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Client Administration [email protected] 1 Client Administration

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Client Administration [email protected] 1

Client Administration

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Client Administration [email protected] 2

Client: Client is an independent business entity which has its own data. SAP provides a predefined client with default settings that are necessary to customize a company The default settings are defined by getting Business requirements from various customers Client is an field in DB represented by MANDT (MANDANT is nothing but client in German language) All the clients’ details are stored in T000 table We can create up to 1000 clients ranging from 000 to 999 (because client field contains 3 digits only) Right after installation of SAP, we will get some default clients, those are In IDES 800, 810, 811, 812, in Non IDES 000, 001, 066 000 client It is a default client provided by SAP. It consists of templates which can be customized according to customer requirements As this is a standard client, SAP recommends not to work/perform any customizing, but this is used to apply Support Packages, Patches, Language imports, correction transports & Notes This is to ensure that 000 is continuously updated and stands as a template for other clients in the system 001 client During the initial stages of SAP implementation, people use to customize 000 client 001 is created as a copy of 000 001 is a backup client of 000 and used to restore 000 in case of any changes But the purpose is completely deviated because 000 is continuously updated by applying support packages, Notes, Patches etc So 001 is outdated and cannot be used to restore unless we perform client compare & adjust settings from 000 to 001 066 client (Early watch client) It is used by SAP to logon to customer systems (yearly twice) and generate early watch reports This client is also used by SAP to recommend the fine tunings to optimize the performance of Production system When a client is created an entry in table T000 is created with a user ‘sap*’ and password ‘pass’ Logon to newly created client using the standard user sap* password pass Note: sap* does not exists in user master records, it is a kernel level user Client Related T_Codes SCC1 – Local Client Transport SCCL – Local Client Copy SCC3 – Client Copy / Transport Log analysis SCC4 – Client Creation SCC5 – Client Deletion SCC7 – Post Client Import Actions SCC8 – Client Export SCC9 – Remote Client Copy SCU0 – Client Comparison

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Function Modules Related to Client Use T_Code SE37 to run below programs SCCR_LOCK_CLIENT To Lock Client SCCR_UNLOCK_CLIENT To Unlock Client SCCR_PERFORM_SCC1 SCCR_CLOSE_CLIENTCOPY To terminate client copy Client Roles or Client Strategy: The first client which needs to be created in the Development system is “Master client / Golden client / Parent client / Customizing client” This is the only client where the changes are performed in the complete landscape. The changes are performed in this client are carried forward to other clients in the Landscape.

Client type Client-specific objects

Cross-client object changes

Protection level CATT & eCATT Restrictions

Golden Client [CUST]

Automatic recording of changes are allowed

Changes to Repository and cross-client Customizing allowed 0 CATT & eCATT allowed

Sand box [SAND]

Changes without automatic recording

No changes are allowed 0 CATT & eCATT allowed

Testing client [TEST]

Changes allowed or No changes allowed

No changes are allowed 0 CATT & eCATT allowed

Quality testing [QTST]

No changes , No recording

No changes are allowed 0 CATT & eCATT allowed

Pre-Production [PRED]

No changes , No recording

No changes are allowed 2 CATT & eCATT not allowed

Production [PROD]

No changes , No recording

No changes are allowed 2 CATT & eCATT not allowed

SAND box: It is used to perform Customizing by functional consultants The changes are not carried forward Developers are not allowed to work on this box, because they always work with customer or SAP repository objects Testing client: It is used to test the objects that are developed in CUST client The changes are carried forward using transaction SCC1, but the change request should not be released

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Quality testing: The changes which are performed either client specific, repository, cross-client are imported in to quality system to perform integration, consolidation, quality testing, stress, load testing Some functional data is loaded to test the scenarios This is only the client in the Landscape which signals the object movement into PROD If the object/changes is not approved it will not be moved further in the Landscape Training Client: It is used by the service provider to train the end users of the company Pre-Production & Production clients: Pre-Production is an environment where changes will be moved from quality before moving in to Production Mostly client-specific changes are moved Changes are not allowed in client specific, cross-client & repository, CATT It is highly protected and even eCATT is disabled Summary: It is recommended to perform changes in only one client and move them strategically in the landscape If not the system will be inconsistent with various versions By using this options version management is maintained in one system Local client copy profiles SAP_ALL All Client-Specific Data w/o Change Documents SAP_APPL Customizing and Application Data w/o Change Docs SAP_APPX SAP_APPL w/o Authorization Profiles and Roles SAP_CUST Customizing SAP_CUSV Customizing and User Variants SAP_CUSX Customizing w/o Authorization Profiles and Roles SAP_PROF Only Authorization Profiles and Roles SAP_UCSV Customizing, User Master Records and User Variants SAP_UCUS Customizing and User Master Records SAP_UONL User without Authorization Profiles and Roles SAP_USER User Master Records and Authorization Profiles Client Export profiles SAP_ALL All Client-Specific Data w/o Change Documents SAP_CUST Customizing SAP_CUSV Customizing and User Variants SAP_CUSX Customizing w/o Authorization Profiles and Roles SAP_EXBC Customizing, Users and Cross-Client Customizing SAP_EXPA SAP_ALL with Cross-Client Customizing SAP_EXPC Customizing Including Cross-Client Customizing SAP_PROF Only Authorization Profiles and Roles SAP_RECO Recovery (Only if Source Client = Target Client) SAP_UCSV Customizing, User Master Records and User Variants SAP_UCUS Customizing and User Master Records SAP_UONL User without Authorization Profiles and Roles SAP_USER User Master Records and Authorization Profiles

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When SAP is installed it comes in 3 layers

Client-Specific objects / Data

Cross-client Data

Repository objects

Client-Specific Data: This data will be specific to that particular client Client specific data contains

1) User master data 2) Customizing data 3) Application data 4) Transaction data

The client specific changes reflects only in that client Ex: PFCG, SU01

Cross-Client data: It has measurements, Time settings, calendars These objects will be accessed by all the clients If we modified Cross-client data it reflects in all clients Ex: SALE (Logical systems), SM59 (RFC Connections) Repository Objects: It has programs, function modules, screens etc Table TADIR is used to view the repository objects These are of SAP standard and by default all the objects are locked for editing (ex: TADIR, TSTC)

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Client Creation: As we cannot work with the default clients provided by SAP, we need to create our own clients and perform customizing We can create up to 1000 clients ranging from 000 to 999 (000, 001 and 066 are defaults clients) Login to the newly created clients with the user sap* and password pass The settings of the client: Client: Number of the client City: City of the client Logical system: Logical system of the client (naming convention is <SID>CLNT<client-number>) Std currency: currency of the country, which client belongs to (Ex: INR for Indian Rupees) Client Role: The type of work that is going to be performed on that client Given values are: Production Test Customizing Demo Training/Education SAP reference Changes and transports for client-specific objects: Given options are: Changes without automatic recording Automatic recording of changes (default value) No changes allowed Changes w/o automatic recording, no transports allowed Cross-client objects changes: This is used to set the client whether repository & cross-client objects can be changed Given options are: Changes to Repository and Cross-client customizing allowed (default value) No changes to Cross-client customizing objects No changes to Repository objects No changes to Repository and Cross-client customizing objects Protection: client copier and comparison tool It is used to set the properties for the client, whether client copy is allowed and client comparison is allowed Ex: the production system is not allowed for client copy and even client comparison Given options are: Protection level 0: No restriction (default value) Protection level 1: No overwriting Protection level 2: No overwriting, no external availability CATT and eCATT Restrictions: Computer Aided Testing Tool to upload the data into SAP system Given options are: eCATT and CATT Not allowed (default value) eCATT and CATT Allowed eCATT and CATT only allowed for ‘Trusted RFC’ eCATT Allowed, but FUN/ABAP and CATT not allowed eCATT allowed, but FUN/ABAP and CATT only for ‘Trusted RFC’ Restrictions: Locked due to client copy (by default it is deactivated) Protection against SAP upgrade

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Hit the T_Code SCC4

Click on Change icon or press Ctrl+F1

It gives the information, click on Continue icon

Click on New Entries button or press F5

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Give client number, Client name, City, Currency and Role & select remaining options as per our requirement

Click on Save button or press Ctrl+S

Data will be saved

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Click on Back button or press F3

It shows the newly created client in the list

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Local Client Copy (foreground) Pre Requisites: Ensure that two background work processes are available to perform client copy in the background Select the profile to specify the type of data to be copied between clients Always logon to the target client to perform client copy (pull method) Do not logon to source client while performing client copy (If do so source client will lock) Ensure that no objects are locked during client copy, so schedule down time for both the systems Login with the user sap* & password pass in newly created client (target client)

Hit the T_Code SCCL

Press F4 or click on as shown below

Select the profile which you want to copy & click on Choose button or press F2

Press F4 or click on as shown below

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Select the client from where you want to copy data & click on Choose button or press F2

Click on start immediately button or press F5

Click on Continue icon or press Enter

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After taking few minutes it displays below screen

To find whether the client copy is successfully completed or not click on Log Display button

It displays that successfully Completed

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Local Client Copy (background) Ensure that two background work processes are available to perform client copy in the background Select the profile to specify the type of data to be copied between clients Always logon to the target client to perform client copy (pull method) Do not logon to source client while performing client copy (If do so source client will lock) Ensure that no objects are locked during client copy, so schedule down time for both the systems Login with the user SAP* & password pass in newly created client

Hit the T_Code SCCL

Press F4 or click on as shown below

Select the profile which you want to copy & click on Choose button

Press F4 or click on as shown below

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Select the client from where you want to copy data & Click on choose button

Click on Schedule as Background Job button

Press F4 or click on as shown below

Double click on selected server

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Select Immediately Option & Click on Schedule Job button

Click on Continue button or press Enter

Click on Continue button or press Enter

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Hit the T_Code SCC3

Double click on our job

Here Status is Processing … that means copy is running

After some time status become successfully completed…..

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Client deletion (Foreground) Whenever client is deleted no tables are deleted, only table entries where client no=<deleted client> are deleted Login in the client which you want to delete

Hit the T_Code SCC5

Check Delete entry from T000 option & click on start immediately button

Click on Continue button or press Enter

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After taking around two hours time it displays as shown below

Click on Log Display button

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Double click on our job

It displays all the details like start time, end time, and other statistics

Hit the T_Code SCC4 to see whether the client 143 is still existed or not

Here the client 143 does not exists, that means deleted successfully

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Client Deletion (background) Login in the client which you want to delete

Hit the T_Code SCC5

Check Delete entry from T000 option & click Delete in background button

Press F4 or click on as shown below

Double click on server name

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Check immediately option & click Schedule job button

Click Continue button

Click Continue button

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Hit the T_Code SCC3 to see log analysis

Double click on our job

It displays the log analysis of client deletion, here status is processing…

After taking some time Status become successfully completed

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Hit the T_Code SCC4 to view whether the client is still exists or not

Here the client 143 does not appears, that means deleted successfully

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Remote Client Copy (Foreground): It is used to copy the client between two systems provided RFC destinations are defined between them During remote client copy ensure that RFC destinations are defined with valid User-ID, passwords, authorizations We cannot perform remote client copy between different versions of SAP ex: 4.7 to ECC5 While performing Remote client copy, ensure that both the systems are of same versions & same patch level Hit the T_Code SCC9 in target client (222)

Press F4 or click on as shown below

Click on a profile which you want to copy & Click on Choose button

Press F4 or click on as shown below

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Select on an RFC connection which related to target & source client, Click on Choose button

Click on RFC System Comparison button

It displays the inconsistencies if any, Press F3 to go back

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Click on Start Immediately button

Click on Continue button

It displays below details

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Click on Log Display button

Double click on our job

It displays all log details

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Remote Client Copy (background): It is used to copy the client between two systems provided RFC destinations are defined between them During remote client copy ensure that RFC destinations are defined with valid User-ID, passwords, authorizations We cannot perform remote client copy between different versions of SAP ex: 4.7 to ECC5 While performing Remote client copy, ensure that both the systems are of same versions & same patch level Remote client copy profiles

SAP_ALL All Client-Specific Data w/o Change Documents SAP_APPL Customizing and Application Data w/o Change Docs SAP_APPX SAP_APPL w/o Authorization Profiles and Roles SAP_CUST Customizing SAP_CUSV Customizing and User Variants SAP_CUSX Customizing w/o Authorization Profiles and Roles SAP_PROF Only Authorization Profiles and Roles SAP_RECO Recovery (Only if Source Client = Target Client) SAP_RMBC Customizing, Users and Cross-Client Customizing SAP_RMPA SAP_ALL with Cross-Client Customizing SAP_RMPC Customizing Including Cross-Client Customizing SAP_UCSV Customizing, User Master Records and User Variants SAP_UCUS Customizing and User Master Records SAP_UONL User without Authorization Profiles and Roles SAP_USER User Master Records and Authorization Profiles

Logon to target system

Hit the T_Code SCC9 in target client (222)

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Press F4 or click on as shown below

Click on a profile which you want to copy & Click on Choose button

Press F4 or click on as shown below

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Select a RFC connection which is related to target & source client, Click on Choose button

Click on RFC System Comparison button

It displays the inconsistencies if any, Press F3 to go back

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Click on Schedule as background Job button

Press F4 or click on as shown below

Double click on server name

Check immediately option & click on Schedule Job button

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Press Enter or Click on Continue button

Press Enter or Click on Continue button

Hit the T_Code SCC3 to see client copy log

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Double click on Job

Here the status is Processing…

After some time status became Successfully completed

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Client Lock: Hit the T_Code SE37

Give function module SCCR_LOCK_CLIENT & Press F8

Click on Execute button or press F8

Give the client number which you want to lock & Click on Save button

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Client locked successfully

Now try to login with locked (800) Client, It gives below information

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Client Unlock: Method 1: Hit the T_Code SE37

Give function module SCCR_UNLOCK_CLIENT & Press F8

Click on Execute button or press F8

Give the client number which you want to lock & Click on Save button

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Client unlocked successfully

Now try to login with unlocked (800) Client

Login successfully, that means client unlocked successfully

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Method 2: Hit the T_Code SCC4

Click on Change button

Press Enter

Double click on client which you want to unlock

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Uncheck “Locked due to client copy” option

Click on Save button or press Ctrl+S

Client unlocked successfully

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Client Export & Import: Pre Requisites:

Recognize which is source system & which is target system Establish RFC connection between Source system and Target system Check the availability of background work process (must needs two Work Process)

Client Export and Import is performed in 4 steps Step 1: Export the selected profile to a local directory as a dump (In target system) (SCC8) Step 2: Copy the dump to the target system Step 3: Import the Transport request to transport queue (STMS) Step 4: Perform post import activity (SCC7) Users with ‘*’ in their user ID can’t create or edit Transport requests/tasks (ex: sap*) While performing Client Export and Import, ensure that both the systems are of same versions & patch level Depending upon the profiles selected up to 3 requests created STEP1: CLIENT EXPORT Logon to Source client (in source system)

Hit the T_Code SCC8

Press F4 or Click on as shown below

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Select the profile which we want to export & Click on Choose button

Press F4 or Click on as shown below

Press F4 or Click on as shown below

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Double click on system name

Click on Copy button or press Enter

Click on RFC System Check button or press Shift+F8

Press F4 or Click on as shown below

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Select RFC connection & Click on Choose button

Click on Continue button or press Enter

It displays if any Inconsistencies, Press F3 to go back

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Click on Schedule as Background Job button or press Shift+F6

Press F4 or Click on as shown below

Double click on selected server

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Select Immediately option & Click on Schedule Job button

Once verify all the values & Click on Continue button

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Note down all Transport request numbers & Click on Continue button

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Click on Continue button or press Enter

Hit the T_Code SCC3

Click on Exports button

Select our job log & Double click on it

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Select our job log & Double click on it

It displays all the details

Step 2: Copy the dump to the target system Note: Go to OS level D:\usr\sap\trans\data & D:\usr\sap\trans\cofiles and copy RT01148.ECC, KT01148.ECC Files and paste these files in same directory in target system Copy RT01148.ECC from D:\usr\sap\trans\data and paste in same directory of target system

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Copy KT01148.ECC from D:\usr\sap\trans\cofiles and paste in same directory of target system

Step 3: Importing Transport Request to Transport Queue Logon to target client (in target system)

Hit the T_Code STMS

Go to Overview tab and click on Imports option

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Double click on our system

Go to Extras Other Requests Add

Press F4 or Click on as shown below

Select our Transport Request number & Click on Copy button

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Click on Continue button or press Enter

Select our Request number Click on Import Request (semi loaded truck) option Note: Here transport request status is stopped (red color)

Press F4 or Click on as shown below

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Select target client and click on Choose button

Click on Import button

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Give target client number, user name & password

Here transport request status is running (truck button), Press F3 to go back

Click on Continue button or press Enter

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Step 4: Post client Import Hit the T_Code SCC7 (in target client)

Click on Schedule as Background Job button or press F8

Press F4 or Click on as shown below

Double click on selected server

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Select Immediately option & Click on Schedule Job button

Once verify all the values & click on Continue button

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Click on Continue button or press Enter

Hit the T_Code SCC3

Double click on our job log

It displays Import successful

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Performing “Test run” before client copy: Login with the user SAP* & password “pass” in newly created client

Hit the T_Code SCCL

Press F4 or click on as shown below

Select the profile which you want to copy & click on Choose button

Press F4 or click on as shown below

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Select the client from where you want to copy data & Click on choose button

Select “test run” option and click on “Schedule as Background Job” button

Press F4 or click as shown below to select background server

Double click on server name

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Select below two options & click on Schedule Job button

Press Enter or Click on Continue button

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Click on Resource check button

Press Enter or click on Continue button

Hit the T_Code SCC3

Double click on our job

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Here status is Executing……….

After some time status become Successfully Completed, than click Resource Analysis button

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It gives Memory Requirement analysis, press Enter

It gives Database area analysis status

Hit /N to go to SAP home page

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Viewing list of clients available in System: Method 1: Hit the T_Code SE16 (or SE16N or SE17 or SM30 or SM31)

Give the table name T000 and click on Table contents button

Press F8 or click on Execute button

It displays list of clients available in the system

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Method 2: Hit the T_Code SCC4

It displays list of clients available in the system

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Assigning Logical system to a Client Using SALE: Hit the T_Code SALE

Click on Assign Logical System to Client option

Press Enter

Double click on the client which you want to assign the Logical system

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Press F4 in Logical System field or click on as shown below

Select Logical system and Click on Copy button

It gives below screen

Click on Save button or Press Ctrl+S

Data was saved that means logical system assigned successfully

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Assigning Logical system to a Client Using SCC4: Hit the T_Code SCC4

Click on Change button

Double click on the client to which you want to assign Logical system

Press F4 in Logical System field or click on as shown below

Select Logical system and Click on Copy button

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It gives below screen

Click on Save button or Press Ctrl+S

Data was saved that means logical system assigned successfully

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Viewing client copy logs: Hit the T_Code SCC3

It gives list of client copies log, Double click on any

Here status is Executing………. That means job is running

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After some time status become Successfully Completed

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Deleting client copy logs: Hit the T_Code SCC3

It gives list of client copies log, Select any one log and click on Delete Log button

Click on Yes button

Log has been deleted successfully; we could not find that log in list

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SCC1: Local Client Transport: Local Client Transport is nothing but transporting client independent data from one client to another client with in the same system We can transport a table / role from one client to another client with in the system Transport role using PFCG Transport table using SM30 or SM31 Here we are transporting a role from one client to another client with in the system Step 1: Logon to the Source Client, Enter the role in to transport request (PFCG) Step 2: Release the request (SE01 or SE09 or SE10) Step 3: Logon to the Target client, Import the Transport Request (SCC1) Step 1: Logon to source Client

Hit the T_Code PFCG

Enter the role name which we want to delete

Click on Transport role icon

Click on Execute button or press F8

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Click on continue button or press Enter

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Click on continue button or press Enter

Click on Create Request button

Enter Short description, Click on save button or press Enter

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It generates transport request, Click on continue button or press Enter

Role entered in to transport request successfully

Step 2: Release the transport request in source client only To release a transport request we can use SE01 or SE09 or SE10 Hit the T_Code SE10

Select Request Type and Request Status & click on Display button

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Note: First release Transport Task and then release Transport Request Select Transport Task, Click on Release Directly button

It releases the Transport task successfully

Select Transport Request, Click on Release Directly button

It releases the Transport request successfully

We can find two tick marks after Transport Request & Transport Task that means both released successfully

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Step 3: Logon to Target Client

Hit the T_Code SCC1

Enter Source Client number, Transport request & Check Including Request Subtasks option

Click on Start Immediately button

Click on Yes button

It imports request successfully

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Hit the T_Code PFCG

Enter the transported role name & click on Display role button

It displays the given role. That means role transported successfully