cndi - natural gas update 2

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  • 8/14/2019 CNDI - Natural Gas Update 2


    _u+ura_!gl_pt_v# qle #Z\ - Ne3 Uniguuness:Nob go; ; $ I or l $

    2- r.,lrg /ia[: Grnpcrnll5nof Tr,s srr" 66.1y- ie"a / tn[ ' . t ts i f fq.gpad l i ,_ n.6qas4- r./ca /in(: Dc,nun/G, no* Crrs

  • 8/14/2019 CNDI - Natural Gas Update 2


    slabte d

  • 8/14/2019 CNDI - Natural Gas Update 2


    L\nK-rJP,4r' 6ae DAC-rngarie rnitt qoitdc {o rtatoe.o( 6as bvatx;t it ea1ife less cq crdd\F prilutrrrts llron ceher ft"sit fueja-lnter^aAbMt Energy Abprlc,

    Y\qs.Po,ee 23TAe EA Noto,-ql 6". Se(,JriySd-dv-

    Nrtural gas s a lo\v emitler of c2rbon dioriillebecause as hrs onl) l' o thrlds he cadoDcontenlpcr unlt o[ rnergr a5 does((,Ji, an.lh)drogen urninF lEdOiCD. lt t i l lakenCOt emrssion\ r,)rnCCCTsrt r|f,ro\in3l.l)corl hrd ll3nts

    a iarg,:rshrre of tlrt enct6t (,!iput t.sulis 1..'mtogrther$rth thc hrghercol|ersion tfficicncie,ll3lf r' Lrrle 15 l,f orissrons rcm nre:

    LJ,\\ do6t {6lre e ^,6 b.Y' it is c lo -tnrt( ert 2 3

    Nr lu r . r lt ri rJ-\r 'lcr lorn, i r ( l ' t \ . ] l s r t ] ] t ' l l !1_l ) r r r pol lLr l .rrnst l l l l r t r l rn r : i , i i n i l d r r \ lemissi(nF rene8|grlte, il(i NO. tmrssronslt onl) r( uShli ;r lL,.rntr l lhose rf cLnltnrionrlcorl tlrnrs. Lialilie.o:il. g,r(uft in LCG'll\prirLlucfs ,, sold rr.rc. shri| t|nlnrr.\ Ilrc needlor s-rstrs lotagcnr J hr l, , tearr.r lrr ,rmilrrer l ,oJl ' r lur irr . 'Lr i l ; .9- ' :r : .l i ' , r l !J ' rcnr lr . i rnt l lredua.'s oollng$etcr hett lossrs Tlr.'it (h:lrJ(lcris{rc\nrkt il 1,lt3i o nx'ci arllei! selorlt b/(n\ ' i r .nDr$tr l rnd,l . in ru leSishr)o|

  • 8/14/2019 CNDI - Natural Gas Update 2


    l\nk-r.Jer Nof 6as D{

    6qs qs o^ enfby sor rce ls

    l\{ (J5 dcfonrrr i i url l lrerdpriirs rnl a rcsltuiuring' f rh en;nr: l&,Rrrefih rcnl consrrnprror:.$ ,t8ainLif,roa.hrj h,r e\rl rr tach.,- \ r r ) r . -! i - : i |e rcrr, . . ! l onDosrrr.nfgr i ronsunrprronn he L i i l rJ Sr i r rc .i , r ia lso hng-,qrLrr, nn l . I r l . . r l l l hrre is csr. lrn{r i l rnd.ornJl lrr . i r lgr!on-suIl i f l r r)n.LrLrnledL l l . iJr r , , .: : : . i l9 ., , r , lL r , Nlr)rr- , 's3;e:n 1' i- : thrLf h.rr .shJ dxr.rcrteJ , )_ lr" l , l , ) t )1 .r L , ] l ltl,r rletrn:rnl of nJurtrl s s|;r,: Thii d.lrlopnrent rs rellecteJ n thc nLrn,lrrof cusl,im.,,\rhr ih r j ' : r i r r fJ frr) 1: t nr i j l ion n I t l : to i7.8 mil lon rn 199-lTht changen mrdc.oi4ro!Lt i ! ,0Lrs n]dr h . p ro \ r \ ( )nofse,:Lrr l :rndelrr l '1 . rs nrl0|et t \( ir more h:len!n i, i r . f rL,!( l-rnLrl,rrrr t tr .r l i , r .unrcrs.r t morc rrJrtcrrb lt o supplr drsruplonrhr :: r ' u . r r : . r l i r ' : , , : : : * . . r : r l . r ; r r l r r r , r ; t . 1 . : l r n J u g . r s i . r , . l u r d f ' a i . u r c r n g r ' . c n ( r m e d A l l l i .

    i :Jre e.rd.nri:Ll\ r,,r re frrn,. rn la9l. lll6'r oi Ll-i rr (r.s silr'r tr thccofitrrr.., 1 ror nJ 5 l , ir ! (, i r r , i . r l : l i : t , r lr e nJustrr : l . . tL t r \ r r t LnLcrru0lrb l iJ r j . , , r )g lu r . ir!ir:rrs. he sl):rre f ntrrruptrlle 3,rl.s rll..r^ ro h.rl. in.ra:ii!J 111|r (oJii,irr.i3l scd.r hlJr.fincd rn ll)e rndustnrlscctrx o\'er.rll, nr.yruliil)le |olunre: lLr|e incr.3,(J since 'rl ir.1unh oi :rrp l l l t i ' , i \ . . ] l15sJ rn\l)on.rrrf \c)o lr ' rr)r ' r i t .rn l( u\ o i rntun-lr tr i , l tont rson e ) f | ! ' m.5 t r l ) ( , r t rn l\31s r f neclng uppl)d i iruPtu)ns

    i^oshoctv rf i5w{ \\ dt!"e\ofea{u r rr r-


    $e- e-,>itd^6 noCual{irs"tts beratse c->3deveropelor- gc^s r,ff"reis

    o{real7:el(lnte.rrrqlionat Energy Lgency , the aE0\ r./o*urq(g_"::*y_9q4., rqa6,D6s.E\-rL

    MqrketDevelopmentqnd SectorqlCompo:itionI l ri 8r \ n un ^ rN,nl rAnrtnrr, rnm,r,r 1els nlurr6:ts roducrionnd .nsLr,r ltronnI l lrr nned i:rteslerk. 'd n 19ll bul ell ubnanri;Lll lrnlr l 9, i '.l ] har .i r qr sdei^tredoI , 'rr)5!n.rsr or)lr hrre,qurnersi rts r; l le!t ] ]H.\elcr s r. lt la t i.k has ten,I .,,jr:\lnr grorlh rnges onsuntptionoth n he -'ni l,rd tiI..:rn.l lirritCiThisgil)!]ihhas

    l I . t . s I , / r I il r , rn ( r \ l r j liu rL rn( l , ' - l

  • 8/14/2019 CNDI - Natural Gas Update 2


    LNU I \ ro / ve\ r. t).l i t-l r.Jqc{

    I \nY- r.Ieal/of 6c,s-DAQrc)ect\ons -[o.-nU.A^ kner{car' "s a4ptiessrbyesL tlvt denonA" 5as coill excer4-oo"rllUl"

    o*rpp\i*t,eading 6 a tacss-spiLe\n or\ ces.lnbecnatim ol EnerSYuenc/i thr aEA Nqtuml Gas(qq5,lss 7&74

    Gos Bolonceor NorlhAmerico lcf l*Secu-1b St dy,

    Tqble3. | 71992 20ro

    Demond 2 32 1 2 5 7 2 85 3l .d igenoLrs roducl ion :US l 8 a 8a 4 8

    22 9620.065 3r2537

    2A 965 826.76

    Supply Yei-to-be Secured O 2 1 7 7Possible importr {bcm)'

    Nige f oIl 2l

    8) 2

    t L )-73" 71 ,

    l rom 3 scrunl ofsul l l t porn( frres, hr frgrrr .sn Lhl( , ] l - r f l re i r r e. lssuring rer ,osri,f ttr ptrrr rhrrc couirl porrnri.rllr' ,: .r sitfl! sir{rlL_rsroUnd 101i ,t,.r. o ,n ,ppr,",r l : r r l l r l l Cr\Lr i | t r$fn.r ierrts. r r , i l l t r r f i rcrcnt| l lh f ! l . r \ r : [kcts,, , on l , , ln , . "o , r' | ( ,L r l i l c to$ib1e osu l . i r l l le r l . i ; r r . . : l r .o l rnesi nerdrd In hr r3ble . trede 'h lr te; irc..l l ls bc .n a5luf ir lr l h is i \ c ]. .rrh.Dr.ore(r. |ere x r l rc r r l rsoJr)! :r snd . r i lh Lerrco lEI i Lrrr ic |d) \ iorts mrnoi o l irnrrs .\ lcr i i .D bLI n r j)r sr.ond h , : l io i rhec,u look tnoCIierl.o corikl bfconre r ner .).lon.r Al p; | u Ls en rl,lfrcrlt ro dtrirnu.\1.l.os r:.rd!- rrr,Js.s fin3n.ixlh n..f\j.r^. rn\cslnri|r\ roull hr(onrr a hn)itr g frrtorlJrr possibi|fi of l-\/-] irnfors Inlo N,r.lir Aoten.:thir( rndi.:tred ntpon .i llic frcnAj lc r i r r lrd\ r : r l . : ;p l.rcc n r JnrireJ , r ic : rn r l ; r l l crrrrrrnLrc,:rndnnli volrrres rom l tcNiginin LNaj proje.r trle bccn contrriled In rd(jilron, lroc coujJ hr ING (lclj\enesfrom\rneruelir andfrom Trin(ledand Tol-r:g,,,cfr,redtt rn,l of th,.ouriookpentrl Ii ij eriJ)ecledhosever thet LNC suntl ies i l l on]11h 1 ir \cn. |n i(d ro lc rn rc l] l Nonli Amui . in !j \suffirrs qnhin (hc rirnehori2on ruJirdhere BLrl l sll()Uld c strrssed hrr l_li6 srpllies ptr\, srgnificantol. in t.ts suppliesn sorrre egrons f lhe US.

    , JG", ,

    pp y t"i\nol t .rblp

    l 6 l A C , " P O g (-t d,e,.n '1,t ;t gr ic 5


  • 8/14/2019 CNDI - Natural Gas Update 2



    Pr.ce o rnfu,ll ga, t^i(trisg qs lAe- drnrr/goe> op as rllortK Alner{con3ao pricps{-e{ecl ctrcrenf rnack-pcmditi orts.

    lntemqlionql Energl ASencP -IAt IEA Nqtorc,(C;ase ecucrtA Str-,d% ltQb, P2 86


    N c pr i c r gt .o l \ t ,bl &nv^d

    t - i . 1 . ' 9 l J - 1 \ ' l


    @Pi.fs in git\ .ontr?.rs r Norrh \merl.] arc n.reasillglr nde)iedo es..rl3t.r. hrr rrflr,r urtIn3IkL'l o.ditron: Iscirl]trona Ih slot or futureslrices fo ! gas s :n.rit re.]Lrenrut reIttr1,.'l. ) athrr iuels. n pr i.uhr orl pro

  • 8/14/2019 CNDI - Natural Gas Update 2


    L\nY--nJte daf (-rasDA

    1}II-LCN tlcr*or.l


    . on

  • 8/14/2019 CNDI - Natural Gas Update 2


    pn" 5 -toE- 6 \'-::,:l'-lrl:li,]ll .:.p..t.d of nrerhlncas ur nal,atsoonrliu mall Lran_

    , ) \ l ' l : : . ,1 ' jrcr r) . r ik,c lr l ror)5cs.ucl)r \crhir l (rrrc lPrs|x l lg.Lr l r .cl j . he\ ! y ' \ u | 1 r I r d r J l c \ c \ t r rc t \ i l t l d DrJ rk ( t r r l l r r o r i r l l l t e l l ] 0 t l j l l r t , r r Ub i ( f ( c t ( ) [ nJ t _

    "lf . l l . l l i l l t l lsot l lt t t tDrrull hlsir

    f; , tte":\::..fll:,:. ', 'h. IJ.,S. nutcOit. NtuurutG,Lr. ut d Nett!tltt us LiclritlscVu.o6{jt ' ' '1,, .:.u.u'lnttu.tlR.potr. lrcre re21.3bill io| brrrcisof crudepetlo_t ; rcu l ] )| l l r )v ! ' rescrvcs11heUni ted la!esudU.S. rorec lor l lcs ,.h jch t r-o, \ cludesallrloxinralcly16 5rnilliorrban.els l clucle etr.olcunreservesrrs_( o\ 'ere{l in ?ft0JL"::lrl:"1,t,1: ,."Isunplion has ncreasettrenrendousll,ve r (h c lasl ru,oI :::]:." riiureo s ! cterncr lternativeo hcating il ar:ci orl, ntalv nonre_I osnelrarrd urincssesorvelrc,dheir urlacc y.L,u, io,,"*,rr'gor. N"tr,rul

    I w\ lL \ - , ( - t e rJr - qL 1

    lin k- r,.legn/ot Gas DA) - '1]abml gas : ,^ 3tti6\e qltemvt;uu{orcc,fllanipsa saitcl, 4o becat,se- rr rs a.rno.rnettam el and .burns Clpcner thc,n

    oi or- coo. .Chr\3goPhe.Sinr.,o (ossecio{a p,-cr-"566- { poU*icntsc i ence c* the tlnl ,"u-sil6o{ tuada- Ae^o), L\tenni/ir/p-: fD(i{ ica\/ (rsnomi c, and sociot F"c.s(t i { l fv . zc91

  • 8/14/2019 CNDI - Natural Gas Update 2


    Iink -r.to2zrlaf6as DAoncs colP4nies sr:,fcA +u 6,,otr..,ca(os $t US hosernuglF.Yserws i^ order 6 rnai,-,tc\ir, steqdy sopply

    bf rause fhe(e tS .^ lOt oF rese(vr S dr{C n r,drscover;e5atnq mad


    *::t,"!!.11 :l:: Las;7c,^a!,ro+?\\orepiHca\::^': ' .! lhe urrivr$it'3 c IYevqL^,gnno),*,r[rnr*tv8i -nerq- \ ' " por i+ ; tu l Fcr - . ,no^rL r t r i l Qr ' / / " tL ' t tL4t vYri-.q_6--,.. CurrcDt plorluction rutcs re apprrxiltrr(cly I pej.ceDI J'pr.oyeD es.'r\es Pcr ),elr. Aecolding to thc U.S. Dcpartrnentol Euerg.v

    tDOE) .E lergy In lb ln ra t ion dmi r l i s t ra ton ,aso l ?00.1 ,heUni ledStu tes as191.5 r i l l i oncub ic eeto l l a tuml g rs in proven eserves,rh ich inc ludes2.6'bil l ion-cubic-[orr( ncrease ia nol f ielcl discoveries nc l statisticalad -justu)erlts.ProilLrctiouloll l t l i l tulal gas rcscrvesule growing at a ra tc toltrt iIncs tl le [i]te of rc\\, discoYc|iesan d reltLesc|lt pproxi[tatcly 4 pelcentol 'ro\en rcservesPe f ),ear.


    of 'ts. .

  • 8/14/2019 CNDI - Natural Gas Update 2


    l \nk- rtJeSl"r 6cs DAr'J tucct\ E:^a uould b'e cn 1de.,tr^eplacmenl Q-

    o\\ btcause (6n 6e- ,

  • 8/14/2019 CNDI - Natural Gas Update 2


    \r L^.", r,rt1-,mleRS beetr?Plc\cplne/lt6f- o,rl_ {ased in crrrrentCornponis cd\\\ soitch

    ffc!S a3 s \de.llbucn= lhof- cltcvr\y,, (an LeYs ^iclP=,s^d is versi f i {e.( iCnc,rdH Abr1 ferror^,+ pos+Qarbon TnS+itule),m< Pak\/ . t ! ovfr : af ctnl flne gIe o( Lndqslrre l! !c, j1ta5,ZooS,?X.t3

    Natural as

    I allt ' to as t br nra'r, i lccades.Esti lr'uutsrr girsata:taolcglc,b- [(***:j**:*t*::*,J,','*::ii:;:::l;::;:Tl:;rffzu=ubcr,100 cf soften itcd; r,..,,,lir'il.lllniecil;,and pecLrlrti'clt cnLrnr',-.- 1*:,.o,,.1:.:r rob,i",*.,:iJll.fiilllii'iii;l:ill ::;il::::l,,. ----{gcuc1'(EIA,cp.rrsharhc S als. ,","Lro,,r; ir. .r: : ," ', ; l ; l l i : l : i i :ffll'I.:U:fiJil t'esr 77 crin00r', ;t;;;,;;l;i ,,,"*.,",

    ln sone respccrs, Jrural l ias Jppeirrs o l:re n icicrl repl.rccrlcnrfucl lo r oil: itburns rore cleanh'(rhough ir st r produces aorl, ".a,rrri, i.r,,.u.*r, "n auscs an be cclnvcrted o nl n olERoErsqrritei h. has,;;;' :":' ,:'n':"'::,:::;1'l]:_::,.,]...ll.l..'.;lirgriculturetlrrough he Hrbcr Igrass'aliing,or clectricit'gcne.",,t^olt'ln::tttt'' tbr industrialproccssesikeCurrcr'\,, atural ,t s ,..ornr, a]tn'and lor household o.rkittq ndhcating.fion; z perccnr irhe o." "-,-....,,"1"ut

    ?5 perccntof LISencL' consump-don;zpercc.tirhc as rtrrctedis"r* ,.,.,.,.."*a-il;:rr:ffiIi.rarlrcadr'.isn nfrasrrucruren place o makcusJof this,r",. .. '^', ( (_ \Could r r r rcr i t rn'c r rcrc . r .c t io rnr te , , - . ^ - . ._ : : - ' - ' , .some rgrnrzatiorlsnd individLramake p fo r th eproicctc'l hortfrlls " t,ii) i-an,toastbr ra'r.a...a.,.,,inl'",'J:'il.,:il1".,].,^*::'"11"",0,.':r: tk

    f ,,.?l:JJl;'Jil?;,i]:illli.'::"'e'brc ftrturciisco'cr'Jsurre,r ro\,1/ - ,1" nr.."-a'r".'.*;. il;:"

    years t curre t usage atesThat assuDrptio'hm::m,'.".':;j::r:i::{iT':lL:':':[ii:::lTil,l::: Tlt:..:,r\?eurye,o","."*""i"_0..:ff:ff-H::,.d;ff:;on gpenod of decljnc to occLrr._, . .. . long before the lrst cubic f"o, i, .rrr,r.,.. l l_p1