clyro school news clyro church in wales primary school...

7th November 2019 Clyro Church in Wales Primary School, Clyro, Via HEREFORD, HR3 5LE Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01497 820860 Headteacher : Mrs. S. Groves B.A. (Hons) PGCE Our Values work for the month of November is: PEACE Diary Dates - Don’t forget these are available on the website Thursday 7th November - Parents in to view “Big Draw” Art project; Wednesday 13th November - Class 4 Dementia Friendly training; The Friends AGM, 3.30pm school hall - all welcome; Thursday 14th November - Swimming gala; Friday 15th November - Children in Need day - dress as a member of a group for a £1! Thursday 21st November - Nasal Flu Vaccinations for all pupils; Friday 22nd November - “Friends” Movie Night at school - Toy Story 4, 6.15- 8pm, £5 per child; Saturday 30th November - The Friends Disco at Clyro Court, £10 a ticket from school office; Clyro School News “Many hands build a house, many hearts build a school” This year for Children in Need day on Friday 15th November we are asking all children and staff to come dressed up as a member of a groupas the theme is GET TOGETHER”. This could be a group that your child belongs to, i.e. Rainbows, Brownies, a football team or they can get together with their friends and dress up as a member of a team, things that go together like pepper and salt, or be members of a pop group, for instance. Below are some ideas for you. We are also holding our Clyros Got Talentshow again this year, but this time with a difference - we want group acts only. Entry is £1 per child and if your child and their friends are interested, please see Miss Long with their £1s. Parents are welcome to come along and watch for £1 entry. Baery Recycling - Powys are launching another Schools Baery Campaign this Autumn. The compeon officially began on Tuesday 5th November and ends on Sunday 1st March 2020. Our collecon box is in the entrance of school so please start saving your old baeries. Winter fundraiser - Dust off your dancing shoes and get your groove over to Clyro Court on Saturday 30th November – you can party until 2am, all whilst raising loads of money for our great school. DJ Max Galactic will be joined by rising star Danny Graham on the decks – expect the much-loved mix of disco, house and hands-in-the-air party classics all night long. Pre-party starts at 7pm at The Three Tuns, featuring stellar deals on cocktails and amazing handmade pizzas. Hay Taxi will be running minibuses to Clyro Court between 10pm & 11pm from Hay Clocktower, and theyll be on hand to bring revellers back to Hay at the end of the night. Theres also a brilliant raffle to be drawn at The Three Tuns, with amazing prizes – including a luxury nights stay for 2 plus dinner at the recently refurbished Green Dragon Hotel in Hereford! Tickets are £10, available from The Three Tuns, Flow in Hay, or Clyro School. All the money raised will be donated to Friends of Clyro School and the Gwernyfed Geckos netball team. Please come along and support our school and have a great night too! “Get together” for Children in Need Poppy Appeal - As Remembrance Sunday is this month, we shall be thinking about those who gave their lives during wartime and are still fighting in wars around the world. Poppies and other British Legion merchandise will be on sale in the school office and the older children will be bringing them around the classes if your child would like to buy one too.

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Page 1: Clyro School News Clyro Church in Wales Primary School of a pop group, for instance. Below

7th November 2019

Volume 1, Issue 1

Clyro Church in Wales Primary School,

Clyro, Via HEREFORD, HR3 5LE

Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01497


Headteacher : Mrs. S. Groves B.A. (Hons) PGCE

Our Values work for

the month of

November is:


Diary Dates - Don’t forget these are

available on the website

Thursday 7th November -

Parents in to view “Big

Draw” Art project;

Wednesday 13th

November - Class 4

Dementia Friendly training;

The Friends AGM, 3.30pm

school hall - all welcome;

Thursday 14th November

- Swimming gala;

Friday 15th November -

Children in Need day -

dress as a member of a

group for a £1!

Thursday 21st November

- Nasal Flu Vaccinations for

all pupils;

Friday 22nd November -

“Friends” Movie Night at

school - Toy Story 4, 6.15-

8pm, £5 per child;

Saturday 30th November

- The Friends Disco at Clyro

Court, £10 a ticket from

school office;

Clyro School News “Many hands build a house, many hearts build a school”

This year for Children in Need day on Friday 15th November we are asking all children and staff to come dressed up as “a member of a group” as the theme is “GET TOGETHER”. This could be a group that your child belongs to, i.e. Rainbows, Brownies, a football team or they can get together with their friends and dress up as a member of a team, things that go together like pepper and salt, or be members of a pop group, for instance. Below are some ideas for you. We are also holding our “Clyro’s Got Talent” show again this year,

but this time with a difference - we want group acts only. Entry is £1 per child and if your child and their friends are interested, please see Miss Long with their £1’s. Parents are welcome to come along and watch for £1 entry.

Battery Recycling - Powys are launching another Schools Battery Campaign this Autumn. The competition officially began on Tuesday 5th November and ends on Sunday 1st March 2020. Our collection box is in the entrance of school so please start saving your old batteries.

Winter fundraiser - Dust off your dancing shoes and get your groove over to Clyro Court on Saturday 30th November – you can party until 2am, all whilst raising loads of money for our great school. DJ Max Galactic will be joined by rising star Danny Graham on the decks – expect the much-loved mix of disco, house and hands-in-the-air party classics all night long. Pre-party starts at 7pm at The Three Tuns, featuring stellar deals on cocktails and amazing handmade pizzas. Hay Taxi will be running minibuses to Clyro Court between 10pm & 11pm from Hay Clocktower, and they’ll be on hand to bring revellers back to Hay at the end of the night. There’s also a brilliant raffle to be drawn at The Three Tuns, with amazing prizes – including a luxury night’s stay for 2 plus dinner at the recently refurbished Green Dragon Hotel in Hereford! Tickets are £10, available from The Three Tuns, Flow in Hay, or Clyro School. All the money raised will be donated to Friends of Clyro School and the Gwernyfed Geckos netball team. Please come along and support our school and have a great night too!

“Get together” for Children in Need

Poppy Appeal - As Remembrance Sunday is this month, we shall be thinking about those who gave their lives during wartime and are still fighting in wars around the world. Poppies and other British Legion merchandise will be on sale in the school office and the older children will be bringing them around the classes if your child would like to buy one too.

Page 2: Clyro School News Clyro Church in Wales Primary School of a pop group, for instance. Below



Mrs Groves and I recently attended a meeting in Llandrindod

Wells with Headteachers and Governors from across Powys

where we were invited to discuss the future of our schools

and our children’ education. We raised the question of the

apparent unfairness of the “fair funding formula” and pointed

out that schools that were performing well, with happy

pupils, good staff and excellent performances were falling

foul of the 91 pupil cut off, as far as funding was concerned. I

will be writing a letter to Powys in regard to the day long

meeting and the results of our discussions. I am worried

about what Powys intend to do next in light of their own

budgetary situation and their unsatisfactory Estyn inspection.

We have a governors meeting on the 12th where we will

discuss our current situation as concerns pupil numbers and

budget. We will let you know what the outcome is.

Mari Fforde

Polite reminder: Several school jumpers and sweatshirts are still unnamed. Please can we request that you label all of your child’s clothing please. Some children are also still coming to school without a coat. Please can you ensure your child brings a labelled coat into school now that the inclement weather is upon us. Thank you.

Christmas diary dates * Thursday 8th December - Foundation Phase Christmas play “Stable by Starlight!” - 2pm at school, all welcome; * Tuesday 17th December - Christmas Lunch in school and Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 parties - during school time; * Friday 20th December - Wear your Christmas Jumper to school - £1 for Save the Children charity; Christingle Service - 2pm at Clyro Church - this is a lovely candlelit service where all children have a Christingle - children can be collected straight after the service; * Break up - Friday 20th December - No After School Care that day. * Monday 6th January 2020 - Back to school.

Attendance for the first autumn half-term 2019

Class 1 - 95.38% Class 2 - 95.22%

Class 3 - 92.98% Class 4 - 97.28%

Harvest Food Bank - A big thank you to everyone who donated produce for the Brecon Food Bank. This was gratefully received and has helped to stock up their supplies ready to supply meals over the winter months.

Charity Fundraising - Thank you to everyone who has helped raise money for important charities over the past half term - £57 for Jeans for Genes Day, £75.00 for Hay swimming pool and £363 at the MacMillan Coffee morning - what a great job!

Table manners - It is becoming increasingly obvious

when observing during lunchtime, that many children do

not know how to hold a knife and fork correctly and are

not aware of what each utensil is for. Please could you

show your child at home how to hold their cutlery

correctly, as they need to be able to use a knife, fork and

spoon when having their school dinners. It would be

greatly appreciated. Many thanks.

I can’t believe we are into the second half of autumn term already. The Friends have been pleased to contribute towards Class 4’s trip to Rock UK, Class 3 & 4 Roman history virtual reality experience and Foundation Phase outdoor equipment already this term. We are also funding two wireless microscopes for use across the school. Luckily we have some amazing parent volunteers who are organising 2 events in November to help refill the coffers! Film night - Friday 22nd November and one for the parents “Disco with Max” on Saturday 30th. It would be great to have your support. Wednesday 13th November is our AGM meeting, please come and see who we are and what we do! EVERYONE welcome. Lou Davies (Treasurer)

Music tuition - At Clyro we offer music lessons in a variety of musical instruments. If your child is interested in learning either the piano, guitar, drums or a woodwind instrument, please let Mrs. Lewis know in the office.