cmps 20081211a international best practice approaches to complaints handling

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  • 8/2/2019 Cmps 20081211a International Best Practice Approaches to Complaints Handling


    International best practice

    approaches to complaints handling

    Dr. Richard BoyleSenior Research Officer

    Institute of Public Administration


    Presentation at HKEU seminar 11th December 2008

  • 8/2/2019 Cmps 20081211a International Best Practice Approaches to Complaints Handling



    Complaints handling oftenmisunderstood and under

    appreciated Primary focus of the presentation is

    on internal complaints handling

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  • 8/2/2019 Cmps 20081211a International Best Practice Approaches to Complaints Handling


    What is a complaint?

    Any expression of dissatisfaction thatneeds a response

    Where a decision or action is takenrelating to the provision of a servicewhich, it is claimed, is not in accordancewith the rules, practice or policy of theorganisation or the generally acceptedprinciples of equity and goodadministrative practice and whichadversely affects the person concerned

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    Why is good complaints handling

    important? Complaints provide a window on systemic


    Complaints can stimulate improvement Good complaints handling can defuse a


    The price of failure is high

    McMillan, 2007

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    Ways in which people can lodge a

    complaint Telephone In person

    Customer comment card Mail Email

    Link from the website Blogs and chatrooms

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  • 8/2/2019 Cmps 20081211a International Best Practice Approaches to Complaints Handling


    Encouraging complaints

    People often dont know how to complain. They need tobe encouraged:

    developing specific information and resources: fact-

    sheets, posters, translated information,brochures regular publications: newsletter, email alerts

    website as a recognised source of information anduseful links

    flexible distribution strategies: email, face-to-face,mail-outs, libraries, government and communityagencies

    promotional goodies: fridge magnets, pens

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    People may fear complaining or

    lack confidence in the system Fear of discrimination or harassment

    Inform clients that they will not be

    discriminated against as a result ofmaking a complaint

    Establish internal follow-up proceduresto address the risk of discriminationagainst clients who lodge a complaint

    Staff may also have concerns

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    First steps in establishing a

    complaints handling system Identify good practice complaints

    handling principles

    Conduct a risk assessment: Level of consequence versus likelihood

    of recurrence

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    Dealing with cross-cutting and

    complex complaints Respective roles and responsibilities in

    administering legislation, making policyand handling complaints should be clearlyspelt out and visible to the public

    A standardised complaints handlingsystem

    An overseeing body/function? Specialist staff for complex, high profile


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    Dealing with difficult

    complainants Challenges of dealing with habitual

    or vexatious complainants

    Good guidance, backed up by skillsdevelopment, is crucial

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    The impact of information and

    communications technologies Using websites for complaints


    Complaints tracking

    Blogs and Web 2.0

    Not forgetting the computer illiterateand those without access

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  • 8/2/2019 Cmps 20081211a International Best Practice Approaches to Complaints Handling


    Quality assuring complaints

    handling Need for quality control measures in the

    handling of complaints

    Tracking a sample of complaints frominitiation to closure

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    Creating a supportive climate

    Role of senior management

    Relationship between the complaints

    manager and chief executive

    Integrating complaints handling withhuman resource practices such as

    performance appraisal and trainingand development

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    The complaints ladder

    First stage:The intake officer screens thecomplaint and registers it if it is appropriate. Thenfront-line staff attempt to resolve it.

    Second stage:When clients are still dissatisfied,a more senior official or a complaints officerinvestigates their complaints and reports theresults to them.

    Third stage:Consider using mutually acceptable,alternative dispute resolution mechanisms suchas mediation. If this is not possible, a third partycould arbitrate the matter.

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    Ensuring lesson learning

    Promoting system-wide lessonlearning in good practice

    Variety of players

    central agencies,Ombudsman and Audit offices

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  • 8/2/2019 Cmps 20081211a International Best Practice Approaches to Complaints Handling



    We must expect dissatisfied customers. We havechoices about how the public can express thatdissatisfaction

    To the greatest possible extent, complaintsshould be handled at a local level

    Handling complaints effectively is not just aboutvalue for money. It is about establishing aresponsive relationship between the apparatus ofthe state and the people who use this apparatus(House of Commons Public Administration SelectCommittee)