cnvp annual report 2015 - cnvp foundation annual... · is a top priority. the effort made on...

CNVP Annual Report Abbreviated version 2015 Connecting Natural Values & People Foundation - Netherlands

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Page 1: CNVP Annual Report 2015 - CNVP Foundation Annual... · is a top priority. The effort made on business development resulted in an increase and wider variety of applications. To further

CNVP Annual Report

Abbreviated version


Connecting Natural Values & People Foundation - Netherlands

Page 2: CNVP Annual Report 2015 - CNVP Foundation Annual... · is a top priority. The effort made on business development resulted in an increase and wider variety of applications. To further

CNVP Annual Report Abbreviated version


Table of Contents

Abbreviation .......................................................................................................... i

Foreword of the Foundation Supervisory Board .................................................... 1

Part I: Annual Report ............................................................................................ 2

1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 2

2 Executive Summary ........................................................................................ 2

3 Background and Context ................................................................................. 4

4 Project Progress and Results .......................................................................... 7

5 Business Development .................................................................................. 17

6 Human Resource Development and Internal Organisation ............................ 19

Part II: Abbreviated Annual Accounts ................................................................. 25

Introduction – CNVP Third Annual Accounts ....................................................... 25

Accounting Principles ......................................................................................... 31

Notes to the abbreviated Balance Sheet at 31 December 2015 ........................... 34

Notes to the abbreviated Statement of Financial Performance ........................... 40

Constitution of the Board .................................................................................... 46

Other Information ............................................................................................... 47

Auditor’s Report .................................................................................................. 48

This is the abbreviated version of our CNVP Annual 2015 report. CNVP obtained an

unqualified audit opinion for its financial accounts for 2015. In case a full version is desired

including the auditor opinion please do request a copy at CNVP ([email protected])

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ALCDF: Albanian Local Capacity Development Fund

APFO: Association of Private Forest Owners

BD: Business Development

CDI: Centre for Development Innovation

CFF: Connecting Family Forest project

CFP: Communal Forest and Pastures

CNVP: Connecting Natural Values & People

DBU: German Development Cooperation Agency

EBRD: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

ECNC: Environnemental Centre for Nature Conservation

ESP: Environnemental Service Project

EU: European Union

EUTR: EU Timber Regulation

FLED: Forest for Local Economic Development project

FAO: Food and Agriculture Organisation of United Nations

FPUA: Forest and Pasture Users’ Association

GEF: UN Global Environmental Facility

GIZ: German Development Agency

IPA: Instrument for Pre-Accession

IUNC: International Union Nature Conservation

JFM: Joint Forest Management

KFA: Kosovo Forest Agency

KfW: German Investment Fund

LC: Land Consolidation

LGU: Local Government units

MAFRD: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development

MAFWE: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy

MoE: Ministry of Environment

MT: Management Team

NACFP: National Association of Communal Forests and Pastures

NAPFO: National Association of Private Forest Owners

NFI: National Forest Inventory

NGB: National Governance Body

NTFP: Non-Timber Forest Products

Nuffic: Netherlands Fellowship Programme

PEFC: Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification

RD: Rural Development

RE: Renewable Energy

REFORD: Regional Centre for Forestry and Rural Development

SDC: Swiss Development Cooperation

Sida: Swedish International Development Agency

SFM: Sustainable Forest Management

SNV: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

SSPDF: Strengthening Sustainable Private and Decentralised Forestry project

TREES: EU Project on Timber Regulation

UPFOA: Union of Private Forest Owners Association

UNDP: United Nations Development Programme

USAID: USA Development Agency

WB: World Bank

WWF: World Wildlife Fund

Page 4: CNVP Annual Report 2015 - CNVP Foundation Annual... · is a top priority. The effort made on business development resulted in an increase and wider variety of applications. To further


CNVP Annual Report 2015 Abbreviated version

Foreword of the Foundation Supervisory Board

Dear reader,

We hereby present you CNVP’s annual report on 2015. In this report we want to inform

those interested in our work on our activities and the organization.

CNVP is continuing its development as an organization. As an offspring of the Netherlands

Development Organization SNV in the Balkans, our strategy focuses on our work on

forestry and rural development, currently materializing in two main projects and several

smaller ones. The main projects in cooperation with Sida provide capacity building and

advisory services to our partners in the projects.

At the same time the region has seen intense developments with the influx of large

numbers of refugees through the so-called Balkan route, affecting Macedonia and partly

Albania. We have also seen unfavourable political developments in Kosovo and Macedonia,

hampering the progress of these countries towards development and possible EU


In this context we have continued our work and worked with over 187 organisations.

These partners include 6 ministries related to environment or natural resources, over 30

municipalities and 50 government organisations. Besides we close cooperate together and

provide capacity strengthening to 100 civil society organisation. Through our programme

we impact a total over 467,000 household. In this annual report you can read more in

detail the outcome and impact of our work, as well as our contacts with stakeholders and


We continue to deploy our strategy, in which we strive to widen our resource base and

financial partners, and continue to improve the quality of our work and renewable energy.

We also gradually strive to expand the programme in our current working areas and in the

wider Balkan region. The European Union has a large focus on rural development in which

increased attention and effort is given to renewable energy and climate change issue.

Forestry and other natural resources play an important role in this. It remains a challenge

yet to incorporate this in programmes in the Balkan, while increasingly effects of climate

change are noticed; flooding, extreme rainfall and erosion.

Where 2015 was a year of continued development, 2016 will bring us the opportunity to

evaluate and rethink our strategy, also in light of all the developments in the region. The

new strategy development process will also be lead by a new Executive Director, since the

current Director will leave CNVP after many years of leading its programmes and move to

Kiev for a new challenge.

These past years the organization and its staff are strengthened, so we look forward

towards the next step in development of our work and our contribution to the sustainable

development of natural resources in the Balkan region.

In 2015 the team of CNVP and our partners have closely cooperated to improve the

livelihoods of rural communities. We are grateful for the commitment and energy that we

have seen by all and hope to continue and step up our contribution in the coming years.

On behalf of the CNVP Foundation Supervisory Board,

Maarten Bremer, Chair Person

23 April 2016, The Hague

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Part I: Annual Report

1 Introduction

The third annual report of CNVP reflects the developments in the 2015 against the annual

plan 2015 of CNVP. We remain committed in our programme and efforts to have an impact

on the livelihood of communities in rural areas and the sustainable management of natural

resources. To achieve sustainable development a proper use and sustainable management

of these resources and empowered organisations representing the communities and

functional related institutions are required. CNVP through the implementation of its

programme has contributed to this in the Balkan. Through our programme we impacted

467,000 households. We worked with over 180 organisations directly of which 6 ministries

in the region related to natural resources or environment and 50 government institutions

or agencies related to forestry, rural development, cadastre or environmental parks. We

cooperated with 31 municipalities, mainly in rural areas. Our main partners are the

associations, their networks, umbrella structures and civil society organisations (100 in

total). These organisations have in total about 68,000 members who directly benefiting.

This report provides the results achieved during 2015. The report is made for CNVP overall

including the inputs from the different countries. The annual accounts of CNVP correspond

to the financial year 1 January 2015 till 31 December 2015.

The purpose of this report is to review the results achieved and progress made regarding

our priorities and strategy. It serves to reflect and learn from the progress made and it will

help defining the priorities that need to be addressed in the coming period. Specific

attention is given to the business development of CNVP within 2015. The report also

includes the annual accounts and serves to obtain an insight in the financial situation of


2 Executive Summary

In 2015 we consolidated our programme with full implementation of the CNVP projects

financed by the Swedish Government through Sida in Albania FLED and in Kosovo SSPDF.

Next to these projects CNVP implemented a project on sustainable forest standards and

forest certification with PEFC in Macedonia, a regional EU project in joint cooperation with

our partners on capacity strengthening for the EU Timber Regulation and a project on

support on Land Consolidation in Macedonia with FAO. Through our programme we

impacted 467,000 households and worked directly with 187 partners engaged and

benefitting from the programme.

The projects are all in proper implementation. Through the programme CNVP is able to

achieve the results expected. On land tenure results were made in communal forest

registration and user right contracts (FLED). People obtained long term rights on the

management and use of their communal forests in user rights contracts. Traditional user

identification and inclusion of local communities in degraded coppice forest management

(SSPDF), while voluntary land consolidation is practiced in the FAO project in Macedonia.

Sustainable natural resource management practices and standards are applied. The PEFC

project in Macedonia established a national multi-stakeholder body that is working on the

national standards for sustainable forest management to be used for certification. The EU

TREES project is identifying and developing practices to reduce marketing of illegal wood

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in the EU. Small strips coppice forest is practiced with local communities and municipalities

in degraded forest to obtain firewood and regenerate forests in Kosovo (SSPDF). This

practice is closing the gap between need and production and reducing illegal logging. In

the FLED project, in cooperation with the FPUAs, users of communal forests are trained on

farmer forest practices. Farmer forests developments are monitored with the Federations

using permanent plots.

The use of wood biomass for heating is replicated in public buildings using the previous

experience. Local people and associations are involved in the sustainable production of

wood biomass (SSPDF). In Albania investigations are made using fast growing species for

biomass production, while the regenerated communal forest increasingly is providing

firewood through thinning.

The support of (Forest) Producer Groups continues. The FLED project in a participatory

review defined different models for producer groups to grow from small informal groups in

to wider producer organisations and networks. This allows better marketing, sales and

service provision to producers. Training support and representation on fairs provide

marketing and sales connections. In Kosovo application of growing, processing and

marketing berries is supported, helping farmers to increase their off farm income.

Linkages are promoted between producer groups and forest associations to assure

sustainable collection and harvest.

The forest associations cooperate at local, national and regional level. Their structures

increasingly become more representative of family forest families, including women. This

is also reflected in an increased gender balance in boards and governance positions.

Service provision by the associations is supported to strengthen the capacity of

associations at regional and national level. With selected municipalities in SSPDF project

participatory planning and engagement of local communities is established for degraded

forest areas. The first forest management practices in a few cadastral areas are in

implementation, supported by the forest agency.

CNVP supports ongoing reforms in forestry and rural development in its cooperation with

its partners. Allowing more management and harvesting rights to private forest owners is

proposed in Kosovo. Strengthening the role of communal forestry and the responsibilities

and roles of FPUAs and municipalities are taking place in Albania. Incorporation of forestry

in rural development is addressed with REFORD and local organisations throughout the


To be able to sustain our programme and work on the longer term business development

is a top priority. The effort made on business development resulted in an increase and

wider variety of applications. To further strengthen our BD we are making an additional

investment for business development; increased focus (as reflected also in our 2016 plan),

specific BD training and recruiting addition staff for business development.

Our overall advisory performance was satisfactory, with a realisation of 96%. This is a bit

lower than planned due to the postponed recruitment of advisor staff in Albania. The total

staff increased to 26 people with the recruitment of an advisor representing CNVP in


During 2015 the adjustment of the governance structure of CNVP is prepared. From 2016

onwards there will be a Board of Directors, comprised of the Executive Director and a

Supervisory Board. This is reflecting better the actual situation of day to day management.

The budget realisation of the approved revised budget is satisfactory. The expenditure is

86% of the plan. The financial result of 2015 is 175,830 Euro. The effective result is a gain

of 1,909 Euro not taking in to account the project asset investments.

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3 Background and Context

The requirements of EU are in general supportive and often used by gradual strengthened

civil society groups such as the forestry associations in their effort for forestry and rural

development reforms. The general focus of governments on rural economic development

and supporting producer groups is supportive to this. However the inclusion of forestry in

such programmes, like IPARD (Instrument for Pre-Accession for Agriculture and Rural

Development) is very limited. The EU policy has an increased focus on forestry linked to

renewable energy and climate change in its policy. This is not yet reflected in concrete

measures in the country programmes. Also inclusion of civil society and addressing

environmental issues is despite increased awareness and understanding a struggle. In

addition the political conflicts and high corruption in the region are a major concern. As a

result the international community gives increased attention to governance and

democratic process.

In Albania European integration is the first priority for the Albanian government, which

pays particular attention to related challenges in the rule of law, public administration and

fundamental rights areas. Albania is elaborating the new Strategy for Development and

Integration 2014 – 2020 and other sectorial strategies, ensuring the coherence of such

documents with IPA II.

Rural development policies in Albania aim at increasing productivity and competitiveness

to reduce rural poverty and sustain natural resources, especially forests. The ongoing

reforms in forestry and environment sector are still in process. During 2015 MoE (Ministry

of Environment) declared, that all State forest will transfer in ownership to the newly

created municipalities. These must establish management structures with staff according

to the forest and pasture areas transferred. Only protected areas will remain State

properties managed by the National Agency of Protected Areas.

The draft forest law is still under discussion by the parliamentarian commissions due to

many comments of civil society and private sector. It is expected to pass parliament early

2016. The long time needed preparing the new forest law created many problems between

different stakeholders in fulfilling their roles and responsibilities in forest management. At

the end of 2015, state forest service and extension service are abolished (all staff fired)

since all State forests will be transfer to municipalities early 2016. This created an

institutional vacuum in the sector and no services are provided to the municipalities and

Forest and Pastures Users’ Associations (FPUA).

The new territorial-administrative division, took place after local elections in June 2015

and it is under gradual implementation by setting up new administrative structures in 61

new municipalities and adapting the legal acts (including forest law) according to the new

situation. This reform it is expected to strengthen decentralization of natural resources

management. Other challenges remain; sustainable management of forest and pastures

through recognizing the traditional users and their associations, registration of all forest

and pasture land, strengthening and financial sustainability of the FPUAs and the

integration of forestry in rural development with financial support schemes.

The Environmental Service Project (ESP) is launched by Ministry in February 2015. During

the year 2015 no progress is made, just some consultancy services. The calls for grants

for FPUA expected for the second half of the year is postponed for 2016 because of delay

of forest law approval. This is important since it is in line with the Sida project

implemented by CNVP, strengthening FPUAs.

Kosovo as potential candidate for EU membership has signed Stabilisation and Association

Agreement in October 2015. The expectations are that it will help Kosovo make much

needed reforms, increase investment opportunities, increase jobs and put country on the

path of a sustainable economic growth. It will also help Kosovo with the implementation of

reforms to achieve the adoption of European standards. The agreement covers a wide

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variety of areas including political dialogue, justice and cooperation in sectors of

education, employment, energy and environment. In order to support the necessary

reforms, the EU provides Pre-accession Assistance through programme and project


The overall political process in Kosovo is difficult. Relations with Serbia and ethnic groups

are improving. This is on return giving tensions between certain opposition parties against

this process and the government.

The Renewable Energy Action Plans (REAP), approved by the government calls for a 25%

renewable energy target by 2020. Recent studies found considerable potential for biomass

(for both heating purposes and as moderate potential for power generation).

The process of reforms in forestry are stagnating also due to the political tensions. The

draft forest law is submitted to the Minister of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural

Development (MAFRD). Consultation is made with private forestry stakeholders but the

request to simplify procedures in private forest are not included yet. It is agreed to

establish a multi-stakeholder work group to address these issues. The draft law is still in

discrepancies with forest policies and strategies related the systems of joint forest

management, as a tool to decrease the illegality in sector, increase the employment of

rural communities and revenues from the sector.

Macedonia undergoes a political crises. The cooperation of government with opposition is

not existing, democratic functioning of institutions is weak, while corruption, fraud and

bribery are high. The EU reports Macedonia is having problems with assuring free media,

political influence on the court system and absence of the democracy. The economic

situation with growing depths and high government related employment is worrying. The

crises was mediated with EU and USA involvement and resulted with the agreement to call

for elections earliest at April 2016 if all preconditions for democracy are respected.

The negative effects of the forest law changes in 2014 are noticed. There was a lack of

firewood on the market and prices went to almost 70 €/m3 in November. The service to

private forest, again only by the State, is weak and not satisfactory. Subsidies for private

forests from the funds at the Ministry in 2015 are zero. The RD (Rural Development)

programme includes forestry measures: geodetic works to mark private forests, cost for

timber marking and forestry equipment. But bureaucracy is high and conditions difficult,

hence only a small number of forest owners applied, using NAPFO (National Association of

Private Forest Owners) support.

Donor support to Macedonia is mainly focused on rule of law, democracy and media

development. Some support in environment and nature exists from SDC (Swiss

Development Cooperation) but mainly through their implementing agencies. The EU funds

are expected to continue in the future. Focus on forestry will remain mainly through

environment protection. Besides the SDC programme there were limited ongoing forestry

projects in Macedonia. The Macedonian Ecological Society implemented financed by

Germany a nature related project focusing on forest management practices. FAO is

currently implementing a project including a household survey on wood consumption in

the country and the region, but cooperating mainly with local consultants from the Forest


In Montenegro the EU integration process continues. Until end of 2015, 18 chapters of

EU acguis have been opened and criteria for their closing set, while two are temporarily

closed. The chapters on Agriculture and RD (11) and Environment (27), Energetics (15)

and Regional Development (22) have not been opened yet. In terms of the progress, lack

of administrative and human capacities are main issues. Concerning the agriculture and


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RD, most criteria have already been fulfilled and opening of the negotiations is expected in


The Forest law (2010) has been implemented to a very low extent. A number of

provisions, related to private forests have not been implemented at all. A change of the

Forest law has been adopted in 2015 by the Government and endorsed by the Parliament.

Some changes for private forests are essential, such as rationalisation of administration

procedures after harvesting and forest plans for private forests only on request by the

forest owner. The Forestry strategy (2014) has not been implemented, mainly due to lack

of financial means. The associations of private forest owners at national level reregistered

into a new Union of Private Forest Owners Associations (UPFOA) in order to get a formally

recognized organization that could legally represent the private forest owners’ interests in


A renewable energy use action plan (2014 – 2020) has been adopted, including wood

biomass. The Strategy for agriculture and rural areas for 2014 – 2020, under IPARD II,

has been adopted. The expected IPARD II programme will start in 2017, before the start

of the implementation of IPARD II program in 2016 will be implemented certain measures

within the IPARD-like program.

The focus of donors is at EU integration, within this limited inputs is related to forestry, RD

and environment. Only two small European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

(EBRD) projects (studies on forest biomass use and forest and wood processing sector)

finished, while a Natura 2000 network project from EU will start in April 2016.

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4 Project Progress and Results

The programme of CNVP has a few larger projects and several smaller projects or

assignments. The implementation of the projects during 2015 is completed as planned.

The inception phase of the FLED project in Albania and the SSPDF project in Kosovo are

completed, from January 2015 onwards full project implementation started. Care has been

taken to complete all activities within the time frames. The reporting in this chapter is

based on the projects, some are cross country and have input from different countries.

The following projects were under implementation during 2015:

● Sida FLED: Forest for Local Economic Development

● Sida SSPDF: Strengthening Sustainable Private and Decentralised Forest

Development in Kosovo

● PEFC: Forest Certification and SFM standards in Macedonia

● EU TREES: Timber Regulation Enforcement to protect European wood Sector from

criminal infiltration in Europe

● FAO Land Consolidation project in Macedonia

Sida FLED: Forest for Local Economic Development in Albania

Duration: 2014-2018

Area: Albania

Donor: Sida

Total budget planned: 5,710,027 € (Sida: 4,948,022 €, CNVP contribution 762,005 €)

Total budget realised: 1,649,641 € (Sida: 1,404,343 €, CNVP contribution 245,298€)

Budget 2015 planned: 1,362,700 €

Budget realised 2015: 1,340,873 € (Sida: 1,147,563 €, CNVP contribution 749,782€)

Total advisor days planned: 7,700 Total advisor days realised: 3,087

Advisor days, 2015 planned: 2,293 Advisor days, 2015 realised: 2,312

The FLED project is a 4 year project and builds on the previous projects for communal

forestry of Sida and CNVP. It will further strengthen the capacity of especially the FPUAs

and their structures and the local government units, strengthening linkages between

stakeholders for sustainable communal forestry and pastures management and improving

the environment. FLED project implementation is in the second year. The first project year

was completed in July 2015. The progress report, project audit and the second project

year plan (August 2015 to July 2016) are made and approved by Sida.

The project progress according to outcome areas is as follows:

Outcome area 1: Improved decentralised Communal Forest and Pasture area

management and secured property/user rights in existing and new target communes

The main focus is strengthening the capacity of the target local government units to

manage communal forest and pastures in close collaboration with FPUAs. 24 target

communes in 9 regions have prepared annual utilization plans and most of them achieved

to collect a certain amount of fees and tariffs for forest products and looking for other

funding opportunities. 4 communes finished the properties registration process (about

24,500 ha), while 7 other are under the process of registration. In 24 selected villages of

the target communes the process of users mapping is continuing. Through the property

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registration at communes and especially the user rights it is increasing the land tenure and

management security for the people.

Regional (9) and one national core groups are reorganized, new members have joined.

Several meetings and trainings were held related CFP (Communal Forest Management)

management. This core groups are instrumental in knowledge development and


Table 1 Properties registration progress during 2015


# of






(in ha)




(in ha)


Golaj 11 10483 10483


Fajza 6 3468 3468


Rubik 10 6657 6657

4 Sllove 10 4000 4000

Total 37 24608 24608

Table 2 fees collection by communes in 2015

no Region Commune Total fee


collected (Leke)


fund (in


1 Korça Vithkuq 800,000

2 Pustec 160,000

3 Dardhas 400,000

4 Berati Roshnik 690,000

5 Elbasan Qukes 150,000

6 Gjinar 1,000,000

7 Qender Librazhd 1,550,000

8 Gjirokaster Dropull I siperm 900,000 400,000

9 Qender Tepelen 1,700,400 400,000

10 Petran 3,000,000

Total 9,450,400 800,000

Outcome 2: Enhanced relevance and sustainability of FPUAs, Regional Federation and

National Federation

A critical reflection is made on the structures of FPUAs, Regional Federations, National

Federations (NACFP) and their functioning. A specific focus is given to independency from

Municipalities of FPUAs as NGOs. This is a concern from the past experience. Awareness

meetings at village level help building a democratic, transparent and participatory process

for elections of FPUAs boards.

FPUAs assure representing all users in their area

and most users are aware of their role as

members of FPUA and know their rights and

responsibilities. This reflects in improved CFM. In

12 new communes, users elected the village

commission that represents the village in general

meetings of FPUA. In general there is increased


(10-30%) of

Photo SEQ Photo \* ARABIC 1 Core

group activity Photo 1 Core group activity

Photo SEQ Photo \* ARABIC 2 FPUA village level users’ meeting

Photo 2 FPUA village level users’ meeting

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women in all meetings. This improved functioning of FPUAs being a permanent structure

in the new municipalities; representing traditional users and playing their role in CFM.

As the result of implemented activities FPUAs in target regions are more aware on gender

issues, on organization management and functioning. Elections in FPUA boards are

expected to bring more positive energy and involvement of communities in sustainable

management of natural resources. There is still a lot to be done towards strengthening the

target FPUAs especially in relations with the new municipality administration. The roles

and cooperation need to be re-organised, requiring training and capacity building.

All regional and national Federations have identified their areas of service provision and

prepared their working plans for further development.

Outcome 3: Forest and NTFP value chains (further) developed and strengthened

FLED started with a review related to representation of producer groups. It included the

governance principles, CFM in relation to NTFP (Non-Timber Forest Products) production,

relations between producer groups and FPUA/Local Government Unit, payment of fees &

tariffs in case forest produce is collected from Communal Forest and Pastures areas,

benefit-sharing mechanisms, etc. The review

provided better understanding of the existing

situation of the producers groups, potential

organizational development and identified

support needs. The review on Forest Producer

Groups included a survey involving 17 producer

groups/nut clubs, from 7 Regions, interviews

with key persons at regional and national level.

Additional 4 case studies of existing producer

groups are developed; producer group in

Gjirokaster, Marketing Organization of

producers in Korça, Agricultural cooperative

company in Diber, and Chestnut producer

group in Shkodra. The results of the review

process were disseminated and discussed with producers groups and stakeholders during

a National Conference organised in Tirana on October 22, 2015. The Producers Groups

Review gives a direction for our further support to producer groups. It will be used for

training, awareness meetings and other events. The review provided also insight in the

options of connecting producer groups with FPUAs and CFM. A critical issue is developing

as well the (fire) wood value chain and the role of FPUAs with this. Currently this is under


Due to trainings received by the project, some producers groups, like Diber, Gjinar, Prespa

and Shkodra are functioning well, presenting and selling their products (medicinal plants

and nuts) at local and national fairs organized during the year in Diber, Korça, Tirana,

Elbasan and Gjirokaster. Linked to this is better marketing and extended network, while

other producers groups receive training to learn from this experience.

The project will continue strengthening NTFP value chains supporting functioning and

structure of producer groups, support market opportunities, networks and assess

possibilities to enhance the quality of some forest products to adhere to EU standards.

Specific attention will also be given to developing the firewood value chain.

Outcome 4: Strengthening multi-objectives forest management approaches (incl. wood

biomass for renewable energy and carbon sequestration) and increase understanding and

acceptance to stakeholders, in particular of policy makers and regulators

Stakeholder’s involvement continues in discussions, training, practices, sharing of

experiences, knowledge brokering and evaluation of the different SFM (Sustainable Forest

Photo 3 Producer Groups at a Fair

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Management) approaches in CFM. The existing and new (3) established sample plots (total

about 130) and different farmer forest models are used as demonstration sites for capacity

building on SFM, biomass and carbon calculation. Gradually SFM knowledge and practices

are developed in CFM. Federations, FPUAs and LGUs are supported to develop models for

sustainable management of communal forest and pastures, based on annual increment

(forests) and carrying capacity (pastures) and identifying and proposing measures for their

improvement. This involves also collection of fees, tariffs and reinvestment system (linked

with outcome 1).

Fire prevention awareness and practices is

reflected in the few cases of fire occurred

so far in the target areas of FLED. Several

project activities related to SFM are


-Fast growing species models under testing

in Korça and Gjirokaster

-Commune Gjinar, Elbasan municipality

identified for piloting of using biomass for

renewable energy. Both commune and

association show great interest.

Different models for farmer forestry are

supported in different regions in different forest types as demonstration sites for both

farmers and forest technicians. About 70 existing forest sample plots are re-measured.

This is led by the core group comprising Forest Service specialists, Regional Federations,

commune technicians, forest specialists and forest users and village chairpersons. The

models are from families or village use and with different forest situations to provide a

variety of property right situations and forest conditions. It supports the development and

knowledge on SFM in CFM.

Outcome 5: Strengthening the institutional, policy & legal framework for communal

forestry with special attention to governance principles such as: accountability,

transparency, rule of law and participation/ social inclusion

In the past period the project support to National Federation (NACFP, National Association

Communal Forest and Pastures), Regional Federation and FPUAs made an active lobbying

possible for the institutionalisation and incorporation of roles and responsibilities of FPUA

and Federations in the forestry legislation. The new forest law is under preparation and

this is used as crucial moment to advocate and lobby for CFM.

The national and regional federation are very much engaged in current institutional and

policy reform. They participate active in

different meetings and discussion with

parliament, Prime minister, MoE, other

Ministries and donors. Through regional

activities support and advocacy is provided to

family forest owners and users addressing

important issues for family forestry. Concrete

suggestions are provide by the Federations

through written documents (letters and

memos), meetings (7) and round tables

including a public discussion with MoE at

national and region level. All supported by

FLED. The draft law acknowledges CFM

although the roles of FPUAs needs further


Photo 4 Fast growing Paulownia in Korça

Photo 5 Lobbying, Parliament Deputies visit to Farmer Forest

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NACFP becomes more capable on learning and sharing experiences at regional level

(Balkan and wider). Through regional activities support and advocacy is provided to family

forest owners and users addressing important issues for family forestry. As result through

REFORD (Balkan forestry association network) a statement addressing; ‘Local

Communities as drivers of forest management in the Balkan’ was provided to all

institutions in all REFORD member countries as part of joint lobbying for more

decentralized forest management and forestry inclusion in RD in the Balkan.

In the general FLED implementation several issues are dealt with. The local election

period (April-June 2015) and reorganization of local government from 375 to 61 units is a

concern. As usual, during election years the level of collection fees and tariffs drops down.

Adding this time the confusion created because of merging several communes in one

municipality, recognition of FPUAs as representatives of traditional users by the forest law,

and continuation of FPUAs functioning in their existing areas, despite of the area of new

municipalities. In the second half of this year, CNVP staff in collaboration with project

partners organised several meetings and discussions with new administration of

municipalities aiming to agree on how the project activities can be implemented in more

effective way and to increase impact in 24 new municipalities. This was very well accepted

by new Mayors and administration.

At the end of the year another issue came up by the government related to the

moratorium on forest harvesting that brought a lot of discussion between all actors of the

sector and further more delays on forest law approval. FLED continues to support the

Federations for their effort on strengthening CFM.

Sida SSPDF: Strengthening Sustainable Private and Decentralised Forestry in


Duration: 2014-2018

Area: Kosovo

Donor: Sida

Total budget: 3,497,696 € (Sida: 2.979.157 €, CNVP contribution 518,539 €)

Total budget realised: 902,120 € (Sida: 753,074 €, CNVP contribution 149,046 €)

Budget planned 2015: 768,300 €,

Budget realised: 696,587 € (Sida: 584,056€, CNVP contribution 112,531€)

Total advisor days planned: 5,400 Total advisor days realised: 1,857

Advisor days, 2015 planned: 1,340 Advisor days, 2015 realised: 1,364

The SSPDF project implementation is in the second year of project implementation. The

first project year was completed in July 2015. The progress report, project audit and the

second project year plan (August 2015 to July 2016) are made and approved by Sida.

The project focuses on three outcome areas; continuation and support on joint forest

management within decentralised forestry, with inclusion of local communities and local

APFO (Associations of Private Forest Owners); private forestry development through

strengthening NAPFO and APFO in their organisational capacity and representation and

supporting family forest owners in their sustainable forest management; and the

developments on sustainable wood biomass production and use for renewable

energy and opportunities for economic development.

Decentralised Forestry

Three municipalities (Gjakova, Istog and Novoberde) are selected on implementation of

Joint Forest Management (JFM) approach. Learning by doing and a participatory approach

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is applied. In all three municipalities a municipality working group is engaged in the

process of the implementation of JFM. The focus was on participatory planning and

mapping and annual needs and forest potential calculations.

Photo 6 Participatory mapping

To avoid the legal constraints three Memoranda of Understanding are prepared and signed

by the selected municipalities, KFA (Kosovo Forest Agency) and CNVP. The Public Private

Partnership law is used for the small scale implementation of JFM. Three villages (cadastral

zones) are selected and in each village a commission of the community representatives is

established. The annual needs for firewood are calculated. The potential of annual

production from private and public forest is assessed. Based on the families’ request and

interest to participate in management of public forest, with all obligations for protections,

maintenance and annual fee payments for the produced firewood, the working group and

village commission decided to share the public forest between interested families.

A core group with main stakeholders (KFA, Municipality, APFO, environmental and civil

society organisation) is established in Peja region. SSPDF activities (family forest and JFM

related field visits and detailed presentations from project staff and NAPFO) helped core

group members to become familiar with the reasons of the gap between Annual Allowable

Cut and the real harvesting plan, as well with the main reasons of illegal cutting (about

90%) in Kosovo forest. They understand that the approach on JFM and simplified

procedures on harvesting permission for private forest management can lead in more

employment and legal forest management. Their increased capacities are demonstrated in

the national workshop on JFM and on harvest procedures for family forest. The national

workshop was organised by the core group in cooperation with the municipality of Istog

and supported by CNVP. Core group shared with the main stakeholders and policy makers

from Parliament, MAFRD and Ministry of Environment the legal constraints leading to

illegality in the sector. The workshop conclusions and recommendations proposed to the

participants and Minister of MAFRD are, to delegate more responsibility and rights on

forest management to forest owners and communities. SSPDF is through this gradually

increasing capacities, understanding and commitment for improved legal framework on

JFM and private forest management.

Photo 6 Coppice May 2012 Photo 8 Coppice July 2013

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Some small implementation of silvicultural works on degraded coppice oak forest are

implemented in Gjakova and Novoberde with the support of MLWS. The degrade oak forest

rehabilitation interventions with strip coppicing from May 2012 are monitored in July 2013

and August 2015 in Manishince, Novoberde. Based on results of the trials on coppicing

with strips in degraded public oak coppice forest of previous project, KFA reflected

positively in the annual forest management plan and included in plan the coppicing in

strips in degraded oak coppice forest. This aims to improve forest structure in quality and

quantity leading to improve planning and realization of planned harvest.

Private Forestry

NAPFO is growing. During 2015 NAPFO joined international networks, as International

Family Forest Confederation and International Land Coalition. Geography of existing local

APFOs extended with four new local family forest owner association. A high interest to

participate on project implementation is showed in Mitrovica region, an inter-ethnic area.

The first association was established in Mitrovica municipality and the forest owners of

Leposaviq Municipality are involved in preparation procedures. The total membership is

just over 4,000 people. About 400 members are women and youth who also have their

representation in the management bodies.

In support to improve the functioning of NAPFO and their overall direction and mission, the

strategy for the private forest owners’ network of Kosovo is prepared. The strategy is

currently reviewed for approval by NAPFO. In addition to strengthening the capacity and

functioning of NAPFO and APFOs the project continued to support them with the self-

assessment of their organizations through the organizational assessment tool. Previous

assessments were reviewed and action plans with six APFOs realized. The NAPFO and

APFO communication and information service provision was further improved through the

development of webpage, publishing joint newsletter with Albania Federations “Jeto

Gjelber” (Green live) and information provision to media for awareness.

As part of the SSPDF a regional workshop was conducted in Peja, Kosovo with REFORD

and its members with focus on Family Forestry aspects; i) forestry reform, ii) RD forestry

practices such as Joint Forest Management and iii) service provision. It also facilitated

REFORD’s organisational strengthening and assembly meeting. The focus and interest of

NAPFO and APFO is to increase capacity and service delivery for their members. The

service delivery used by associations in the region has been reviewed and elaborated.

Regarding service provision to the NAPFO and APFO members on the best practices for

private forest management 20 participatory management plans for family forest were


Photo 9 Coppice Sep 2015

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Improving the legal and policy framework remains an important area of work of NAPFO

supported by SSPDF. The draft law is again under revision by MAFRD. Some information

meetings are realised between NAPFO representatives and the commission of parliament

dealing with economy, environment and agriculture, pointing out the non-considered

proposals of NAPFO-related to simplify procedures of harvesting in private forest on the

new draft law. The lobbying process regarding simplifying procedures in harvesting private

forest as the main requirements of the members of associations is now considered by

MAFRD. The Regional Core group established for SSPDF implementation informed Minister

about the discrepancies between policies and strategies on forest sector development,

related to the recommended systems of JFM, that need to be reflected in the new forest

law. This can service as a legal tool to decrease the illegality, increase the employment of

rural communities and revenues from the sector. After frequent negotiations between

NAPFO and Forestry Department of MARFD, it is agreed to establish a working group to

review and simplify the procedures for forest harvesting in private forest. The purpose is

to simplify the procedures and delegate more decision making to the forest owners and

their associations.

Wood biomass production

Despite increasing attention on wood biomass and use for renewable energy, proper

information and understanding is limited in Kosovo. SSPDF undertook a study on the

specifics of biomass used for RE. This was shared and discussed with relevant sectors:

energy, forestry, agriculture, economy and rural development to contribute to better

recognition in overall national policy, planning and utilisation of biomass.

In an effort to support the actual use of wood biomass for heating SSPDF works on

concrete examples for heating following on the experience of the previous project. A

feasibility study on innovative heating systems using woodchips in public building is

realised for the Doli School in Gjakova. This will replace the actual oil heating system with

biomass use resulting in clean energy and less annual expenditure. Although the

investment assessed in the feasibility study is higher than planned (30,000 € to 53,000 €)

the study highlights that the Financial Internal Rate of Return (IRR=18%) and Pay Back

Period (PBP=5.54 years) are very good. We therefore in cooperation with the school will

continue this. The second public building, KFA training centre, is proposed, for which the

feasibility study is under implementation. With these examples we aim at opening the

market and application of wood biomass in RE. This is combined with SFM practices and

supply of wood biomass by local actors (APFO).

In support of application in policy and practice a workshop on SFM standards and Forest

Certification is organized through REFORD, with member organisations from Kosovo,

Macedonia and Montenegro and the Kosovo forest institutes. Certification is helping to

Photo 10 and 11 Producer groups for NTFP – raspberry cultivation, APFOs Pashtriku and Parku

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comply with the EU Timber Regulation for Due Diligence assuring all wood products having

a legal origin entering the EU market. A start is made with permanent plots to assess

forest development and carbon sequestration. Assessing carbon is based on the

methodology applied for the National Forest Inventory (NFI). The permanent sample plots

are defined based on the existing grid established in line with the framework of

implementation of NFI.

PEFC Design of Macedonia Certification System for Sustainable Forest


Duration: July 2014 – July 2016

Area: Macedonia

Donor: PEFC

Total budget planned: 45,918 € (PEFC 32,417 €; CNVP contribution 13,501 €)

Total budget realised: 14,363 € (PEFC: 7,049 €, CNVP contribution 7,314 €)

Note: Project contract with PEFC in CHF (exchange rate used 1,23 CHF/€ as per contract

signing date)

Budget planned 2015: 18,200€ Budget 2015 realised: 10,913€

Total advisor days: 70 days Total advisor days realised: 37 days

Advisor days planned 2015:19 days Advisory days realised 2015: 26 days

The project has three objectives: to build a wide consensus among different stakeholders

in Macedonia on the criteria and indicators for SFM, to establish an efficient and

sustainable National Government Body (NGB) able to manage, keep and update the

Macedonian SFM standards and to apply for Macedonian SFM certification system for

endorsement at PEFC Council.

Project activities started July 2014, but most implementing activities started from

February 2015. It took time to engage all stakeholders in the process. Until the end of

2015 the project succeeded to draft criteria and indicators for SFM. This was developed by

the initial group of forest experts and discussed among wide group of stakeholders.

Meanwhile all preparation for the establishment of the NGB; statutes and other documents

compiling the forest certification scheme, is completed. The process is developing slow and

is not openly supported by all stakeholders. The State Forest Company is passive, but the

other stakeholders appreciate and support the certification process. The process will

continue in 2016; registering of the NGB, submission request to PEFC for membership and

continuing the process of finalizing the criteria and indicators for SFM.

EU TREES: Timber Regulation Enforcement to protect European wood Sector from

criminal infiltration

Duration: October 2014 – May 2016

Area: EU, Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo

Donor: EU

Total budget: 45,530 € (EU 41,321 €, CNVP contribution 4,209 €)

Total budget realised: 30,265 € (EU: 27,226 €, CNVP contribution 3,132 €)

Budget planned 2015: 22,100 € Budget 2015 realised: 22,768 €

Total advisor days: 145 days Total advisor days realised: 146 days

Advisor days planned 2015: 95 days Advisory days realised 2015: 109 days

Note: total advisory realised days are equal to 145. Total advisory billable days in 2015

are 109 days.

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The TREES Project (Timber Regulation Enforcement to protect European wood Sector from

criminal infiltration) is a 20 month transnational project and is a research project funded

by EU as part of the ISEC Program (Prevention of and Fight against Crime). TREES aims at

exploring anti-corruption potentialities of EU Timber Regulation (N°995/2010) (EUTR),

increasing cooperation among law enforcement agencies and private operators, improving

their cooperation to fight against crime and transfer knowledge to EU member states.

The potential and risks for criminal activities in the forestry sector were identified in the

country studies for Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo. The studies have provided an

overview of the national legislation, statistic and institutional data about criminal records

related to forestry in the countries. Awareness among forest stakeholders for the European

Timber Regulation was assessed through the interviews with the representatives form

institutions and influence of the Regulation to national policy, market and institutions. The

perception of corruption and criminal in forestry sector was assessed through a web based

survey. Although people have heard about the regulation, real understanding on the

regulation, certification and due diligence is very limited. Hardly any practice exists on this

in the region. The training sessions in Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo have increased

awareness and knowledge among forest stakeholders for the EU Timber Regulation.

In general, TREES project provided increased attention to forest actors from the non EU

countries about the influence of the EUTR to the European market. There is an obvious

lack of understanding and no steps are taken at institutional level in non EU countries to

prepare forest actors for the influence of the EUTR on their forest economy. The project

will end in 2016 providing a toolkit for the forest actors to support enforcement of the EU

Timber Regulation.

Photo 12 and 13 TREES Project Interim Workshop, Skopje

FAO Land Consolidation project in Macedonia

Duration: May 2014 – April 2016

Area: Macedonia

Donor: FAO

Total budget: 17,572 € (FAO)

Total budget plan: 12,000 € Total budget realised: 8,132 €

Total advisor days: 165 days Total advisor days realised: 63 days

Advisor days planned 2015: 112 days Advisory days realised 2015: 63 days

CNVP is engaged in implementation of the ongoing project on Land Consolidation in

Macedonia, providing specific expertise on land management practices. The project

“Support to the formulation and implementation of a national land consolidation

programme" is implemented by the Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy

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(MAFWE) and supported by FAO. CNVP is providing input on Land Consolidation (LC) in the

project activities in the area of Konçe, Radovis where voluntary based land consolidation is

ongoing. It is the same area where CNVP was engaged during STIMERALD project (2010-


The following steps are taken in LC process in the pilot area:

- Awareness meetings with the farmers

- Farmer interviews to assess their needs and interest for LC

- Cadastre data analysis and preparing the maps for the LC area

- Start-up workshop for community development plan development

- Farmer consultation on planning the land exchanges and reallocation of land parcels

- Finalization of the first agreements for land exchanges

Photo 14 Farmer consultation for land exchange

The project made an assessment of the legal framework and proposals for its

improvements are provided. In the process of planning for LC in 2016 there will be two

scenarios developed. The first one will take in to account private-private land exchanges

where through a process of negotiation and

facilitation the farmers will exchange land

parcels improving the structure of their

farms. The second scenario will include

private land parcels and parcels in state

ownership. The land exchange will follow all

legal steps foreseen in the legal framework,

even that the framework is not clear and is

not providing sufficient support to use state

land in a voluntary based approach of LC.

The project has started with

implementation in spring 2015 and will last

till November 2016.

5 Business Development

In 2015 Business Development was a top priority, gaining additional importance when not

gaining the Sida regional CFF project. The focus on BD therefore increased in the

beginning of the year and our priorities were adjusted. This was done based on

consultation in the Board, MT (Management Team) and BD unit.

In 2015 we limited results were made on gaining new projects. The ambition of CNVP is

unchanged, it remained diversifying and widening our programme including an expansion

in the region.

BD priorities

Figure 1 Land exchange map (part) in Konçe

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The main priority is widening of CNVP resource base and enlarging our portfolio with new

projects and partner organisations. The revised priorities for BD in 2015 are:

● Review the Sida projects FLED and SSPDF to include some regional work as

foreseen in CFF;

● Establish a presence of CNVP in Montenegro;

● Enlarge our initial contacts in Serbia for cooperation and joint projects

● Acquisition; apply and gain EU projects and other financing sources;

● Widen our thematic focus (RE (Renewable Energy) and environment) in

applications and portfolio;

● Improve and widen networking with partners;

● Improve and further develop our BD practice.

Advisory day realization

The table below provides the advisor service results, indicating the total overview of time

spent by CNVP in 2015.

Table 4 CNVP day realisation (part I)


Total working

days plan

Total working

days end

2015 % Advisory


Advisory days till

end 2015 %

%Advisory days vs.

total working

days (realised)

Strat. & Pos.

Strat. &

Pos. end

2015 %

Albania 2865 2498 87% 2368 2085 88% 83% 180 126 70%

Kosovo 1320 1330 101

% 1080 1211 112

% 91% 60 36 60%

Macedonia 660 660 100

% 494 391 79% 59% 51 60 118%

Netherlands 225 392 174

% 100 201 201

% 51% 65 76 116%

Total 5070 4879 96% 4042 3888 96% 80% 356 298 84%

The overall advisory day realisation of 96% from original plan. The days are lower in

Albania since the recruitment of new advisors is postponed for the next year. In the

Netherlands it is higher than planned since it includes the regional advisor based in

Montenegro that operates for the regional components of FLED and SSPDF. The balance of

advisory days versus working days is with 80% relatively good taking in to account not

obtaining new projects expected. The advisory day realisation for Netherlands (regional)

staff is lower (51%) but as planned due to general tasks on management and BD.

Strategy & positioning is with 84% realisation, while it is higher in Macedonia (118%) and

the Netherlands (116%) since additional effort was giving for overall regional aspects. Two

staff of CNVP Macedonia support overall CNVP aspects on BD and strategy which was

increased due to the extra focus on programme development. The business development

has a good realisation (120%) showing the increased focus and in line with the extra effort

given to increase the number of applications and BD effort. Again is it is higher in

Macedonia (243%) and the Netherlands (193%) due to regional role on BD as well as the

urgency for finding additional projects.

The learning days are lower than planned (44%), especially Albania and Kosovo have less

learning day realisation. Some also due to absence from the regional training, but also due

to the lower realisation of the country team training plans prepared by the Country

Directors. The support days are higher than planned 166%. This is reviewed and proper

allocation started in Albania in the second half of the year.

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Table 5 CNVP day realisation (part II)


Business Develop-ment

Business Develop-ment till end 2015 %

%Total days vs BD till end 2015


Learn-ing till end 2015 % Support

Support till end 2015 %

Albania 117 100 85% 4% 130 48 37% 65 139 214%

Kosovo 95 29 31% 1% 55 25 45% 30 29 98%

Macedonia 75 183 243% 33% 25 18 70% 15 9 61%

Netherlands 45 87 193% 25% 10 7 71% 10 21 213%

Total 332 398 120% 8% 220 98 44% 120 199 166%

BD unit actions

The BD unit in supported the overall CNVP work related to BD. This is done under

responsibility of the Executive Director in support of the MT and specific teams. The BD

unit is comprised of two advisors in CNVP Skopje office having a dedicated part (35%) of

their time towards BD work at CNVP overall and regional level as well for CNVP Macedonia.

Focal persons for BD (20%) in the counties Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro are engaged

in the BD unit work.

Next to the support in networking, project identification and proposal preparation the BD

unit supported on specific areas:

● PR through maintenance and update of the website and Facebook;

● Publication and distribution of CNVP Newsletter Sprouts;

● Representation in relevant events, project calls information sessions;

● Updating of staff CVs and Project References;

● Maintenance of the BD pipeline;

● Support and coordination of BD activities with the teams.

6 Human Resource Development and Internal Organisation

CNVP is gradual growing and developing. This chapter presents the internal organisation

and issues.


During 2015 our initial plan was to grow with 4 full time staff (2 full time staff and 2 part

time staff), based on the CFF project and expansion in Montenegro and Serbia. Due to

cancelation of the regional project the planed recruitment was not realised. In line with our

strategy, as per May 2015, one additional staff is engaged in Montenegro as advisor and

CNVP representative.

The advisor in Montenegro is engaged for the implementation of the regional components

of the Sida projects and finding opportunities in Montenegro and the region. The advisor

for Montenegro is having its base in Podgorica, administratively placed under CNVP

Netherlands and day to day management under CNVP Macedonia leadership, since there is

no CNVP Montenegro established yet.

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Figure 2 Employee division CNVP

All new staff are recruited with definite contracts. There are now 26 full time employed

people based in four countries (Albania 13, Kosovo 7, and Macedonia 5, Montenegro 1)

The CNVP staff structure is divided among advisors, management functions and support

staff. The management functions also provide partly expert/advisory services. The support

staff consist of the finance administrators. The process for recruitment of a BD advisor is

ongoing and is expected to be completed beginning 2016. The CNVP staffing is in gender

balance although there are no women in a management position.


In our annual plan we made an initial allocation and plan for personal development and

learning. This plan was further elaborated in the beginning of the year in a more detailed

plan. The detailed learning plan included learning at individual and team level. Also some

combined training was identified for more staff at regional level.

During 2015 the total time spent on learning was with 41% realisation (refer table chapter

6). The budget spend on training is about 40% from plan. Despite the specific planning at

country level, especially the individual and team level training is underspent. The regional

combined training for financial aspects and nature conservation was not realised. Budget

savings were achieved however through combining overall training with internal meetings.

The main training and learning in 2015 related to:

Project Cycle Management and Monitoring training with Albania team






Albania (13) Kosovo (7) Macedonia (3)

Montenegro (1) Regional office in MK (2)

Figure 3 Staff division by position Figure 4 Staff division by gender





Management team (4) Advisors (19) Support (3)

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Result Based management training follow up on project cycle management

done in September on all staff meeting;

International Environment and nature conservation training, Naturregio;

Disaster Risk Reduction online training course

Training on GIS/GPS.

The CNVP organisation is gradual growing and developing. The institutional learning

started with the process of the demerger and its process. The next step in the

development of CNVP focused on establishing the organisation and successful

implementation of the transferred projects. In 2014 the transition was made from a

programme that originated still from before the demerger in a programme to a

programme with projects fully developed by CNVP. The successful completion and

evaluations of the Sida projects allowed for this transition. Parallel the organisational

functioning was further developed. Last year focused on completion of the structures and

organisational processes in CNVP and widening and diversifying the programme. As

presented in the BD chapter the results were lower than expected. The experience is used

to learn and reflect in CNVP and our BD efforts. Although a lot of focus and work is spend

on BD we need further increase the quality of our BD work (networking and partnership

building, early intelligence and proposal writing). This was reflected especially within the

MT and Board. As a result it is decided to make an additional BD investment.

Our experience, not gaining the regional project, showed the impact on the team, creating

some frustration and disappointment. It also led to some stress on the teams. Specific

attention was given to this in team meetings, MT and Board discussions. Our focus is on a

joint CNVP, projects are of CNVP, not of certain teams, countries. Measures will be taken if

not sufficient work is gained. Top priority is given to BD, for a sustainable future we need

to widen our programme and avoiding the too high focus on implementation only.

Internal Organisation

During 2015 the governance structure of CNVP is adopted. CNVP had till the end of 2015 a

Board of the foundation responsible for the governance of CNVP. In line with the

developments of CNVP and to reflect the actuality of day to day management with the

Director the governance structure is adjusted. The Board of has prepared a new CNVP’s

governance structure with Board of Directors, comprised of statutory Director – the

Executive Director and a Supervisory Board. The new structure will be effective from the

beginning of January 2016.

The following issues were addressed in our internal structure:

● Quality control using, compliance and regular management monitoring of

finances and time writing.

● Changes made in EXACT including buying of consolidation module. The EXACT

consolidation module is not working on full functionality, yet. This is under

development of EXACT. It will be addressed with the vendor in 2016.

● Financial audit for the period January to December 2014 is completed with

unqualified opinion

● Sida project year audits are completed with unqualified opinions

● Interim audit for 2015 covering the period January – August was conducted.

● Completion of the EDP (Electronic Data Processing) audit completed on Hour

Power, our time writing system. It provided recommendations for upgrading

Hour Power, which are addressed in an upgraded Hour Power. The new Hour

Power software will be released from 1st of January 2016 on, after which a follow

up EDP audit will be done.

The audit process went well and the cooperation with the Deloitte Auditors was very

satisfactory and professional. It resulted in a good audit opinion, but as well

recommendations for CNVP that will help us to further improve and strengthen our

organisation. During the interim audit a review was made on the issues identified, which

indicates we are in good progress.

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In 2015 based on the Sida projects plans a few investments were made. In Albania 5 4x4

vehicles, 9 laptops and 3 printers were bought from the Sida FLED project. In Kosovo 2

4X4 vehicles, 1 photocopier and 2 printers from Sida SSPDF project were bought. In

Macedonia 3 laptops were bought from CNVP resources.

All countries made their list of the assets that need to be sold or donated and the

inventories are updated.

The finance software of EXACT was purchased giving a more cost efficient option in the

longer term than renting. The software includes the consolidation module, which is under

development to adjust it to our requirements.

CNVP Board, MT & Employee Council

In 2015 three Management Team meetings (January, May and December 2015) and two

CNVP Board meeting (April, September 2015) were held, minutes were taken and

distributed. The planned Board meeting for December is postponed to January 2016. The

annual report of CNVP 2014 including the financial statements were adopted by the Board

in the April meeting in Tirana. The annual plan 2016 was adopted in January 2016 on the

Board meeting in Tirana.

The meeting with Employee Council was done in September. Minutes taken and distributed

within CNVP. On the all staff in October in Budva meeting the new Employment Council

was elected and will represent the employees for incoming two years and some general

council related issues were discussed.

Budget 2016

The annual plan of 2016 is completed at the end of the year providing the programme

development, priorities and the annual budget. The abbreviated budget for 2016 is

presented below in the table.

Table 6 CNVP Budget 2016



Personnel cost 926,600

Operational costs 336,200

Project cost 811,000

Project Revenue -811,000

Project Advisory Revenue -1,113,000

Other Revenue 0

CNVP Result 149,800


Vehicles 0 Equipment 8,000

Total investments 8,000

CNVP has at the moment a specific policy on size and function of capital/general reserve

for a part of its reserve. One part of the reserve is allocated for the depreciation of project

assets that are having value higher than 5000 euro. The main policy with respect to the

function of the general reserve is to build up a sufficient reserve to ensure continuity of

operations for CNVP. Within the Board a minimum threshold is set of 500,000 € for

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general reserve. In case the general reserve falls below the Board needs to be informed

immediately. The continuity reserve will be build up within the standards of the sector.

Risk assessment

There are several, mainly programme related risks identified during 2015 which are also

addressed in our annual plan of 2016. These risks are identified in review with staff

meetings and especially with the MT and Supervisory Board.

• Low BD results and low BD capacity

• Limited interest of donors, funding in forestry or natural resource management

• Reduced team motivation

• Increased costs

• Weak politics and political unrest

• Stagnating forestry reform processes

The most important risk relates to our BD, widening of our portfolio and diversifying our

donor connections. Limited results for this is threatening the longer term sustainability and

financial performance of the organisation. To address this we have increasingly focused in

BD, made a specific priority and focus of BD for our 2016 plan, allocated extra investment

for BD staff and BD related training and coaching with this year and planned for 2016.

The political developments and reforms are stagnating. This can have an impact on certain

project results we like to achieve with our partners. This is monitored in the teams. If

needed additional effort is given to support partners with lobbying and advocacy. It is also

discussed with our donor partners, especially Sida during project review meetings. In the

end if needed project results can be changed in mutual agreement. For the time being this

was not needed.

An organisational CNVP risk assessment is done reviewing the internal and external

organisation. The organisational risk review is done using set areas of risks which are

reviewed each time for annual reporting in CNVP. This is presented in the table below.

Risk Low Medium High Measures

Inadequate BD X Current BD results are limited. To

secure long term sustainability

increased results are needed. Specific

investments made for BD (learning,

focus, recruitment)

Inadequate Project


X Current projects run well. Increased

need for compliance on results,

control and measurement however

require increased focus and overall

monitoring on project management

from higher management. CNVP will

continue its monitoring and assure

this is achieved during management


Engaging in loss

making deals

X BD practices and control on costing

and pricing and management

approval with threshold exist and

minimize the risk. Full implementing

the BD procedures is needed.

Insufficient Cash


X Regular monitoring. No specific

measures, the current projects

provide pre-financing

Overhead costs and

fee rates

X CNVP costs are relatively high

compared to local organisations. At

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regional or international level these

are competitive. Overhead levels and

salary costs should remain at current


Procurement X CNVP procedures are strict and

implemented and monitored.

Political situation X Political situation might have an

adverse effect on results and impact

to be achieved in programmes. In

general this is part of the context we

work in. Where needed programme

activities will be reviewed and

adjusted with partners.

Safety and security X No specific measures. Main risks are

travel risks. CNVP assures vehicles

are safe and well maintained.

Staff satisfaction

and motivation

X Limited BD results and staff changes

may lead to stress and lower

motivation. Transparency, regular

staff meetings and discussions, job

performance assessment and staff

participation and engagement of the

Employee Council all support

addressing this and alert when

motivation is at risk.

Corruption & Fraud X CNVP has reviewed its fraud policy.

Adjusted it agreements including a

fraud clause. An open system is

available for whistle-blower and

fraud. Regular and strict financial

control takes place including audits.

Project implementation and financial

procedures are made in team effort

and transparent, avoiding single

person, position transactions.

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Part II: Abbreviated Annual Accounts

Introduction – CNVP Third Annual Accounts

These are the third annual accounts of ‘Stichting’ Connecting Natural Values and People

Foundation abbreviated CNVP, with registered seat in The Hague, The Netherlands.

CNVP’s main objective is to improve livelihoods of rural people by providing quality

services in forestry, rural development, environment and biomass for renewable energy;

and to increase the capacity of local actors to achieve their sustainable development.

CNVP achieves its objectives by helping to develop the capacity of local actors through

provision of advisory services and technical assistance, based on the expertise and

experience of its team and partners.

CNVP’s Structure

Foundation does not aim to make a profit. It functions as a not for profit Netherlands

based international organisation, which designs, implements and manages projects

financed by international donors, with its work currently focused in the Balkans.

CNVP’s annual accounts constitute solely financial statements of one legal entity, CNVP,

the Netherlands based, not for profit organisation, with three Balkan branches active in

Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo.

CNVP’s annual accounts reflect the main activities of the Foundation, management of the

externally financed projects and provision of advisory services.

CNVP’s main activities are financed both by international donors as well as through its own

contribution. CNVP’s initial capital contribution was donated by SNV, it consisted in cash

and tangible fixed assets.

In the statement of financial performance, income generated from CNVP activities is

reported under income from grants, which indicates funds made available to CNVP by

other parties, donors, to be managed for the benefit of third parties. Third party

beneficiaries are located in the Balkan countries, where CNVP presently operates in.

Beneficiaries do not pay for services provided by CNVP. Funds are transferrable from

donors to CNVP upon fulfilment and compliance with certain stipulations, as foreseen in

various legal contracts that CNVP enters in with donors.

Expenditure entails expenses incurred during and for the implementation of the projects,

as well as expenses for the day to day operations of the Foundation. The balance of

income and expenditure, or the result for the period is transferred to the capital base of

the organisation and it is reflected in the balance sheet. In the balance sheet are also

reflected tangible fixed assets; current assets which are mainly project related

receivables; grants receivable, prepayments and cash; while current liabilities consist of

payables, accruals and pre-received grants.

CNVP’s annual accounts consist of the following:

● Balance Sheet after appropriation of balance of income and expenditure at 31

December 2015

● Statement of Financial Performance for the period from 01 January 2015 to 31

December 2015

● Cash flow statement for the period from 01 January 2015 to 31 December 2015

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● Accounting principles

● Notes to the Balance Sheet

● Notes to the Statement of Financial Performance

● Constitution of the Board

● Signing of the Financial Statements

● The other information

● Independent Auditor’s Report

Note: due to rounding, difference of 1 euro may occur

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Abbreviated Balance Sheet at 31 December 2015

After appropriation of result from 01 January to 31 December 2015

Assets Note 2015 2014


Tangible Fixed Assets 1

Vehicles 173,921 0

Office equipment 17,293 10,199

Subtotal 191,214 10,199

Current Assets

Receivables 2 0 0

Grants receivable 3 1,545 0

Prepayments 4 30,199 26,994

Cash 5 2,196,340 1,558,319

Subtotal 2,228,084 1,585,313

Total Assets 2,419,298 1,595,512

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Abbreviated Balance Sheet at 31 December 2015

After appropriation of result from 01 January to 31 December 2015

Liabilities Note 2015 2014


Foundation's Capital

General reserve 6 852,405 850,495

Appropriated reserve 6 173,921 0

Subtotal 1,026,326 850,495

Current Liabilities

Payables 7 7,538 10,312

Taxes, social security & pension 8 16,790 15,989

Grants provided 9 1,354,893 699,056

Accruals 10 13,752 19,660

Subtotal 1,392,972 745,017

Total Liabilities 2,419,298 1,595,512

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Abbreviated Statement of Financial Performance

For the period from 01 January to 31 December 2015

Actuals Budget Actuals

from 01


from 01

January from 01 January

to 31 December

to 31 December to 31 December

2015 2015 2014

Income Note EUR - EUR - EUR -

Income from grants 11


1,826,300 922,109

Other income 12


29,000 148

Total Income 1,783,532 1,855,300 922,257


Personnel 13


841,300 749,818

Depreciation fixed assets 14


36,500 8,882

Other expenses 15


985,100 499,836

Total Expenditure


1,862,900 1,258,536

Balance Income & Expenditure 16

175,830 7,600 (336,279)

Appropriation Balance Income & Expenditure


General reserve 1,909 (7,600) (336,279)

Appropriated reserve 173,921 0 0

Foundation Capital 175,830 (7,600) (336,279)

Balance Income & Expenditure after Appropriation


- -

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Abbreviated Cash flow statement at 31 December 2015

Note 2015 2014


Operating result 11;13-15 160,155 (336,426)

Adjustment for :

Depreciation 1 30,944 8,882

Project Receivables 3 (1,545) 46,835

Prepayments 4 (3,205) (1,727)

Payables 7 (2,775) (29,166)

Taxes, and leave of employees 8;10 (5,106) (942)

Project Payables 9 655,837 484,457

Interest received 3 259 15

Net Cash from Operating Activities 834,564 171,928

Purchase of fixed assets 1 (211,959) (9,184)

Sale of fixed assets 12 15,416 133

Cash from investment activities (196,543) (9,051)

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 638,021 162,877

Cash and Bank at December 31,2015 9 2,196,340 1,558,319

Cash and Bank at January 1,2015 9 1,558,319 1,395,442

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Accounting Principles

General information and structure

Connecting Natural Values and People Foundation, with its registered seat Tolakkerweg 68

3739 JP Hollandsche Rading The Netherlands organisation, currently with three registered

and active branches in the Balkan countries of Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo.

The annual accounts of CNVP cover period from 01 January 2015 to 31 December 2015.

They reflect the financial information of the Netherlands based foundation with the

financial information of the three local branches incorporated. For the purposes of these

financial statements internal transactions and relations were eliminated.

General accounting principles for the preparation of the Abbreviated annual


The annual accounts are prepared in accordance with the Dutch Accounting Standard RJ

640 for not for profit organisations. This abbreviated version of the annual report was

prepared for publication purposes. This annual report has been abbreviated from the

annual report which was adopted by the board on April 23, 2016. Deloitte Accountants

B.V. has expressed an unqualified opinion with the full annual report on April 23, 2016. .

In case a full version is desired including the auditor opinion please do request a copy at

CNVP ([email protected])

Valuation of assets and liabilities and determination of the result takes place under the

historical cost convention, unless presented otherwise. If assets and liabilities are stated in

foreign currencies, the calculations are based on the exchange rates prevailing on the

balance sheet date at 31 December 2015. Exchange rate differences are included in other

operational costs, in the statement of financial performance. Income and expenses are

accounted for on accrual basis. Profit is only included when realised on balance sheet date.

Liabilities and any losses originating before the end of the financial year are taken into

account if they have become known before preparation of the annual accounts.

The financial statements are presented in euros, which is the functional and presentation

currency of CNVP.

Financial instruments

Financial instruments are both primary financial instruments (such as receivables and

debts), and derivative financial instruments (derivatives).

The notes to the specific items of the balance sheet disclose the fair value of the related

instrument if this deviates from the carrying amount. If the financial instrument is not

recorded in the balance sheet the information on the fair value is disclosed in the notes to

the ‘Contingent assets and liabilities’. Reference is made to the recognition per balance

sheet item for the principles of primary financial instruments. CNVP does not have

financial derivatives.

Accounting principles for the valuation of assets and liabilities


Tangible fixed assets

Tangible fixed assets are presented at cost less accumulated depreciation and, if

applicable, less impairments in value. Depreciation is based on the estimated useful life

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and calculated as a fixed percentage of cost, taking into account any residual value.

Depreciation is provided from the date an asset comes into use.

The assets are depreciated by asset group over their expected economic lives, using the

linear method. Residual value is not taken into account. Any new assets purchased from

CNVP are included at historical costs and are converted using the exchange rates

prevailing at the date of the purchase. The tangible fixed assets purchased by or for the

externally financed programmes are also capitalized under the fixed assets.

As per requested by the donor (Sida) the assets that have value higher than 5,000 € will

be given to the cooperation partner at the end of the project which is 31.07.2018. Those

assets depreciation is calculated for the years that assets (only vehicles) will be used in

the organisation till the end of project.

Annual rates of depreciation used are:

- Vehicles 25%

- Office equipment 33%

- Sida Project assets with value higher than 5,000 € 35%-40%

Any costs of repairs or maintenance are reported in the statement of financial performance

for the period.

Current Assets


Upon initial recognition the receivables are valued at fair value and then valued at

amortised cost. The fair value and amortised cost equal the face value. Provisions deemed

necessary for possible bad debt losses are deducted. These provisions are determined by

individual assessment of the receivables.

Receivables consist mainly of project related receivables for work carried out by CNVP on

projects, for which the funding has not been received as of the date of the balance sheet.

Prepayments consist of short term rent deposits and prepaid expenses for year 2015.

Cash and bank

The cash and bank is valued at face value. If cash equivalents are not freely disposable,

then this has been taken into account upon valuation.

Capital and Liabilities

Foundation’s Capital consists only of a general reserve. The account includes the initial

donation of SNV to CNVP both in cash and fixed assets. At the end of the period the

balance of income and expenditure for the period also gets appropriated to this account.

The general reserve is for unrestricted use of CNVP and it is maintained to ensure the

continuity of the organisation. The appropriated reserves relates to the project assets

reserve. The project assets reserve is for the depreciation of fixed assets that are

purchased from donor’s project funds with a value higher than 5,000 EUR and will be

given to the cooperation partners.

Current liabilities include mostly project related items and project funds received in

advance to be utilized within the coming year. A lesser amount is made up of payables and

accruals related to payroll and other employee benefits.

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Transactions in foreign currency are recorded based on exchange rates updated

monthly. At the end of the year the foreign currency denominated receivables, payables,

cash and bank balances are revaluated. Results are posted in the statement of financial


Social security and pension

CNVP contributes the employer share of social security schemes in compliance with local

legislations of its branches and it also reimburses employer share of contributions for

pension, in case the employee cannot be covered by the state owned social security.

Accounting principles for determining the balance of income and expenditure

Principles for the determination of the result

Income and expenses are accounted for on accrual basis. Income is recognized only when

realized at the balance sheet date. Income generated by CNVP is categorized under

income from grants, since CNVP manages donor funds for the benefit of third parties. On

their part, beneficiaries do not pay for services received from CNVP work. Revenues from

services are recognised in proportion to the services rendered, based on the cost incurred

in respect of the services performed up to balance sheet date, in proportion to the

estimated costs of the aggregate services to be performed. All expenses related to

activities carried out prior to the balance sheet date are taken into account within year’s


The balance of income and expenditure, or the result for the period is determined as the

difference between income generated by CNVP activities and expenditure related to

implementation of these activities.

Principles for preparation of the consolidated cash flow statement

The cash flow statement is prepared according to the indirect method.

The funds in the cash flow statement consist of cash and cash equivalents. Cash

equivalents can be considered to be highly liquid investments.

Cash flows in foreign currencies are translated at an estimated average rate. Exchange

rate differences concerning finances are shown separately in the cash flow statement.

Transactions that do not result in exchange of cash and cash equivalents are not

presented in the cash flow statement.

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Notes to the abbreviated Balance Sheet at 31 December 2015

1. Tangible fixed assets

In 2015, CNVP purchased assets that was paid mainly through project funds received.

New assets purchased are recorded in the books as of the date the assets were put in use.

Depreciation expense starts from that date. Depreciation is based on the estimated useful

life of each asset group and it is calculated as a fixed percentage, not taking into account

any residual value for the asset. Asset life extends to 4 years for vehicles and 3 years for

office equipment. Depreciation expense is accounted for in the statement of financial

performance. Costs for periodical major maintenance are also charged to the statement.

Based on Sida requirements, tangible fixed assets purchased by or for externally financed

Sida programs with value higher than 5,000 € are fully depreciated over the total project

period and handed over to project partners at the end of the project period. This is

applicable for the purchased vehicles. Therefore their lifespan is calculated not as regular

vehicles but until the project end when the assets will be given to the cooperation


The following table reflects movements in the fixed assets by category.

The movements in the tangible fixed assets are as follows:

Vehicles Office equipment Total


Acquisition cost as at January 1, 2015




Cumulative depreciation and other impairments as at January 1, 2015




Carrying amount as at January 1, 2015








Carrying amount of disposals








Carrying amount as at December 31, 2015




Acquisition cost as at December 31, 2015



285,477 Cumulative depreciation and other impairments as

at December 31, 2015




Carrying amount as at December 31, 2015




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Current Assets

2. Receivables

The balance of receivables consists primarily in receivables for project work done for which

the funds were not received as of the balance sheet date. These are receivables for a small

engagement in Kosovo that was completed within year 2015.

At At

31-12-2015 31-12-2014


Project Receivables





3. Grants receivable

There are no grants receivable as for 31 December 2015.

4. Prepayments

Prepayments include prepaid expenses related to items such as rent deposits and school

fees pre-paid for 2015 and overpayment that will be reconcile in 2016.

At At

31-12-2015 31-12-2014


Rent deposits 3,184


Prepaid school

fees 26,965 23,746


50 0

Total 30,199 26,994

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5. Cash and bank

Cash and bank balance represents liquidity at the disposal of CNVP as of the date of the

balance sheet. Total balance consists in balances of bank accounts owned by CNVP, two

dedicated project bank accounts for Sida SSPDF and Sida FLED, and cash on hand on 31

December 2015.

Total of both project bank balances on 31 December 2015, was € 1,828,173 which are

pre-received donor funds for project Sida SSPDF & Sida FLED. The amount of pre-received

donor funds still include to be recognized income from first part of project year 2 of both

projects. This will be settled in the first months of 2016.

The remaining amount of € 368,167 reflects balance of cash that belongs to CNVP as of

balance sheet date.

At At

31-12-2015 31-12-2014


CNVP bank balances

Rabobank Netherlands 253,563 306,105

ProCredit Bank Albania 43,184 139,681

Raiffeisen Bank Albania 5,648 1,645

Procredit Bank Kosovo 52,499 14,198

Uni Bank Macedonia 11,356 20,124

Subtotal 366,250 481,753

Project bank accounts Rabobank Netherlands, Project SIDA SSPDF 876,978 424,975

Rabobank Netherlands, Project SIDA FLED 951,195 648,535

Subtotal 1,828,173 1,073,511

CNVP cash on hand

CNVP Albania

964 2,733

CNVP Kosovo



CNVP Macedonia



Subtotal 1,918 3,054

Total 2,196,340 1,558,319

Note: due to rounding, difference of 1 euro may occur

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Foundation’s Capital

6. Reserve

Foundation’s Capital is made up of a reserve including a general reserve and project

assets reserve.

The general reserve is for unrestricted use of CNVP and it serves to ensure the continuity

of the organisation.

The appropriated reserves relates to the project assets reserve. The project assets reserve

is for the depreciation of fixed assets that are purchased from donor’s project funds with a

value higher than 5,000 EUR and will be given to the cooperation partners. The

expenditure of these assets are charged to the donor and funds are transferred to the

reserve of CNVP. The value of those fixed assets represents the net book value at the end

of the year 2015 that will be used for the depreciation till the project ends.

The balance of income and expenditure over 2015 is appropriated to the reserve

Below is a summary of movements in the reserve account.

Balance at Add At

31-12-2015 result for period 31-12-2014


General reserve 852,405 1,909 850,495

Appropriated reserve 173,921 173,921 0

Total 1,026,326 175,830 850,495

Current Liabilities

7. Payables

The amount of € 1,516 is payable to SNV. It is remaining amount from the advance paid

to CNVP for cost that were done for the closure of SNV regional office.

Amounts to be paid consist of organisation expenses incurred in 2016 to be paid in 2015.

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This item is broken down as follows:

At At

31-12-2015 31-12-2014


Amounts to be paid






Total 7,538 10,312

8. Payroll taxes, social security and pension payable

This payable consists in payroll tax withheld from CNVP staff salaries; social security and

pension premium, both employee and employer share. Amounts payable for this item are

withheld from employees, as well incurred as expenses from CNVP from December 2015

staff salaries to be paid in January 2016.

At At

31-12-2015 31-12-2014

EUR - EUR - Payroll tax, social security & pension payable






9. Grants provided

These are pre-received funds from the grant contracts that continue to implement beyond

31 December 2015.

In 2015 based on the grant schedule and approve financial reports grant amounts from

the donor (Sida) were provided. Part of the amount was recognised as income at the end

of the year. The remaining amount is recognised as liability. The remaining amounts

related to small size projects TREES and PEFC project.

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The following table shows the balance of grants provided by donor to be used after 31

December 2015.

At At

31-12-2015 31-12-2014


Project Sida FLED 604,937 391,760 Project Sida SSPDF 725,182 255,961

Project Trees



Project PEFC 19,139


Total 1,354,893 699,056

10. Accruals

Accruals are made up of amounts of outstanding leave days accrued for 2015. Below is the

breakdown of this item.

At At

31-12-2015 31-12-2014

EUR - EUR - Outstanding leave days






Contingent assets and liabilities

Based on Sida requirements for externally financed Sida programs, tangible fixed assets

purchased with a value higher than 5,000 € are fully depreciated over the total project

period and handed over to project partners at the end of the project period.

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Notes to the abbreviated Statement of Financial Performance


11. Income from grants

Income generated from CNVP activities is all classified as income from grants. Funds are

made available to CNVP by donors and are used for the benefit of third parties.

Beneficiaries do not pay for services provided by CNVP. Funds are transferrable to CNVP

upon fulfilment and compliance with certain stipulations, as foreseen in various legal

contracts that CNVP enters with different donors. Income is recorded on accrual basis,

meaning it is recognized when earned, not received.

Income from grants is divided in advisory services that CNVP team of advisors offers to

third party beneficiaries, and project expenses which are covered by donor contribution. In

projects with cost sharing such as the Sida projects, CNVP fulfils its financial contribution

by sharing in the costs of advisory services.

During the course of business in August 2014, CNVP was awarded two 4 year Sida project

contracts (Sida FLED & Sida SSPDF). The income for 2015 from Sida FLED project was €

1,147,563, of which € 773,238 comes from advisory services and € 374,325 from

recoverable project expenses. The income for 2015 from Sida SSPDF was € 584,056 from

which € 450,128 from advisory services and € 133,928 from recoverable project expenses.

The other projects range in small size and were financed by EU (TREES project) PEFC

(National SFM standards) and FAO. The implementation for these projects will continue in


In the following table the breakdown of income from grants for the period from 01 January

to 31 December 2015 is presented.

Actuals Budget Actuals

from 01 January

from 01 January

from 01 January

to 31


to 31


to 31


2015 2015 2014


Income from grants EUR - EUR - EUR -

Project SIDA Fled - Advisory services 773,238 701,100

207,953 Project SIDA Fled - Reimbursable project

expenses 374,325 485,900


Subtotal 1,147,563 1,187,000


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Project SIDA SSPDF - Advisory services 450,128 437,000 146,056 Project SIDA SSPDF - Reimbursable project expenses 133,928 150,000 22,963

Subtotal 584,056 587,000 169,019

Project SIDA Albania - Advisory services 0 0 140,112

Project SIDA Albania - Reimbursable project expenses 0 0 69,835

Subtotal 0 0 209,947

Project SIDA Kosovo - Advisory services 0 0 137,800 Project SIDA Kosovo - Reimbursable project expenses 0 0 82,598

Subtotal 0 0 220,398

Project World Bank PROFOR - Advisory services 0 0 27,713

Project World Bank PROFOR - Reimbursable project expenses 0 0 28,682

Subtotal 0 0 56,395

Other projects - Advisory services 27,716 36,600 9,570

Other projects - Reimbursable expenses 8,522 15,700 0

Subtotal 36,238 52,300 9,570

Total Income from grants 1,767,857 1,826,300 922,108

12. Other income

Other income consists in net proceeds generated by sale and or removal of assets, interest

earned on CNVP funds. Details are below.

Other Income

Net gain from sale of assets 15,416

29,000 100 Interest income from CNVP funds 259 0 15

Miscellaneous income 0 0 33

Subtotal 15,675

29,000 148

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Note on the difference between actual and budget figures of income

The project income is with 96% realisation. The income from advisory work is higher than

planned since in the budget plan the investments were not accounted on the income side.

On the other hand project cost are lower than expected due to postponement of some

activities for next year and later payments. The income from sale of assets are lower than

planned due to overestimated income than the market demand and prices.


13. Personnel

CNVP had 25 fte at 01 January 2015, including the Executive Director. In May one

additional staff was recruited resulting 26 fte in CNVP at 31 December 2015.

The following can be stated about the remuneration of the Executive Director, Foundation

Board, Staff salaries and benefits, as well as other personnel related expenses.

Remuneration for Executive Director consists in salary earned, school fees paid as benefit,

as well as other benefits. Total remuneration for 2015 is € 133,015.

Board members receive no remuneration for their activities. They get compensated for

reasonable travel and business expenses they incur for the board meetings. Total expense

incurred for board meetings was € 6,594.

Actuals Budget Actuals

from 01 January

from 01 January

from 01 January

to 31 December to 31

December to 31


2015 2015 2014



Executive Director - salary 81,770 81,800 81,970

Executive Director - benefits (school fees) 49,461 45,000 44,579 Executive Director - other benefits 1,784 2,400 3,998

Subtotal 133,015 129,200 130,547

Board members -

remuneration 0



Board meetings 6,594

8,500 8,800

Subtotal 6,594

8,500 8,800

Staff salaries 563,771 567,900 523,713

Social security contribution

28,149 40,800


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Pension premiums

2,996 5,600


Medical benefits

18,708 32,450


Other benefits & expenses

17,101 37,250


Outstanding Leave Days

(5,906) 0



624,820 684,000


External &Temporary Support

18,027 19,600


Total personnel expenses 782,456 841,300 749,818

14. Depreciation of tangible fixed assets

The following shows the details of the depreciation expense incurred for the period.

Actuals Budget Actuals

From 01 January

From 01 January

From 4 July 2012

to 31 December to 31 December to 31 December

2015 2015 2014


Depreciation fixed assets

Depreciation vehicles

24,559 31,000

1,459 Depreciation office equipment

6,385 5,500


Total depreciation expense 30,944 36,500 8,882

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15. Other expenses

Other expenses are comprised of operating business expenses and project expenses.

Actuals Budget Actuals

from 01 January from 01 January from 01 January

to 31 December

to 31

December to 31 December

2015 2015 2014

Other expenses

A. Operating expenses EUR - EUR - EUR -

Fuel & vehicle expenses

49,157 74,300


Travel & lodging

32,514 39,500


Office rent

66,794 69,500


Utilities & office maintenance

22,014 29,400


Communication & mailing

11,278 18,600


Office expense

50,015 48,000


Accounting & audit fees

27,698 35,200

40,431 Bank costs & x-rate differences

8,378 5,500


Other expenses

9,180 13,500


Subtotal 277,028 333,500 254,871

B. Project expenses

Programme Support

256,265 286,700


Local Capacity Building

239,805 257,100



21,205 107,800



517,274 651,600 244,964

Total operating expenses 794,302 985,100 499,835

Total expenditure 1,607,702 1,862,900 1,258,535

Note on the difference between actual and budget figures of expenditure

The operational costs are with 87% realisation from the project plan and it is effected from

the personnel, depreciation and operating expenses.

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The personnel cost are lower than planned due decision of the MT not to recruited

additional person in Albania. Depreciation is lower due to later purchase of planned

vehicles. Operating expenses were lower than planned due to some of the operational

budget items cost were less than planned leading to less expenditure. The project cost are

less than planned due to postponement of some activities.

16. Result for the period

Result for the period consists in the balance of income and expenditure. This balance is get

appropriated in the capital account, one part as appropriated reserve for the project

vehicles and one part as general reserve for unrestricted use by the Foundation.

Actuals Budget Actuals

From 01 January

From 01 January

From 4 July 2012

to 31 December to 31 December to 31 December

2015 2015 2014


General reserve 1,909 (7,600) (336,279)

Appropriated reserve 173,921 0 0

Result for the

period 175,830 (7,600) (336,278 )

Note on the difference between actual and budget figures of result

The positive result is coming from not recruitment of one person, saving made in the

operating expenses and income from the project investments that was not accounted in

the original budget plan.

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Constitution of the Board

In 2015 the governance structure of CNVP is reviewed and preparations made towards an

organisation with Board of Trustees and Supervisory Board. This new governance structure

is effective from January 2016 onwards. During 2015 CNVP governance structure

consisted of a Foundation Board and management with Executive Director.

During 2015 the Foundation Board consisted of:

Chairperson, CNVP Foundation Board

Mr Michel Farkas, appointed on 4 July 2012 – until 16 January 2016

Member, CNVP Foundation Board

Mr Arno Willems, appointed on 4 July 2012 – until 16 January 2016

Member, CNVP Foundation Board

Mr Aurel Jupe, appointed on 4 July 2012 – until 16 January 2016

Member, CNVP Foundation Board

Mr Maarten Bremer, appointed on 15 December 2013 – until 16 January 2016

Due to changes in the governance structure the current board is as follows:

CNVP Foundation Board Board of Trustees

Executive Director

Mr. Peter Kampen appointed on 16 January 2016

Supervisory Board

Chairperson, CNVP Supervisory Board

Mr Maarten Bremer, appointed on 16 January 2016

Other functions:

Dean, Academy of Part-time Studies,

Avans University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands;

Member, CNVP Supervisory Board

Mr Michel Farkas, appointed on 16 January 2016

Other functions:

Managing Director Global Support Services / CFO at SNV Netherlands Development

Organisation in The Netherlands;

Board Member of Aertze ohne Grenzen (Doctors without Borders), Germany

Member, CNVP Supervisory Board

Mr Arno Willems, appointed on 16 January 2016

Other functions:

Steward (Head Forester) at Het Loo, Royal Estate in The Netherlands

Member, CNVP Supervisory Board

Mr Aurel Jupe, appointed on 16 January 2016

Other functions:

HR Manager at Simons Edeco Ltd in Albania

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Other Information

Independent auditor’s report

Reference is made to the auditor’s report as included hereinafter.

Appropriation of result according to articles of association

The CNVP Foundation articles of association do not indicate specific requirements for

appropriation of the result. Appropriation of the results will be made by the Foundation

Board within the limits of the goals of CNVP as set in the articles of association.

Proposed appropriation of result for the financial year 2015

The Executive Director proposes, with the approval of the Supervisory Board of the

Foundation, that the result for the financial year 2015 amounting to EUR 175,830 will be

added for € 173,921 to the appropriated reserve and for € 1,909 to the general reserve.

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Auditor’s Report

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Working together to grow a canopy of trees providing home, shelter, food, a livelihood as well as a place to wander

CNVP, a The Netherlands based foundation, is a legacy organisation of SNV in the Balkans. Established through a legal demerger, CNVP continues the SNV forestry and rural development programme in the Balkans and beyond. CNVP envisions:

• Local communities achieving their own development goals;

• Maximising the production and service potential of forests through Sustainable Forest Management and locally controlled Natural Resource Management;

• Forests contributing to equitable local economic development supporting rural livelihoods;

• Forests contributing to wider societal interests and values including biodiversity conservation and wellbeing;

• Connecting natural values and people!

Connecting Natural Values & People

Dr Kuyperstraat 5, 2514 BA

The Hague, The Netherlands

T/F +31(0) 70 3440 145