cmsc 671 fall 2010 thu 9/9/10 uninformed search (summary) informed search functional programming...

CMSC 671 CMSC 671 Fall 2010 Fall 2010 Thu 9/9/10 Thu 9/9/10 Uninformed Search (summary) Uninformed Search (summary) Informed Search Informed Search Functional Programming Functional Programming (revisited) (revisited) Prof. Laura Zavala, [email protected] , ITE 373, 410- 455-8775

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Page 1: CMSC 671 Fall 2010 Thu 9/9/10 Uninformed Search (summary) Informed Search Functional Programming (revisited) Prof. Laura Zavala,,

CMSC 671CMSC 671Fall 2010Fall 2010

Thu 9/9/10Thu 9/9/10

Uninformed Search (summary) Uninformed Search (summary) Informed SearchInformed Search

Functional Programming (revisited)Functional Programming (revisited)

Prof. Laura Zavala, [email protected], ITE 373, 410-455-8775

Page 2: CMSC 671 Fall 2010 Thu 9/9/10 Uninformed Search (summary) Informed Search Functional Programming (revisited) Prof. Laura Zavala,,

Functional Functional ProgrammingProgramming

Page 3: CMSC 671 Fall 2010 Thu 9/9/10 Uninformed Search (summary) Informed Search Functional Programming (revisited) Prof. Laura Zavala,,

Cool Things About Lisp

• Functions as objects (pass a function as an argument)

• Lambda expressions (construct a function on the fly)

• Lists as first-class objects

• Program as data

• Macros (smart expansion of expressions)

• Symbol manipulation

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Functional Programming

• Decomposes a problem into a set of functions

• Has its roots in Lambda Calculus

• Formal system for function definition, function application and recursion.

• Functions as objects (pass a function as an argument)

• Lambda expressions (construct a function on the fly)

• Functions don't have any internal state (global and local variables)

• Recursion

• Truly functional programs are highly parallelizable

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Functional Programming Languages

A focus on LISt Processing (Lisp). Built-in map(), reduce(), and filter(), and the

operator lambda. Lisp, Scheme, Haskell, ML, OCAML,

Clean, Mercury, Erlang, and a few others. Python – Procedural, object-oriented, FP Clojure - a dynamically-typed, functional

programming language that runs on the JVM and provides interoperability with Java.

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Lisp Map Function

Apply a function to all elements of a list, and return the resulting list

Lisp has a whole family of map functions map, maplist, mapcar, etc.

> mapcar #’(lambda (x) (+ x 10) ‘(1 2 3))(11 12 13)> mapcar #’list ‘(a b c) ‘(11 2 3 4))((A 1) (B 2) (C 3))

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Lisp Reduce Function

Boiling down a sequence into a single value The function must be a function of two


> reduce #’fn ‘(a b c d))

is equivalent to

> (fn (fn (fn ‘a ‘b) ‘c) ‘d)

> reduce #’+ ‘(1 2 3)) (6)

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Uninformed Search (summary)

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Building goal-based agents

To build a goal-based agent we need to answer the following questions: What is the goal to be achieved? What are the actions? What relevant information is necessary to encode in

order to describe the state of the world, describe the available transitions, and solve the problem?




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8 puzzle

State: 3 x 3 array configuration of the tiles on the board.

Operators: Blank Left, Blank Right, Blank Up, Blank Down.

Initial State: A particular configuration of the board.

Goal: A particular configuration of the board.

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8 puzzle – Search Tree

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Study this map of Romania. Note the distances between cities and try and calculate the shortest route between Arad and Bucharest.

















































Optimal route is (140+80+97+101) = 418 miles

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Search Tree

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Search Tree

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Search Tree

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Evaluating search strategies

Completeness Guarantees finding a solution whenever one exists

Time complexity How long (worst or average case) does it take to find a solution?

Usually measured in terms of the number of nodes expanded

Space complexity How much space (memory) is used by the algorithm? Usually

measured in terms of the maximum size of the “nodes” list during the search

Optimality/Admissibility If a solution is found, is it guaranteed to be an optimal one? That is,

is it the one with minimum cost?

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Uninformed Search Methods

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Breadth-First vs Depth-First (DFS)

Breadth-First Exponential time and space O(bd)

Optimal if costs are the same


Exponential time O(bd)

Linear space O(bd)

May not terminate

Uniform-Cost (UCS) Iterative Deepening solves the infinite-path problemcomplete and optimal

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Bi-directional search

Alternate searching from the start state toward the goal and from the goal state toward the start.

Stop when the frontiers intersect. Works well only when there are unique start and goal states. Requires the ability to generate “predecessor” states. Can (sometimes) lead to finding a solution more quickly.

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Uninformed Search Results

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Example for illustrating uninformed search strategies




3 1 8

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Depth-First Search

Expanded node Nodes list{ S0 }

S0 { A3 B1 C8 }A3 { D6 E10 G18 B1

C8 } D6 { E10 G18 B1 C8 }E10 { G18 B1 C8 }

G18 { B1 C8 }




3 1 8

15 20 53


Solution path found is S A G, cost 18Number of nodes expanded (including goal node) = 5

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Breadth-First Search

Expanded node Nodes list{ S0 }

S0 { A3 B1 C8 }A3 { B1 C8 D6 E10 G18 } B1 { C8 D6 E10 G18 G21 }C8 { D6 E10 G18 G21 G13 }

D6 { E10 G18 G21 G13 } E10 { G18 G21 G13 } G18 { G21 G13 }

Solution path found is S A G , cost 18 Number of nodes expanded (including goal node) = 7




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Uniform-Cost Search Expanded node Nodes list

{ S0 }

S0 { B1 A3 C8 }

B1 { A3 C8 G21 }

A3 { D6 C8 E10 G18 G21 }

D6 { C8 E10 G18 G1 }

C8 { E10 G13 G18 G21 }

E10 { G13 G18 G21 }

G13 { G18 G21 }

Solution path found is S B G, cost 13 Number of nodes expanded (including goal node) = 7




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How they perform

Depth-First Search: Expanded nodes: S A D E G Solution found: S A G (cost 18)

Breadth-First Search: Expanded nodes: S A B C D E G Solution found: S A G (cost 18)

Uniform-Cost Search: Expanded nodes: S A D B C E G Solution found: S B G (cost 13)

This is the only uninformed search that worries about costs.

Iterative-Deepening Search: nodes expanded: S S A B C S A D E G Solution found: S A G (cost 18)

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Bi-directional search

Alternate searching from the start state toward the goal and from the goal state toward the start.

Stop when the frontiers intersect. Works well only when there are unique start and goal states. Requires the ability to generate “predecessor” states. Can (sometimes) lead to finding a solution more quickly.

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Comparing Search Strategies

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Avoiding Repeated States

In increasing order of effectiveness in reducing size of state space and with increasing computational costs:1. Do not return to the state you just came

from. 2. Do not create paths with cycles in them. 3. Do not generate any state that was ever

created before. Net effect depends on frequency of “loops”

in state space.

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Informed Search Methods

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Informed search strategy

Uses problem-specific knowledge to assess whether one non-goal state is “more-promising” than another.

The strategy and knowledge used for the assessment is known as heuristic.

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Merriam-Webster's Online DictionaryHeuristic (pron. \hyu-’ris-tik\): adj. [from Greek heuriskein to discover.]

involving or serving as an aid to learning, discovery, or problem-solving by experimental and especially trial-and-error methods

The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (15Feb98) heuristic 1. <programming> A rule of thumb, simplification or

educated guess that reduces or limits the search for solutions in domains that are difficult and poorly understood. Unlike algorithms, heuristics do not guarantee feasible solutions and are often used with no theoretical guarantee. 2. <algorithm> approximation algorithm.

From WordNet (r) 1.6 heuristic adj 1: (computer science) relating to or using a heuristic rule 2:

of or relating to a general formulation that serves to guide investigation [ant: algorithmic] n : a commonsense rule (or set of rules) intended to increase the probability of solving some problem [syn: heuristic rule, heuristic program]

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Heuristic function

Define a heuristic function h(n) that estimates the “goodness” of a node n. Specifically, h(n) = estimated cost (or distance)

of minimal cost path from n to a goal state.

The heuristic function is an estimate of how close we are to a goal, based on domain-specific information that is computable from the current state description.

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Examples of HeuristicsExamples:

Missionaries and Cannibals: Number of people on starting river bank

8-puzzle: Number of tiles out of place 8-puzzle: Sum of distances each tile is from its

goal position (Manhattan Distance)

In general: h(n) ≥ 0 for all nodes n h(n) = 0 implies that n is a goal node h(n) = ∞ implies that n is a dead-end that can

never lead to a goal

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Best-first search

Order nodes on the nodes list by increasing value of an evaluation function f (n) f (n) incorporates domain-specific information in

some way. Incorportes a heuristic function h(n) as a

component of f.This is a generic way of referring to the class

of informed methods. We get different searches depending on the

evaluation function f (n)

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Greedy search

Evaluates nodes by using just the heuristic function f (n) = h(n).

Selects node to expand believed to be closest (hence “greedy”) to a goal node (i.e., select node with smallest f value)

Not complete Not admissible

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Greedy Search



h = Straight Line Distance

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Algorithm A*

Use as an evaluation functionf (n) = g(n) + h(n)

g(n) = minimal-cost path from the start state to state n.

The g(n) term adds a “breadth-first” component to the evaluation function.

Ranks nodes on search frontier by estimated cost of solution from start node through the given node to goal.




1 5 8








5 89


h(d)=9C is chosen

next to expand

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Admissible heuristic – Never overestimates the cost to reach the goal SLD – Shortest path between any two points is a

straight line, so it can not be an overestimate.

Consistency – estimated cost of reaching goal from n is no greater than step cost n to n’ plus estimated cost of reaching goal from n’ h(n) <= c(n,a,n’) + h(n’)

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Algorithm A*

Complete whenever the branching factor is finite, and every operator has a fixed positive cost

Optimally efficient for any given consistent heuristic




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h(d)=9C is chosen

next to expand

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A* in action

Remember that the A* search pattern is the union of two evaluation functions. In the following demonstration the A* search pattern evaluates the cost of the path so far (UCS), together with an admissible heuristic function based on the shortest line distance (SLD) between between the initial state and the goal location, such that hSLD(n) = straight line distance between n and the goal

location. The following is table of the straight line distances between

some of the major Romanian cities and and the goal state, Bucharest.

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Straight Line Distances to Bucharest

Town SLDArad 366

Bucharest 0

Craiova 160

Dobreta 242

Eforie 161

Fagaras 178

Giurgiu 77

Hirsova 151

Iasi 226

Lugoj 244

Town SLDMehadai 241

Neamt 234

Oradea 380

Pitesti 98

Rimnicu 193

Sibiu 253

Timisoara 329

Urziceni 80

Vaslui 199

Zerind 374

We can use straight line distances as an admissible heuristic as they will never overestimate the cost to the goal: there is no shorter distance between two cities than the straight line distance.

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Press space to see an A* search of the Romanian map featured in the previous slide. Note: Throughout the animation all nodes are labelled with f(n) = g(n) + h(n). However,we will be using the abbreviations f, g and h to make the notation simpler









We begin with the initial state of Arad. The cost of reaching Arad from Arad (or g value) is 0 miles. The straight line distance from Arad to Bucharest (or h value) is 366 miles. This gives us a total value of ( f = g + h ) 366 miles. Press space to expand the initial state of Arad.

F= 0 + 366

F= 366

F= 75 + 374

F= 449

F= 140 + 253

F= 393F= 118 + 329

F= 447

Once Arad is expanded we look for the node with the lowest cost. Sibiu has the lowest value for f. (The cost to reach Sibiu from Arad is 140 miles, and the straight line distance from Sibiu to the goal state is 253 miles. This gives a total of 393 miles). Press space to move to this node and expand it.

We now expand Sibiu (that is, we expand the node with the lowest value of f ). Press space to continue the search.

F= 239 + 178

F= 417

F= 291 + 380

F= 671

F= 220 + 193

F= 413

We now expand Rimnicu (that is, we expand the node with the lowest value of f ). Press space to continue the search.

F= 317 + 98

F= 415F= 366 + 160

F= 526

Once Rimnicu is expanded we look for the node with the lowest cost. As you can see, Pitesti has the lowest value for f. (The cost to reach Pitesti from Arad is 317 miles, and the straight line distance from Pitesti to the goal state is 98 miles. This gives a total of 415 miles). Press space to move to this node and expand it.

We now expand Pitesti (that is, we expand the node with the lowest value of f ). Press space to continue the search.

We have just expanded a node (Pitesti) that revealed Bucharest, but it has a cost of 418. If there is any other lower cost node (and in this case there is one cheaper node, Fagaras, with a cost of 417) then we need to expand it in case it leads to a better solution to Bucharest than the 418 solution we have already found. Press space to continue.

F= 418 + 0

F= 418

In actual fact, the algorithm will not really recognise that we have found Bucharest. It just keeps expanding the lowest cost nodes (based on f ) until it finds a goal state AND it has the lowest value of f. So, we must now move to Fagaras and expand it. Press space to continue.

We now expand Fagaras (that is, we expand the node with the lowest value of f ). Press space to continue the search.

Bucharest(2)F= 450 + 0

F= 450

Once Fagaras is expanded we look for the lowest cost node. As you can see, we now have two Bucharest nodes. One of these nodes ( Arad – Sibiu – Rimnicu – Pitesti – Bucharest ) has an f value of 418. The other node (Arad – Sibiu – Fagaras – Bucharest(2) ) has an f value of 450. We therefore move to the first Bucharest node and expand it. Press space to continue


We have now arrived at Bucharest. As this is the lowest cost node AND the goal state we can terminate the search. If you look back over the slides you will see that the solution returned by the A* search pattern ( Arad – Sibiu – Rimnicu – Pitesti – Bucharest ), is in fact the optimal solution.

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Features of an A* Search

A* is optimal and complete, but it is not all good news. It can be shown that the number of nodes that are searched is still exponential to the length of the search space for most problems. This has implications not only for the time taken to perform the search but also the space required. Of these two problems the search complexity is more serious.

If you examine the animation on the previous slide you will notice an interesting phenomenon. Along any path from the root, the f-cost never decreases. This is no accident. It holds true for all admissible heuristics. A heuristic for which it holds is said to exhibit monotonicity.

Because A* expands the leaf nodes of lowest f, we can see that an A* search fans out from the start node, adding nodes in concentric bands of increasing f-cost. These bands can be modelled as contours in the state space.

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Dealing with hard problems

For large problems, A* often requires too much space. Two variations conserve memory: IDA* and SMA* IDA* -- iterative deepening A*

uses successive iteration with growing limits on f. For example, A* but don’t consider any node n where f (n) > 10 A* but don’t consider any node n where f (n) > 20 A* but don’t consider any node n where f (n) > 30, ...

SMA* -- Simplified Memory-Bounded A* uses a queue of restricted size to limit memory use. throws away the “oldest” worst solution.

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What’s a good heuristic?

If h1(n) < h2(n) ≤ h*(n) for all n, h2 is better than (dominates) h1

Relaxing the problem: remove constraints to create a (much) easier problem; use the solution cost for this problem as the heuristic function

Combining heuristics: take the max of several admissible heuristics: still have an admissible heuristic, and it’s better!

Identify good features, then use a learning algorithm to find a heuristic function: also may lose admissibility

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Summary: Informed search Best-first search is general search where the minimum-cost nodes

(according to some measure) are expanded first. Greedy search uses minimal estimated cost h(n) to the goal state as

measure. This reduces the search time, but the algorithm is neither complete nor optimal.

A* search combines uniform-cost search and greedy search: f (n) = g(n) + h(n). A* handles state repetitions and h(n) never overestimates. A* is complete and optimal, but space complexity is high. The time complexity depends on the quality of the heuristic

function. IDA* and SMA* reduce the memory requirements of A*.

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Thanks for coming -- see you next Tuesday!