clubconnect accounts payable understanding invoice and

ClubConnect ® Accounts Payable Understanding Invoice and Check Types for Easy Processing Webinar Topics Invoices ......................................................................................................................... 3 Special Invoice Situations ....................................................................................... 3 Prepaid Invoices ................................................................................................ 3 Reciprocal Club Invoices .................................................................................. 8 Invoices with Manual Checks ......................................................................... 12 Check Printing ............................................................................................................ 15 Quick Checks ........................................................................................................ 16 Manual Checks...................................................................................................... 21

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Page 1: ClubConnect Accounts Payable Understanding Invoice and

ClubConnect® Accounts Payable Understanding Invoice and Check Types for Easy Processing

Webinar Topics

Invoices ......................................................................................................................... 3

Special Invoice Situations ....................................................................................... 3

Prepaid Invoices ................................................................................................ 3

Reciprocal Club Invoices .................................................................................. 8

Invoices with Manual Checks ......................................................................... 12

Check Printing ............................................................................................................ 15

Quick Checks ........................................................................................................ 16

Manual Checks...................................................................................................... 21

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ClubConnect® AP Understanding Invoice and Check Types for Easy Processing


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Page 3: ClubConnect Accounts Payable Understanding Invoice and

ClubConnect® AP Understanding Invoice and Check Types for Easy Processing


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ClubConnect® Accounts Payable offers a variety of invoice entries to accommodate a

variety of invoice situations. Each invoice entry screen is designed to quickly record

detailed information for every invoice.

Special Invoice Situations

The ClubConnect® AP system offers specialized screens and procedures to easily

enter and track invoices that involve unique circumstances.

These special invoices include prepaid invoices, reciprocal club invoices, and

invoices that have been paid using a manual check.

Prepaid Invoices

A prepaid invoice is an invoice that needs to be set up for a one-time payment, but

involves repeated expenses over a range of periods. For example, an invoice received

in January, due in February, that covers a year’s worth of liability insurance, is likely

expensed 1/12th each month over the course of the year.

Typically, an initial journal entry debits the prepaid asset account and credits

accounts payable. Then a series of journal entries are required in each appropriate

period to expense the prepaid asset. ClubConnect® Accounts Payable and

ClubConnect® General Ledger handle these tasks for you automatically!

ClubConnect® AP and ClubConnect® GL work together and provide a quick and easy

method to manage your prepaid invoices. Prepaid invoices are entered in AP, but they

are stored in GL where an automatic journal entry to expense a portion of the prepaid

is produced for each appropriate period. The controller also has tracking and editing

capabilities through GL.

Use the regular invoice entry procedures to enter a prepaid invoice. Use the Prepaid

button to establish the invoice as prepaid.

Entering Prepaid Invoices

1. From the menu bar, select Options, Data Entry, and then select Invoice


The Invoice Batch Listing window appears.

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2. From the G/L Period drop-down list, select the correct month and year. To

change the year, use the left and right arrows.

All the previous invoice batches for the selected period appear.

NOTE: To edit an existing batch of invoices, select the appropriate batch. If

the batch is posted, click Unpost. Click Edit.

3. To start a new batch of invoices, click New.

The Batch window appears.

4. In the Batch Date field, type the date for this batch Use MMDDYY format.

5. In the Default Schedule Date field, type the date invoices are scheduled for

payment for all the vendors set up to use the Batch Schedule Date in the

Vendor Maintenance window.

NOTE: The Default Schedule Date field is ignored for vendors set up with

other schedule and due date calculations.

6. For regular invoice entry, from the Batch Type drop-down list, select

Regular Invoice.

NOTE: All the Control Total fields are optional. Additional control total

fields available are Vendor Hash Totals, Invoice Hash Totals, and

Check Hash Totals. All of the control total fields can be removed

from the window through a control file setting. Please contact csg

Support for assistance activating or deactivating these fields.

7. In the Invoice Amount field, type the control total for the invoices. This is an

optional field.

8. In the Check Amount field, type the control total for manual checks. This is

an optional field.

9. In the Discount Amount field, type the control total for the discounts. This is

an optional field.

10. In the Finance Charge field, type the control total for the finance charges.

This is an optional field.

NOTE: Discounts and finance charges can be entered during invoice entry,

or added later when checks are run. For vendors set up with

automatic discounts, the system adds the discount to the invoice

when the invoice is entered. With this in mind, you may want to

enter anticipated discounts as part of the control totals.

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11. Click OK.

The Invoice Entry window appears.

12. In the Vendor field, type the beginning of the vendor name or type the vendor


13. Press the Enter key.

A list of matching vendors appears.

14. Select the appropriate vendor from the list.

NOTE: Click the lookup icon to display a list of all your vendors.

Click the ellipsis button to add new vendors during invoice


15. From the AP Type drop-down list, select the appropriate AP type for this


NOTE: AP Types are set up for your club during installation. If you need to

set up additional AP Types, please contact csg Support for


16. In the Invoice Number field, type the invoice number.

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17. In the Invoice Description field, type a description of the invoice.

NOTE: ClubConnect® AP can automatically copy the invoice description

into the GL account description field in the expense distribution grid.

This transfers the invoice description into the General Ledger as part

of the transaction history. For additional information on this topic,

please refer to the Vendor Maintenance section of this User Guide.

18. In the Invoice Date field, type the date from the invoice.

19. If necessary, modify the calculated date in the Due Date field.

20. If necessary, modify the calculated date in the Schedule Date field.

21. From the Pay Status drop-down list, select the status of this invoice.

22. If necessary, modify the calculated Discount section fields.

23. If necessary, modify the calculated Finance Charge section fields.

24. Complete the GL distribution grid fields. Assign the entire amount of the

prepaid invoice to one prepaid asset account in the G/L chart of accounts.

25. Click Prepaid.

A Save Invoice dialog box appears.

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26. Click OK.

The Invoice Entry- Prepaid Information window appears.

27. In the Number of Periods for Expense Allocation field, type the number of

periods to apply this prepaid invoice.

28. Press the Tab key.

The amount per period calculates.

29. Accept the system calculation in the Amount per Period field.

30. From the Starting Period drop-down list, select the appropriate GL

period and year.

31. In the GL Expense Accounts field, type a GL account name or account


NOTE: An unlimited number of expense accounts can be used. The total

amount expensed must equal the calculated amount per period.

32. Click OK.

The Invoice Entry window reappears and the prepaid invoice is saved.

33. As necessary, continue entering invoices and click End Batch to complete the


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Reciprocal Club Invoices

Reciprocal club invoices are very useful when an invoice has been received from

another club as the result of one of your club members having incurred a charge there.

The payable to the reciprocal club must be recorded and the corresponding charges

must be created in ClubConnect® Accounts Receivable to bill the member involved.

When a reciprocal club invoice is created, the transaction date, type of transaction,

and member involved are entered as part of the invoice. This information is used to

automatically generate the appropriate member charges in ClubConnect® Accounts

Receivable. The charges appear as transactions in the AR Data Entry/Edit grid. If

necessary, the charges can then be edited and then posted directly in AR.

NOTE: You must have a separate AP Type activated for reciprocal charges and it

must be linked to a valid ClubConnect® Accounts Receivable database. If

the Reciprocal Invoice button is unavailable (gray), this feature is not

activated. To set up additional AP Types, please contact csg Support for


Entering Reciprocal Club Invoices

1. From the menu bar, select Options, Data Entry, and then select Invoice


The Invoice Batch Listing window appears.

2. From the G/L Period drop-down list, select the correct month and year. To

change the year, use the left and right arrows.

All the previous invoice batches for the selected period appear.

3. To start a new batch of invoices, click New.

The Batch window appears.

4. In the Batch Date field, type the date for this batch Use MMDDYY format.

5. In the Default Schedule Date field, type the date invoices are scheduled for

payment for all the vendors set up to use the Batch Schedule Date in the

Vendor Maintenance window.

NOTE: The Default Schedule Date field is ignored for vendors set up with

other schedule and due date calculations.

6. For regular invoice entry, from the Batch Type drop-down list, select

Regular Invoice.

7. In the Invoice Amount field, type the control total for the invoices. This is an

optional field.

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8. Click OK.

The Invoice Entry window appears.

9. Click Reciprocal Invoice.

The Reciprocal Invoice window appears.

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10. In the Vendor field, type the beginning of the vendor name or type the vendor


11. Press the Enter key.

A list of matching vendors appears.

12. Select the appropriate vendor from the list.

NOTE: Click the lookup icon to display a list of all your vendors.

Click the ellipsis button to add new vendors during invoice


13. In the Invoice Number field, type the invoice number.

14. In the Invoice Description field, type a description of the invoice.

NOTE: ClubConnect® AP can automatically copy the invoice description

into the GL account description field in the expense distribution grid.

This transfers the invoice description into the General Ledger as part

of the transaction history.

15. In the Invoice Date field, type the date from the invoice.

16. If necessary, modify the calculated date in the Due Date field.

17. If necessary, modify the calculated date in the Schedule Date field.

18. From the Pay Status drop-down list, select the status of this invoice.

19. If necessary, modify the calculated Discount section fields.

20. If necessary, modify the calculated Finance Charge section fields.

21. In the Date field, type the transaction date from the club invoice.

22. In the Member field, type the beginning of the member’s last name or type

the member number from the club invoice.

23. Press the Enter key.

A list of matching members appears.

24. Select the appropriate member from the list.

NOTE: Click the lookup icon to display a list of all your members.

25. In the Reference field, type any reference number or text from the club


26. The default code that was set up in the reciprocal AP type appears in the Code

field. This can be overwritten, if necessary.

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27. Select the appropriate revenue code used to debit the GL account for this


NOTE: The same revenue code creates the offsetting credit when it posts in

AR as a member charge.

A reciprocal club invoice typically uses four GL accounts: cash, accounts receivable,

accounts payable, and a reciprocal club account. All of these accounts net to zero

when the accounting process completes. The process completes when the invoice is

received, the member charge is created, the invoice is paid, and the member submits


28. In the Amount field, type the amount of the invoice for this member.

29. If necessary, continue to add member lines to the GL grid to reach the

reciprocal club invoice total.

30. Click the Save button.

31. Continue to enter reciprocal club invoices or click Regular Invoice and return

to the Invoice Entry window.

NOTE: Regular and reciprocal invoices can exist in the same batch and be

entered into the batch in any order.

32. From the Invoice Entry window, click End Batch to complete the process.

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Invoices with Manual Checks

Sometimes invoices are paid manually prior to system entry. These invoices are

associated with a manual check. It is very important to record the manual check

information with the invoice to properly account for the cash transaction. If the

manual check paid only a portion of the invoice total amount, the remaining amount

appears in the open payable list with a liability due.

NOTE: Another type of manual check is one in which the check is hand-written

after the invoice has been entered into AP. In this case, enter the manual

check without additional invoice information since you do not want to

expense the invoice again!

Invoices with manual checks are entered the same way regular invoices are entered,

except that the check information is added before the invoice is saved.

Entering Invoices with Manual Checks

1. From the menu bar, select Options, Data Entry, and then select Invoice


The Invoice Batch Listing window appears.

2. From the G/L Period drop-down list, select the correct month and year. To

change the year, use the left and right arrows.

All the previous invoice batches for the selected period appear.

3. To start a new batch of invoices, click New.

The Batch window appears.

4. In the Batch Date field, type the date for this batch in MMDDYY format.

5. In the Default Schedule Date field, type the date invoices are scheduled for

payment for all the vendors set up to use the Batch Schedule Date in the

Vendor Maintenance window.

NOTE: The Default Schedule Date field is ignored for vendors set up with

other schedule and due date calculations.

6. For regular invoice entry, from the Batch Type drop-down list, select

Regular Invoice.

7. In the Check Amount field, type the control total for the manual check

invoices. This is an optional field.

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8. Click OK.

The Invoice Entry window appears.

9. In the Vendor field, type the beginning of the vendor name or type the vendor


10. Press the Enter key.

A list of matching vendors appears.

11. Select the appropriate vendor from the list.

NOTE: Click the lookup icon to display a list of all your vendors.

Click the ellipsis button to add new vendors during invoice


12. From the AP Type drop-down list, select the appropriate AP type for this


NOTE: AP Types are set up for your club during installation. If you need to

set up additional AP Types, please contact csg Support for


13. In the Invoice Number field, type the invoice number.

14. In the Invoice Description field, type a description of the invoice.

15. In the Invoice Date field, type the date from the invoice.

16. If necessary, modify the calculated date in the Due Date field.

17. If necessary, modify the calculated date in the Schedule Date field.

18. From the Pay Status drop-down list, select the status of this invoice.

19. If necessary, modify the calculated Discount section fields.

20. If necessary, modify the calculated Finance Charge section fields.

21. Complete the GL distribution grid.

22. Click the Save button.

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23. Click Manual Check.

The Invoice Entry- Manual Check window appears.

24. Verify the Cash Type field is correct.

25. In the Check No. field, type the check number of the distributed manual


26. Verify the Check Date field is correct.

27. Verify the GL Period field is correct.

NOTE: The GL period for the check cannot be different than the GL period

for the invoice!

28. In the Check Amount field, type the amount of the manual check.

29. If applicable, in the Discount Taken field, type the discount amount applied

to the manual check.

30. If applicable, in the F/C Paid field, type the finance charge applied to the

manual check.

31. Click OK.

The Invoice Entry window reappears.

32. If appropriate, continue to enter invoices with or without manual check


33. When complete, click End Batch.

This manual check information appears on the check register for the period.

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Check Printing

The ClubConnect® Accounts Payable system offers several different check-writing

options — regular computer checks, quick checks, and recording of manual checks

written outside the system.

Quick checks are instant checks the system generates and prints without an invoice.

This is very useful for COD’s and other situations when a check must be cut

immediately. After the check prints, it must be expensed in the system by creating an

Assign Quick Check invoice batch. While the system does not require the expensing

to take place immediately (though it is recommended), AP month-end procedures are

prevented from running until all quick checks are assigned.

ClubConnect® AP also allows for manual checks when a hand-written check must be

distributed. They are used to either pay existing invoices or pay new invoices. In both

cases, it is necessary to record that a check was hand-written. When the check pays an

existing invoice, the expense side of AP is already recorded and another invoice is not

entered. When the check pays a new invoice, an invoice must be created with the

manual check.

NOTE: Many aspects of the check layout can be modified through the Control

File. If changes are needed after the initial installation, please contact csg

Support for assistance.

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Quick Checks

Quick checks are instant checks the system generates and prints without an invoice.

This is very useful for COD’s and other situations when a check must be cut

immediately. After the check prints, it must be expensed in the system by creating an

Assign Quick Check invoice batch. While the system does not require the expensing

to take place immediately (though it is recommended), AP month-end procedures are

prevented from running until all quick checks are assigned. Unassigned quick checks

do not appear on the check register, and the cash is not credited to a G/L cash


Creating Quick Checks

1. From the menu bar, select Options, Data Entry, Checks, and then select

Quick Check.

The Quick Check window appears.

2. In the Invoice # field, type the invoice number, if available.

3. In the Invoice Description field, type a description for the invoice.

4. In the Invoice Date field, type a date in MMDDYY format.

5. In the Pay to the Order of field, select a vendor using one of the following


Type a vendor number and press Enter.

Type a portion of a vendor name and press Enter to view a list of

matching vendors. Select the vendor from the list.

Click the lookup icon to view a list of all the vendors.

6. From the Cash Account drop-down list, select the cash type for this invoice.

If you only have one cash type, this field does not appear.

7. In the Date field, type a check date in MMDDYY format.

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8. Verify the Check # field is correct. If necessary, type a new check number.

9. In the Amount field, type the net check amount.

The written amount automatically appears above the Pay to the order of field.

10. Click Print Check.

The Check Printer Selection window appears.

11. From the Check Printer drop-down list, select the correct local or network


12. From the Print Checks for drop-down list, select the check signature

requirements for check printing.

All – select to print checks for all selected invoices without regard to

check signature requirements.

Require 1 Signature – select to only print checks for invoices with

amounts that require one signature. This allows you to change the printer

paper, if necessary.

Require 2 Signatures – select to only print checks for invoices with

amounts that require two signatures. This allows you to change the printer

paper, if necessary.

13. Verify the Starting Check # field information is correct.

14. Before loading the pre-printed check forms into the printer, select Test Check

and make sure everything aligns and prints properly. This can save you the

expense of wasted pre-printed forms. Deselect Test Check to print the actual


15. As necessary, in the Horizontal offset field, type the number of inches

(usually fractions) from the top of the check the printing should be moved

down on the page. This usually does not need to be changed.

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16. As necessary, in the Vertical offset field, type the number of inches (usually

fractions) from the left side of the check the printing should be moved right on

the page. This usually does not need to be changed.

NOTE: The Preview button is unavailable when Test Check is selected.

17. To view the check on the screen, click Preview.

18. To print the check, click Print.

NOTE: After a quick check prints, it must be assigned before the next End of

Month procedure runs.

Quick checks need to be associated with invoices before they can be included on the

check reconciliation, check register, and before the End of Period procedure runs. To

post a quick check, go to Invoice Entry and select the batch type Assign Quick

Checks. This invoice batch is the quick check posting and the invoice.

Associating an Invoice with a Quick Check

1. From the menu bar, select Options, Data Entry, and then select Invoice


The Batch Listing window appears.

2. From the G/L Period drop-down list, select the period and year you want the

invoice to affect. To change the year, use the left and right arrows.

All the previous invoice batches for the selected period appear.

3. To start a new batch of invoices, click New.

The Batch window appears.

4. In the Batch Date field, type the date for this batch. Use MMDDYY format.

5. In the Default Schedule Date field, type the date invoices are scheduled for

payment for all the vendors set up to use the Batch Schedule Date in the

Vendor Maintenance window.

NOTE: The Default Schedule Date field is ignored for vendors set up with

other schedule and due date calculations.

6. For regular invoice entry, from the Batch Type drop-down list, select Assign

Quick Checks.

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7. Click OK.

The Quick Check Selection dialog box appears with all the unassigned quick checks.

8. Select the appropriate quick check from the list.

9. Click OK.

The Invoice Entry window appears with the quick check information.

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10. If necessary, select the appropriate GL number for this transaction.

11. Click the Save toolbar button.

12. Click End Batch.

The Invoice Entry Variance window appears.

13. Use the following table to determine button usage:

Button Description

Print Click this button to print a listing of the entries

included in this batch.

Edit Click this button to correct the entries in this


Post Click this button to post the entries.

Delete Click this button to delete this batch.

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Manual Checks

ClubConnect® AP also allows for manual checks when a hand-written check must be

distributed. They are used to either pay existing invoices or pay new invoices. In both

cases, it is necessary to record that a check was hand-written. When the check pays an

existing invoice, the expense side of AP is already recorded and another invoice is not

entered. When the check pays a new invoice, an invoice must be created with the

manual check. Manual checks are included on all check registers and appear with

computer checks in a vendor inquiry.

Processing Manual Checks that Pay Existing Invoices

1. From the menu bar, select Options, Data Entry, Checks, and then select

Manual Checks.

The Manual Check Batch window appears.

2. In the Default Check Date field, type the check date to appear as the default

during manual check entry.

NOTE: The Default Check Date is also the batch date and appears on

various reports. The default check date can be overwritten for

individual checks, as necessary.

3. From the Cash Type drop-down list, select the appropriate cash type for this

manual check. If you only have one cash type, this field does not appear.

4. From the GL Period drop-down list, select the appropriate GL period for the

check. The current period automatically appears.

5. In the Check Amount Total field, type the total amount of the check. This is

an optional field.

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6. In the Discounts Taken field, type any discount amount applied. This is an

optional field.

7. In the Finance Charge field, type any finance charge amount applied. This is

an optional field.

8. Click OK.

The Manual Check Entry screen appears.

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9. Select the vendor for the quick check using one of the following methods:

Type a vendor number and press Enter.

Type a portion of a vendor name and press Enter to view a list of

matching vendors. Select the vendor from the list.

Click the lookup icon to view a list of all the vendors.

All open invoices for the selected vendor appear.

10. In the Check Date field, type the date for the manual check.

11. In the Check Number field, type the check number used for the manual


12. In the Check Amount field, type the total manual check amount.

13. In the Pay column, select the invoice(s) the manual check paid.

14. In the Amount Paid column, type the amount paid for each invoice.

15. If applicable, in the Discount column, type the discount amount for each


16. If applicable, in the F/C column, type the finance charge amount for each


NOTE: To totally relieve an invoice, the Amount Paid must match the

invoice Balance.

To fully relieve an invoice with a discount, the Amount Paid plus

the Discount must equal the Balance.

To fully relieve an invoice with a finance charge, the Amount Paid

less the F/C must equal the Balance.

17. Click the Save button.

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18. Click End Batch.

The Manual Check Variance window appears.

19. Use the following table to determine button usage:

Button Description

Print Click this button to print a listing of the entries

included in this batch.

Edit Click this button to correct the entries in this


Post Click this button to post the entries.

Delete Click this button to delete this batch.