cloze tests

TEST 1 WATER - A LUXURY? A glass of fresh water from the tap - a luxury? The reality is that for some 1.1 billion people access to safe drinking water is (1) ...... they can only dream about. Some 2.4 billion people worldwide similarly do not have access to adequate sanitation. Yet access to safe drinking water and sanitation is not just a luxury. It often makes the difference (2) ...... life and death. Half of the world's hospital beds are occupied by (3) ...... of waterbome diseases. And an estimated 6,000 children die each day from diseases caused by poor sanitation and hygiene. Add to this the increasing pressure (4) ...... the world's freshwater supply over the last 50 years, and the continuous degradation of water quality in many regions around the world, and there is no doubt that the challenge before us is (5) ...... . 1- A) anywhere B) something C) someone D) anyone E) everything 2- A) between B) from C) along D) in E) about 3- A) victims B) residents C) supporters D) mortals E) disasters 4- A) about B) in C) at D) on E) for 5- A) excellent B) bearable C) supporting D) weak E) immense BENEFICIAL or UNDESIRABLE? In nature there is (6) ...... such thing as either a beneficial or an undesirable wild animal. In Georgia, (7) ......, where quail are valued as game birds, sportsmen once shot marsh hawks (8) ...... the hawks sometimes killed quail. But the shooting of marsh hawks failed to increase the numbers of quail. Examination of stomach contents showed that the marsh hawk feeds mainly upon the cotton rat, which eats the eggs of quail and other ground-nesting birds. By being a (9) ...... greater enemy of cotton rats than of quail, the marsh hawk proves (10) ...... to be a friend of the quail. The killing of marsh hawks has now largely ceased in Georgia, and marsh hawks and quail are growing more numerous side by side. 6- A) any B) many C) no D) none E) some 7- A) at once B) for instance C) on average D) at the time E) in short

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A glass of fresh water from the tap - a luxury? The reality is that for some 1.1 billion people access to safe drinking water is (1) ...... they can only dream about. Some 2.4 billion people worldwide similarly do not have access to adequate sanitation. Yet access to safe drinking water and sanitation is not just a luxury. It often makes the difference (2) ...... life and death. Half of the world's hospital beds are occupied by (3) ...... of waterbome diseases. And an estimated 6,000 children die each day from diseases caused by poor sanitation and hygiene. Add to this the increasing pressure (4) ...... the world's freshwater supply over the last 50 years, and the continuous degradation of water quality in many regions around the world, and there is no doubt that the challenge before us is (5) ...... .

1- A) anywhereB) something C) someone D) anyone

E) everything

2- A) between B) from C) along D) in

E) about

3- A) victims B) residents C) supporters D) mortals

E) disasters

4- A) about B) in C) at D) on

E) for

5- A) excellent B) bearable C) supporting D) weak E) immense


In nature there is (6) ...... such thing as either a beneficial or an undesirable wild animal. In Georgia, (7) ......, where quail are valued as game birds, sportsmen once shot marsh hawks (8) ...... the hawks sometimes killed quail. But the shooting of marsh hawks failed to increase the numbers of quail. Examination of stomach contents showed that the marsh hawk feeds mainly upon the cotton rat, which eats the eggs of quail and other ground-nesting birds. By being a (9) ...... greater enemy of cotton rats than of quail, the marsh hawk proves (10) ...... to be a friend of the quail. The killing of marsh hawks has now largely ceased in Georgia, and marsh hawks and quail are growing more numerous side by side.

6- A) any B) many C) no D) none

E) some

7- A) at once B) for instance C) on average D) at the time

E) in short

8- A) while B) yet C) even though D) because E) before

9- A) much B) more C) too D) the most

E) such

10- A) rarely B) slightly C) anxiously D) barely

E) actually

RIVAL FOSSIL HUNTERS (11) ...... of our knowledge of dinosaurs comes from North America. From 1870 into


the early 1900s, two men dominated the search for dinosaurs in the western United States, and their rivalry became a bitter conflict. One was Othniel Charles Marsh, of Yale University, and (12) ...... was Edward Drinker Cope. (13) ...... man controlled (14) ...... scientific journal, and it is reported that their field crews would occasionally shoot at one another and destroy each other's fossils. Still, (15) ...... men made lasting and valuable contributions to our knowledge of dinosaurs, though their conflict caused them to work hurriedly and in many instances to forego the customary patience and caution required in the science of paleontology.

11- A) A great deal B) Just one C) As many as D) Everything

E) A large number

12- A) someone B) another C) the other D) each one

E) the whole

13- A) Each B) All C) Some D) Any

E) None

14- A) themselves B) his own C) itself D) them

E) theirs

15- A) all B) every C) some D) both

E) either


No one knows when or where the first circus act (16) ...... place. It's probable that displays of physical skill and animal training (17) ...... people for many thousands of years. Some circus acts are so old that even the ancient Romans, who coined the word circus, did not know where they originated. It was not (18) ...... the late 1700s that the modem circus began to take form. It is believed that the modern circus originated in the exhibitions of horsemanship that became popular in England. A former cavalryman, Philip Astley, was presenting such feats in London in 1768. Astley put his horses through their paces in a large circle, or ring. (19) ...... his time, the ring has been the central performance area of the circus. Astley embellished his London show with music, acrobats, tumblers, ropewalkers and a clown. In 1783 he built the first real circus in France. Soon circuses similar to the Astley pattern (20) ...... across the continent of Europe and in the United States.

16- A) made B) did C) got D) had

E) took

17- A) were thrilling B) are thrilling C) thrill D) thrilled

E) have thrilled

18- A) until B) while C) when D) since

E) yet

19- A) As soon as B) Ever since C) Even when D) Once

E) The moment

20- A) perform B) have performed C) were performing D) have been performing E) are performing



Known primarily for his watercolours of Australian landscapes, Albert Namatjira was an aboriginal artist (21) ...... successfully combined modern European painting techniques (22) ...... subject matter from his native land. A member of the Aranda tribe, Namatjira was born at a Christian mission in Hermannsburg in the Northern Territory (23) ...... July 28. 1902. He received his education at the mission. He later worked at a number of menial jobs (24) ...... he discovered painting at a 1934 exhibition of works by Rex Battarbee. Although unschooled in art, Namatjira tried his hand at drawing. In 1936 he again met Battarbee, who tutored (25) ...... in watercolours. He was soon able to produce works of merit and sell them. In 1938 the first exhibit of his works was held in Melbourne. It was so successful that all 41 paintings on display were sold. Later exhibitions followed in Adelaide, Sydney, Perth and Alice Springs.

21- A) where B) who C) when D) what

E) how

22- A) about B) to C) for D) from

E) with

23- A) at B) in C) since D) on E) till

24- A) until B) during C) while D) just as

E) since

25- A) him B) his own C) he D) his

E) himself


Like the land (26) ...... the people of Ladakh are generally quite different from those of the rest of India. The faces and physique of the Ladakhis, and the clothes they wear, are more (27) ...... those of Tibet and Central Asia (28) ...... those of India. The original population may have been Dards, an Indo-Aryan race that moved down from the Indus and Gilgit area. But immigration from Tibet, perhaps a millennium or so (29) ...... largely overwhelmed the culture of the Dards and changed their racial characteristics. In eastern and central Ladakh, today's population seems to be mostly of Tibetan origin. Further west, in and around Kargil, the people's appearance suggests a mixed origin. The exception to this generalization is the Arghons, a community of Muslims in Leh, who originated as a result of marriages (30) ...... local women and Kashmiri or Central Asian merchants.

26- A) them B) their C) their own D) itself

E) its own

27- A) the same B) similar to C) except for D) so much

E) much as

28- A) as B) than C) like D) that

E) how

29- A) after B) yet C) since D) though

E) ago

30- A) betweenB) for C) along D) with

E) among




Throughout history, numerous laws have been passed in an attempt to ban the game of football: in England alone, over thirty times since the 14th century. King Edward III, (1) ...... released a statement that bannedfootball on 12 June, 1349. His concern was a practical one. Over the previous two years, England (2) ...... more than 25% of its population to the epidemic called the Black Plague, and King Edward, at the time of thestatement, (3) ...... France in the Hundred Years' War; (4) ......, he needed more archers. As the popular game of football (5) ...... people from practising archery, the only solution was to forbid it. Needless to say, however, this ban didn't work.

1- A) on no account B) in advanceC) by all means D) for example

E) at once

2- A) has been losing B) had lost C) was losing D) had been losing

E) has lost

3- A) was fightingB) has foughtC) has been fighting D) foughtE) had fought

4- A) because B) however C) therefore D) on account of

E) though

5- A) encouraged B) charged C) recovered D) engaged

E) distracted


The image of pop stars is often considered to be as important as their actual music. (6) ......, pop stars and their managers make elaborate efforts to project the desired image through their clothing, music video clips, manipulation of the popular press and similar tactics. Indeed, many pop acts are focussed primarily on (7) ...... the desired image, and music is considered as of secondary importance. Boy bands and girl bands, (8) ...... NSync and the Spice Girls, are particularly carefully (9) ...... in this manner, with members chosen and groomed to fill certain stereotypes (10) ...... they will appeal to the broadest range of fans and fan personalities.

6- A) As long as B) Even when C) Whereas D) In order to

E) As a result

7- A) achieve B) being achieved C) to achieve D) achieving

E) achieved

8- A) such as B) on behalf of C) by means of D) as regards

E) much more

9- A) put on B) dug out C) set up D) shown off

E) given away

10- A) so that B) for whom C) while D) ever since

E) how


Because of the rapid technological advances in Japan, an extensive miniaturization culture has developed. For example, a foldable umbrella (11) ......size is just a quarter of a usual umbrella's size has been developed, not


to mention miniaturization in cellular telephony. (12) ...... call this process, another example of which is bonsai, "minimization". It may also be interesting to (13) ...... that miniaturization also occurs in living spaces, such as hotels for business workers which are often the size of a single cubicle. Such phenomena occur (14) ......due to technological advances, but are also motivated by the strong concern for space in (15) ...... populated areas.

11- A) which B) that C) how D) whose

E) what

12- A) All B) One C) Both D) Each

E) Some

13- A) show round B) go down C) make up D) get across

E) point out

14- A) neither B) not only C) as well as D) both

E) either

15- A) barely B) densely C) constantly D) randomly

E) hardly


A great part of the city of New Orleans is located below sea level and lies (16) ...... the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain, so the city is (17) ...... by levees, that is, barriers constructed to stop the flow of water into the city. Until the early 20th century, construction was largely limited (18) ...... the slightly higher ground along old natural river

levees, since (19) ...... of the rest of the land was swampy and subject to frequent flooding. In the 1910s engineer and inventor A. Baldwin Wood enacted his ambitious plan to drain the city, including large pumps of his own design, which are still used (20) ...... heavy rains hit the city.

16- A) between B) at C) within D) through

E) across

17- A) represented B) filled C) surrounded D) identified

E) exaggerated

18- A) over B) about C) out of D) to

E) with

19- A) few B) many C) enough D) both

E) much

20- A) then B) during C) by the time D) whenever

E) whereas


The term "TV addiction" is imprecise and loaded with value judgements, but it captures the essence of a very real phenomenon. All people (21) ...... suffer from substance dependence have certain symptoms (22) ...... .They spend (23) ...... of time using the substance; they use it more often than they intend to; they often think about reducing their use and even make repeated (but generally unsuccessful) efforts to do so; they (24) ...... important social, family or


occupational activities (25) ...... using the substance; and they report withdrawal symptoms when they actually stop using. Studies have shown that all of these characteristics apply also to so-called "TV addicts".

21- A) whom B) which C) who D) whose

E) what

22- A) in common B) at random C) rather than D) such as

E) similar to

23- A) a great deal B) much C) a little D) several

E) a number

24- A) come across B) give up C) put out D) throw away

E) get down

25- A) in favour of B) all at once C) by means of D) on the tip of

E) the same as


"Extreme sports", also known (26) ...... action sports, is a general term for a collection of newer sports (27) ...... involve adrenaline-inducing action. They often feature a combination of speed, height,

danger and spectacular stunts. (28) ...... levels of danger vary greatly among the different sports, there is always an element - an "extreme" factor -that causes adrenaline to flow. Some extreme sports, such as rock-climbing and ice-climbing, have been around (29) ...... many decades. Another example is surfing, which was originally invented centuries (30) ...... by the native inhabitants of Hawaii.

26- A) by B) in C) with D) as

E) under

27- A) where B) what C) how D) who

E) that

28- A) In spite of B) However C) Yet D) Although

E) Since

29- A) in B) since C) for D) by

E) on

30- A) since B) while C) after D) before

E) ago



TO BEAR WITNESS In 1971, motivated by their vision of a green and peaceful world, a small team of activists


set sail from Vancouver, Canada, in an old fishing boat. These activists, the founders of Greenpeace, believed that even (1) ...... individuals (2) ...... a difference. Their mission was to "bear witness" to US underground nuclear testing at Amchitka, a tiny island (3) ...... the west coast of Alaska, which is one of the world's most earthquake-prone regions. Amchitka was the last refuge for 3000 endangered sea otters, and home to bald eagles, peregrine falcons and other wildlife. (4) ...... their old boat, the Phyllis Cormack, was stopped before it got to Amchitka, the journey sparked a flurry of public interest. The US still detonated the bomb, but the voice of reason had been heard. Nuclear testing on Amchitka ended that (5) ...... year, and the island was laterdeclared a bird sanctuary. "Source: Greenpeace ("

1- A) every B) a lot C) a few D) a little

E) many

2- A) will make B) would rather make C) are making D) must have made

E) could make

3- A) about B) between C) off D) in

E) through

4- A) Accordingly B) Although C) Whenever D) In spite of

E) So long as

5- A) over B) similar C) any D) same


Greenpeace's tradition of "bearing witness" in a non-violent manner continues today, andtheir ships are an important part of (6) ...... their campaign work. They exist to expose crimes against the environment, and to challenge government and corporations when they fail to (7) ...... their duty to safeguardour environment and our future. In performing their mission, Greenpeace has no permanent allies or enemies. They promote open, informed debate about society's environmental choices, and use research, lobbying and quiet diplomacy to (8) ...... their goals, (9) ...... high-profile, non-violent conflict to raise the level and quality of public debate. Greenpeace speaks for 2.8 million supporters worldwide, and encourages many millions more than that to take action every day. One of the longest banners they've made (10) ...... sums up their viewpoint: "When the last tree is cut, the last river poisoned, and the last fish dead, we will discover that we can't eat money." "Source: Greenpeace ("

6- A) much B) some C) many of D) all

E) enough of

7- A) come up with B) try out for C) think back on D) go along to

E) live up to

8- A) abolish B) incite C) pursue D) inspire

E) persuade

9- A) not only B) owing to C) no matter D) as well as

E) in spite of

10- A) never B) rather C) as D) like

E) so farE) once


For more than a century, people have relied on fossil fuels such as oil, coal and gas for their energy needs. Now, worldwide, both people and the environment (11) ...... the disastrous consequences of this. Global warming, caused by burning fossil fuels, is (12) ...... environmental problem we face today. People are changing the climate that made life on earth possible and the results

are catastrophic - extreme weather conditions causing droughts and floods; a disruption of water supplies; the melting polar regions and the consequent rising sea levels; the loss of coral reefs; and many more. Scientists and governments worldwide have agreed on the latest evidence of human-induced climate change, its impacts and predictions of (13) ...... is to come. It is not (14) ...... to slow global warming and (15) ...... the climatic catastrophe that scientists


predict, and in fact the solutions already exist: renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, offer abundant clean energy that is safe for the environment and good for the economy"Source: Greenpeace (httpj/www, greenpeace. org)"

11- A) are experiencing B) experienceC) have experiencedD) has been experiencingE) experienced

12- A) badly B) the worst C) the bad D) bad

E) worse

13- A) how B) which C) that D) what

E) where

14- A) later B) too late C) so late D) as late as

E) such a late

15- A) avoid B) utilize C) dub D) induce

E) hasten


(16) ...... burning fossil fuels, humans pump billions of tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases create a "greenhouse effect", thickening the natural canopy of gases in the atmosphere and causing more heat to become trapped on the Earth's surface. (17) ......, the global temperature is increasing, throwing the world's climate out of its natural balance into chaos. The main source of these human-produced greenhouse gases is the burning of large amounts of fossil fuels for energy production and transport. Changes in land use and deforestation also release more CO2 into the environment. Trees, (18) ...... are natural "carbon sinks", absorbing CO2, and when they are destroyed, CO2 is released back into the atmosphere. Although many greenhouse gases occur naturally, the rate (19) ...... humans are adding them tothe atmosphere is far from natural. It is estimated that concentrations of CO2 are 30 percent higher than before the industrial

revolution, when the large-scale burning of fossil fuels (20) ...... ."Source: Greenpeace (ht tp://www. greenpeace. org)"

16- A) Since B) Except C) By D) About

E) With

17- A) As a result B) So that C) Despite this D) Because

E) On the contrary

18- A) on average B) at least C) for example D) for short

E) for once

19- A) for what B) such as C) when D) in that

E) at which

20- A) started B) has startedC) would be startingD) is startingE) will have started


The latest report from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says that hundreds of technologies are (21) ...... available, (22) ...... very low cost, that can reduce climate-damaging emissions, and that government policies need to remove the barriers to using these technologies. Implementing these methods will not require humans to make sacrifices or otherwise hinder their quality of life. (23) ...... it will enable people to usher in a new era of energy (24) ...... will bring economic growth, new jobs, technological innovation and, most importantly, environmental protection. However, for green solutions to global warming to find a foothold in the market, governments and corporations need to lead the shift (25) ...... polluting technologies. At present, fossil fuel industries are provided with billions of dollars of government support so that dirty energy is able to stay cheap. This means that while polluting industries are allowed to pollute for free, clean technologies are left under-funded. "Source: Greenpeace ("


21- A) rather B) already C) many D) any more

E) even

22- A) at B) over C) to D) upon

E) around

23- A) Despite B) Even so C) Accordingly D) Instead

E) Though

24- A) when B) whose C) that D) what

E) who

25- A) into B) away from C) seeing as D) than

E) towards


Wind power is already a significant source of energy in many parts of the world. It can supply 10 percent of the world's electricity (26) ...... two decades from now. Over the past years, solar power (27) ...... globally by 33 percent annually. Greenpeace and industrial research show that with some government support, the solar power industry could supply electricity to over 2 billion people globally in the next 20 years, and by 2040, solar panels (28) ...... to a capacity large enough to supply nearly 25 percent of the global electricity demand. A report

conducted by global financial analysts KPMG shows that a solar power plant could become cost-competitive with traditional fossil fuels (29) ...... the production of solar panels was increased to 500 megawatts a year. (30) ...... renewable power plant could have the same costs and provide the same jobs as a coal-fired plant, but with significant environmental advantages. "Source: Greenpeace ("

26- A) beyond B) throughout C) towards D) within

E) between

27- A) grewB) was growingC) growsD) will have been growingE) has been growing

28- A) has increasedB) must have increasedC) is increasingD) increasedE) may have increased

29- A) until B) when C) if D) ever since

E) therefore

30- A) So B) Like C) Such a D) Many

E) Which




Of all North American birds, by far the most famed (1) ...... its vocal imitations is the mockingbird. (2) ...... its own cheerful song, the common mockingbird's repertoire (3) ...... to include the songs of 39 other species of birds, 50 different call notes, the cackling of a hen, and the barking of a dog.The mockingbird is the (4) ...... of a robin- about

27 centimetres long with a wingspan of about 36 centimetres. It is coloured ashen gray above, paler below, with conspicuous white wing patches. The long, rounded tail is edged with white. Mockingbirds feed on insects - primarily grasshoppers and beetles - as well as on seeds and berries. They are active, aggressive and inquisitive. In the vigorous defense of their young, they will attack dogs, cats or (5) ...... humans.


1- A) for B) to C) around D) against

E) with

2- A) Otherwise B) As though C) Whereas D) Despite

E) Besides

3- A) knows B) will be known C) has been known D) knew

E) was being known

4- A) size B) arrangement C) fit D) measure

E) enemy

5- A) yet B) even C) ever D) rather

E) still


The only bird of prey that lives and hunts primarily on the ground is the secretary bird. It is best known as a killer of snakes. In its native home in the dry uplands of Africa, it is sometimes kept around farms to catch snakes, rodents, reptiles and large insects. The secretary bird hunts on foot and kills its prey (6) ...... kicking, stamping or flailing it against the ground. The bird is very (7) ....... moving around quickly and easily, and with its long legs it can deliver blows from a safe distance. If its victim does not succumb, the bird may snatch the animal, take flight and drop the victim from aloft. In most African nations, the birds (8) ...... legally.The secretary bird is (9) ...... named because the tuft of stiff feathers that projects from the back of its head and neck makes it look (10) ...... an old-time secretary with a bunch of quill pens stuck behind an ear.

6- A) over B) by C) about D) towards

E) at

7- A) shy B) clumsy C) agile D) idle

E) crude

8- A) protectB) had been protectedC) are protectingD) are protectedE) have been protecting

9- A) as B) so C) just D) how

E) what

10- A) like B) about C) through D) as

E) forward


The "man-of-war bird," (11) ...... the frigate bird is sometimes called, (12) ...... a feathered airplane. Seemingly without effort it floats high in the air for hours (13) ....... altering its course by movements so slight as to be almost invisible. There are five species in this unusual family. All are tropical. The largest occurs in (14) ...... hemispheres, mainly north of the equator, and has been seen on rare occasions as far north as Nova Scotia. Other species appear in the Central Pacific and Indian Oceans. The frigate bird has a long, stout, hooked bill. The tail is extremely long and deeply forked. The birds' bones are of a structure that makes their bodies (15) ...... than that of any other bird of equal wing size. When spread, the long narrow wings measure 3 metres from tip to tip. The bird has very small legs, however, and so it is almost helpless on land.

11- A) like B) so C) as D) such

E) when

12- A) replaces B) reacts C) remains D) recites

E) resembles

13- A) by the time B) in time


C) out of time D) on timeE) at a time

14- A) all B) both C) neither D) many

E) either

15- A) more lightly B) as light C) light D) lighter

E) lightly


A bird (16) ...... tail has brought it fame is the lyrebird of Australia. (17) ...... the 16 strange tail feathers of the male, this bird is not (18) ...... being similar to other birds in most respects. Both male and female are of ordinary form, about the size of a hen, and of a sooty brown colour with a few red markings. The tail feathers are about 2 feet long. When relaxed, they droop like a peacock's train. When they are raised, however, they take the shape of a lyre. The tail does not fully attain (19) ...... characteristic shape (20) ...... the bird is about 4 years old. It is shed in the fall and renewed in spring.

16- A) whose B) which C) what D) how

E) that

17- A) In addition to B) Except for C) By means of D) Along with

E) In case of

18- A) common B) gorgeous C) evolved D) unusual

E) native

19- A) its B) their C) it D) itself

E) theirs

20- A) during B) after C) until D) by the time

E) since


The Portuguese call it beija-flor, meaning "kiss-flower". The Aztecs decorated their emperors' ceremonial cloaks with its feathers. The dazzling hummingbird (21) ...... captures people's fancy. A hummingbird can hover in the air (22) ...... special flight muscles that allow it to beat its wings 38 to 78 times per second, and it is the only bird that can fly backward. The smallest hummingbirds can attain wing-beat frequencies of 200 per second (23) ......courtship flights, when the males (24) ...... their brilliant feathers. The female builds a cup-shaped nest from moss, seed down and spider webs. She alone incubates the tiny eggs, of which there are usually only two, and raises the young (25) ...... .

21- A) since B) so C) as D) such

E) still

22- A) in order that B) with the help of C) in spite of D) much the same

E) as a consequence

23- A) during B) while C) when D) since

E) despite

24- A) show off B) allow for


C) pull apart D) act uponE) set against

25- A) themselves B) hers C) its own D) on her own

E) theirs


In some parts of Europe the white stork (26) ...... to bring (27) ...... good luck ...... people fix platforms and baskets to their rooftops in order to (28) ...... the birds to nest there. When a child is born, some people say that the parents have had a "visit from the stork". It is largely because of these myths that storks (29) ...... from destruction up to now. Storks are large, long-legged birds that (30) ...... in height from about 0.6 metres to more than 1.5 metres. Their pointed bills are long and heavy, and all or part of their head and neck may be bare of feathers and brightly coloured. They fly, alternately flapping and soaring, with legs trailing and necks outstretched.

26- A) was being believedB) believesC) had been believedD) believedE) is believed

27- A) more...than B) so...that C) such...that D)

E) as much... .as

28- A) restrict B) encourage C) suspect D) perceive

E) consult

29- A) have been savedB) are savingC) have been savingD) will have savedE) are being saved

30- A) distinguish B) alter C) happen D) derive

E) range





People have enjoyed chewing gum-like substances, most of (1) ...... are made from the thickened resin and latex from certain kinds of trees, in many times and many lands. Since very ancient times, the peoples of Mexico have chewed chicle, a gumlike substance (2) ...... from tropical American trees such as the sapodilla. In 1845, after his defeat by the Americans in Texas, the Mexican general Santa Anna (3) ...... to New York, and like many of his countrymen, he chewed chicle. One day, he introduced it to the inventor Thomas Adams, who began experimenting with it (4) ...... a substitute for rubber. Adams tried to make toys, masks and rain boots out of chicle, but every experiment failed. Sitting frustrated in his workshop one afternoon, he popped a piece of the surplus chicle into his mouth. As he chewed, the idea suddenly hit him to add flavouring to the chicle. Shortly, he opened the world's first chewing gum factory. By the early 1900s, with improved methods of manufacturing, packaging and marketing, modern chewing gum was well on (5) ......way to the popularity which it still enjoys.

1- A) them B) what C) that D) which

E) whom

2- A) obtained B) mixed C) pasted D) transmitted

E) spread

3- A) was being exiled B) exiled C) was exiled D) had to exile

E) had exiled

4- A) to B) about C) from D) along

E) as

5- A) it B) them C) their D) its

E) itself


George Crum was a Native American man employed as a chef at Moon Lake Lodge, an elegant resort in Saratoga Springs, New York. Crum prepared French fried potatoes for the resort's guests in the thick-cut French style popular at the time. One evening in the summer of 1853, a dinner guest found Crum's French fries too thick for his liking and sent them back; (6) ......, Crum cut and fried a thinner batch, but these, (7) ....... were met with disapproval. Angrily, Crum decided to annoy the guest by producing fries too thin and crisp (8) ...... with a fork. However, the plan backfired, as the guest loved the browned, paper-thin potatoes, and soon other diners began requesting (9) ...... was to become - under the name of Saratoga chips - a house specialty. They remained a local dish until the 1920s, when travelling salesman Herman Lay popularized them by peddling them to grocery stores from the trunk of his car, building a business and a name that would become synonymous (10) ...... the thin, salty snack.

6- A) accordingly B) besides C) still D) on the contrary

E) however

7- A) either B) so C) too D) neither

E) well

8- A) to have eaten B) eating C) to be eaten D) eaten

E) being eaten

9- A) which B) what C) that D) when

E) how

10- A) around B) with C) at D) through

E) alongside


The invention of the zipper occurred


(11) ...... a man's stiff back: Whitcomb L. Judson, who loved machines and experimented with many different kinds of gadgets, had a friend who could not (12) ...... his shoes. Judson thought of helping his friend by attaching slide fasteners that could be opened or closed with one hand to the man's shoes. This was a completely new idea, and in a few weeks Judson had a working model. On August 29, 1893, he patented his new "hookless fastener". These early zip fasteners (13) ...... in the apparel industry by 1905, but they weren't considered practical (14) ...... after an improved version had been developed by Gideon Sundback, a Swedish scientist working in the United States. When the B. Goodrich Company decided to market galoshes with hookless fasteners, the product became popular. These new galoshes (15) ...... with a single zip of the hand, and soon hookless fasteners came to be called "zippers". By the 1920s, zippers had come into widespread use in clothing and luggage, and had many other applications as well.

11- A) consequently B) in order that C) in contrast D) instead of

E) as a result of

12- A) do up B) go with C) take in D) put off

E) try out

13- A) would have usedB) have been used C) were using D) were being usedE) had used

14- A) until B) when C) while D) since

E) then

15- A) have been fastened B) could be fastened C) had been fastened D) should have been fastened E) have to be fastened


The invention of the ice cream cone (16) ....... quite by chance, in the summer of 1904 at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis, Missouri. Charles Menches was an ice-

cream seller working at the fair who sold his ice cream in dishes (17) ...... every other ice-cream man did. In August, when the fair was at its height, the heat became intolerable, and one day disaster struck Mr. Menches. There were (18) ...... hot and thirsty fairgoers wanting ice cream ...... he ran out of dishes. And it wasn't even noon. He had more than half a day of business ahead of him and not a single dish to serve his ice cream on. What did Menches do? He looked around him and thought fast. (19) ...... was a stand where his friend, Ernest Hamwi, who was from Syria, was selling a Middle Eastern treat called zalabia. Zalabia consists of a crisp, wafer-like pastry and is sold with syrup. "Give (20) ...... Zalabia!" cried Menches. He rolled up the zalabia, scooped his ice cream on top, and at that moment, ice cream cones were born.

16- A) went under B) came about C) passed out D) got on

E) took off

17- A) as B) so C) than D) like

E) such

18- A) more...than B) so many...that C) so much...that D) as


19- A) Close B) Around C) Above D) Nearby

E) Along

20- A) yourself B) it C) itself D) me

E) mine


In the 1870s, a Connecticut baker named William Russel Frisbee (21) ...... a clever marketing idea: he put the family name in relief on the bottom of the light tin pans (22) ...... his company's homemade pies were sold. Because the pans were reusable, every time a housewife started to bake her own pie


in one, she would see the name Frisbee and, it was hoped, would think, "How much (23) ...... it would be just to buy one!" EventuallyMr. Frisbee's pies were sold (24) ...... most of Connecticut. It was at Yale University in this same state that, sometime in the 1940s, students began throwing the pie tins through the air and catching them. A decade later, out in California, a UFO enthusiast named Walter Frederick Morrison designed a saucer-like disk for playing catch. It was produced by a company named Wham-O. On a promotional tour of college campuses, the president of Wham-O encountered the pie-plate-tossing craze at Yale. And so the flying saucer from California was renamed (25) ...... the pie plate from Connecticut.

21- A) broke away from B) fell back onC) came up withD) looked down onE) gave up on

22- A) for what B) by whom C) in which D) at what

E) with whose

23- A) easier B) easy C) easily D) easiest

E) too easy

24- A) outside B) throughout C) with D) at

E) alongside

25- A) on B) to C) in D) about

E) after


The modern story of the yo-yo starts with a young gentleman from the Philippines named Pedro Flores, who moved to the USA in the

1920s and began working as a bellhop at a hotel in Santa Monica, California. Carving and playing with wooden objects similar to the future yo-yo was a traditional pastime in the Philippines, but Pedro found that his lunch break playing drew a/an (26) ...... crowd to the hotel. While playing, he would shout out "Yo! Yo!" - meaning "Come! Come!" in the Pilipino language - (27) ...... attract even more people. He eventually started a company, the Flores Yo-Yo Company, to make the toys. Donald F. Duncan, an entrepreneur, first encountered the yo-yo (28) ...... a business trip to California in 1928, and returned a year later to buy the company from Flores, thus acquiring (29) ...... a unique toy ....... the magic name "yo-yo". In the 1950s, Duncan introduced the first plastic yoyos and in 1962, (30) ...... yo-yo boom in history hit the nation thanks to the innovative use of TV advertising.

26- A) exhausted B) indifferent C) fascinated D) unamused

E) battered

27- A) in order to B) so that C) because of D) while

E) due to

28- A) when B) during C) since D) while

E) unless

29- A) whether...or B) either...or C) neither...nor D) such...that

E) not only...but also

30- A) the biggest B) as big as C) so big D) bigger than

E) big enough





"A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives," reads the tombstone of Jackie Robinson, the first Black athlete (1) ...... in baseball's major leagues in the 20th century. By breaking the color barrier in 1947, Robinson made great strides (2) ...... for black athletes ...... for all concerned with racial justice. When Jackie, who had in high school excelled at (3) ...... sport he played, began playing baseball professionally, he had to play with the Negro Leagues because the major leagues were closed to Black players (4) ....... Branch Rickey, president of the Brooklyn Dodgers team, thought that this was wrong, and wanted to find someone who could successfully integrate the sport. He met with Jackie and, impressed by both his skill and his courage, put him on the field with the Dodgers in April 1947. The chief problem Jackie had to overcome was controlling his fiery temper in the face of continual racial slurs from the crowds and the other ballplayers, including some of (5) ...... teammates. Jackie never broke his promise to Rickey to remain silent, even though pitchers sometimes deliberately threw the ball at him, hotels often would not accommodate him, and he and his family received death threats. Instead, he let his playing speak for him, and went on to have a fantastic first season and, in the end, a Hall of Fame career.

1- A) playing B) played C) being played D) to play

E) play

2- A) not only...but also B) either...or C) so much...that D) such...that E) neither...nor

3- A) all B) many C) both D) every

E) some

4- A) in time B) at the time C) over time D) at times

E) out of time

5- A) them B) his own C) him D) himself


With a win in the men's singles event at the US Open tennis championship in 1968, Arthur Ashe became the first Black American to win a Grand Slam, one of the four major tennis tournaments. Five years earlier, in 1963, he had broken the color barrier in tennis when he became the first Black man selected to (6)

...... the United States as a member of the Davis Cup team. In his career, he used his grace and power to stun opponents, and racked up a total of 33 professional tournament titles before his retirement in 1980. Ashe was much more than (7) ...... a tennis player, though: he was also an eloquent spokesman who worked to effect social change both on and off the tennis court, using the wealth he amassed from tennis to champion and support (8) ...... causes ...... the antiapartheid movement in South Africa, the plight of inner-city children and Haitian refugees in the United States, and the education of people about AIDS. Sadly, AIDS was (9) ...... claimed his life in the end: he (10) ...... the disease during double bypass heart surgery in 1983, and he died on 6 February 1993, in New York City.

6- A) rejoice B) renovate C) represent D) remove

E) recover

7- A) not only B) such C) barely D) also

E) just

8- A) either...or B) neither...nor C) so...that D) as


9- A) that B) what C) why D) how

E) when

10- A) had contractedB) was contractedC) was contractingD) had been contractedE) has contracted


"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." This is how Muhammad Ali, one of the greatest boxers in history, described his fighting style. Nearly as famous (11) ...... his poetic way with words as his spectacular abilities, Ali was born with the name Cassius Clay in Louisville, Kentucky. He first gained the heavyweight championship belt in 1964 with a surprise victory (12) ...... then-champion Sonny Liston. Around the same time, he became known for other reasons (13) ......: he joined the Nation of Islam and adopted the name (14) ...... he is now remembered, and he also refused to serve in the American army during the Vietnam War. For this action he was


stripped of his championship belt, banned from boxing and sentenced to five years in prison. When he was finally allowed to fight again, he soon managed to regain the championship belt, and he would go on to win the belt twice more before finally (15) ...... in 1981. After his retirement, he continued as a hero to millions around the world: in 1985, he was asked to negotiate for the release of kidnapped Americans in Lebanon, and he also lit the Olympic flame at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, USA.

11- A) for B) in C) with D) about

E) to

12- A) around B) by C) over D) for

E) towards

13- A) despite B) as well C) therefore D) in addition

E) although

14- A) to whom B) for whose C) about what D) by which

E) the fact that

15- A) to be retired B) to retire C) retiring D) retired

E) retire


Few people may remember the names Tommie Smith and John Carlos, yet (16) ...... they did during the medal award ceremony for the 200-meter race in the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City will never be forgotten. As the flag rose up the pole and the American national anthem began, Smith and Carlos closed their eyes, bowed their heads and raised one black-gloved fist (17) ......- a symbol of the Black Power movement. The two athletes were protesting the failure of the United States government to do anything to truly eliminate the injustices Black Americans were facing. Smith later told the media that his right, black-gloved fist represented Black power in America, while Carlos' left fist represented Black unity: together they formed an arch of unity and power. The black scarf around Smith's neck stood for Black pride and their black socks (they

wore (18) ...... shoes) represented Black poverty in racist America. For their actions, the men were rewarded by being stripped of their medals, forced to leave Mexico and banned from ever again participating in the Olympics. In the end, (19) ......, the event turned out to be (20) ...... one of the most memorable events in Olympic history ...... a milestone in America's civil rights movement.

16- A) that B) how C) when D) which

E) what

17- A) each B) all C) some D) none

E) either

18- A) all B) no C) some D) either

E) none

19- A) though B) hence C) despite D) although

E) moreover

20- A) so...that B) either...or C) such...that D) both...and

E) neither...nor


The fact that Tommie Smith, in winning the 200-meter race in 1968, had set a world record is now largely forgotten as a result of the medal ceremony protest, but not (21) ...... with the record of another American athlete -Bob Beamon; who specialized in the long jump. Beamon had considered taking part in Smith and Carlos's Black Power protest, but eventually (22) ...... doing something just (23) ...... memorable. Prior to Beamon's long jump in Mexico City in 1968, the world record in that event (24) ...... 13 times since 1901, with an average increase of 0.06 meters and the longest increase being 0.15 meters. As Beamon prepared, the world record stood at 8.35 meters - and then he jumped 8.90 meters, shattering the record by 0.55 meters. (25) ...... the defending Olympic champion, Lynn Davies of England, told Beamon, "You have destroyed this event," and in track and field jargon a new


adjective - "Beamonesque" - came into use to describe spectacular feats. Beamon's record wasn't broken until 1991, twenty-three years later, when Mike Powell jumped 8.95 meters at the Track and Field World Championships in Tokyo.

21- A) like B) so C) what D) such

E) though

22- A) cut into B) put off C) broke in D) went down

E) ended up

23- A) such B) when C) much D) like

E) as

24- A) had been brokenB) brokeC) had brokeD) was being brokenE) was breaking

25- A) After B) While C) By the time D) Afterwards


When we think of basketball legend Michael Jordan, we think of a man soaring through the air, his tongue hanging from his mouth in concentration as he defies gravity to score two (26) ...... points for the Chicago Bulls.His face is known throughout the world, from Baltimore to Bangladesh, and the image of him leaping upwards, basketball in hand, was long used as a symbol for the Nike company. He played college ball at the University of

North Carolina, (27) ...... in 1982 he won the championship game with a last-second shot. Professionally, he played for the Bulls for thirteen seasons and won numerous honors, not to mention six NBA championships. Though he was unstoppable on the court, he was not immune to tragedy (28) ...... it: in August 1993, his father, James Jordan, was murdered. (29) ...... returning from the funeral of a friend, he had decided to pull over onto the side of the road to take a nap. As he slept, two local criminals pulled up, killed him, and stole his car - the car which Michael had recently bought him as a gift. The men were soon caught, but Michael -understandably traumatized by the incident - retired soon after. However, (30) ...... a yearhe was back on the court, dominating the game as he had always done.

26- A) much B) most C) so D) more

E) same

27- A) that B) which C) why D) what

E) where

28- A) off B) from C) in D) with

E) upon

29- A) Upon B) As well as C) So that D) While

E) During

30- A) over B) within C) through D) at

E) about




The prototypical film genre, the Western is devoted to telling romanticized tales of the American West. The fundamental plots of Westerns are simple. Life is reduced to its elements: no computers, no cellphones, no

cars, no electricity; in fact, no twenty-first century technology and (1) ...... no "modern life." The high technology of the era - such as the telegraph, the printing press and the railroad - does sometimes appear, but primarily in order to symbolize the fact that this idealized frontier lifestyle is transitory, soon to give way to "civilization", (2) ......


advent is generally portrayed as regrettable. Using the simple elements (3) ...... above, the Western tells a simple morality tale set (4) ...... the spectacular scenery of the American West. The Western portrays a society in which individuals have no social order (5) ...... the family or the town, or sometimes just themselves, and hence - in order to survive- they must live by a certain self-imposed code of honor, which is sometimes violent and sometimes generous, but always individually chosen.

1- A) in order for B) so that C) therefore D) because

E) however

2- A) that B) where C) who D) whose

E) when

3- A) recommended B) scheduled C) ordered D) proposed

E) outlined

4- A) out of B) amidst C) towards D) along E) about

5- A) so large that B) the largest C) larger than D) large enough

E) such a large


Crime and gangster films are developed around the actions of such people as bank robbers, Mafia men and ruthless gangsters, (6) ...... of them stealing and murdering their way through life. Films in this genre often highlight the life and career of a crime figure, detailing his rise and fall through his power struggles and conflicts with law-and-order figures or rival gangs. (7) ...... films tend to be set in large, crowded cities and provide a window onto the secret world of the criminal. The gangsters (8) ...... are usually materialistic, street-smart, violent and self-destructive. They rise to power in a tough cruel manner, showing an ambitious desire for success and recognition, but underneath they can also express sensitivity and gentleness. (9) ...... Westerns, gangsterfilms are basically morality tales: they are success stories turned upside-down, with the criminals living in a dream world of their own,

destined for eventual failure and inevitable death. (10) ...... as the stories are told from their point of view, they usually end up being seen as sympathetic characters.

6- A) all B) every C) either D) both

E) much

7- A) Like B) Such C) As D) So

E) Just

8- A) them B) they C) theirs D) their

E) themselves

9- A) Such B) As C) So D) Such as

E) Like

10- A) For fear that B) Because C) Nonetheless D) Despite the fact

E) As well


Action movies usually (11) ...... a fairly straightforward story of good guys versus bad guys in which most disputes are resolved by using physical force. The basic plot of an action movie is usually so simple that thewhole movie (12) ...... in a simple sentence. (e.g., "A scientist brings dinosaurs back to life only to find them trying to dominate the Earth, again," for the film Jurassic Park.) (13) ...... exactly the good guys are differs from film to film, but in Hollywood films they are usually patriotic and rather conservative Americans, (14) ...... the bad guys are usually either criminals or agents of foreign powers. In the 1980s and before, the bad guys were very often Communists, Since the fall of Communism, Communists are no longer the villains, and so the focus has turned to America's newest scapegoats: drug lords and Middle Eastern terrorists. Action movies also tend to have a single heroic protagonist and often portray institutions such as the military or police as limited by rules and regulations (15) ...... the protagonist has no regard.

11- A) infect B) reduce


C) capture D) involveE) consume

12- A) can be summarizedB) was being summarizedC) has been summarizingD) is summarizingE) should have summarized

13- A) When B) Who C) Why D) That

E) How

14- A) yet B) whereas C) as though D) despite

E) in order that

15- A) what else B) for which C) from whom D) wherever

E) anything


The so-called "Buddy Cop" genre of films are action films (16) ...... plots involving two men of very different and conflicting personalities who are forced to work together (17) ...... a crime and/or defeat criminals. Many consider the 1982 film 48 Hours, starring Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte, to have started the genre. In that film, a white cop teams up with a black convict to try to catch a murderer. Frequently, the two heroes in Buddy Cop films are of different ethnicities or cultures. (18) ...... the two men do have a similar ethnic background, one of them is often "yvilder" than the other: a hot-tempered rebel paired with a more even-tempered partner. Another frequent plot device of this genre is to have one of the men be removed from his natural element, usually by being forced to operate in a different country. When this is done, the other man acts as a guide to the unfamiliar (19) ..... .As evidenced by 48 Hours, a Buddy Cop film (20) ...... always involve two policemen. Films that do not specifically involve two cops, but otherwise have many of the characteristics of a Buddy Cop film, are sometimes considered to be members of an even larger genre of "Buddy" films.

16- A) for B) from C) into D) with

E) among

17- A) solving B) to be solved C) to solve D) solved

E) having solved

18- A) That B) If only C) Whether D) Even if

E) However

19- A) another B) such C) one D) them

E) someone

20- A) needn't B) can't C) ought not to D) could not

E) doesn't need


The basic plot of a romantic comedy, which can be considered as a sub-genre of comedy films (21) ...... as of romance films, is that two people meet each other, but do not become romantically involved (22) ...... some internal factor (e.g., on the surface they do not like each other) or an external barrier (e.g., one is romantically involved with another person). At some point, after various comic scenes, they are parted for some reason. One partner then realizes that they are perfect for each other, and eventually they meet again, often after some spectacular effort and/or an incredible coincidence. They then proceed to declare undying love for each other, and finally disappear off into the sunset together. Of course, there are innumerable variations on this basic plotline, and it is not (23) ...... essential for the two lead characters to end up in (24) ...... arms. The basic format of a romantic comedy predates the cinema by centuries. For instance, (25) ...... of William Shakespeare's plays, such as Much Ado About Nothing, fall squarely within the bounds of the romantic comedy.

21- A) the same B) also C) that D) similar

E) as well

22- A) accordingly B) however C) because of D) in spite of


E) so that

23- A) how B) what C) even D) already

E) any

24- A) one another B) their own C) themselves D) their

E) each other's

25- A) one B) every C) much D) many

E) either


In the late 1960s and 1970s, a public fascination with the supernatural was fed by serious, often bloody horror movies. Roman Polanski's Rosemary's Baby (1968) was a critical and popular success and (26) ...... the groundwork for the important horror film The Exorcist (1973). These films had production values equal to those of (27) ...... serious film of the time. Similar to these was George Romero's groundbreaking 1968 film, Night of the Living Dead, which introduced the modern zombie drama. (28) ...... later, in 1978, the slasher genre was created with John Carpenter's excellent shocker film Halloween, which introduced the teens-threatened-by-superhuman-evil theme, with

its imitators in the 1980s becoming increasingly bloody and poorly made.Following this, in the 1990s - with (29) ...... left to go in the realm of explicit violence -horror films turned to self-mocking irony and outright parody, as exemplified by Wes Craven's Scream, (30) ...... menaced teensoften make reference to horror film history and mix ironic humor with the shocks.

26- A) lay B) laid C) lied D) led

E) leaned

27- A) any B) several C) some D) all

E) many

28- A) Too much B) Whenever C) So many D) Somewhat

E) Quite

29- A) anything B) wherever C) nowhere D) someone

E) whomever

30- A) whose B) which C) what D) that

E) whom




Two main social systems seem to have dominated Western Europe during the Middle Ages: the Catholic Church, and the feudal system. (1) ...... of these were structured with an extreme hierarchy and rigidity which eventually ended up commanding many aspects of the lives of the individuals associated (2) ...... them. Many historians say that the spirit and work of the Catholic Church were the great civilizing influences of medieval times, and it could be said that its promise of paradise for the faithful offered hope to millions. Of course, as nine-tenths of the population were serfs (3) ...... a

miserable life under the iron boot of the feudal system, most of the population needed such hope. The feudal system required the serfs -who were bound to their lord's land - to give about half of their labour and produce to their lord. Luckily, there were many holidays, or holy days, (4) ...... they at least had a chance to enjoy themselves (5) ...... by listening to minstrels, dancing, and participating in various games and sports.

1- A) Both B) Every C) Some D) All

E) Many


2- A) between B) to C) with D) along

E) from

3- A) lived B) to live C) to be living D) living

E) be living

4- A) when B) why C) which D) how

E) whom

5- A) rather B) somewhat C) little D) quite

E) very


Humanism (6) ...... the essence of the Renaissance. The word "renaissance" is French for "rebirth", and in a sense that is exactly what the Renaissance was: a rebirth of the ideas and ideals of the ancient Greeks and Romans after the Middle Ages, (7) ...... Renaissance thinkers thought of as a time of ignorance and mere superstition. The name of the humanist movement derives (8) ...... the Roman statesman Cicero's use of the word "humanity" to indicate the cultivation of the human mind via a kind of broad education in a variety of different subjects. This type of education is still referred to as "the humanities" even today. For the Renaissance humanists, humanism meant (9) ...... knowledge to open up new possibilities for mankind. A major new direction in which they explored was science, and the investigations of (10) ...... men ...... Galileo, Copernicus and Newton paved the way for an entirely new vision of the universe.

6- A) focuses B) constitutes C) differs D) undermines

E) convinces

7- A) what B) whom C) when D) that

E) which

8- A) towards B) about

C) from D) overE) for

9- A) having used B) to be used C) being used D) using

E) to be using

10- A) both...and B) so...that C) too D) any...for



Though the term "the Enlightenment" refers specifically to an intellectual movement in 18th-century Europe, the effects of this movement extend far (11) ...... that time and place. (12) ...... out of Renaissance Humanism, the Enlightenment's main goal was to understand the natural world and humanity's place in it solely on the basis a reason and without turning to religious belief. Although the movement was extremely wide-ranging, (13) ..... of its proponents had several beliefs and values in common. Firstly, they believed that religious dogma was inferior to logic and rational philosophy, and (14) ......, that the scientific method was the best possible way for human beings to understand (15) ...... the natural world ...... humanity itself. They also believed in the dignity of the individual, and so claimed that all individuals had certain rights. Furthermore, they were confident that science was necessarily a positive good for humanity. Such ideals - which have not always been lived up to - continue to inform Western and Western-influenced societies even today.

11- A) beyond B) among C) with D) about

E) between

12- A) To have developedB) To be developingC) DevelopD) Having developedE) To be developed

13- A) little B) any C) both D) all

E) none


14- A) despite the fact B) because C) therefore D) however

E) on the contrary

15- A) neither...nor B) not only...but also C) so much...that D) either...or

E) so


The Romantic movement was in many ways a reaction (16) ...... the Enlightenment. There is no universal agreement on exactly (17) ...... Romanticism was, but basic to it was certainly a measure of distrust of the Enlightenment's worship of reason and science. Romanticism began during the first stirrings of the Industrial Revolution, and therefore, its proponents (18) ...... some of the more harmful effects of science: the exploitation of the individual worker and the destruction of nature in the name of "progress". Romantics therefore, in opposition to this, developed a sort of cult of nature and of the more irrational, creative aspects of humanity. In the arts, it was characterized by the use of more popular aspects of culture - such as folk music and everyday normal speech - . (19) ...... by a stronger emphasis (20) ...... upon powerful emotions, the imagination, and rebellions against social conventions.

16- A) with B) towards C) alongside D) through

E) against

17- A) where B) when C) why D) which

E) what

18- A) were able to witnessB) had been witnessedC) have witnessedD) ought to witnessE) used to be witnessed

19- A) subsequently B) as well as C) because D) however

E) consequently

20- A) having laidB) layingC) to be layingD) being laidE) to lay


Realism and its successor, naturalism, were artistic movements that arose in late 19th-century Europe as a reaction against Romanticism, which in the course of (21) ...... later development had degenerated into an obsession (22) ...... fantasy, mythology and nationalism. Realist novels, (23) ...... tended to focus on ordinary people and ordinary events. Some of the authors considered to be reaiists include Balzac, Flaubert and Tolstoy, who is perhaps (24) ...... realist novelist of them all. Naturalism developed from realism at the very end of the 19th century, and - influenced by the theory of evolution - claimed that the novel ought to resemble a kind of fictional case study similar to the nonfictional case studies of sociology. Naturalist authors tend to depict human beings as being at the mercy of social forces (25) ...... their control. Zola is the most famous naturalist author, but the movement was widespread, and even made an appearance in Turkey with Ahmet Mithat Efendi's novel, “Henüz Onyedi Yaşında”.

21- A) them B) there C) its D) itself

E) theirs

22- A) with B) to C) for D) from

E) under

23- A) by all means B) in contrast C) on no account D) over and over

E) at their leisure

24- A) much greater B) so great C) as great D) the greatest

E) too great


25- A) towards B) beyond C) upon D) along

E) between


Exactly (26) ...... the modernist period in art and literature began is not entirely certain: most critics claim it first emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but some have stated that eaiiier 19th-century writers such as French poet Charles Baudelaire and Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky are entirely "modern". (27) ...... thedefinition of the word "modern" is uncertain, but generally speaking, any art or literature known as "modernist" can be said (28) ...... certain elements (29) ....... First, modernist works deal more freely with things that are not beautiful or pleasant, such as ugliness and violence, or previously taboo subjects, such as sex and drugs. Also, modernist art and literature are very technically sophisticated as artists have discovered new expressive techniques; such techniques, however, often make great demands on the audience. Hand-in-hand with this, the meanings of modern art have also become more complex (30) ...... be able to appropriately express the greater complexities of modern life.

26- A) what B) why C) which D) when E) that

27- A) Quite B) Whereas C) Even D) Just

E) Whether

28- A) to have B) having C) have had D) have

E) to be having

29- A) on average B) at length C) for short D) at most

E) in common

30- A) instead of B) in order to C) in addition to D) nevertheless

E) owing to




An expatriate - which is often (1) ...... to "expat" - is someone who is either temporarily or permanently residing in a country or culture other than (2) ...... of their upbringing and/or legal residence. The term comes from a combination of the Latin roots ex, (3) ...... "out of", and patria, or "country",and is most commonly used in the context of Westerners living in non-Western countries. An expatriate is different from an immigrant in that unlike immigrants, who commit to becoming a part of their country of residence, expatriates do no such thing, but instead hold (4) ...... detached from the "natives" (5) ...... they are living, choosing instead to associate primarily or even exclusively with fellow expatriates. Thus, they generally remain ignorant of the local language, and have a tendency to adopt a rather patronizing attitude towards the local culture.

1- A) justified B) rationalized C) abbreviated D) extended

E) inscribed

2- A) that B) what C) which D) those

E) their own

3- A) having meant B) to mean C) being meant D) meaning

E) to be meaning

4- A) it B) themselves C) their D) them

E) itself


5- A) for what B) to which C) by whom D) among whom

E) upon which


In 19th-century France, the term "bohemian" arose - owing to the mistaken French perception that gypsies had originated in Bohemia, a Czech province - (6) ...... describe a group of artists, writers, and disenchanted people of all sorts who wished to live a nontraditional lifestyle of the sort that the French associated vaguely with the gypsies. Thus, bohemians were seen as outsiders (7) ...... apart from conventional society and untroubled by its disapproval; as possibly possessing very obscure knowledge; and as being rather neglectful (8) ...... personal hygiene. With (9) ...... these connotations, the term continues to be in use today to define a certain variety of artistically inclined intellectual. Bohemians have traditionally been placed in opposition to the bourgeois, though in fact many of the most talented European and American artists and writers over the last 150 years (10) ...... onefoot in "bohemia" and the other in the bourgeois world.

6- A) for B) just as C) in order to D) in addition to

E) so that

7- A) lived B) living C) to be living D) to live

E) having lived

8- A) at B) from C) under D) among

E) of

9- A) all B) many C) most D) much

E) some

10- A) are having B) have C) have had D) were having

E) had


Hippies were members of the 1960s counterculture movement (11) ...... adopted a communal or nomadic lifestyle, renounced capitalist nationalism and the Vietnam War, embraced Eastern and Native American religious culture, and were in general at odds (12) ...... traditional middle-class Western values. Although the hippie movement exhibited a great deal of variety, most of its adherents shared several things (13) ......: they tended to have long and somewhat unkempt hair; they wore brightly-coloured clothes; they used drugs partly for recreation and partly in the hope of spiritual enlightenment; they listened to certain varieties of music, especially (14) ...... which might induce trance-like states; and they often (15) ...... society and lived in communes of like-minded people. The term "hippie" was first used in 1965 to describe an already large subculture centered in San Francisco, but by 1970 the entire hippie subculture had largely been swallowed up by the mainstream.

11- A) where B) what C) who D) whose

E) whom

12- A) over B) through C) with D) upon

E) against

13- A) in commonB) by mistakeC) for a changeD) under the impressionE) at most

14- A) them B) those C) they D) what

E) it

15- A) dropped out ofB) came back withC) looked forward toD) put up withE) measured up to


The so-called "New Age" movement is very difficult to define (16) ....... as it


encompasses a wide variety of different beliefs and practices. To some extent, it can be said (17) ...... out of one particular aspect of the hippie subculture; namely, the hippies' turn towards Eastern and Native American religious culture. The movement is broadly characterized by alternative approaches to traditional Western culture, and is particularly concerned (18) ...... differing varieties of spiritual exploration, holistic medicine, and mysticism. Some practitioners utilize a sort of "do-it-yourself" approach, adopting from a grab bag of sources whatever practices they feel inclined to, whereas (19) ...... groups have actually formulated coherent belief systems resembling those of traditional religion. They differ from their hippie forebears in generally putting (20) ...... less emphasis on drug use and in living more often among mainstream society rather than apart from it.

16- A) rather B) scarcely C) obscurely D) precisely

E) somewhat

17- A) growing B) having grown C) grown D) being grown

E) to have grown

18- A) to B) about C) around D) with

E) between

19- A) other B) both C) anything D) another

E) each

20- A) much B) more C) so D) such E) many


The punk movement, which arose (21) ...... in New York and Britain in the mid-1970s, expressed a wholehearted and somewhat violent rejection of both the hippie subculture which had preceded it and the capitalist value system which prevailed at the time. British

punk was generally (22) ...... overtly political ...... its New York counterpart, and was responding to the terrible problem of urban blight and rising unemployment in the UK. Musically, punk scorned the pretension and commercialism of contemporary rock music (23) ...... the more concise and simple style of early rock and roll, and often adopted a DIY ("do-it-yourself") approach which announced that musical ability was basically less important than passion. The DIY approach also dictated punk fashion, which consisted of (24) ...... things ...... spiked and dyed hair; deliberately cut, torn, or written-on pants and shirts; safety pins used as face-piercing jewellery; and black garbage bags used as clothing. True punk is still alive and well today, despite mainstream culture's attempts to commercialize (25) ....... .

21- A) barely B) exactly C) simultaneously D) constantly

E) considerably

22- A) so...that B) more...than C) D) enough...for

E) the

23- A) on the tip of B) in store forC) over and aboveD) side by side E) in favour of

24- A) so...that B) both...and C) the D)

E) either...or

25- A) it B) themselves-s C) its D) them

E) itself


The meaning and implications of the term "goth" have evolved (26) ...... the years, though it seems (27) ...... initially to describe 1980s post-punk musical groups which, though close to the rebellious spirit of punk, expressed a more despairing and introverted form of anger. One major influence (28) ...... the goth subculture - and the source of its name -was the gothic literature of the 19th century, exemplified by writers such as Edgar


Allan Poe, who dealt with horror, darkness, and the supernatural; 20th-century horror films also exerted some influence. Goths are, according to some, defined by black clothes and hair dye, silver jewellery, horror, and a fascination with death, darkness, and depression. Others, however, claim that this list of traits is stereotypical and patronizing to what is actually a subculture full of a great variety and richness of expression. For example, television shows such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel show that goth, (29) ...... its morbidly serious reputation, is perfectly capable of poking fun at (30) ....... .

26- A) along B) through C) at D) among

E) between

27- A) having been usingB) being used

C) to have been usedD) to be usingE) having been used

28- A) upon B) above C) around D) to

E) towards

29- A) despite B) in order that C) accordingly D) for fear that E) because of

30- A) their B) themselves C) itself D) its

E) it




Sometimes it seems (1) ...... criminals are fond (2) ...... being caught. Once, a man in Belgium was arrested because police suspected that he had robbed a jewellery store. The man, however, swore to them that he did not do it. When the police asked if he had an alibi, he helpfully explained that on the night of the jewellery store robbery, he had been busy breaking into a school. Surprised yet content, the police gladly dropped the jewellery store charges, arresting him for breaking into the school (3) ....... Similarly, in Chicago one afternoon, a man carrying a woman's purse was picked up on the street by a policeman, as he matched the description of a purse snatcher that had been reported just a few seconds earlier. The policeman told the thief that he (4) ...... him to the woman for positive identification. When they returned to the scene of the crime, the criminal said, "Yes, officer, that is definitely the lady (5) ...... I robbed."

1- A) just as B) as if C) like D) so

E) such

2- A) around B) to C) about D) of

E) with

3- A) instead B) too C) consequently D) rather

E) as well

4- A) would be taking B) will have taken C) was taken D) has taken

E) had been taking

5- A) which B) what C) whom D) whose

E) where


From the state of Kentucky come two examples of criminals who got a bit too frightened for their own good. Late one night, two men tried to pull the front off an ATM machine (6) ...... a chain from the machine to the bumper of their pickup truck, instead of pulling the panel off the machine, however, they pulled the bumper off the truck. (7) ......, they left the scene of the crime. Their bumper, (8) ...... their license plate, was still


attached to the ATM. It didn't take long for the police to find them. Another frightened Kentuckian criminal was the one who broke into the basement of a jewellery store (9) ...... a street-level window. In the process, he managed to cut (10) ...... severely on the glass. Fearing that, as he was wounded, he would neither be able to get the money nor climb back, the robber panicked. Realizing he was going to bleed to death if he did not get help, he located a phone and called 911. The rest, as they say, is history.

6- A) connected B) to connect C) connecting D) about connecting

E) by connecting

7- A) To scare B) Having scared C) To be scared D) Scaring

E) Scared

8- A) as well B) however C) thus D) along with

E) accordingly

9- A) between B) through C) towards D) among

E) alongside

10- A) its B) another C) himself D) it


24-hour convenience stores seem to attract their fair share of foolish people. An apparently thirsty man in New York City once walked into a 7-11 store with a shotgun late at night and demanded all the money from the cash register. After the cashier put the money in the bag as (11) ......, the man made (12) ...... demand: he also wanted the bottle of Scotch whisky (13) ...... he saw behind the counter. The cashier refused to hand over the Scotch because he did not believe the man was 21, (14) ...... is the legal drinking age in the United States. The robber swore that he was, but still the cashier refused to give him the whisky. Finally, the robber handed over his identification card, (15) ...... that he was indeed 21 years old. As soon as he left, the cashier called and gave

the police the name of the man who had just robbed the store. The suspect was arrested two hours later.

11- A) to instruct B) being instructed C) instructed D) to be instructing

E) instructing

12- A) any B) what else C) another D) the other

E) something

13- A) - B) where C) what D) whose

E) when

14- A) who B) that C) what D) when

E) which

15- A) proved B) prove C) to have proven D) proving

E) being proven


Dennis Newton of Oklahoma City was on trial for the armed robbery of a convenience store when he suddenly decided that his lawyer was not doing a (16) ...... job in defending him; (17) ......, he fired him in order to defend himself. The Oklahoma City District Attorney, (18) ...... was prosecuting the case, said Newton was doing a decent job until the store manager came onto the witness stand and testified (19) ...... Newton was indeed the robber. At that moment, Newton jumped up in court, accused the woman of lying, and shouted, "I should have shot you when I had the chance!" The defendant paused thoughtfully, then added, "If I (20) ...... the one that was there." The jury deliberated for twenty minutes before returning a verdict of guilty, and recommended a sentence of thirty years.


16- A) better B) so good C) such good D) the best

E) good enough

17- A) in order that B) thus C) because D) also

E) so that

18- A) who B) whom C) that D) which

E) how

19- A) whom B) what C) that D) why

E) which

20- A) would be B) used to be C) have been D) had been E) must have been


Bank robbers, too, have been known to be not always the most clever of people. Once upon a time, a man from the town of Grand Forks, North Dakota, decided to travel to the city of Fargo (21) ...... he could rob the FirstCommunity Bank there. Upon entering the bank, the criminal quickly wrote a note demanding money and gave it to the bank teller. (22) ...... she gave the man (23) ...... he asked for and watched him run out of the door. The police were called and searches of the surrounding area were made, but with no results. When they reviewed the note that the man had handed to the teller, however, they realized that the criminal had written his message on his own bank deposit slip, which contained his full name and address. The police travelled to the man's house and found him (24) ...... on his front porch, auite satisfied with (25) ...... . They arrested him on the spot.

21- A) accordingly B) for C) in order that D) so as to

E) for fear that

22- A) Frighten B) Frightened C) Being frightening D) Having frightened E) Frightening

23- A) why B) that C) when D) which

E) what

24- A) sitting B) to sit C) having sat D) to be sitting

E) to have sat

25- A) himself B) there C) theirs D) him

E) those


In England once, a particularly idiotic gang of thugs planned (26) ...... they thought would be a brilliant series of daring bank robberies. To drive their getaway car, they hired a man (27) ...... they knew. Going into the first bank, they managed to get the money without any problem (28) ...... As they came fleeing out of the bank, holding several bags full of cash, the man waiting there in the car panicked and caused the car to stall. He desperately tried to get the car started again (29) ...... his criminal genius friends waited in the back seat. Before he could get the car going again, however, the police arrived and arrested the whole lot of them. During the men's trial later on, it was revealed that the man (30) ...... to drive the getaway car not only didn't have a driver's license, but he had also never operated any sort of motor vehicle before in his life.

26- A) when B) that C) where D) what

E) which


27- A) whose B) whom C) how D) which

E) what

28- A) at all B) however C) for once D) somewhat

E) such

29- A) as soon as B) when C) after D) during

E) while

30- A) to hire B) hiring C) to be hired D) having hired

E) hired




Marshall Mathers - better known as Eminem -emerged in 1999 as one of the most controversial (and popular) rappers ever to grace the genre, using his biting wit and incredible skills to rap about everything from his troubled childhood to his contempt for the mainstream media and to offend (1) ...... of people along the way. He is (2) ...... an excellent rapper ....... a gifted producer, and sometimes the furious controversy over his lyrics has threatened to overshadow how talented he really is and how much his music has changed the face of hip-hop. For one thing, he was the first big name to bring the world of white lower-class Americans into rap, a fact which accounts for (3) ...... of his popularity. Perhaps even more important, however, he was one of the first rappers to introduce satire and parody into hip-hop, (4) ...... demonstrated especially on his first two albums, The Slim Shady LP and The Marshall Mathers LP. His most recent albums –

1- A) some B) enough C) lot D) many

E) plenty

2- A) the B) neither...nor C) so D) either...or

E) not only...but also

3- A) much B) several C) lot D) less

E) few

4- A) if B) so C) as D) like

E) such

5- A) it B) them C) itself D) himself

E) theirs


The Eminem Show and the soundtrack to 8 Mile - are somewhat less satirical as a whole than his first two masterpieces, but his talent is as clear on (5) ...... as it ever was. The goth-inspired rock band Evanescence -(6) ...... name means "gradual disappearance" - easily made it to the top of the charts in 2003 with their second full-length album, Fallen. Singer Amy Lee and guitarist Ben Moody formed the band after (7) ...... at a youth camp at the end of the 1990s, when (8) ...... were in (9) ...... early teens. A few years and one self-produced album (10) ......, the band was discovered by producer Pete Matthews, who helped them get onto soundtrack of the 2003 film Daredevil, which featured two of their songs, "Bring Me Into Life" and "My Immortal". The soundtrack catapulted the group to stardom, and their album Fallen eventually went on to sell more than two million copies. Evanescence's signature musical style is ballad-like piano accompanied by crunching guitars, eery orchestral strings, and the now 20-year-old Amy Lee's soaring vocals.

6- A) what B) whose C) which D) whom


E) that

7- A) being met B) met C) meeting D) meet

E) to have met

8- A) both B) all C) each D) either

E) neither

9- A) his B) themselves C) herself D) her

E) their

10- A) then B) as well C) too D) later

E) after


(11) ...... any other single artist, Britney Spears was the driving force (12) ...... the return of teen pop in the late 1990s. Her 1999 debut album, ...... Baby One More Time, established her trademark image as the teen girl who wanted to be naughtier than she was allowed to be. She became an international sex symbol, yet the people who managed her - not to mention Britney herself - claimed in interviews that she was really just a normal, everyday girl. Her second album continued in (13) ...... style ...... her first, but with 2001's Britney, she began trying to craft her image as a more mature young adult. Not surprisingly, perhaps, the album failed to be as successful as the first two had been: after all, when superstars try to change their image and style, the fans often respond (14) ...... away. (15) ....... with her newest album, In the Zone, Spears continues to stress the fact that she has matured out of her teens - and even though her idea of maturity is really rather immature, she should at least be respected for trying to change.

11- A) The most B) So that C) As if D) Such as

E) More than

12- A) between B) over C) behind D) onto

E) around

13- A) B) as...if

C) the D) more...than E) different...from

14- A) to stay B) by staying C) to be stayed D) about staying

E) having stayed

15- A) Nonetheless B) Therefore C) Despite D) In addition

E) Because


Rock-and-roll wild child Avril Lavigne hit big in summer 2002 with her fun debut song, "Complicated", moving pop music (16) ...... a different direction. Lavigne - only 17 years old (17) ...... - didn't seem as concerned with the glamour of the pop world as other pop stars, like Britney Spears, and such confidence allowed her star power (18) ....... A large part of Lavigne's appeal is that she's a brat, acting even younger and more childish than she actually is. This attitude came through on her first album, Lef It Go, and (19) ...... much of her success: she sang in a flat, undistinguished voice that only drew attention to her silly, shallow lyrics. But the music was catchy. On her newest album, the recently released Under My Skin, she tries to be a bit less silly and a bit more serious, and though the results are at times awkward and unsure, only time will tell if (20) ...... her old fans will desert her because of the change.

16- A) above B) about C) into D) among

E) alongside

17- A) over time B) by the time C) on time D) in time

E) at the time

18- A) soar B) to have soared C) soaring D) to soar

E) being soared


19- A) cut across B) poured out C) accounted for D) chanced upon

E) brought up

20- A) a number B) any of C) many D) enough of

E) plenty


In recent years, the boy band Blue - who originally come from London - have become one of (21) ...... chart successes of all. Their music combines smooth, soulish vocals with R&B and dance music. The group formed when singers Duncan James and Anthony Costa teamed up with their housemates, Lee Ryan and Simon Webbe, and a deal with the Virgin music company's Innocent label soon followed. (22) ...... of their songs have beenhits: in fact, the first three singles of their career - "All Rise", "Too Close", and "If You Come Back" - all made it onto the UK charts. Recently, the group released their third album, Guilty, (23) ...... some of the music industry's biggest producers made a contribution. Even more than that, however, the group's cover version of Stevie Wonder's classic song "Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours)" features Stevie Wonder (24) ...... as a guest star. Of course, he performs (25) ...... better than the four lads, but he's been doing this for forty years.

21- A) so big B) too big C) big enough D) such big

E) the biggest

22- A) A number B) Few C) Lot D) Quite

E) A little

23- A) about whom B) to which C) for what D) in that

E) by then

24- A) him B) their

C) they D) his ownE) himself

25- A) most B) enough C) a lot D) more

E) the much


Anastacia is a little lady with a big, big voice. Raised in New York City, she comes from (26) ...... entertainment-oriented family: her father was a singer and her mother an actress in musical theater. At the age of 13, she was diagnosed with a chronic intestinal illness, Crohn's disease, (27) ...... she managed to overcome as she developed a career as a dancer, appearing on Club MTV as well as in several music videos. Record labels grew interested in her after she appeared as a 1999 finalist on the MTV talent contest The Cut, and her debut album, Not That Kind, was released in 2000 to massive international success. (28) ...... this album ...... her second - 2002's Freak of Nature -consist primarily of soulish, danceable pop music, with some ballads and rock influence also seen. Her newest album, Anastacia, is (29) ...... more rock-oriented, perhaps leavinga number of her old fans scratching their heads in confusion, but overall, it is a solid collection of songs, with Anastacia sounding (30) ...... a white Tina Turner on the up-tempo songs and a young Madonna on the ballads.

26- A) an B) the C) such D) those

E) what

27- A) when B) that C) what D) which

E) how

28- A) Neither...nor B) Either...or C) Both...and D) More...than


29- A) as much B) so C) much D) as if

E) such a


30- A) as if B) rather C) such a D) so much

E) like




Sandwiched (1) ...... Switzerland and Austria, 160-square-kilometre Liechtenstein is a country with tax rates (2) ...... low - the maximum rate is 18 percent-...... thousands of foreign companies have established their headquarters there. The fees paid by these companies to work from the country provide 30 percent of Liechtenstein's income. The mountainous country is also a skiers' paradise, and a large part of the rest of the country's money comes from tourism, while another significant percentage is derived from the sale of postage stamps. Though Liechtenstein (3) ...... a sovereign state (4) ...... 1719, the area has been ruled by the Liechtenstein family since the Middle Ages. About half of the country's land area is devoted to crops and pasture -producing corn, grapes, and potatoes - yet since the end of World War II, Liechtenstein has developed into a highly industrialized, prosperous nation. (5) ......, its citizens have one of the highest standards of living in the world.

1- A) among B) through C) towards D) between

E) about

2- A) the B) such a...that C) so...that D) both...and

E) barely...when

3- A) didn't become B) hasn't become C) wasn't becoming D) doesn't become

E) wouldn't have become

4- A) while B) when C) about D) by

E) until

5- A) Even though B) However C) Consequently D) Whereas

E) In addition to


The second smallest republic in the world, San Marino - (6) ...... wonderful official name is The Most Serene Republic of San Marino - is completely surrounded by Italy and has an area of only 61 square kilometres and a population of less than 30,000. It claims to be the world's oldest republic still in existence, as it was founded in 301 AD by a blacksmith known as Saint Marinus. The country is situated in the Apennine Mountains, which run the length of the Italian peninsula. Tourism is the major source of San Marino's revenue, but postage stamps (7) ...... by stamp collectors also contribute greatly to the country's wealth. (8) ...... it is technically an independent nation, San Marino is heavily dependent on Italy: for instance, Italy provides the San Marinans with most of their food. An interesting fact about the country is that, (9) ...... 1648 al! the way...... 1996, San Marino was at war with Sweden. (10) ...... fighting was actually done, though, because San Marino doesn't have an army.

6- A) that B) whose C) where D) which

E) what

7- A) purchasing B) purchased C) have purchased D) to have purchased

E) to purchase

8- A) Accordingly B) Despite C) In order that D) Since

E) Even though

9- A) from...until B) C) D) around...up E) about...towards

10- A) All B) Any C) No D) Some

E) Much



"Tuva-who?" you may be tempted to say. Well, there really is a country called Tuvalu: it is an island nation 4000 kilometres northeast of Australia and (11) ...... of nine small islands with a total area of only 26 square kilometres. Moreover, only about 10,000 people live in Tuvalu, (12) ...... it one of the two independent nations with the (13) ...... inhabitants apart from Vatican City. Tuvalu's main forms of income are technically tourism and fishing, yet since hardly any tourists come and most of the fish are eaten locally, in practical terms foreign aid is actually (14) ...... most of the money comes from. The islands have almost no drinkable water and no soil suitable for agriculture, so almost all of their food - except for fish - and water are imported. The country, which had been a British protectorate since 1892, became independent in 1978. In 2001, Tuvalu's government announced that the islands - whose highest point is 5 metres above sea level - may need to be evacuated (15) ...... that rising sea levels will engulf the entire country.

11- A) made up B) turned off C) grown out D) worn out

E) brought up

12- A) to have made B) makes C) to be making D) making

E) being made

13- A) fewer B) least C) less D) fewest

E) lesser

14- A) how B) which C) whom D) that

E) where

15- A) so B) for fear C) as a result D) in order

E) owing to


Like Tuvalu, Nauru is an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean. With only 10,000 people and 21 square kilometres of land, it is the world's smallest republic. The country consists of only one island, which has vast deposits of phosphate, a mineral used in fertilizers, which is Nauru's only export. (16) ...... the revenue from such an export, the inhabitants of Nauru once had one of the highest per capita incomes on earth, although now all that is changing: the phosphate is (17) ....... (18) ...... phosphate mining, (19) ...... has 90 percent of the country been turned into a wasteland, but the country's only real source of income has also been nearly exhausted. (20) ....... the huge earnings from the phosphate mining were squandered by a corrupt government, and the island went broke. With essentially no money left, and no conceivable way to acquire any more money, Nauru faces a very uncertain future, as evidenced on 1 October 2004, when the president of the country declared a state of emergency and dissolved parliament.

16- A) Because B) Despite C) Thanks to D) Therefore

E) Besides

17- A) turning off B) putting in C) taking up D) running out

E) breaking through

18- A) Lest B) Instead of C) As a result of D) Consequently

E) Inasmuch as

19- A) only if B) not only C) neither D) whether

E) as though

20- A) Furthermore B) On account of C) As well as D) As a consequence

E) Otherwise


A tax-free nation and a gamblers' paradise, Monaco - located (21) ...... the


Mediterranean coast of France, near the Italian border - is the world's second smallest independent nation at only 1.9 square kilometres and with only about 30,000 people. It is, (22) ....... very old: it was founded in 1215 as a colony of Genoa, and has been ruled by the royal House of Grimaldi since 1297. The current prince is Rainier III, (23) ...... acceded to the throne in 1949. Monaco's population may seem small, but (24) ...... the extremely limited area of the country, it is also one of the most densely populated nations in the world. Monaco is home to the world-famous Monte Carlo casino, and a large portion of the country's income comes from the tourist trade. Most of the country's residents are French or Italian, and indeed Monaco is practically unique in the world in that its native inhabitants - called Monagesques - are actually a minority in (25) ...... country.

21- A) about B) in C) to D) among

E) on

22- A) despite B) therefore C) however D) accordingly

E) although

23- A) which B) who C) when D) what

E) whom

24- A) because of B) whereas C) as though D) since

E) thus

25- A) its B) themselves C) theirs D) it

E) their own


The only independent nation contained entirely (26) ...... the boundaries of a single city – Rome - Vatican City is the world's smallest country, (27) ...... in terms of area (44 hectares) ...... in terms of population (only 890 people live therE). Vatican City is home to the Pope and headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church, and (28) ...... nearly all of its residents are church officials: high dignitaries, priests, and nuns, not to mention the Pope (29) ...... .Also dwelling in Vatican City is the famous Swiss Guard, a voluntary military force which essentially serves as the Pope's formal bodyguard. (30) ...... its small size, however, Vatican City is quite rich in artistic significance and history, with buildings such as St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel housing works by such important artists as Botticelli, Bernini, and Michelangelo.

26- A) within B) under C) about D) throughout

E) towards

27- A) whether...not B) not only...but also C) hardly...when D) neither...nor

E) the

28- A) in spite of this B) because C) while D) accordingly

E) yet

29- A) him B) his C) his own D) he

E) himself

30- A) Even so B) Due to C) Whereas D) Despite

E) As a consequence





In European mythology, a dragon is a snake-like legendary creature which is winged but is most often to be found deep (1) ...... of its cave or underground lair, thus identifying it as an ancient creature of the earth. In the modern period, the dragon is typically depicted as a huge, scaly, horned, dinosaur-like creature with leathery wings and the ability to breathe fire. The lair (2) ...... he dragon lives is most often filled with gold and treasure that the dragon protects. Many stories with dragons involve a great hero (3) ...... to kill the dragon, (4) ...... insome stories the dragon is an extremely ancient, wise, and helpful creature with magical powers and the ability to speak, and (5) ...... the hero can go for advice.

1- A) within B) alongside C) among D) inside

E) under

2- A) inside what B) to which C) in which D) into it

E) through which

3- A) attempting B) being attempted C) having been attempted D) to attempt E) to have attempted

4- A) so B) moreover C) besides D) although

E) nonetheless

5- A) between whom B) from whom C) about what D) at which

E) to whom


The griffin is a legendary creature with the

body of a lion, the head of an eagle, and the ears of a horse or donkey. The female also has the wings of an eagle, (6) ...... the male - which is less frequently depicted - has projecting spikes (7) ...... wings. Some writers have described the griffin as having a tail which is actually a snake. The griffin was said to build a nest like (8) ...... of an eagle, but rather than eggs, it laid agates, a kind of precious stone similar to chalcedony. Additionally, the animal was supposed to watch (9) ...... gold mines and hidden treasures. This aspect of the myth probably comes from the Scythian culture: the Scythian steppes -stretching from the modern Ukraine to central Asia - were rich in gold and precious stones, and it was said that when strangers approached (10) ...... the treasures, the guardian griffins would leap on and tear them to pieces. The griffin was frequently depicted on Scythian coins.

6- A) as well as B) in spite of C) therefore D) because

E) whereas

7- A) anyhow B) instead of C) due to D) more than

E) rather

8- A) that B) this C) the D) -

E) those

9- A) out B) about C) over D) to

E) among

10- A) having been gathered B) gathered C) to gather D) being gathered E) to be gathered


In Greek mythology, the Gorgons were vicious female monsters with razor-sharp teeth and hair (11) ...... of living, poisonous snakes.


They are also sometimes depicted (12) ...... having wings of gold and claws of brass. According to the myths, seeing the face of a Gorgon turned the viewer to stone. Moreover, blood taken from a Gorgon's right side could bring the dead back to life, (13) ...... blood from the left side was an instantly fatal poison. Homer, in the Iliad, mentions a Gorgon symbol being fixed in the center of Zeus' shield, and in fact in Greek times, a drawing or stone carving of a Gorgon's face was frequently placed on doors, walls, shields, and coins in the hopes of warding off evil. After Homer, the Greek poet Hesiod increased the number of Gorgons to three, (14) ...... the queen was the famous Medusa. Medusa was also the only mortal Gorgon, and (15) ...... the hero Perseus was able to kill her by cutting off her head while looking at her reflection in a mirrored shield.

11- A) to be made B) making C) having made D) to have made

E) made

12- A) as B) from C) such D) so

E) like

13- A) in order that B) still C) rather than D) while

E) for fear that

14- A) for what B) of which C) among them D) with whose

E) from that

15- A) nevertheless B) thus C) in contrast D) however E) because


In Irish mythology, a leprechaun is a type of elf native to the island of Ireland. A few Irish people believe in the reality of leprechauns, but most people treat (16) ...... merely as charming pieces of folklore. (17) ......solitary by nature, leprechauns live in remote places and make shoes; they can sometimes be

detected by the rhythmic tapping of the shoemaker's hammer. In appearance, they take the form of a quite short old man (the word "leprechaun" is the Irish Gaelic (18) ......"small body"), usually bearded and smoking a pipe. Leprechauns know the location of buried treasure, often in a pot of gold. They will reveal the location of the treasure if (19) ...... but will not give it up easily; hence there is a saying that a leprechaun's treasure is "at the end of the rainbow" (that is, unobtainablE). By nature, leprechauns are quite mischievous, and they like nothing (20) ...... a well-crafted, ironic practical joke.

16- A) themselves B) it C) its D) them E) him

17- A) Being B) Been C) To be D) To have been

E) Be

18- A) with B) about C) from D) to

E) for

19- A) having caught B) catching C) caught D) to be caught

E) have caught

20- A) the best B) so good as C) better than D) well

E) too good


In folklore and mythology, a werewolf is a person who changes into a wolf, (21) ...... by purposefully using magic ...... by being placed under a curse. Most European countries and cultures have stories of werewolves in one form or (22) ....... and in France in the 16th century, many people were even put to death (23) ...... suspicion of being werewolves. In fictional treatments starting in the 19th century, (24) ...... in popular modern superstition, the


transformation from man to wolf is said to take place at full moon and last for a few nights every month. It is said that a werewolf may be killed if it is shot with a silver bullet. The transformation (25) ...... is supposed to be painful, and the resulting wolf is typically cunning but merciless, and often much larger and more powerful than an ordinary wolf.

21- A) instead...of B) nor...either C) either.. .or D) too much.. .for

E) so much...that

22- A) another's B) other C) others D) another

E) the others

23- A) from B) under C) to D) about

E) among

24- A) yet B) so that C) furthermore D) due to the fact that E) as well as

25- A) theirs B) itself C) them D) its

E) it


A vampire is a mythical or folkloric creature said to live by drinking human or animal blood and often having magical powers and the ability to transform itself, most often (26) ...... a bat, a wolf, or mist. Usually the

vampire is the corpse of a dead person, reanimated or made undead by some means. In popular Western culture, they are believed to have long, sharp teeth, and to cast no reflection; this (27) ...... belief is (28) ...... the traditional belief that mirrors reflect one's soul, and creatures of evil have no soul. It is considered extremely difficult to kill a vampire, and special means must be used to do so. Some of these means include ramming a wooden stake (29) ...... a vampire's heart, exposing a vampire to sunlight, and removing and burning a vampire's internal organs. In addition, vampires can be (30) ...... by means of a number of items, such as crosses, bibles, holy water, and garlic, all of which force them to draw back.

26- A) into B) with C) through D) in

E) for

27- A) better B) former C) latter D) later

E) more

28- A) instead of B) rather than C) other than D) owing to

E) at once

29- A) through B) with C) from D) for

E) about

30- A) called upon B) looked after C) brought up D) tied up

E) kept away




A cockfight is a contest held in a pit (1) ...... two roosters ("cock" is an alternate term for a

rooster) trained to severely injure and/or kill one another. Usually wagers are made on the outcome of the match, with the surviving bird being declared the winner. Roosters intended


to participate in cockfights are often specially bred and trained for attacking and killing. In some regional variations of cockfighting, the birds are equipped with artificial steel spurs known as gaffs, which allow the birds to kill much (2) ...... . However, in (3) ...... variations, the bird's feet are wrapped to lengthen the bouts. Cockfighting has a very ancient history, and is considered to be a traditional sporting event by some, but a barbarous case of animal cruelty by others. In many places around the world, cockfighting - (4) ...... any other kind of animal fighting – has been outlawed, either on the grounds of the gambling that usually occurs at such events, or (5) ...... opposition ...... animal cruelty, or both.

1- A) about B) among C) towards D) through

E) between

2- A) very quickly B) as quickly C) quick enough D) more quickly

E) so quick

3- A) other B) the others C) a lot D) another

E) some of

4- A) owing to B) as well as C) furthermore D) nevertheless

E) although

5- A) B) with...from C) at...among D) about...against

E) towards...of


(6) ...... is referred (7) ...... as the "Mesoamerican ballgame" was a sport with ritual associations played for over 3000 years by the peoples of Central America in Pre-Columbian times. As might be expected with a game (8) ...... over such a long time-span in several different cultures, details of the games varied greatly over time and place, so the Mesoamerican ballgame might be more accurately seen as a family of related games. Some versions were played between two individuals, others between two teams of players. (9) ...... the games, however, shared the characteristics of being played with a hard rubber ball in a sunken or walled court. (10) ...... the game was played casually for

simple recreation, it also had important ritual aspects, and major formal ballgames would be considered ritual events. In some of the ritual games, the leader of the losing team would be decapitated as a human sacrifice. His skull would then be used as the core around which a new rubber ball would be made.

6- A) However B) Which C) What D) That

E) Whom

7- A) about B) in C) to D) with

E) from

8- A) having played B) played C) to be played D) to have played

E) playing

9- A) Some B) Much C) That D) Those

E) All

10- A) Still B) Because C) As a result D) While

E) Despite


Buzkashi is a traditional Afghan sport played on horseback. The name translates literally as "goat-grabbing", implying that the game developed from the ancient Mongolian practice of stealing a goat while riding at full gallop. The goal of a buzkashi player is (11) ...... the dead body of a calf, and then either (12) ...... it ....... from the other players or pitch it across a goal line. Competition is typically fierce, as other players may use any force short of tripping the horse in order to thwart scoring attempts (the use of knives or guns, however, is not looked (13) ...... kindly). Riders usually wear heavy clothing and head protection to protect themselves from players' whips and boots, and games can last for several days. Serious buzkashi players train intensively for years, and many of the game's masters are over 40 years old. Playing well also requires specially trainedhorses that know to gallop forcefully (14) ...... their rider gets hold of the calf. These horses can sell for (15) ...... $2500, which is just under the average five-year salary of a


typical Afghan.

11- A) to grab B) grabbing C) to be grabbed D) grab

E) having been grabbed

12- A) take...on B) C) get...away D) make...out

E) put...up

13- A) over B) after C) through D) to

E) upon

14- A) whichever B) whenever C) whoever D) whatever

E) whomever

15- A) alike B) the same as C) similar to D) as much as

E) too many


Iaido, also sometimes called iaijutsu, is the art of drawing the katana - the actual word for a "samurai sword" - cutting (16) ...... the opponent, flipping blood from the blade, and then putting the katana back in its case, (17)...... in one smooth movement. The main emphasis is on drawing the sword and attacking as quickly as possible. Starting positions can be from either typical combative postures, or from everyday sitting or standing positions. Practitioners, traditionally, were trained to suspect a surprise attack (18) ......, and the ability to react quickly from an everyday starting position was (19) ...... considered essential. It is this traditional, specifically combat-oriented form that is known as iaijutsu, while the term iaido is more often reserved (20) ...... the modern self-improvement-oriented form, which focusses on a practitioner's ability to concentrate and to integrate his or her mind, body, and soul.

16- A) among B) down C) between D) outside

E) with

17- A) some B) whole C) most D) all

E) much

18- A) at a time B) by the time C) at any time D) on time

E) for a time

19- A) thus B) so that C) still D) because of

E) despite

20- A) at B) about C) with D) towards

E) for


Oil wrestling, sometimes known as grease wrestling, is the Turkish national sport, and is (21) ...... called because the wrestlers douse themselves with olive oil. The wrestlers are known as pehlivan and wear a type of hand-stitched lederhosen called kispet, which were traditionally made of water buffalo hide, but can now also be made of calf leather. The sport in its modern form comes originally from India, (22) ...... it is known as pehalwani. From India it travelled to the neighbouring Persians, who called it pahlavani, and from them it (23) ......into the Ottoman Empire. In the Ottoman Empire, wrestlers learned the sport in special schools called tekke, which were (24) ...... athletic centres ....... spiritual centres. In modern times, the most important oil wrestling tournament, the Kırkpınar Games in Edirne, is (25) ...... for three days every summer, with around 1000 wrestlers competing. These games have been held there annually since 1362.

21- A) such B) as C) more D) that

E) so


22- A) where B) what C) which D) why

E) that

23- A) has been introduced B) introduced C) was introducing D) was introduced E) had introduced

24- A) so...that B) whether...or C) not only...but also D) such...that E) too...for

25- A) held out B) put on C) pulled up D) taken in

E) looked after


The modern sport of skateboarding has its origins in surfing, and (26) ...... was originally called "sidewalk surfing". Moreover, just as surfing originally influenced skateboarding methods, now the reverse is also true: surfers are performing moves created and perfected by skateboarders, and the result has been evolution in both sports. Skateboarding began to develop from a playful pastime into a serious sport (27) ...... great skill in the 1970s, when eager skateboarders began using drainage ditches and empty swimming pools to perform tricks in. Eventually, what is known as the halfpipe was invented: this was basically two ramps stuck (28) ...... at the bottom, allowing

skaters to skate continually up and down (29) ...... sides of the halfpipe. In the beginning, skating tricks were fairly simple, but that all changed in 1978 with the creation of the "ollie", which involves flying off of the ground into the air, but without holding (30) ....... the skateboard with your hands at all.

26- A) on time B) at a loss C) on the spot D) at once

E) in fact

27- A) demand B) demanded C) demanding D) to be demanded

E) being demanded

28- A) within B) together C) towards D) alongside

E) apart

29- A) some B) both C) most D) either

E) each

30- A) off B) against C) with D) onto

E) over




It is not known whether the tea plant is indigenous to China or India, or (1) ....... but the use of tea as a beverage drunk for pleasure on social occasions is certainly Chinese in origin, dating back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907) or earlier. The first Europeans to encounter tea were Portuguese explorers (2) ...... Japan in 1560. Soon, imported tea was introduced to Europe, (3) ...... it quickly became popular among the wealthy in France and the Netherlands. English use of tea began a bit later, around

1650, but became so popular in (4) ...... short time that it created a huge trade deficit with China. The British set up tea plantations in colonial India to provide their own supply, as well as trying to balance the trade deficit by selling opium to the Chinese, which led to the First Opium War of 1838-1842. In the American colonies, just before the Revolutionary War, the Americans stopped drinking tea as an act of protest against high British taxes on the product, and (5) ...... then coffee has been far more popular than tea in the United States.


1- A) whether B) either C) never D) both

E) also

2- A) visited B) to have visited C) visiting D) to visit

E) being visited

3- A) where B) which C) whether D) that

E) what

4- A) many B) so C) such a D) much

E) so much

5- A) for B) since C) while D) during

E) afterCOFFEE

Coffee probably originated in the Ethiopian province of Kaffa, though Yemen has also been (6) ...... as a possible area of origin. The substance first became popular in Arabia around the 13th century, its popularity probably enhanced by Islam's prohibition (7) ...... alcoholic drinks. Before 1600, coffee production was a jealously guarded secret and fertile beans were not found outside Arabia, but sometime after that year, coffee trees (8) ...... in India, possibly (9) ...... the smuggling of fertile beans. Around 1650, coffee importation to England began and coffeehouses sprang up in Oxford and London. Coffee planting began in the English colonies, but a disease (10) ...... the plantations, leading them to be replanted with tea instead. By the 18th century, the beverage had become popular throughout Europe, and European colonists had introduced the coffee plant to tropical countries worldwide as a plantation crop in order to supply domestic demand.

6- A) counted out B) put forth C) touched up D) gone against

E) got into

7- A) with B) towards C) through D) among

E) against

8- A) were being grown B) have been grown C) are growing D) had grown E) have been growing

9- A) accordingly B) in spite of C) due to D) as a consequence

E) whereas

10- A) took over B) played up C) spun off D) wiped out

E) provided for


The English word "yoghurt" comes from the Turkish "yoğurt", which (11) ...... may be derived from the verb "yogurtmak", meaning "to blend" - a reference to how yoghurt is made. Yoghurt-making involves the introduction of specific kinds of bacteria into pasteurized milk under very carefully controlled temperature and environmental (12) ....... Yoghurt is traditionally believed (13) ...... by the Bulgar people of central Asia, although there is evidence of cultured milk products in other cultures as far back as 2000 BC. The earliest yoghurts were probably spontaneously fermented, perhaps by wild bacteria residing inside goatskin bags used for transportation. In Europe, yoghurt remained primarily a food of the central and eastern parts of the continent until the 1900s, when a Russian biologist theorized (14) ...... heavy yoghurt consumption was responsible (15) ...... the unusually long lifespans of the Bulgar people. Soon after, yoghurt began to be promoted as a healthy snack, and in 1919 the widespread industrial production of yoghurt in Europe began in Barcelona.

11- A) them B) its C) theirs D) it

E) itself

12- A) situations B) occurrences C) results D) conditions E) disturbances

13- A) invented B) to have invented C) having been invented D) inventing


E) to have been invented

14- A) that B) what C) which D) where

E) whose

15- A) to B) among C) over D) for

E) through


The ancient world was generally ignorant of soap as we know it today; the ancient Greeks used olive oil to clean themselves, while the Romans, although they did make a variety of soap from animal fat and wood ashes, used itfor medicinal (16) ...... cleaning purposes. The ancient Gauls used soap as well - as a pomade to keep their hair shiny. Beginning in the Middle Ages, soap began (17) ...... in the home by mixing animal fats with lye for use in cleaning laundry. This was a very dangerous procedure, (18) ...... handling lye can result in serious chemical burns and even blindness. Bar soap, such as that often still used today for washing hands, was a luxury product that didn't come into common use (19) ...... the late 19th century. Soon after, advertising campaigns in Europe and the United States began to insist on the relationship between cleanliness and health, and by the 1950s, soap (20) ...... public acceptance as a means of personal hygiene.

16- A) rather than B) accordingly C) thanks to D) instead

E) otherwise

17- A) to make B) to be made C) to be making D) making

E) having been made

18- A) so that B) though C) despite D) as

E) while

19- A) since B) after C) until D) in

E) around

20- A) was gained B) has gained C) had gained D) has been gaining E) gained


More than 200 different plant species produce a milky, viscous sap called latex, (21) ...... is the source for natural rubber. In its native Central and South America, rubber (22) ...... for thousands of years. The ancient Mesoamerican civilizations played (23) ...... of different ballgames using rubber balls, and a few Pre-Columbian rubber balls have been found, with the earliest dating to about 1600 BC. The Spanish conquistadors who invaded modern-day Mexico in the 16th century were so (24) ...... by the vigorous bouncing of the Aztecs' rubber balls that they wondered if the balls were enchanted by evil spirits. The earlier Mayan civilization had made a sort of temporary rubber shoe by dipping their feet into a latex mixture, and they had a great many other uses for the substance as well. Soon after samples of rubber first arrived in England in the late 18th century, the chemist Joseph Priestley noticed that dried latex was capable of rubbing out pencil marks - and (25) ...... the word "rubber", and eventually the modern rubber industry, was born.

21- A) why B) which C) what D) where

E) that

22- A) has been collected B) would be collecting C) used to collect D) is being collected E) would have collected

23- A) a number B) variety C) enough D) many

E) some

24- A) reacted B) interested C) disappointed D) betrayed

E) astounded


25- A) although B) since C) instead D) thus

E) in case


Centuries before the first synthetic plastics were made, several naturally occurring substances were used as plastic material, including shellac - a substance made from the secretions of a tiny insect - as well as from the horns of animals, which had to be "plasticized", or softened, by (26) ...... in water first. The first synthetic plastic was made from the plant material cellulose by John Wesley Hyatt in 1869. Hyatt found that one form of cellulose could be used as an inexpensive substitute (27) ...... the natural material ivory, (28) ...... it had been chemically plasticized. The new material, called celluloid, came into use for eyeglass frames, combs, buttons, dentures, and photographic film. Later, in 1909, Leo H. Baekeland developed the first plastic made entirely from synthetic materials, naming it Bakelite, (29) ...... honour ...... himself. Bakelite and similar compounds are still used today in wiring devices, power brakes on automobiles, telephone relay systems, and electrical switch gear. Since then, a great variety of new plastics (30) ....... .

26- A) boiling B) being boiled C) boiled D) to be boiled

E) having boiled

27- A) through B) on C) for D) between

E) in

28- A) once B) suddenly C) eventually D) while

E) during

29- A) through.. .on B) for.. .about C) in...of D) to...with


30- A) are being developedB) are developingC) were developedD) developedE) have been developed




The hippopotamus - whose name means "river horse" in Greek - is a large, plant-eating African mammal. Hippos are (1) ...... creatures, living in groups of up to twenty animals. Because they are extremely (2) ...... to sunburn, they spend most of the day up to their nostrils in the waters of tropical rivers, coming onto land for food only at night, when they (3) ...... up to 50kg of vegetation per day. Despite their size, they are very skilled and graceful in the water. Hippos are territorial creatures, with the male hippo marking his land along a riverbank and drawing in a harem of females while defending it against other males; male hippos challenge one another with threatening stares. Although the hippo has an image as a peaceful and easygoing animal, it is actually among the most dangerous in Africa, accounting for more human deaths than any other animal except the lion. Its front teeth are 50cm long, and it can use its head as a

battering ram, especially when fighting (4) ...... males attempting to (5) ...... its territory.

1- A) imaginative B) crafty C) sociable D) cowardly

E) repellent

2- A) creditable B) transferable C) coincidental D) treatable

E) susceptible

3- A) consume B) irritate C) evaporate D) settle

E) preserve

4- A) tasteful B) assistant C) rival D) avoidable

E) available


5- A) impose B) elect C) conserve D) invade

E) classify


The baboon is a type of ground-dwelling primate found in savannas, open woodlands, and hills across the continent of Africa. Unlike most other primates, they have longish, dog-like faces, as well as close-set eyes, heavy and powerful jaws, thick fur, a short tail, and often brightly coloured faces and behinds. They are (6) ...... of walking on two legs, and so get around on all fours. Their diet is omnivorous but usually vegetarian, and they forage for their food at (7) ...... times throughout the day and night, rather than (8) ...... to any set schedule. They are quite noisy creatures, and also quite (9) ......: they have been known on occasion to raid human dwellings and attack people, as well as occasionally preying on (10) ...... sheep and goats from farms. Baboons typically live in hierarchical troops of 5 to 250 animals, with 50 being the average, and can live for as many as thirty years. They are highly intelligent creatures, and early Egyptians seem to have trained baboons to serve food and perform other low-level tasks.

6- A) unforgettable B) unimaginable C) immeasurable D) incapable

E) undependable

7- A) unworthy B) irregular C) immobile D) inaccessible

E) unsatisfied

8- A) adhering B) administering C) adjoining D) addressing

E) admiring

9- A) dependent B) nervous C) disqualified D) indicative

E) ferocious

10- A) cultured B) intended C) recommended D) promoted

E) domesticated


The curious mammals called sloths (11) ...... their name from the fact that they usually appear lazy and sluggish, though at times they can be (12) ...... fast. The animals have rounded heads, tiny ears, and flattened faces. Measuring up to 70cm long, their forelimbs are longer than their hindlimbs and have long, curved claws. Sloths are nocturnal and usually silent and (13) ....... spending most of their lives alone and clinging to tree trunks or hanging upside down from branches, moving extremely slowly through the trees. They have made extraordinary (14) ...... to their browsing lifestyle. Eating mostly leaves, which provide very little energy, they have extremely low metabolic rates and body temperatures, and two-thirds of the weight of a well-fed sloth consists of the contents of its stomach, with the digestive (15) ...... taking a month or more to complete. Their moist fur is host to a variety of blue-green algae which provide camouflage, thus protecting them from predators.

11- A) compel B) derive C) hinder D) pertain

E) accomplish

12- A) conceptually B) considerately C) considerably D) consequently

E) conceitedly

13- A) preserved B) gregarious C) formal D) solitary

E) sympathetic

14- A) exceptions B) mutations C) adaptations D) inflations

E) reservations

15- A) process B) occasion C) justification D) agent

E) motive


When a platypus skin was sent back to England from Australia in the late 1700s, the scientists who analyzed it thought it was a/an


(16) ....... because they believed no animal could really be so odd-looking as that. Its body is quite flat and squat, its feet are webbed, and for a mouth it has a bill similar to a duck's, and yet it is a mammal and has fur. Unlike other mammals, however, it lays eggs. The adult male platypus produces a kind of venom during the breeding season, which is (17) ...... into enemies by a strike from one of the animal's hindlegs. Thepoison is not (18) ...... to humans, but produces a torturous pain which can last for days or even months. The platypus is nocturnal and partially aquatic, living usually in small streams and rivers and spending most of its time in the water. When swimming, it keeps its eyes closed and relies on its other senses for (19) ......, including its ability to (20) ...... electrical sources from a great distance. This latter ability allows the platypus to locate its prey - usually worms, insect eggs, and small shrimp - by sensing their body electricity

16- A) concept B) guide C) garment D) theft

E) fake

17- A) indented B) included C) infected D) injected

E) intended

18- A) lifeless B) fatal C) personal D) preventive

E) compulsory

19- A) decision B) shape C) direction D) function

E) inspiration

20- A) perceive B) nullify C) fortify D) react

E) victimize


The anglerfish is a unique (21) ...... of deep-sea fish named for its (22) ...... method of catching prey: the word "angler" means "fisherman", and indeed this is a fish which essentially fishes for other fish. The anglerfish has a gigantic mouth with quite sharp teeth,

and (23) ...... from its forehead is a curious growth which is quite long and thin. This growth can be shaken so as to resemble prey, and is also able to light up - a phenomenon known as bioluminescence, which is very useful in the pitch black of the deep sea. The anglerfish itself is either dull gray, dark brown, or black, and so cannot be seen when it shines its light. Other predators are (24) ...... to the anglerfish's wiggling, glowing growth, and (25) ...... close enough for the anglerfish to devour them whole, which it can do by disconnecting its jaw, much as snakes do, and swallowing prey up to twice as large as its entire body.

21- A) region B) abundance C) variety D) amount

E) extension

22- A) accessible B) rebellious C) substantial D) compassionate

E) characteristic

23- A) decorating B) evolving C) interrupting D) projecting

E) rejoicing

24- A) abolished B) attracted C) occupied D) consulted

E) divided

25- A) vanish B) approach C) approve D) retreat

E) embark


The octopus is a sea animal best (26) ...... by its eight arms - which usually have poisonous sucker cups on them - and entirely soft body. This latter feature enables the animal to squeeze into the smallest, tightest crevices between rocks when fleeing from other predatory sea creatures. Three defensive mechanisms are typical of octopuses. First, they can (27) ...... a thick, blackish ink in a


large cloud out into the water, aiding them in escaping predators. Also, they have specialized colour-changing skin cells which they can use to blend into the environment or to warn off enemies. Finally, octopuses can (28) ...... their arms, which continue to move about though no longer connected to the body; this can serve as a/an (29) ...... to predators, enabling the octopus to escape. Octopuses can regenerate their arms, so this ability poses no real problems for them. Octopuses are highly intelligent creatures, and have been shown able to easily distinguish between and remember colours and shapes in laboratory experiments. They can also express a great (30) ...... of emotions, from basic fear and joy through to embarrassment, trust, and curiosity.

26- A) glorified B) distinguished C) criticized D) accorded

E) realized

27- A) formalize B) encircle C) jeopardize D) activate

E) eject

28- A) detach B) extend C) abbreviate D) require

E) broaden

29- A) awareness B) incentive C) distraction D) diversity

E) intention

30- A) receipt B) drought C) deceit D) range

E) content




The Chinese peasantry were in a paradoxical position, partly (1) ...... yet, at the same time, partly respected. Though their feudal overlords worked them mercilessly at times, the peasants were nonetheless (2) ...... as one of the two essential pillars of Chinese society. The other was the ethical philosophy of Confucius (551-479 BC). Though the peasants received state aid, including technical aid, to produce food, peasant rebellions (3) ...... quite often throughout Chinese history. Peasant life was hard and could be gruelling. Poverty, despite state help, was common, and it was said that a Chinese peasant could work all year round and still not (4) ...... enough to feed himself and his family. Quite apart from farming, the peasants were (5) ...... by law to work on public building projects and do military service as well.

1- A) consistent B) internal C) divided D) exploited

E) dominant

2- A) concerned B) concentrated C) distressed D) noticed

E) regarded

3- A) erupted B) sustained C) performed D) confronted

E) extended

4- A) win B) assert C) found D) earn

E) attempt

5- A) designed B) bound C) composed D) checked

E) reserved


The Chinese were an extremely inventive people, displaying a greatly sophisticated (6) ...... which took little or nothing from outside (7) ....... .One Chinese invention was the crossbow, a deadly weapon not yet completely out of date today. Another was paper, an essential item for a highly literate society which left minutely detailed records. Printing, also a Chinese invention, was the


first mechanized industry in the world. The Chinese learned early on how to make silk, and had highly developed smelting and metal-working industries as well. They used paper money, (8) ...... a system of weights and measures, (9) ...... a calendar and discovered the secret of making gunpowder, the oldest known explosive. A further invention was a "weathercock", an early warning system which could (10) ...... earthquakes.

6- A) participation B) creativity C) document D) diversion

E) region

7- A) elevations B) exceptions C) influences D) implements

E) regulations

8- A) estimated B) respected C) devised D) overturned

E) depended

9- A) counted B) persisted C) contrasted D) characterized

E) established

10- A) augment B) reform C) depict D) detect

E) esteem


The Chinese did not discover that there were other civilizations on Earth until about 126 BC; when they did so, their (11) ...... was not one of interest, but rather of mistrust. They soon developed a strong dislike of foreigners – or "foreign devils" - together with a (12) ...... insistence on self-sufficiency, which even today makes the Chinese (13) ......outside aid in times of trouble.' Despite their many wars, the Chinese were suspicious of regular standing armies, and had contempt for merchants. In fact, a young man aiming for high office in China's highly developed civil service system would (14) ...... avoid working in a trade in case it ruined his (15) ....... .As Chinese society developed in these inward-looking ways, it

became both feudal and hierarchical, with great importance laid on the family and on respect for age.

11- A) reaction B) approximation C) distraction D) promotion

E) association

12- A) considerate B) current C) stubborn D) neutral

E) loose

13- A) occupy B) administer C) distinguish D) rival

E) reject

14- A) vaguely B) cautiously C) lazily D) randomly

E) heedlessly

15- A) prospects B) excuses C) effects D) detachments

E) hardships


Uncharacteristically for Chinese rulers, the emperors of the Tang dynasty (AD 618-907) were very (16) ...... to foreign ideas and imports, and so opened their doors to trade. (17) ...... .Arabian, Persian, Korean and Japanese merchants brought spices - which soon found their way into Chinese food - and, as a special delicacy, Persian cakes and sweetmeats. Before long, tales of the gold, jewels and other luxuries in China (18) ...... the interest of European merchants, for whom the imported spices - (19) ...... for the preservation of meat in the days before refrigeration - were of as much interest as the luxuries. This trade -carried out along the famous Silk Road -became a rich one, although Islamic powers blocked the route at times. After the Europeans entered the Indian Ocean in the sixteenth century, sea (20) ...... from Europe to China developed.


16- A) uniform B) hostile C) receptive D) divisive

E) structured

17- A) Previously B) Currently C) Spontaneously D) Subsequently

E) Convincingly

18- A) defined B) excluded C) restricted D) comprised

E) aroused

19- A) dependent B) vital C) outlined D) extensive

E) narrow

20- A) distinctions B) capitals C) degrees D) links

E) borders


The nomadic Mongols first came to Chinese (21) ...... as hit-and-run raiders swooping down to create mayhem, then (22) ...... just as suddenly. There was, however, a great deal more to the Mongols, who began as nomads wandering the grassy plains of Mongolia with their sheep, camels, goats and cattle. In time, the Mongols developed into fierce and skilful warriors, fighting on horseback with a speed and agility that (23) ...... their enemies. The Mongols proved so (24) ...... that they created the largest land based empire ever known, conquering lands that (25) ...... from eastern Europe to the Pacific Ocean. After 1211, when the Mongols broke through the Great Wall, China became part of this empire and the legendary Kublai Khan (1216-1294) became the first Yuan emperor of China.

21- A) climate B) impact C) attention D) tradition

E) faith

22- A) departing B) innovating C) providing D) violating

E) daring

23- A) diversified B) promoted C) soothed D) startled

E) circulated

24- A) frequent B) subsequent C) spiritual D) oppressive

E) invincible

25- A) designated B) absorbed C) emitted D) witnessed

E) stretched


In 1839-42, the British went to war with China over Chinese reluctance to open its ports to the valuable trade in Indian opium, which the British (26) ...... to use as currency for imports such as Chinese porcelain, silk and tea. China, hopelessly outclassed by modern weapons, had to (27) ...... .Hong Kong to the British and open five "treaty" ports. Another Opium War, in 1860, (28) ...... even more concessions from the Chinese emperor, who now had to allow the British, French and other foreigners to create their own districts on Chinese (29)......, where they were immune from Chinese law. Later, wiping out this humiliation became a strong (30) ...... for the communist Mao Zedong (1903-76), who became ruler of China in 1949 and made it into a world power once again.

26- A) involved B) measured C) sought D) merged

E) specified


27- A) sentence B) yield C) refer D) renovate

E) compare

28- A) obtained B) intended C) exported D) cultivated

E) repelled

29- A) currency B) territory

C) investment D) provinceE) suspension

30- A) response B) supremacy C) declaration D) motive

E) intensity




An eight-month pregnant Russian woman and parachuting enthusiast, Marija Usova was warned by friends not (1) ...... parachuting. Nevertheless, she arranged to do the jump anyway, saying that she wanted her baby to have the wonderful feeling of falling freely through air before it was born. While in mid-air, halfway through the jump, she went into labor. As she describes the experience: "I was in the air when I suddenly felt a massive pain, and I realized that it (2) ....... I cried out, 'Oh God! help me!' and kept my legs held tightly together, but (3) ...... that there really wasn't much more I could do. Every second of that descent felt (4) ...... an eternity." She also said that, as she fell, she nearly passed out (5) ...... times from the pain. Upon landing, she immediately began to give birth, and doctors who were on hand immediately arrived to help her. It was a baby girl, and Ms. Usova has decided to name it Larisa, because she says: "It means 'seagull' in ancient Greek."

1- A) going B) being gone C) to have gone D) to go

E) having gone

2- A) has started B) will have started C) had to start D) is starting

E) was starting

3- A) along B) apart C) beyond D) among

E) towards

4- A) as though B) as C) so D) like

E) more

5- A) plenty B) several C) a number D) lots

E) much


An elderly Chinese pensioner (6) ...... a hospital after she had (7) ...... a painting of a tiger for the real thing. The woman, who is in her seventies, spotted the "tiger" in a dark alleyway while returning from a shopping trip to a nearby supermarket. According to the Shanghai Evening Post, the woman screamed, turned around, and ran because she saw the "tiger" coming towards her. But while running, she slipped (8) ...... some ice and fell heavily, injuring her hip. Passersby rushed to her aid and found her nervously stammering, "Tiger, tiger, there's a tiger" and pointing into the alleyway. The "tiger", though, was actually a painting (9) ...... in the window of a calligraphy and painting supplies shop. (10) ...... raw business to his shop, the owner had put a light behind the picture, so as to create a lifelike impression. It seems that, from at least one elderly woman's point of view, he succeeded.

6- A) would have takenB) had to be takenC) ought to be taken


D) could have takenE) used to be taken

7- A) mistaken B) mislaid C) misunderstood D) mistrusted

E) mismatched

8- A) within B) about C) on D) for

E) alongside

9- A) hanging B) to have been hanged C) hang D) having hung E) hanged

10- A) Much as B) So that C) Consequently D) For fear of


Hollywood actress Nicole Kidman, it seems, is afraid (11) ...... butterflies. She apparently developed the phobia when she was a child in Australia and, despite endless attempts to (12) ...... the problem, she still absolutely cannot stand the insects. "Sometimes," she says, "when I would come home from school, the biggest butterfly or moth you could (13) ...... see in your life would be sitting there on our front gate. I would climb over the fence, or maybe crawl around to the side of the house -anything to avoid having to go through the front gate. I've tried to get over my fear," she continues. "For instance, I walked into the big butterfly cage at the American Museum of Natural History (14) ...... the butterflies could land on my body, but that just didn't work. It's a bit strange: I can jump out of airplanes with no problem; I can be covered in cockroaches without worrying myself much; I can do (15) ...... sorts of things. However, I just cannot deal with the feel of butterflies' bodies."

11- A) from B) about C) of D) through

E) upon

12- A) run up against B) make up with C) pick up on D) get rid of

E) come down with

13- A) just B) ever C) quite D) rather

E) soon

14- A) so that B) because of C) nonetheless D) in order to

E) however

15- A) all B) every C) many a D) each

E) either


A chicken named Lucky, which helped its owner pick (16) ...... winning lottery numbers, has been eaten by a fox. The owner, Billy Gibbons, originally (17) ...... .Lucky close to death when he was out walking through the fields in 2003. Mr. Gibbons rescued the chicken, brought it to his home, and nursed it back to health. Whilethe bird was (18) ...... it for some reason tapped five numbers into a calculator (19) ...... its beak. Mr. Gibbons decided to play those numbers in the lottery, and he won £1300 for doing (20) ......."I named him Lucky, and he was obviously a very special chicken," Mr. Gibbons says. "I rescued him from certain death. I think he knew that, and so he followed me everywhere." Lucky, however, ended up not so lucky after all: last week he got snatched and eaten by a fox. Mr. Gibbons is now trying to train his remaining hens to peck numbers out on a calculator, but he admits that it's just not the same, and that he dearly misses Lucky.

16- A) on B) apart C) at D) out

E) through

17- A) went at B) happened upon C) marked up D) passed out

E) came through

18- A) refurbishing B) reforming C) recovering D) resurfacing


E) restoring

19- A) from B) on C) through D) with

E) towards

20- A) so much B) so many C) same D) such

E) so


A Mexican man has astounded doctors by successfully performing surgery on (21) ......39-year-old Pedro Lopez was having difficulty (22) ...... and managed to drain the fluid that was (23) ...... his lungs. Specialists said he performed the operation almost perfectly, and that it was an absolute miracle. Alfonso Torres Aguilar, the director of San Cristobal de Las Casas Hospital, said: "We, as professionals, do this sort of surgery by draining liquid only in small quantities. But this man introduced a needle through his own belly and into his lungs, and drained three whole liters of the liquid. And without anesthesia! It's almost (24) ...... he were a trained surgeon." Mr. Lopez stayed in hospital for just one day after his autosurgery, and is already back home, doubtlessly quite satisfied with (25) ...... he has done.

21- A) theirs B) himself C) they D) him

E) his

22- A) breathing B) to breathe C) breathe D) having breathed

E) being breathed

23- A) enduring B) persuading C) approving D) confirming

E) obstructing

24- A) like B) so C) such D) as if

E) though

25- A) this B) that C) what D) which

E) why


Garbagemen in Frankfurt, Germany, are being sent back to school after accidentally destroying an important piece of modern art. According to the Guardian newspaper, the men collected, crushed, and burned a stack of plastic yellow sheets. It (26) ...... however, that the sheets were actually part of a city-wide exhibition of modern sculpture, and (27) ...... by Michael Beutler, a graduate of Frankfurt's Stâdel art school. Thirty of the garbagemen are now being sent to modern art classes to (28) ...... that the same mistake never happens (29) ...... The head of Frankfurt's sanitation department, Peter Postleb, took personal responsibility for the mistake, saying that he had seen the sheets (30) ...... on the street, thought construction workers had dumped them there, and so called his employees to take them away. He only realized his mistake a few days later, when he read about the exhibition in a local newspaper.

26- A) turns out B) opens up C) falls through D) gets off

E) puts in

27- A) are being constructed B) had been constructed C) have been constructed D) were constructing E) had constructed

28- A) affect B) ensure C) relieve D) develop

E) accomplish

29- A) ever B) just C) again D) so much

E) yet


30- A) to lie B) to be lying C) lying D) lay

E) having lain




Hiberno-English is the form of the English language used in Ireland; it is (1) ...... called Anglo-Irish or Irish English.The basis for the type of English spoken in Ireland is said to be a mixture of the language of Shakespeare and the Irish of the Gaelic earls, as modern Irish-English does bear the marks of two major historical events. First, we have the various types of English and Scots that (2) ...... to Ireland during the English and Scottish colonization in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Secondly, there is an early hybrid jargon (3) ...... arose as a result of the contact between the Irish and English languages. The linguistic interference of the Irish language on the English spoken in Ireland is most clearly seen in those areas where Irish is still spoken as a mother tongue or where it (4) ...... until recently. However, this merging is minimal (but still absolute in evidencE) in Dublin, where cultural influences (news media, music, television) from the US and the UK have been more readily assimilated, (5) ...... exposure, in the modern age.

1- A) neither B) so C) as D) also

E) like

2- A) had brought B) were brought C) brought D) have been brought E) would have brought

3- A) whose B) what C) where D) which

E) however

4- A) was surviving B) is surviving C) had survived D) survives

E) survived

5- A) while B) because C) due to D) when


Scouse is the accent or dialect of English found in the northern English city of Liverpool and (6) ...... urban areas of Lancashire and the Wirral region of Cheshire. The Liverpool accent is highly distinctive, and (7) ...... different from the accents used in neighbouring regions of Lancashire and Cheshire.The word Scouse was originally a variation of "lobscouse" (probably from the north German sailor's dish Labscaus), the name of a traditional dish of mutton stew mixed with hardtack and eaten by sailors. Lancashire has one of (8) ...... diverse selections of spoken accents of any English county or region. This is thought (9) ...... due to the large amount of immigration into the Liverpool area from Ireland, Wales, the Isle of Man, Scotland, other parts of northern England, and the Caribbean in the 18th and 19th centuries. The influence of these speech patterns was strong in Liverpool, distinguishing the accent of its people from (10) ...... of surrounding Lancashire and Cheshire.

6- A) longing B) adjoining C) speaking D) populating

E) binding

7- A) solely B) wholly C) rarely D) similarly

E) merely

8- A) the most B) much more C) so much D) a more

E) many


9- A) being B) to be C) is D) was

E) been

10- A) out B) around C) this D) those


Brummie (sometimes spelt Brummy) refers to things (11) ...... with the city of Birmingham in England, particularly its people - known as Brummies - and their accent and dialect of the English language. The word is derived from Brummagem (commonly shortened to Brum), (12) ...... is a local name for the city. Brummieis a prominent example of a UK regional accent. It is perceived as a perfectly legitimate version of the spoken English language in the Midlands. The accent is regarded as "lifting and melodious" by overseas visitors, though it sometimes comes (13) ...... attack from the British press due to many popular misconceptions and the obvious inability of many non-brummie actors to grasp the unusual tones of the accent, which (14) ...... have described as (15) ...... the Scandinavian languages in sound. Brummie should not be regarded as the only accent of the Midlands or West Midlands, although the term is often used by outsiders to refer to all accents of the region. For example, speakers from the Black County (the conurbation to the north-west of Birmingham) have an accent which is very different from Brummie in many respects.

11- A) connecting B) to connect C) connected D) connect

E) having connected

12- A) where B) that C) which D) how

E) what

13- A) over B) at C) for D) about

E) under

14- A) much B) some C) other D) either

E) each

15- A) the same B) many a C) plenty of D) similar to

E) rather than


Highland English is the variety of Gaelic-influenced Scottish English (16) ...... in the highlands of Scotland. Island English is the variety spoken (17) ...... a second language by native Gaelic speakers in the Outer Hebrides. This variety of English shows the influence of Gaelic most clearly in pronunciation, but also in grammar. For example, medial and final consonants (18) ...... to be de-voiced (as is standard in Gaelic), so that "whatever" becomes pronounced as "whateffer". Similarly, the "parasitic vowel" that is used in some consonant combinations in Gaelic is used, (19) ...... "film" is pronounced as "fillum". The grammatical effect is most apparent with verbs, as Gaelic uses the verb "to be" with the active participle of the verb to indicate a continuous action as in English, but also uses this construction for iterative meanings; therefore, "I go to Stomoway on Mondays," becomes "I am going to Stornoway on Mondays." The past tense in Highland English may use the verb "to be" (20) ...... by "after" and the participle, as in "I am after buying a newspaper," to mean "I have [just] bought a newspaper."

16- A) speaking B) to speak C) spoke D) spoken

E) speak

17- A) much B) as C) rather D) such

E) alike

18- A) somewhat B) often C) as a rule D) avoid

E) tend

19- A) while B) so that C) however D) whereas

E) in spite of

20- A) to be following B) followed C) being followed D) following


E) to follow


Jamaican English, or Jamaican Standard English, is a dialect of English encompassing in a very unique way parts of (21) ...... American English and British English. Typically it uses British English spellings, but does not reject American English spellings, (22)...... .It shouldn't be confused with what is called, in English, Jamaican Creole, or what is called in Jamaican, Patois or "dialect". It is also noted that "Patois" is a French term referring to broken or improper French, but in Jamaican it refers to Jamaican Creole, which Jamaicans have traditionally seen as "broken" or "incorrect" English. Jamaican is generally considered to be a Creole language. Modern linguists (23) ...... the view that Creoles are full languages. Jamaican Standard English is grammatically similar to British Standard English. Recently, however, due to Jamaica's proximity to the United States and the (24)...... close economic ties and high rates of migration, as well as the influence of American cultural entertainment products such as movies, cable television and popular music, the influence of American English has been increasing steadily. Thus, structures like "I don't have" or "you don't need" are (25) ...... universally preferred over "I haven't got" or "you needn't".

21- A) both B) either C) all D) some

E) everyone

22- A) nor B) neither C) too D) none

E) either

23- A) say B) hold C) tell D) think

E) believe

24- A) tightening B) ending C) resulting D) closing

E) reducing

25- A) closely B) without C) than D) almost


Spanglish is a name used to refer to a range of language-contact phenomena, primarily in the speech of Hispanic Americans, (26) ...... are exposed to both Spanish and English. These phenomena are a product of close border contacts or large bilingual communities, (27) ...... along the United States-Mexico border, in Florida, and in New York City. Spanish and English have interpenetrated in any number of ways. For example, a bilingual fluent speaker speaking to (28) ...... bilingual speaker may indulge words from both languages as in, "yo me voy a get up" (as opposed to "yo me voy a levantar" or "I'm going to get up"). (29) ...... than that are word borrowings from English into Spanish, using false cognates with their English sense, or translating idiomatic English expressions. For example, the word carpeta exists in standard Spanish, meaning "folder", but in the USA it is common to see it used to mean "carpet". This is a straight borrowing of an English word, (30) ...... is the very common verb chequear/checar"to check", the noun parkin "parking", and countless others.

26- A) that B) where C) which D) whose

E) who

27- A) whereas B) such as C) where D) so

E) that

28- A) another B) their C) none D) someone

E) them

29- A) Commonly B) More common C) In common D) The most common

E) Uncommon

30- A) thus B) like C) and D) what

E) as




The didgeridoo is a unique wind instrument of the Aborigines of northern Australia. There aren't (1) ...... reliable sources stating the didgeridoo's exact age, but it is commonly accepted as being the world's oldest wind instrument. The word "didgeridoo" is not an Aboriginal one, but comes from the Irish word dudaire, meaning "trumpeter" or "hummer". The instrument is quite simple, consisting (2) ...... a long (usually between 1m and 1.5m) wooden tube that comes from the trunk of a native eucalyptus tree that has been hollowed out by termites. The trunk is cut to size, and often a rim made of beeswax is applied to the mouthpiece end of the instrument. The didgeridoo is played by blowing into it with continuously vibrating lips, which produces a low droning sound, and requires a technique called circular breathing. This (3) ...... breathing in through the nose (4) ...... simultaneously expelling air from the mouth, (5) ...... allowing ; didgeridoo player to blow for up to an hour without stopping. The didgeridoo is an integral part of the ceremonial life of the Aborigines of northern Australia, as it accompanies singers and dancers in religious rituals.

1- A) no B) some C) much D) any

E) others

2- A) of B) about C) upon D) from

E) with

3- A) expects B) involves C) consists D) resides

E) deters

4- A) however B) as C) since D) no matter

E) while

5- A) because B) whenever C) whereas D) thus


The so-called "thumb piano" is an instrument played in East Africa, particularly (6) ...... the Shona people of Zimbabwe; in the Shona tongue it is called mbira. It consists of a small wooden board (usually about 8cm x 10cm) to which between 20 and 24 metal keys (7) ......; the instrument is then placed inside of a hollowed-out gourd, which amplifies its sound when it is played. (8) ......, shells or bottletops are affixed to both the board and the gourd in order to create a constant buzzing sound, which adds depth and context to the clear tone; of the mbira keys. To the Western ear, the music produced by the mbira seems to be extremely repetitive, and it is certainly cyclical, but upon close listening, minute variations (9) ...... of Western minimalist music can be heard.It has come to be known in the West as a "thumb piano" because the metal keys are plucked with the thumbs, but its full name in Shona is mbira dzavadzimu, which means "mbira of the ancestor spirits". This name indicates how important the instrument is to the Shona people, (10) ...... spiritual values and aspirations the mbira represents.

6- A) upon B) among C) between D) through

E) alongside

7- A) were attached B) attach C) have been attached D) would be attached E) are attaching

8- A) Accordingly B) As soon as C) Therefore D) Despite

E) Furthermore

9- A) suggestingly B) suggested C) suggestion D) suggesting

E) suggestive

10- A) whose B) where C) that D) who


An aeolian harp is a musical instrument that is set outside and "played" by the wind, free


of the touch of human hands. It originated in Greece around the year 0, and is named for Aeolus, the ancient Greek god of the wind. The traditional aeolian harp is essentially a wooden box with strings stretched lengthwise from top to bottom inside the box. It is placed either outside or in an opened window (11) ...... the wind can blow across the strings to produce sounds. The strings are sometimes tuned all to the same note, and sometimes to different notes. The sound produced is random and dependent (12) ...... the strength of the wind, (13) ...... from a barely audible hum to a loud scream. It was a very popular instrument during the era of Romanticism, and Romantic poets were fond of comparing (14) ...... to aeolian harps (15) ...... they identified with how nature was in control of the instrument. Also, Romantic composer Frederic Chopin's etude in A-flat minor was nicknamed the "Aeolian Harp Etude" for its resemblance to the sounds produced by this lovely instrument.

11- A) whose B) where C) what D) why

E) which

12- A) for B) over C) from D) on

E) with

13- A) ranging B) to range C) to be ranging D) having ranged

E) being ranged

14- A) theirs B) it C) themselves D) they

E) itself

15- A) so that B) as a consequence C) insofar as D) in order that

E) nonetheless


Get your finger wet, then rub it (16) ...... the rim of a wineglass: a haunting sound is produced. Now get 50 wineglasses, all of different sizes, and do the same thing: you have a musical instrument. This is basically what American jack-of-all-trades Benjamin

Franklin did in 1761 when he invented the glass armonica, (17) ...... that he used glass bowls (18) ...... wineglasses. He turned the bowls on their sides and through their centers ran a metal pole attached to a foot pedal which would continuously spin them. The player then wets his fingers, touches the bowls, and voila! music results. The glass armonica enjoyed a great vogue in America and Europe in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and both Mozart and Beethoven wrote music for (19) ...... .However,for some reason, playing or listening to the instrument was claimed by doctors to lead to melancholy, depression, and (20) ...... insanity, and it was banned in some places, resulting in its virtual disappearance from the world. Recently, however, it has begun to enjoy a revival (now that those doctors' claims have been proven to be nothing but nonsense).

16- A) through B) between C) without D) among

E) around

17- A) in order B) however C) somehow D) except

E) instead

18- A) rather than B) because C) for fear that D) instead

E) since

19- A) its B) it C) itself D) them

E) they

20- A) together B) just C) even D) still

E) already


The theremin is one of the world's earliest fully electronic musical instruments. Invented in 1919 by Russian Lev Sergeivitch Termen, the theremin was an accidental discovery made (21) ...... Soviet government-sponsored research. Consisting of a box with two radio antennas, the theremin was unique in that it required (22) ...... physical contact to produce music. Instead, a performer could


control both the pitch and volume of the sound simply by moving their hands in the air. It is not, however, an easy instrument to play, requiring the performer to remain absolutely still (23) ...... their body movements alter the theremin's pitch. Here's how it works: the theremin's two radio antennas create two different, very high frequency radio signals, which can then be altered by the close presence of a human body - (24) ...... a person moving about a room can affect television or radio reception. One of the antennas controls pitch, (25) ...... controls volume, and the hands are moved carefully through the air to manipulate both. If you have ever seen any old 1950s science fiction movies, you have probably heard the theremin's distinct "woo-WOO-woo" sound, also used to good effect on the Beach Boys' 1966 "pocket symphony", "Good Vibrations".

21- A) during B) when C) beside D) about

E) while

22- A) a B) no C) any D) some

E) other

23- A) so that B) because of C) lest D) whereas

E) therefore

24- A) more so B) just so C) much as D) such that

E) so as

25- A) the other B) some C) any D) others

E) other


A prepared piano is a piano - usually a grand piano - that has had its sound altered by placing objects known as "preparations" between or atop its strings. The first

composer to use it extensively was John Cage, who is often credited (26) ...... inventing the instrument. Cage himself said he was greatly inspired by the earlier experiments of Henry Cowell, who would pluck and scrape the strings directly rather than pressing the keys. In Cage's use, the preparations are typically nuts, bolts, and pieces of rubber stuck between and entwined around the strings. When the keys of the piano are (27) ...... played, some will make duller, more percussive sounds than usual, (28) ...... others will produce sonorous bell-like tones. The innovation of the prepared piano later led to the creation of the prepared guitar, which is a guitar with different items wedged between the guitar's strings and its neck. Perhaps the most well-known name to use the prepared guitar is the avant-garde rock group Sonic Youth, whose guitarists delight (29) ...... preparing their instruments with (30) ...... hings ...... sticks and screwdrivers.

26- A) to B) upon C) around D) with

E) among

27- A) apparently B) consequently C) accordingly D) timely

E) subsequently

28- A) because B) nevertheless C) despite D) while

E) however

29- A) in B) by C) for D) to

E) with

30- A) such...that B) C) too many.. .to D) so.. .as to

E) so many...that




The largest of the cats is the tiger. (1) ......

strong and fierce as it is big, the tiger is rivalled only by the lion in strength and ferocity. The tiger's coat is often a bright


golden colour. It has black stripes on the head, body, limbs, and tail. Stripes like these are sometimes found on the domestic cat (2) ...... which is a distant relative of the tiger. The tiger is thought to have originated in northern Eurasia and to have moved southward; its present range extends from the Russian Far East through parts of China, India, and Southeast Asia. There were once about seven or eight generally accepted races of tiger. Of (3) ...... the Javan tiger, Bali tiger, and Caspian tiger are now believed to be extinct; the Chinese tiger is near extinction; and the Sumatran, Siberian, and Indian subspecies are listed in the Red Data Book as definitely endangered. The tiger hunts by night and preys on a variety of animals. Healthy, large mammals are generally avoided, (4) ...... there have been recorded instances of tigers (5) ...... elephants and buffalo.

1- A) So B) As C) Much D) More

E) Too

2- A) too B) although C) neither D) yet

E) either

3- A) theirs B) themselves C) most D) whole

E) these

4- A) so that B) instead of C) although D) since E) as though

5- A) being attacked B) attacked C) having attacked D) to attack

E) to be attacked


The second largest of the big cats and the proverbial "king of beasts", the lion has been, (6) ...... earliest times, one of (7) ...... known of wild animals. It is now found mainly in parts of Africa south of the Sahara. A few hundred lions, constituting an Asiatic race, live under strict protection in the Gir Forest National Park in Gujarat, India. The preferred habitats of lions are grassy plains and open savanna. Lions are unique among cats in that they live in a group, or pride. A pride consists of several generations of lionesses - (8) ......

are related - their cubs, and one or two adult male lions which defend the pride's territory and mate with the females. Lions proclaim their territory by roaring and by scent marking. The lion's well-known roar is generally uttered in the evening before a night's hunting and again before getting up at dawn. Lions prey on a large number of animals ranging in size from gazelles and baboons upward to buffalo and hippopotamuses, but they prefer to hunt (9) ...... medium- (10) ...... large-sized hoofed animals as wildebeest, zebra, and impala and other antelopes.

6- A) for B) inC) after D) since

E) until

7- A) so good as B) as wellC) very good D) better

E) the best

8- A) themselves B) all of which C) some of that D) for whom

E) their own

9- A) more B) many C) such D) most E) as

10- A) to B) over C) for D) in

E) with


The name "leopard" was originally given to the cat now called cheetah, which was once thought (11) ...... a cross between the lion and the pard. The term "pard" was eventually replaced by the name leopard. The leopard is found over nearly (12) ...... of Africa south of the Sahara, in northeast Africa, and from Asia Minor through Central Asia and India to China and Manchuria. It varies greatly in size and markings. The leopard is a solitary animal of the bush and forest and is mainly nocturnal in habit, although it sometimes basks in the sun. It is an agile climber and frequently stores the remains of its kills in the branches of a tree. It feeds upon (13) ...... animal it can (14) ...... , from small rodents to waterbuck, but generally preys on the small-and medium-sized antelopes and deer; it appears to have a special liking for dogs as food and, in Africa, for baboons. It sometimes takes livestock,


and may attack human beings. A black form of the leopard is widely known as the black panther, which is (15) ...... in the Far East than in other parts of the range of the leopard.

11- A) having been B) have been C) being D) to be

E) been

12- A) some B) a little C) several D) the whole

E) the most

13- A) whole B) all C) much D) none

E) any

14- A) fortify B) undermine C) overpower D) withdraw

E) endanger

15- A) more commonB) so commonC) the most commonD) common enoughE) such common


The jaguar is grouped - (16) ...... lions and tigers - as one of the big, or roaring, cats, and is the only (17) ...... cat in the Western Hemisphere. Its preferred habitats are usually swamps and wooded regions, but jaguars also live in scrublands and deserts. The jaguar is virtually extinct in the northern part of its original range and survives in reduced numbers only in remote areas of Central and South America; the largest known population exists in the Amazon rainforest. A solitary predator, the jaguar is a stalk-and-ambush hunter; its name comes from the Tupi-Guramî word jaguara, meaning "he who kills with one leap." Jaguars are swift and agile and are very good climbers. Although active during the day, jaguars hunt mainly at night and on the ground. Capybara and peccary are their preferred prey. Occasionally, livestock (18) ...... in areas (19) ...... ranches have replaced natural habitat. The cat is a savage fighter when (20) ...... but does not normally attack humans.

16- A) alike B) along with C) out of D) together

E) in similar

17- A) as B) so C) like D) such

E) more

18- A) have attacked B) attack C) are attacked D) are attacking

E) were being attacked

19- A) where B) how C) why D) that

E) whom

20- A) to corner B) cornered C) corner D) to be cornered

E) having cornered


The cheetah lives on the open plains of southern, central, and eastern Africa and in the Middle East, where it is all (21) ...... extinct. The African race of the cheetah is relatively uncommon; the Asiatic race is listed as critically endangered in the Red Data Book and is extinct in (22) ...... its former range. The cheetah is (23) ...... land animal in the world over short distances, capable of attaining speeds (24) ...... 100 km per hour. As its long legs and strong hindquarters suggest, it is built for running. The cheetah hunts alone or in small groups. It usually hunts in the morning or late afternoon, cautiously stalking its prey (usually a small antelopE) and then (25) ...... it ...... in a final rapid sprint. The cheetah has long been trapped and tamed in Asia, where it has been used for coursing game, but it has seldom bred in captivity.

21- A) still B) but C) just D) though

E) yet


22- A) many of B) several C) a number D) a good deal

E) much of

23- A) much faster B) as fast C) the fastest D) so fast as

E) such fast

24- A) up to B) throughout C) along D) across

E) out of

25- A) breaking...up B) holding...onC) putting...through D) running...down E) keeping...up


The puma is exceeded in size only by the jaguar among cats of the New World. The name (26) ...... is derived from usage by the Inca Indians. The puma ranges widely from British Columbia to Patagonia, in habitats (27) ...... mountains, deserts, and jungles. In many regions, however, local races have been eliminated by humans, and pumas are now generally restricted to wilderness areas. The voice of the puma is like that of a domestic cat but louder. Breeding occurs at any time of year, the female usually (28) ...... young every other year. The puma eats a considerable range of foods; in North

America it demonstrates a preference for deer when they are available. Occasionally it kills livestock, but (29) ...... other predators it is valuable in maintaining the balance of nature by preventing overpopulation of prey animals. Though attacks on people are still rare, the growth of residential construction in wilderness areas (30) ...... to an increase in puma attacks in recent years.

26- A) itself B) of which C) where D) that of

E) its own

27- A) as varied as B) more varied C) so varied that D) varied enough

E) such a varied

28- A) to bear B) born C) being born D) to have born

E) bearing

29- A) alike B) the most C) rather D) as with

E) throughout

30- A) is leading B) would lead C) has led D) will have led

E) will be leading


Most of the adventures recorded in this book really occurred; one of two were experiences of (1) ...... the rest those of boys who were schoolmates of (2) ...... .Huck Finn is drawn from life, and so is Tom Sawyer, but not from an individual - he is a combination of the characteristics of three boys whom I knew, and therefore belongs to the composite order of architecture. The odd superstitions touched upon were all prevalent among children and slaves in the West at the period of this story - (3) ...... , thirty or forty years ago. Although my book is intended mainly for the entertainment of boys and girls, I hope it (4) ...... by men and women on that account,

for part of my plan has been to try to pleasantly remind adults of what they once were themselves, and of (5) ...... they felt and thought and talked, and what queer enterprises they sometimes engaged in. (adapted from Mark Twain's preface to his 1876 book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)

1- A) myself B) me C) them D) themselves

E) my own


2- A) themselves B) their C) mine D) myself

E) them

3- A) for the time being B) rather than C) that is to say D) a number of E) despite the fact that

4- A) won't be shunnedB) hadn't shunnedC) wasn't being shunnedD) won't have shunnedE) wouldn't be shunning

5- A) that B) how C) which D) where

E) whose

Rock climbing - and developments in climbing walls and equipment, together with changing attitudes - have produced a new chapter in the sport's history. Many people start climbing at a local climbing wall, or maybe by having a go with friends, but (6) ...... you start, (7) ...... you've got the bug that's it - there's no escape! However, climbing carries intrinsic dangers, some obvious, others (8) ...... so. In order to climb (9) ...... possible and to maximize your potential, good basic techniques are essential. There are courses (10) ...... can help you improve your personal climbing ability, and give you the skills which help make climbing a safer sport.

6- A) even though B) not only C) whether D) however

E) no matter

7- A) once B) despite C) already D) still

E) first

8- A) how B) few C) less D) none

E) like

9- A) safer than B) as safely as C) so safely that D) too safely

E) safe enough

10- A) where B) of which C) themselves D) those

E) that

Yoga takes you deep (11) ...... the innermost recesses of the mind where the self or the real person resides, camouflaged by the forever flippant mind. Therefore, it becomes relevant for (12) ...... us in the hectic and stressful life expected of us in the 21st century. Yoga literally means "union". An ancient Indian discipline, yoga seeks to unite the individual soul (Jivatman) with the universal Soul or God (Paramatama) through rigorous mental and physical efforts. Yoga, with the rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind and the harmony of the soul, creates the symphony of life. (13) ...... regarded as a performing art (Kala), or a science (Shastra), yoga provides the finest system of education, (14) ...... it brings out the best in a person. (15) ...... yoga does emancipation (Moksha) seem so close.

11- A) over B) about C) at D) upon

E) into

12- A) most B) the number of C) a good deal of D) all of

E) quite a few

13- A) Whether B) Neither C) Whereas D) Like

E) Such as


14- A) for B) yet C) such D) how

E) just

15- A) Not only B) Only with C) Only if D) Even if

E) Thus

(16) ...... climbing expedition to India - whether Indian, foreign, or joint - is required to apply to the Indian Mountaineering Foundation (IMF) based at Delhi, at least six months (17) ...... to departure, (18) ...... allthe formalities can be completed within the given time frame. Leaders of returning expeditions are required to submit reports, and adequate proof of the climbs, to the IMF. While Indian nationals and IMF-sponsoredjoint expeditions (19) ...... peaks beyond the "Inner Line", foreign nationals are as a rule not permitted to do so. (20) ....... all expeditions by foreign nationals are required to be accompanied by an Indian liaison officer at their own expense.

16- A) Most B) Either C) All D) Every

E) Both

17- A) once B) before C) prior D) after

E) similar

18- A) in case B) whereas C) such as D) so much

E) in order that

19- A) were attempting B) can attempt C) have been attempted D) used to attempt E) are being attempted

20- A) As well as B) Rather more C) Unlikely D) Additionally

E) More than

Unaccompanied by an associated mountain chain, Mt. Kilimanjaro is singularly magnificent and hypnotic as it rises majestically above the African plains (21) ...... a height of almost 20,000 feet. (22) ...... the largest freestanding mountain in the world, and Africa's highest peak, Kilimanjaro is a challenge for mountaineers and trekkers worldwide. (23) ...... its immense size, Kilimanjaro's summit is surprisingly accessible to those who are in good physical condition and (24) ...... to undertake the ascent. The summit is permanently covered with ice and is composed of three volcanic peaks, of which the highest, Kibo, is the most popular for climbers. (25)...... at the top, the panoramic view of the Rift Valley and surrounding landscape at sunrise is truly magnificent.

21- A) to B) among C) in D) for

E) upon

22- A) Such as B) As C) So D) Such

E) More

23- A) Even though B) Despite C) However D) Owing to

E) While

24- A) such an ambitious B) so ambitious that C) ambitious enough D) more ambitious than


E) too ambitious

25- A) As B) Whereas C) Where D) Once

E) Besides

An illiterate Bangladeshi woman who started primary school at the age of 84 has become something of a trendsetter to four (26) ...... elderly women who have followed in her footsteps. The five women, all grandmothers in their seventies and eighties, now spend their days enthusiastically (27) ...... overtheir books in the small Jadabpur primary school in southwestern Bangladesh. The grandmothers were inspired by widow Fatema Khatun, who (28) ...... on education as a child after (29) ...... at the age of seven. "I now have five elderly pupils studying here alongside pupils aged from five to eleven," the head teacher (30) ...... he media.

26- A) another B) the other C) others D) each other

E) other

27- A) poring B) to pore C) pored D) to be poring

E) being pored

28- A) missed out B) got off C) caught up D) grew up

E) fell down

29- A) married B) to marry C) to be married D) to have married

E) being married

30- A) asked B) said C) told D) wondered

E) admitted


One day, a lawyer who had just bought a new car was very eager to (1) ...... it ...... to his colleagues, when (2) ...... a truck came out of (3) ...... and took off the driver's side door as he stood right there. "Nooo!" hescreamed, because he knew that (4) ...... how hard a mechanic tried to fix it, it would never be the same. Finally, a cop came by, and the lawyer ran up to him yelling, "My Jaguar door was just ruined by some foolish driver!!!" "You're a lawyer, aren't you?" asked the policeman. "Yes, I am, but what does this have to do with my car?!?!" the lawyer screamed. "Ha! You lawyers are always so materialistic. All you care about is your possessions. I bet you haven't even noticed that your left arm is missing, (5) ......?" the cop said. The lawyer looked down at his side and exclaimed, "My Rolex!"

1- A) fix...up B) pull...away C) D)

E) break...down

2- A) at present B) out of sight C) in contrast D) all of a sudden

E) for the time being

3- A) everywhere B) elsewhere C) someone D) nowhere

E) whoever

4- A) no matter B) whenever C) whereas D) as if

E) even though


5- A) isn't it B) aren't you C) do I D) hasn't it

E) have you

A man was chosen for jury duty who really wanted (6) ...... from serving. He tried (7) ...... excuse he could think of, but (8) ...... of them worked. On the day of the trial, he decided to give it one more shot. As the trialwas about to begin, he asked (9) ...... he could approach the bench. "Your Honor," he said, "I must be excused from this trial because I am prejudiced against the defendant. I took one look (10) ...... the man in the blue suit with those beady eyes and that dishonest face and I said, 'He's a crook! He's guilty!' So, your Honor, I cannot possibly stay on this jury!" With a tired annoyance the judge replied, "Get back in the jury box, you fool. That man is the defendant's lawyer."

6- A) being dismissed B) to be dismissed C) having dismissedD) to dismiss E) dismissing

7- A) not only B) both C) every D) several

E) all

8- A) nothing B) little C) none D) every

E) many

9- A) if B) that C) what D) in case

E) even if

10- A) with B) at C) in D) through

E) to

A lawyer defending a man (11) ...... of burglary tried this creative defense: "My client merely inserted his arm into the window and removed a few trifling articles. His arm is not himself, and I fail to see (12) ...... you can punish (13) ...... individual for an offence committed by his limb." "Well put," the judge replied. "Using your logic, I sentence the defendant's arm to one year's imprisonment. He can accompany it or not - (14) ...... he chooses." The defendant smiled. With his lawyer's assistance, he (15) ...... his artificial limb, laid it on the bench, and walked out.

11- A) offended B) executed C) performed D) accused

E) sentenced

12- A) what B) whose C) whom D) which

E) how

13- A) the whole B) someone C) those D) somewhat

E) anyone

14- A) wherever B) whichever C) with which D) the one

E) that of

15- A) fastened B) soothed C) detached D) flattened

E) relaxed


An elderly patient needed a heart transplant and discussed his options with his doctor. The doctor said, "We have three possible donors. The first donor is a young, healthy athlete who died in an automobile accident. The second donor is a middle-aged businessman who never drank or smoked and who died (16) ...... his private jet. And the third donor is an attorney who died after practising law for 30 years. (17) ...... heart do you want?" "I (18) ...... the lawyer's heart," said the patient. After a successful transplant, the doctor asked the patient (19) ...... he (20) ...... the lawyer's heart. "It was easy," explained the patient, "I wanted a heart that hadn't been used."

16- A) being flown B) to be flying C) to be flown D) flying

E) to have flown

17- A) Whose B) How C) Whom D) How much

E) How many

18- A) will take B) have taken C) will have taken D) took

E) was taking

19- A) that B) which C) why D) whose

E) whom

20- A) will choose B) had chosen C) is choosing D) has chosen

E) chooses

A lawyer trying to get tickets to a Broadway show finally settled for (21) ...... of seats a year (22) ...... .When the exciting first night arrived and he sat down in his seat, a woman in front of the lawyer noticed the empty seat next to him and asked why (23) ...... .valuable commodity was going unused. The lawyer replied that his wife couldn't make it. The woman asked him if he (24) ...... relatives or friends who (25) ...... the seat. He replied, "Oh, they're all at the funeral of my wife."

21- A) all B) a few C) much D) several

E) a couple

22- A) in progress B) for short C) under control D) up to now

E) in advance

23- A) too few B) enough C) so little D) such a

E) just as

24- A) didn't have B) wasn't having C) won't have D) hadn't had

E) isn't having

25- A) had used B) could have used C) will have used D) will be using

E) must have used


Three men - a doctor, an accountant, and a lawyer - are dead and they appear in front of St. Peter at the gates of Heaven. St. Peter tells them that they have to answer just a single question (26) ...... get to Heaven. He looks at the doctor and asks, "(27) ...... was a movie that was made about a ship that sank after hitting an iceberg; what was its name?" The doctor answers, "Titanic," and he is sent through. St. Peter then looks at the accountant and says, "(28) ...... people died in that ship?" (29) ...... the accountant had just watched the movie, and he answers, "1,500!". St. Peter sends him through and then finally turns to the lawyer and commands, in a very heavy voice, "Name (30) ......!"

26- A) in addition to B) as opposed to C) so as to D) with the aim of

E) in light of

27- A) How B) The one C) Where D) How far

E) There

28- A) What else B) How many C) How long D) What time

E) Whenever

29- A) Eventually B) Frequently C) Shamefully D) Fortunately

E) Accurately

30- A) them B) him C) theirs D) himself

E) itself




One of the most famous and moving speeches in American history was not actually spoken as thought. Chief Seattle - (1) ...... the West Coast city is named - was a leader of the Suquamish and Duwamish tribes and a warrior with a great reputation (2) ...... his people. In the mid-19th century, an epidemic of smallpox wiped out (3) ...... the people, and Seattle began to recognize the inevitability of the white man's advance. In 1854, he concluded a land deal in which he sold the land to the US government, and announced the sale to a mixed group of whites and Indians. The text of this speech as most people know it expresses the connection Seattle's people felt with nature, (4) ...... contrast ...... the whites' disregard for it; many environmentalists have since used the speech to express their own views. However, in fact he said nothing like this, but simply praised the US President for his generosity in buying the land. The speech that people are familiar with was written by Ted Perry, a screenwriter, for a 1972 film about ecology. (5) ...... this text came to be

wrongly associated with Chief Seattle is anyone's guess.

1- A) with which B) for whom C) as that D) to what

E) upon whose

2- A) along B) at C) as D) on

E) among

3- A) many of B) all C) most D) the whole

E) entire

4- A) for...upon B) as...about C) at...among D)

E) from...with

5- A) What B) Which C) Whose D) That

E) How



Around 1915, the great popularity of Charlie Chaplin's tramp character in the US led to a rash of Chaplin look-alike contests (6) ...... across the nation. Contestants would dress up with the familiar bowler hat, shabby suit, and tiny moustache of the Tramp and compete (7) ...... his unique way of walking and moving about. According to legend, Chaplin himself once entered one of these competitions - and promptly lost. The legend usually goes that this particular contest was held (8) ...... in Monte Carlo ...... in Switzerland, and that Chaplin took second or third place. The truth about the affair, however, makes Chaplin look (9) ...... worse than the legend. The actual contest happened in a San Francisco theater, and - although Chaplin's final standing is not recorded - it is noted down in the contest's register that Chaplin (who was competing under an assumed namE) failed to make the finals. After the contest, Chaplin - not (10) ...... with the quality of the contestants - told reporters that he would like to take some time off to teach all his imitators, as well as the contest's judges, how the Chaplin walk was really done.

6- A) holding B) to hold C) being held D) having held

E) to be holding

7- A) imitatively B) for imitation C) imitator D) to imitate

E) as imitating

8- A) hardly...when B) neither...nor C) so much...that D) either...or

E) whether...or

9- A) also B) such C) even D) very

E) more

10- A) to be pleasing B) pleased C) pleasing D) to have pleased

E) having pleased


The next time you're browsing through the supermarket, pause a moment to read the ingredients labels of your favourite red-coloured prepared foods or cosmetics. More likely than not, you'll notice that cochineal

and/or carmine (or carminic aciD) are listed. However, the origin of these pigments might surprise and possibly disgust you: (11) ...... cochineal ...... carmine - used to give deep red colour to fruit juices, gelatins, candies, shampoos, and so on - are derived from the crushed bodies of a particular South and Central American beetle. The secret of using this beetle - (12) ...... Dactylopius coccus - as a dye was first discovered by Mexican Indians: they (13) ...... the insects, briefly immerse them in hot water to kill them and dissolve the females' waxy coating, and then dry them in the sun. The dried insects would then be ground to a fine red powder. (14) ...... the same process is (15) ...... used today.

11- A) both...and B) either...or C) so many...that D) scarcely...than

E) neither...nor

12- A) calling B) to call C) to be calling D) having called

E) called

13- A) have collected B) ought to collect C) may collect D) would collect

E) will have collected

14- A) Much B) Most C) So D) More

E) Many

15- A) however B) just C) still D) already

E) yet


In 1970, an 8-ton, 13.7-meter-long sperm whale - (16) ...... dead in the water for some time - washed up on a Pacific Ocean beach south of Florence, Oregon. At first, it was a curiosity for local residents. But then the beached giant became a stinking mess as the foul smell of rotting whale began drifting around the area. Because the beach was public land, the Oregon State Highway Division was given the unwelcome task of


cleaning up the mess. After consulting officials at the Department of the Navy, they decided to blow the whale to pieces using a half-ton of dynamite; any pieces remaining (17) ...... by seagulls. But the explosion didn't work out too well. A crowd of people came to watch the event, but the dynamite only destroyed a small part of the whale, sending thousands of tiny chunks of whale blubber flying out to cover the crowd. Luckily, no one was hurt, although one man's car (18) ...... to pieces by an especially large portion of the flying whale fat. (19) ...... was even worse, the man's auto insurance refused to cover such damage. (20) ...... the remains of the whale, it was slowly chopped up and buried bit by bit by embarrassed employees of the Highway Division.

16- A) yet B) already C) after D) such

E) whatever

17- A) will eat B) have been eaten C) would be eaten D) are eating

E) had been eaten

18- A) was smashingB) had been smashingC) has been smashedD) was smashedE) is being smashed

19- A) How B) What C) That D) Who

E) Which

20- A) As a consequenceB) By all meansC) In view ofD) Over and overE) As for


On the night of 9-10 June 1999, a German tourist couple spent the night in Room 112 of the Burgundy Motor Inn in Atlantic City, New Jersey. During the night, they noticed a very strange and strong smell, which made them quite uncomfortable. But they were not (21) ...... terribly uncomfortable......they were unable to sleep, and so they (22) ...... their complaint to the manager (23) ...... the next morning. A similar thing happened at the Capri Motel, just east of downtown Kansas City, in July 2003: a man who had checked in found a foul odor in his room, but this man

immediately complained to the manager. Unfortunately, he was told that (24) ...... could be done about the problem, and he spent three nights in the room before checking out because he could no longer stand the smell. Well, when the Capri Motel's cleaning staff came to make up the room once he had gone, they lifted the mattress and underneath found a man's body in an advanced stage of decomposition. And what about the Burgundy Motor Inn incident? Well, that was 64-year-old Saul Hernandez, also dead under the bed and quite rotted (25) ...... .

21- A) such a...that B) too...for C) barely...when D) so

E) so...that

22- A) came through B) took upon C) got on D) put off

E) went about

23- A) around B) during C) until D) since

E) when

24- A) nothing B) someone C) anyone D) everything

E) somehow

25- A) his B) himself C) he D) him


On 12 August 1999, the legislature of the state of Mississippi passed a bill legally (26) ...... fractions and decimal points from the mathematics curriculum of (27) ...... public secondary schools in the state. The bill directs public secondary schools in Mississippi to emphasize whole number arithmetic in mathematics courses, and orders the removal (28) ...... standardized state math tests of questions involving non-whole numbers. (29) ...... from the outcry at the continued dumbing- down of American education, it was claimed by many that this removal was motivated by religious belief, a claim denied by Judith Sutpen, chairperson of the


Mississippi Senate Education Committee. "This has nothing to do with religion," she said, claiming instead that the bill was passed to de-emphasize elements that schoolchildren find confusing and adding, "It makes no sense to train our students how to think logically, and then present them with nonsensical concepts like irrational and imaginary numbers." One member of the Senate, though, seems to confirm the role of religion in the bill: "(30) ...... whole numbers are good enough for the Catholic Church, then they ought to be good enough for the children of the great state of Mississippi."

26- A) eliminatingB) having eliminatedC) being eliminatedD) to be eliminatedE) to have been eliminated

27- A) the most B) some of C) whole D) all

E) much

28- A) between B) on C) from D) at

E) among

29- A) Besides B) Whatever C) Apart D) Instead

E) So as

30- A) Which B) Thus C) How D) That

E) If


Critic Theophile Gautier once announced that (1) ...... could create (2) ...... "all the monsters of fantasy" than the French artist Gustave Dore, known especially for his highly imaginative book illustrations. Paul-Gustave Dore was born on 6 January 1832, in Strasbourg, France. (3) ...... his early teens, he had (4) ...... had some of his artwork (5) ...... .In 1847, he went to Paris, and from 1848 to 1851 drew cartoons for the weekly magazine Journal pour Rire. He also published books of his ink drawings. Although a good painter and sculptor as well, Dore's main success came from his illustrations in famous books, (6) ....... he used a wood-engraving process. He produced over 90 illustrated books. Some of the best of (7) ...... were Works of Rabe/a/s(1854), the Droll Stories of Balzac (1855), Dante's Inferno (1861), Cervantes' Don Quixote (1863), and a Bible (1865). His 1862 drawings (8) ...... the fairy tales of Charles Perrault were in publication for many decades. Many of Dore's drawings were of fascinating imaginary scenes from myth and legend. He often used religious or historical themes for his paintings, but he did not seem to bring these subjects (9) ...... life (10) ...... he did the creatures of imagination.

1- A) whatever B) whomever C) nobody D) anything

E) who

2- A) better B) so good C) too good D) so well that

E) well enough

3- A) When B) At C) As D) By

E) While

4- A) thus B) since C) but D) already

E) than

5- A) publishing B) published C) to publish D) being published

E) publish

6- A) with that B) of whom C) which D) what

E) for which

7- A) these B) which C) what D) themselves

E) that

8- A) to be accompanied B) accompanying C) accompanied D) being accompanied E) accompany

9- A) for B) in


C) to D) withE) during

10- A) so many as B) the best

C) quite well D) rather thanE) as well as

The story of the Hittites, nearly (11) ...... that is known of it, was recovered (12) ...... a single lifetime. (13) ...... of it (14) ...... together between the two World Wars. The chief source of information is the royal library of 10,000 clay tablets discovered in 1906 and, later, in the ruins of The ancient Hittite capital Khattushash, near Boğazköy, about 145 kilometres east (15) ...... Ankara. These tablets are in cuneiform writing, and most of (16) ...... though in Babylonian spelling, are in the Hittire language. For years, Hugo Winckler, the German archaeologist who made the find, and other scholars laboured vainly lo get a clue to this unknown tongue. One day a Czech archaeologist, Bedrich Hrozny, found in the same sentence with the Babylonian word-sign for bread, the Hittite word wadar (17) ...... out. He thought this (18) ...... he same as the English word "water". Other words seemed to have the same roots as the Latin aqua ("water") and the English "eat". Working from these slight clues, in 1915, he announced that he (19) ...... the riddle, and that Hittite was an Indo-European language, but a full translation of the tablets took (20) ...... ten years.

11- A) something B) a whole C) whatever D) any

E) all

12- A) betweenB) along C) from D) within

E) among

13- A) Most B) Many C) A few D) Only a few

E) A number

14- A) was pieced B) is being pieced C) had pieced D) has been pieced

E) would have pieced

15- A) with B) into C) of D) upon

E) about

16- A) which B) them C) that D) what

E) it

17- A) spelling B) to spell C) having spelled D) spell

E) spelled

18- A) might be B) has been C) may be D) can be

E) will have been

19- A) has solvedB) had solvedC) was being solvedD) would be solvedE) is solving

20- A) itself B) the other C) anyone D) another

E) themselves


In some literatures - (21) ...... classical Chinese, Old Norse, and Old Irish - the language (22) ...... is quite different from that spoken or used in ordinary writing. This marks off the reading of literature as a special experience. In the Western tradition, it is only in comparatively modern times (23) ...... literature has been written in the common speech of "cultivated men". The Elizabethans did not talk (24) ...... much of Shakespeare, (25) ...... did 18th-century people speak in the stately prose of Samuel Johnson or Edward Gibbon. The so-called Augustan plain style in literature became popular in the late 17th century and flourished throughout the 18th, but it was really a special form of rhetoric with antecedent models in Greek and Latin. The first modern person (26) ........major works of literature in the ordinary English language of the educated man was Daniel Defoe (1607 1731), and it is somewhat remarkable (27) ...... the language (28) ...... since his time, relatively speaking. Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (1719) is much more contemporary in tone than the elaborate prose of 19th-century writers like Thomas De Quincey or Walter Pater. However, Defoe's language is not, (29) ...... so simple: simplicity is (30) ...... only one of his forms of artistic expression.

21- A) skilfully B) ably C) notably D) gradually

E) worthily

22- A) renovated B) adorned C) operated D) spread

E) employed

23- A) which B) that C) where D) how

E) whom

24- A) as B) like C) such D) such as

E) alike

25- A) so B) like C) such D) nor

E) or

26- A) to write B) written C) being written D) wrote

E) to be written

27- A) much more B) very little C) how little D) so much

E) such a lot of

28- A) was changing B) was changed C) has changed D) will have changed

E) could be changed

29- A) at least B) so far C) for short D) in fact

E) at once

30- A) them B) itself C) anything D) whichever

E) what




Celebrate Something Bizarre

Holidays these days seem to fall into two basic categories. There are those that are over-commercialized; and there are those that are basically ignored, Christmas is an example of the former, (1) ...... Groundhog Day is an example of the (2) ...... Many of these "special days" have (3) ...... lost their meaning, or had it overshadowed by commercial promotion. But holidays are supposed to be festive, enjoyable times, so it seems (4) ...... a shame to just abandon the idea. In the hopes of carrying on the spirit of celebration, I observe a wide range of bizarre little days. Some have their own odd little origins, but most are derived from an old Mature Company calendar. It features a plant or animal on (5) ...... page, and some of them are certainly interesting enough to deserve a special day of celebration.

1- A) so B) because C) while D) despite

E) accordingly

2- A) some B) another C) many D) latter

E) other's

3- A) both B) either C) neither D) not only

E) or

4- A) too B) like C) as D) with

E) for

5- A) all B) many C) each D) much

E) some

14 February: Horned Lizard Day

For anyone (6) ...... finds Valentine's Day a sickeningly pointless holiday based entirely (7) ...... superficial expressions of fraudulent love, I lurned Lizard Day provides an opportunity to disorient our friends and loved ones with cheerful comments about interesting reptiles. Are you tired of Valentine's Day's hopelessly tooth-rotting sentimentality? Are you sick of supporting the flower and candy industries with hollow gestures of false affection? Does the colour pink send you into fits of psychotic rage? Then celebrate (8) ...... worth celebrating - celebrate Horned Lizard Day! I send Horned Lizard Day cards to my friends on this important occasion, both to spread happiness and to let them know (9) ...... interesting animals horned lizards are. I feel that there's no better way to celebrate 14 February than with an animal that squirts blood from a sinus behind its eyes (10) ...... threatened.

6- A) who B) which C) what D) how

E) when

7- A) at B) to C) of D) up E)on


8- A) no one B) someone C) everything D) anytime

E) something

9- A) that B) how C) where D) what

E) why

10- A) like B) when C) how D) as

E) which

Other February Holidays

Not only do duck-billed platypuses - (11) ...... day is February 2 - look incredibly odd, they're also the world's only venomous mammal. What could be better? So, stick a duck-bill on your face, attach some poisonous spines to your ankles, and go crazy. (Of course, if you did the first two, number three is probably already covered.) About three weeks later, on 22 February, celebrate Parsley Day. Acknowledge the world's greatest garnish by (12) ...... it ...... to total strangers in the street! Wander into fast food restaurants, walk up to the patrons, and offer to spice up the appearance of their boring meals with a sprig of festive green. Visit your friends and bestow upon them the gift of garnish. (13) ...... no one accepts your offerings, you can always just (14) ...... a table of (15) ...... with an elegant vase of nice fresh parsley, brightening the room and letting everyone know what a good understanding of culinary decor you have.

11- A) what B) that C) whose D) when

E) which

12- A) doing...away B) going...along C) getting.. .by D) handing.. .out E)

13- A) If B) Also

C) So D) That E) For

14- A) adorn B) inflate C) intend D) outline

E) affect

15- A) its B) you C) itself D) yourself

E) your own

May Holidays

(16) ...... 19 November is the official day for sloth (that is, "laziness") according to a calendar of (17) ...... I've been told by a friend that 9 May has also been established as International Sloth Day. I've got nothing against celebrating sloth twice a year, or you can choose (18) ...... date you desire. Just don't celebrate too actively, or you'll defeat the whole purpose of Sloth Day in the first place. Later in the month of May comes an actual date in history, which warrants note (19) ...... you care about the actual event or not. On 23 May 1618, in Prague, a few royal officials were thrown out of a window of Hradcany Castle by some noblemen, but survived the fall by landing in a cart full of manure: this was the Defenestration of Prague. More importantly, "defenestration" is easily one of the most totally underused words in the English language. For (20) ...... who are unaware, it means "the act of throwing something or someone out of a window".

16- A) Since B) Nonetheless C) Though D) Consequently

E) But

17- A) mine B) their C) me D) its

E) its own

18- A) however B) whenever C) wherever D) whichever

E) whomever


19- A) when B) accordingly C) as D) whether

E) how

20- A) them B) those C) that D) this

E) these

25 June: Zoog Day

Many years ago, it was determined that there were several holidays distributed (21) ...... the year that revolved around candy and greetings cards, but that all of the popular gift-giving holidays (22) ...... in winter. To create a balance, Zoog Day was established on 25 June, six months away from the popular Christmas holiday. On this day, decorations tend to be in purple and orange, and celebrants are encouraged to obtain and decorate a Zoog tree. Zoog trees are spiny, purple, and perfectly cylindrical. Zoog the All-Nifty (23) ...... to fly around that night on the back of his magical griffin, teleporting presents into people's kitchens. It is only a coincidence that Zoog's name is shared by a race of beings from the works of horror writer HP. Lovecraft, but (24) ....... fans of the author are encouraged to celebrate this day by releasing swarms of zoogs into the waking world, and watching with delight as people discover that these cute, fuzzy creatures are carnivorous, and perfectly willing (25) ...... people.

21- A) throughout B) alongside C) between D) beneath

E) without

22- A) may concentrate B) are concentrating C) have been concentrating D) were concentrated E) will have concentrated

23- A) will have been said B) would say C) is said D) has said E) is saying

24- A) whereas B) despite C) nevertheless D) therefore

E) consequently

25- A) to be eaten B) eating C) having eaten D) being eaten

E) to eat

December Holidays

Certainly one of the most important days of the year, Pangolin Day (8 December) celebrates everyone's favourite walking pinecone. For those of you unfamiliar with pangolins, they are ant-eating mammals (26) ......with overlapping armour scales. They have long prehensile tails, and they curl into an armoured ball if threatened by predators. There are a lot of really fascinating animals out there, (27) ...... pangolins are probably my own personal favourite. (28) ...... fascinating creature is celebrated on 23 December; that is, Loggerhead Shrike Day. Displaying some of the most bizarre animal behaviour I've ever heard of, this bird apparently impales uneaten prey on either thorns or barbed wire. To celebrate this, I recommend sticking any leftovers from yourmeals onto (29) ...... sharp objects. Pens, pencils, coat racks, and other (30) ...... items should be ideally suited for this purpose.

26- A) covering B) to cover C) being covered D) covered

E) to have been covered

27- A) yet B) instead C) because D) accordingly

E) so

28- A) Others B) Another C) The other D) Other

E) Some other

29- A) beside B) none C) nearby D) tight

E) less


30- A) such B) lots of C) so D) much

E) many



New Zealand was first settled by the Maori, a brown-skinned Polynesian people. Their ancestors migrated from "Hawaiiki", (1) ...... among the tropical islands some 2,000 miles or more to the northeast - but not from Hawaii, (2) ...... the similarity in names. They traditionally trace their tribal origins to migrants in canoes once thought (3) ...... about AD 1350. Archaeological evidence, however, indicates that the ancestors of the Maori were settled in New Zealand perhaps as early as AD 600, and certainly by AD 1000. These early Polynesians are now (4) ...... to as the Moahunters because they used the now-extinct moas - flightless birds ranging (5) ...... size from turkeys to huge ostriches - for food, and they fashioned implements and ornaments from their bones.

1- A) where else B) however C) somewhere D) wherever

E) whomever

2- A) despite B) like C) such as D) owing to

E) much

3- A) to have arrived B) arriving C) having arrived D) to be arriving

E) arrived

4- A) researched B) referred C) counted D) addressed

E) limited

5- A) to B) for C) with D) in

E) on

The islands remained unknown to the Western world (6) ........ the Dutch sea captain Abel Tasman sailed (7) ...... the western shoreline in 1642. An attempt at landing (8) ....... by the violent reception given to his men by the Maori. (9) ...... a century passed before the voyages of the English explorer Capt. James Cook, who disproved theories that New Zealand was a great southern continent by circumnavigating the islands in 1769-70. He made contact with the Maori people at numerous places around the coast and was impressed by their social organization and their warlike qualities, as well as by their arts and crafts. The establishment ofthe close links with Great Britain (10) ........ have shaped much modern-day New Zealand life and culture dates from Captain Cook's day.

6- A) while B) during C) as though D) wherever

E) until

7- A) between B) among C) along D) upon

E) through

8- A) has been discouraged B) was discouraging C) was discouraged D) had discouraged E) would have discouraged

9- A) Much more B) Such as C) Moreover D) More than

E) Rather than

10- A) where B) that C) how D) why

E) when


In the early years of European contact, the Maori population declined, principally through diseases brought by the while immigrants. The native population was also affected by the import of firearms. (11) ...... some Maori used in tribal warfare. Since the late 19th century, however, Maori numbers (12) ......, along with intermarriage. From fewer than 43,000 in 1892, the Maori population increased to 321,000 in 1991 9.5 percent of all New Zealanders – or 512.000 (13) ...... all persons with some Maori ancestry are included, which constitutes 14.9 percent of all New Zealanders. Today the Maori people have four representatives in the New Zealand Parliament and have legal equality with people of European origin. There is (14) ...... of the racial tension found in many other lands. Maori identity is strong, but Maori and Europeans freely intermarry and they have similar ways of life; some aspects of social and cultural life tend to remain distinctly Maori or distinctly European (15) ...... .

11- A) who B) whose C) that D) where

E) which

12- A) are increasingB) were increasingC) will have increased D) will be increasingE) have increased

13- A) if B) which C) whom D) whether

E) either

14- A) just a few B) little C) much D) no

E) most

15- A) either B) neither C) thus D) though

E) so

Over the years, the Maori language (16)........a very troubled history, going from the position of the predominant language of New Zealand to becoming, around 1860s, a minority language in the shadow of the English brought by white settlers. In the late 19th century, the English school system was introduced for all New Zealanders, and from the 1880s the use of Maori in school was forbidden. (17).......numbers of Maori people learned English because it was required at school. Until World War II, however, most Maori still spoke Maori as a nativelanguage, (18)........the 1930s, some Maori parliamentarians were disadvantaged because the Parliament's proceedings were at that time carried on in English. In this period, the number of speakers of Maori began to decline rapidly, until the 1980s, when less than 20 percent of the Maori spoke the language (19) be considered native speakers. Around this time, Maori leaders began to recognize the dangers of the loss of their language and began to initiate Maori-language (20)........programs.

16- A) was having B) had been having C) will be having D) will have

E) has had

17- A) Appreciative B) Average C) Increasing D) Declining

E) Enthusiastic

18- A) As late as B) So late that C) Such a lale D) Much later

E) The latest

19- A) so good B) well enough C) so well that D) better than

E) the best

20- A) posture B) recovery C) encounter D) jeopardy

E) mending

The traditional Maori world is an oral culture.Other cultures, (21) ...... the fact that


they place emphasis on the written word, often dismiss Maori oral tradition as it was not written down. One of the main arguments against the reliability of these oral tradition is the "Chinese Whisper" theory, which works (22) ...... follows: A group of people sit in a circle; the first person whispers a phrase to the person on his or her side, who (23) ...... whispers to the next person, and so forth around the whole circle, (24) ...... it gets back to the original person. There is a very high possibility that the phrase has changed. Those who argue against the accuracy of oral traditions say this proves that stories undergo changes as they are passed from person to person. However, (25) ...... these people fail to acknowledge is that oral traditions are not whispered once to a person. It takes years of training and recitation to gain the position of historian. The memory is trained to be able to recall accurately the histories, traditions and genealogies word by word.

21- A) despite B) instead of C) since D) because

E) due to

22- A) if B) in case C) as D) like

E) just

23- A) in short B) in advance C) in common D) in turn

E) in progress

24- A) by the time B) while C) after D) until

E) as soon as

25- A) what B) how C) when D) whom

E) that

Kapa haka is the term used for the Traditional Maori Performing Arts. (26) ...... other indigenous dance forms, kapa haka is unique in (27) ...... the performers must sing, dance, and have expression as well as movement - all combined into each item. Kapa haka

(28) ...... as a sign language, as (29) ...... action has a meaning, which ties in with the words. For example, if the hand is by the ear, this will probably tie in with the word whakarongo, which means "to listen". (30) ...... the earliest times, the haka has inspired and energized generations of Maori in both peace and war. The haka was part of the Maori warrior's conditioning for war and battle. Today the haka is an aspect of the Maori culture of New Zealand that has become very much a national expression of New Zealand identity.

26- A) As B) Where C) Unlike D) Whichever

E) While

27- A) whenever B) as long as C) so that D) much as

E) the fact that

28- A) must have seen B) could be seen C) will have been seen D) is supposed to see E) may have seen

29- A) all of B) each C) whole D) none

E) several

30- A) Since B) For C) While D) During

E) When





Education (1) ...... nature was the theme around which Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) constructed his program to reform the schooling of very young children. He believed that clear thinking comes from accurate observation of the world. His proposals (2) ....... the development of the mind (3) ...... physical exercise, moral education, and vocational training. Thus, his learn-by-doing (4) ...... emphasized writing, drawing, singing, exercise, model making, mapmaking, group recitations, and field trips. He was influential in ridding schools of the oppressive discipline and cruel punishments that were commonly inflicted upon children. His principles were put to work in Prussia and in some English and American schools. Pestalozzi's ideas were (5) ...... thoselater developed by Friedrich Froebel, Maria Montessori, John Dewey, and Jean Piaget.

1- A) by no means B) at random C) in return for D) for instance

E) according to

2- A) broke into B) dropped off C) took after D) gave back

E) called for

3- A) along with B) so as to C) as for D) up until

E) far from

4- A) distance B) approach C) closure D) proximity

E) amount

5- A) as much as B) rather than C) similar to D) instead of

E) no more


(6) ...... the great German educator Froebel (1782-1852) was 50 years old did he find his real lifework, the kindergarten. In his early twenties, Froebel began to teach in Anton Gainer's school at Frankfurt. He realizedimmediately that he loved the work. (7) ...... great success, Froebel felt there was (8) ...... for him to learn. He spent several more years studying, with the Swiss educator J.H. Pestalozzi and at several German universities. In 1816, Froebel established his first school, but it was not before 1837 that he founded the sort of school that (9) ...... so wide an influence on education all over the world (10) ...... today. That was the kindergarten - meaning "children's garden" in German - a school for children between the ages of 4 and 6. The great idea that he developed in his books and in his schools was that children must not be taught by rule but according to their natural instincts and activities. Froebel did not live to see his idea fully accepted, though. The Prussian government abolished kindergartens in 1851 because it considered them socialistic.

6- A) If only B) Neither C) Not only D) Not until

E) As though

7- A) Despite B) Accordingly C) Whereas D) The moment

E) Likewise

8- A) too many B) more than C) so much D) just a few

E) as little as

9- A) is having B) has C) has had D) will be having

E) will have had

10- A) towards B) throughout C) ever since D) even if

E) up until



The "father of the American public school", Horace Mann (1796-1859) worked to win reforms and public support for schools in the United States. It was his opinion that, in days to come, (11) ...... universal, nonsectarian, and free. Through his influence, the first teacher-training school in the United States was established in 1839. In 1843, Mann spent five months in Europe (12) ...... its schools. (13) ...... his return, his report to the board antagonized the Boston schoolmasters, who considered his praise of Prussian teaching methods as criticism of (14) ...... . The report, however, made him a national figure. Declaring his enthusiasm for education as the basis of democracy, Mann said, "The common school is (15) ...... discovery ever made by man". Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio, made Mann its president in 1853. There he sought to make higher education available to all on a coeducational and nonsectarian basis.

11- A) had been B) should be C) must have been D) has been

E) used to be

12- A) to have studied B) being studied C) studied D) studying

E) to be studied

13- A) Upon B) When C) While D) By the time

E) Moreover

14- A) their B) him C) its own D) its

E) themselves

15- A) so great B) greater than C) the greatest D) as great as

E) much greater


One of the most notable American

philosophers of the 20th century, John Dewey (1859-1952) was also a pioneer in educational theory and method. (16) ...... his ideas developed the progressive education movement that was very influential in schools until about 1950. Learning by doing was the heart of his method. The children were given freedom to learn (17) ...... their needs and experiences. Dewey regarded the school as a community - a part of society. He looked upon education as a process of living, not as preparation (18) ...... later living. In philosophy, Dewey's pragmatic theories insisted that the way to test ideas was to check them against their consequences (19) claim their agreement with supposedly self-evident truth. (20)........faced with a problem, said Dewey, a person must logically examine the options open to him or her to find the best solution supported by the facts.

16- A) Into B) Near C) Since D) Out of

E) At

17- A) in return for B) in accordance with C) on the point of D) in the age of

E) on the brink of

18- A) in B) for C) at D) on

E) with

19- A) rather than B) so that C) moreover D) in case of

E) in addition

20- A) That B) How C) Who D) When

E) Why


A pioneer in modern education, Maria Montessori (1870-1952) devised the progressive method that (21) ...... her name. An Italian psychiatrist, she introduced the


Montessori Method in the early 1900s. In 1894, Maria Montessori became the first woman (22) ...... a medical degree by the University of Rome. After graduation, she worked with supposedly ineducable children. Her progressive method developed from this work and from her experiences as director of Casa dei Bambini, or Children's House, a school for children. The method is based on a child's natural development and growing awareness of the world (23) ...... perceived through the senses. A variety of learning tools are provided, and the children themselves choose (24) ...... they wish to use. The interest of the students is sustained by their feeling of accomplishment and by the pleasure derived from doing things (25) ...... they have chosen themselves.

21-A) gives B) adapts C) bears D) supposes

E) conducts

22- A) having awarded B) to be awarded C) having been awarded D) award E) to have awarded

23- A) as B) from C) such D) like

E) but

24- A) what B) that C) when D) who E) why

25- A) whose B) where C) - D) how

E) whom


The Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget (1896-1980) was the first scientist to make systematic studies of (26) ...... children learn. His concept of the stages of learning made it necessary for scholars to reevaluate previous information about children and the learning process. (27) ...... his work, teachers came to be viewed as

guides to children's discovery of (28) ...... and the world - not just as transmitters of learning. Piaget viewed children as people who continually make and remake their own reality. They grow mentally by taking the simple concepts they learn early on and integrating them into more advanced ones. Piaget described four stages of development (29) ...... all individuals pass. In the sensorimotor stage, children become aware of themselves as separate beings in the world; they try to master their reflexes, and they constantly experiment. The preoperational stage, from about 2 to 7 years, is marked by learning language; children are able to handle words mentally just as they handled objects in the previous stage. In the concrete operational stage, from 7 until 12, children begin to classify objects (30) ...... their similarity or difference. This is the beginning of logic. The last stage is the period of formal operations, which lasts into adulthood. It becomes possible to make hypotheses and to master abstract ideas.

26- A) that B) during C) whom D) those

E) how

27- A) On the brink of B) In light of C) On no account D) At any rate

E) Instead of

28- A) their B) wherever C) thereafter D) themselves

E) its

29- A) through which B) about whose C) to that D) with whom

E) from what

30- A) inside B) to C) at D) between E) by





Apparently, it's not (1) ...... humans who can develop drug problems. Orlando, (2) ...... by Ms. Angelica Fuentes of Santiago, Chile, is an albino boxer dog with chronic stomach pains. One afternoon a while back, a friend of Ms. Fuentes who was moving away asked her to keep a plant for her. Ms. Fuentes wholeheartedly agreed to do so, and took the plant into her home. (3) ...... then, her dog has been methodically eating leaves from the plant every day. (4) ...... first noticing this behaviour, Ms. Fuentes thought it rather odd, as Orlando had never been so naughty before - but then she noticed that the plant in question was a marijuana plant. Ms. Fuentes believes that Orlando has been medicating himself for those chronic stomach pains of his. Orlando seems to be quite an intelligent dog as well: "I now leave the pot plant out with other herbs," Ms. Fuentes says, "and he is capable of choosing (5) ...... is the particular herb that he requires."

1- A) already B) such C) so D) just

E) yet

2- A) to own B) owning C) owned D) having owned

E) to be owned

3- A) For B) After C) By the time D) Ever since

E) When

4- A) Along B) Upon C) Within D) Of

E) To

5- A) which B) whose C) where D) how

E) whom


Mitch Bonham's leg began to turn black following an accident he had while in the British Royal Navy, and he (6) ...... that he would lose the leg by his doctor. But then, his dog Milo began to lick Mr. Bonham's leg for up to four hours every day. Mr. Bonham explains what happened next: "One day I felt my toe move. It was (7) ...... the muscles in my leg were being reactivated. I had been told that this could happen if my leg was getting better, but that I shouldn't allow myself to hope that I could ever actually recover (8) ...... my problem. When the doctor saw my leg again, he said, 'My God -what have you been doing?!?' He said it was incredible: the dog had saved my leg. Apparently, by licking my leg for such long periods, Milo had stimulated the nerves and helped the oxygen get into my leg. Then the doctor told me that I didn't need to come back, and that I should just let Milo (9) ...... doing what he did best. Me and my friends had a celebration that night, and Milo had a big juicy bone as a thank-you for (10) ...... that he had done to help me."

6- A) is told B) was told C) would be told D) has been told

E) will have been told

7- A) such B) like C) even though D) more than

E) as if

8- A) towards B) at C) to D) among

E) from

9- A) lay off B) work for C) carry on D) set down E) put up

10- A) most B) some C) however D) all

E) what



The Manchester United and Arsenal football squads have ruled over the English Premiership for the last decade - but this (11) ...... may have a scientific explanation. A report in the journal Nature by Durham University academics suggests that competitors who wear red - (12) ...... Manchester United and Arsenal - have anadvantage. The researchers claim that this advantage may be a result of a deep-seated evolutionary response. Dr. Robert Barton says, "Whether red suppresses the testosterone of the opponent or boosts the testosterone of the individual wearing red, we don't know at the moment. We're going to look into that. My sense is that there is a bit of both going on." The researchers studied four sports (13) ...... the 2004 Olympics - boxing, tae kwon do, Greco-Roman wrestling, and freestyle wrestling -where contestants were randomly assigned either red or blue colours. They found that, in all the events studied, the contestants (14) ...... red won significantly (15) ...... contests. Looking at results from the Euro 2004 football tournament also showed that five squads had better results when playing in red.

11- A) dominance B) reflection C) struggle D) emergency

E) innovation

12- A) such as B) even so C) as though D) much more

E) only if

13- A) while B) since C) as D) during

E) when

14- A) to have worn B) worn C) wearing D) wear

E) to be worn

15- A) much B) a lot C) such a D) so many

E) more


In Russia, official statistics show that of the 24,000 traffic accidents that occurred over the past year, 38% involved drivers hitting pedestrians. That figure rose to 54% for the 3,700 road accidents recorded in the first four months of this year. In an effort to encourage people to stop driving aggressively and to have more (16) ...... for pedestrians, Moscow traffic police have launched a new road and safety awareness campaign called Safe Crossing. One part of this program is quite revolutionary, and -who knows? - could very well end up being a very strong encouragement for safer driving. (17) ...... giving fines to bad drivers, the policeare instead handing out free petrol vouchers to good (18) ...... which enables those good drivers to get petrol (19) ...... having to pay for it. According to representatives of the Safe Crossing campaign, (20) ...... careful drivers can be given vouchers that are worth up to £1,500 of petrol. Perhaps now the pedestrians of Russia will be able to sleep sounder at night.

16- A) proof B) intention C) regard D) expense

E) circumstance

17- A) Because B) Rather than C) Although D) According to

E) Instead

18- A) their own B) those C) ones D) another

E) one another

19- A) along B) throughout C) within D) without

E) among

20- A) scarcely B) rarely C) negligently D) gradually

E) particularly


It seems that Walter Mueller, of Schleswig-

Holstein in Germany, is not too fond (21) ...... insects. One evening, Mr. Mueller - who was having a problem with mosquitoes -


closed all of the windows in his apartment and emptied several cans of extra strength insect spray into the air before sitting down at his computer to surf the Internet. Poor Mr. Mueller- he couldn't have chosen a (22) ...... time to take advantage of the wonders of modern technology. (23) ...... he turned on his computer, a spark of electricity ignited the powerful fumes of the insect spray that were hanging in the air, causing an explosion that demolished his apartment and blew out all the windows. Amazingly, Mr. Mueller (24) ...... was not badly hurt, and was released from hospital after treatment for minor injuries. None of the other residents in the building were injured, (25) ...... but several apartments were damaged - to the tune of £100,000 - and debris flew up to 100 metres away. The street outside the building had to be closed for several hours as a result.

21- A) in B) upon C) at D) of

E) from

22- A) worse B) many C) much D) worst

E) bad

23- A) Despite B) The moment C) In order that D) Even though

E) During

24- A) his own B) him C) he D) his

E) himself

25- A) nor B) neither C) either D) such

E) any


9-year-old Wang Peng, from Wuhan city in central China, was a very (26) ...... boy, saving his money and using it to buy 20 eggs. He was planning to use his family's hen to hatch the eggs - and then disaster struck: the hen was attacked by a neighbour's dog and died. What could be done now? Well, Wang was also a very clever and resourceful boy, it seems: he put the eggs in a box and put the box between his legs for warmth (27) ...... day, lying under a pile of quilts as well. " (28) ...... time was when I was asleep," Wang said. "I had to sleep under really thick quilts, and dared not turn over (29) ...... crushing the eggs." (30) ...... he had to leave the house to go to school, he wrapped the box of eggs in the quilts to try and keep them warm during his absence. After 20 days, one night Wang was awakened by some faint sounds - one of the chicks had hatched! Over the next few days, another 12 of the little creatures came out of their shells to greet the world. "I am very happy," says Wang, "since I finished the job for the hen."

26- A) economics B) economical C) economy D) economist

E) economic

27- A) some B) each C) a D) many

E) the

28- A) So difficult B) Difficult

C) The most difficult D) More difficult

E) As difficult as

29- A) for fear of B) accordingly C) because D) instead of

E) so that

30- A) Whichever B) Wherever C) Whatever D) Whenever

E) Whomever

































































































