co b. full · 2017. 12. 17. · moonshine whisky. three silll. are doing; a good business in ......

TT MATTERS ARE MIXED. Trouble in the Coke Begions Caused By a Misunderstanding. THE SITUATION AT JOHtfSTOWH. GoTernor Beaver Will Withdraw Ke&rly All of the State Employes, ILLICIT WHISKY IN WESTMQEELAKD ISFXCI.II, TU.IGBAU TO toe dispatch.! Scottdale, August 9. The Hungarians at Morewood refused to go to work this morning because they did not understand that the strike was settled. Hearing that the Alice and Bessemer works were running?, they formed a howling mob of about 500 and started for these plants. The men at the Alice mines were warned in time and fled. Upon reaching the tipple the mob tore boards off, and started coal wagons down the slope to wreck them and block the entrance so that no coal could be hoisted. They then went to Bessemer, and on the way met John M. Dagton, who was riding in a buggy. He tried to persuade them to return to work. The infuriated mob overturned his bugey and beat and cut him so badly that his life is despaired of. The Huns reached Bessemer and went to the house of an old man named Qllhooley to look for the mine boss. Failing to find him there the old man was beaten and the windows of his honse broken. A man named Lore was also caught at the pit mouth and treated in the same manner. USELESS DESTRUCTION. They next made a descent upon the store, and after breaking the windows and doors in carried off all the bread and bologna they conld find on tho premises. By this time Secretary "VVatchorn arrived In company with James Kepcan, another of the leaders. 'VVatchorn addressed them and finally succeeded in making them understand that the strike was orerand in their favor. The Uuns then retired to their homes. The operators and disinterested persons say that, but for the opportune arrival of Mr. Watchorn, the mob would not have left a vestige of the company's property standing, and much blood would have doubtless been shed. The whole affair was caused by a misunderstandimr. the scale, as signed, is being printed, and will be sent through the region. Jno fur- ther trouble is likely to occur. The English speaking miners are all satisfied with the set- tlement. AX UKFOKTUXATE OCCUBBZXCE. The leaders deeply deplore tho unfortunate outbreak, and will use every precaution to pre- vent a recurrence of the same. Some new sig- natures were receired y, and telegrams were received from others that they would sign as soon as they conld get here to do so. A dispatch from Uniontown says: The set- tlement of the coke strike has not yet made any change in affairs In this end of the region. Although word of the settlement reached Scboonmaker's Redstone Works last night only seven men went into the mines this morn- ing, and they came out again and joined the rest of the men, who professed to be waiting connrmation 01 me news. Dome will not go to work until the scale is posted, and tbey see what they are to get. No start was made at the Leitb or Beeson either. The men who have been working at Fair-chan- and Kyle came out this morning; while afew at Ohphant who were working to keen the furnace going, will work on. None of the operators here have signed the scale, and ther say tbey cannot start their works until they get orders for coke at a figure high enough to justify the wages the men demand. f rom Connelisrille says: Although the strikers were granted an advance they do Slot seem to be satisfied in this locality. David-eon'- s, one of the Fricfc works, is the only mine in this immediate vicinitv which started to- day. Between here and Uniontown, Voungs-row- n is the only works which started this ssornlng. Leisenring Nos. 1 and 3, south of Jherc. also resumed, bnt at No, 2 tho men did not go to work. NOT ANXIOUS TO WORK. The only reason that can be ascertained is that they just didn't want to. There is also considerable dissatisfaction among the miners. One of them said this afternoon that the men Wanted to strike again on September 1 to se- cure S cents more per bushel. This may have been but idle talk. The works of the Cambria Iron Company, Wheeler Morrell, Mahoning and others have not started, but preparations are being made to resume on Monday. The superintendent states that he has re- ceived no advice from the company's office at Johnstown, but thinks the scale will be signed. The smaller operators have intimated that they will sign the agreement. Some of them stated that they would sign any scale formulated at the conference last night, but as far as can be learned none have done so yet. However, no trouble is anticipated in that quarter. When the news of the signing of the scale reached here last night, the men at Davidson wonld not believe it. Two couriers on horseback were sent to RrntM-,- i and even when they returned with the news confirmed it was scarcely credited, and this morning only about halt the men went to work. MOONSHINE WHISKY. Three Silll. are Doing; a Good Business In Westmoreland County. tEPECIAI. TKLXOBaU TO TUX DISPATCH. 1 Gbeessbubo, August 8. Located in differ- ent places in the mountainous district of West- moreland county there are three illicit distill- eries in active operation. A year ago revenue officers made an effort to run them down, but their plans miscarried and since that time, especially within the last two months, the oper- ators have assumed a boldness surprising to those who have a positive knowledge of the existence of the distilleries. One of the moonshine" plants is located in a ravine on the ridge overlooking Derry. another is on Laurel Hill, in the southeastern part of the vj, M4U wo ujiru ib near tne conntv line on a mountainous range near the month of Indian creek. Never can a stranger cross a certain line marked out by the operators, and to guard against intruders "spotters" are em- ployed, and it is their dnty to spirit away any. one whose curiosity leads them that way These spotters live fa huts, a mile ortwof rem the plants, and are always armed with rifles. The quality of the whisky manufactured is said to bo fair, and its sale Dy the mode adopted is always sure. Agents aro employed and the products of theso stills are sold throu-- h the coke region. The miners are supplied wholly by ageuts, and the majority of them know that tho liquor is illicit, bnt the cheap- ness of the article and the convenience afforded in its being delivered binds them in a degree to secrecy. Some of the farmers deliver rye to these agentB, and the whisky made therefrom isuciuereu 10 mem regularly and the price collected. It la believed an attempt will be made within the next two weeks to arrest the operators, as revenue officers have met here in consultation regarding plans of procedure within the last ten days. THE SWINDLERS ON TRIAL. Btrong Evidence Produced Against the Hitchcock Matrimonial Borenn. ifrtciAi. TXLZonau to thx wsraTcn.l ' Erie, August 9. Seymour Hitchcock and wife, Sarah, of Meadville, who have been working the matrimonial scheme through the mails, have had a hearing before the Marshal. Daniel U Barmere, a Chicago postoffice em- ploye, who had been victimized by the "widow's" advertisement for a correspond- ent, etc, camo on here and testified. Barme had answered the advertisement, and in the course of time received a photograph from the widow, who said she was a member of theM. E. Church. He finally proposed and was ac- cepted; a number of presents followed, with a remittance to pay the "widow's" way to her to future husband. At this juncture of the game Seymour Hitch-coc- k took up the correspondence. The matri- monial sharks worked their scheme In Dela- ware county, N. Y., before operating here. The woman has five small children. The hearing is A River Steamer Darned. terXCliL TXLECKAK TO TUX DISPATCH.! Zanesvuxk, 0 August . The steamer Van Meter was burned at Lowell, on the Muskingum river, south of this city, about 4 o'clock this morning. Captain Htowe. who was the only man on the boat at the time, narrowly escaped with his life. The fire is supposed to be of incendiary origin. lie Is Ont of Dollars. , srXCIAL TSXXOSJUC TO THX DllrATCH.1 CASTOjr, 0 August . P. J, Bchwalm. an old i'lltsnarg cstaDiisnea grocery dealer, made an assignment to John u. Welty, Prosecutin: Attorney. Liabilities between (9,000 an I liv,vw, aassu, v,wu. -- . -- rlAStt MOBE BODIES EOUND. The Number of 'State Employee at, Johns town to be Greatly Reduced Slow-Wor- of Distributing the Fund 8lx Cniea of Typhoid Fever. rspxetu. Txxxoaui to tbjc DISPATCH. 1 JomtSTOWN. August 9. Two more bodies were taken out of the sand One was identified as that of Alexander Hamilton, Jr., a prominent resident ot the town. It is very evident that there are jet a great many bodies to be found in the cellars and other places where there are piles of dirt. Notwithstanding this condition It is likely that the force of workmen employed by the State will be with- drawn, and if that is done there will be many bodies that are now only a few feet under the sand that will lie there until their bones are exposed by accident Under orders from the Governor the em- ployes, to the number of about SO, who were under the Immediate direction of the Sanitary Corps, will all be dismissed and only three or fonr men will be left on duty in the office of the State Board of Ilcaltb. This turn of affairs is discouraging to Johnstown people, woo bad hoped to see enough men put to work to clean out all the cellars and take away the foul smelling rubbish everywhere. Not much was done at the pay office although the clerks were ready to cash all orders presented. It begins to look as if It would be at least several weeks before the necessary data can be compiled which the State Commission will want to use in pre- paring a basis for the next distribution. There are six cases of typhoid fever at the Red Cross Hospital A large traveling satchel, packed with woman's clothing, was brought to the room where valuables are stored There was a Pennsylvania Railroad check No. 369 from Pittsburg to Philadelphia on It, and the name "Elizabeth M. Bryan" was stamped on an embroidered linen handkerchief. AS UNUSUAL SUIT. Action Brought Agnlnst a Liquor Denier for the Loss of nn Arm. rsraciAi. TXLianAM to tux dispatch. Feakkxin, August 9. Suit was entered in the courts here y by G. S. Veon, father of H. M. Veon, who lost a limb on the Valley road near Emlentown, on the 5th ot July, against Patrick Crelghton, proprietor of the St Cloud Hotel, Emlentown, for S5.000 damages, alleging that Crelghton sold his boy the liquor that made him drunk and caused him to lose his arm. The young man's deposition was taken on Monday by It W. Dunn, Esq.. for the de- fendant, and Hon, J. H Asmer, for the prose- cution. At the time Veon lost bis arm Samuel Shan- non, of this city, was killed, and should Veon win his suit Mrs. Shannon will also sue for tiaOOQ for the loss of her boy's life. This is the first case of the kind ever brought before the courts here and the outcome of it is anxiously awaited. WRECK ON THE RAIL. A Train on the Pittsburg and Western Road Turned Upside Down. Clariok, August 9. An accident occurred on the Pittsburg and Western Railroad As the train had fairly got out of Edensburg the breaking of a lever rendered the air brakes useless at a critical moment while rounding a curve. The train, excepting the engine, was thrown from the track and turned bottom up- ward. Most of the passengers were more or less bruised, but none seriously. It P. Scott, of Butler, was cut on the head and had two ribs broken. Mrs. Jacob Fisher, of Bntlor, complained of injuries, and Mr. James Conley, of Shlppensville, was cut on the eye and injured internally. An attorney named Johnson, from Pittsburg, received slight in- juries. SOaiE OTHER JUINISTER. How an Erie Congregation Will be Disap- pointed In Its Choice. rsrEcur. TIUOKJJI TO TUX DISP.A.TCH.1 Erie, August 9. The First Presby- terian Church, of this city, called for their pastor Rev. H. C. Ross, of Ingersoll, Canada. Both pastor and people were delighted, but their delight was turned to disgust when they were notified that Rev. Ross' acceptance would be a violation of the contract labor law. It was suggested that Rev. Ross be allowed to make a temporary arrangement to be continued at the will of both parties, but the authorities ruled that would be an evasion of the law that would not be allowed. NEW ERA OF LEARNING. Prospects of the Rejuvenated Western Un- iversity. One of the most complete institutions of learning is the Western University, which takes on new life with the coming term. Beautiful location and healthful climate combine to make this a typical resort ior students who wish to benefit both body and mind. The fall term opens September 5. Science Hall will then be ready for occu- pancy. The main building will be com- pleted by January 1. Mechanical and electrical engineering will be a new feature. Prof. Charles Volney Kerr is to be in charge of the department. All the old depart- ments are retained. Entrance examinations mse piace September 3 and 4. Pittsburg College of Shorthand, Corner Sixth and Liberty streets. Fully three-fourt- of all who undertake the study or shorthand are not adapted to it, and fail to make any practical use of the art. This school is devoted exclusively to shorthand and typewriting, and no students are taken except those who are fitted for the study. Mr. Porter introduced shorthand into the courts of Pittsburg, and is the first official stenographer ever appointed in Pennsyl- vania, Two-thir- of all the successful stenographers of Pittsburg were his pupils. Fcr circulars and information call on or ad- dress J. T. Porter, Principal. aiwsj QUEER RIVER CRAFT $ieh& tcription of a floating theater, U the subject of an tnterating article by S.. A. W. in tomor- row' Dispatch. Baby One Solid fiash, Ugly, painful, Blotched, malicious. .No rest by dsy, no peace by night. Doctors tnd All remedies failed. Tried Cuticura Reme- dies. Effect marvelnus. Complete cure In five weeks. Ssved his life. uur oiaest emia, now 6 years of age, when an infant 6 months old wax attacked with a virulent, malignant skin disease. All ordinary remedies tailing, we called our family pbysi-- cian, wno attempted to cure it: but it spread with almost incredible rapidity, until tho lower po.?J?n ""belittle fellow's person, from the middle of his back down to his knees, was one solid rasn ugly, painful, blotched,' and mall-clou- s, we had no rest at night, no peace by day. Finally, re were advised to try the Cuti-ctjb- a Remedies. The effect was simply marvelous. In three or four weeks a com- plete cure was wrought, leaving the little fel- low's person as white and healthy as though he had never been attacked. In my opin on, your valuable remedies saved his life, and y he is a strong, healthy child, perfectly well, no repetition of the disease having ever occurred. GEORGE B. SMITH, Att'y-at-La- and Ex-Prt- Att'y, Ashland. O. Reference: J.G. Welst. Drnggfst,Ashland,0. Blotches and Scsbs from Head to Feet. My boy. aged 8 years, has been troubled all bis life with a very bad humor, which appeared all over his body in small rod blotches, witb-- a dry white ssabon them. Last year he was worse than ever.being covered with scabs from the top of his head to his feet, and continually crowing worse, although be bad been treated by two physicians. As a last resort, I deter- mined to try the CuncoRA Remedies, and am happy to say they did all that I could wish. USine them according to directions, the hntnnr rapidly disappeared, lcatlng the skin fair and Mnooth. and performing a thorough cure. The CrmcnrtA Hemediks aro all you claim for them. They are worth their weight in gold any one troubled as my boy was. GEORGE E. LEA VICT. North Andover, Mass. Mothers who Love their Children, Who take pride in their beauty, purity, and health, ana in bestowing upon them a child's createst Inheritance a skin without a bleminh and a body nourished by pure blood should not fall to make trial of the Cdticdba Reme- dies. , Sold everywhere. Price, CuncujiA. JL Prepared by the POTTEB DB.VO AKX CHEMICAL CORPORATION Boston. ' -- 8end for "How to Cure Bkln Dis- eases," 61 pages, 0 illustrations, and 100 testi- monials. BABY'S IP preserved and beautified by Cutictjba Soap. Absolutely pure. HOW MY SIDE ACHES! Aching Sides and Back. Hip. Kld- - MT and Tftrina Po(a TJl,." .,. Sciatic NmiiliH Rh,..?, ".",S.",i V -- ' "" srsiri...iir i """"s ni, "" u one minute Dy the CtTTICpiA AWTI-PAM- f PlSTXB. The first and only instantaneous pala-kmin- g piaster a aufcKft J fW'WWP J'FW ssw? 9VKfl5;ip THE PITTSBTJKG PISPATOH. SATURDAY. AUGUST 10,1889. PITTSBURG LAKE ERIK B. B. Special Excursions, August 13, Alexandria Bay And return. $12. August 13, Toronto and return, $8. August 13, Niagara Falls and return, f7. Leave PitUburg at 8:00 a. H., arrive at Buffalo at 4:50 P. M., Niagara Falls at 5 P. it, Alexandria Bay 7:00 A. M. ITe Pittsburg at 930 p. m.. arrive in Buffalo at 620 a, m., Niagara Falls 9:50 a. jl, Toronto IrOO p. m. August 14 and 15, Conneaut Lake and re- turn, $3 35. Leave Pittsburg at 8:00 a. m., arrive at Meadville at 1230 P. it, and Conneaut Lake at 3:00 P. M. Leave Pittsburg at 4:10 p. M., arrive at Meadville at 835 p. m., and Conneaut Lake at 9:10 P. M. Lake Chautauqua every Tuesday and Saturday, (5. Fine Whiskies. XXX, 1855, Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts $3 00 I860 SIcKim's Pure Eye "Whisky, full quarts 3 00 Monogram, Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts 1 75 Extra Old Cabinet, Pure Bye Whisky, lull quarts 1 50 Gibson's, 1879, Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts 2 00 Gibson's Pure Bye WhUhy, full quarts 1 50 Guckenheimer Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts 1 00 Guckenheimer Export,Pure Bye Whis ky, full quarts.., 1 00 Moss Export, Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts 1 25 1879 Export, Pure Bye Whisky, full quarts 1 25 1880 Export, Pure Eye Whisky, full quarts..... , 1 00 For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos, 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Use "Una" flonr finest spring patent in the world. "Golden Wedding" the best of bread flours. "Duquesne" has no equal as a pastry flour. Homing's "Ivory," gem of all family flours. FOLLY OF FANAL0N, &S5W& cenfures o an artitt intearchofeooltummer clothing, it the title of a unique conceit by Jung Jager in Dispatch. Mnrrlace IJccnsoa Granted Yesterday. Hams. Bsildsnea. (Janes O'Neill Homestead Clsley Hopkins Homestead I Moyer Abrahams Pittsburg ( Fannie Klcnmauj Pittsburg (Alex. McMllIen Allegheny (Mollle M. Thompson Allegheny ) Patrick M. Norton Braddoek iPhilomeua Bherer Braddoek MARRIED. MAG1NNES8-HOT- JP At the residence of the bride's parents, 717 Broad street,East End, by jhe Rev. John Cbalfant, W J, MAOIN-KES- 3 and MxaaiK B. Hour. DIED. ANDERSON Very suddenly on Thursday morning, Angust 8, 18S9, JOSEPH N. ANDER- SON, in his 69th year. Funeral from bis late residence,-Braddoe- Pa., P. R. R on Saturdat, August 10. at 1 o'clock. Interment private at a later hour. 2 BEILSTEIN-- On Friday. August 9, I8S8, at 820 f. x Herbert Fred Bxilstein, only son of Fred andLouisaBeilstein,aged 8 months and 3 days. Funeral services at residence, 222 Spring Gar- den avenue, Allegheny, Scxdat, August 11, at 2 p.m. Friends of the family are respect- fully invited to attend. Interment private at a later hour. - 2 GILLESPIE-Frid- ay, August 9, 1883, Cap, tain E. L. Gixlespie, late of Valentine, Neb- - Funeral from the residence of bis son, Will- iam Gillespie, at Dawson, Pa., Sunday atl P.M. Valentine, Neb., papers please copy. HOWARD On Friday morning, August 9 1SS9. at her residence, Wilklnsburg, Pa- -, Eliza Kelly, relict of John Howard, deceased, in the 71th year of her age. Services Saturday, 10th, at i o'clock p.m. Interment private at a later hour. MERRYMAN On Thursday. Angust?, 1889, at 8 A. M Kate D., daughter of G. W. and C. L. Merryman, aged 19 years, of typhoid fever. Funeral from the residence of parents. No. 271 Allegheny avenue, on Saturday, at 2 P.M. McINTOSH At Franklin, Tenn., August 6, 18S9, John Stone Mcltrroso, formerly of Pittsburg, in the 29th year of his age. Buried in Spring Hill Cemetery, Wellsville, O., August 8th. NEPPACH On Friday evening, August 9, 1889, at 10 o'clock, Edward, youngest son of Ernest and Annie Neppacb, aged 11 months and 16 days. Funeral will take place from the residence of his parents. No. 1136 Fenn avenue,THis after-noo- n at 2 o'clock. O'REILLY On Friday, August 9, 1889, at 830 o'clock, Charles O'Reilly, youngest son of Thomas and Mary O'Reilly, aged 1 year 1 month and 2 days. Funeral from the residence of his parents, Charles street, Fourteenth ward, city, on Sun-sa- August U, at 220 o'cIoce. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 3 SEITZ On Friday, August 9, at 830 a.m., Charles EL, son of Frederick and th,o late AnnaB. Seltz. Funeral Sunday, Angust U, at 2 p. M., from family residence, Sharpshurg. Pa. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 STRACHAN On Thursday, Angust 8, 1889, at 2 p.m., Dzlla, daughter of William and Aiargaret Btracnan, in tne utu year of ber age. Funeral from the residence of her father, at Banksville, on Saturday, August 10, 1889, at 2 o'clock P. M. Friends of the family are re- spectfully invited to attend. SCHENDEL On Friday afternoon, August 9 1889, at 2:30 p. II., at bis residence, New Brighton road. Eleventh ward, Allegheny Edward Bchendel, in the 67th year of his age. Funeral will take place on Sunday after, noon at 230 P. M. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. TURNER On Thursday afternoon, August 8. 18S9, at 5 o'clock, Jennie L--, youngest child of Jennie and William J. Turner. Funeral from the residence of her parents, 88 Ann street. Pittsburg; Saturday after, noon at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully irmtea to attend. WALL On Thursday morning, August 8. 1889, at 10:45, Flora Amelia, daughter of John W. and Eliza Wall, aged 4 years 1 month 2 days. Funeral on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from residence of parents, corner Avery and Middle streets, Allegheny. Friends' of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 JAMES ARCHIBALD & BRO., LIVERY AND SALE STABLES, 117. 119 and 136 Third avenue, two doors below Smithfield st, next door to Central Hotel. Carriages for funerals,$3. Carriages for operas-pattie- s, &c at the lowest rates. All new car- riages. Telephone communication. S tjepresenteu xn pittsburg in 1sci assets 19,071,60633. Insurance Co. of North America. Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L JONES. 84 Fourth avenue. ia20-s2-- WESTERN INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURG. Assets ,50187 NO. 4U WOOD STREET. ALEXANDER NIMICK, President. JOHN B. JACKSON. Vice President WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. BEECHAM'S PILLS (THE CREAT ENCLISH REMEDY.) Cure BXLLIOUS and Nervous ILLS. 25cts. a Box. OS AXJU PHXTG-GHgrg- DRUNKENNESS Or (he Liquor Habit Cored by Administering Ur. Haines' Golden Specific It can be riven in a cap of coffee ot tea without the knowledge of the person taking it; is atxo-late- ly harmless, and will effect a permanent and eedv enre. whether the natlent li nmruit drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of Drunkards tare twn made temperate men who have taken Golden specific in their coffee without tbelr knowledge and believe tbev a. tilt drinking from their own free will. IT.NKVEE A 11,8. The system once lmprcjrntttd with the Specific, it becomes an otter impossibility for tke liquor appetite to exist. Tor sale by A. J. Bankln. in Hlxth and P nn ave.. Plttitmrr: rnu.. . ..- - X. Federal St.. Ailerhenv. lxad iimniii .i I "" KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTION 0W- - CARPETS. -- - To make room for new fall stock we are compelled to sacrifice last season's patterns at extremely low prices, We will therefore offer the following extraordinary bar- gains, viz: cents for quality of Body 77 Brussels whose regular price with all dealers has been $i. 95centsand$110 for Bigelow, Hartford and other best makes of Body Brussels whose regular price has been from $1 25 to $1 50. pJyaS CarPetS SI 40 English, Bigelow, Hartford and other best makes of Wil ton Carpets at reduced from $2 50. $2, -- - OJcCIMtock&Co. 33 fifth: AVENUE. anl0-TT- 8 SUMMER CORSETS Uade of open material, rendering them venti- lating, and tbe coolest Corset for Bummer. Some ladles wear tbem all tbe year round; others only In summertime. Prices fL00 and tl.25 eacb; sizes 19 to 30 Inches. 6end in your orders oy mail II you are not in tne citytosnop. Special bargains in Ladies' plated BILE HOSE, atTSo a pair, in Pink,Slcy, Lavender, Apple Green, Bronze, French Blue, Gendarme, Tans. Browns, Slates and Blacks. Bend in your orders by mail if you are not in the city to shop. POLKA DOT FRENCH COTTON HOSE, Black and Navy ground, warranted fast color, at CO cents; reduced from 75c a pair. Bend in your orders by mail if you are not in mo city to snop. LADIES' BALBKIGGAN VEST BARGAIN. Hleh-nec- k and ribbed-arm- ; sizes 25 to 88. only cents eacn: a regular vac vest; nice ior me- dium warm weather and country wear. Aline of Swiss Ribbed 'Vests, regular 85a grade, closing out at 25 cents. Send in your orders by mall if you are not in tbe city to shop. If you are In look at and buy one or more of the lot of small, NEAT HAND-BASKET- on tho end of the Ribbon counter. Just the thing to carry borne 'a nice small lot of fresh fruit, or other dainties. At the Ruching Department you will find new things in FLAT RUCHINGS and d Tourist Ruchings. Also LINEN COLLARS and some special values in White LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. Send in your orders by mail If you are not in the city to shop. HORNE & WARD, 4:1 FIFTS jL VENUE. au2-- DR. ORR And Associate Physicians. No. 720 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, . Pa, submit a brief report of a few cases selected from their many patients for tbe Kg ."' Persons :ff eWlSi --v jit. jarfy affected: Mrs. W. stated she had been pronounced in curable by some traveling doctors. Her disease is one of which many ladies complain. She is very much improved in three weeks' treat- - mens. Another case of club-foo- t, very great deform, ity, now being treated without pain and im- proving rapidly. Young lady with catarrh, bronchitis and kidney disease; treated by a num- ber of doctors, but grew worse; rained five pounds during first month's treatment. Old centleman with varicose veins and ulcers on rigut leg cured without an operation. Consultation free. Office hours 10 to U30 A.M., 3 to a and 7 to 8 v. jyl7-- The Most Central ana Reliable Honse In the two cities to obtain what you may desire iu run vvumKiea, jrure wines, fure bran- dies and Gins is at the old and well established house of JOS. FLEMING & SON, wholesale and Retail Druggists. Look over list presented here that von can select from. embracing the finest and best matured goods the market affords, at prices that cause all other dealers to frown. Pure eight-year-ol- d export Guckenheimer Whisky, full quarts, JL or J10 per dozen. Overholt Pure Rye, five years old,fnil quarts, 11. or $10 per dozen. Finch's Golden Wedding, ten years old, full quarts! 25. or (12 per dozen. Gin, Pure Holland, our own importatlon.full quarts, ?1 2ot or 812 per dozen. Danville's Old Irish Whisky, quarts, 81 0, or tlSperdosen. Ramsay's Old Scotch Whisky, distillery at Islay, 81 60 per bottle, full quart. Wise Old Irish Whisky, distillery at North Mall. Cork, 81 60 per bottle, full quart. All of tbe different varieties of California r ines you porcnase irom us are the very best and only 60c for full quarts, or S3 per dozen. Send for complete price list, mailed free to any address. If goods ure not perfectly satisfactory the money will be refunded on tbelr return. Please be explicit In giving shipping di- rections with each order. Please send money orders when you can. or draft. If yon cannot do either register your letter. Address all orders to Job. FlEmiriQ R Bnn, gi DRUGGISTS, 2 MARKET ST., PITTSBURG. PA. JAS. MNELL & BRO, of BOILEKS, PLATE AND BHEET-IBO- WORK. PATENT BHEET IRON ANKKAUNQ H0XE3. With an Increased -- inuHt. an hnnii 05 machinery we are prepared to fnrnlsh all work oar line cheaper and better than br the old methods. Repairing and eeneral machine NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Co A FULL LINE OF BALL'S CELEBRATED CORSZTS Ball's stvle B 'Corsets at Si. Ball' style A Corsets at St 35. Ball's Kabo Corsets, No. 103 E. at St. Ball's Kabo Corsets, No. ioi E, At Si as. Ball's Kabo Black Satin at $3 5a Ball'a Misses' Corsets at 75c Ball's Nursing Corsets at Si. Bail's Ladies' Waists at Si 35.- - reflfl ;sP r liil fi YJ 's Kabo Corsets Ho, 103 Kabo Corsets are boned with KABO, a material which we warrant not to break or roll Up with one year's wear; if it does we will cheerfully refund the money paid for the Corset These Corsets are sold with the guar, antee that if not satisfactory to the wearer they may be returned at any time within three weeks and money refunded, even if so soiled as to be unsalable, ishman&Cos SEW DEPARTMMT ST0BES, 504,506 and 508 Market st, PITTSBURG, PA. Orders by mail receive prompt attention. Catalogues and Prioo Lists mail. d free of ohargo to any address. he followinsr are now ready: Prioe List of Patent Medicine, Price List of Corsets. Price List of Books. Prioe List of House Furnlshinc- - oods. anl0-- RESORTS. Atlantic City. TTNTXED STATES HOTE- L- I J Atlantio City. N. J. The largest and leading itei. jel534-TT- 8 B. H. BRmVN, Proprietor. THE ISLESWORTH, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. On tbe beach, sea end of Virginia avenue. . BUCK A McOLELLAN. THE CHALFONTE. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. MOVED TO THE BEACH. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Bait water baths in the house, levator. aplWl-- E. ROBERTS SONS. TEE MANSIOH, ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. Largest and most prominently located hotel with a new and first-cla- ss Restaurant attached. SS0 chairs. Open all the year. Coaches to and from Beach and Trains. Brophy's Orchestra. je26-6- 1 CHARLES McQLADE. ASBURY PARK-HOT- EL BRUNSWICK hotel in every respect. Beauti- fully situated near the beach. Ail rooms com- mand an unobstructed view ot tbe ocean. Ap- pointments unsurpassed. Drainage and Sani- tary arrangements perfect. For information address MORGAN & PARSONS. jel5 HOWLAND HOTEL, LONG BRANCH, N. J., Hexby "v7AX.TEB,Prop'r., Jiro. B. Schlosseb, Manager, late of Hotel Duquesne, Pittsbnrg. jy7-- M0M0DTH HOUSE, SPRING LAKE BEACH, N. J. WILL OPEN JUNE 20. For terms and other information address L. TI. MAI.THV Monmouth House, Spring Lake. N. J. Or Hotel Lafayette, J htladelphla. Pa, jei!HS-TT- S "W". s. WM. 165, MANY In order to make room for the regardless of cost value. Consult your HOW THEY .... Die aaa now now 20 and off. '.fotk. Millinery all Kelly Co.. XvcfanijjtjJta31rol. jtjjpUiifUXd, JStfL, IgKa NEW ABVEKEUKMENTS. B. &z B. Saturday, August 10. A SATURDAY BARGAIN FOE THE LADIES: All to 10 yard lengths Vine India Silks, of former prices, will go y at 53 cents yard. ?1, $1 25 and $1 50 Indias, in to 10 yard lengths, 60 cents yard. The finest Indias made at SO cents yard. The ends the choice goods of the season among the lot This is the final wind-u- p. These will go If you have an opportunity, drop in to- day and see the'new Lace Curtains direct from the other side. Look them over. They will seem like letter irom the old country. Jteal Irish poems they are, too. 12e isn't much for Fine Linen Cam-bri- e Handkerchief. Your initial 'hand- somely worked in the corner costs you noth- ing. A fine line Initial Handkerchiefs at 25c. Gents' Pure Linen, Hemstitched, TJn Handkerchiefs at 10c. Many other BOGGS & BUHL, 115, 117,119,121 st., Allegheny aul0-- GOOD INVESTMENTS. Handsome, large, level, shaded lots at Ohio .riyer, accessible by three lines of Good building property, health, fnl, cheerful and convenient homes. Large lots on Benton avenue, Allegheny, at low prices and on long time. Choice home locations 12 minutes' ride, cent fare on Central road. ad. joining proposed Huron Hill Park. Lots 30 to 60 feet front. jj20-17-- D GRATEFUL-COMFORTI- NG. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. By thorough knowledge of the natural laws which eovem the ODeratlons of digestion and nutrition, and and by careful application of the nne properties of Cocoa, Mr. .USE nas prortdedour breakfast tables with cately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. Itis by the Judicious use of such articles of diet that constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough resist every tendency disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around ready to attack weak We may escape many fatal shaft by keeping our- selves well fortified with pure blood and prop erly nounsnea rrame." vxvti aervxee uazeae. Made simply with boiling water milk. Hold only in half pound tins Grocers, labeled thus: Jas.Epps&Co. rfMogffi UELLMUTH 11 LONDON, ONT., CANADA One of the Most Complete Motions dSEPTEMBER 41 EDUGATION OF YOUNG LADIES. AdBeeSRN. P0LLEGE M. A. If PRINCIPAL, London, Ontario, Can. my31-25-- STEAMERS AND AMERICAN LINE, Sailing every from and Liverpool. Passenger for all classes sold and from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway. Swe- den, Denmark, etc. PETER WRIGHT B0N8, General acenta. 307 Walnut st-- Philadelphia. Full information can be had of J. J. MCCOR- MICK, Fourth avenue and 8mithfield street; LOUIS MOESER, 61S Smithfleld street. mhl3-6G-TT-3 (TIlt AED LUTE, NEW YORK TO LIVEHPOOI, VIA QTEIOIB- - TOWN, JTBUU riXK KOBTH m rEB. FAST EXPEESS MAIL BESYICE. Bervla, Aaguit 10, 3P JfiUmbria. Etruna,Ang-.r;,lO:30AKBervl- Sept. 7,lrn Aurama. Aug. Miuatua, oepu BWA ISothnla,Auf:.S8,6:30AMEtrurla. Sept. 14. AX Cabin nassare. $60. S80 and S100: lntermedlatr- - 135. Steerage tickets and from all parts uropo veir low rates. VIK.&ON KOWM CO.. General Annta. urt J.J MCCORMICK. Agent, jrourtn ave. aneamunneia st,, Httsbnrc aaS-- State Line To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool. FROM NEW YORK EVERY Cabin nasaaxe $35 tax according location of stateroom. Excursion SG5 8Q0. Hteerage and from Europe LowestRatee, AUSTIN BALDWD AgeaU, Broadway, New York. J.J. Aooni, Pittsbarg. Ps. mhl2-- 3o:N":D.Asr3 BRILLIANT Fall Stock beginning to arrive the by an early investigation 75c Black Dress Silks for 6oa $i i2 Black Gros Grain Silk, $1 25 Black Gros Grain now 95c. $1 50 Black Gros Grain for i2j. $1 Black Surah now 75c. $1 25 Black Surah now $1. Though these are good all the vear around we have concluded to throw them in GLITTER: 50c. 37 Turkey Red Carp.eft of all -- .ofi. Para' r with the other bargains. 1 all-wo- ol imported Dress Goods now 55 and 60c, in fancy colors. 75c imported Dress Goods for 50a 40-inc- h all-wo- ol were 40a 30c Henriettas for 20c, all colors. French Cashmeres, good line colors, 35c, 50c, 60c and 75c; these prices are $ off. Special drives in Table Linens this week. $1 25 bleached Table Damask, h, now Si. Si. Table inch wide, now t c j. a jjinen, cream wnite, xamings, 25c. of kinds, &ttilur. " " I v r ..i,Wi iT'lhi.illsWiV'ii S&SHSS&i irssHSaSi Bj-jffi-g- gf sHiPB xamsmas 3 regardless a 3 a a a a laundried bargains. Federal Groveland, fronting railway. affording 5 Traction a a a a to to us wherever.there is a point. a a or I I Aptfl English, EXCURSIONS. Wednesday Philadelphia accommodations unsurpassed. Tickets to 40 Auz.31,8i3tAJt 24, r 11, JC 9 to o, at a. 4 THURSDAY. to to to to at &.CO.. General a MoCORMICK. - interest and.oc 1 I Serges, 25c, Damask, c NEW ABVKRTIKEXErrs EEAD FULL --OF, ONE WILL BUY -- THIS -- 5GU8KY'8 YOUE OEOIOE POR,$l Of Any of the Following: Men's good black Alpaca Coats. Men's blue Flannel Coats. Men's good Linen Dusters. Men's elegant Blazers. Men's beautiful Tennis Coats. Men's good Seersucker Coats and Vests. Men's all-wo- ol striped Cheviot Pants. Men's fine Linen Pants. YOUR CHOICE FOR $1 OfAny of the Following: Children's all-wo- ol Kilts. Two good Wash Kilts. Two odd Kilt Skirts. Green Cloth Summer Lap Robes. Good large extra size Ear Nets. Men's extra-fin- e Straw Hats, Manilla, Milan or Mackinaw. Men's fine light-color- ed Stiff Hats. Men's light-colore- d Soft Hats. Extra large size Mexican Ham- mocks. Good quality Horse Sheets. YOUR CHOICE FOR $1 Of Any of the Following: Superb quality English Percale Shirts, 2 loose cuffs and 2 collars. French Flannel Shirts, in stripes and plaids, regular $1 50 goods. Fancy Flannel Shirts for Boys, the "Reliable" make. Suit of fancy stripe or plain Balbriggan Underwear. Half dozen fancy border hem- stitch Linen Handkerchiefs, ex- quisite designs. Gentlemen's Traveling Set com- plete brush, comb, nail and tooth brush in solid leather. These bargains are displayed all buyers can see what they are at a inai any 01 me aoove are Dargains Trsa? Goods prices. PAETMLAES DOLLAR G-TJSK- YS WHA- T- WEEK A- T- Your choice for;$i Of Any of the Following; Men's White Pants. Men's fine Linen Vests. Men's "White Vests, regular and extra sizes, slightly soiledtfrora being in the window. Boys' good odd Coats. Boys' Knee-Pa- nt Two blue Flannel Sailor Suits. Boys' elegant Long Pants. Kilt Suits. YOUR CHOICE FOR $1 Of Any of the Following: Half dozen fancy Pique Four-in-hand- s. 3 elegant flowing ends.fine Silk Scarfs. Half dozen Coon & finest Linen Collars. Extra quality fancy stripe French Flannel Blouse Waists. Choice styles imported French Percale "Star" Shirt Waists. Fine quality Silk Gloria Umbrel- las, unique natural sticks. YOUR CHOICE FOR $1 Of Any of the Following: Men's solid leather Working Shoes. Men's solid leather tipped Ladies' solid leather glove Bals. Ladies' patent leather tipped Oxfords. Ladies' kid Oxfords. Boys' solid leather Base. Ball Shoes. Boys' solid leather Working Shoes. Youth's solid leather-tippe- Bals. Misses' grain button Shoes. Child's solar tipped button Shoes boldly in each department so that glance. You can depend upon it in tne truest senseioi tne word. - C 300 to 400 Market street. an&Trssn auS-rrss- u "W". S,' WEEK. - various departments wiflJbe sold SPARKLE: the 50c French DMTNSTDirGimMef WE LET OUR PRICES TALK. Striped and plaid Flannel Shirts, 48c, 75o, to 94. Nice Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers. 68o a suit. Fine Frenoh Balbriggan Underwear, a suit. Gray Summer Underwear, 75o a suit Boys' fine Percale Waists reduoed from to 65c. Gents' well made Night Shirts, 60c, 75o, 81, etc. Well made Unlaundrled Shirts, 60c and 76o, or 3 for 82. Morley's English. Half Hose, striped, 22o, worth 36c. AUGUST REDUCTIONS All our 50 and 75 Trimmed Mull Hats go at 75a Our fine leghorn Hats, 48 and 64o, reduced from 81 and 81 60 Our black 81 50 fancy Straw Hats at 48a A lot on bargain counter your choice, 10a , NEW GOODS JUST OPENED. Full lines of Leather, Canvas and Silk Belts. Full lines of Black Silk Velvet Ribbon. Full lines of colored Silk Velvet Ribbons. Full lines of cream and ecru Laces. New patterns of Torchon Lacea New onyx black Hosiery. 510, 512, 514 MARKET ST. AND 27 FIFTH AVENUE. SEMPLE'S STORES, 167 and 169 FEDERAL SOEEET, ALLEQHENT, PA. 87jc. Acra - 5. GEMS THIS entire line of Summer in all of our AND THEY Duck in Suits. Children's of 100 of 81 81 81 81 81 white We are offering some rare bargains in Table Linens, Napkins, Towels. Si 25 Table Damask, 72 inches wide, for Si. Si Table Damask? 72 inches wide, for 75c. 60c Table Damask, cream and white, now 45c. 50c Turkey Red Tablings, 31 and 37a 37c Turkey Red Tablings, 20 and 25c. k i2c light colored Satines now 6c. Best American Satines now I2c. 40c Scotch Gingham for 25c, and the beautiful Challis at 6a Bargains in black Cashmeres, 25c up. All-wo- ol black Henriettas, 50c, were 65a 75c Henriettas now 60a Cloth and Cassimeres, for Men's wear, all y off. $2 50 and S3 colored Parasols, all now Si 25. Attractive prices in Men's Furnishines. such as soe Unlaundried STiirt now" 35c; the 40c Underwear now 25c; Co.'s Bals. im. the 33c cw xauffiats, uingaams, rercaies, quinizes, now in stocK. Mail orders promptly filled at lowest prices. m., except 5aturdajrs,. until Scptcmbcrix. 3

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Page 1: Co B. FULL · 2017. 12. 17. · MOONSHINE WHISKY. Three Silll. are Doing; a Good Business In ... and the products of theso stills are sold throu--h the coke region. The miners are



Trouble in the Coke Begions CausedBy a Misunderstanding.


GoTernor Beaver Will Withdraw Ke&rly

All of the State Employes,


ISFXCI.II, TU.IGBAU TO toe dispatch.!Scottdale, August 9. The Hungarians

at Morewood refused to go to work thismorning because they did not understandthat the strike was settled. Hearing thatthe Alice and Bessemer works wererunning?, they formed a howling mob ofabout 500 and started for these plants. Themen at the Alice mines were warned intime and fled. Upon reaching the tipplethe mob tore boards off, and started coalwagons down the slope to wreck them andblock the entrance so that no coal could behoisted. They then went to Bessemer, andon the way met John M. Dagton, who wasriding in a buggy. He tried to persuadethem to return to work. The infuriatedmob overturned his bugey and beat and cuthim so badly that his life is despaired of.

The Huns reached Bessemer and went to thehouse of an old man named Qllhooley to lookfor the mine boss. Failing to find him therethe old man was beaten and the windows ofhis honse broken. A man named Lore wasalso caught at the pit mouth and treated in thesame manner.

USELESS DESTRUCTION.They next made a descent upon the store,

and after breaking the windows and doors incarried off all the bread and bologna they conldfind on tho premises. By this time Secretary"VVatchorn arrived In company with JamesKepcan, another of the leaders. 'VVatchornaddressed them and finally succeeded in makingthem understand that the strike was orerandin their favor.

The Uuns then retired to their homes. Theoperators and disinterested persons say that,but for the opportune arrival of Mr. Watchorn,the mob would not have left a vestige of thecompany's property standing, and much bloodwould have doubtless been shed. The wholeaffair was caused by a misunderstandimr.

the scale, as signed, is being printed,and will be sent through the region. Jno fur-ther trouble is likely to occur. The Englishspeaking miners are all satisfied with the set-tlement.

AX UKFOKTUXATE OCCUBBZXCE.The leaders deeply deplore tho unfortunate

outbreak, and will use every precaution to pre-vent a recurrence of the same. Some new sig-natures were receired y, and telegramswere received from others that they wouldsign as soon as they conld get here to do so.

A dispatch from Uniontown says: The set-tlement of the coke strike has not yet madeany change in affairs In this end of the region.Although word of the settlement reachedScboonmaker's Redstone Works last nightonly seven men went into the mines this morn-ing, and they came out again and joined therest of the men, who professed to be waitingconnrmation 01 me news. Dome will not go towork until the scale is posted, and tbey seewhat they are to get. No start was made atthe Leitb or Beeson either.

The men who have been working at Fair-chan-

and Kyle came out this morning; whilea few at Ohphant who were working to keenthe furnace going, will work on. None of theoperators here have signed the scale, and thersay tbey cannot start their works until they getorders for coke at a figure high enough tojustify the wages the men demand.

from Connelisrille says: Althoughthe strikers were granted an advance they doSlot seem to be satisfied in this locality. David-eon'- s,

one of the Fricfc works, is the only minein this immediate vicinitv which started to-day. Between here and Uniontown, Voungs-row- n

is the only works which started thisssornlng. Leisenring Nos. 1 and 3, south ofJherc. also resumed, bnt at No, 2 tho men didnot go to work.

NOT ANXIOUS TO WORK.The only reason that can be ascertained is

that they just didn't want to. There is alsoconsiderable dissatisfaction among the miners.One of them said this afternoon that the menWanted to strike again on September 1 to se-cure S cents more per bushel. This may havebeen but idle talk. The works of the CambriaIron Company, Wheeler Morrell, Mahoningand others have not started, but preparationsare being made to resume on Monday.

The superintendent states that he has re-ceived no advice from the company's office atJohnstown, but thinks the scale will be signed.The smaller operators have intimated that theywill sign the agreement. Some of them statedthat they would sign any scale formulated atthe conference last night, but as far as can belearned none have done so yet.

However, no trouble is anticipated in thatquarter. When the news of the signingof the scale reached here last night, themen at Davidson wonld not believe it. Twocouriers on horseback were sent to RrntM-,- iand even when they returned with the newsconfirmed it was scarcely credited, and thismorning only about halt the men went to work.


Three Silll. are Doing; a Good Business InWestmoreland County.


Gbeessbubo, August 8. Located in differ-ent places in the mountainous district of West-moreland county there are three illicit distill-eries in active operation. A year ago revenueofficers made an effort to run them down, buttheir plans miscarried and since that time,especially within the last two months, the oper-ators have assumed a boldness surprisingto those who have a positive knowledgeof the existence of the distilleries.One of the moonshine" plants is located in aravine on the ridge overlooking Derry. anotheris on Laurel Hill, in the southeastern part ofthe vj, M4U wo ujiru ib near tne conntvline on a mountainous range near the month ofIndian creek. Never can a stranger cross acertain line marked out by the operators, andto guard against intruders "spotters" are em-ployed, and it is their dnty to spirit away whose curiosity leads them that wayThese spotters live fa huts, a mile ortwof remthe plants, and are always armed with rifles.The quality of the whisky manufactured issaid to bo fair, and its sale Dy the modeadopted is always sure. Agents aro employedand the products of theso stills are sold throu-- hthe coke region. The miners are suppliedwholly by ageuts, and the majority of themknow that tho liquor is illicit, bnt the cheap-ness of the article and the convenience affordedin its being delivered binds them in a degree tosecrecy. Some of the farmers deliver rye tothese agentB, and the whisky made therefromisuciuereu 10 mem regularly and the pricecollected.

It la believed an attempt will be made withinthe next two weeks to arrest the operators, asrevenue officers have met here in consultationregarding plans of procedure within the lastten days.


Btrong Evidence Produced Against theHitchcock Matrimonial Borenn.

ifrtciAi. TXLZonau to thx wsraTcn.l 'Erie, August 9. Seymour Hitchcock and

wife, Sarah, of Meadville, who have beenworking the matrimonial scheme through themails, have had a hearing before the Marshal.Daniel U Barmere, a Chicago postoffice em-ploye, who had been victimized by the"widow's" advertisement for a correspond-ent, etc, camo on here and testified. Barmehad answered the advertisement, and in thecourse of time received a photograph from thewidow, who said she was a member of theM.E. Church. He finally proposed and was ac-cepted; a number of presents followed, with aremittance to pay the "widow's" way to her tofuture husband.

At this juncture of the game Seymour Hitch-coc- ktook up the correspondence. The matri-monial sharks worked their scheme In Dela-ware county, N. Y., before operating here. Thewoman has five small children. The hearing is

A River Steamer Darned.terXCliL TXLECKAK TO TUX DISPATCH.!

Zanesvuxk, 0 August . The steamerVan Meter was burned at Lowell, on theMuskingum river, south of this city, about 4o'clock this morning. Captain Htowe. who wasthe only man on the boat at the time, narrowlyescaped with his life. The fire is supposed tobe of incendiary origin.

lie Is Ont of Dollars. ,srXCIAL TSXXOSJUC TO THX DllrATCH.1

CASTOjr, 0 August . P. J, Bchwalm. anold i'lltsnarg cstaDiisnea grocery dealer, madean assignment to John u. Welty, Prosecutin:Attorney. Liabilities between (9,000 an I

liv,vw, aassu, v,wu. --.

-- rlAStt


The Number of 'State Employee at, Johnstown to be Greatly Reduced Slow-Wor-

of Distributing theFund 8lx Cniea of

Typhoid Fever.rspxetu. Txxxoaui to tbjc DISPATCH. 1

JomtSTOWN. August 9. Two more bodieswere taken out of the sand One wasidentified as that of Alexander Hamilton, Jr.,a prominent resident ot the town. It is veryevident that there are jet a great many bodiesto be found in the cellars and other placeswhere there are piles of dirt. Notwithstandingthis condition It is likely that the force ofworkmen employed by the State will be with-drawn, and if that is done there will be manybodies that are now only a few feet under thesand that will lie there until their bones areexposed by accident

Under orders from the Governor the em-ployes, to the number of about SO, who wereunder the Immediate direction of the SanitaryCorps, will all be dismissed andonly three or fonr men will be left on duty inthe office of the State Board of Ilcaltb. Thisturn of affairs is discouraging to Johnstownpeople, woo bad hoped to see enough men putto work to clean out all the cellars and takeaway the foul smelling rubbish everywhere.

Not much was done at the pay officealthough the clerks were ready to cash allorders presented. It begins to look as if Itwould be at least several weeks before thenecessary data can be compiled which theState Commission will want to use in pre-paring a basis for the next distribution.

There are six cases of typhoid fever at theRed Cross Hospital A large travelingsatchel, packed with woman's clothing, wasbrought to the room where valuables arestored There was a PennsylvaniaRailroad check No. 369 from Pittsburg toPhiladelphia on It, and the name "ElizabethM. Bryan" was stamped on an embroideredlinen handkerchief.


Action Brought Agnlnst a Liquor Denierfor the Loss of nn Arm.

rsraciAi. TXLianAM to tux dispatch.Feakkxin, August 9. Suit was entered in

the courts here y by G. S. Veon, father ofH. M. Veon,who lost a limb on the Valley roadnear Emlentown, on the 5th ot July, againstPatrick Crelghton, proprietor of the St CloudHotel, Emlentown, for S5.000 damages, allegingthat Crelghton sold his boy the liquor thatmade him drunk and caused him to lose hisarm. The young man's deposition was takenon Monday by It W. Dunn, Esq.. for the de-fendant, and Hon, J. H Asmer, for the prose-cution.

At the time Veon lost bis arm Samuel Shan-non, of this city, was killed, and should Veonwin his suit Mrs. Shannon will also sue fortiaOOQ for the loss of her boy's life. This is thefirst case of the kind ever brought before thecourts here and the outcome of it is anxiouslyawaited.


A Train on the Pittsburg and Western RoadTurned Upside Down.

Clariok, August 9. An accident occurredon the Pittsburg and Western RailroadAs the train had fairly got out of Edensburgthe breaking of a lever rendered the air brakesuseless at a critical moment while rounding acurve. The train, excepting the engine, wasthrown from the track and turned bottom up-ward. Most of the passengers were more orless bruised, but none seriously.It P. Scott, of Butler, was cut on the head

and had two ribs broken. Mrs. Jacob Fisher,of Bntlor, complained of injuries, and Mr.James Conley, of Shlppensville, was cut on theeye and injured internally. An attorney namedJohnson, from Pittsburg, received slight in-juries.


How an Erie Congregation Will be Disap-pointed In Its Choice.


Erie, August 9. The First Presby-terian Church, of this city, called for theirpastor Rev. H. C. Ross, of Ingersoll, Canada.Both pastor and people were delighted, buttheir delight was turned to disgust when theywere notified that Rev. Ross' acceptance wouldbe a violation of the contract labor law.

It was suggested that Rev. Ross be allowed tomake a temporary arrangement to be continuedat the will of both parties, but the authoritiesruled that would be an evasion of the law thatwould not be allowed.


Prospects of the Rejuvenated Western Un-iversity.

One of the most complete institutions oflearning is the Western University, whichtakes on new life with the coming term.Beautiful location and healthful climatecombine to make this a typical resort iorstudents who wish to benefit both body andmind. The fall term opens September 5.Science Hall will then be ready for occu-pancy. The main building will be com-pleted by January 1. Mechanical andelectrical engineering will be a new feature.Prof. Charles Volney Kerr is to be in chargeof the department. All the old depart-ments are retained. Entrance examinationsmse piace September 3 and 4.

Pittsburg College ofShorthand,Corner Sixth and Liberty streets. Fullythree-fourt- of all who undertake the studyor shorthand are not adapted to it, and failto make any practical use of the art. Thisschool is devoted exclusively to shorthandand typewriting, and no students are takenexcept those who are fitted for the study.Mr. Porter introduced shorthand into thecourts of Pittsburg, and is the first officialstenographer ever appointed in Pennsyl-vania, Two-thir- of all the successfulstenographers of Pittsburg were his pupils.Fcr circulars and information call on or ad-dress J. T. Porter, Principal. aiwsj

QUEER RIVER CRAFT $ieh&tcription of a floating theater, U the subject ofan tnterating article by S.. A. W. in tomor-row' Dispatch.

Baby One Solid fiash,Ugly, painful, Blotched, malicious. .No restby dsy, no peace by night. Doctors tnd

All remedies failed. Tried Cuticura Reme-dies. Effect marvelnus. Complete cure Infive weeks. Ssved his life.

uur oiaest emia, now 6 years of age, whenan infant 6 months old wax attacked with avirulent, malignant skin disease. All ordinaryremedies tailing, we called our family pbysi--cian, wno attempted to cure it: but it spreadwith almost incredible rapidity, until tho lowerpo.?J?n ""belittle fellow's person, from themiddle of his back down to his knees, was onesolid rasn ugly, painful, blotched,' and mall-clou- s,

we had no rest at night, no peace byday. Finally, re were advised to try the Cuti-ctjb- a

Remedies. The effect was simplymarvelous. In three or four weeks a com-plete cure was wrought, leaving the little fel-low's person as white and healthy as though hehad never been attacked. In my opin on, yourvaluable remedies saved his life, and y heis a strong, healthy child, perfectly well, norepetition of the disease having ever occurred.

GEORGE B. SMITH,Att'y-at-La- and Ex-Prt- Att'y, Ashland. O.Reference: J.G. Welst. Drnggfst,Ashland,0.

Blotches and Scsbs from Head to Feet.My boy. aged 8 years, has been troubled allbis life with a very bad humor, which appeared

all over his body in small rod blotches, witb--a

dry white ssabon them. Last year he wasworse than ever.being covered with scabs fromthe top of his head to his feet, and continuallycrowing worse, although be bad been treatedby two physicians. As a last resort, I deter-mined to try the CuncoRA Remedies, andam happy to say they did all that I could wish.USine them according to directions, the hntnnrrapidly disappeared, lcatlng the skin fair andMnooth. and performing a thorough cure.The CrmcnrtA Hemediks aro all you claimfor them. They are worth their weight in goldany one troubled as my boy was.

GEORGE E. LEA VICT.North Andover, Mass.

Mothers who Love their Children,Who take pride in their beauty, purity, andhealth, ana in bestowing upon them a child'screatest Inheritance a skin without a bleminhand a body nourished by pure blood shouldnot fall to make trial of the Cdticdba Reme-dies. ,

Sold everywhere. Price, CuncujiA.JL Prepared by thePOTTEB DB.VO AKX CHEMICAL CORPORATION

Boston. '-- 8end for "How to Cure Bkln Dis-

eases," 61 pages, 0 illustrations, and 100 testi-monials.

BABY'S IP preserved andbeautified by Cutictjba Soap.Absolutely pure.

HOW MY SIDE ACHES!Aching Sides and Back. Hip. Kld- -

MT and Tftrina Po(a TJl,." .,.Sciatic NmiiliH Rh,..?, ".",S.",i V-- ' ""srsiri...iir i """"sni, "" u one minute Dy theCtTTICpiA AWTI-PAM- f PlSTXB. The firstand only instantaneous pala-kmin- g piaster a

aufcKft J



Special Excursions,August 13, Alexandria Bay And return.

$12.August 13, Toronto and return, $8.August 13, Niagara Falls and return, f7.Leave PitUburg at 8:00 a. H., arrive at

Buffalo at 4:50 P. M., Niagara Falls at 5

P. it, Alexandria Bay 7:00 A. M. ITePittsburg at 930 p. m.. arrive in Buffalo at620 a, m., Niagara Falls 9:50 a. jl, TorontoIrOO p. m.

August 14 and 15, Conneaut Lake and re-

turn, $3 35.Leave Pittsburg at 8:00 a. m., arrive at

Meadville at 1230 P. it, and ConneautLake at 3:00 P. M. Leave Pittsburg at 4:10p. M., arrive at Meadville at 835 p. m., andConneaut Lake at 9:10 P. M.

Lake Chautauqua every Tuesday andSaturday, (5.

Fine Whiskies.XXX, 1855, Pure Bye Whisky, full

quarts $3 00I860 SIcKim's Pure Eye "Whisky,

full quarts 3 00Monogram, Pure Bye Whisky, full

quarts 1 75Extra Old Cabinet, Pure Bye Whisky,

lull quarts 1 50Gibson's, 1879, Pure Bye Whisky, full

quarts 2 00Gibson's Pure Bye WhUhy, full

quarts 1 50Guckenheimer Pure Bye Whisky, full

quarts 1 00Guckenheimer Export,Pure Bye Whis

ky, full quarts.., 1 00Moss Export, Pure Bye Whisky, full

quarts 1 251879 Export, Pure Bye Whisky, full

quarts 1 251880 Export, Pure Eye Whisky, full

quarts..... , 1 00For sale by G. W. Schmidt, Nos, 95 and

97 Fifth ave.

Use "Una" flonr finest spring patent inthe world. "Golden Wedding" the best ofbread flours. "Duquesne" has no equal asa pastry flour. Homing's "Ivory," gem ofall family flours.

FOLLY OF FANAL0N, &S5W&cenfures o an artitt intearchofeooltummerclothing, it the title of a unique conceit byJung Jager in Dispatch.

Mnrrlace IJccnsoa Granted Yesterday.Hams. Bsildsnea.

(Janes O'Neill HomesteadClsley Hopkins Homestead

I Moyer Abrahams Pittsburg( Fannie Klcnmauj Pittsburg(Alex. McMllIen Allegheny(Mollle M. Thompson Allegheny) Patrick M. Norton BraddoekiPhilomeua Bherer Braddoek

MARRIED.MAG1NNES8-HOT- JP At the residence of

the bride's parents, 717 Broad street,East End,byjhe Rev. John Cbalfant, W J, MAOIN-KES- 3

and MxaaiK B. Hour.

DIED.ANDERSON Very suddenly on Thursday

morning, Angust 8, 18S9, JOSEPH N. ANDER-SON, in his 69th year.

Funeral from bis late residence,-Braddoe-

Pa., P. R. R on Saturdat, August 10. at 1o'clock. Interment private at a later hour. 2

BEILSTEIN-- On Friday. August 9, I8S8, at820 f. x Herbert Fred Bxilstein, onlyson of Fred andLouisaBeilstein,aged 8 monthsand 3 days.

Funeral services at residence, 222 Spring Gar-den avenue, Allegheny, Scxdat, August 11,at 2 p.m. Friends of the family are respect-fully invited to attend. Interment private ata later hour. - 2

GILLESPIE-Frid- ay, August 9, 1883, Cap,tain E. L. Gixlespie, late of Valentine, Neb- -

Funeral from the residence of bis son, Will-iam Gillespie, at Dawson, Pa., Sunday atlP.M.

Valentine, Neb., papers please copy.HOWARD On Friday morning, August 9

1SS9. at her residence, Wilklnsburg, Pa--, ElizaKelly, relict of John Howard, deceased, inthe 71th year of her age.

Services Saturday, 10th, at i o'clock p.m.Interment private at a later hour.

MERRYMAN On Thursday. Angust?, 1889,at 8 A. M Kate D., daughter of G. W. and C.L. Merryman, aged 19 years, of typhoid fever.

Funeral from the residence of parents. No.271 Allegheny avenue, on Saturday, at 2P.M.

McINTOSH At Franklin, Tenn., August 6,18S9, John Stone Mcltrroso, formerly ofPittsburg, in the 29th year of his age.

Buried in Spring Hill Cemetery, Wellsville,O., August 8th.

NEPPACH On Friday evening, August 9,1889, at 10 o'clock, Edward, youngest son ofErnest and Annie Neppacb, aged 11 monthsand 16 days.

Funeral will take place from the residence ofhis parents. No. 1136 Fenn avenue,THis after-noo- n

at 2 o'clock.O'REILLY On Friday, August 9, 1889, at 830

o'clock, Charles O'Reilly, youngest son ofThomas and Mary O'Reilly, aged 1 year 1 monthand 2 days.

Funeral from the residence of his parents,Charles street, Fourteenth ward, city, on Sun-sa-

August U, at 220 o'cIoce. Friends of thefamily are respectfully invited to attend. 3

SEITZ On Friday, August 9, at 830 a.m.,Charles EL, son of Frederick and th,o lateAnnaB. Seltz.

Funeral Sunday, Angust U, at 2 p. M., fromfamily residence, Sharpshurg. Pa. Friends ofthe family are respectfully invited to attend. 2

STRACHAN On Thursday, Angust 8, 1889,at 2 p.m., Dzlla, daughter of William andAiargaret Btracnan, in tne utu year of ber age.

Funeral from the residence of her father, atBanksville, on Saturday, August 10, 1889, at2 o'clock P. M. Friends of the family are re-

spectfully invited to attend.SCHENDEL On Friday afternoon, August

9 1889, at 2:30 p. II., at bis residence, NewBrighton road. Eleventh ward, AlleghenyEdward Bchendel, in the 67th year of hisage.

Funeral will take place on Sunday after,noon at 230 P. M. Friends of the family arerespectfully invited to attend.

TURNER On Thursday afternoon, August8. 18S9, at 5 o'clock, Jennie L--, youngest childof Jennie and William J. Turner.

Funeral from the residence of her parents,88 Ann street. Pittsburg; Saturday after,noon at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family arerespectfully irmtea to attend.

WALL On Thursday morning, August 8.1889, at 10:45, Flora Amelia, daughter ofJohn W. and Eliza Wall, aged 4 years 1 month 2days.

Funeral on Saturday afternoon at 2o'clock from residence of parents, cornerAvery and Middle streets, Allegheny. Friends'of the family are respectfully invited to attend.



117. 119 and 136 Third avenue, two doors belowSmithfield st, next door to Central Hotel.

Carriages for funerals,$3. Carriages for operas-pattie- s,

&c at the lowest rates. All new car-riages. Telephone communication. S

tjepresenteu xn pittsburg in 1sci

assets 19,071,60633.

Insurance Co. of North America.Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L

JONES. 84 Fourth avenue. ia20-s2--


Assets ,50187NO. 4U WOOD STREET.


WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary.


Cure BXLLIOUS andNervous ILLS.

25cts. a Box.OS AXJU PHXTG-GHgrg-

DRUNKENNESSOr (he Liquor Habit Cored

by Administering Ur. Haines'Golden Specific

It can be riven in a cap of coffee ot tea withoutthe knowledge of the person taking it; is atxo-late- ly

harmless, and will effect a permanent andeedv enre. whether the natlent li nmruitdrinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands ofDrunkards tare twn made temperate men whohave taken Golden specific in their coffee withouttbelr knowledge and believe tbev a. tiltdrinking from their own free will. IT.NKVEE

A 11,8. The system once lmprcjrntttd with theSpecific, it becomes an otter impossibility for tkeliquor appetite to exist. Tor sale by A. J. Bankln. inHlxth and P nn ave.. Plttitmrr: rnu.. . ..--

X. Federal St.. Ailerhenv. lxad iimniii .i I






To make room for new fallstock we are compelled tosacrifice last season's patternsat extremely low prices,

We will therefore offer thefollowing extraordinary bar-gains, viz:

cents for quality of Body77 Brussels whose regularprice with all dealershas been $i.

95centsand$110for Bigelow, Hartfordand other best makes ofBody Brussels whoseregular price has beenfrom $1 25 to $1 50.

pJyaS CarPetS SI 40English, Bigelow, Hartford

and other best makes of Wilton Carpets at reducedfrom $2 50. $2,

-- -

OJcCIMtock&Co.33 fifth: AVENUE.

anl0-TT- 8


Uade of open material, rendering them venti-lating, and tbe coolest Corset for Bummer.Some ladles wear tbem all tbe year round;

others only In summertime. Prices fL00 andtl.25 eacb; sizes 19 to 30 Inches. 6end in yourorders oy mail II you are not in tne citytosnop.

Special bargains in Ladies' platedBILE HOSE,

atTSo a pair, in Pink,Slcy, Lavender, AppleGreen, Bronze, French Blue, Gendarme,

Tans. Browns, Slates and Blacks.Bend in your orders by mail if you are not in

the city to shop.POLKA DOT FRENCH COTTON HOSE,Black and Navy ground, warranted fast color,at CO cents; reduced from 75c a pair.

Bend in your orders by mail if you are not inmo city to snop.LADIES' BALBKIGGAN VEST BARGAIN.Hleh-nec- k and ribbed-arm- ; sizes 25 to 88. only

cents eacn: a regular vac vest; nice ior me-dium warm weather and country wear.

Aline of Swiss Ribbed 'Vests, regular 85agrade, closing out at 25 cents.

Send in your orders by mall if you are not intbe city to shop.

If you are In look at and buy one or more ofthe lot of small,


on tho end of the Ribbon counter. Just thething to carry borne 'a nice small lot of freshfruit, or other dainties.

At the Ruching Department you will findnew things in

FLAT RUCHINGSand d Tourist Ruchings. Also LINENCOLLARS and some special values in White

LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS.Send in your orders by mail If you are not in

the city to shop.



DR. ORRAnd AssociatePhysicians. No.720 Penn avenue,Pittsburg, . Pa,submit a briefreport of a fewcases selectedfrom their manypatients for tbe

Kg ."' Persons:ff eWlSi --v jit. jarfy affected:Mrs. W. stated she had been pronounced in

curable by some traveling doctors. Her diseaseis one of which many ladies complain. She isvery much improved in three weeks' treat- -mens.

Another case of club-foo- t, very great deform,ity, now being treated without pain and im-proving rapidly. Young lady with catarrh,bronchitis and kidney disease; treated by a num-ber of doctors, but grew worse; rained fivepounds during first month's treatment. Oldcentleman with varicose veins and ulcers onrigut leg cured without an operation.

Consultation free. Office hours 10 to U30A.M., 3 to a and 7 to 8 v. jyl7--

The Most Central ana Reliable HonseIn the two cities to obtain what you may desireiu run vvumKiea, jrure wines, fure bran-dies and Gins is at the old and well establishedhouse of

JOS. FLEMING & SON,wholesale and Retail Druggists. Look overlist presented here that von can select from.embracing the finest and best matured goodsthe market affords, at prices that cause allother dealers to frown.

Pure eight-year-ol-d export GuckenheimerWhisky, full quarts, JL or J10 per dozen.

Overholt Pure Rye, five years old,fnil quarts,11. or $10 per dozen.

Finch's Golden Wedding, ten years old, fullquarts! 25. or (12 per dozen.Gin, Pure Holland, our own importatlon.full

quarts, ?1 2ot or 812 per dozen.Danville's Old Irish Whisky, quarts, 81 0, ortlSperdosen.Ramsay's Old Scotch Whisky, distillery at

Islay, 81 60 per bottle, full quart.Wise Old Irish Whisky, distillery at North

Mall. Cork, 81 60 per bottle, full quart.All of tbe different varieties of California

r ines you porcnase irom us are the very bestand only 60c for full quarts, or S3 per dozen.Send for complete price list, mailed free toany address.If goods ure not perfectly satisfactory themoney will be refunded on tbelr return.Please be explicit In giving shipping di-

rections with each order.Please send money orders when you can. ordraft. If yon cannot do either register your

letter.Address all orders to

Job. FlEmiriQ R Bnn, gi





H0XE3.With an Increased -- inuHt. an hnnii 05machinery we are prepared to fnrnlsh all workoar line cheaper and better than br the old

methods. Repairing and eeneral machine




CORSZTSBall's stvle B 'Corsets at Si.Ball' style A Corsets at St 35.Ball's Kabo Corsets, No. 103 E. at St.Ball's Kabo Corsets, No. ioi E, At

Si as.Ball's Kabo Black Satin at $3 5aBall'a Misses' Corsets at 75cBall's Nursing Corsets at Si.Bail's Ladies' Waists at Si 35.-


reflfl ;sPrliil fi YJ

's Kabo Corsets Ho, 103

Kabo Corsets are boned with KABO,a material which we warrant not to breakor roll Up with one year's wear; if itdoes we will cheerfully refund the moneypaid for the Corset

These Corsets are sold with the guar,antee that if not satisfactory to thewearer they may be returned at any timewithin three weeks and money refunded,even if so soiled as to be unsalable,


504,506 and 508 Market st,PITTSBURG, PA.

Orders by mail receive promptattention.

Catalogues and Prioo Lists mail.d free of ohargo to any address.he followinsr are now ready:Prioe List of Patent Medicine,Price List of Corsets.Price List of Books.Prioe List of House Furnlshinc- -oods.



Atlantic City.TTNTXED STATES HOTE- L-I J Atlantio City. N. J.The largest and leading itei.

jel534-TT- 8 B. H. BRmVN, Proprietor.


On tbe beach, sea end of Virginia avenue.. BUCK A McOLELLAN.


UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW.Bait water baths in the house, levator.aplWl-- E. ROBERTS SONS.


Largest and most prominently located hotelwith a new and first-cla- ss Restaurant attached.SS0 chairs. Open all the year. Coaches to andfrom Beach and Trains. Brophy's Orchestra.

je26-6- 1 CHARLES McQLADE.

ASBURY PARK-HOT- EL BRUNSWICKhotel in every respect. Beauti-

fully situated near the beach. Ail rooms com-mand an unobstructed view ot tbe ocean. Ap-pointments unsurpassed. Drainage and Sani-tary arrangements perfect. For informationaddress MORGAN & PARSONS. jel5


Hexby "v7AX.TEB,Prop'r., Jiro. B. Schlosseb,Manager, late of Hotel Duquesne, Pittsbnrg.



WILL OPEN JUNE 20.For terms and other information address

L. TI. MAI.THVMonmouth House, Spring Lake. N. J.

Or Hotel Lafayette, J htladelphla. Pa,jei!HS-TT- S

"W". s.



In order to make room for theregardless of cost value. Consult your

HOW THEY ....Die aaa now

now 20 andoff.'.fotk. Millinery all

Kelly Co.. XvcfanijjtjJta31rol. jtjjpUiifUXd,




B. &z B.Saturday, August 10.



All to 10 yard lengths Vine India Silks,of former prices, will go y at

53 cents yard.?1, $1 25 and $1 50 Indias, in to 10 yard

lengths, 60 cents yard.The finest Indias made at SO cents

yard. The ends the choice goods of theseason among the lot This is the finalwind-u- p. These will go

If you have an opportunity, drop in to-

day and see the'new Lace Curtains directfrom the other side. Look them over. Theywill seem like letter irom the old country.Jteal Irish poems they are, too.

12e isn't much for Fine Linen Cam-bri- e

Handkerchief. Your initial 'hand-somely worked in the corner costs you noth-ing.

A fine line Initial Handkerchiefs at 25c.Gents' Pure Linen, Hemstitched, TJn

Handkerchiefs at 10c.Many other

BOGGS & BUHL,115, 117,119,121 st., Allegheny



Handsome, large, level, shaded lots atOhio .riyer, accessible

by three lines of

Good building property, health,fnl, cheerful and convenient homes. Largelots on Benton avenue, Allegheny, at lowprices and on long time.

Choice home locations 12 minutes' ride,cent fare on Central road. ad.

joining proposed Huron Hill Park. Lots30 to 60 feet front. jj20-17-- D



By thorough knowledge of the natural lawswhich eovem the ODeratlons of digestion andnutrition, and and by careful application of thenne properties of Cocoa, Mr. .USEnas prortdedour breakfast tables withcately flavored beverage which may save usmany heavy doctors' bills. Itis by the Judicioususe of such articles of diet that constitutionmay be gradually built up until strong enough

resist every tendency disease. Hundredsof subtle maladies are floating around readyto attack weak Wemay escape many fatal shaft by keeping our-selves well fortified with pure blood and properly nounsnea rrame." vxvti aervxee uazeae.

Made simplywith boiling water milk. Holdonly in half pound tins Grocers, labeled thus:Jas.Epps&Co. rfMogffiUELLMUTH1 1 LONDON, ONT., CANADA

One of theMost Complete Motions



PRINCIPAL, London, Ontario, Can.my31-25--


AMERICAN LINE,Sailing every from

and Liverpool. Passenger forall classes sold andfrom Great Britain and Ireland, Norway. Swe-den, Denmark, etc.

PETER WRIGHT B0N8,General acenta. 307 Walnut st-- Philadelphia.

Full information can be had of J. J. MCCOR-MICK, Fourth avenue and 8mithfield street;LOUIS MOESER, 61S Smithfleld street.




FAST EXPEESS MAIL BESYICE.Bervla, Aaguit 10, 3P JfiUmbria.Etruna,Ang-.r;,lO:30AKBervl- Sept. 7,lrnAurama. Aug. Miuatua, oepu BWAISothnla,Auf:.S8,6:30AMEtrurla. Sept. 14. AX

Cabin nassare. $60. S80 and S100: lntermedlatr- -135. Steerage tickets and from all parts

uropo veir low rates.VIK.&ON KOWM CO.. General Annta.

urtJ.J MCCORMICK. Agent,

jrourtn ave. aneamunneia st,, HttsbnrcaaS--

State LineTo Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin


Cabin nasaaxe $35 tax according locationof stateroom. Excursion SG5 8Q0.

Hteerage and from Europe LowestRatee,AUSTIN BALDWD AgeaU,

Broadway, New York.J.J. Aooni, Pittsbarg. Ps.




Fall Stock beginning to arrive theby an early investigation

75c Black Dress Silks for 6oa $i i2 Black Gros Grain Silk,$1 25 Black Gros Grain now 95c. $1 50 Black Gros Grain for

i2j. $1 Black Surah now 75c. $1 25 Black Surah now $1. Thoughthese are good all the vear around we have concluded to throw them in


50c. 37 Turkey Red

Carp.eft of all --.ofi. Para'r

with the other bargains.1 all-wo- ol imported Dress Goods now 55 and 60c, in fancy colors.

75c imported Dress Goods for 50a 40-inc- h all-wo- ol were40a 30c Henriettas for 20c, all colors. French Cashmeres, good line

colors, 35c, 50c, 60c and 75c; these prices are $ off.Special drives in Table Linens this week. $1 25 bleached Table

Damask, h, now Si. Si. Table inch wide, nowtc j. a jjinen, cream wnite,xamings, 25c.

of kinds,&ttilur. " " I


r ..i,Wi iT'lhi.illsWiV'iiS&SHSS&i irssHSaSi Bj-jffi-g-

gfsHiPB xamsmas








Groveland, frontingrailway.


5 Traction



ato to

uswherever.there is a point.







Wednesday Philadelphiaaccommodations

unsurpassed. Tickets to



24, r 11, JC9

to o,at a. 4 to

toto at

&.CO.. GeneralaMoCORMICK.



and.oc 1


Serges, 25c,

Damask, c





Of Any of the Following:

Men's good black Alpaca Coats.Men's blue Flannel Coats.Men's good Linen Dusters.Men's elegant Blazers.Men's beautiful Tennis Coats.Men's good Seersucker Coats

and Vests.Men's all-wo- ol striped Cheviot

Pants.Men's fine Linen Pants.


OfAny of the Following:

Children's all-wo- ol Kilts.Two good Wash Kilts.Two odd Kilt Skirts.Green Cloth Summer Lap Robes.Good large extra size Ear Nets.Men's extra-fin- e Straw Hats,

Manilla, Milan or Mackinaw.Men's fine light-color- ed Stiff

Hats.Men's light-colore- d Soft Hats.Extra large size Mexican Ham-

mocks.Good quality Horse Sheets.

YOUR CHOICE FOR $1Of Any of the Following:

Superb quality English PercaleShirts, 2 loose cuffs and 2 collars.

French Flannel Shirts, in stripesand plaids, regular $1 50 goods.

Fancy Flannel Shirts for Boys,the "Reliable" make.

Suit of fancy stripe or plainBalbriggan Underwear.

Half dozen fancy border hem-stitch Linen Handkerchiefs, ex-

quisite designs.Gentlemen's Traveling Set com-

plete brush, comb, nail and toothbrush in solid leather.

These bargains are displayedall buyers can see what they are at ainai any 01 me aoove are Dargains








Your choice for;$iOf Any of the Following;

Men's White Pants.Men's fine Linen Vests.Men's "White Vests, regular

and extra sizes, slightly soiledtfrorabeing in the window.

Boys' good odd Coats.Boys' Knee-Pa- nt

Two blue Flannel Sailor Suits.Boys' elegant Long Pants.

Kilt Suits.

YOUR CHOICE FOR $1Of Any of the Following:

Half dozen fancy Pique Four-in-hand- s.

3 elegant flowing ends.fine SilkScarfs.

Half dozen Coon & finestLinen Collars.

Extra quality fancy stripe FrenchFlannel Blouse Waists.

Choice styles importedFrench Percale "Star" ShirtWaists.

Fine quality Silk Gloria Umbrel-las, unique natural sticks.

YOUR CHOICE FOR $1Of Any of the Following:

Men's solid leather WorkingShoes.

Men's solid leather tippedLadies' solid leather glove Bals.Ladies' patent leather tipped

Oxfords.Ladies' kid Oxfords.Boys' solid leather Base. Ball

Shoes.Boys' solid leather Working

Shoes.Youth's solid leather-tippe- Bals.Misses' grain button Shoes.Child's solar tipped button Shoes

boldly in each department so thatglance. You can depend upon it

in tne truest senseioi tne word.- C

300 to 400Market street.


auS-rrss- u

"W". S,'


various departments wiflJbe sold


the 50c French


Striped and plaid Flannel Shirts, 48c, 75o, to 94.Nice Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers. 68o a suit.Fine Frenoh Balbriggan Underwear, a suit.Gray Summer Underwear, 75o a suitBoys' fine Percale Waists reduoed from to 65c.Gents' well made Night Shirts, 60c, 75o, 81, etc.Well made Unlaundrled Shirts, 60c and 76o, or 3 for 82.Morley's English. Half Hose, striped, 22o, worth 36c.


All our 50 and 75 Trimmed Mull Hats go at 75aOur fine leghorn Hats, 48 and 64o, reduced from 81 and 81 60Our black 81 50 fancy Straw Hats at 48aA lot on bargain counter your choice, 10a ,

NEW GOODS JUST OPENED.Full lines of Leather, Canvas and Silk Belts.Full lines of Black Silk Velvet Ribbon.Full lines of colored Silk Velvet Ribbons.Full lines of cream and ecru Laces.New patterns of Torchon LaceaNew onyx black Hosiery.

510, 512, 514 MARKET ST. AND 27 FIFTH AVENUE.



Acra - 5.

GEMS THISentire line of Summer in allof our






of 100 of




81 81white

We are offering some rare bargains in Table Linens, Napkins,Towels. Si 25 Table Damask, 72 inches wide, for Si. Si TableDamask? 72 inches wide, for 75c. 60c Table Damask, cream and white,now 45c. 50c Turkey Red Tablings, 31 and 37a 37c Turkey RedTablings, 20 and 25c.

k i2c light colored Satines now 6c. Best American Satines nowI2c. 40c Scotch Gingham for 25c, and the beautiful Challis at 6aBargains in black Cashmeres, 25c up. All-wo- ol black Henriettas,50c, were 65a 75c Henriettas now 60a Cloth and Cassimeres, forMen's wear, all y off. $2 50 and S3 colored Parasols, all now Si 25.Attractive prices in Men's Furnishines. such as soe Unlaundried STiirtnow" 35c; the 40c Underwear now 25c;





33c cw xauffiats, uingaams, rercaies, quinizes, now in stocK.Mail orders promptly filled at lowest prices.

m., except 5aturdajrs,. until Scptcmbcrix.