cloud computing & cloud hosting - the game changer


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Post on 08-May-2015




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How is cloud computing & cloud hosting changing the outlook, costs, risks and entry barrier for businesses.What is cloud hosting and how does it benefit business.


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Rudhir Sharan


Page 3: Cloud Computing & Cloud Hosting - the game changer

What is Cloud Computing & the evolution

Rudhir Sharan


What is CloudHosting

How does it change the game?

CrackerHost & Cloud Hosting Demo

Page 4: Cloud Computing & Cloud Hosting - the game changer

What is Cloud Computing & the evolution

Rudhir Sharan


What is CloudHosting

How does it change the game?

CrackerHost & Demo

Page 5: Cloud Computing & Cloud Hosting - the game changer

• Hype/buzzword?

• Semantics

• Old wine in new bottle?

• Add Cloud Computing in your company vision or AGM and your stock price goes up!

…controversial & intriguing question

What is Cloud Computing?


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…amorphous computing body (a cloud) which delivers computing resources on demand and without the need for the user to understand what is and how to operate the ‘pistons and shafts’ of the computing infrastructure/system or software behind it. It is instantly provisioned & readily scalable and has a pay as you go model.

• On–demand computing• Don’t need to look under the hood• Readily scalable• Pay As You Go pricing

…let us dig a bit deeper

What is cloud computing?


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Independent computing systemof an organization, 21st Century•Centered around skilled labor and large office space•Manage own computing power/software/infrastructure/platforms•Large IT investments•Cloud computing…

Burden’s wheel, 19th Century•Next to Wynantskill river, upstate NY•Generate own electricity•Large capital investment•Electricity grid archived the wheel

…the story was the same for factories in the 19th Century

Story of Henry Burden/Burden Iron Works


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Companies were in the business of power generation as much as in production

19th Century Pre-electricity grid era


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The individual trademarks are the property of the respective companies and are only used for reference here

Distributed production centersDistributed computing power centers

Companies have been in the business of IT as much as their business

21st Century: Pre-cloud era


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Electric Power Computing Power

Centralized computing / Centralized power generationA sign of evolution and economic efficiency

…déjà vu?

The evolution of business is following a similar path:


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• Larry Ellison referred to cloud computing as


• Later Oracle announced its products were

“cloud-computing ready”

The Cloud was always thereIt is VPS not cloud...stop that …or?

Look, here is the cloud and from now onwards everything will be called the cloud so that I can sell you more

I have an ideaAnd it’s cloud(ed)

Definition does not matter…the cloud does…here to stay & change

Cloud definition war…


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• Hardware resources– CPU/Hard Disk/RAM

• Operating systems– Windows/Linux/Chrome OS

• Application development & deployment platform /RDBMS– Ruby on Rails / ColdFusion / PHP

• Applications– E-mail, E-commerce engine, CRM, Accounting


…can any computing power go on the cloud?...categorize?

What is computing power:


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Software as a Service(, Google Apps)

Platforms as a Service(Database on the cloud,CrackerHost)

Infrastructure as a Service (GoGrid)




…evolving definitions…grey boundaries…cloud hosting both platform and infrastructure as a service

Cloud Pyramid?


Page 14: Cloud Computing & Cloud Hosting - the game changer

What is Cloud Computing & the evolution

Rudhir Sharan


What is CloudHosting

How does it change the game?

CrackerHost & Demo

•On–demand computing•Don’t need to look under the hood•Readily scalable•Pay As You Go pricing•Centralized power generation - Evolution similar to a 100 years ago

Page 15: Cloud Computing & Cloud Hosting - the game changer

What is Cloud Computing & evolution

Rudhir Sharan


What is CloudHosting

How does it change the game?

CrackerHost & Demo

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…what works under the hood is not my bother…I will pay for what I use

What is cloud hosting: Infrastructure as a Service & Platform as a Service


Pay As You Go

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Cloud hosting – turn ON / OFF the switch

What is cloud hosting: Infrastructure as a Service & Platform as a Service


Data center



Operating System




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Traditional hosting limitation: cope up with the growth of successful sites

Site user growth scenario traditional Dedicated/VPS hosting


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Cloud Hosting

…the cloud is elastic! It stretches with your needs

Site user growth scenario with Cloud Hosting


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• Cluster• Failover• On-demand/PAYG• Auto-upgrade or downgrade (elasticity)• Build from images

…HA, on-demand, clone-able, auto-upgradable hosting

How is Cloud Hosting different from traditional/dedicated/VPS hosting


Page 21: Cloud Computing & Cloud Hosting - the game changer

What is Cloud Computing & evolution

Rudhir Sharan


What is CloudHosting

How does it change the game?

CrackerHost & Demo

•On–demand hosting•Hosting delivered as a service•Elastic & Readily scalable•Pay As You Go •Highly reliable•Server & application cloning

Page 22: Cloud Computing & Cloud Hosting - the game changer

What is Cloud Computing & evolution

Rudhir Sharan


What is CloudHosting

How does it change the game?

CrackerHost & Demo

Page 23: Cloud Computing & Cloud Hosting - the game changer

SFW? What does it mean for startups & developers?

Risk mitigation…a crash can mean the death of a startup

•Traditional hosting crash means hours and days of recovery•High load crash with traditional hosting will mean building new servers, loading software, plugging security holes, testing, load balancing•Cloud can avoid crashes and hasten recovery

•It is not whether but when the disk will crash.•Site launch crash is not a status symbol anymore

• Build back from custom images in minutes• Hardware failover• Auto-upgrade avoids crashes

Traditional hosting: Dedicated & VPS Cloud Hosting


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SFW? What does it mean for start-ups & developers?

…low cost = low burn rate = easier to bootstrap

Don’t need expensive servers and licensesDon’t need expensive human resources/consulting costsPay As You Go

Traditional hosting: Dedicated & VPS Cloud Hosting


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SFW? What does it mean for start-ups?

…tremendous flexibility for developers & startups…options remain open

Test applications and then shut servers when not needed

Switch-off the cloud when not in use!!! PAYG

•Yearly contracts•At least monthly billing•Set up costs

Traditional hosting: Dedicated & VPS Cloud Hosting


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SFW? What does it mean for start-ups?

…cloud hosting will reduce your carbon footprint

Cloud hosting means less carbon emissions

Traditional hosting: Dedicated & VPS Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is green!(if you care)

Save the planet, switch to the cloud!


Page 27: Cloud Computing & Cloud Hosting - the game changer

What is Cloud Computing & evolution

Rudhir Sharan


What is CloudHosting

How does it change the game?

CrackerHost & Demo

•Risk of business failure is reduced•Low entry barriers for business•Cloud hosting is green•Cloud hosting is low cost

Page 28: Cloud Computing & Cloud Hosting - the game changer

What is Cloud Computing & evolution

Rudhir Sharan


What is CloudHosting

How does it change the game?

CrackerHost & Cloud Hosting Demo

Page 29: Cloud Computing & Cloud Hosting - the game changer

…advantages of cloud hosting with CrackerHost

•Managed Support•High Availability•Auto-scalable(upgrade/downgrade)•Build from custom images•No contracts•No cost re-imaging•PAYG•Lower costs


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…unique propositions…more to come

CrackerHost Vs. Other Cloud Providers

•Offer managed services around the cloud

•Offer open standard control panels like Plesk, cPanel (PaaS)


Page 31: Cloud Computing & Cloud Hosting - the game changer Benchmarking Auto-upgrade

…web 2.0/3.0? User flood on launch…how long will you take to upgrade?

Benchmark result: Time taken to upgrade the server: 4 minutes 5 seconds

Server time before auto-upgrade: 22:15:14

Server time after auto-upgrade: 22:19:19


Page 32: Cloud Computing & Cloud Hosting - the game changer Demonstration

…proof of the pudding…cloud servers from CrackerHost


Let us create a cloud server

Page 33: Cloud Computing & Cloud Hosting - the game changer

What is Cloud Computing & evolution

Rudhir Sharan


What is CloudHosting

How does it change the game?

CrackerHost & Cloud Hosting Demo

•Managed Cloud Hosting•Call us for a free

Page 34: Cloud Computing & Cloud Hosting - the game changer

The cloud changes everything!


•Lower cost

•Lower risk

•Lower entry barrier

Rudhir Sharan