes to promate the workof B Verstock, Flem1sh film d1rector who has recounted

m h1s f1lms the history of Pollsh sold1ers that part1c1pated m the llberat1on of Flanders

As part of 1ts efforts m the area of educat1on, Poland a lso mtends to pursue a proJect m1t1ated m May

2017 by the Pollsh Embassy 1n Belg1um tagether w1th the lnst1tute of Nat1onal Remembrance {IPN) In

a senes of regularly organ1zed events, Pollsh h1story and cultural hentage shall be promoted among

c1t1zens of Belg1um and Flanders

The Flem1sh Party draws attention to the poss1bllit1es for art1sts, wnters and translatars toenter the

res1dence programs of the followmg organ1zat1ons {part1c1pants should meet the cnteria and pass the


• "Frans Masereel Centre" m Kasterlee offers res1dences 1n the f1eld of graph1c arts

{www fransmasereelcentrum be).

• "Passa Porta" offers res1dences m Brussels and Vollezele for wnters and translatars

{www passaporta be)

• "Fiem1sh Llterature Fund" offers res1dences fortranslatars 1n the Translators' House

1n Antwerp {

6.2. Cooperation proposals submitted by Mazovian region

Off1ce of the Marshal of the Mazow1eck1e Vo1vodesh1p m Warsaw 1s w1lling to establlsh cooperat1on

w1th the Flem1sh Party accordmg to the followmg proposals.


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1 Asenes of scient1fic and populansmg lectures "OI~drzy in the culturallandscape of Mazov1a"1

2 Asenes of lectures populansmg the most Important sc1ent1f1c works and essays m the f1eld of

h1story of culture and art and ethnology and cultural anthropology concernmg Flem1sh-Pollsh


3 International/ b1lateral sc1ent1f1c conference "the Flemings at the court of the kmgs of the

Commonwealth of Poland (17th-18th centunest1

4 International bllateral research sympos1um "Nat only Tylman van Garneren. About the cul­

tural and art1st1c role ofthe Flemmgs m the12th-19th century m Masov1a and m WarsaW11


5. Ordenng/ preparat1on and ed1tmg of two b11ingual collect1ve volumes of the ordered sc1ent1f1c

texts on the followmg top1cs.

a). Pollsh 1mm1grants m Belg1um after 1813 and the1r role m the formation of the Kmgdom

of Belg1um (1830-183lL

b). D1plomats1 mdustnal1sts1 craftsmen and art1sts - the Flem1sh presence m the llfe of

Warsaw and Mazov1a m the 19th and 20th centunes.


1. Exh1b1t1on "Treasures ofthe m1ddle ageS11

Planned partners.

1 Archeological Museum m Bruges

https·//www.v1s1tbruges be/en/archeologlemuseum-archeologlcal-museum

2. Provmc1aal Archaeolog1sch Museum

http'//www.pam-ov be/ename


1. Jamt proJect ent1tled Flanders and Masov1a By Mozart

Planned partners.

1 Reg1ons. Mazov1a and Flanders

2 C1t1es· Warsaw and Ghent

3 Warsaw Chamber Opera- Opera Ghent

4. Ensembles. Mus1cae Ant1quae Colleg1um Varsov1ense- Collegium Vocale/ Ghent


1. Camman proJect· "Mus1cal Journey a long the Slavs and Flem1sh routeS11

Planned partners.

1 Reg1ons Mazov1a and Flanders

2 C1t1es. Warsaw and Ghent


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3 Jan K1epura Masov1an Mus1c Theatre and Best Art Concept I Vooruit Arts Centre- Ghent and

Cap1tole Theatre Gent (suggested inst1tut1ons Without pnor contact - poss1b11ity to md1cate


4 Ensembles. L'Orchestre du Joll Bord I The archestra of the Masov1an Mus1c Theatre and Mu­


Enslembes from Ghent (without pnor contact, to be 1dent1f1ed)

Cooperat1on w1ll take place in accordance w1th the terms agreed d1rectly by the mvolved mstitut1ons·

Jan K1epura Mazovian Mus1c Theatre and the Flem1sh mst1tut1ons

6.3. Sports

Flanders IS mterested m collaboration w1th the Pollsh Partner m the f1eld of for mstance Erasmus+

Sport, peer learnmg act1v1t1es or very spec1f1c knowledge exchanges such as research, sports

promotion, mfrastructure.

Flanders IS encouraged to support and get engaged at the Pollsh Run, organ1zed for the f1rst t1me m

September 2017, and scheduled to be held each year at the end of September m Brussels (WSL and

WSP), w1thm the framework ofthe European Sports Week (European Comm1ss1on)

Umts mvolved m co-operat1on from the Pollsh s1de·

Mm1stry of Culture and National Hentage

Department of International Relat1ons

[email protected] pi

The Embassy of the Republlc of Po land to the Kingdom of Belg1um

Joanna Doberszyc-Toulsaly

deputy ch1ef of the m1ss1on

[email protected] pi

T+3227804500, T+3227804497

Mazov1a lnst1tute of Culture

Beata Polaczyrîska


phone· + 48 22 586 42 00

e-ma1l b polaczynska@m1k

www m1k.waw pi

State Archeolog1cal Museum In Warsaw

Magdalena Ruszkowska

phone + 48 22 504 48 11

m1ddleages@pma pi


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Warsaw Chamber Opera

Pawet Kos-NOWJCkl

Head ofthe ArtJstJc Work OrganJzatJon Department

phone· +48 605 764 863

e-maJI. [email protected], pawel.kos-nowJckJ@operakameralna pi


Jan K1epura Mazov1an MusJe Theatre m Warsaw

Dorota PJetrzak-Rybacka

He ad of the Department of OrganJzatJon and Hu man Resources

mob. + 48 784 997 221


www.mteatr pi

Jakub MilewskJ

ArtJStJc Manager

Phone: +48 22 896 00 10

e-maJI. 1akub mllewskJ@mteatr pi

Umts involved m co-operatJon from the Flem1sh sJde·

Departement of Culture, Youth and Med1a.

L1esbet Servranckx


Llesbet.servranckx@qm viaanderen be

Tel. +32 2 553 0667

Sport Flanders

Sirnon Plasschaert


sJmon.plasschaert@sport viaanderen

T. +32 2 553 20 42


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Bath PartJes propose

• Exchange of mformat1on, knowledge and expertise regardmg (Mm1stry of Environment)·

• forest, non-farest and water ecosystem protect1on,

• NATURE 2000 network,

• forest and environment educat1on

• Exchange of knowledge on substances of partJeular env1ronmental concern, mcludmg

as bestos (Office of the Marshal of the Malapalskie VoJvodsh1p).

• Tacklmg the 1ssue on the problem of asbestos waste;

• lnJtJal and current quant1ty of asbestos,

• Asbestos waste and waste d1sposal programmes- fundmg,

• Database of asbestos-contammg products- data venfJcatJon;

• Tacklmg the 1ssue on the locallevel-a study VISJt toa Flem1sh mumc1pallty.

• Exchange of knowledge on waste- and Matenals and So1l Management

The Public Waste Agency of Flanders (OVAM) 1s prepared - w1thm 1ts fmanc1al possJbJIIties

and dependmg on staff avallabiiJty- to mv1te a number of Pollsh experts in the f1eld of the

Waste and Matenals Managementand Soli Remed1at1on m order to exchange know-howand

mformat1on concernmg speelfJe 1tems m th1s matter

• Exchange of mformat1on, knowledge and expertise regardmg elimate adaptat10n m

relatJonshlp to transport infrastructure development (Office of the Marshal of the

Malapalskie V01vodsh1p).

• ProteetJon agamst floodmg and water shortage by means of mter alla pumpmg

mstallat1ons and hydroelectnc power stations m one

• Takmg mto account 'worst case' elimate change scenanos when bulldmg bndges,

locks and roads

• Takmg mto account the effect of nsmg temperatures on the development of a1rports,

m partJeular the extens1on of runways

• Exchange of mformat1on, knowledge and expert1se (Mazov1a Energy Agency Ltd).

• energy management m public ut11lty bu1ldmgs,

• fuel cells (hydrogene),

• electnc1ty starage technology m supercapacJtors,

• LNG appllcation m communes and transport

Un1ts mvolved m co-operat1on from the Pollsh s1de.

Mm1stry of Environment

Ewa SJddJque-OiesJejuk

Head of Unit


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Department of Sustamable Development and International Cooperat1on

ewa.oles1e1uk@mos gov pi

tel +48 22 3692369

B1ebrzarîsk1 Nat1onal Park

AndrzeJ Grygoruk

Di rector

Andrze1 [email protected]

tel. +48 85 7380620

Off1ce of the Marshal of the Malopolsk1e Vo1vodsh1p

Chancellery of the Board Department

phone. +48 12 6160 959

e·mall kz.sekretanat@umwm pi

Mazov1a Energy Agency Ltd

Piotr Sza rzyrîsk1

Projects coordmator

GSM +48 512-671-217

e-ma1 : p szarzynsk1@mae

www pi

Un1ts mvolved m co-operat1on from the Flem1sh s1de:

Departement Environment

Matth1as De Moor

Pollcy adv1ser

Matthias [email protected]

T +32 2 553 78 60, M +32 490 58 73 16

Publlc Flemish Waste Company OVAM)

Anne Vandeputte

International Pollcy

anne [email protected]

Tel +32 15 284130


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8.1. Ports, maritime transportand in land waterways

Bath Parties are willmg to exchange mformat1on- knowledge and expert1se regardmg one or more of

the followmg top1cs·

• General pohcy on sea and mland ports w1th emphas1s on the co-operat1on between ports and

the exchange of best pract1ces m the f1eld of sustamab1hty and ICT

o The Flem1sh Party ( Department of Fore1gn Affa1rs} offers the Pohsh Party the poss1b1hty

tosend experts to the port trammg and port management semmars that are orgamsed

by APEC (Antwerpen/Flanders Port Trammg Center}

The Pohsh Party will present 1ts cand1dates for those semmars Partleipants are selected

by APEC. The Flemish Party covers the expenses for part1c1pat1on m the semmars The

mternat1onal travel expenses are covered by the partiCipant or by the orgamsat1on on

wh1ch he/she depends

• Des1gn and construction of portand water related mfrastructure, mcludmg trammg and other


o Maritime Educatlon/lnland Educat1on- 1mplementat1on of JOint proJects and exchange

of expenence. Pohsh schools and un1vers1t1es are mterested m the cooperat1on m th1s


• Fac1htatmg networkmg between the Pohsh and Flem1sh port sector (port authont1es,

mm1stnes and knowledge mst1tut1ons}

• lmplementat1on of relevant EU pohcy and EU leg1slat1on (eg. Clean Power for Transport, Port

Regulat1on, RIS d1rective, EU water framewerk d1rect1ve and sea spatlal plannmg d1rect1ve}

• Supportmg European Jnlt1at1ves concernmg European Shortsea and motorways of the sea

• Pohcy and measures to reach the goals of European Clean A1r Pohcy Package

• M1t1gatmg cl1mate change by reduct1on of greenhouse gasses, greenmg of mantime and

mland waterway transport w1th regard to a1r pollut1on, the use of LNG as a fuel for mant1me

sh1ppmg (Poland and Flanders are bath located m an EmiSSion Control Area}

• Pohcy m terms of regulat1on, operation, commerc~ahzat1on and promotion of mland

waterways, pohcy on sustamable mland nav1gat1on

• Mult1funct1onal use of the waterways, combmmg bath 1ts econom1cal and recreat1onal


• On-share servlees for mland nav1gat1on (mter aha In land Electron1c Nav1gat1onal Chart}

• Promotion of mland sh1ppmg, short sea sh1ppmg, modal sh1ft act1ons and mtermodal


• Vanous aspects regardmg the pohcy, mfrastructure, management, new technologles and

mformat1on of mland waterways and water proteetion

• • Share mnovat1ve approaches on mtegrated flood controlmland systems waterway

- Learn a bout strategie mtegrated governance, programmmg and proJect 1mplementat1on methods


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• -Preparation of project documentatton especwlly for investments m mland waterways;

• - How toprepare a feasJbJIJty study {the most Important elements, cooperation w1th contractors) for mland waterways projects,

• -Stages of the mvestments (milestones)- good and bad examples;

• - Bamers and abstoeles dunng project 1mplementation,

• - Publ1c-pnvate partnership, other models of project 1mplementatton- good pract1ces;

• - Cooperatton w1th NGOs (good and bad examples),

• - Expenences m building a networkof partnersh1ps m the field of TEN-T .

• o Mm1stry of Mant1me and In land Nav1gat1on IS mterested m cooperat1on when 1t comes

to the exchange of expenence gathered wh1le 1mplementmg the project of construction

of a global nver project- the conneetion Se me-Scheldt. The experience of Flem1sh s1de

and exchange of good pract1ces might be a valuable souree of informat1on for the Mmls­

try of Mant1me and In land Nav1gat1on m the termsof implementat1on of the Danube­

Oder-Eibe project

R1ver transport m Flanders IS very wel I developed what makes Flem1sh s1de an attract1ve

partner, especmlly m the perspect1ve of plans for development of mland sailmg m Po­

land Cooperat1on could be based on the exchange of expenence and organ1zat1on of

study VISltS

• Exchange of mnovat1ve log1st1cs concepts related to new trends (e-, m- and c-commerce,

homontal collaborat10n, 3-D-pnntmg, ) and mtegrated mult1modal log1stics based on

eff1c1ent transportflows (v1a mland nav1gation, ra1l, raad) between sea ports and the

hmterland through the exchange of mformat1on related to cargo and transport enablmg

mult1modal serv1ces {ICT and lTS), as well as the opt1mal locallsat1on and operat1on of hubs,

termmals and (European and reg1onal) d1stnbut1on eentres

8.2. Road transportand traffic safety

Bath Partles are wlllmg to exchange mformat1on, knowledge and expert1se regardmg one or more of

the followmg top1cs.

• In the area of raad mfrastructure, the Road and Bndge lnst1tute have presented followmg


Matenals and technolog1es·

o control methods and eqUipment for measunng the cond1t1on ofthe roads· pavement

{PMS) and raad surroundmgs {Fiem1sh lnventory Inspeetion Reportmg system)

o gUidebooks raad des1gn, managementand mamtenance


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o outsourcmg of mamtenance contracts

o traJectory control and the use of ANPR

o design and evaluat1on of geotechmcal construct1ons, mcludmg geotechn1cal mon1tonng

o exchange of expertise and mformat1on concerning reg1onal databases of the subsoli

o des1gnmg of bndge and a1rport surfaces, constructlans and equ1pment,

o des1gn and evaluat1on of geotechmcal construct1ons,

o comprehens1ve evaluat1on of street and a1rport surfaces Co-operat1on w1th the Flem1sh

a1rports of Ostend-Bruges and Antwerp m th1s matter IS poss1ble In the commg years,

bath a1rports plan to renew pavmgs mcluding the runways Flanderslacks the expertise

to execute these works 1tself. Therefore, they w1ll be entrusted to an external consultan­

cy f1rm.

o evaluat1on of the ant1-slip properties of the surface,

o beanng assessment,

o eerrosion proteetion of steel, galvan1zmg of steeland concrete structures.

Organ1zat1onal act1v1t1es.

o the fmanc1al aspects and benef1ts of PPP

o the 1mpact of elimate change casts on mtegratmg dec1s1on-makmg,

o development of solut1ons and eqUipment used in Intelligent Transport Systems and m

raad safety area,

o mechamzat1on and orgamzat1on of raad and bndge works

o shapmg of raad management systems.

o raad mfrastructure chargmg- Heavy Goods Veh1cles

In the area of ment1oned above f1elds, the lnst1tute 1s espec1ally mterested m exchange of m­

formatlon and expenence concernmg·

o standard1zat1on m telemat1cs,

o architecture of lTS systems,

o commun1cat1on systems,

o systems for nav1gat1on m transport,

o system for spec1almformat1on and data base,

o mtegrat1on of telemat1cs systems,

o raad remote sensmg, data collect1on on the roads that mclude camera traff1c measure­

ment, radar traff1c measurement, segment speed measurement, dnve recordmg of vehl­

cle wh1le passmg on the red light, automatic recogn1t1on of car plates, veh1cle brand, ve­

hicle co lor (Intelligent System of Comprehens1ve ldent1f1cat1on of Veh1cles)

Economy and ecology.

o 1mplementat1on of sustamable resources and transport solut1ons,

o greenhouse gas em1ss1on m transport,

o mtell1gent c1t1es and mtell1gent transport,

o mob11ity m the c1t1es,

o plannmg of eco-travels m the c1ty, sustamable transport policy,

o elder people m urban mob11ity's,

o mnovat1ve fmanc1al mode Is of transport mfrastructure.


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• The Road and Bndge lnst1tute would also eagerly start a cooperat1on m development of

methods that use mformat1on obtamed thanks to the usage of veh1cle we1ghmg system m

mot1on (WIM-enforcement, WIM-standard1zat1on, accuracy of WIM-measurements)

o methods of usmg the data from We1ght m Mot1on (WIM) system

• The lnst1tute has at 1ts d1sposal urban mob11ity experts, who are able to conduct prec1se

analys1s of this problem (the analys1s would mclude the research m the cooperat1on w1th


Road and Bndge lnst1tute IS espec1ally mterested m·

o electra mob11ity m the scope of polle~es and tools for implementation of electnc cars on

nat1onal and regional scale; analys1s of effect1veness of spec1f1c act1ons and system re­

qUirements needed for the w1de usage of electnc cars,

o 1mplementat1on of relevant EU pollcy and EU regulat1on (eg Clean Power for Transport)

o mtelllgent c1ties and sustamable urban transport m the context of the 1mpact of new

technologles and "smart c1t1es" elements for the funct1onmg of transport systems m the

c1t1es (espee~ally m the area of 1mplementat1on the sustamable transport system 1dea) as

wellas for adaptat1on of new technologles m the c1t1es (car-shanng, b1g data analys1s,

smart mob11ity etc ),

o passageways preferences- analys1s of mon1tonng and methods for creat1on of pas­

sageways preferences among c1ty res1dents.

o eff1e1ent and sustamable urban log1st1cs· shanng best pract1ces (eg innovat1ve concepts,

consolldat1on centres, sustamable transport, ... ) and nat1onal, reg1onal, local policy expe­


• Road and Bndge lnst1tute IS able to present methods and dev1ces for assessment of road

cond1t1on, mcludmg the beanng assessment w1th the laser deflectometer Traff1c Speed

Deflectometer. In the lnst1tute there are numerous spec1alists that conduct research and

assessment of the matenals that are used wh1le wmter road mamtenance, specialist work

also m the area related to wmter and summer road mamtenance lnst1tute 1s mvolved m the

exchange of mformat1on and expenence m the scope of f1nanc1al allocat1on for wmter and

summer road mamtenance

• Road and Bndge lnst1tute 1s eager to take part m act1ons that a1m for creatmg analys1s of

solut1ons that 1mprove the safety of pedestnans and cycllsts, wh1ch 1s one of the cruc1al

1ssues for Poland and Belg1um. lnst1tute 1s ready to support act1ons concernmg usage m the

transport fast growmg solar and wmd energy (e-car as a clean veh1cle and energy

accumulator) as wel I as act1ons concernmg legal regulat1ons of the autonomous veh1cles.

• Mm1stry of lnfrastructure 1s ready to exchange good pract1ces and mternat1onal expenences

m act1ons a1med for Impravement of traff1c safety As an example - development and

1mplementat1on of a Nat1onal Road Safety Programme 2013-2020

8.3 Air transport


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• After the consultat1on w1th Pohsh Airports (P P "Party Lotn1cze") Mm1stry of lnfrastructure

proposes followmg ways for the Pohsh- Flemish cooperat1on.

o Creation of net of cantacts between Pohsh and Flem1sh av1at1on sector (mcludmg. man­

agers of airports/ mst1tut1onsL organ1zat1on of meetmgs and study v1s1ts between Flem­

lsh and Pohsh representatives of a1rports. '

o Exchange of expenence m creatmg and 1mplementmg strateg1es for development of

a1rport mdustry as wellas in creatmg pohe~es m airports with the spec1al interest on ex­

change of expenence m mnovat1ve and mtermodal transport concepts

8.4. Construction

• Mmistry of lnvestments and Development would be mterested m the exchange of expenence

m termsof solut1ons 1mplemented m Flanders concerning bu1ldmg hfe cycle.

8.5. Spatial policy

• In the f1eld of spatlal planning the Mm1stry of lnvestments and Development IS mterested m

the exchange of expenence concernmg.

o spatlal plannmg and real estate management m the c1ties/

o tools for integrated mvestment and transformation of the spacel

o apphed solut1ons wh1le 1mplementmg b1g mvestment proJects/

o rehab1htat1on of c1t1es and vlllages.

Un1ts mvolved m co-operat1on from the Pohsh s1de

Mm1stry of lnfrastructure

Anna B1ernacka-Ryg1el

Department of Transport Strategy and International Cooperat1on

Mm1stry of lnfrastructure

Tel. (+48 22} 630 1126

e-ma11· anna [email protected] pi

The Raad and Bndge lnst1tute

Pohsh Airports (P.P. "Party Lotnrcze11)

M1nrstry of the Mant1me Economy and In land Nav1gat1on

International Affa1rs Department- SekretanatDWM@mgm

Departament of the In land Nav1gat1on- SekretanatDZS@mgm gov pi

Departament of the Mant1me Educat1on- [email protected] pi

Mm1stry of lnvestments and Development

Department of Arch1tecture/ ConstructJon and Geodesy

Tel +48 22 522 51 00


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Mm1stry of lnvestments and Development

Department of Spat1al Pohcy and Estate Management

M1chat Leszczynsk1

Deputy D1rector

tel +48 22 522 56 00

e-ma1l. [email protected]

Umts mvolved m cd-operat1on from the Flem1sh side.

Department of Mobll1ty & Pubhc Works

Execut1ve Off1ce

Ohv1er Vandersn1ckt

Pohcy Offlcer EU and International Cooperat1on

ohv1er [email protected]

T +32 2 553 7119

T1m De Backer

Pohcy Offlcer

t1m debacker@mow

T +32 (0)2 553 74 03 M +32 (0)494 18 87 03


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• The Polish Party draws attention on promotmg bllateral cantacts between academ1c instJtu­

tions, un1versJt1es and public admm1strat1on bodJes respons1ble for the development of In­

ternational cooperat1on

• In 2019, the College of Europe m Bruges (founded m 1949} shall celebrate the 70th

ann1versary of 1ts establishment Flanders w1shes to highlight 1ts t1es and cooperat1on w1th

the College of Europe m Natolm (Warsaw), for mstance through orgamzing a POLISH

DAV/FESTIVAL that would comc1de w1th the annual Flanders National Day (11 July} .

• • The Polish Party draws attention on vocat1onal trammg. lt w1ll mvolve the establishment of

partnersh1ps among catenng and bakmg vocat1onal colleges, a1med at mcreasing the

educat1onal and trammg mobility of teachers and mstructors (Job shadowmg, study VISJts,

observat1ons) Exchange projects can be combmed w1th Erasmus +, eTwmnmg or other


• The Dutch Language Un1on offers support for Dutch language departments, teachers and

students of the Dutch language a braad, like for example summer courses of the Dutch lan­

guage, literature and culture, teachmg resources and contmumg study courses

• The Dutch Language Umon offers a summer course for students m Ghent (BE) and summer

courses forteachers and researchers m Leuven, Amsterdam and Utrecht. More mformat1on

about the fmancial support m general and the summer courses can be found at the webs1te

of the Dutch Language Umon.

http.//taalunJeversum org/lnhoud/dutch-worldwJde/04-summer-courses-dutch


http //

• The Flem1sh Party offers scholarships for Master studJes v1a the Master Mmd Scholarship

Programme. More mformat1on on Flem1sh scholarsh1ps 1s access1ble at.

http //www.study1nflanders be/en/scholarshlp-programmes/master-mlnd-scholarshlps/

• The Polish Party offers to the Flem1sh Party s1x (6} scholarsh1ps organ1zed by Polish

un1versJt1es for learnmg the Polish language and culture Poland offers summer courses of

Polish to the best undergraduates of the Polish Language Facult1es. Persons of Flem1sh ongm

that do nat part1c1pate m the scholarship exchange under th1s Co-operat1on Program may

obtam mformat1on about the Polish language and culture course enrolment rules and

cond1t1ons d1rectly from un1versJt1es that organ1ze such courses. Addresses and phone

numbers of Polish unJvers1t1es are avallable at www.go-poland pi/

• Bath PartJes welcome the possJbll1ty of teachmg Polish at un1versJt1es m Flanders and support

all farms of co-operat1on m teachmg and promotJon ofthe language of the other Party


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• The Pollsh Party may send profess1onally tramed experts - teachers at the request of

umvers1t1es and other h1gher educat1on mst1tut1ons The casts shall be part1ally pa1d by the

Sendmg Party and the acceptmg h1gher educat1on mst1tut1on m lme w1th the general rules of

employing personnel m h1gher educat1on mst1tut1ons in Flanders.

• The world @ school IS a new project launched by the Flem1sh Government. lt mvolves

mternat1onal students m smal! proJects m pnmary and secondary schools Every school m

Flanders can mv1te an mternational student to do an act1vity for or w1th the pupils on a

subJect related to the1r home country The a1m is to getto know the Flem1sh soc1ety better

and to create global awareness for young school puplls. The Flem1sh party would like Pol1sh

students to part1c1pate in th1s program m the future

www.flandersknowledgearea be/nl/pro,ecten/the-world-school

Un1ts mvolved m co-operat1on from the Pollsh s1de·

Mm1stry of Sc1ence and H1gher Educat10n

International Affa1rs Department

sekretanat dwm@nauka

Anna [email protected]

Umts mvolved m co-operat1on from the Flemish s1de.

Department of Educat1on and Trammg


Pollcy adv1sor h1gher educat1on at mm1stry of educat1on and trammg

magalle [email protected]


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10.1 General cooperation

The Partles shall explore the ways to opt1m1ze further co-operat1on 1n the European Research Area,

both w1th respect to research groups and mnovat1on & sc1ence pollcies

Co-operat1on m research and R&D may be agreed under a spec1al agreement 1f the Partles dec1de to

s1gn 1t

Both Partles encourage each other to share knowledge and co-operate m research and mnovative

technolog1es. The parties wlll create cantacts for research mst1tut1ons, centers, f1rms, umvers1t1es and

admm1strat1ons respons1ble for research and mnovative technology pol~ey In th1s context, Poland 1s

mterested m strengthenmg co-operat1on w1th the Un1vers1ty of Ghent

As concerns multllateral co-operat1on, both Partles shall promate jomt part1cipat1on of Flem1sh and

Pollsh researchers 1n European framework programs for R&D.

In order to promate mternat1onal collaboration as a drivmg force for excellence and to st1mulate the

sc1ent1f1c collaboration between Flanders and Poland, the FWO has signed an agreement w1th the

Pollsh Academy of Sciences for the fundmg of potentlal exchange proJects. The proJects have

a durat1on of 3 years and the fundmg covers the travel expenses and accommodat1on casts of the

mvolved researchers In close consultat1on w1th the Pollsh Academy of Sc1ences, a new call for

proposals w1ll normally be launched 1n 2018 (start of new proJects· January 2019).

10.2 Proposed actions

• Mm1- brokerage sess1on

The Pollsh Party eneaurages 1ts Flem1sh Partner to act1vely part1c1pate 1n b1-annual event called umlnl­

brokerage sess1on", hosted by the Pollsh Embassy 1n Brussels, on the margm of the study VISlts orga­

nlzed by the Nat1onal Contact Pomt m Poland for the Honzon 2020. Mm1-brokerage sess10ns help

establlshmg direct cantacts w1th the Pollsh partners (coming tw1ce a year to Brussels) representmg

well performmg f1rms and research mst1tut1ons from different sectors (accordmg to the top1c of the

study VISit)

• Clustenng and startup development pollcy

The Off1ces of the Marshals of the Vo1vodesh1ps are w1llmg to establlsh cooperat1on w1th the Flemish

Party in the followmg areas·

1. Exchange of expenence 1n bu1ldmg a comprehens1ve clustenng development pollcy and ex­

change of expenence between clusters from the Pollsh reg1ons and Flanders

2 The Off1ce of the Marshal of Mazov1a Vo1vo1deshlp 1n Warsawlooks espec1ally m cooperatmg

1n the f1elds of agro-food mdustry, chem1calmdustry, llfe sc1ence, space mdustry.

Exchange of expenences m creatmg a fnendly ecosystem of startup development at reg1onallevel.


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Cooperat1on w1ll take place 1n accordance w1th the terms agreed d1rectly by the mvolved mst1tut1ons.

• L1felong learnmg, change and mnovat1on

The Department of Work and Soc1al Economy of Flanders has started a transnat1onal ESF proJect

ent1tled 'Partnership pollcy as a lever for llfelong learnmg, change and mnovat1on' The proJect IS

supported by two transnational partners, w1th representat1ves from Sweden (North-M1ddle Sweden)

and Bulgana (located 1n Sof1a). The proJect exammes how mult1-stakeholder partnerships between

different stakeholders are establlshed elsewhere 1n European member countries or reg1ons Flem1sh

Party wants to fmd out wh1ch fore1gn good pract1ces of cooperat1on are transferable to the Flem1sh

pollcy context

After the desk and research phase (2017), Flem1sh Party 1s planning the fore1gn study VISlts {2018).

Poland 1s chosen to be one of the s1x countnes to learn from the1r partnership pollcy In part1cular,

Flem1sh Party 1s lookmg for inspmng multi-stakeholder partnersh1ps to exchange good pract1ces and

1deas Vanous stakeholders (from the f1eld of work, educat1on and/or economy) take part 1n th1s

partnership Flem1sh Party 1s spec1f1cally lookmg for partnersh1ps that (In an mnovat1ve way) deal w1th

the mapping of competences, the development of campetences and/or the valldat1on of

campetences W1th1n each country, Flem1sh Party IS hoping to make contact w1th two or three

msp1ring partnership

Un1ts involved 1n co-operat1on from the Pollsh s1de.

Mm1stry of Sc1ence and H1gher Educat1on

International Affa1rs Department

[email protected]

Anna [email protected]

Off1ce of the Marshal of the Mazow1eck1e V01vodesh1p 1n Warsaw

Mon1ka Tchórzn1cka

Head of the Un1t of Development and Management of the Reg1onallnnovat1on Strategy

Department of Reg1onal Development and European Funds

Phone. +48 22 511 74 11

mon1ka tchó[email protected]

www mnowacv1n1 mazov1a pi

Sylw1a Sztark

Head ofthe Un1t ofthe Reg1onallnnovat1on System

Department of Reg1onal Development and European Funds

Phone· +48 22 511 74 28

sylw1a sztark@mazov1a pi

www.mnowacv1n1.mazov1a pi

Umts mvolved 1n co-operat10n from the Flem1sh s1de.


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Department of Se~ence and lnnovat1on

P1erre Verdoodt

Head of umt Strategy & Coordmat1on

pierre verdoodt@ew1

Research Foundation (FWO}

Tmne Jacobs

Adv1sor International Affa1rs

Tmne [email protected]

T +32 2 550 15 44

Department of Work and Social Economy

Anane Rober

Anane Rober@wse


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Bath part1es emphas1se 1mportance of cooperat1on between local commun1t1es m Poland and

Flanders wh1ch shall be contmued and developed not only at the reg1onallevel, but also m the farm

of partnersh1ps between c1t1es. New partnersh1ps and cooperation proJects between Pollsh and

Flem1sh c1t1es are to be establlshed

Flanders proposes m concreto to cooperate and to prov1de mformat1on on the followmg topics· the

organ1zat1on of local elect1ons, local fmances and local stat1st1cs; local mdependent agenc1es;

cooperation between local authont1es; mternal management at multiple levels, mcludmg scale and

competences; the relat1onsh1p between central and local authont1es· policy support and

admm1strat1ve controL

Umts mvolved m co-operat1on from the Flem1sh s1de

Agency local government and city pollcy (ABB)

Edwm lefebre

Policy adv1sor


Stefaan Tubex

Pollcy adv1sor



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• Flanders 1s Poland's ma in partner m our trade w1th Belg1um In th1s context, 1t IS Important to

deepen our economie cooperat1on, eg trade and mvestment G1ven that we fmd Important

to promate trade relat1ons between the two countnes by the regular part1c1pat1on in exh1b1-

t1ons and fa1rs (furmture, fash1on, food, construction etc.).

• In the framework of the "Strategy's for Respons1ble Development" mternat1onal expans1on

area, the Pollsh side 1s part1cularly mterested m mcreasmg of the Pollsh mvestment m

Flanders, as wel! as the Pollsh exports to th1s reg1on. We underlme the 1mportance of SME

cooperat1on. In part1cular the mutual exchanges of expenences of the internat1onallzation of

the famlly compan1es activ1t1es.

• The mam sectors, wh1ch the Pollsh s1de cons1ders as the perspect1ve contnbut1on to the

mtens1f1cat1on of the economie cooperat1on mclude

• agn-food sector

• furn1ture sector

• construction and log1st1cs

• Energy and electra mob1llty

• Taking mto regard the Flanders expenence and achlevement m the f1eld of the mnovat1on

policy and clusters development, the Pollsh s1de wil! be also mterested in the exchange of

know-howand reallzat1on of common in1t1at1ves m th1s area.

• The Flem1sh Party IS comm1tted to enhancmg and promotmg the trade relat1ons between

Flanders and Poland For that purpose, they w11l exchange mformat1on regardmg busmess

and mvestment opportumt1es. Ad hoc, and at the request ofthe other Party, the Flem1sh Par­

ty w11l also exchange mformat1on regardmg 1ts market and sectors, useful contacts, expen­

ences and knowledge concerning the promotion of mternat1onal entrepreneursh1p.

• For Flanders, the above wlll be reallzed by Flanders lnvestment & Trade, the off1c1al Flem1sh

mst1tut1on supportmg Flem1sh companies m vanous kmds of international entrepreneursh1p,

as wel! as helpmg fore1gn compan1es m settmg up or expandmg m Flanders.

• W1thm 1ts export promotion strategy, Flanders lnvestment & Trade focuses on the followmg

prom1smg target sectors m Poland·

• Construct1on/Bu1ldmg matenals

• Retall and Food

• Clean tech (environment & renewable energy)

• Log1st1cs

• New technologles and mobile appllcat1ons

• As m the past Flanders planned the followmg act1ons

• Group stand on the construction fa1r Budma m Poznan


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• Mult1 sectora I trade m1ss1on (Poland for explorers, mtroduct1on Flem1sh compan1es

to the Pollsh market)

• Raad shows mvest m eastern and western part of Poland

In add1t1on tothese act1ons, the Flem1sh economie representat1ves (Warsaw) and the trade secretary

(Poznan) return once a year to Flanders for md1v1dual meetmgs with Flem1sh compan1es 1n order to '

give them tallor made adv1ce concernmg busmess opportunities m Poland and how to approach the

Pollsh market.

Add1tionally, VLAM (Flanders' Agncultural Marketmg Board) focuses on the products of the Flem1sh

agncultural, horticultural and f1shery sectors

Mazov1a Development Agency offers co-organ1zat1on of tra de or mvestment miSSion, under wh1ch we

propose the followmg actiVItles· organ1zat1on of B2B matchmakmg sess1ons between representat1ves

of entrepreneurs from Poland and Flanders, study v1s1t m the chosen Mazovm company, Spec1al

Economie Zone or lndustnal &Technology Park, meetmgs w1th representat1ves of local authont1es

etc W1thin the organ1zat1on of m1ss1on, ARMSA can propose.

Lendmg out of our conference room m our headquarters- free of charge,

Reeruitment of Pollsh entrepreneurs after receiving the list of entrepreneurs from Flem1sh


Coordmat1on of the meetmg.

Umts mvolved m co-operat1on from the Flem1sh s1de w1ll be respons1ble for. reeruitment of Flem1sh

entrepreneurs, shall cover the cast of the1r travel, mcludmg local transport, accommodat1on and

busmess stay casts m Warsaw, etc

Units involved m co-operat1on from the Polish s1de·

Pollsh lnvestment and Trade Agency

ExternalTrade Off1ce m Amsterdam

[email protected] pi

Mm1stry of Entrepreneurship and Technology

Department for International Cooperat1on


Mazov1a Development Agency Plc

Katarzyna Cesarczyk

D1rector of the lnwestor and Exporter Serv1ce Centre

Phone + 48 22 566 47 89

k.cesarczyk@armsa pi

Units mvolved m co-operation from the Flem1sh s1de·


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Flanders lnvestment & Trade {FIT)

Bart Van den Bossche

Area Manager Central & Eastern Europe

bart.vandenbossche@fltagency be

Tel · +32 2 504 87 09


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The Malapolska Reg1onal Development Observatory prov1ded the Flem1sh partner w1th mformat1on

a bout a possible project· Dec1s1on makmg and the role of research and analys1s m the processof

developmg publlc pollcies'.

The project suggested by the Pollsh Partner w1ll cons1st of three stages.

• exchange of mformat1on and searchmg for mode Is offunct1onmg of analyt1cal and research

departments m publlc admm1strat1on,

• analys1s of the mfluence of the research results and recommendat1ons on dec1sions taken by

the publ1c authont1es;

• two-week and month mternsh1ps m analyt1cal and research departments ofvanous publlc


The Flem1sh Partner cons1ders the project proposal as mterestmg but g1ven 1ts avallable resources

suggests a feasable approach a long the followmg lmes.

• In order to obtain a mutual benefit of the project, 1t needs further elaborat1on and fme

tunmg, mter alla concernmg 1ts objeCtlves, scope, plannmg etc.

• The fmal project outlme should mclude the use of electron IC means for the bllateral

commumcat1on a bout the act1vit1es and the1r outcomes (suggested m stages 1 and 2 of the

project proposal)

• As part of the project (eg on the bas1s of the results of stages 1 and 2) Flanders 1s wlllmg to

organ1ze a two-day exchange between Flem1sh and Pollsh experts, mcludmg workshops and

vis1ts toother mst1tut1ons (e.g administrat1ons, academ1a, etc )

Un1ts mvolved m co-operat1on from the Pollsh s1de·

Marshal Off1ce of Malapalskie Vo1vodesh1p

Malapolska Reg1onal Development Observatory

Contact person· Agn1eszka Górn1ak, head of un1t MORR

tel. +48 12 63 03 368, [email protected]

Un1ts mvolved m co-operat1on from the Flem1sh s1de.

Publlc Gavernanee & the Chancellery

Contact person· Jan De Mulder

[email protected]


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The provJsJons of the present Co-operat1on Programme do nat preclude the possJbJiity of Jmplement­

mg other actJvltJes, exchanges or proJects that wlll be agreed upon by the PartJes through diplomatic



Bath PartJes w1ll agree on the prov1sions for each speelfJe event through diplomatle channels. Any

disputes concernmg the mterpretat1on or 1mplementat1on of the present Co-operat1on Programme

shall be solved by negot1ations between the PartJes through diplomatle channels.


Bath partJes agree that each party IS respons1ble for 1ts own casts related to the exchange of experts


For exchanges and VISlts or m the f1eld of, Youth, Sports and Med1a, fmanc1al and matenal stJpula­

tJons shall be dec1ded upon by the speelfJe partJes mvolved and shall be commumcated through dip­

lomatle channels. All actlVIties and exchanges ment1oned shall be carned out w1thm the llm1ts of the

fmanc1al resources at the d1sposal of the two PartJes.


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The next meeting of the Joint Commission wil I be held in Warsaw in the fourth quarter of the year


Done in Brussels on the gth of February 2018 in three original copies Polish, Dutch and English, the

three texts being equally val id. Should any differences in the interpretation of the Co-operation Pro­

gramme occur, the English version shall prevail.

For the Government

of Flanders


For the Government

of the Republic of Po land

c\\M)JJ Renata SZCZ~CH