club name: club awards criteria...

CLUB AWARDS CRITERIA 2017-2018 FINAL * qualifies for the Presidential Citation 0 CLUB NAME: Dear 2017 - 2018 Presidents, FINAL Here is the 2017-2018 Club Awards Criteria packet. Please share this with your club officers, board, committee chairs, and members. Use this as a planning tool for your term. All of these criteria are realistic and obtainable. Have your PE monitor, collect, and assist in the submission. NOTE: Points will begin with your participation at your District Learning and Development Assembly on March 18, 2017. Have members attend the District L&D Assembly and begin accumulating awards recognition points! 1. The Club Awards Criteria forms are due midnight March 31, 2018 to your AG 2. The President completes and signs the Club Awards Criteria and email / scan to your Assistant Governor by March 31, 2018 for review and confirmation of receipt. 3. Review the Club Awards Criteria carefully before District Learning and Development Assembly March 18, 2017. 4. Awards marked with an * (asterisk) qualify for the Rotary (Presidential) Citation 2017-2018. (July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018). 5. Keep track of your Club’s progress throughout the year and input your data in Rotary Club Central 6. As the Club President, you will be notified by April 15, 2018 what awards your Club qualifies for, except for Membership, Foundation, 100% Sustaining PHF Club, and Best Club, which will be announced at your District Conference 2018. 7. Attend the District Conference in Sacramento May 4-6, 2018 with your Club members to receive your awards, celebrate, and be recognized for your Club’s great work! Is your club already a RI 100% PH Club? NEW SPECIAL DISTRICT AWARD: ROTARY DISTRICT 5150 100% CONTINUOUS PAUL HARRIS FELLOW CLUB 2017-2018. Since receiving your 100% PHF Club, you have had new members join your club. If all of current club members (which joined BEFORE July 1, 2017) are PHF then your club will be recognized as a Continuous 100% PHF Club 2017-2018. ALL New PHF must have contributed at least $500 cash. Club or members may transfer up to 500 points to meet the 1,000 points requirement. If the member is currently between 500-999 points, $500 must have been in cash. NO new members since your RI 100% PHF Club? How about a new District 100% CONTINUOUS PAUL HARRIS FELLOW +1 CLUB, 2017-2018!!! Please let your AG, our Chief of Staff, or me know if you have any questions or concerns and if we can assist you in any way to help you make this your best year in Rotary. May the Rotary Force be with you, Ron Gin District Governor 2017 - 2018 Work: 415-693-6869, mobile: 415-370-7654 or [email protected] THE FINE PRINT All Foundation contributions metrics and Membership data are based on the recorded numbers from ROTARY CLUB CENTRAL July 1, 2017-April 1, 2018 unless there is a written exception by the District Governor because of TRF Rotary Direct Deposits (which we will credit for the entire Rotary year) and late contributions not recorded by TRF, or new members inducted after of March 2018 and not being recognized on district and RI club membership roster. Club projects, volunteer hours, and showcase will be verified on Rotary Club Central.

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Page 1: CLUB NAME: CLUB AWARDS CRITERIA track of your Club’s progress throughout the year and input your


FINAL * qualifies for the Presidential Citation 0


Dear 2017 - 2018 Presidents, FINAL Here is the 2017-2018 Club Awards Criteria packet. Please share this with your club officers, board, committee chairs, and members. Use this as a planning tool for your term. All of these criteria are realistic and obtainable. Have your PE monitor, collect, and assist in the submission. NOTE: Points will begin with your participation at your District Learning and Development Assembly on March 18, 2017. Have members attend the District L&D Assembly and begin accumulating awards recognition points! 1. The Club Awards Criteria forms are due midnight March 31, 2018 to your AG 2. The President completes and signs the Club Awards Criteria and email / scan to your Assistant

Governor by March 31, 2018 for review and confirmation of receipt. 3. Review the Club Awards Criteria carefully before District Learning and Development Assembly

March 18, 2017. 4. Awards marked with an * (asterisk) qualify for the Rotary (Presidential) Citation 2017-2018. (July 1,

2017 – June 30, 2018). 5. Keep track of your Club’s progress throughout the year and input your data in Rotary Club Central 6. As the Club President, you will be notified by April 15, 2018 what awards your Club qualifies for,

except for Membership, Foundation, 100% Sustaining PHF Club, and Best Club, which will be announced at your District Conference 2018.

7. Attend the District Conference in Sacramento May 4-6, 2018 with your Club members to receive your awards, celebrate, and be recognized for your Club’s great work!

Is your club already a RI 100% PH Club? NEW SPECIAL DISTRICT AWARD: ROTARY DISTRICT 5150 100% CONTINUOUS PAUL HARRIS FELLOW CLUB 2017-2018. Since receiving your 100% PHF Club, you have had new members join your club. If all of current club members (which joined BEFORE July 1, 2017) are PHF then your club will be recognized as a Continuous 100% PHF Club 2017-2018. ALL New PHF must have contributed at least $500 cash. Club or members may transfer up to 500 points to meet the 1,000 points requirement. If the member is currently between 500-999 points, $500 must have been in cash. NO new members since your RI 100% PHF Club? How about a new District 100% CONTINUOUS PAUL HARRIS FELLOW +1 CLUB, 2017-2018!!! Please let your AG, our Chief of Staff, or me know if you have any questions or concerns and if we can assist you in any way to help you make this your best year in Rotary. May the Rotary Force be with you, Ron Gin District Governor 2017 - 2018 Work: 415-693-6869, mobile: 415-370-7654 or [email protected] THE FINE PRINT All Foundation contributions metrics and Membership data are based on the recorded numbers from ROTARY CLUB CENTRAL July 1, 2017-April 1, 2018 unless there is a written exception by the District Governor because of TRF Rotary Direct Deposits (which we will credit for the entire Rotary year) and late contributions not recorded by TRF, or new members inducted after of March 2018 and not being recognized on district and RI club membership roster. Club projects, volunteer hours, and showcase will be verified on Rotary Club Central.

Page 2: CLUB NAME: CLUB AWARDS CRITERIA track of your Club’s progress throughout the year and input your


FINAL * qualifies for the Presidential Citation 1


BEST CLUB AWARD _____Your 2017-2018 Club President or/and at least 10% of your Club Members must be registered by March 31, 2018 to attend and be at the 2018 D5150 Conference, and _____ Your Club dues to Rotary District 5150 and Rotary International must be current and paid in full and your Club must be in “Good Standing” on all counts with Rotary District 5150, Rotary International, and The Rotary Foundation, and _____ Your club and your club foundation must be current on IRS and state filings, and _____ Your Club must have a net increase in membership by March 31, 2018, or sponsor a new Rotary, Rotaract, or Interact club that is chartered between July 1, 2017 thru April 1, 2018, and _____ Your Club’s per capita contribution to The Rotary Foundation, Annual Program Fund (APF unrestricted giving) between July 1, 2017 and April 1, 2018 must be at least $150 and your Club’s per capita TRF Total Giving (restricted and unrestricted) must be $225, and _____ Your club must have 80% participation in all Foundation giving, Every Rotarian Every Year (EREY) to The Rotary Foundation, (for members who joined prior to July 1, 2017) and _____ Your Club information, officers and all member information is synchronized with our District Club Runner site (and RI) (In other words, all data is the same for D5150 and RI), and _____ All your club projects and volunteer hours are posted on Rotary Club Central, and _____ 20% unique club members did a project with another District 5150 club or VISITED another District 5150 club meeting / fundraiser, and _____ Your Club submitted a 3-6 minute (suggested length) Club, Project, Social, Membership, or Foundation video, and _____ Your Club conducted a Club Visioning in July 1, 2017 – March 31, 2018 or had completed a Club Visioning in July 1, 2015-June 30, 2017 and ACTIVLY working the plan, and _____ Your Club has a member on the District Leadership team, district subcommittee, district foundation committee, district conference committee, or a district special event committee, and _____ Your Club has conducted an 801 Membership Assessment Tool: Member Satisfaction Survey / Enhancing the Club Experience, Healthcheck, or etc. and _____ Your Club must have received at least 2000 D5150 Merit Points between July 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018.

Page 3: CLUB NAME: CLUB AWARDS CRITERIA track of your Club’s progress throughout the year and input your


FINAL * qualifies for the Presidential Citation 2


Your club must earn at least 200 Merit Points in each of the following eight categories. You can earn 2000 points in one category and still not be eligible for “Best Club”- your club must be a well-rounded Rotary Club and earn at least 200 points in all areas of recognition.

BEST CLUB AWARD CATEGORY Merit Points Club Service __________

Community Service __________

International Service __________

Vocational Service __________

Youth Service __________

Foundation __________

Membership/Extension __________

Public Image __________


_________________________________________ _________________________

Club President Signature Date (no later than 3/31/2018)


Print Club President Name

_________________________________________ _________________________

AG Signature Date (no later than 4/3/2018)


Print AG Name

NEW SPECIAL AWARD: 100% CONTINUOUS PAUL HARRIS FELLOW CLUB ALL current members which joined BEFORE July 1, 2017 are PHF. ALL PHF must have contributed at least $500 cash. 500 Club or transferred points can be used to meet the 1,000 point requirement, or



NEW SPECIAL AWARD: 100% CONTINUOUS PAUL HARRIS FELLOW CLUB +1 ALL current members which joined BEFORE July 1, 2017 are PHF +1. The “+1” uses cash only. NO transfer points can be used to meet the “+1” requirement. ($1,500 plus 500 transfer points)


IS YOUR CLUB GREATER THAN 100% CONTINUOUS PHF +1? CONTACT DG RON! Must use cash for “+1”, “+2”, “+3”, etc. NO transfer points allowed after PHF

YES ____

Page 4: CLUB NAME: CLUB AWARDS CRITERIA track of your Club’s progress throughout the year and input your


FINAL * qualifies for the Presidential Citation 3


CLUB SERVICE AWARD TO RECEIVE THE DISTRICT 5150 CLUB SERIVICE AWARD, must have 250 points: _____ Your Club must have all Officers and Board of Directors information on Rotary Club Central, and _____ Club GOALS are posted by July 1, 2017 on Rotary Club Central, and _____ File IRS form 990 or 990EZ for Rotary Club by 11/2017 (all Clubs must file) and any CA State forms and _____ Your Club Secretary and Club Treasurer (or club members) must have attended the District L&D Assembly Secretary and Treasurer breakout sessions March 18, 2017 (or 2018) (or make up session) and _____ Your current Club President or/and at least 5% of your Club Members must be registered by March 31, 2018 to attend and actually attend the 2018 D5150 Conference, and All of the above must be checked, PLUS Your club must have earned at least 250 District 5150 Club Service Merit Points between July 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018 (June 30, 2018). *At least 10 Goals are entered in Rotary Club Central


* At least 50% of members participated in Club Social Activities outside of regular club meeting, must record in Rotary Club Central


*Club has a written update 3-5 year Strategic Plan and approved by the Board, Past President, President, PE, and PEN, report on RCC


10% of Club members attend District Learning and Development Assembly 3/18/2017 or


More than 15% of Club members attend District Learning and Development Assembly 3/18/2017 or


More than 20% of Club members attend District Learning and Development Assembly 3/18/2017


All of your club membership information (position, email, address, phone, gender, a “birth year”, Rotary induction date) is updated and synchronized with the District 5150 Club Runner site


Club has performed Club Visioning within the last 3 years; 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018


Page 5: CLUB NAME: CLUB AWARDS CRITERIA track of your Club’s progress throughout the year and input your


FINAL * qualifies for the Presidential Citation 4


Club has performed the Rotary Club Health Check (2540)


Club Bylaws have been revised and are current with 2016 RI Club Constitution and Manual of Procedures (updated during 2016-2018)


Have 10% or more of club members/guests attend the 30th Anniversary of Women in Rotary event / or other special event


Have 10% or more of your club members/spouses attend the 2017 RI Convention in Atlanta


Have 10% or more of club members/spouses registered for the 2018 RI Convention in Toronto, Canada by March 31, 2018


Have a regularly updated / monthly club bulletin, electronic (website, social media) or paper copy


Have an article or picture in ROTARIAN magazine


Apply for the RI Presidential Citation


Have members attend the Introduction to PRLS (10 points/member)


Have members attend the Master PRLS classes (20 points/member, no double counting classes)


Members graduating from Master PRLS (25 points/member)


Display your Club banner at all meetings


Display 4 Way Test / club exchange banners, other Rotary banners at all meetings


Display the RI 2017-2018 Theme Banner at all meetings


Have club social and networking events INVITING guests (10 points each event, max 50 points)


Have a member join a Rotary Fellowship or Rotarian Action Group (15 points for each member that joins either program, max 75 pts)


Your club member is Rotarian of the Month (July 2017 – June 2018)



Page 6: CLUB NAME: CLUB AWARDS CRITERIA track of your Club’s progress throughout the year and input your


FINAL * qualifies for the Presidential Citation 5


COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD TO RECEIVE THE DISTRICT 5150 COMMUNITY SERIVICE AWARD, must have 250 points: _____ Have a joint Community Service project with another Rotary club in our district where 10% of your members participated, and _____ Tried a NEW Community Service project that your club has NOT done before, name of project: __________________________________________, and _____ A club member must have attended the District L&D Assembly Community Service breakout sessions March 18, 2017 (or 2018), and All of the above must be checked, PLUS your Club must have earned at least 250 District 5150 Community Service Award Merit Points between July 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018. * Collaborate with another club to increase a project’s scope and visibility. Report in Rotary Club Central or Showcase


* Club project with an Interact / Rotaract club where at least 10% of members are involved (20 points each project, maximum 100 points)


* Club performs a project focused on the environment and posts in Rotary Showcase in the Environmental Category


* Establish or continue a partnership with one or more corporate or government entities or nongovernmental organizations and work on a project together. Report in Rotary Club Central


Club plants one tree for every member in the club (e.g. 25 trees for 25 members in club) (*before Earth Day April 22, 2018)


Club plants trees for half the members in the club (e.g. 15 trees for 30 members in club) (*before Earth Day April 22, 2018)


10% of club member attended the District L&D Assembly Community Service breakout sessions / KAH Service project March 18, 2017


Have a joint Community Service project with another Rotary club in our district where 20% of your club members/guests participated


Have a joint Community Service project with 3 or more Rotary clubs in our district where 30% UNIQUE club members/guests participated


All Club Community Service PROJECTS Volunteer Hours are posted on Rotary Club Central


All Club Community Service PROJECTS In-Kind Donations are posted on Rotary Club Central


Distribute Rotary Dictionaries to 3rd Graders or contribute books to a local library or organization, or supply computers/tablets to students


Page 7: CLUB NAME: CLUB AWARDS CRITERIA track of your Club’s progress throughout the year and input your


FINAL * qualifies for the Presidential Citation 6


Conduct a student essay contest on “service”, “Volunteerism” or similar topic and award prizes (ideally in conjunction with a dictionary / library / reading project, but not necessarily)


Club performs a literacy / education project (other than above essay contest, 25 points per project)


100% of members involved in one or more hands-on service project, or 75 75% of members involved in one or more hands-on service project, or 40 50% of members involved in one or more hands-on service project 25 Project posted on Rotary Showcase, (10 points each, max 100 points. List search criteria)


Have an academic scholarship program (20 points for each Unique Program, maximum 80 points)


List additional hands-on Community Service projects (20 points each, max 160 points) (cannot double count a Community Service project) or


List additional hands-on Community Service projects if it was written up and with pictures on your Facebook page, club website/newsletter, district website/newsletter. (25 points each, max 175 points) (cannot double count a project) or


List additional hands-on Community Service projects if project also included prospective members and written up with pictures on social media, district or club website. (30 points each, max 180 points) (cannot double count a project)


Additional points if projects(s) are with outside NGO / community organizations (maximum 50 points, list project)


Have a Community Service / club representative at a District Programs Meeting(s) (other than the District L&D Assembly) 10 points per attendee (no double counting if combined multiple subject meeting, maximum 100 points) list meetings:


Your club made a special video for a Service Project and presented it to your club.



Page 8: CLUB NAME: CLUB AWARDS CRITERIA track of your Club’s progress throughout the year and input your


FINAL * qualifies for the Presidential Citation 7


INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD TO RECEIVE THE DISTRICT 5150 INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY SERIVICE AWARD, 250 points in: _____ A club member must have attended the District L&D Assembly International Community Service breakout sessions March 18, 2017 (or 2018), and _____ Have an active International Service Committee that meets regularly All of the above must be checked, PLUS your Club must have earned at least 250 District 5150 International Community Service Award Merit Points between July 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018. Lead club in a TRF Global Grant, by writing and submitting a Grant Application. (does not have to have been approved yet)


*Actively participate in a TRF Global Grant by sponsoring a Grant Application with DDF / cash (50 points per project, 3 projects maximum)


* Establish or continue a partnership with one or more corporate or government entities or nongovernmental organizations and work on a project together. Report in Rotary Club Central


All “hands-on” International Community Service projects and volunteer hours are posted on Rotary Club Central


Have an International Service Project Speaker at your club (i.e., Peace Scholar, youth exchange, microcredit, ShelterBox, Alliance for Smiles, Rotaplast, other club projects / trips) 10 points each (maximum 100 points)


Have 10% of your Club members travel outside of the USA on an International / TRF project (only 1 per year), Global Grant project visit, project fair, immunization trip, or International Convention visiting the House of Friendship in Atlanta, or


Have 20% of your Club members travel outside of the USA on an International / TRF project (only 1 per year), Global Grant project visit, project fair, immunization trip, or International Convention visiting the House of Friendship in Atlanta


An International Project posted on Rotary Showcase, (25 points each, max 100 points)


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FINAL * qualifies for the Presidential Citation 8


Sponsor a Rotary Global Scholar Candidate with DDF / cash (this was approved by the PE’s at FW-PETS, March 4, 2018)

30 30

Nominate a Rotary Global Scholar Candidate for district interview 30

Nominate a Rotary Peace Fellow Candidate or donate money / DDF to the Rotary Peace Fellow Program


Sponsor a Rotary Peace Fellow Candidate with DDF / cash


Sponsor and complete a small international project using the club’s District Grant money, and complete paperwork


Develop a Rotary “Twin/Sister” Club relationship with a Rotary club in another country


Club developed a Friendship relationship with a club in another country with members visiting each other every year


Your club made a special video for an International Service Project and presented it to your club / district video award


Have an International Service / club representative at a District Programs Meeting(s) (other than the District L&D Assembly) 10 points per attendee (no double counting if combined multiple subject meeting, maximum 100 points) list:



Page 10: CLUB NAME: CLUB AWARDS CRITERIA track of your Club’s progress throughout the year and input your


FINAL * qualifies for the Presidential Citation 9


VOCATIONAL SERVICE AWARD TO RECEIVE THE DISTRICT 5150 VOCATIONAL SERIVICE AWARD, 250 points in: _____ A club member must have attended the District L&D Assembly Vocational Service breakout sessions March 18, 2017 (or 2018), and _____ Have an active Vocational Service Committee that meets regularly All of the above must be checked, PLUS your Club must have earned at least 250 District 5150 Vocational Service Award Merit Points between July 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018. * Club sponsors a networking event with non-Rotarian professionals, community organizations, business owners, and Rotary Alumni and introduce them to Rotary, or organize a membership interest meeting. (Report in Rotary Club Central) (35 points per meeting, maximum of 4 meetings)


Honor 1 person in your community for Vocational Service (i.e. Employee of the Month, teacher of the month, PHF/Certificate) or


Honor at least 2 people in your community for Vocational Service (i.e. Employee of the Month, teacher of the month, PHF/Certificate)


Club members with an active Linked-in Profile listing their Rotary Affiliation – 5 points per person, (maximum 50 points)


Provide a scholarship or scholarship program for Vocational Education (25 points per scholarship given)


Club sponsors a Rotary Means Business (RMB) / business event


At least 10% of club members attend RMB / mixers on a regular basis


List additional Vocational Service projects (20 pts each) or,


All Vocational Service PROJECTS (with volunteer hours) are posted on Rotary Club Central (must be at least 1 project)


Vocational Service Project posted on Rotary Showcase, (20 points each, max 100 points)


Have an Vocational Service / club representative at a District Programs Meeting(s) (other than the District L&D Assembly) 10 points per attendee (no double counting if combined multiple subject meeting, maximum 100 points) list meetings:


Page 11: CLUB NAME: CLUB AWARDS CRITERIA track of your Club’s progress throughout the year and input your


FINAL * qualifies for the Presidential Citation 10


Your club made a Vocational Services video and presented it to your club


Club member provides “Job shadow” for interact / Rotaract (20 points each, 100 points maximum)


Club members provided a mentorship program to youth in your community (25 points per mentee, maximum 150 points)


Club regularly has a Vocational Minute / Craft Talk during your club meetings (at least once a month)



Page 12: CLUB NAME: CLUB AWARDS CRITERIA track of your Club’s progress throughout the year and input your


FINAL * qualifies for the Presidential Citation 11


YOUTH SERVICE AWARD TO RECEIVE THE DISTRICT 5150 YOUTH SERIVICE AWARD, 250 points in: _____ A club member must have attended the District L&D Assembly Youth Service breakout sessions March 18, 2017, (or 2018) and _____ Sponsor one (1) Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) student _____ Club is Youth Protection Certified for 2017-2018 (President and opposite sex member) All of the above must be checked, PLUS your Club must have earned at least 250 District 5150 Youth Service Award Merit Points between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018. * Promote peace and develop future leaders by sponsoring or hosting at least one Rotary Youth Exchange student or hosting at least one participant in a RYLA event. Report in Rotary Club Central (25 points per student, maximum 200 points)


Participate as a Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) Counselor for the entire weekend (75 pts each, 150 points max)


Participate in the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) program at camp over the course of the weekend, minimum 4 hours (20 points each member, max 100 points)


Charter a new Interact Club and/or Rotaract Club (150 each)


Have 10% of your members attend an Interact or Rotaract sponsored meeting, (separate from your regular Rotary Club meeting) (20 points each meeting)


Maintain and financially support an existing Interact Club and/or Rotaract Club (25 points per club)


Have Interact and/or Rotaract members at your Rotary Club meeting/event on at least 2 occasions (4 meetings = 20 points)


Have Interact and/or Rotaract members participate at your Rotary Club project or event (10 points per project/event, max 50)


Create or maintain a Youth Service COMMITTEE (not a committee of 1) to discover what is needed in the community


List additional Youth Service Projects (20 points each) or


Page 13: CLUB NAME: CLUB AWARDS CRITERIA track of your Club’s progress throughout the year and input your


FINAL * qualifies for the Presidential Citation 12


List additional Youth Service Projects (25 points if written up on District/Club Facebook, website or newsletter) or


List Youth Service Projects if project also included prospective member, no double counting. (max 90 points for 3 different prospective members in 3 different projects)


Youth Project posted on Rotary Showcase 20 points per project, (max 100 points)


New Youth Protection Certified member (10 points each new member)


Entire club is Youth Protection Certified


Club is Sponsoring Outbound Youth Exchange student this rotary year (50 points PER student, max 200 points)


Club is hosting an Inbound Youth Exchange student this rotary year (50 points PER student, maximum 200 points)


Club is financially supporting Inbound Youth Exchange or Interact Student for District Conference, travel / overnight stay (25 points PER student, maximum 100 points)


Have a club member active in the District Youth Exchange program / committee (club does not have to sponsor a YE student)


Club is hosting or sending a two-week / short-term Youth Exchange student (25 points PER student, maximum 100 points)


Have a Youth Service / club representative at a District Programs Meeting(s) (other than the District L&D Assembly) 10 points per attendee (no double counting if combined multiple subject meeting, maximum 100 points) list meetings:


Your club made a Youth Service video and presented it to your club (get your Interact / Rotaract / Youth Exchange to help!)



Page 14: CLUB NAME: CLUB AWARDS CRITERIA track of your Club’s progress throughout the year and input your


FINAL * qualifies for the Presidential Citation 13


FOUNDATION AWARD TO RECEIVE THE DISTRICT 5150 FOUNDATION AWARD, 250 points in: ______ A club member must have attended the District L&D Assembly Foundation breakout sessions March 18, 2017 (or 2018), and ____ Your Club’s per capita contribution to The Rotary Foundation Annual Fund (unrestricted giving) between July 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018 (June 30, 2018 for Rotary Direct) must be at least $175.00 (new members joining after July 1, 2017 are not counted against the per capita calculations, although their TRF contributions will be used in the total Annual Fund); and _____ Your Club’s per capita TRF Total Giving (restricted and unrestricted) is greater than $190 (new members joining after July 1, 2017 are not counted against the per capita calculations, although their TRF contributions will be used in the TRF Total Giving); and _____ Your club must have at least 66% participation in ALL Foundation giving (EREY), and _____ Your club must have at least 15% participation in Rotary Direct, and _____ Your Club’s per capita Polio Plus Giving must be greater than $25; and _____ At least 5% of your members attended the District Foundation event, and All of the above must be checked, PLUS your Club must have earned at least 250 District 5150 Foundation Award Merit Points between July 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018 (June 30, 2018 for Rotary Direct contributions): *You club participated in a polio related fundraising or awareness event


*Attain a minimum of $100 per capita to the Annual Fund 25 * Club increased Total Giving to TRF by over 10% from 2016-2017. Report in Rotary Club Central


*Partner with the Rotary Foundation by sponsoring at least one project funded by a Global Grant or a District Grant.


*Carry out at least one project focused on the ENVIRONMENT and report in Rotary Showcase


Your club has 10% participation at the District Foundation event, or


Your club has 20% participation at the District Foundation event, or


Your club has 30% participation or more at the District Foundation event


Page 15: CLUB NAME: CLUB AWARDS CRITERIA track of your Club’s progress throughout the year and input your


FINAL * qualifies for the Presidential Citation 14


Your club has 75% participation in ALL Foundation giving (EREY), or


Your club has 90% participation in ALL Foundation giving (EREY), or


Your club has 100% participation in ALL Foundation giving (EREY)


Your Club’s per capita Polio Plus Giving is greater than $26.50, or


Your Club’s per capita Polio Plus Giving is greater than $53.00


Achieve or maintain 100% Paul Harris Fellow Club (using no less than 50% Cash from the qualifying Rotarian. Based on members as of 7/1/17, new members joining after 7/1/17 do not count)


Have a NEW Paul Harris Fellow using cash – no donated points. (25 points for each new PH Fellow, +1, +2, etc.)


Have a NEW Paul Harris Society Member (35 points for each new PHS)


Have a NEW Benefactor (50 points for Each new Benefactor)


Have a NEW Major Donor (150 points for Each new Major Donor)


Have a NEW Major Gift (>$10,000 cash) (200 points for each new major gift / level)


Have a NEW Bequest Society Member (100 points each)


Conduct a Club meeting with a speaker on The Rotary Foundation (TRF, Global Grants, other, 25 points each presentation, max 100)


Have a Foundation / club representative at a District Foundation Meeting(s) (other than the District L&D Assembly) 10 points per attendee (no double counting if combined multiple subject meeting, maximum 100 points) list meetings:


Your club made a Foundation Video and presented it to your club



Page 16: CLUB NAME: CLUB AWARDS CRITERIA track of your Club’s progress throughout the year and input your


FINAL * qualifies for the Presidential Citation 15


MEMBERSHIP & EXTENSION AWARD TO RECEIVE THE DISTRICT 5150 MEMBERSHIP & EXTENSION AWARD, 250 points: _____ A club member must have attended the District L&D Assembly Membership & Extension breakout sessions March 18, 2017 (or 2018), and _____ Your club must have a net increase in membership (excluding death) by March 31, 2018 or sponsor a new Rotary club that is chartered July 1, 2017 - March 31, 2018, and All of the above must be checked, PLUS your Club must have earned at least 250 District 5150 Membership and Extension Award Merit Points between July 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018. *Engage members in activities outside of regular club meeting. In RCC, either record at least one club social activity or indicate that more than 50% of members participated in club service activities


*Net gain of 1 member for clubs with 50 members or less, based on July 1, 2017 to July 1, 2018, or


*Net gain of 2 members for clubs with over 51 members, based on July 1, 2017 to July 1, 2018


* Net gain in female members (* see Rotary Citation, +1 or +2 females)


Conduct a membership assessment using RI Publication 801 Membership Assessment Tools (e.g. Improving Member Retention, Enhancing Club Experience, Prospective Member exercise, or Rotary Club Health Check) 25 pts. Each. Max 100 points


Start an On-Line meeting component for your meetings and use it at least 5 times; Skype, Go To Meeting, Zoom, etc.


Gain 5% NEW members or 25 Gain 10% NEW members 50 NET gain of 5% membership


NET gain of 6-9% membership


NET gain of greater than 10% membership


Retention and engagement of 60% - 74% of members or, 25 Retention and engagement of greater than 75% à of members 60 Club has developed a “value proposition” (answering: Why I should join THIS Rotary club)


Induct a CURRENT ROTARACT member (25 pts each, max 150 pts) 25

Induct a former alumni: former Rotaractor, Interactor, GSE, VTT Member or Rotary Scholar as a new club member (25 points each)


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FINAL * qualifies for the Presidential Citation 16


Club has a written 3-5 year Strategic MEMBERSHIP Plan, (using RI 417en) and approved by the Board, Past President, President, PE, and PEN, or


Have a FUNCTIONING Membership Committee and develop and execute at least 5 strategies this Rotary year to retain / attract / educate / engage members


Ensure ALL club members are assigned a specific role or committee within your club


Initiate or update a new-member welcome program / packet


All NEW members have Rotary Mentors


Have a General Interest meeting to attract potential new members. 50 points each meeting, maximum of 150 points.


Have the District Membership Chair, your Area Membership Coordinator (AMC), or AG as a weekly Membership program speaker at your club (different membership topics, max 4 meetings for 100 points)


Have members attend meetings of a New (chartered less than 1 year) / Provisional club: regularly scheduled meetings, projects, fund raisers, or Socials. (10 points per unique member, max 100)


Have members attend meetings of another club regularly scheduled meetings, projects, fund raisers, or Socials. (5 points per unique member, max 50)


Initiate an outreach and communication program for Club alumni


Have a member join a Rotary Fellowship or Rotarian Action Group (15 points for each member that joins either program, max 75 pts)


Have a membership / club representative at a District Membership Meeting(s), Priority One Plus, (other than the District L&D Assembly) 10 points per attendee (no double counting if combined multiple subject meeting, maximum 100 points) list meetings:


Sponsor a new Rotary Club and ACTIVLY attend meetings, guides, and mentors new club throughout the year


Your club made a Membership video and presented it to your club



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FINAL * qualifies for the Presidential Citation 17


PUBLIC RELATIONS & PUBLIC IMAGE AWARD TO RECEIVE THE DISTRICT 5150 PR & PI AWARD, 250 points in: _____ A club member must have attended the District L&D Assembly Public Relations & Public Image breakout sessions March 18, 2017 (or 2018), and _____ Display your Club banner / pop up banner at all meetings, and _____ Your club posts 5 projects, social events, or fundraiser on the District website or District Facebook / District social media site, and _____ Your club displays your Club Banner, pop up banner, Rotary promotional materials, wear Rotary tee shirts or hats, Rotary pins at all club projects and public functions, and _____ * Proper use of Rotary Signature Brand and Mark of Excellence on club website / social media and printed material (report in Rotary Club Central) and All of the above must be checked, PLUS your Club must have earned at least 250 District 5150 Public Relations & Public Image Merit Points between July 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018. * Regularly update your club website and social media accounts to showcase the club activities and illustrate Rotary’s impact both locally and throughout the world. (report in Rotary Club Central)


* Have local media cover a club project, event, or fundraiser. Report in Rotary Club Central (50 points per event)


* Host a community forum or seminar about an issue that’s important to the community; highlight your club’s work to bring people together to find solutions. Report in Rotary Club Central


Club has a written 3-5 year Strategic PR/PI Plan and approved by the Board, Past President, President, PE, and PEN


Have a PR /PI- Social Media presentation at your club by district PR / PI staff. (25 points each, must be different topics, max 75)


Have your NEW president or projects announced in local media (25 points for each announcement / media)


Club has and uses a sandwich board promoting their weekly meetings


Have a robust club web page updated WEEKLY 25

Weekly use of Club social media / Facebook, etc. (not website)


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FINAL * qualifies for the Presidential Citation 18


Monthly Postings on District Website / District Social media


Regularly use of Next Door, Meetup, One Brick, or other social media PROMOTIONAL TOOL for Club projects, meetings, and/or events (25 points for each media)


Club has developed a “VALUE PROPOSITION”, club members know, and is posted on webpage, social media


Have PR materials/brochures/information at service projects and club events (10 points for each project or event, maximum 50 pts).


Have an article or picture in a local newspaper, (non-Rotarian) website / newsletter depicting your Club’s community involvement


Have an article or picture in a national magazine (non-Rotarian) promoting your club project / event


Conduct a public image campaign aimed at the business and professional Community that explains “What is Rotary” is and the “VALUE” of Rotary


Have a Rotary community program that displays, up keeps, provides a new Rotary Logo in a prominent place (25 points each) (Parks, playgrounds, fields, buildings, billboards, etc.)


Co-Promotion of an event / project with another NGO or business


Display the RI 2017-2018 Theme Banner at all meetings


Display your club banner at a local parade (4th of July, Veterans Day, Alzheimer’s Walk, Fog fest, Italian Heritage, etc.) (25 points per parade)


Have a PR/PI / club representative at a District PR / PI Meeting(s) (other than the District L&D Assembly) 10 points per attendee (no double counting if combined multiple subject meeting, maximum 100 points) list meetings:


Your club made PR / PI video and presented it to your club. IF THE VIDEO HAS A “PEOPLE IN ACTION” THEME, extra 25 points