cmas staff & test administrator training 2014 ethics, security and test administration

CMAS Staff & Test Administrator Training 2014 ETHICS, SECURITY AND TEST ADMINISTRATION

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CMAS Staff and Test Administration TrainingCMAS Staff Training: Part I1. Required Forms: Training Sign-In &

Security Agreement2. CMAS Overview3. Staff Ethics Training

• Ethical Responsibilities during CMAS testing

• CMAS Test Security• Testing Environment• Testing Irregularities• Infrastructure Trial

CMAS Test Administrator Training: Part II4. Administering the CMAS

• Role of the Test Administrator • Active Proctoring• Test Administration Procedures• Testing Day in PearsonAccess

5. Supplemental Information for Test Administrators

• Accommodations• TestNav Screens

Who needs to be trained?

All staff members involved in CMAS administration in any way must be trained each year on ethical assessment practices and standard administration policies and procedures.

This includes administrators, teachers, STRs, paras, office staff members and other technology personnel.

• Staff training must be completed by 10/28• Scan/email sign-in sheets to [email protected]• Each staff members must sign a CMAS Security Agreement form

CMAS Required Forms

ALL staff involved in CMAS must sign-in to verify training and also sign a CMAS Security Agreement.

These forms are available online at under the Administration tabTraining Sign-In Sheets

Scan/Email to [email protected]

CMAS Security Agreement

Keep on-file at your school for 3 years (paper or digital copy)

CMAS Overview

CMAS PARCC Testing Windows 2014-15

What is the purpose of CMAS?

The purpose of CMAS is to:

• Determine the level at which Colorado students meet the Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) and Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in the content areas assessed.

• Monitor how well students are learning

• Measure their progress over time

• Add to a body of evidence to determine students’ proficiency level in multiple content areas

Why…Social Studies and Science? We want to ensure our students are… Responsible, Productive Citizens:

Powerful social studies learning leads to a well-informed and civic-minded citizenry that can sustain and build on democratic traditions.

A strong understanding of science allows us to describe, define, investigate and understand the world in which we live.

College and Career Ready for higher education in STEM, Liberal Arts

We want to ensure our college and career bound students have social understanding, civic efficacy and an ability to relate to the world around them.

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically… Intelligence plus

character–that is the goal of true education.”~Martin Luther King Jr.

Why 12th grade?

• Scope and Sequence for science & social studies varies widely across Colorado in grades 9-10 and does not significantly overlap until 11th grade.

• To enable optimal coverage of the high school standards, the earliest a science & social studies assessment could be given is 11th grade.

• Districts across Colorado voted for Fall of 12th grade.

Who Takes this Test?

Students who are…• Designated as 12th graders for the first time

• Part of SY 2011-12 freshman cohort (anticipated year of graduation is 2014-15)


Social StudiesAssessment Frameworks:





ScienceAssessment Frameworks:

Physical Science

Life Science

Earth Systems Science

Scientific Investigations and the Nature of Science (SI/NS)

What are ePATs?

• Expose students and staff with the content and format of the test

• See sample items and how they work

• Familiarize students with online test engine, TestNav 8, and embedded supports

• Available at

ePATs are Practice Testing Environments, a great way to….

Instructional Resources for CMAS

Source Instructional Resources

DPS Click on Instruction


PearsonAccess Select Colorado Next click on the ePAT tab

CMAS Performance LevelsPerformance Level:

Top two levels are indicators of being on

track for college and career:

Distinguished CommandStrong Command

Moderate CommandLimited Command

Accountability RatingsYear Assessment Assessment Results included in School &

District Accountability Ratings*

2014 (Spring) CMAS Science & Social Studies Participation Only

2014-15 CMAS Science & Social Studies Participation Only

2015-16 CMAS Science & Social Studies Participation and Achievement

*from CDE, August 2014

Ethical ResponsibilitiesCMAS TESTING

What is a “Standardized” assessment?

Standardization requires that all proctors give all test sessions in the same way so that all students have the same test content, resources, directions, testing conditions and scoring procedures.

Why is “Standardized” so important?

Standardization ensures that one score obtained by one student in a part of Colorado will mean the same as a score obtained by another student in a different part of Colorado.

Ethical Responsibilities

I understand that the purpose of the CMAS assessment is to measure the level at which Colorado students meet the CAS and CCSS in the content areas assessed.

I understand my role in standardized testing is to allow students to work independently without my help.

I understand that test administrators must follow the rules of standardization in order for the students to receive a valid score.

I understand that the district analyzes unusual CMAS scores trends to ensure that all DPS test scores are valid.

I understand that I must perform my professional responsibilities with honesty, integrity, due care, and fairness.

Ethical Practices & CMAS

Teach to the standards, not the test

Provide all approved accommodations

Never use items from test for test preparation

Never share or alter student responses

Do not coach or clue students during test administration

In order to maintain standardization, test administrators must make sure that their students have the same CMAS testing experience as all of the other students who are taking the same exam.

Potential Consequences of Misadministrations or Unethical Behavior

Test invalidations of any kind: • will affect school and district accountability reports

such as SPF.• may affect compensation and evaluation

determinations.• may also result in disciplinary actions including, but

not limited to, reprimand, suspension, dismissal, and loss of license.

Test Security

Test Security PlanYour SAL and school leader(s) have created a test security plan to determine testing security protocols and a plan to handle testing irregularities and security breaches

This plan:

• Establishes a chain of custody protocol for materials

• Designates a central locked storage area for securing test materials

• Documents that STRs, Test Administrators, and proctors have received necessary documentation and training for successful, secure administration of the CMAS Test

Testing Materials

Secure Materials:• Student Authorization

Tickets• Seal Codes• Paper test books• Social Studies Source

Books• Oral Scripts

Non-Secure Materials:

• Test Administrator Manuals (TAM)

• CMAS Procedures Manual

Keep all Test Materials Secure• Test Administrators may see the Oral Scripts up to 24 hours

before the testing window (48 hours for those doing translation accommodations). o This must be done in the presence of the SAL. o The materials cannot be checked out for translation.

• Only materials for the content area being assessed will be distributed.

• Return materials to a designated secure location (not stored in classrooms)

No Reproduction of Testing Materials

Test Security is ensuring that there is no reproduction of any test materials. This includes memorization, photocopying, note-taking, photographing, scanning, encoding, text messaging, sign language, blogging or using other forms of social networking to share information.

Do NOT take a screenshot of any part of the CMAS computer-based assessment. Do NOT make copies of any portion of the CMAS exams. Do NOT copy, by any means, any student work that results from this assessment.Do NOT look at the test prior to testing and prep students on what will be tested. (released and ePAT items are okay to share with students)Do NOT share student’s responses with anyone verbally, through the internet, or in written format.Do NOT attempt to score a student’s test before returning the materials.

Day(s) of TestingYour SAL will distribute and track test materials each day.

CMAS testing bins will be checked out 15 minutes prior to testing and must be returned to the secure room within 15 minutes after testing is completed.

Materials that may be included in a CMAS testing bins:o Student Authorization Tickets o Seal Codes o Accommodations materialso Paper-based testo Schedule of studentso Exit Posters

Double-check you have all your materials before returning to your testing site!

Test materials must not be stored in classrooms prior to or following the administration.

Maintaining Security of CMAS

No cell phones or other communication, reproduction or recording devices are allowed during test sessions, except to contact your SAL.

Manage devices! Have a plan in place to remove cell phones from students during testing.

Testing Environment

The Test Environment

The testing environment must:

• Be adequately lit, quiet, free of distractions, and heated or cooled

• Provide an adequate writing surface (paper-based)`

• Be free of electronic devices and music

• “Do Not Disturb/Only Authorized Personnel Allowed” sign must be placed on the door during test sessions

The Test Environment

No food or drink (inc. candy, gum) are allowed near computers, desks, and test materials

The testing environment must be free of any content-related posters or aids that suggest possible answers to students• Word walls• Steps for solving math equations• Any content related materials

Generally, posters that do not include content specific definitions, content related processes or solutions may remain on the wall

Unauthorized Visitors and the Media• Only students, Test Administrators, and authorized

school, district, state personnel, or state-sanctioned test monitors may be in testing areas during administration

• Parents and Guardians are not allowed in testing areas!

• Media are not allowed to have access to the tests before, during, or after test administration, or take pictures or video of testing materials or testing students

Prohibited Materials During All Sessions

Classroom resources that may provide unauthorized assistance, or explain, define, illustrate concepts that are part of the subject areas being tested, must be covered up or removed.

Including (not exhaustive list):• Posters, maps, or charts• Mathematical

formulas/theorems• Graphic organizers• Number lines• Multiplication tables• 100s charts

• Word lists• Definitions• Writing formulas• Any manipulative not

approved for use prior to testing

Refer to the CMAS Procedures Manual for examples of allowable and prohibited posted materials:

When in doubt, c

over it up!

Don’t risk a



Prohibited Materials During All Sessions

• All cellular phones – except to call SAL

• Non-testing personal electronic equipment (e.g., scanners, eBooks, electronic pens)

• Any electronic equipment capable of performing computations or providing other assistance in either content area (other than approved calculators)

• Instructional aids and reference books related to the content being assessed

Testing Irregularities and Misadministrations

Reporting Testing Irregularities

The SAL must immediately report any concern about breaches in test security or noncompliance

with test administration procedures to ARE.

Please contact your SAL immediately to report all testing irregularities

Testing Irregularities Include…• Building evacuation or lock-down

• Power or bandwidth failure

• Technology Interruptions

• Displaying testing aids in the testing environment (e.g., a bulletin board with relevant instructional material(s) during testing

• Failing to provide a student with a documented accommodation

• Providing a student with an accommodation that is not documented and therefore is not appropriate

ALL instances of security breaches and testing irregularities must be reported to the SAL who reports it immediately to the ARE.

Breach of Test Security• Use of electronic devices (e.g. cell phone)

by a student(s) while secure test materials are still distributed or while testing is in progress

• Reading non-test related material(s) before closing out the test session

• Altering or interfering with students’ responses in any way

• Leaving test materials unattended or failing to keep them secure

• Leaving students unattended while they

are testing

• Formally or informally scoring student responses to test items

• Failing to follow test administration directions

• Not administering a session according to the allotted time

ALL instances of security breaches and testing irregularities must be reported to the SAL who reports it immediately to the ARE.

Breach of Test Security (cont.)• Failing to actively monitor testing

students at all times

• Encouraging students to finish early

• Cheating by students (passing notes, talking to one another while testing, sharing responses to test items)

• Allowing unauthorized persons access to secure test materials

• Giving students access to test items or prompts prior to testing

• Viewing or letting students view secure content before testing

• Copying or reproducing any part of the passages or test items or any secure test materials or online test forms

• Removing secure materials from the school’s campus

ALL instances of security breaches and testing irregularities must be reported to the SAL who reports it immediately to the ARE.

EmergenciesIf a student becomes ill during a test:

• The student needs are the primary consideration.• The student may make-up the test.• The student may only have the amount of time that was left when

the test was suspended.

If there is an emergency requiring the test to be stopped:• Evaluate and respond to the emergency … safety first!• If it is possible to do so without any risk to students and your self, note the time remaining in the test session• Students will be allowed to use the remainder of the testing time to complete the session at a later date.

Technology InterruptionsTreat technology interruptions as any other “interruption to testing”

• Note the time of the interruption

• Students must be given remaining time to complete section.

Troubleshooting Devices during testing:

1. Shut down and reboot device

2. Try a new device; repeat

3. Pull student out of testing environment, call Hotline,

submit a testing irregularity form.

Call your SAL!

Most Common Testing Misadministrations

A student receives help from anyone on a test item

A student uses an unauthorized instrument, such as a calculator, cell phone or notes, during a test session

A student is denied appropriate accommodations or given the wrong accommodations

Test administrators not reading the Administrator’s Guide verbatim or reading the wrong test session directions.

Test administrators leaving materials on the walls in the testing room that give students an unfair advantage.

Test administrators sharing of test information or aiding students on the exam.

When in doubt ASK your SAL if something is allowable. Do not make a judgment call!

Reporting an Irregularity

A test administrator immediately notifies their SAL of the situation or concern.

A SAL calls the CMAS Hotline at 720.423.CMAS to report the irregularity.

SALs will fill out an irregularity report documenting the incident. Test Administrators may need to provide a written account of the testing irregularity that occurred.

Infrastructure Trial

What is an Infrastructure Trial?A Dry Run!

An infrastructure trial provides an opportunity for schools and students to prepare for CMAS testing by simulating test-day network utilization and giving students an opportunity to interact with the online testing interface – called TestNav 8 – prior to testing day.

The Trial will confirm that:• TestNav 8 is configured correctly• Devices can successfully run TestNav8• Participating staff who what to do for CMAS• Students are familiar with the computer-based tools and format

When is our school’s Infrastructure Trial?

What do I have to do given my role in the school?

Infrastructure Trial Date?

Online CMAS ResourcesDPS:



This is the End of Part I

Section II: Test Administrators

Role of the Test Administrator

The Role of the Test Administrator

• Be responsible for directly administering the CMAS Science & Social Studies assessments

• Be an employee of Denver Public Schools

• Be trained and have read the Test Administrator’s Manual (TAM) prior to any assessment administration

• Be trained in any specific accommodation they are providing

• Sign the security agreement before assessment administration begins

• Read the directions to students exactly as they appear in the TAM

• Manage each test session and document students who are absent or unable to complete testing

• Contact SAL or administration if a testing irregularity occurs

• Actively proctor test sections

The Test Administrator will…

The Role of the Test AdministratorDuring Testing….• Provide students with

authorization tickets and seal codes

• Active proctoring• Report any testing

irregularities to SAL

Before Testing…• Attend CMAS training • Review TestNav Tools and

ePAT Guide (Science & Social Studies)

• Thoroughly review the Test Administrator’s Manual

• Review PearsonAccess training modules/materials, as needed

• Review all accommodations to be provided

• Sign the Security Agreement Form and submit to SAL

• Prepare the testing environment

• Receive test materials from SAL

After Testing…• Collect test materials

from students and return to SAL

• Report accommodations usage to SAL

• Report any students for make-up

Test Administrators and Test Proctors

Test Administrators

• TAs will manage testing sessions in PearsonAccess, oversee test security, materials and accommodations

• Must by an employee of the district

Test Proctors

• Support Test Administrators during testing sessions

Both will actively proctor, assist with technology issues, attend training and sign a CMAS security agreement


• Ensure students have all necessary materials for each section

• Ensure a standardized testing environment

• Follow all scripts exactly as written

• Move throughout the room during testing

• Read directions to students when asked

• Use proximity to keep students on task

• Use “continue working” script


• Provide feedback

• Clarify test questions (test directions, yes!)

• Answer content related questions

• Interfere with the students’ demonstration of skills

• Interact with students in any way that would impact student responses

• Engage in other tasks during test sessions

• Read sources, items, or student responses

Test Administrator Role


• Develop student understanding through a continuous cycle of teaching and evaluating

• Provide differentiated explanations and alternative examples

• Encourage, coach and prompt students as they work


• Administer assessments that evaluate student understanding

• Ensure that assessments are standardized and all students have the same opportunities

• Allow students to demonstrate what they know without any interference.

Test administrators behave differently than classroom teachers

Test Administrator Role (cont).

During CMAS administration, TAs CANNOT:

Help students find an answer to a question.Point out missing or incorrect answers to students.Look at any CMAS items in order to coach students about what will be tested.Make any copies of the CMAS paper-based materials.Give students extra sheets of paper to complete their work.

Active Proctoring• Test Administrators must remain attentive and circulate

throughout the room during testing.

• Test Administrators should rotate between watching students and watching the PearsonAccess testing dashboard.

• Test Administrators should be in a position to see students’ eyes, not screens.

• Reading, grading papers, or other work is not permitted!

• Cell phones must be turned off unless necessary to contact your SAL!

Active Proctoring (cont.)Active Proctors SHOULD:

Ensure students have all necessary materials for each session

Ensure that the testing environment complies with CMAS instructions

Follow the Test Administration Manual exactly as written

Move throughout the room during testing

Active Proctoring (cont.)Active Proctors does NOT mean Active Participation!

Do not provide feedback either positively or negativelyDo not clarify test itemsDo not answer content related questionsDo not interact with students in a manner that will impact student responsesDo not point out responses that are incorrect or are missing to a student

Disruptive and Off-Task Students• Disruptive students should be removed from the testing environment. If

possible, they may continue the session in a designated area. • Contact your SAL!

• Test Administrators should never leave testing students unsupervised while dealing with a disruptive student.

• Test Administrators may use proximity and redirect (as written in the TAM script) to encourage student on-task behavior

• TAs must not answer student questions about test items

• Prior to testing time, teachers may prepare students for on-task behavior during the test.

Testing Day: Test AdministratorBEFORE AND DURING TESTING

Test Administrator ManualThe Test Administrator Manual (TAM) will guide you through each testing session.

Read through your TAM before test day!

TAMs are non-secure materials.

Schools will receive TAMs from Pearson, and can be downloaded and/or printed from the CDE website: 12th grade Science: http:// 12th grade Social Studies: http://

Before test day, ask your SAL if you have questions about the manual or the script.

What a testing day looks like…1. Prepare the test environment and situate students

2. Start session in PearsonAccess

3. Follow directions and read script in the Test Administrator’s Manual

4. Hand out Student Authorization Tickets

5. Assist students in logging on to TestNav 8

6. Complete directions to students and start session

7. Actively administer each test section

8. Collect Student Authorization Tickets

9. End test section

10. Return ALL secure testing materials to SAL and report on students who did not complete the testing section (absent, ill)

Log in to Pearson AccessAt the beginning of the testing day, log in to PearsonAccess by going to

1. Select Sign In

2. Enter the user name and password you created prior to administration

Have Login/Password to PearsonAccess readily accessible!

Just Before Testing: Start SessionTest Administrators will need to log into PearsonAccess to “START” a test session.

Students cannot log into the test until the session has been started.

1. Go to Test Management > Manage Test Sessions.

2. Click the session name to go to Session Details

3. Click Start4. Click Yes – Start Session

Before testing: Verify Accommodated Forms

Before students sign in, verify students have been assigned the correct accommodated form (if any).

You will do this from the PearsonAccess dashboard (Home Test Management Manage Test Sessions Select the Test Session name

1. Verify on Session Details screen under the “Form/Form Group Type” column

2. If required form is not indicated in the “Form/Form Group Type” column, the student will not have access to the accommodated form or the text-to-speech form.

3. To assign the correct form, use the Override link in the Form/Form Group Type column and select the appropriate Form Group Type and Form. Enter a reason and select Save.

4. This must be corrected before the student begins testing!

Before Testing:Test Text-to-Speech before Sign-in

Remember to test the audio before signing in!

After student signs in, audio for Text-to-Speech cannot be adjusted

Logging into the TestStudent Authorization TicketsEvery test session will have a unique password for each student, which is printed on Student Authorization Tickets. Students will be prompted to enter them to access the test.

Seal CodesSeal Codes are four-digit codes used to lock test sessions so that students cannot go ahead to the next session or go back to a previous session that has already been completed. Seal codes are the electronic equivalents of the adhesive tabs that are used to seal sections of paper test booklets.

Allowable Materials AFTER Testing?

Establish a school policy for allowing students to read a recreational book or have other allowable materials after completing a test section

Materials Allowed ONLY After Testing CompletedRecreational booksTextbooks for subjects other than the one being testedPamphlets, magazines, or periodicals

Allowable Materials will Impact Script

Know which script you will read from the Test Administrator’s Manual, based on your school’s decision to read materials after testing.

Administering the Test

Students must be given the full amount of time during all of the test sessions (including make-up sessions).


Test Administrators should write the beginning and end times on the board and may write the page numbers in the test session.

Make sure that a working clock is available for students so that they monitor their allotted testing time. Remember, count down timers are not allowed!

Administering the Tests (cont.)

• Know the test schedule for the day and follow it!

• Ensure you have all the appropriate testing materials before beginning a test session.

• Read administration directions word-for-word!

• Do not allow scratch paper or homework during or after testing time.

TAs: Monitoring Test Sessions

Monitor student testing status from the test dashboard in PearsonAccess.

Home Test Management Manage Test Session Session Details

To refresh a student’s testing status, click the “Refresh” icon in the Status column of the Session Details screen.

Monitor Student StatusEach student has his/her own status indicator.

A status explanation

will appear in the “Status”

column, showing the

status of each student

Status Explanation

As students begin to log in and start the test, the Status column next to the student’s name will show one of the following:

Status ExplanationReady The student has not yet started the test.

Active The student has logged in and started the test.

Exited The student has saved and exited the test section but has not completed all three sections of the test.

Resumed The test can be re-entered by the student. If the test is not Resumed or set to “Resumed” status by a Test Administrator after the student has exited the test, the test cannot be re-entered.

Completed All three sections of the student’s test have been completed and responses have been received by Pearson.

Marked Complete

The SAL marked the test complete.

View Student Progress

A Test Administrator can view a student’s progress to determine if all questions have been answered

Click on View Progress to view the student’s progress in the test

TAs/SALs: View Student Progress

Monitor the status of students in the session from this screen.

IMPORTANT! After approximately 6 items, if you are not seeing student responses coming into the View Progress screen but it appears the student is testing normally, you MUST contact your SAL immediately who will call the CMAS Hotline!

This is an indicator that student’s responses are not being saved!

Monitoring Test Sessions Click on the Support tabClick on the Training tabSelect “Monitoring Sessions”

To view a quick video on how to Monitor Test Sessions from the PearsonAccess dashboard, go to:

TAs/SALs: Resuming a Student

If a student has exited a test, you must “Resume” the test before they can log back in.

• The student status is Exited

• Select the checkbox next to the student’s name

• Click “Resume Test”, then confirm you want to resume the test

Testing Interruptions: Resume Test Sections

If there is an interruption to testing, the student should select the button next to his or her name displayed in the top right corner of the screen; choose the option “Logout of TestNav.”; then select “I want to exit this test and finish later.” on the Exit Test screen.

The test will be closed and the student will be listed in “Exited” status on the Session Details screen.

Test Administrators must “Resume” the student’s test from the PearsonAccess dashboard before the student can continue with the same test.

A student cannot begin testing again until a Test Administrator authorizes the student to do so by resuming the test.

Early Warning System (EWS)

Example of 2 Error Codes message you may see during testing.

This information, and a link to the list of error codes, can be found on page 18 of the Test Administrator Manual for both Science and Social Studies.

Do NOT contact Pearson. You should contact your SAL.

What if I have questions or concerns during testing?

STOP! Contact your SAL if something happens and you are not sure what to do during the test session!

• Your SAL will provide you with contact information in case of an emergency situation.

• Do not assume you know what to do!

Contact your SAL immediately if you are in doubt or need some help!

Important Dates for 12th grade CMASComponent Dates

Infrastructure Trial date ________

Testing Window Begins 11/3

Testing Window Ends 11/21

Know your school’s testing schedule!

Supplemental Information for Test Administrators

Accessibility Features and Accommodations

Accessibility Features and Accommodations

TestNav 8 Embedded features available to all students

Embedded accessibility features that must be requested ahead of time: available to all students to increase accessibility

Additional embedded and non-embedded accommodations available to students consistent with their IEP, 504, or English Learner plans

Accessibility Features Available to All Students

These are features embedded within TestNav 8.

Students can access these tools at any time during their test (content specific)

FeatureScientific calculatorAnswer eliminatorExtended time!Flag items for reviewGeneral administration considerationsGeneral administration directions repeatedHighlighterLine reader guide (Ruler)Magnification/ enlargementNavigation toolsPointerRedirect student to the testRuler (can also be used as a line guide)Writing toolsPeriodic TableNotepad


Teacher Read Directions

Accommodations• Accommodations must be based on an individual need

documented in the student’s approved IEP, 504, or English Learner plan

• Test Administrators must be trained in providing the specific accommodation before administering any test session where an accommodation is required.

• SALs should work with test administrators to ensure that all accommodations needs are met.

• Accommodations are available for computer-based and paper-based administration. Paper-based form is itself intended to be an accommodated form

• Your SAL will work with you, your interventionists, SPED teachers and Case Manager to identify and maintain a master list of all students and their CMAS accommodations.

Accommodations for Computer-Based AdministrationCMAS ACCOMMODATIONS (CBT)


English Oral Script Assistive Technology** Small Group Extended Time >1.5

Spanish Audio Speech to Text Individual Time of Day

Spanish Oral Script* Word Prediction Noise Buffers Multiple Breaks

Color Contrast Written Responses in Spanish

External cover overlays Scribe – English, Other

Word to Word Dictionary Speech to Text

Assistive Technology**

*It is recommended that Oral Script for Social Studies is provided 1:1**Compatibility must be established for all AT devices:

Refer to the CMAS Accommodations Supplement for detailed information on all computer-based and paper-based accommodations:

Accommodations for Paper-based AdministrationCMAS ACCOMMODATIONS (PBT)


Braille w/ tactile graphics Assistive Technology devices (word prediction

Small Group Extended Time >1.5

Large Print (CBT has zoom & magnifier) Speech to Text Individual Time of Day

External cover overlays Scribe – English, Other (also CBT) Noise Buffers Multiple Breaks

English oral script (TTS is CBT)• On-site ASL presentation• On-site translation

Braille note-taker (same as CBT) (same as CBT)

Spanish Oral Script (also CBT)

Word to Word Dictionary

*It is recommended that Oral Script for Social Studies is provided 1:1**Compatibility must be established for all AT devices:

Refer to the CMAS Accommodations Supplement for detailed information on all computer-based and paper-based accommodations:

Identifying AccommodationsEnglish Language Learners:

• embedded features and accommodations include TTS, Spanish Audio, Written Responses in Spanish

• Available to students identified as NEP/LEP for 3 years or less, whose primary language is Spanish and who is receiving instruction in Spanish either in the current or the prior year.

Accommodations for students without IEP and 504 Plans:

• Complete an Assessment Accommodations Plan only in extremely rare circumstances where an IEP or 504 Plan is not available ie. an unexpected injury, such as a broken arm or concussion.

• SALs will call the ARE Hotline if this occurs: (720) 423-3736


Students Log In to TestNav

Once the test session is started, the Test Administrator will provide the students with their Student Authorization Tickets.

• Students will type the URL found on the ticket into their browser

• Students will enter username and password in appropriate fields

TestNav Welcome Page

• Screen will show the Test Name and # of questions

• Students will select “Start Test Now”

Enter Seal Code

• Test Administrator will provide the seal code

• Student will enter the seal code and then select “Start Section”

Sample Questions: Section 1 Only• After entering the seal code, students will see 3 sample

questions that allow them to practice answering different item types.

• Sample questions are available only for Section 1. Students will see a STOP screen after the last sample question. Teacher will prompt students when ready to proceed.

STOP page: Sections 2 and 3

This is the screen students will see after entering seal codes for Sections 2 and 3.The Test Administrator will continue with the “SAY” directions. When all instructions have been read to the students, they will click the blue forward arrow button to start the test.

Logging out of TestNav: Sections 1 & 2

Students must navigate to the Review screen using the Review button on the toolbar:

In the top-left corner of the screen, students will select the blue “Return to End Section” button.

Logging out of TestNav: Sections 1 & 2

Students logging out of Sections 1 and 2 will then see:

They will select the green “Continue” button.

Logging out of TestNav: Sections 1 & 2

Students click “Yes” on the Section Exit Warning dialog

Logging out of TestNav: Sections 1 & 2

Once the “Yes” button is selected the student will be taken to the next section.

The seal code screen for the next section (2 or 3) will load.1. If students are done testing for the day, they will

select the User icon in the top-right portion of the screen and select “Logout of TestNav.”

2. If students are continuing onto Section 2 at this time, they enter the seal code and continue.

Logging out of TestNav: Sections 1 & 2

After selecting “Logout of TestNav”, the student will select the blue “Save and Return Later” button.

Logging out of TestNav: Sections 1 & 2

After selecting the blue “Save and Return Later” button, the student will be successfully logged out of TestNav, students will see:

Logging out of TestNav: Section 3

Students must navigate to the Review screen using the Review button in the toolbar:

In the top-left corner of the screen, students will select the blue “Return to End Section” button.

Logging out of TestNav: Section 3

Students must navigate to the Review screen using the Review button in the toolbar:

In the top-left corner of the screen, students will select the blue “Return to End Test” button.

Logging out of TestNav: Section 3Students logging out of Section 3 will see:

They will select the green “Submit Final Answers” button.

Logging out of TestNav: Section 3Students have now submitted their final answers and they will see the following screen.

NOTE: Selecting the “Submit Final Answers” button submits student answers and automatically logs students out of TestNav. Students do not need to perform the extra steps of logging out of TestNav, as they must do at the completion of Sections 1 and 2.

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