cm do i thats all - library of...

THE SUN TUESDAY 1901 II AUGUST 20 I no I to al o probation and it d the dlff rent rUw which advanced Jtnia Chrlt- abto and If an how pa to I wrouthtl Dr England I poult I vn anil cmphat- hU atatem pt hat the lx autlful h akin tram and all nhall come down f- hU attidy wall and that l will lgn Mlf D no morn The National from wh many of th i Now Jersey their dccreoi of Doctor Divinity America It ha In Ireat llrib and In novera of tho Continental count ri operated exten In Irma Jt ia Itn diploma hroado- formanoea led n few yearn ago to an In thn Engludi A 3 Mendel In tlu Ph D front the Xetlonal Unlverwil for tho num of 1 SM net c i of tin U lllr of the good a began talking about bringing a i uit Chancellor wa laugh at for tiM pain anti UK I tidon in commenting iix n the paid th whit tli re wrll be ground for hilt complaint the State of f a charter to such an InMllutlc then wax little ft for Mendel Ill to do nave to make application to have I picture con ptcuou In Nation lml ecle It U In fact difficult to conceive br man In hi oenso roil l l wwlndh Into buying n diploma fnini thl of oorr should In Mifflclon- tIndicate Degrees of i kind art At Just might In ham or mes pork Tin Chancellor to customer rei like thono of the corre pondonco cle- of a wholenalo dealer In or cou try clothing TniMlng that we will order I i to rvma- roum truly F V Martin Th- m one of tho Chancellor favor phraxm In cloning letter to to to lsllove thnl cou- Ixi deceived Into th notion after nndli the National University clrculnr ai receiving n few lottcr of oort Hint I wan buying oittrlKht fur nutli a bogus a tick ulicn innn liuy cnwiktHi trurral l that Iii U Inr them for fraudulent 1hl In fact what tho lov J I Chnimnn llarkpttntown wan tho roi renting the of the degree of Do tor of Divinity by clergymen or bin win they wen liught the di green for fraudulent nnd net u them fraudulently represent Ir- Ihemnelven to the tn Is were not anti what they rfectly wr new they won not Tho National wn proll- thnroughly In the Chicago not very long ngu The Tint HrraU wild W Ilirkln A M Ih l I IheChai- cellor of the National Cinvinlty lit Tlirm- ittr t Chrn i Sometime mivortir tbal he I mnnnitrr The leitrrlitnil hU Institution nro Incrnlmily nunli In lure lie mo attractive n luin of sugar on n warm I heir phriiMfiloc I o department eminent professor of itillsep- Ac Affording lti trurtlnii to nnr er p- In any tu lr throueh direct ci rni tiiliiin Preparatory trrailimle nnd xii eradunt course ue ree conferred Uxm re- f W mnKIMt A M Ill I Chanrellor- AffllUtMl ln tlt tlon I ItillliilH n Toohnol y Mor o School of Kl irirlty- Chlmco lno thlr i tho l t ollf e Ill I ill T llr Amdoinr Iho Aroilcmv f Flno An Srhoil tlio nluinti- Uilnlvr OBlro of the Vntlonil I nlv ellod nflor tho tnlvrr ny nt Umilnnl IS- Thm i ti ot The Institute Tohnulogy hn IU art drew at 111 Thrtion tro i jn t Mlioro th lnlvor lty I lM l l ami lier Tho Hrhmil of not flruro In tho Chlruvn illroctnry- tho Chic en llii ln j lnlTor n lii on the front of tho iino huilcllni where the tltn of th Nntioniil I nlvirlt Ill Thrnnp ilr t Iho rnitipl In the iillor if ih nt on tho nupport of ll Mrtropnllt i Merited IUII it Tlio IlilonKn hchool mo t lilirli oimillnir ntvny homo aro at IU utropt nhoro of a the directory mid the Uttor of I hat nn tiuicornwl Iho lotin of toamlnr I i ilo l n wrll A tin inoclmn tn for tho mnnufmluro of drirrro Tin AnuntieiiM tipM nlly nn tn litu- CAtiTort thrmxlvc ruin ninnli thin nmll- dontUI Mcrruirlo i not t IM numl In th- Iho Institution where niio rovrl In Vinci studio the tHrill of Amrehi nml th demerit of ScnllMTI ido full to prr li- the directory ullhouirh It I iirinletl tlml i Mumlnutiiin of the of I roller llrkln wnultl it llsre Th i n orvatory whether hit plnni or rentant I not nut pt n In the directory ullhouirh i inn v lu troet itmxt thine edmnlionnll- seom to hare nn orialii- So much fur the nnitlntion i f n Nntimn- I nlrerlly whirl if in Ittier ot the entne hr II nre any rrltiTinti h siir- ceedeil In tin xiple nf inure th i one nation nf lirlticinv into itie tion th rood tho of Chlingn nni na fur lirt dnu- ellurlne university spuior writ One of thin out circular of tin National I It I an Institution not for profit If them I on that Chancellor llarkln tba thing I profit I In I engaged In this hud iiesM of of nil kiwi while you watt from purely phllnnthropii This would not Htn to bo no from the ixtnmtly lmln wllki ring of all the Cliinivllorn Itttim It which he ouote nrici for vnrioun do re and cloM tn voui onler that proliaiilv In imrely habit d linn Into HI aim In life n n philanthropist anti a a moral that no man or old whatever ma hl merit or demerit I deprived of ihti privilege of having do upon him which he wUho and hn the money to for Then one degree however on which Chancel- lor drawn tlm unit He docn tint grant the or M I Tlie nnson for this restriction In that Ixuirdn health have asinine viewn on thl one of hi circular printed In n d ink on UK ack of a th Inl- Vtfodtya nrtlflcne of lncnriomtlnn he- aajn But no medlca docroo are crnnfd cranteil o Innir tle pn oiit lnlno r tem of Turing ienain ii irr Hoard of llelth an the riunllnn of the boalth anti we nnd no f ul wlh them ial they should not dlCute thl ortlp to oth r and e pcl liy utido inllnro but should extniltie ii llcnol- rro prctle of the cnll r In which tliey were It I Ixoaii we ro un- wllllni tn like upon rep n nl for our bnirdhnsdecldodioeriini no medical derrce- XJr lr tho title of Fraudulent Diplomas Mr Henry Wade llneon President Northwontern delivered an nddrcM efon the Illinois State Teacher at Sprinctleld Ill on Doc 8- Iai Till M won Into form anti had a wide circulation In It President llorors doxiite ntimc sjuirt to the SatlortAl tnlwrwlir anti n fem lo the of that Institution by the Ckirafo T ttllrratd Prestilonl llogtrt old Tho fHs HIM ulii lm hiw tli t till V iMn lI niior4t t lrmicli rt liltnfi ltd i i ftnoBwott x4l IMS it rpHlloa Hi I ro HI sla- nd Ix n tnllillfli tlottt 4ii l In IH llf 1lli- P rllnwnt t ior lv nM k rt ln 1iiic If n ttiiK in ti l iit4niiin i m tin wttrt taut VH lkr l iH4l- t tod I h h J II M OI 1 KI- afnl lo rmrrv n 11 xH 1 i i iran m- fneolcn onutitrlos H iior H sir rji t4 er N nd Ikdu i a t iisis M it r imMtln- tn Verm nr l i nit Iho tioa llHH H i xW j- TIs tmH tf I HN rMr it I- IH A- fot Ibr IHe- In M i it other lIo1n n Chrlt to lad and this law of Ood ternt IInd unrhncfo Ill ror mlrAC In a- cm dO hy any o II Stair or En Iia I loN Ir hl or nd Harkl U ton Iv all 10 D h hn 1 to no1 rurlh II Ihe turi I mal I dulu 11 11 r r I 1 1 I lln nnntIInt n I n r ann for mil 10 m 1 rl rot th r r I rom e 110 i hut T nllnJ r 1 l n I noW Inn to I I hal mol h Jut I I ho fur urI n 1 i h 1 U 1 t 4 Ont a I I t t j f 1 Ja 1 have relation ms- t i hi- D j t Ii- I thAt hOt ttIIaflhI C 4 baa u and I I ho Itt It tiN I nen It I lila tprna o k a I a niptlnti p tart s os tI r 4 tt iI i k r TI ic and tutiIat s fljrtht hooti Iifriro I iitlnnttl 4r Iit1 iilw tt to tttiwn wait iiI t- In he It- o L tilt sit lion whrr lfltrtUtit Ifltw iity line Art itt hr itt Ii I flu I I tiitirlt ih1i I ull siItti man antt iIi gn r ii ii bit I of- t our rttinit rui it till flu tlit iintibIrI wt tIt k I p 1 I i I t su du t tell ih Ii r w rs ti4k ttsMtt urine I Al 15- atewi44 w It itWat- dwlW llNlS P Ti vr4- liad 4 Ii 4sw HON tftp t a a I4 44 I a 4a S 4 t 5 I I 4 I h i- tp ii Iva t > > > > > < > > < > > < < > < > > < < > > > hould b able to ilt under the prelcctl ao tnurh r- and n written to Lr u member of replied Thin n ui InMltutInn and M fat a that t- in the aboonre of any law In the contrary a to reo aa tho at Oiford or or any In country a matter of fact the National I wan duly lnoorj ored under ISM The werr F W llarklrv A li J T Huton Tim fist Hoard of rertorn worn V llorkln A II tlarrr J T Huton 11 Cook and tlm C eo- Jamo Jone Tim Chlcnxo Tmt Ht- rayii that A II Oarman appear In Clilrngo directory an an o- ci ration named of John T Hut I Iho Her tnorrn Jatnoa Jo- aro not to Iw found In th directory object for Incorporating the umvcn- waa to perm through college couroew And appropriate ilogree- nFFFKCT OF TIIF JIlF STOII Hot worn lilandt Ueeprneil Wa r lilandi Hnluml In Nl- NKW OBLKANH t Aug It An MI- lltlon writ out to examine the Iwilnl Inland of tutu 1nilnlAnA and Mleelml- jrtuiMnto find how thy wer nfTected the florin nml whether arty annUtanco w haH nturne l In New Orlcan n- rejiortH that while then no Ion f tliere were a numlier of lni ort nt clunf In the coam topography cnii e l by I hurricane eopociall In tin fringe of l lan whlci protect the Miotlooippl In- cn thochantieU iHtHoen the l Unl wr deepened by tIdal wave thl bell pe nlly noterl In the ca of th half P- rlinnnel The Guilt and Mhlp llnml IU roast C mMiny had l en eiiKaKod for KII time In trying to ilmlgo out H deep elm tin The liurricHtie did It In ono lay leovli twentrthre foot channel to ihn rallriw- wlinrf Th have nearly all l and eomo materially reduced In Ire Hand l Un off which ban lieen gradually dl appearing for miffered anotlier b through the heavy wnuli of tl wave from the the light U threatened with dmlructli- Ihroufh the waohlng away of found Irani1 Ince wo bnd- wohnd and nearly half of It dlM- wvirtxl The o t of Horn Inland wi wiwtiivl a Hound or Turtle lular hAllEy wnhol the llahthou- kooier wa coni liU m The llghtboue wharf woo The Cliamlaleur lolandr were complete lindor water during nil lh otorm and woi- Iwiilly wiwhed The wan y wave whet wept ivntplete- nver It but no great wa done At MI M during the if the Monn a man regloler- ri I Iivatida I of MeridUn l ecnnr- violently inane He purchased a til t w out odoy that lio wax a cotton hiiror r Sew anti wellodi No Ijjibni kin I given of the suicide except ex- Itement over the lOPIERWMUR ntiHT IIITTK topper Produce Hlnc Iollreman- m l lt of lUtorllon llenlalt Frank W Oerraty who hail been a pollt- il aMtUtant of luaan A Hopper tlio Tan nAtty leader In the Thlrtyflrnt Anwrnhl- Utrlct announced that he wa otit I- elp VeUiw do Hopn nt the pritnarlc- oon after that a tory wan made publl- o effect tliat Oerraty hail KM front Policeman Thomas r Donlo- o arrange hinge KO that tin wh III boa died could get a detail torntr dente l thai h haul ever taken any money fro onlon Donlonn xiter t therln- lulllgMi of IVIhatu Manor awl hi hat had never given Cerraty lie itMl neer hail that tnoiwy at Ime arid that If he hail nlgned any pnpr- aylng lu hAd the money he nut iave dellrlou Mr called reporter to hi lub lat night anti al fler- nty rraty didnt com nit Mr Hopper n d lo the teMirter pur oning to l an nflUUvIt sign y Donlon In which Donlon mild tin ven terraty S to ea T detal- nd that Oorratv had loltl him Ionlon lint woiildgototheorgatiiuitloii- III T IIIMSHIr Till HAM ullremati Voorher Tlirn l rtp trhM- Illg Hoc Nald In line llrm tad A large black dog ran through the treli- f llath lleiicb yentenlny A cry nf ma by ninny pumultii tint niilmil Martlet- ittAgen and noilenln generally A- roey avenue anti hay n- lii t th thug anti Itn imnnier run lnt- iillciiniin Alonro of the hail leach htatltin Voorh grablml the tin- y the tall and drawing hi revolver fin t Itx head A the shot wan fired the do- nvo a ouddon IwUt anti the bullet lodge i the left hand of ufjlcor cai lng- alnful wound Stint after shot was fire the pxcitiil All took effect till at the fast the dog fell over death oorheex to the ofllce of Dr John VnorheoH who l ed the wound nni- imoved the bullet During the cliOM Hovernl children wen nocktol down harold Hennon 12 yean win of a confectioner of hay Twenty nd street and Cttipwy avenue wh a In front of hi more wo top l l over by the crowd Awl reoeivfd bruise In all tho mad ruh of daM ml through tho ntreote no on an liittrn antI It not lie ojirnot tat hut dog had even nnnppeil at any in HOT IIIUSKIF ISTKMt OF IHKi- Id out Animal Juniiwtt at N P r A Agent and the Itullet Went Wllrt Henry an H A nfflcor of fnlorI- II N J undertook ytwtenlay to nhoot- vlciou dogbut lfore tie flnUhetl ifs hlmnelf In the log The dog which Ktitxl by William Danel a grocer of lit alioado avenue hid bitten a little girl iim d Kllrolioih Jaeger Her parent conv- lalned to IU Mnler IH- rdored that II dog A noon the dog naw it madn i- h for him fOul the hull ent through the calf of hi own left log en lie tho dog Tin nun woun r KK HIS SHIIIT slung Maa lam PaMenger Mied linhl- MalrhM and Utantnml Ring lu tom lnioitor Timothy J onohu a on duty when the HollandAmeric- antnihip Maawlam renchod tier ploi- i Holiokon yelonlay lie noticed a thin n et ger walking ilown the gang Lank wearing n ln vy tightly buttoned rercoat and hi wi pWnn were anMiM I- mnwiliiH mue teil tlie man In atm my huts to the winire MMtmand after iiHitl ur t nf Indignitliin M consented e hi iianx wan l ul Hufotra aol bo wa a principal In otto the Hjl4 r- MI in g- I kil 4ti a 4io llotatrn I i unbutton nVenxMlt whloli ho V4w lrtle- nrrbe It ilHiKHigMr rmilit Bn tlttng itutuith In II IH M 4Mn hi- iwl nff l fin 4Mrl I W M be- h hKrotnl iMnl Mil Uhra TtioV VMHxMo gnl wale tek and 4t- amnml rtngo Ho Mi d inn oenatnr in I p the lY MMi Ailg I e ia r- A I HH wiM loa r itHHrtrw trnifti- s lr a up MJ lkr In il Mo meI- KWO M a v frtmi iMXtie- r a 0- 1It door u to Ihltlnloro- r 0 I I hl4 d Ihl A tIT Ihc I W l Tit TI I I Ulan hr al h I I I IDol urI hl I ali 1 who hit Ion I a I lon thin l 1 a 1 l our h I 1 I ole I i d I ho A I not 111 I 1 I I thai f J n I j 11 dir h I lana I j r awi zon which a a cat nghIsh 6ovrrnmrit WtO irnUlr a his righta grant treuui its kit pinch right guIlt Inc arm- anI Roy ti t tit ti wits coat the hum itt lisa wait aIM hot thu rJaia Man lie acct ptu was Ira Mrs aiio snii cur Iii uu It the 12x log hii went iru rs w- en Split C he- lot I Spit uiriots said I the late ut lii > > > < > > < > > > < > > > < > < < > < > > > > > < > IDDPSNE I TFKI STttlKEttS S4K ritE WI CMIUF A PLANT They Dertare That Three Opeo lle I Creni llavfl Been DUrharged j That TbU Morning They Will Tie llm PUnt Pollc Put In the McKzuronr Pa Aug l Tlio i trikom lien My that the Duquenno rr I of the Camegln Bteol Company will nt 7 tomorrow morning out nf twelve o cnhe rth furnace arc operation tonight thin men on the otl having dlnchargecl for leged active work In Ixthalf of tho Am gamate l AwooUtlon Tim mill U full coal and Iron police tonight and the wo- men am forbidden to talk 80 far an cot lie learned meeting am being held that town tonight but a big meeting chcditled for tomorrow night Tho nit nation In Ihjqtienoe tonight of nnxlety If the men atrike It In tIe flmt trouble that hut occurred plant nlnco the Homentead nlrike- IOT wIn tlni DunioAiM men camo nyinnthy with tin Homet ad folltiwed and aevernl rioter wi- mnvlcted HIM hentenciKl to the woikhoui- Tlio no Steel Work give men to about Snoo men one of t finest e iilp ed plants In the Iruxt co- nlNlilig of bonoemer lee and convertll- tnilU tinlverxnl mill open hearth m nml blaM funiacro open hoar and universal were d re ago at n cot of millions of dollar lint metal front the open lie art h and inor department to Moment liver lint metal railroad Tlie steel ntrlko contn on Duue nf fur several wrok FAn In the n striker Mild ther won nunly by of th company Tl- iitmnnt havn load off an organization nf the men or- tho prillm force wan Inert nbout IM mill On nliout fort coal anti liOn pollen were brought into tl mill from llraddock an dU M d almiit tin mltln At the nan linn It ItecAlntt known that dlcharge taken This morning the mill started up In iartly crippled anti the mated announced that it coukl V- clo e at any tlmo Tonight It wan an nouncod thin men would quit nt- oclock In the at the rtiang t If the mill I cloe It ma- hnve a tlrcidetl effect on Homestead Th- trike leadont nay the mill at that plav will follow Forty Hungarian laborem attended meeting In tin Colloeum I hi evening nn were mitt a lodg of the Fedora tInts tif Ijilir A wrtlnl organization l o rffectid among tlm nn inlvanlrlnii r nn rlooy picket me the tnltei- tnto Tin Mill l I no evidonr here yet of any attempt at a Mart MOKSSi MILL STAHTS IPl- aniifactureni the Ntrthe at Work Pinnntim Pa Ailg IB The divrloji- nontH of tin thy lntlio trlkeltiutionHlio- aln for lie eliel Manufacturer Th Tarke and Painter hoop mill In Pitt- itirg largely IncrooMx thom working fore nd the ntH liinip plant at Motienoei which ha not turned a wliool Kince I wa ntnrted up In the Painter plan our mill worn nlarted anti y then oklllei- ml iinnkllled worn nt work all duty Th nanagemont any the mill will l eninniii nil In a few dayn Fifty additional nklllo- mn went to work In that Clarke hoop trill 1x1 It will not belong l ef ore the plan Tho men at Palnte- ulrt an tutu employee four of ollorrt In the mill having returned in chili at Monenoen got in atxm- Ifty men thin morning ami tho Mrlker- rere ntirprioed when they saw thin slack ending out the luriiliii flrotclaM material Ill lln t collllun between the Mrlken Mid tin mllcH occurml to lav Tb hiker who loitered on the railroad track ienr tin work an kept moving by UK Chief of Pollct o er ap eiie anti ordentl a gang to move on ill ot yel roluctantly except one l itln tot budge chief liegan to nnl Sx n Imtb men wen rolling on tin chief rrimtid mid MrlkerM ooHr maniigoil to look III man am Itlneliart lurId McMah 12- orfelt fur a hearing tomorrow Tho Second Brigade of the Ieminylvaiili- Cntionul uanl In In camp near a The colutieln M veii v reOlvivl anonymuu letter if the following In a fair aniplo- DhMt Slit In four cjinmnnil h- illoit IIIHIII In do duty aaHln l the utrl Ink r l not fiiruot that there are m n UtHir- nn then islet unto men In your roirlinent nil watch whore you land when you uivt- ho order ti tIne At final nothing won thought of the nile Ive threat which wa iui lied In them won to everybody then the irnotwi In rvnp tn rx thicker titan ever Some day inont of thorn In Ito same band riling Several of the letter nnd on worn font In tlio Inltwi State Pontal- uthoritle horn Hlncn theoo wen Mnt 0 Plttaburg It ha l en learned that joy niment cifllcem havo l etu In taking an lnretlgatlon and keeping n- Mikout for any iwplolou person IV Aug lu the Amal- amntod Anioclatloii of Iron and Steel and In worker hope ever again to be recog- Intl by tho Stolen Steel Corpora Ion It hay to become hi I tl notice that lieeti Hervet- iidlrectly on tlio the aoclation- hi ilocH not the tAils of the BMoclatlon all that Maud et w itll It and recognItion hr thnStoel Tnit- n general principle It may never lie to tnit best IHI pnwont strike lie nettled and another greotpent entered Into tiotweeo thin Steel and the Amalgamated Ion the Litter will tint have lo been regularly incorporated action of of the malgimated Annciatlon In brt klng the nntmctH noMKiatlon hail with thin naniifacturem haiti Intenxlfled the feeling iilrttalne by the bulnoMi world oov ral that there nhould lie mime way f holdinc UlKir union n lblo rearboo of contract labor union are and cannot hold n onibio In thin court of nlon lnc rj oratod of being led a not e no fm ttt nt lion nun conxldcm that paine f the ntlotial Ulmr union aociimulale largo IIIIK of money n that they oukl IN more caution In entering ttrike their fund coukl at Inch I 1 pay for damage r UMd In deflaiK- rontitntclN It I ui der tond thai Ilie Inlttil State leel rallon plan of profit lib It wurkmen meiittone m Six ie other day n having ten under di- IM II al York iten the Amalgamated AnwicUthur- ilvi rf fiimmlttKi anti J IVrj iit Mur- in utah M II Schwab micht Inure to- Iwntflt of Iho avwwiatkm Tlie value the niM iu liin of Mttck li an InooriMtratn- liutanr ha Neil K WII here in Pitt rK I wiiHwlful Iteonllve In- VHllVolieMi l to AMtMiiiw iU Vorliem tnlim al- T igh t lnx irtiitnitiil lnld a large ef l to wmw I inrrttllv HM nnJt r lit tIe linlnti tfl oi f il r wiiitW U tru4 git- golter it a few HtHAiti it- loM llV w week I IK lUlr tirlRtlull- I f r l egl iliig tlie lilitM 4mpr l catk- wa a Hwvikun that laura r tM f Ilio Miiei ntd tiV Ilie Ulr utiliwt A i ioer eiample nf Prrotdolit Mlufler- ftr lixlitrH up l Uv loft M tlio tale l k ti 14 M Milk MtW a to TO QUT TODA l 1 A mum 1 p Ml Sine In al 01 In II i- on at or it I I I I I C Irk II WM mrl I and I had I I 1 m all 1 July 1 111 work theIr Im nuk tilt Ill 11 I Irk I I n I I IWI Ir ono I gall Ali II hal I A ale MIll I I Tn II I I I f r 1 t ut t I l a I eL- I ClOCk a been lit u hit a- In tnt teen hewn tin hut thIs uut rent wit own St ilk her hillier tt entire will fish alienation hit tuoa TIe null liihunts 1e dht sit hit tic a w it la which tan lInt tltn tif then wen slat lIiT IutthttI bait hit lit ella anti ui r Neat la at tunt sisal gluts t runt anal it ant t thin < a tat < < > > > > < < > > < < > < > > > < ° < > > > > > > > I effect h a nit I Newcastle Pa In Mrlke alleging ran of It material wa going to non the Elba plant of thin National Tube Steel Company n concern the mint the m n learned that the K stAtue mill won furnishing nkeln Iron N ntruck would lint lujt the company to m- exxjiio had It not ten lo gn Yew of men that II hail held In reoerve inch a contingency When Hhaffer of thin action the nmn IK wa angry arid order them hark to work the ntr- watt unatithorietl rc orit that the company wa funilnhlng tnalei mutt were rtrlke and the Pn dent ariAwerrxl that was on n lo time contract and the Amalgamated i not expect abet companion to contract d charged the nine men anti Stouffer tofu tin It rix thorn Shaffer ruling In hi CAM may In logically therefore President Shatter not onler a ntrike In any of the Itepub Iron and Hteel or other com il Corporationncontltuotit oomiMinln- UK contract won began M F the nuUtant Secretary the Amalgamated Aiworlitlon nlume t worker nf and MllwaiiktN to gn Ho ho ha received word th Chicago Individual momW of union are nut nml ho hope that 11 lodge them will vole lo Join life trik- ow Ksvr KpKrr MUCK Sir fonvrne TelU of lilt I t Cnri- ipoodrnco With the l or With roganl to the report tint May of McKeenpori Pa had left Ih the purpose nf visiting K C i- verw former Pn ldent of the Nation Title Comwiny Mr Convenn eald- onlay I certainly dont eipoei to use only communication I have hud r rently with Mr Illncfc wnn n letter ncknow- dging the receipt of a mirke copy of II- Inlletl Htnli Constitution which to him lllncourno tont range who wore unfortunate enough to got In Jurisdiction anti hl prnclaitmtlni- roncornlnj men who wl hotl lo work h to think that then were certain nrtlel In Cttnstitutlon which In bIght nXi with advantage marked them A- Iforwanlod them to hint In lit reply M- Illack found no fault with the ConMlti Ion nor with tho article I market hut ho dMtertcd that ho hail mil mlHtndorMnod Hut t how an whew hi had l oii muupinteil and tnt imJeratoiHl failed to say Mr Schwab lan sinaI other nl n fuo enionlny to ctitnniont general or upon tl- ctlou Ktgi iif the n aled A In jllnlnt tin ntnkr n of th agreement with An oll inl of of the MI com pun ten uid have nnv to publl- raiiH we havn rriilveil In ndhen t itir attitude uf Indiffonnco townrd W do nut expect Ont he trik till p iilong l are HIHII Ixit it irt that a larn- iiirtilier of flie striker are tint In symiuli- vllh their l dr They are jn t tpoti their once Ihe w nontn of strike iNneflt begirt tl fund i lie troAur of the will IHI ex- iniiMed within two or three wiekn Aflt hat there will Itttln lift Irft in Ihe ir In the n oclatlon either rEnKllATIO 1 Till STIIIKI- nn Tube Worker Called Out ecle ll In Ptllttiur- gPirrinino Pn Aug Als ut I sn worker at the IVnn vlvnnin Till Vork went 01 strike tbi ovpnlnn Tin tight nhift of men wont to UK mill nt t M met the ilny which wa ju from work and all wnlketl awn nifethor Hi iiion lilting in the Kidon Ion of IJilKir and were onlred out 1- 3tteral lrr nlr T Isiul c nrt A rf lal dotiill nf Miltc wn iit tin mill ml n all iiilit the Miivmeii Mn ilthdrnwn- Tlie men do tint ktxi why they were i i ii called them out lit the order o muel Solution 1renident of the Fnloni of The night iuiMTltilende- Mf tho mill Jamr Wnrreu strIke hut Indid not know wh- it nun went out When men null William McSult thr wn then lie h ik- i the imdcr nnd a ke l the night nhlit l- o to work It iNKH lble that the Fedctn Ion of lAbor lint l eguii the work of tinIer ig out tin Federation HUM tacit under oats tall with the iiiamifurtunm In that tnt more men In the mllN over the will strike- A preliminary wa fonntnl on in II woo completed n loot and wa then IP Federation Pennsylvania Tulxi ban Ixen melving fn m 10 Keystone Itolllng Mill op nito l by nn- idependent cdin iny TIT OF Uri SECHETS- olen HeronH Natal In Ionlaln Sutler- f Importance lo striken- PlTmHtmi I One of the President Kluffern trouble I said to HH dinappearnncn of Mverat ixiplen of n journal of the ceediiig at last tlonal convention nf the Amalgamated prlng Shafer affect to regard the of the book unimportant On kin ntrnry he I more worried over their di iln arance ban over I hat hails hap In the tail month and a halt SliaftVr afraid that will turn In MIUIM ice where he would give the world not liavo tiltin TIny are to cuntalu- ittcr whosecrecy Iof vital linMirlanci him anal hi strike The convention proceeding of Amid mated are lo A secret n- o Thin convention ball I nlwavn guarded and an elaUirate ru of MU nwonl I ti il to sift out thoo liave right to IK Tlie- ccedingN In convention ilonl with mat of thai t Importance to the or Complete re ri a to lu In renjwct to and finance ninth Mio ensuing year rtUmiued and formed If tlies thine- y might throw light on the cause nf- ffer arbitrary early last nonth- it the Stool unlonlro nil It II union weSt scale fur and nonunion plant nltk- otl VIEW Wf IIESTLESS Mutt t lla r Mrurt Tlie a II Ihe- llallnt haul le i Heerr- lMltwfB K WI Auc l Amalea lied AsotMiatloll picket wen l ll tltl- mlng alnxn View Si l Works t tlnro wan IHi itl her Visible evideon live suIte that iWc ro wi SutunUv- ht Tie null an br H H ut i r Ir- o fr Ilie blast fHrti r which an aHHX t- larrosl wtwl nf IVtwvlvatila are hi tutU fallen with n liteti rHH4ni t are ir ial i n i a nv It t oo r hut otr t K t- Hilal III IUV View Ifc- I it lt tten iW l eor IIM l of an mitt lo twlo UM r 4 lltere wH Wave l m tm l h4 l lo jt I that oti an lKl rn ll l wU- M II llnr MM a a Mtot r o In that of to plt Co- mp In work or and or 10 Tithe tli remembering athoii In nl Ill n- I rnr hn oC I Th to I 01 oul III an or lao TI 01 work nn Irk II lack < him I 011 mo I hat I ut th Steel I lon I tRI on JAr aid o tttir Ill IHII 1 Iii till I I I I nit strike II I a lots hut lien Will a I 111 I I III Ih Au Work ort or I t I 10M I anything i In t I I M who I II alit lit II tnheItig JOlin- II tin r II art I I loa of II tI trI I nil I I nit I plant the company this atnikna at MIU the Fort Pitt Iron Independent the NatIonal Comhn7 antI iii men a nine saying itt it Ito follow materIal to Its United bitt hi from of tIn Ste Jollet yin tin wills n garil bin hut lit Irlat rilheiti Stale ttpOrn lolit Ion I beth U It Ii lit a t hun I h- It i Ill feel thin uffai wct hit lit Pit ilk v Inn shift lug I ii is that tat H huh tul I t tie I 1 lie tag 1 lit alt sat neat thin Sit I 101CM Inn its fur at I tie aIn the was nut at I then i ant I talgamaiet twft i4ari that tail ti- a e a luau ill suIte ira iNs Wt7 < < > > < > > > > < < > > > > < > > > > < > Ibo atrike but ihnt the rcmilt was chan on the format vote which was open TlglwttMtinx that Ilay men would ln1uencu many of tlm do not now mike good progirr lu thus the prediction i mail that it will ho hr to In Dont Want Amalgamated Aroit- AITOONA Pn Aug ID At an enlh- la tlo meeting of tlw nperatlvi tInt American Sle l floats Com ntiy Duhcnnnvlllo niwilution wr- fortnulatml n tltig Amnlgamat to lieeti it away from tutu town l cnUM their n wan tm judlcUI to RIMK onler ngalt the of men Tlm m- declanil that wet fnltsflotl wl- tiro nt condltinn nn the Vpntem s ale paid in every le arimint exct that of ViotPit idrrit Pier of the Amalgamated ocored bo i of hi two to organlr tin m- at nnd Hollldaynburg- Nleel Striker lo Pan American Arrniigeineutn hnvn IH II midi to earl Urge inrtli nf Iho Mriklnp sti l work frcm In Huitnlo on eclnl e- curlon trnin next Sutiirdnv nnd the Si- unlfcv fullowltig Kxn nelv hot rnli lieeti miidi rOt thnodnj tilpo Tl- llrnt of thr excursions will over ll- Iluffalo suit All nlley nf tin IVimylvuilii tUiMad next Satu day stud oilier eicurxiois will ollow Piftthiirg nnd I ike CrK Jitid the faIn llocheter Pi l ur- ilepl StrIke Clone Hull Wo- rllllrrl Aug 19 Five hundred work moil nmplnxol in the ItufTiIri Nut lUi Work of Tonawniida WITH thrown of employment thl morn n ilini strike flu colnMiny work wen nliut iliwn l Mtli steel lucking for tin iwntricin t IK TfirnnM of thtounipaiiyMcmployi- nru from Iluffnlo- Onl US Out IIHHI Men tin dm on latior Onlrr In llaMoti Slain DATION Ohio AUK I An attempt t call out nil tin Allied Mot ill iniihaiilm on of tIes DJV Mnchire Work wn mad to tiy br Pnoldeiit Mulhollan- nnd Vie Pnl l nt Thl o Of ih luni me eil only ittyllvi oln r I tinier slni are running n UMII Th trouhl1 oriKiniteil fruits an order ivinsl b the of tin plant tbit mi imioi men would lie ctignize them nnd holloforth Davl Sewing Macliln- shotM will l iiti ii nhoM- Tlio effort of two onictTi of the imioi fell hal nnd thcv have decided to buld meeting timoriow Tlio licv will w tILt ait prevail The company nay hIlt till tlie vaiwnl pkniw by nonunion men tar tin Motnl Poli lHri to lay pill Ihe remnltMler of line ITOOM n- H ngainst the metal for lilting nonunion toni who took tlv- ilniit of striker here Tin otntimen I trong ngnlnst the slrlkent- MltS PIIESTO Wa rcii eil of Ililrken Nlrallnc li- Woml ur fonn antI l 1ll lng- Vj T BHtRV AUK ID of tin woniii of WixKlbury acnivetl of chicken Mcnling H II filth of KUsplcion agnltmt Iwr- iho hnrriiil borne htMl to lien room nnd lull the Her name i Lulu M irplo- rc tnn the wife of Chnrlox J PntonD- ioy have h line home Pnwtiui n wort flOoxi III wife K to UK C ingngnliotm- hunihnndo the four children of the fnmlly Incident html Itil to if the theft wu iiecullnr Wilbur Well nretnker for Dr Hull with other IIIH- Mevernl Plymoiitb Idnk out ockerel n one woninti oen with corn coaxing mm of the Welli- hlckenn through the fence M rntlni wo and Inr MIII with iiuo tioiis volunteer1 tin formation hint mother had n whult- ellar full Tin found I In thick In the Pnolon iifivsri Horn or IHHELHTI- II lie Put In Com ml Ion Again After Itrrtln tnt Mule l rc toiulorlalile The ship Jacob A that John rliucUlo ili iiifle merchant had x n- erted into 11 fliiatiiK lintel siimmtri- w tilT StapUtili Inland tally tlUitiHiiiletl iiml theii biivti l n laurIe to the ifTwi that the itiii rpritm- a n failure ami Inen nbnndniit II Wood of U7 linHik- rn who lint littii Mr Arbiicklen man got rnyn oiicii U not tlie fnit Hi said h sti last iyenlng there tats lily a teinvirary interrupt Ion of the dully M of the tloutliiK oiitnlde ork nnd th v would b re Illlitl Vhell the Ullli lutil l ll mad Kite iinfortable- HF itnoiiiirin IMIFU nip Man loil eil I pa a Mnplrloui laricn Yiarge llcliliul- Jonn Wlnthen n l iokke i r itnployed- n by William 1 Imp Com ny of St Unit wnn unvoted la l inlng nnd looked up In Ihe Tenderlnln- Mcii u u ilcloiit ixroon Ho- rwilly nccuil if the larceny of II xo mil hla employer and lh oli say at the iu TMIII charge in- m only a tunas for grand lanvny Till I Pnlrlck T Wall of 13 W t Twentyfiurth sln et the innn- or if tl of h bnwery- Inrorporatnl at llian- AIBA fT IW The nirMlan D- iocracy Compmiy of New Virk Hty wnn corpornted todnv with Secretary State to gallium nnd pll ili In tin ion connoted with j growth and dvel pmort if nncinl form moNimentn 1 ii ipnii i Utiotwi- IP director an Mm I luliy IIU- irth HC IIMIII nnd Nonuiu tf- w York city lalw Army and Navr fnlilel- imiMiiv of Vew Vork city was Incti- rrntwlwith n of W i i to nvinii tkileiil mtiluitie dlnx torn nn AUralinm Mover I harn WHImn I lUnll of Nw ark r Every llomt l llrl rough readlnf x n ant l te ro inouldo1 hew 1I1flr action Inn IIIItI workuri of tbo mills Ild II tta Itlk tNt Iii I mitten IIf 1I1 I I line the I I I nil r and I OIU lIOIIJbT iiii MI a flit I h I Ii I I IIn lilt h I I I h J II I t Stat par S I S I l carl RIO I hi III 1L thin of Aria mlltro Ih T MfOO 1 luthleluIt 11 on OC j I An 1 oil lAIr A r I yhvnia thouto bade hun i at today Ic Aenociat lairs it luthtat Iv- beet they wan Slut Ill mlii irg 1 lint ahiii itt ii- I flu itt ill tin t p1 siiiihi air Suit stsg t lao ty I his ii fill I hit I net liii I ii kits t lie iteei hshi nut lint iI I IIIM Its hue non lit heat k flflwl I tutu t hit a Intl The lets a hal lit this t hit nut lout ohm Mt iou uler I lila flu Mt rout lot I ut it hit ia a tit s luf tin I lie llriw lug stat Ion I AttiC Ill Isfrtiint I lilt a llta 1 tIn act I an ani lit rn iha aeuritte kt 5easir soiet miter te I > < < > < > > < < < > < > > < > > > < < > > > TlltTf till fttntW Mcilitl and tliniry A winit cem t M ilnrk nml liftvt- TlialV t w- riiat tiini lirhr- w v M ti WM- M lol M aw M M ii tlllIt i lint t iIIit I Ai i I t 4 IIHilum u to U aI tt1IIII gt Iii ItILlV it2tiI tn a e St I 1 5 V- S I lklt 4ttIAity Ii4i 51 ea4 att 4 The Best High Ball Is from an unflavored whiskey Try WILSON Thats All II i I J mad RIDDER GERMAN OT wiTiinrT otTcnr OF nosx HinnKii on PLATT hnrnilr at he Inlon lllnner Tlial- rrmau Mmy Kuppl liar Candlil fur Ma r IMimer llrlegale- Tlic Hind Their llrcatilatlo After they had eaten n first rate dim nt tin einnM of the lion Hermnti Itldi of the iermanAmeriinti lleform In- nt the liilrin Haitian Intel l t even tweniylRlit repno ntntlviti of five th Hint bavi been niiKing the lennati of New Vi- to Until against Tntumnnv rail mnko of HieinsolvfA nn ooMMintlon on atm for gixvl rnvenmiont in the langui- of chairman Mho voice of dlHMnt never dnn to show it bond nliove horizon Whni all tIn work had Ixeii done wan announced lint the h In miiny eases ian ower to bind the hat nenl them III In nnd that all the thing that they hnd dr would lava to In mtlfletl liofnro it efftttlyi Hut it dtclattd that llermnn vole wAs HI lang Hint it wntI- M determining fnclor In the rninpnij It would in all probability 1m t lot of the men who wen nt the dinner name the man to head the ticket When the dinner hnd linen tnten no were miintoil and It wa found hint tIme wen tin following men prvnotil- iorinnii tiiericnn Cnlon Chur- IIIIF Inif Inorlltr Fdwatd II Amet- li ti hater Kroilrrirk irlo ol Slirinu- S SiWliJ- oriiKinAinirlcnn Munlelpnl Irum Paul lir I K IKxhin I I lint llotiry Moyt- riorinnnAniirlcnti County Orcunlzntlor- Hr lilMM loriiinnVinprlcflii tliion l nauo- llroiiklyn U Keinpuer II llutnn lii I eiid K II Itrranmnn W Miehlor I Keiwoppe hick IterinanAnieriean Mimlctpnl l ncuo Henry mnnn Jacob Ni- Uilliiiui licl oniitnn irnot F l ltil- lonry i l k Sliiilnu I fluclioi- illii list Includd nil of the bits lint won to the dinner eice the iorninnAmcrirnti ngue nt this ho or which nil ludwiK Thoma anti lien Ijoewy Herman Hlddor made n hit SM I In which In wiid lust the wniilil IK Mr WelKMimti lie wxeoutl1 the l nRi with which orinnlnitiuii the plan of tl- meetliiK hud oriiiiiale Mr e with greit that tv weeks ago roprtwoiitaUVOH of nevernl the llnxiklvn hnd walti- on him told him frankly thai the wn greAt Miplclin of the ntlilud oft Ainorieiin rm tnlon In II cnmpalgn nnd hud il l Hint for the i no movement that doubt ought to I removtd The which It wn lo cirry out IJIHI night wan then leisr antI nil he hind to do it wits to ask tl men to ent n good dlnivr- Thl Intn Mr Kvert- nf tin Municipal league mil thins tin tiling ttecewnry to Im done wet Mimiiipil m n rc lutlin that he I in- iirrimrpd nnd which he would offer lion thnl resolution Vnrrat Th ciilnviitrnt on of till Ant IviiiKim nr THiilntiiiii i ri iitml pr- rouui if nf niii dr H iii jii inkt- it ernnlnti IIKI elii tii n and IVirrin 11n ilil1riitoll nt Die l rnnn veirr wi iil l cr lly lownnl this eijtitwtl li of Mr rtly tfnv rn- ntii1 friiin Ilie rnlo l fie Mijl y t ni tlnr- Nn Ntfxlrrtl Thnt Iii iir riuiii iili n- l re illteil ut till tiiftretli hlll i ll lllil- lii i l i into mi TIT ilniti u uiilrr Id mire i riiiinAiiiriinli I MIOII ilium- l r er UlMlu them enlil- vlicriiu r thel iil I nl Uit ll- llimii Mint llelil W iin lili I irle- it Dili lliihT l lilltiv Mlir Klililtr Ih t ihnirin n- ull it K f 11 f riu rin- xivvrml I ieroe it UK ilrritil Viiiirniil in nil ni tir iilniii Hi tleilioii- lnl Iliiift if HH I IIIIK iinlnikn At Hint lli men from the iirmnn- uidrlcin MtiuHpal I MKU of thl count that they luid no author ly in bind that nrKniilutlon to any hlng They sild im n tin pnwer the mil was lo eat dlninr nti l n to lei he inetnlrn of their anal mako them Mr Itltlder got to hi fut again and wild lint If than wen nnv thoU who bail nt lIe strength to llieir orgHiilZH to their way of thinking on any oust r tbev npn practically nothing In Kiiicl that If thn wen nnv io wen ed to thin nolutniis miki- K him Phnlnniinlhidoorv o ay Wai clear for them to have the hall If then am any who an to- il union It Is for u to crush themmild- Ir Itlddcr atwl mnke clean tho way tar ntvsful titilti l nctinn thl on the in of nil of the ionium In thin city Flint madti Mr Davl hot noah got ull l l tll i whole lnii wn origlnatoil In the II v of tin Startf Zrituxg anti that all lanai i en cut ami dried ton the mouthful of a very ex- llent ilinner was enteii by the tu TT ln I AIIt ir- avin Minifiimo In iormnn and sauna its In Kiulili no moats to nilo un- ht llier he In platt or Hhlder Mr Vimmann rapimt for ilor ami one man ivilil that lie know of- s perwitml knowledge tlmt Mr Dnvl w not ni Its truth aUmt the nwt- lon Mr el mann nald that Mr tvl might gn alnnd a long on 1m si ik the iiie ton Uforo the boiiix anal did it Kny the thine that I of myself know it lo l the truth Mr Iavi ropoattil that ln antI Um many n who wen In organization that any onto m matter what hi name Several of oilier diner sneniod to- reo with Mr Davis and Mr Welssinatin- w thl if UK won to put n ugh llioi tail gus in w n ivcrl n- Im calloil mi Ht i Kemiuier who mail addrt In whlcli bo declared Stint the rwwil ambition of rita I wen ctn- nioI m the action that wa t taken I thou alt uf its men WH WIMI pre ti- n wtir- ny hintS Imn Mr IU llr tahl that I ne tr- n a ramtldalf ftr any ni anal tnt Ir Frieraliotii sJiM thai IH ererv In t te CollimMtli Jlv Htl- lt tHmmtit HO wa in tH- vetii tIe n vmitwMi Hi ttf ati w at Mic- Mnng M man Mk li i fn rUin lmnmrt insW n MI wl WYlrter NMd I H I Ihttwclt- I all tf UM Uorm H bi 4A 4 i Iliac and CM tat she Hc4t Vv I hi ski Htv nwl lbs Mit It we tU nml w 0i MM N lo u I CHAIRMAN I 0 Ih I i- I I1t c hi I will II n WAn II 10 I IItl 1 J nr 1rplln II II or- I r I I lhrti rain t I 1 elsa I rnllI x lair rm Ilk II On Ia ant a rsnI uirat I itt a iris cit I ihsit t Sot itt t hat I lieu t klgist rite i gut tt12nt htiluit alum his as nil I hut t i uuiiti lam I sh lilt elena a t Cr17 helm organ tau I ehiuil rIm I of hires k I si i himuiIc I lit i sill I tat goal its lit Urn kln Pt sit hit I tie a A n rit tat tint I It st IhIait C itt > I ut I t it ii- niiauut taut i r tit ii I I- itIt5litlt5 I tie I rgiuiist huts at nit Jtisl iiss ails t fin fish I to lie sat the r t lie first t wailS ism hum Iii rn mcii guing tap tie hiieh uu the I I lute lie cushy fur tIe chefat atns hail I intt1 hess asuy iuainulaattkits had itt kio thIs I attic a I that I I eel la I5tutn let Ih Iie wit ale I in fnNi ttinii I then M1 t1s4- ii 1 ka ateel ttiai lu wa a- flsaa Isars vsIw sa ii th- a ae4 skit 5 s a iauqadia- a ai a ia ate ft a55 Thea saM In atls 4 a i hr nil ait l- thui I a I aiflt ha- L > > > > < > > < > > > < > > < > < < < < j won on it was said of m v nl II Hint damned Dutchman dwr her it howl tf Hght n Hotken drrlin William smd m M- nntiir Plait said aivli- ecitMlty of having an U T eraS to menu lust nn lndiindi era I n n i ty Whnt h meinn that we mo- nmn who will unite nil of III tin DpliKxriicv but who nre to It saul Mr Jel rnmiiu M think lint Senator Plait tinders- nltuntidti Iliorotiiclily Then nr than to l consdr t v anal the iliixen I listklng asknnce nt emh other tt 31 MT cent of the vote In this iiv Hi r- tnr the factor tint will deleritm stilt of ih tniivaw It nuns Ix- wlll l the firci to which will clioire of Mm niiilidnle to IIMK Hi then n tiiitltm was tinii- lxnilipit I This wnnirrin Dr s Mr Mr Mayer anal Mr Il xhn av fey to bind tho n- Ixitllntii thnl they repnMnlt mid net Inn thev tixik IN sul the nvi ion of tbr tn nilxrs I i Hint IhiM IVMIHI Mr It offered n resolution lint Mm vote jniI- n con tnii tl in menu Hit uniii if- r to in Ilie rtwiliition wuii IN fni after lint hind uinr- to orcaniMtiitiM Thi nl IIIH every on winl n n- thnt the thInner had ti n historic wo a well n n goad on Thre hoch w for Mr Kidder niKitbennHihgutt liaiKnl him inmnally fur TAMMANT TIIINKIMI or A OKIIMIV- SAIUIIMIA AUK ID Vita iottiiniinorS- csinnell who n mttii htrt t Iho of Itichard Croker whei ho inM lion tall Ho I expect M I tnrlv m Kisolp ntiinni iln ir who an here now in li ih effwi inn1 ii cnndidnto Might to n inrtia- nnd if n iorninn Is Mlecet tl i wi bo difficulty in mnUIng lnr nd i nntlTnmmnny force ilmt hnve l ii Rnnle nmong the iortnnn Mu t r i placed on tin nttltud of llrrmI- llilil r Niy that the iormni wii n man rather than ron n strict eriforcoment of tlm nt- illnptnnt them nrxl nil of lliom woi think tliat Mr Itidder Is not intliii aiM In hln opx to Tammany vrifviTiov L aini nn r- Kugce tlon of Stir llet een lliiwlt- t nllpil stain trgcnllnr- Sftiol i atJt limn inn i ST IlTKKHIItKII Aug IB The Vnrr- xIrrmyir iritlcl ltiK time iermnn tnnff- Uggentn 11 grnln export trust l twt n- Hilssia the State nnd the Argennnt- iIdpublic It says tlmt In order tn maintain price nt flied ntamUnl grent graIn nvici- zltion might be vtnblishe In the chief port of tho countrio which nro tio largest consumer of foreign gram h trust agreeIng upon rule for thin van ii4 cenaln- It l Wlieved however th t M fr- MlnUter of Hnanct Is rndlcnlly ol- to the list t devtlopment of I In nii It I even lielieved thuS bo ha oXSine view with Vlennn lUrlin with he object of preventing nil American tnt Invasion of contrnl and nnrt horn luriHs- IMMVV IiI or Tin vriH- rltUti I in ul Na Thin Outnumber Those of mil Cnnntr- IINPOV Aug ID The ItritUh Conu at Frankfurt n Ccrmany hal tiio land of the syndicnti He NI lat some giant tnitnlntbetnltidVa limy enjoy gnuter power than ningk tr Cirnmny there is no doubt tlml srixii- uttn In iertimnv ate ttion numerous M n Then I linnllv n brniiri if triid HIM meml n of which iut- otiblne l tot tin legtiUtion of pruv vT- Itltptlt rivi irsr priuI- r real llrllaln Hill llecontldrr Plant for MltliUravtlnt Troop IX NINIV Aug 80 A denpati ii o th rime Pikin eayn iha sir Knot Intow tIme llritUh Minister hns h Cliimw that mU- ho tninlnhmentn dccrotil for the mtM- T liar masKacn nn f riliwiih- nrrioil out lnat tlritalu will rt iiire i- rcuimiilor her arraiiRimenln tot witv- Irawal nf her trooM- n YS CITY IIE OF rfiwinJl- erman Who Nolil le lat l Line In Mr Morgan In la t Indian TrailrI- XINDON Aug 10 Mr J II FJleTinI- tnlrman of thn I yl nd Line sii- Mim Meimer of this e tn Mr J P Morgan lioueM o its Line of ntoatnor trailIng n- ivrr l and the F it maitre tho Uyland deal lep tlantic trade and bo conneo itl- ntltntinn tn the FJ 74f TO SEE AltMY W I VirCI Ill I- reepti the Imitation of Pmlurnl l uliet- nf Prance PARIN Aug ID The Cram Im nvt M- ldent lrtiliotV Invitation af 1 t- eat nnny mamiuvrp at Hlioii opt HI Majoety wilt land a D lib pnnidont I ul t will wiii e IH fl h the great naval mativuve The Oarina will accnmpAiv ioar naval maiHi itvre MI s tao on s nrranceil by PHM M honor of hi Majtoty- l limkun l mttnn Newt iMId I vMf Iteifttttt 1 ONIxiX Aug It U it- Ir un ottiitHl that liiKlI inns ftiti r4tip f the ti f r I week The w It Ixtrn w ft w- e l wrb nnv nue dl M iacii n fi ur I- Ilrtniis t Inst I hua tituti Itt lInt hdIi 5 hi I ruth thai murt apt ititk 515- I auth Ihirn t file limIt I ruilasui t his OPInhI lii wan lflft hrs it 1iu- Iutuk ssliat I hsa r I sits I I t ham p h1auh allen II t ruivr Wamu sisamal ut hia r 1 tOol il I hint Ilss I hunt i I tie rigtit g I a it i las I its umh I ia I ii tilt l bits I inq st Ill I ui 1 I hue sit as tine itlnoimi I rt g I i I his ihttsr fins u hat < hat I ftc kit Tza si flU tsy he t tat I a tat Iha tic q t St Fit uuutn hmv laws kin anal t I tilt ti tt e tutu WrCM1 I IbC hsoltt I 1llt oa that lit I hauls ghi a ill I tlst itt set4J SJ hemaleit I Tiar ui minis nee ihli hulanlluatant hart ba SyeaSil Carl ftamtaPi S 1a S a Itt eauiisun abS tins I I say t I avtII aI l5eS is T a t sit k nil 5 this t I il4 lease i Tin t I a I r it Ie4r 1i a i i ut- t i 1 aha1itoa Iii ogat w 4 0 lkihr FORCE SHilIet h- iI A- tis1I5 ts c as > > < < < < > > > < > > > < >> > > > > > > < >

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Post on 10-Jan-2019




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no I to al o probation and it d

the dlff rent rUw whichadvanced Jtnia Chrlt-

abto and If an how pato I wrouthtl

Dr England I poult I vn anil cmphat-

hU atatem pt hat the lx autlful h

akin tram and all nhall come down f-

hU attidy wall and that l will lgnMlf D no morn

The National from whmany of th i Now Jerseytheir dccreoi of Doctor Divinity

America It ha In Ireat llriband In novera of tho Continental count ri

operated exten In IrmaJt ia Itn diploma hroado-

formanoea led n few yearn ago to anIn thn Engludi A 3

Mendel In tluPh D front the Xetlonal Unlverwilfor tho num of 1 SM net c i

of tin U lllr of the good abegan talking about bringing a i uitChancellor wa laugh

at for tiM pain anti UK I tidonin commenting iix n the paid thwhit tli re wrll be ground for hiltcomplaint the State of f

a charter to such an InMllutlcthen wax little ft for Mendel Illto do nave to make application to have Ipicture con ptcuou In Nation

lml ecleIt U In fact difficult to conceive br

man In hi oenso roil l l wwlndhInto buying n diploma fnini thl

of oorrshould In Mifflclon-

tIndicate Degrees of i

kind art At Justmight In ham or mes pork Tin

Chancellor to customer reilike thono of the corre pondonco cle-

of a wholenalo dealer In or coutry clothing TniMlng that we will

order I i to rvma-roum truly F V Martin Th-

m one of tho Chancellor favorphraxm In cloning letter to

to to lsllove thnl cou-

Ixi deceived Into th notion after nndlithe National University clrculnr aireceiving n few lottcr of oort Hint I

wan buying oittrlKht fur nutli a bogus atick ulicn innn liuy cnwiktHi

trurral l that Iii U Inrthem for fraudulent 1hl

In fact what tho lov J I Chnimnnllarkpttntown wan tho roirenting the of the degree of Dotor of Divinity by clergymen or bin

winthey wen liught the digreen for fraudulent nnd netu them fraudulently represent Ir-

Ihemnelven to the tn Iswere not anti what they rfectly wr

new they won notTho National wn proll-

thnroughly In the Chicagonot very long ngu The Tint

HrraU wild

W Ilirkln A M Ih l I IheChai-cellor of the National Cinvinlty lit Tlirm-ittr t Chrn i Sometime mivortirtbal he I mnnnitrr The leitrrlitnilhU Institution nro Incrnlmily nunliIn lure lie mo attractive n luinof sugar on n warm I heir phriiMfilocI o departmenteminent professor of itillsep-Ac Affording lti trurtlnii to nnr er p-

In any tu lr throueh direct ci rni tiiliiinPreparatory trrailimle nnd xii eraduntcourse ue ree conferred Uxm re-

f W mnKIMt A M Ill I Chanrellor-AffllUtMl ln tlt tlon I ItillliilH n

Toohnol y Mor o School of Kl irirlty-Chlmco lno thlr i

tho l t ollf e Ill I ill

T llr Amdoinr Iho Aroilcmv f Flno AnSrhoil tlio nluinti-

UilnlvrOBlro of the Vntlonil I nlv

ellod nflor tho tnlvrr ny nt Umilnnl IS-

Thm i ti otThe Institute Tohnulogy hn IU art

drew at 111 Thrtion tro i jn t Mlioro thlnlvor lty I lM l l ami lier

Tho Hrhmil ofnot flruro In tho Chlruvn illroctnry-

tho Chic en llii ln j lnlTor nlii on the front of tho iino huilcllni

where the tltn of th Nntioniil I nlvirltIll Thrnnp ilr t Iho rnitiplIn the iillor if ih

nt on tho nupport of ll Mrtropnllt i

Merited IUII it Tlio IlilonKnhchool mo t lilirli oimillnir ntvnyhomo aro at IU utropt nhoro o fa the directory mid the Uttor of I hat

nn tiuicornwl Iho lotinof toamlnr I i ilo l n wrll A tin inoclmn

tn for tho mnnufmluro of drirrro TinAnuntieiiM tipM nlly nn tn litu-

CAtiTort thrmxlvc ruin ninnli thin nmll-dontUI Mcrruirlo i not t IM numl In th-

Iho Institution where niio rovrl InVinci studio the tHrill of Amrehi nml thdemerit of ScnllMTI ido full to prr li-

the directory ullhouirh It I iirinletl tlml iMumlnutiiin of the of I

roller llrkln wnultl it llsre Thi n orvatory whether hit plnni

or rentant I not nut pt nIn the directory ullhouirh i inn v lu

troet itmxt thine edmnlionnll-seom to hare nn orialii-

So much fur the nnitlntion i f n Nntimn-I nlrerlly whirl if in Ittier ot theentne hr II nre any rrltiTinti h siir-ceedeil In tin xiple nf inure th ione nation nf lirlticinv into itie tion throod tho of Chlingn nni

n a fur lirt dnu-ellurlne university spuior writ

One of thin outcircular of tin National I

It I an Institution not for profitIf them I onthat Chancellor llarkln tbathing I profit I In I engaged In this hudiiesM of of nil kiwiwhile you watt from purely phllnnthropii

This would not Htnto bo no from the ixtnmtly lmln wllkiring of all the Cliinivllorn Itttim It

which he ouote nrici for vnrioun dore and cloM tn voui

onler that proliaiilv In imrelyhabit d linnInto HI aim In life n n philanthropistanti a a moralthat no man or old whatever ma

hl merit or demerit I deprived of ihtiprivilege of having do

upon him which he wUhoand hn the money to for Thenone degree however on which Chancel-lor drawn tlm unit He docn tintgrant the or M I Tlie nnson

for this restriction In that Ixuirdnhealth have asinine viewn on thl

one of hi circular printed In n d inkon UK ack of a th Inl-Vtfodtya nrtlflcne of lncnriomtlnn he-

aajnBut no medlca docroo are crnnfd

cranteil o Innir tle pn oiit lnlnor tem of Turing ienain ii irr

Hoard of llelth an the riunllnnof the boalth anti we nnd no f ul wlhthem ial they should not dlCute thl ortlpto oth r and e pcl liy utido inllnrobut should extniltie ii llcnol-rro prctle of the cnll r In which tlieywere It I Ixoaii we ro un-

wllllni tn like upon rep nnl for our

bnirdhnsdecldodioeriini no medical derrce-

XJr lr tho title of Fraudulent DiplomasMr Henry Wade llneon PresidentNorthwontern delivered annddrcM efon the Illinois State Teacher

at Sprinctleld Ill on Doc 8-

Iai Till M won Intoform anti had a wide circulation InIt President llorors doxiite ntimc sjuirtto the SatlortAl tnlwrwlir anti n fem lothe of that Institution by theCkirafo T ttllrratd Prestilonl llogtrtold

Tho fHs HIM ulii lm hiw tli t tillV iMn l I niior4t t lrmicli rt

liltnfi ltd i i ftnoBwott x4l IMS itrpHlloa Hi I ro HI sla-

nd Ix n tnllillfli tlottt 4ii l In IH llf 1lli-P rllnwnt t ior lv nM krt ln 1iiic If n ttiiK in ti l iit4niiin i mtin wttrt taut VH lkr l iH4l-

t tod I h h J II M OI 1 KI-

afnl lo rmrrv n 11 xH 1 i i iran m-

fneolcn onutitrlos H iior H

sir rji t4 er N nd Ikdu i

a t iisis M it r imMtln-tn Verm nr l i nitIho tioa llHH H i xW j-

TIs tmH tf I HN rMr it I-


fot Ibr IHe-

In M i it

otherlIo1n n

Chrlt to lad andthis law of Ood ternt IInd unrhncfo

Ill ror mlrAC



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and tutiIat

s fljrththooti

Iifriro I

iitlnnttl4r Iit1 iilw tt to tttiwn

wait iiIt-






lion whrr lfltrtUtit Ifltw

iity line Artitt

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I tiitirltih1i I ull


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hould b able to ilt under the prelcctlao tnurh r-

and n written to Lr u member of

replied Thin n uiInMltutInn and M fat a that t-

in the aboonre of any law In the contrarya to reo aa tho

at Oiford or or any Incountry

a matter of fact the National Iwan duly lnoorj ored under

ISM Thewerr F W llarklrv A li

J T Huton Tim fist Hoard ofrertorn worn V llorkln A II tlarrrJ T Huton 11 Cook and tlm C eo-

Jamo Jone Tim Chlcnxo Tmt Ht-rayii that A II Oarman appear InClilrngo directory an an o-ciration named of John T Hut

I Iho Her tnorrn Jatnoa Jo-

aro not to Iw found In th directoryobject for Incorporating the umvcn-waa to permthrough college couroew Andappropriate ilogree-


Hot worn lilandt UeeprneilWa r lilandi Hnluml In Nl-


lltlon writ out to examine the IwilnlInland of tutu 1nilnlAnA and Mleelml-jrtuiMnto find how thy wer nfTected

the florin nml whether arty annUtanco w

haH nturne l In New Orlcan n-

rejiortH that while then no Ion f

tliere were a numlier of lni ort nt clunfIn the coam topography cnii e l by I

hurricane eopociall In tin fringe of l lanwhlci protect the Miotlooippl In-

cn thochantieU iHtHoen the l Unl wrdeepened by tIdal wave thl bellpe nlly noterl In the ca of th half P-

rlinnnel The Guilt and Mhlp llnml IUroast C mMiny had l en eiiKaKod for KIItime In trying to ilmlgo out H deep elm tinThe liurricHtie did It In ono lay leovlitwentrthre foot channel to ihn rallriw-

wlinrfTh have nearly all

l and eomomaterially reduced In Ire Hand l Unoff which ban lieen gradually dlappearing for miffered anotlier b

through the heavy wnuli of tlwave from the the light

U threatened with dmlructli-Ihroufh the waohlng away of found

Irani1 Ince wo bnd-

wohnd and nearly half of It dlM-wvirtxl The o t of Horn Inland wi

wiwtiivl a Hound or Turtle lularhAllEy wnhol the llahthou-

kooier wa coni liU mThe llghtboue wharf wooThe Cliamlaleur lolandr were completelindor water during nil lh otorm and woi-

Iwiilly wiwhed The wany wave whet wept ivntplete-

nver It but no great wa doneAt MI M during the

if the Monn a man regloler-ri I Iivatida I of MeridUn l ecnnr-violently inane He purchased a til t

w outodoy that lio wax a cotton hiiror rSew anti wellodi No Ijjibnikin I given of the suicide except ex-

Itement over the


topper Produce Hlnc Iollreman-m l lt of lUtorllon llenlalt

Frank W Oerraty who hail been a pollt-

il aMtUtant of luaan A Hopper tlio TannAtty leader In the Thlrtyflrnt Anwrnhl-Utrlct announced that he wa otit I-

elp VeUiw do Hopn nt the pritnarlc-oon after that a tory wan made publl-o effect tliat Oerraty hailKM front Policeman Thomas r Donlo-

o arrange hinge KO that tin whIII boa died could get a

detail torntr dente l

thai h haul ever taken any money froonlon Donlonn xiter t therln-lulllgMi of IVIhatu Manor awl hi

hat had never given Cerraty lieitMl neer hail that tnoiwy atIme arid that If he hail nlgned any pnpr-aylng lu hAd the money he nutiave dellrlou

Mr called reporter to hilub lat night anti al fler-nty rraty didnt comnit Mr Hopper n d lo the teMirter

pur oning to l an nflUUvIt signy Donlon In which Donlon mild tinven terraty S to ea T detal-

nd that Oorratv had loltl him Ionlonlint woiildgototheorgatiiuitloii-


ullremati Voorher Tlirn l rtp trhM-Illg Hoc Nald In line llrm tad

A large black dog ran through the treli-

f llath lleiicb yentenlny A cry nf maby ninny pumultii tint niilmil Martlet-

ittAgen and noilenln generally A-

roey avenue anti hay n-

lii t th thug anti Itn imnnier run lnt-

iillciiniin Alonro of the hailleach htatltin Voorh grablml the tin-

y the tall and drawing hi revolver fint Itx head A the shot wan fired the do-

nvo a ouddon IwUt anti the bullet lodgei the left hand of ufjlcor cai lng-

alnful wound Stint after shot was firethe pxcitiil All took effect

till at the fast the dog fell over deathoorheex to the ofllce of Dr John

VnorheoH who l ed the wound nni-imoved the bullet

During the cliOM Hovernl children wennocktol down harold Hennon 12 yean

win of a confectioner of hay Twentynd street and Cttipwy avenue wh

a In front of hi more wo topl l over by the crowd Awl reoeivfd

bruise In all tho mad ruh of daMml through tho ntreote no onan liittrn antI It not lie ojirnottat hut dog had even nnnppeil at anyin


Idout Animal Juniiwtt at N P r A Agentand the Itullet Went Wllrt

Henry an H A nfflcor of fnlorI-

II N J undertook ytwtenlay to nhoot-

vlciou dogbut lfore tie flnUhetl ifshlmnelf In the log The dog which

Ktitxl by William Danel a grocer of litalioado avenue hid bitten a little girliim d Kllrolioih Jaeger Her parent conv-lalned to IU Mnler IH-

rdored that II dogA noon the dog naw it madn i-

h for him fOul the hullent through the calf of hi own left logen lie tho dog Tin nun woun


slung Maa lam PaMenger Mied linhl-MalrhM and Utantnml Ring

lu tom lnioitor Timothy J onohua on duty when the HollandAmeric-antnihip Maawlam renchod tier ploi-

i Holiokon yelonlay lie noticed athin n et ger walking ilown the gangLank wearing n ln vy tightly buttonedrercoat and hi wi pWnn were anMiM I-

mnwiliiH mue teil tlie man In atmmy huts to the winire MMtmand afteriiHitl ur t nf Indignitliin M consentede hi iianx wan l ul Hufotra aol

bo wa a principal In otto the Hjl4 r-

MI in g-

I kil 4ti a 4io llotatrn I i unbuttonnVenxMlt whloli ho V4w lrtle-

nrrbe It ilHiKHigMr rmilit Bntlttng itutuith In II IH M 4Mn hi-

iwl nff l fin 4Mrl I W M be-h hKrotnl iMnl Mil Uhra TtioV

VMHxMo gnl wale tek and 4t-

amnml rtngo Ho Mi d inn

oenatnr in I p thelY MMi Ailg I e ia r-

A I HH wiM loa r itHHrtrw trnifti-s lr a up MJ lkr In il Mo meI-

KWO M a v frtmi iMXtie-

r a

0-1It dooru

to Ihltlnloro-r 0 II




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Mrs aiio snii





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> >












> > >>






They Dertare That Three Opeo lleI Creni llavfl Been DUrhargedj That TbU Morning They Will Tie

llm PUnt Pollc Put In the

McKzuronr Pa Aug l Tlio i

trikom lien My that the Duquenno rrI of the Camegln Bteol Company will

nt 7 tomorrow morningout nf twelve o cnhe rth furnace arcoperation tonight thin men on the otl

having dlnchargecl forleged active work In Ixthalf of tho Am

gamate l AwooUtlon Tim mill U fullcoal and Iron police tonight and the wo-

men am forbidden to talk 80 far an cotlie learned meeting am being heldthat town tonight but a big meetingchcditled for tomorrow night

Tho nit nation In Ihjqtienoe tonightof nnxlety If the men atrike It

In tIe flmt trouble that hut occurredplant nlnco the Homentead nlrike-

IOT wIn tlni DunioAiM men camonyinnthy with tin Homet ad

folltiwed and aevernl rioter wi-

mnvlcted HIM hentenciKl to the woikhoui-Tlio no Steel Work givemen to about Snoo men one of tfinest e iilp ed plants In the Iruxt co-

nlNlilig of bonoemer lee and convertll-tnilU tinlverxnl mill open hearth m

nml blaM funiacro open hoarand universal were d reago at n cot of millions of dollarlint metal front the open lie art h andinor department to Momentliver lint metal railroad

Tlie steel ntrlko contnon Duue nf fur several wrok FAnIn the n striker Mild ther won

nunly by of th company Tl-

iitmnnt havnload off an organization nf the men or-

tho prillm force wan Inertnbout IM mill On nliout fortcoal anti liOn pollen were brought into tlmill from llraddock andU M d almiit tin mltln At the nanlinn It ItecAlntt known that dlchargetaken

This morning the mill started up Iniartly crippled anti the

mated announced that it coukl V-

clo e at any tlmo Tonight It wan announcod thin men would quit nt-

oclock In the at the rtiang tIf the mill I cloe It ma-

hnve a tlrcidetl effect on Homestead Th-

trike leadont nay the mill at that plavwill follow

Forty Hungarian laborem attendedmeeting In tin Colloeum I hi evening nnwere mitt a lodg of the FedoratInts tif Ijilir A wrtlnl organization

l o rffectid among tlm nninlvanlrlniir nn rlooy picket me the tnltei-tnto Tin Mill l I no evidonrhere yet of any attempt at a Mart


aniifactureni the Ntrtheat Work

Pinnntim Pa Ailg IB The divrloji-

nontH of tin thy lntlio trlkeltiutionHlio-aln for lie eliel Manufacturer Th

Tarke and Painter hoop mill In Pitt-

itirg largely IncrooMx thom working forend the ntH liinip plant at Motienoei

which ha not turned a wliool KinceI wa ntnrted up In the Painter planour mill worn nlarted anti y then oklllei-

ml iinnkllled worn nt work all duty Thnanagemont any the mill will l eninniiinil In a few dayn Fifty additional nklllo-

mn went to work In that Clarke hoop trill1x1 It will not belong l efore the plan

Tho menat Palnte-ulrt an tutu employee four of

ollorrt In the mill having returned inchili

at Monenoen got in atxm-Ifty men thin morning ami tho Mrlker-rere ntirprioed when they saw thin slackending out the luriiliii

flrotclaM materialIll lln t collllun between the Mrlken

Mid tin mllcH occurml to lav Tbhiker who loitered on the railroad trackienr tin work an kept moving by UK

Chief of Pollct o er ap eiieanti ordentl a gang to move on

ill ot yel roluctantly except one l itln

tot budge chief liegan to nnlS x n Imtb men wen rolling on tin

chiefrrimtid mid MrlkerMooHr maniigoil to look III man am

Itlneliart lurId McMah 12-

orfelt fur a hearing tomorrowTho Second Brigade of the Ieminylvaiili-

Cntionul uanl In In camp neara The colutieln M veii

v reOlvivl anonymuu letterif the following In a fair aniplo-

DhMt Slit In four cjinmnnil h-

illoit IIIHIII In do duty aaHln l the utrl Inkr l not fiiruot that there are m n UtHir-nn then islet unto men In your roirlinentnil watch whore you land when you uivt-ho order ti tIne

At final nothing won thought of the nileIve threat which wa iuilied In them won to everybodythen the irnotwi In rvnp tn

rx thicker titan ever Some day

inont of thorn In Ito same bandriling Several of the letter nnd on

worn font In tlio Inltwi State Pontal-uthoritle horn Hlncn theoo wen Mnt0 Plttaburg It ha l en learned that joyniment cifllcem havo l etu Intaking an lnretlgatlon and keeping n-

Mikout for any iwplolou personIV Aug lu the Amal-

amntod Anioclatloii of Iron and Steel andIn worker hope ever again to be recog-Intl by tho Stolen Steel CorporaIon It hay to becomehi I tl notice that lieeti Hervet-iidlrectly on tlio the aoclation-hi ilocH not thetAils of the BMoclatlon all that Maudet w itll It and recognItion hr thnStoel Tnit-n general principle It may never lie

to tnit bestIHI pnwont strike lie nettled and anothergreotpent entered Into tiotweeo thin Steel

and the AmalgamatedIon the Litter will tint have lo

been regularly incorporatedaction of of the

malgimated Annciatlon In brt klng thenntmctH noMKiatlon hail with thinnaniifacturem haiti Intenxlfled the feelingiilrttalne by the bulnoMi world oov

ral that there nhould lie mime wayf holdinc UlKir union n lblorearboo of contract labor union are

and cannot hold nonibio In thin court of

nlon lnc rj oratod of beingled a note no fm ttt nt

lion nun conxldcm that paine f thentlotial Ulmr union aociimulale largoIIIIK of money n that theyoukl IN more caution In entering ttriketheir fund coukl at Inch I

1 pay for damage r UMd In deflaiK-rontitntclNIt I ui der tond thai Ilie Inlttil State

leel rallon plan of profitlib It wurkmen meiittone m Sixie other day n having ten under di-

IM II al Yorkiten the Amalgamated AnwicUthur-ilvi rf fiimmlttKi anti J IVrj iit Mur-in utah M II Schwab micht Inure to-

Iwntflt of Iho avwwiatkm Tlie valuethe niM iu liin of Mttck l i an InooriMtratn-liutanr ha Neil K WII here in PittrK I wiiHwlful Iteonllve In-VHllVolieMi

l to AMtMiiiw iU Vorliem tnlim al-

T igh t lnx irtiitnitiil lnld a largee f l to wmw

I inrrttllv HM nnJt r lit tIe linlntitfl oi f il r wiiitW U tru4 git-

golter it a few HtHAiti it-

loM llV w week I IK lUlr tirlRtlull-I f r l egl iliig tlie lilitM 4mpr l catk-wa a Hwvikun that laurar tM f Ilio Miiei ntd tiV Ilie Ulr utiliwtA i ioer eiample nf Prrotdolit Mlufler-

ftr lixlitrH up l Uv loft M tlio talel k ti 14 M Milk MtW a to


1A mum


















I and


I I1







theIr Im


Ill11 I Irk








AliII hal



ale MIll









t ut t











In tnt



tin hut thIs uut rent


own St ilk



entirewill fish alienation

hit tuoa



liihunts 1e dht



a w it lawhich


lInttltn tif then wen


lIiT IutthttI



lit ellaanti ui


la at

tunt sisal gluts t runtanal




< a tat








< >



< >














I effect h a nitI Newcastle Pa In Mrlke allegingran of It material wa going to non

the Elba plant of thin National Tube

Steel Company n concernthe mint

the m n learned that the KstAtue mill won furnishing nkeln Iron

N ntruckwould lint lujt the company to m-

exxjiio had It not ten lo gn

Yew of men that II hail held In reoerveinch a contingency

When Hhaffer of thin actionthe nmn IK wa angry arid orderthem hark to work the ntr-

watt unatithorietl rc oritthat the company wa funilnhlng tnalei

mutt were rtrlke and the Pndent ariAwerrxl that was on n lotime contract and the Amalgamated inot expect abet companion to

contract dcharged the nine men anti Stouffer tofu tinIt rix thorn

Shaffer ruling In hi CAM may In

logically therefore President Shatternot onler a ntrike In any of the ItepubIron and Hteel or other com

il Corporationncontltuotit oomiMinln-UK contract wonbegan

M F the nuUtant Secretarythe Amalgamated Aiworlitlon nlume t

worker nf and MllwaiiktN to gnHo ho ha received word thChicago Individual momW of

union are nut nml ho hope that 11

lodge them will vole lo Join life trik-

ow Ksvr KpKrr MUCK

Sir fonvrne TelU of lilt I t Cnri-ipoodrnco With the l or

With roganl to the report tint Mayof McKeenpori Pa had left Ih

the purpose nf visiting K C i-

verw former Pn ldent of the NationTitle Comwiny Mr Convenn eald-

onlayI certainly dont eipoei to

use only communication I have hud rrently with Mr Illncfc wnn n letter ncknow-dging the receipt of a mirke copy of II-

Inlletl Htnli Constitution whichto him lllncourno tont rangewho wore unfortunate enough to got In

Jurisdiction anti hl prnclaitmtlni-roncornlnj men who wl hotl lo work h

to think that then were certain nrtlelIn Cttnstitutlon which In bIght nXi

with advantage marked them A-

Iforwanlod them to hint In lit reply M-

Illack found no fault with the ConMltiIon nor with tho article I market

hut ho dMtertcd that ho hailmil mlHtndorMnod Hut t how anwhew hi had l oii muupinteil and tntimJeratoiHl failed to say

Mr Schwab lan sinaI other nl

n fuo enionlny to ctitnniontgeneral or upon tl-

ctlou Ktgi iif then aled A In jllnlnt tin ntnkr

n of th agreement withAn oll inl of of the MI

com pun ten uidhave nnv to publl-

raiiH we havn rriilveil In ndhen t

itir attitude uf Indiffonnco townrdW do nut expect Ont he trik

till p iilong l are HIHII Ixitit irt that a larn-iiirtilier of flie striker are tint In symiuli-vllh their l dr They are jn t

tpoti their once Ihe wnontn of strike iNneflt begirt tl fund i

lie troAur of the will IHI ex-

iniiMed within two or three wiekn Aflthat there will Itttln lift Irft in Iheir In the n oclatlon either


nn Tube Worker Called Outecle ll In Ptllttiur-

gPirrinino Pn Aug Als ut I sn

worker at the IVnn vlvnnin TillVork went 01 strike tbi ovpnlnn Tintight nhift of men wont to UK mill nt t

M met the ilny which wa jufrom work and all wnlketl awn

nifethor Hi iiion lilting in the KidonIon of IJilKir and were onlred out 1-

3tteral lrr nlr T Isiul c nrt A

rf lal dotiill nf Miltc wn iit tin mill

ml n all iiilit the Miivmeii Mnilthdrnwn-Tlie men do tint ktxi why they were

i i iicalled them out lit the order o

muel Solution 1renident of the Fnloniof The night iuiMTltilende-

Mf tho mill Jamr WnrreustrIke hut Indid not know wh-

it nun went outWhen men null William McSult thr

wn then lie h ik-

i the imdcr nnd a ke l the night nhlit l-

o to work It iNKH lble that the FedctnIon of lAbor lint l eguii the work of tinIerig out tin Federation HUM tacit under oatstall with the iiiamifurtunm In thattnt more men In the mllN over the

will strike-A preliminary wa fonntnl

on in II woo completedn loot and wa thenIP Federation Pennsylvania Tulxi

ban Ixen melving fn m10 Keystone Itolllng Mill op nito l by nn-

idependent cdin iny


olen HeronH Natal In Ionlaln Sutler-f Importance lo striken-

PlTmHtmi I One of thePresident Kluffern trouble I said toHH dinappearnncn of Mverat ixiplen of

n journal of the ceediiig at lasttlonal convention nf the Amalgamated

prlng Shafer affect to regard theof the book unimportant On kin

ntrnry he I more worried over their di

iln arance ban over I hat hails hapIn the tail month and a halt SliaftVr

afraid that will turn In MIUIM

ice where he would give the world notliavo tiltin TIny are to cuntalu-

ittcr whosecrecy Iof vital linMirlancihim anal hi strike

The convention proceeding of Amidmated are lo A secret n-

o Thin convention ball I nlwavnguarded and an elaUirate

ru of MU nwonl I ti il to sift out thooliave right to IK Tlie-

ccedingN In convention ilonl with matof thai t Importance to the or

Complete re ri a to luIn renjwct to and finance

ninth Mio ensuing yearrtUmiued and formed If tlies thine-

y might throw light on the cause nf-

ffer arbitrary early last nonth-it the Stool unlonlro nil It

II union weSt scale furand nonunion plant nltk-


Mutt t lla r Mrurt Tlie a II Ihe-

llallnt haul l e i Heerr-

lMltwfB K WI Auc l Amalealied AsotMiatloll picket wen l ll tltl-

mlng alnxn View Si l Workst tlnro wan IHi itl her Visible evideonlive suIte that iWc ro wi SutunUv-

ht Tie null an br H H ut i r Ir-

o fr Ilie blast fHrti r which an aHHX t-

larrosl wtwl nf IVtwvlvatila are hi tutU

fallen with n liteti rHH4ni tare ir ial i n i a

nv It t oo r hut otr t K t-

Hilal III IUV View Ifc-

I it lt tten iW l eor IIMl of an mitt lo twlo UM r 4lltere wH Wave l m tm

l h4 l l o jtI that oti an lKl rn l l l wU-

M II llnr MM a a Mtot

ro In


of to pltCo-

mp In workor and


10Tithe tli

remembering athoii In

nlIll n-



hn oCI



01oul III


laoTI 01


Irk II

lack <






hat I

ut th Steel I

lonI tRI



o tttir Ill IHII









strike II I


hutlien Will aI







t I










alit lit II tnheItig JOlin-II




artI I loa


II tI trI I

nil I

I nitI plant the company this


atMIU the Fort Pitt Iron


the NatIonal Comhn7 antI iiimen




it Ito follow

materIal to Its United bitthi

from of tIn SteJollet



wills n garil




Irlat rilheiti Stale ttpOrn

lolit Ion I beth

U It Ii lit a t hun

I h-



feel thin uffaiwct hit

lit Pit ilk




I ii

is thattat

H huh tul I

t tie


1 lie










101CM Innits






nut at I theni

ant I

talgamaiet twft i4ari that tail ti-

a e aluauill suIte

iraiNs Wt7








> >





> >







Ibo atrike but ihnt the rcmilt was chanon the format vote which was open

TlglwttMtinx that Ilay menwould ln1uencu many of tlm

do not now mike good progirr lu thusthe prediction i mail that it will ho hrto In

Dont Want Amalgamated Aroit-

AITOONA Pn Aug ID At an enlh-la tlo meeting of tlw nperatlvitInt American Sle l floats Com ntiy

Duhcnnnvlllo niwilution wr-

fortnulatml n tltig Amnlgamatto lieeti it

away from tutu town l cnUM their nwan tm judlcUI to RIMK onler ngaltthe of men Tlm m-

declanil that wet fnltsflotl wl-

tiro nt condltinn nn the Vpntem s alepaid in every le arimint exct

that of ViotPit idrrit Pierof the Amalgamated ocored bo iof hi two to organlr tin m-

at nnd Hollldaynburg-

Nleel Striker lo Pan AmericanArrniigeineutn hnvn IH II midi to earl

Urge inrtli nf Iho Mriklnp sti l workfrcm In Huitnlo on eclnl e-

curlon trnin next Sutiirdnv nnd the Si-unlfcv fullowltig Kxn nelv hot rnli

lieeti miidi rOt thnodnj tilpo Tl-

llrnt of thr excursions will over ll-

Iluffalo suit All nlleynf tin IVimylvuilii tUiMad next Satuday stud oilier eicurxiois will ollow

Piftthiirg nnd I ike CrK Jitid thefaIn llocheter Pi l ur-

ilepl StrIke Clone Hull Wo-rllllrrl Aug 19 Five hundred work

moil nmplnxol in the ItufTiIri Nut lUiWork of Tonawniida WITH thrownof employment thl morn n ilini

strike flu colnMinywork wen nliut iliwn l Mtli steellucking for tin iwntricin t IK TfirnnM

of thtounipaiiyMcmployi-nru from Iluffnlo-

Onl US Out IIHHI Men tin dm onlatior Onlrr In llaMoti Slain

DATION Ohio AUK I An attempt t

call out nil tin Allied Mot ill iniihaiilm onof tIes DJV Mnchire Work wn

mad to tiy br Pnoldeiit Mulhollan-

nnd Vie Pnl l nt Thl o Of ih luni meeil only ittyllvi oln r I tinier

slni are running n UMII Thtrouhl1 oriKiniteil fruits an order ivinsl bthe of tin plant tbit mi imioimen would lie ctignize them nndholloforth Davl Sewing Macliln-shotM will l iiti ii nhoM-

Tlio effort of two onictTi of the imioifell hal nnd thcv have decided to buldmeeting timoriow Tlio licv will wtILt ait prevail The company nayhIlt till tlie vaiwnl pkniwby nonunion mentar tin Motnl Poli lHri to lay pillIhe remnltMler of line ITOOM n-

H ngainst the metal forlilting nonunion toni who took tlv-

ilniit of striker here Tin otntimenI trong ngnlnst the slrlkent-


Wa rcii eil of Ililrken Nlrallnc li-

Woml ur fonn antI l 1ll lng-

Vj T BHtRV AUK ID of tinwoniii of WixKlbury

acnivetl of chicken McnlingH II filth of KUsplcion agnltmt Iwr-

iho hnrriiil borne htMl to lien room nndlull the Her name i Lulu M irplo-rc tnn the wife of Chnrlox J PntonD-

ioy have h line home Pnwtiui n wortflOoxi III wife K to UK C ingngnliotm-hunihnndo the four children of the fnmlly

Incident html Itil toif the theft wu iiecullnr Wilbur Well

nretnker for Dr Hull with other IIIH-Mevernl Plymoiitb Idnk out

ockerel n one wonintioen with corn coaxing mm of the Welli-

hlckenn through the fence M rntlniwo and Inr MIII

with iiuo tioiis volunteer1 tinformation hint mother had n whult-ellar full Tin found I Inthick In the Pnolon

iifivsri Horn or IHHELHTI-

II lie Put In Com ml Ion Again AfterItrrtln tnt Mule l rc toiulorlalileThe ship Jacob A that JohnrliucUlo ili iiifle merchant had x n-

erted into 11 fliiatiiK lintel siimmtri-w tilT StapUtili Inland

tally tlUitiHiiiletl iiml theii biivti l nlaurIe to the ifTwi that the itiii rpritm-

a n failure ami Inen nbnndniitII Wood of U7 linHik-

rn who lint littii Mr Arbiicklen mangot rnyn oiicii U not tlie fnit Hi said

h sti last iyenlng there tatslily a teinvirary interrupt Ion of the dully

M of the tloutliiK oiitnldeork nnd th v would b reIlllitl Vhell the Ullli lutil l ll madKite iinfortable-

HF itnoiiiirin IMIFUnip Man loil eil I p a a Mnplrloui

laricn Yiarge llcliliul-

Jonn Wlnthen n l iokke i r itnployed-n by William 1 Imp Comny of St Unit wnn unvoted la l

inlng nnd looked up In Ihe Tenderlnln-Mcii u u ilcloiit ixroon Ho-

rwilly nccuil if the larceny of II xo

mil hla employer and lh oli sayat the iu TMIII charge in-

m only a tunas for grand lanvnyTill I Pnlrlck T Wall of

13 W t Twentyfiurth sln et the innn-

or if tl of h bnwery-

Inrorporatnl at llian-

AIBA fT IW The nirMlan D-

iocracy Compmiy of New Virk Hty wnn

corpornted todnv with SecretaryState to gallium nnd pll ili In tin

ion connoted withj growth and dvel pmort if nncinl

form moNimentn 1 ii ipnii i Utiotwi-

IP director an Mm I luliy IIU-

irth HC IIMIII nnd Nonuiu tf-w York city

lalw Army and Navr fnlilel-

imiMiiv of Vew Vork city was Incti-rrntwlwith n of W i i to nvinii

tkileiil mtiluitiedlnx torn nn AUralinm Mover I harn

WHImn I lUnll of Nw arkrEvery llomt l llrl

rough readlnfx n

antl te ro inouldo1

hew 1I1flraction Inn

IIIItI workuri of tbomills Ild II tta Itlk



mitten IIf1I1



theI I







lIOIIJbT iiii MIa


I h

I Ii


I IIn lilth



I h




Stat par







hi III



of Aria





11 on OCj

I An1

oil lAIr A rI

yhvnia thoutobade


iat today

IcAenociat lairs it luthtat Iv-




Ill mlii irg 1


ahiii itt


I flu



t p1


Suit stsg

t lao

ty I his


fillI hit I net liii

I ii kitst lie

iteei hshi nut




non litheat k flflwl I tutu

t hita Intl


lets a hallit



nut loutohm

Mt iou uler



Mt rout

lot I ut it hitia



luf tin

I lie llriw lug

stat Ion



Ill Isfrtiint

I lilt a


1 tIn act I



lit rn iha

aeuritte kt 5easir soietmiter te I





















> >


TlltTf till fttntW

Mcilitl and tliniry

A winit cemt M ilnrk nml liftvt-

TlialV t w-

riiat tiini lirhr-

w v M ti WM-

M lol M aw M M

ii tlllIt i

lintt iIIit I








gtIii ItILlV

it2tiI tna e St I 1 5 V-


lklt 4ttIAity

Ii4i 51

ea4 att 4

The Best High Ball

Is from an unflavored whiskey

Try WILSONThats All







OT wiTiinrT otTcnr OFnosx HinnKii on PLATT

hnrnilr at he Inlon lllnner Tlial-

rrmau Mmy Kuppl liar Candlil

fur Ma r IMimer llrlegale-Tlic Hind Their llrcatilatlo

After they had eaten n first rate dimnt tin einnM of the lion Hermnti Itldiof the iermanAmeriinti lleform In-nt the liilrin Haitian Intel l t eventweniylRlit repno ntntlviti of fiveth Hint bavi beenniiKing the lennati of New Vi-

to Until against Tntumnnv railmnko of HieinsolvfA nn ooMMintlon on atm

for gixvl rnvenmiont in the langui-

of chairman Mho voice of dlHMnt

never dnn to show it bond nliovehorizon

Whni all tIn work had Ixeii donewan announced lint the h

In miiny eases ian ower to bind thehat nenl them III In

nnd that all the thing that they hnd drwould lava to In mtlfletl liofnro itefftttlyi Hut it dtclattd thatllermnn vole wAs HI lang Hint it wntI-

M determining fnclor In the rninpnijIt would in all probability 1m t

lot of the men who wen nt the dinnername the man to head the ticket

When the dinner hnd linen tnten nowere miintoil and It wa found hint tIme

wen tin following men prvnotil-

iorinnii tiiericnn Cnlon Chur-IIIIF Inif Inorlltr Fdwatd II Amet-li ti hater Kroilrrirk irlo ol Slirinu-S SiWliJ-

oriiKinAinirlcnn Munlelpnl IrumPaul lir I K IKxhin I I lintllotiry Moyt-

riorinnnAniirlcnti County Orcunlzntlor-Hr lilMM

loriiinnVinprlcflii tliion l nauo-llroiiklyn U Keinpuer II llutnnlii I eiid K

II Itrranmnn W Miehlor I Keiwoppehick

IterinanAnieriean Mimlctpnl l ncuoHenry mnnn Jacob Ni-

Uilliiiui licl oniitnn irnot F l ltil-

lonry i l k Sliiilnu I fluclioi-illii list Includd nil of the

bits lint won to the dinner eicethe iorninnAmcrirnti ngue nt this hoor which nil ludwiK Thoma anti lienIjoewy Herman Hlddor made n hitSM I In which In wiid lust thewniilil IK Mr WelKMimti lie wxeoutl1

the l nRiwith which orinnlnitiuii the plan of tl-

meetliiK hud oriiiiiale Mr ewith greit that tv

weeks ago roprtwoiitaUVOH of nevernlthe llnxiklvn hnd walti-on him told him frankly thai thewn greAt Miplclin of the ntlilud oft

Ainorieiin rm tnlon In IIcnmpalgn nnd hud il l Hint for the

i no movement that doubt ought to I

removtd The which It wnlo cirry out IJIHI night wan then leisrantI nil he hind to do it wits to ask tlmen to ent n good dlnivr-

Thl Intn Mr Kvert-

nf tin Municipal league milthins tin tiling ttecewnry to Im done wetMimiiipil m n rc lutlin that he I in-

iirrimrpd nnd which he would offer lionthnl resolutionVnrrat Th ciilnviitrnt on of till Ant

IviiiKim nr THiilntiiiii i ri iitml pr-

rouui if nf niii d r H iii jii inkt-it ernnlnti IIKI elii tii n and

IVirrin 11n ilil1riitoll nt Die l rnnnveirr wi iil l cr lly

lownnl this eijtitwtl li of Mr rtly tfnv rn-

ntii1 friiin Ilie rnlo l fie Mijl y t ni tlnr-Nn

Ntfxlrrtl Thnt Iii iir riuiii iili n-

l re illteil ut till tiiftretli hlll i ll lllil-lii i l i into mi TIT ilniti u uiilrr Idmire i riiiinAiiiriinli I MIOII ilium-l r er UlMlu them enlil-vlicriiu r thel iil I nl Uit ll-

llimii Mint llelil W iin lili I irle-

it Dili lliihT l lilltiv MlirKlililtr Ih t ihnirin n-

ull it K f 11 f riu rin-xivvrml I ieroe it UK ilrritil Viiiirniil

in nil ni tir iilniii Hi tleilioii-lnl Iliiift if HH I IIIIK iinlnikn

At Hint lli men from the iirmnn-uidrlcin MtiuHpal I MKU of thl count

that they luid no authorly in bind that nrKniilutlon to anyhlng They sild im n tin pnwer themil was lo eat dlninr nti l n to leihe inetnlrn of their

anal mako themMr Itltlder got to hi fut again and wild

lint If than wen nnv thoU who bailnt lIe strength to llieir orgHiilZH

to their way of thinking on any oustr tbev npn practically nothing

In Kiiicl that If thn wen nnvio wen ed to thin nolutniis miki-

K him Phnlnniinlhidoorv oay Wai clear for them to have the hall

If then am any who an to-il union It Is for u to crush themmild-Ir Itlddcr atwl mnke clean tho way tarntvsful titilti l nctinn thl on thein of nil of the ionium In thin cityFlint madti Mr Davl hot noah got

ull l l tll i

whole lnii wn origlnatoil In theII v of tin Startf Zrituxg anti that all

lanai i en cut ami driedton the mouthful of a very ex-llent ilinner was enteii by the

tu TT ln I AIIt ir-avin Minifiimo In iormnn and saunaits In Kiulili no moats to nilo un-ht llier he In platt or HhlderMr Vimmann rapimt forilor ami one man ivilil that lie know of-s perwitml knowledge tlmt Mr Dnvlw not ni Its truth aUmt the nwt-lon Mr el mann nald that Mrtvl might gn alnnd a long on 1m si ikthe iiie ton Uforo the boiiix anal did

it Kny the thine that I of myself knowit lo l the truthMr Iavi ropoattil that ln antI Um manyn who wen In organization that

any onto m matter what hi name

Several of oilier diner sneniod to-reo with Mr Davis and Mr Welssinatin-w thl if UK won to putn ugh llioi tail gus in w n ivcrl n-

Im calloil mi Ht i Kemiuier who mailaddrt In whlcli bo declared Stint the

rwwil ambition of rita I wen ctn-nioI m the action that wa t takenI thou alt uf its men WH WIMI pre ti-

n wtir-ny hintS

Imn Mr IU llr tahl that I ne tr-n a ramtldalf ftr any ni anal t n t

Ir Frieraliotii sJiM thai IH erervIn t te CollimMtli Jlv Htl-

lt tHmmtit HO wa in tH-vetii tIe n vmitwMi Hi ttf ati w at Mic-Mnng M man Mk li i fn

rUin lmnmrt insW n MI wlWYlrter NMd I H I Ihttwclt-

I all tf UM Uorm H bi 4A 4 iIliac and CM tat she Hc4t VvI hi ski Htv nwl lbs MitIt we tU nml w 0i MM

N lo






I i-




I will







J nr

1rplln IIII


I r I I lhrti rain t

I 1

elsa I rnllIx

lair rm Ilk II



a rsnI uirat I itt a iriscit I ihsit

t Sot itt

t hatI lieu

t klgist rite


gut tt12nt htiluit alum

hisas nil I hut

t i uuiiti lam


sh lilt elena

a t Cr17 helm



ehiuil rIm


of hires k I si i himuiIc I



sill I tatgoal

its lit

Urn kln



I tiea

A n rit tat tint I It st



itt> I

ut I t it ii-niiauut taut i r

tit ii




I tie Irgiuiist huts at nit

Jtisl iiss


t fin


I to liesat the

r t liefirst

t wailS ism hum

Iiirn mcii guing tap tie hiieh





cushy fur tIe chefat atns


intt1 hess asuy iuainulaattkitshad

itt kiothIs

I attic a



I eella I5tutn let Ih Iie wit aleI in fnNi ttinii I then

M1 t1s4-ii 1 ka ateel ttiai lu wa a-

flsaa Isars vsIw sa ii th-a ae4 skit 5 s a iauqadia-a ai a ia ate ft a55 Thea

saM In atls 4 a i hr nil ait l-

thui I a I aiflt ha-








> <





> >





< <

jwon on it was said of m v nl II

Hint damned Dutchman dwr her

it howl tf Hght nHotken drrlin

William smd m M-

nntiir Plait said aivli-ecitMlty of having an U TeraS to menu lust nn lndiindiera I n n i ty

Whnt h meinn that we mo-nmn who will unite nil ofIII tin DpliKxriicv but who nreto It saul Mr Jel rnmiiu Mthink lint Senator Plait tinders-nltuntidti Iliorotiiclily Then nrthan to l consdr t v

anal the iliixen I

listklng asknnce nt emh other tt31 MT cent of the vote In this iiv Hi r-tnr the factor tint will deleritmstilt of ih tniivaw It nuns Ix-

wlll l the firci to which willclioire of Mm niiilidnle to IIMK Hi

then n tiiitltm was tinii-lxnilipit I This wnnirrin Dr sMr Mr Mayer anal Mr Il xhn av

fey to bind tho n-

Ixitllntii thnl they repnMnlt midnet Inn thev tixik IN sulthe nvi ion of tbr tn nilxrs I i

Hint IhiM IVMIHI Mr Itoffered n resolution lint Mm vote jniI-n con tnii tl in menu Hit uniii if-r to in Ilie rtwiliition wuii IN fniafter lint hind uinr-to orcaniMtiitiM Thi nl

IIIH every on winl n n-thnt the thInner had ti n historic wo awell n n goad on Thre hoch w

for Mr Kidder niKitbennHihgutt liaiKnlhim inmnally fur


csinnell who n mttii htrt t

Iho of Itichard Croker whei ho inMlion tall Ho I expect M I tnrlv m

Kisolp ntiinni iln irwho an here now in li ih effwi inn1 ii

cnndidnto Might to n inrtia-nnd if n iorninn Is Mlecet tl i wibo difficulty in mnUIng lnr nd i

nntlTnmmnny force ilmt hnve l ii

Rnnle nmong the iortnnn Mu t r

i placed on tin nttltud of llrrmI-llilil r Niy that the iormni wii

n man rather thanron n strict eriforcoment of tlm nt-

illnptnnt them nrxl nil of lliom woithink tliat Mr Itidder Is not intliii aiMIn hln opx to Tammany

vrifviTiov L aini nn r-

Kugce tlon of Stir llet een lliiwlt-

t nllpil stain trgcnllnr-

Sftiol i atJt limn inn iST IlTKKHIItKII Aug IB The Vnrr-

xIrrmyir iritlcl ltiK time iermnn tnnff-

Uggentn 11 grnln export trust l twt n-

Hilssia the State nnd the Argennnt-iIdpublic It says tlmt In order tn maintainprice nt flied ntamUnl grent graIn nvici-

zltion might be vtnblishe In the chief

port of tho countrio which nro tio

largest consumer of foreign gram h

trust agreeIng upon rule for thin van ii4

cenaln-It l Wlieved however th t M fr-

MlnUter of Hnanct Is rndlcnlly ol-to the list t devtlopment of I In niiIt I even lielieved thuS bo ha oXSineview with Vlennn lUrlin with he

object of preventing nil American tntInvasion of contrnl and nnrt horn luriHs-

IMMVV IiI or Tin vriH-

rltUti I in ul Na Thin Outnumber Those

of mil Cnnntr-

IINPOV Aug ID The ItritUh Conu at

Frankfurt n Ccrmany hal tiio

land of the syndicnti He NI latsome giant tnitnlntbetnltidVa

limy enjoy gnuter power than ningk trCirnmny there is no doubt tlml srixii-

uttn In iertimnv ate ttion numerous M n

Then I linnllv n brniiriif triid HIM meml n of which iut-

otiblne l tot tin legtiUtion of pruv vT-


rivi irsr priuI-r real llrllaln Hill llecontldrr Plant

for MltliUravtlnt Troop

IX NINIV Aug 80 A denpati ii o th

rime Pikin eayn iha sir KnotIntow tIme llritUh Minister hnsh Cliimw that mU-

ho tninlnhmentn dccrotil for the mtM-T liar masKacn nn f riliwiih-nrrioil out lnat tlritalu will rt iiire i-

rcuimiilor her arraiiRimenln tot witv-Irawal nf her trooM-

n YS CITY IIE OF rfiwinJl-

erman Who Nolil le lat l Line In Mr

Morgan In la t Indian TrailrI-

XINDON Aug 10 Mr J II FJleTinI-

tnlrman of thn I yl nd Line sii-

Mim Meimer of this e

tn Mr J P Morgan lioueM o

its Line of ntoatnor trailIng n-

ivrr l and the F it maitretho Uyland deal lep

tlantic trade and bo conneo itl-ntltntinn tn the FJ

74f TO SEE AltMY W I VirCI Ill I-

reepti the Imitation of Pmlurnl l uliet-

nf Prance

PARIN Aug ID The Cram Im nvt M-

ldent lrtiliotV Invitation af 1 t-

eat nnny mamiuvrp at Hlioii opt

HI Majoety wilt land a Dlib pnnidont I ul t will wiii e IH fl h

the great naval mativuveThe Oarina will accnmpAiv ioar

naval maiHi itvre MI s taoon s nrranceil by PHM M

honor of hi Majtoty-

l limkun l mttnn NewtiMId I vMf Iteifttttt 1

ONIxiX Aug It U it-

Ir un ottiitHl that liiKlIinns ftiti r4tip f the ti f rI week The w It Ixtrn w ft w-

e l wrb nnv nuedl M iacii n fi ur


Ilrtniis t Inst I hua tituti Itt lInt hdIi 5 hi

I ruth thai murt apt ititk 515-I auth Ihirn t

file limItI ruilasui t his

OPInhI lii wan lflft hrs it 1iu-Iutuk ssliat

I hsa r


I It ham p

h1auh allen II


ruivr Wamu sisamal ut hia r 1

tOol il I hint

Ilss I hunt i I tie rigtit gI a it

i las I its umh I ia

I iitilt

l bitsI

inq st Ill I ui 1

I hue sit astine itlnoimi I

rt gI

i I his ihttsr

fins u

hat <


I ftc kit

Tza si flU tsy het tat I a


Iha tic q

tSt Fit uuutn hmv




I tilt ti



WrCM1 I IbC hsoltt I 1llt oathat

litI hauls ghi




set4J SJ hemaleit I Tiar ui

minisnee ihli

hulanlluatant hart


SyeaSil Carl ftamtaPi S 1a S a

Itt eauiisunabS tins

I I say t I

avtII aI l5eS is T a


sit k nil

5 this tI il4


Tint I

a I



Ie4r 1i a i iut-

t i 1 aha1itoa Iii ogatw 4 0 lkihr


iI A-tis1I5 ts c as











> > >









