closing of conference program directors, all protocol observed. as we come to the close yet another...


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Post on 05-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Closing of Conference Program Directors, All Protocol observed. As we come to the close yet another successfully conference. Allow me to take this opportunity
Page 2: Closing of Conference Program Directors, All Protocol observed. As we come to the close yet another successfully conference. Allow me to take this opportunity

Closing of Conference

Program Directors, All Protocol observed. As we come to the close yet another successfully conference. Allow me to take this opportunity to thank all who made this conference a success. In particular and I wish to thank the following:• The conference team and the standing committtee on communication

and marketing• All our exhibitors who continue to support us

The following partners are acknowledged:• Salga as IMFO host Partner.• A special word of appreciation to Mayor Mondli Gungebele and the

City Manager for releasing his communication staff to complent IMFO staff the CFO who provided her staff to assist in this conference.

• The following sponsors are also appreciated :

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Institute of Municipal Finance Officers & Related Professions

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Institute of Municipal Finance Officers & Related Professions

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Institute of Municipal Finance Officers & Related Professions

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A special acknowledgement must go to National Treasury represented here by Mr Carl Stround , to the DG and the Minster ,we appreciate your cooperation and support from all NT senior management and the units at treasury including the ASB. We also would to appreciate the signing of the MOC in sealing our partnership.Our Speakers and Facilitators, this conference could not have been a success without your participation at no cost to IMFO you brought all the valuable expert insights to this conference to make it a success.- IMFO delegates which includes Councillors, Executive Mayors, Mayors, Audit

Committees, MPAC,CFOs, MM’s other senior officials from all muncipalities and provincial Treasuries and Cogtas we thank you for your total support.

- Lastly but not least our conference secretary from Ekhuruleni for once more pulling this conference through for us with all the logistics and special arrangements. You will agree with me that the welcome dinner was the best second to none and rocking. To you Mr Calvin Naidoo thank you very much.

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- To the board thank your for supporting the Presidency to make this conference work for all our members and stakeholders with your support.

- To the Acting CEO, IMFO management and staff you make us proud with your unselfish commitment.

- To my Vice Presidents, and the past President thank for walking with me all the way.

To all please accept our apologies for the minor glitches with audio. We will also will appreciate your feedback on this conference.

I now wish to deal with special recognition to one staff member Gertrude Tsotetsi for completing 10 years with IMFO.

A special recognition to three board members for sterling and meritorious service to IMFO. The Following persons are recognised:- Louise Muller- Santie Reyneke and Peet du Plessis.

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Awarded to: Louise Muller

First Merit Award is warded to : Louise Muller is hereby acknowledged for her outstanding contribution to the development of both the Institute and the profession of Municipal Finance Officers in South Africa. She displayed outstanding leadership with: Amending IMFO’s founding documents by replacing its

Constitution with the first Memorandum of Incorporation in terms of the Companies Act 71 of 2008;

Demonstrated unfailing attention to detail whilst compiling and reviewing IMFO’s policies to be compliant;

Provided strategic leadership whilst presiding over expanding services to the Public Sector while retaining IMFO’s Local Government roots;

In Capacity As: Board Member

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Awarded To: Louise Muller

Enhanced IMFO’s contributions to increased service delivery in the Public Sector by her decisive leadership, energy and attention to detail in organising and lifting the standards of the 2012, 2013 and 2014 Conferences;

Advised on technical and policy issues affecting various disciplines such as electricity pricing reviews, Integrated Rapid Transport and updating members via the IMFO Journal on pertinent legal matters and impacts;

Delivered numerous presentations on behalf of IMFO at various conferences and seminars to assist with improving service delivery to all our residents;

Stood as a pillar of strength in empowering women to take their rightful place in senior management;

In Capacity As: Board Member

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Awarded To: Louise Muller

Dedicated herself to enhance IMFO’s image by selflessly giving far more than what could have been expected.

In Capacity As: Board Member

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Second Awarded to: Peet Du Plessis

Peet du Plessis is hereby acknowledged for his outstanding contribution to the development of both the Institute and the profession of municipal finance officers in South Africa.  His commitment to the profession is reflected in his representation of the Institute. He is honoured for:  His significant contribution to transformation of the Institute ensuring

accessibility to all municipal finance officials; His commitment to ensuring that the Institute plays a valuable role in

the development of financial and municipal property rates legislation in local government;


In Capacity As: Fellow Of The Institute Of Municipal Finance Officers

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Awarded to: Peet Du Plessis

His outstanding leadership during the Credit control and Debt collection provincial seminars to local government;

His enhancement of the image of the Institute. With this award, the Institute expresses its appreciation of Peet du Plessis’s dedication.   

In Capacity As: Fellow Of The Institute Of Municipal Finance Officers

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Awarded To: Santie Reyneke Naude

Third Award to : Santie Reyneke-Naude is hereby acknowledged for her outstanding contribution to the development of both the Institute and the profession of Municipal Finance Officers in South Africa. She is acknowledged for: Her passionate and outstanding contribution to nurture IMFO and the

profession as a Board Member and Chairperson of the Western Cape Branch of the Institute;

Her excellent leadership during the four years as the Chairperson of the Western Cape Branch of IMFO provided numerous high profile events for the benefit of members and prospective members;

She led the Branch Committee in arranging topical interactions with experts in the field and these technical sessions contributed to the increasing number of clean audits recorded by municipalities in the Western Cape;

In Capacity As: Board Member

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Awarded To: Santie Reyneke Naude

Under her leadership the Western Cape Branch achieved a unique four consecutive Branch of the Year Awards;

Whilst working hard at providing IMFO services to members in the Branch, she motivated and challenged the other IMFO branches to also improve their value add to their members and prospective members, culminating in the increased activities in other branches;

Her commitment to improving the value adds of IMFO and its Branch to Local Government and her passion to empower colleagues, has already yielded positive results;

As the CFO of a municipality with two consecutive clean audits, she stands tall as a role model in empowering women to take their rightful place in senior management;

She dedicates herself to enhance IMFO’s image by selflessly giving far more than what could be expected.


In Capacity As: Board Member

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Awarded To: Santie Reyneke Naude

With this award, the Institute expresses its appreciation of Santie Reyneke-Naude’s dedication.   

In Capacity As: Board Member

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Institute of Municipal Finance Officers & Related Professions

1. BEST DESIGN STAND• Stand No. 86 - Business Connexion


3. MOST ORIGINAL DESIGN• Stand No. 59 - Bigen Africa

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In Capacity As: Most delegates registered by the municipality

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“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort.” Paul J Meyer

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” Helen Keller  

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In conclusion – Thank You ONCE MORE !

Have a safe journey back home. The 87th conference of IMFO will be hosted by the City of Ethekwini , hope to see you in Durban in 2016

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