clinton, iddi fflcoal. - · lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to...

CLINTON, DEALER IN ,T. C ' A. J). - AND Fine Watch Clock Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. McDonald's Block, Spruce Street. PJTTER80N, Pratt. BUGKWORTH, Treasurer. TCiAJPITAX, WATCHES, Clocks, SILYEEWARE and Repair- ing Specialty. ISAAC DILLON, Vice PrcsH. LESTER EELLS, Secretary. 100,000. LOAN AND TRUST CO. OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. First Mortgage Farm Loans Made in Lincoln and adjoining Counties. Money on hand-totlos- e loans promptly. OFFICE IN LAND OFFICE BLOCK, OPPOSITE DEPOT, NORTH NEBRASKA. PLATTE, - - - LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE, e o Horses Bought and Sold on Commission. -- First-class rigs to let on snort notice and at reasonable rates. o- - M. C. LINDSAY, Froprietoar. ' Front Street, near U. P. Freight Warehouse, NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. WALL PAPER, Paint and Oil Depot At PEALE'Si Odd Fellows1 Block, Spruce 'Street. Always in stock the most complete assortment of WALL PAPER, wall and ceiling decorations, CORNERS, CENTERS, Binders and all latest jioyeltiee in papers. Every shade of the best brands of RE AD Y MIXED paints, for houses, barns, wagons and buggies. White lead, oils, glass, putty, brushes, varnishes, kalsomine and complete painters1 supplies. : mm V - a - - - - - : WILD WEST IS OPEN AGAIN WITH A FULL LINE OF of every description. 3ES ZT S S S X CONSTANTLY ON DRAUGHT. ON THE SIDE. Horse Blankets Knocked all to Pieces. Come one, come all, and be convinced that we have the largest, best and "rJ- - ' cheapest stock of harness and saddlerv goods in the city. C. C. HAWKINS & BROS'., Spruce Street, next to Conway & Keith, I. A.. FORT, &curv&yox and Iia.n.d. Locator. OFFICE IN KEITH'S BLOCK, North Platte, - Nebraska. 30,000 ACRES Desirable Farming Land FOR SAIfE IN RANGES 33 to 37, INCLUSIVE, IN Lincoln and Keith Counties, Neb., and lying between the Ncrth an d South Platte Rivers, on the line of the Union Pacific Eailway. -- Pikes, and Terms can be. obtained on application at the office of DILLON & COLLINS, Brick Liyert Stable, FIRST-CLA- SS RIGS FURNISHED on short notice and at reasonable rates. Horses boarded by the week or moath. - Careful and competent employes. Stable opposite the Hawley House on. east Fifth street, Colonel Fred Grant has gone to Europe some say to escort his sis-ter.I- rs. Sartoris, to this country on her promised visit. Somebody else who is rushing up the price of canned fruits will get bit. This;fs a large country, and usually more good fruit is wasted as worthless than is put into caus. The cry of scarcity is in time to make canned crops very nearly full. CURE FOR SICK HEADACHE. For proof that Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills cures sick headache, ask your druggist for u free trial package Only oiio for a dose. Regular size boxes cents. Sold by A. P. Streitz. 225 An exchange, apologizing to the women, says: "Ladies should bear in mind that the word 'man,' used in a broad sense, means 'woman,' too." It is barely possible that ladies will not care to have the sex mixed in that way. Men and women differ in many things, and it something to be thankful for that it is so. It is as easy to say men and women when women,, are in- cluded as to say "man" and mean the race. The number of burglars shot in the act of burglary is very small. But the list of the innocent victims of hasty shooting at supposed house breakers is assuming alarming pro- portions. Firing in the dark is risky business, and it is time to call a halt in this random target prac- tice. Better allow a hundred burg- lars to escape' than to kill an inno- cent wife or mother. Give Them a Chance. That is to say, your lungs. Also all your breathing machinery. Very wonderful machin- ery it is. Not only the larger but the thousands of little tubes and cavities leading from them. When these aro clogged and choked with matter which ought not to bo there, your longs cannot half do their work. And what they do they cannot do well. Call it cold, cough, cronp, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of tho family of throat and nose and head and long obstructions, all aro bad. All onght to be got rid of. There is just one sure way to get rid of them. That is to take Bos- - choe's German Syrup, which any druggist will sell yon at 75 cents a bottle. Even if everything elso has failed you, you may depend npon this for certain. There are 519 tons of gold and 7,396 tons of silver stored up in the treasury vaults at Washington. A procession of teams hauling this bullion in carts, allowing a horse for every ton, would be twenty-thre- e miles long according to the New York Tribune's mathematician. The same authority finds that the government has been paying off the public debt during the twenty-two-yea- rs past at the rate of $120.47 per minute. That is about as fast as the paying- - teller could count it out. You must not forget that the first crop of soldier boys after the old boys came home froni the front and married the, girls that waitedior-them-, will vote next year at the presidential election. . Thera isn't any discount on these boys. The crop of new voters in the north, who came to the polls in '84 were mostly the sons of stay-at-hom- es, and they didn't generally vote the republican ticket according to all appearance. It's going to make quite a difference in the count in '88 about a hundred thousand, we should guess. STARTLING BUT TRUE. Wills Point, Texas, Dec. 1, 1885. After suffering for more than three years with disease of the throat and lungs, 1 got so low last spring 1 was entirely un- able to do anything, and my cough was so bad I scarcely slept any at night My druggist, Mr. H. F. Goodnight, sent me a trial bottle of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup. I found relief, and after using six $1 bottles I was entirely cured. J. M. Welden. Sample bottle 5 cents at A. F. Streitz1 Blaine has left Ireland, and gone to the continent. Whoever- - heard of anything so scandalous? He has doubtless gone to Rome, to bar- gain with the pope for the Catholic vote of the United States. If Blaine had the slightest regard for the properties of life, he would have himself locked up in the Tower of London, and remain there during all his stay in Europe. Under the allotment bill the Indians who take advantage of its provisions become citizens of the United States and endowed with all the rights and privileges of such. Some of the county seat workers in Knox county became anxious to know if tli ft Sp.ntees would be allowed to vote on that questions and to settle the matter telegraphed the acting commissioner of Indian affairs, who replied that the Indians would certainly be allowed if they so desired, to vote on any and all questions. So the condition of the Indians is becoming more and more in accordance with the principles of right and of a higher christian civilization. Piles. Piles are frequently preceded by a sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose he has some affection of the kidneys or neighboring organs. At times, symptoms of indigestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture like perspira- tion, producing a very disagreeable itching, after getting warm, is a common attendant Blind, bleeding and itching piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the tumors allaying tho intense itching, and affecting a permanent cure. Price fifty cents. Address the Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqua Ohio. Sold by A. F. Streitz. r A and reliable Medlcin ea aro thebest VJVW to depend npon. Acker's Blood El- ixir has been prescribed for years for all im- purities oftheBlood. In everyforruof Scrof- ulous, Syphilitic or Mercurial diseases, it is invmlaable. For Rheumatism, has no equal. For Sale by A. F. Streitz. Progressive euchre parties are all the rage at Cape May. Nine Italians arriving on the French steamer La Champagne were held at Castle Garden Sunday under the act relating to, contract labor. The men came from Turin, and they had made arrangements with L. Romero, the agent there, for LUCIJ. tIcuiaiUllHUUU. fujwi b 11. M. H J.l.m nrnrn fn bins agreeiueub nve ul iucm cm tn Fijirrnrie. Pa., to. work in COal mines, one to an iron mine at V ul-ca- n; Mich., 'and three to the copper mines at Calumet, Mich. XftVo1a Blood Elixir lathe only Blood Remedy guaran- teed. It tea poritire cure for mcere, Erup- tion or Syphilitic PoWng. Itpunfiesthe whole system, and baniiheg all Rheumatic and neuralgic pauw. " 6"" Sold by A. P. Streitz Col. J. Pierce thinks he can dem- onstrate that pneumatic tubes can be useifricross the Atlantic connect ing the two continents. He tninks it possible to fire a train through one of these tubes at the rate of 1,000 miles per hour, using an, air current as the motive power. The speed is to be so great that, owing to the circular motion of the earth, the pressure will be upward instead of downward. The interior of the tubes and exterior of the cars is to be of polished steel. At a Savage club dmner in Lon- don recently Wayne MacVeagh, of Pennsylvana, made a very clever hit In the course of a long speech he said to his English auditors: We admire your pictures and buy them; we welcome your actors and pay them; we read your books and steal them." The speakers frankness was appreciated bv his hearers, end they were enthusiastic in their applause. "T Vv o. that are fretful, peevish, JlVX)VY; cross, or troubled with Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or Stomach Disorders, can be relieved at once by using Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no Opium or Morphine, hence is safe. Price 25 cents. Sold by A. F. Streitz. Some friends of Mrs. Winfield Scott Hancock, who now live in Washington, are urging her ap- pointment as postmastress of that city. The movement was begun entirely without the knowledge of Mrs. Hancock, and it is probable that she does not care for the office. General Hancock died poor, but a fund of 50,000 was raised for his widow soon after his death, and she draws a 3,000 pension. Texas has got a new school land law and new men in the land office. The result is that ,000,000 acres of land have been leasted to cattle men mainly in the- - last few weeks. Thisthe result of healthy pub- lic opiMcjE i With a little vigorous adminwtration there f is no need of eternaTwar with ranchmen. Texas has really 'a great, outlook. Its school fund, fed from the public land set aside for that purpose will alone develop a better educational system than most of the southern states have. Then the breaking up of the vast annual drives of cattle from Texas to Colorado, Wyoming and other feeding regions, makes the most natural thing in the world for Texas-itsel- f to furnish a distri- buting point for the cattle trade in the southwest. TV rvxrO Y trifle with any Throat or VjW Lung Disease. If vouhavo a Cough or Cold, or tho children are threatened wi th Croup or Whooping Cough, use Acker's English Bemedyand prevent further trouble. It is a positive cure,' and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 50c. Sold by A. F. Streitz. AN EPIDEMIC. A Violent Form, of Cholera Morbus at Belknap, Iowa, Prostrates the Whole Community. A Plain Statement of Facts by a Leading Mer- chant of the Town. Last summer wo had an epidemic in this com- munity in tho form of cholera morbns. Nearly every man. woman and child was prostrated by it. and it seemed to bo a very violent form. Wo tried every medicine we could find without relief. I then went to Ottnmwa and Blake. Brnco & Co., wholesald druggists, advised me to take homo Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- edy. I done so and distributed it, and it gavo relief immediately; it worked like magic. I or- dered more of the remedy at once, and sold it daring the day at my storo and at night at my home. I sold as much daring tho night as I did daring tho day. Tho people hero cannot say enough in praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. J. H. Hellwio, Merchant, Belknap, Iowa. Sold by A. P. Streitz. Henry Watterson says: "I would rather be editor than hold an office in the gift of the people. I had that qnestion to settle, and did settle it finally. It cost me no pang to settle it on the side of my pro- fession. I do not mean to exalt the profession of journalism above all others, but I do pretend to sav that aside from the good old rule that a shoemaker should stick to nis last, a journalist is nowhere so much out of Blace as when1 directing the me chanism pi political -- movement. No man can manage politics and journalism and remain an honest man. He must, as a politician, sacrifice the truth, or as journalist care nothing tor the truth. There is only one thing the journalist should strive after, and that is to tell the truth in advance of any one else." Here is food for reflection for the average Nebraska journalist. Soother at haad. It is the only safe medicine jet made that will remove all infantile disorders. It contains no Opium or Morphine, hot civet the child natural so from pain. Price 25 cents. Sold by A, F. Streitz. . A Delawareau moved to Ohio and was elected-t- o the legislature there. A bill relative to the penitentiary heme before the House, he took occasion to compare the penal sys- tem of his' former state to that of his adopted one, giving preference to the order of things to which he had formerly been accustomed Among his arguments in favor of tne wnippmg-pos- E, ne saia cnac une same culprits where seldom whipped the second time, the disgrace of the punishment causing them to leave the state and begin life anew else where. At this point of. the new member's speech a voice from the opposite side or the chamber called out, "is that the reason why we have the gentleman from Delaware among us?" "T-- C vcv would enjoy your dinner 3 j and are prevented hyDys- - pepsi, use. xlcbotb ..Lryspepsia xaoiets. They are a positive cure for Dyspepsia, In- digestion, Flatulency and Constipation. We guarantee them. 25 and 50 cents. Sold by A. F. Streitz. The gain in the exports of Amer ican breadstuffs is very eneouraging just now, when the merchandise oalance of trade is in our favor by such an uncomfortable close margin as it was in the fiscal 3'ear which ended about seven weeks ago. In the past seven months three exports of these commodities amounted to about 100,000,000, as compared with $81,000,000 in the correspond ing period or the calendar year 1886. This increase is all the more gratifying for Americans, because of the fact that it is coupled with a falling off in wheat exports from India. That country just at this moment is not such a formidable competitor of the United States as it was last year: H. D. Rhea. Real Estate and Mam Room 12, Land Office Block. General Law and Land Office Business Transacted. City and Farm Property for Sale. Fire and Tornado Insurance Written. Money to Loan on Improved City and Farm Property at Low Rates of Interest. "GUY'S PLACE." FIRST-CLAS- S Sample Boom, N L. EkhL, Manager. gST Having refitted our rooms throughout, the public is invited to call and see us. Choice Wines,- - Liquors and . Cigars Kept at .the Bar. Keith's Block, Front Street. NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. BEAST! Mexican Mustang a n yniiiii CURBS Sciatica, Scratches, Contracted lumbago, Spraine, Muscle?, Ehoumatism, Str&ms. ErnpUoiif, Burns, Stitches, Hoof Ail, Scalds, Stiff Joints, Screw Backache, Worms, Bites, Gslb, Swinney, Seres, Saddle- - Galls, Bunioas, Spavin Tiles, Corns, Cracks. I THIS COOD OLD STAND-3- Y accomplishes for everybody exactly what la claimed for It. Ono of tho reasons for tho great popularity of tho Mustang Xlnlmcnt u lotuvimita nixivcrr-ti- i ppllcabilltr. Everybody needs such a meaiciac. Tke IiHiabor:Raa ueed3 it in case of accident. TI10 Hoasovifc needs !t for gencralfamUy use. Tho Cannier necJs It for his teams and his men. Tho Wcciiaufc nocda It always on Uls work bench. Tho Miner necds't In care of emergency. Tho l'ionoer nvtHlt-can'tsetnl- ons without It. The Farmer nceda It lu Ills houc, hU stable-- , and hUntocU ynnl. Tho Stcamtjontitmii ortlto Uonliiinn ncout It In liberal supply afloatand nihorc. Tho HoMiM'nncIcr neoda it- -It U liU belt friend and safest reliance. Htnclc.crroircr needs it It will cavo mm thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. Tbn n.a iirnnd mnn needs It nul will need It so Ions as his life Is a round of accidents and dangers, ipiin Baekwsadamau needs It. There Is noth ing like it as an antidote for tho dangers to life, limb and comfort which surround tuo pioneer. Tho Merchant needs ltaoout aa storo among his employees. Accidents will happen, and when theso como tho Mustang Liniment is wanted atoncc. Keep a Dottle la tho House, iuimbcboi economy. Keep n Bottle la tho Factory. iuuneaian uso In caso of accident saves pain and loss of wages, Keen a Bottlo Always la tho Stable fe uso irhcn wasted. ONLY Stings, Bruises, CL IDDI Succeeding CASH A IDDINCS. LUMBER fflCOAL. LUMBEE, Lath., SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, Etc. LIME AND CEMENT. SPECIAL AGENT TOR Pennsylvania Anthracite,, Colorado Colorado Soft AND '! Hi: YARD ON R, R. TRACK WEST OF DEPOT NORTH PLATTE, NEB. HERSHEY & . DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF IRO.A.ID CARTS, ETC. Y; BLAOKSMITHING, CARRIAGE PAINTING & REPAIRING PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Prices Guaranteed to be the Lowest Locust Street, 1 :i North Platte, - - Nebraska. LADIES CONTEMPMTBfi the purchase of new sewing machines are requested to; call at thejif!rOttfe Street Hardware Store and examine-th- e DAVIS VERTICAL FEED MACHINE. They are the finest and most complete in the market. I HAYE IFOIR, SALE . One single buggy, one two-ma- n road cart and one one-m- an roadcart. They will be disposed of at n bargain. Best Goods for the Least at theju Front Street Hardware Store. Hinman's Block,EnHitStreet, Anthracite, CO., Money j q. thacker; to R.ITG-G-I- S tJH r r.' .fr .,... , ,.., ., -- i'i.,- ' - KEITH'S BLOCK. FRONT STREET, OPPOSITE PACIFIC HOTEL. NORTH: PLATTE, - NEBRASKA; WE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OP GOODS? SELL THEM' AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. BRCEKER & BAUMBACH, Merchant Tailors, EA.2NTER.S AKTD LARGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE. Call and see us in Ottcnsfcein building west of Foley's store, NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA. E. B. WARNER, CONSTANTLY IN STOCK METALLIC and CLOTH DRAPED CASKETS COMPLE3TE STOCK OF TKIMEHsTCH-S- , In White and Black. Gloss White Caskets. Wooden Cofians of all Sizes Shrouds and Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Telegraph Orders Promptly Attended to. Open Day and Night. ENBALMING A SPECIALTY. THE PATTEBSON WAGON SHOP llns always on hand now and second-han- d Lumber and Spring "Wagons, lluckboards and Buggies; Plows, Harrows and all kinds of . .gric-uatTjLxa- l ircipleineiits. . Ilorso and Ox Shoeing and Blacksmithing. I repair all kinds of Machinery, Wagons, Carriages and Farming Tools. I will order repairs for kinds of mowers, reapers, hay rakes, etc. Agent for the CELEBRATED NEW BUCKEYE EEAPEES & M0WEES, All Kinds of Hay Rakes, Etc. Also agent for the Celebrated Studebaker Road Wagons, Spring Wagons, Buckboards and Buggies. W. J. PATTERSON, NORTH PLATTE, NEB,

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Page 1: CLINTON, IDDI fflCOAL. - · lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose he has some affection of the kidneys or neighboring organs. At times, symptoms


,T. C' A. J).



Fine Watch Clock

Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere.McDonald's Block, Spruce Street.

PJTTER80N, Pratt.BUGKWORTH, Treasurer.




and Repair-

ing Specialty.


LESTER EELLS, Secretary.



First Mortgage Farm Loans Made in Lincoln and adjoining

Counties. Money on hand-totlos- e loans promptly.




Horses Bought and Sold on Commission.-- First-class rigs to let on snort notice and at reasonable rates.


M. C. LINDSAY, Froprietoar.'Front Street, near U. P. Freight Warehouse,


WALL PAPER,Paint and Oil Depot

At PEALE'Si Odd Fellows1 Block, Spruce 'Street.Always in stock the most complete assortment of WALL PAPER, walland ceiling decorations, CORNERS, CENTERS, Binders and all latestjioyeltiee in papers. Every shade of the best brands of READY MIXEDpaints, for houses, barns, wagons and buggies. White lead, oils, glass,putty, brushes, varnishes, kalsomine and complete painters1 supplies.


V -




- - -



of every description.3ES ZT S S S X



Horse Blankets Knocked all to Pieces.

Come one, come all, and be convinced that we have the largest, best and"rJ-- ' cheapest stock of harness and saddlerv goods in the city.

C. C. HAWKINS & BROS'.,Spruce Street, next to Conway & Keith,

I. A.. FORT,

&curv&yox and Iia.n.d. Locator.OFFICE IN KEITH'S BLOCK,

North Platte, - Nebraska.

30,000 ACRESDesirable Farming Land



Lincoln and Keith Counties, Neb.,and lying between the Ncrth an d South Platte Rivers, on the line of the

Union Pacific Eailway.--Pikes, and Terms can be. obtained on application at the office of



on short notice and at reasonable rates. Horses boarded by the week ormoath. - Careful and competent employes. Stable opposite the Hawley

House on. east Fifth street,

Colonel Fred Grant has gone toEurope some say to escort his sis-ter.I- rs.

Sartoris, to this countryon her promised visit.

Somebody else who is rushing upthe price of canned fruits will getbit. This;fs a large country, andusually more good fruit is wastedas worthless than is put into caus.The cry of scarcity is in time tomake canned crops very nearlyfull.

CURE FOR SICK HEADACHE.For proof that Dr. Gunn's Improved

Liver Pills cures sick headache, ask yourdruggist for u free trial package Onlyoiio for a dose. Regular size boxescents. Sold by A. P. Streitz. 225

An exchange, apologizing to thewomen, says: "Ladies should bearin mind that the word 'man,' usedin a broad sense, means 'woman,'too." It is barely possible thatladies will not care to have thesex mixed in that way. Men andwomen differ in many things, andit something to be thankful for thatit is so. It is as easy to say menand women when women,, are in-

cluded as to say "man" and meanthe race.

The number of burglars shot inthe act of burglary is very small.But the list of the innocent victimsof hasty shooting at supposed housebreakers is assuming alarming pro-portions. Firing in the dark isrisky business, and it is time to calla halt in this random target prac-tice. Better allow a hundred burg-lars to escape' than to kill an inno-cent wife or mother.

Give Them a Chance.That is to say, your lungs. Also all your

breathing machinery. Very wonderful machin-ery it is. Not only the larger butthe thousands of little tubes and cavities leadingfrom them. When these aro clogged and chokedwith matter which ought not to bo there, yourlongs cannot half do their work. And what theydo they cannot do well.

Call it cold, cough, cronp, pneumonia, catarrh,consumption or any of tho family of throat andnose and head and long obstructions, all aro bad.All onght to be got rid of. There is just one sureway to get rid of them. That is to take Bos--choe's German Syrup, which any druggist willsell yon at 75 cents a bottle. Even if everythingelso has failed you, you may depend npon thisfor certain.

There are 519 tons of gold and7,396 tons of silver stored up in thetreasury vaults at Washington. Aprocession of teams hauling thisbullion in carts, allowing a horsefor every ton, would be twenty-thre-e

miles long according to the NewYork Tribune's mathematician.The same authority finds that thegovernment has been paying offthe public debt during the twenty-two-yea- rs

past at the rate of $120.47per minute. That is about as fastas the paying- - teller could count itout.

You must not forget that the firstcrop of soldier boys after the oldboys came home froni the front andmarried the, girls that waitedior-them-,

will vote next year at thepresidential election. . Thera isn'tany discount on these boys. Thecrop of new voters in the north,who came to the polls in '84 weremostly the sons of stay-at-hom- es,

and they didn't generally vote therepublican ticket according to allappearance. It's going to makequite a difference in the count in '88

about a hundred thousand, weshould guess.

STARTLING BUT TRUE.Wills Point, Texas, Dec. 1, 1885.

After suffering for more than threeyears with disease of the throat and lungs,1 got so low last spring 1 was entirely un-able to do anything, and my cough was sobad I scarcely slept any at night Mydruggist, Mr. H. F. Goodnight, sent me atrial bottle of Dr. Bosanko's Cough andLung Syrup. I found relief, and afterusing six $1 bottles I was entirely cured.

J. M. Welden.Sample bottle 5 cents at A. F. Streitz1

Blaine has left Ireland, and goneto the continent. Whoever-- heardof anything so scandalous? Hehas doubtless gone to Rome, to bar-gain with the pope for the Catholicvote of the United States. IfBlaine had the slightest regard forthe properties of life, he would havehimself locked up in the Tower ofLondon, and remain there duringall his stay in Europe.

Under the allotment bill theIndians who take advantage of itsprovisions become citizens of theUnited States and endowed with allthe rights and privileges of such.Some of the county seat workers inKnox county became anxious toknow if tli ft Sp.ntees would beallowed to vote on that questionsand to settle the matter telegraphedthe acting commissioner of Indianaffairs, who replied that the Indianswould certainly be allowed if theyso desired, to vote on any and allquestions. So the condition of theIndians is becoming more and morein accordance with the principles ofright and of a higher christiancivilization.

Piles.Piles are frequently preceded by a

sense of weight in the back, loins andlower part of the abdomen, causing thepatient to suppose he has some affectionof the kidneys or neighboring organs. Attimes, symptoms of indigestion arepresent, flatulency, uneasiness of thestomach, etc. A moisture like perspira-tion, producing a very disagreeableitching, after getting warm, is a commonattendant Blind, bleeding and itchingpiles yield at once to the application ofDr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which actsdirectly upon the parts affected, absorbingthe tumors allaying tho intense itching,and affecting a permanent cure. Pricefifty cents. Address the Dr. BosankoMedicine Co., Piqua Ohio. Sold by A. F.Streitz.

r A and reliable Medlcin ea aro thebestVJVW to dependnpon. Acker's Blood El-

ixir has been prescribed for years for all im-

purities oftheBlood. In everyforruof Scrof-ulous, Syphilitic or Mercurial diseases, it isinvmlaable. For Rheumatism, has no equal.For Sale by A. F. Streitz.

Progressive euchre parties are allthe rage at Cape May.

Nine Italians arriving on theFrench steamer La Champagne wereheld at Castle Garden Sunday underthe act relating to, contract labor.The men came from Turin, andthey had made arrangements withL. Romero, the agent there, forLUCIJ. tIcuiaiUllHUUU. fujwi b11. M. H J.l.m nrnrn fnbins agreeiueub nve ul iucmcm tn Fijirrnrie. Pa., to. work in COal

mines, one to an iron mine at V ul-ca- n;

Mich., 'and three to the coppermines at Calumet, Mich.

XftVo1a Blood Elixir lathe onlyBlood Remedy guaran-

teed. It teaporitire cure for mcere, Erup-

tion orSyphilitic PoWng. Itpunfiesthewhole system, and baniiheg all Rheumaticand neuralgic pauw. " 6""Sold by A. P. Streitz

Col. J. Pierce thinks he can dem-

onstrate that pneumatic tubes canbe useifricross the Atlantic connecting the two continents. He tninksit possible to fire a train throughone of these tubes at the rate of1,000 miles per hour, using an, aircurrent as the motive power. Thespeed is to be so great that, owingto the circular motion of the earth,the pressure will be upward insteadof downward. The interior of thetubes and exterior of the cars is tobe of polished steel.

At a Savage club dmner in Lon-

don recently Wayne MacVeagh, ofPennsylvana, made a very clever hitIn the course of a long speech hesaid to his English auditors: Weadmire your pictures and buythem; we welcome your actorsand pay them; we read your books

and steal them." The speakersfrankness was appreciated bv hishearers, end they were enthusiasticin their applause.

"T Vv o. that are fretful, peevish,JlVX)VY; cross, or troubled withWindy Colic, Teething Pains, orStomach Disorders, can be relievedat once by using Acker's Baby Soother.It contains no Opium or Morphine,hence is safe. Price 25 cents. Sold byA. F. Streitz.

Some friends of Mrs. WinfieldScott Hancock, who now live inWashington, are urging her ap-

pointment as postmastress of thatcity. The movement was begunentirely without the knowledge ofMrs. Hancock, and it is probablethat she does not care for the office.General Hancock died poor, but afund of 50,000 was raised for hiswidow soon after his death, and shedraws a 3,000 pension.

Texas has got a new school landlaw and new men in the land office.The result is that ,000,000 acres ofland have been leasted to cattle menmainly in the- - last few weeks.Thisthe result of healthy pub-lic opiMcjE i With a little vigorousadminwtration there f is no need ofeternaTwar with ranchmen. Texashas really 'a great, outlook. Itsschool fund, fed from the publicland set aside for that purpose willalone develop a better educationalsystem than most of the southernstates have. Then the breaking upof the vast annual drives of cattlefrom Texas to Colorado, Wyomingand other feeding regions, makesthe most natural thing in the worldfor Texas-itsel- f to furnish a distri-buting point for the cattle trade inthe southwest.

TV rvxrO Y trifle with any Throat orVjW Lung Disease. If vouhavo

a Cough or Cold, or tho children arethreatened wi thCroup or Whooping Cough,use Acker's English Bemedyand preventfurther trouble. It is a positive cure,'and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 50c.

Sold by A. F. Streitz.


A Violent Form, of Cholera Morbus at Belknap,Iowa, Prostrates the Whole Community.

A Plain Statement of Facts by a Leading Mer-

chant of the Town.Last summer wo had an epidemic in this com-

munity in tho form of cholera morbns. Nearlyevery man. woman and child was prostrated byit. and it seemed to bo a very violent form. Wo

tried every medicine we could find without relief.I then went to Ottnmwa and Blake. Brnco & Co.,wholesald druggists, advised me to take homoChamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem-

edy. I done so and distributed it, and it gavorelief immediately; it worked like magic. I or-

dered more of the remedy at once, and sold itdaring the day at my storo and at night at myhome. I sold as much daring tho night as I diddaring tho day. Tho people hero cannot sayenough in praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Choleraand Diarrhoea Remedy.

J. H. Hellwio, Merchant,Belknap, Iowa.

Sold by A. P. Streitz.

Henry Watterson says: "I wouldrather be editor than hold an officein the gift of the people. I hadthat qnestion to settle, and didsettle it finally. It cost me no pangto settle it on the side of my pro-fession. I do not mean to exalt theprofession of journalism above allothers, but I do pretend to sav thataside from the good old rule that ashoemaker should stick to nis last,a journalist is nowhere so much outof Blace as when1 directing the mechanism pi political -- movement.No man can manage politics andjournalism and remain an honestman. He must, as a politician,sacrifice the truth, or as journalistcare nothing tor the truth. Thereis only one thing the journalistshould strive after, and that is totell the truth in advance of any oneelse." Here is food for reflectionfor the average Nebraska journalist.

Soother at haad. It is the only safemedicine jet made that will remove allinfantile disorders. It contains no Opiumor Morphine, hot civet the child naturalso from pain. Price 25 cents. Sold byA, F. Streitz. .

A Delawareau moved to Ohio andwas elected-t- o the legislature there.A bill relative to the penitentiaryheme before the House, he tookoccasion to compare the penal sys-

tem of his' former state to that ofhis adopted one, giving preferenceto the order of things to which hehad formerly been accustomedAmong his arguments in favor oftne wnippmg-pos- E, ne saia cnac unesame culprits where seldom whippedthe second time, the disgrace of thepunishment causing them to leavethe state and begin life anew elsewhere. At this point of. the newmember's speech a voice from theopposite side or the chamber calledout, "is that the reason why wehave the gentleman from Delawareamong us?"

"T-- C vcv would enjoy your dinner3 j and are prevented hyDys- -

pepsi, use. xlcbotb ..Lryspepsia xaoiets.They are a positive cure for Dyspepsia, In-digestion, Flatulency and Constipation.We guarantee them. 25 and 50 cents.Sold by A. F. Streitz.

The gain in the exports of American breadstuffs is very eneouragingjust now, when the merchandiseoalance of trade is in our favor bysuch an uncomfortable close marginas it was in the fiscal 3'ear whichended about seven weeks ago. Inthe past seven months three exportsof these commodities amounted toabout 100,000,000, as comparedwith $81,000,000 in the corresponding period or the calendar year1886. This increase is all the moregratifying for Americans, becauseof the fact that it is coupled with afalling off in wheat exports fromIndia. That country just at thismoment is not such a formidablecompetitor of the United States asit was last year:

H. D. Rhea.

Real Estate and MamRoom 12, Land Office Block.

General Law and Land Office BusinessTransacted.

City and Farm Property for Sale.Fire and Tornado Insurance Written.

Money to Loan on Improved City andFarm Property at Low Rates of Interest.



Sample Boom,

N L. EkhL, Manager.

gST Having refitted our roomsthroughout, the public is invited tocall and see us.

Choice Wines,- -

Liquors and. Cigars

Kept at .the Bar.

Keith's Block, Front Street.



Mustanga n


Sciatica, Scratches, Contractedlumbago, Spraine, Muscle?,Ehoumatism, Str&ms. ErnpUoiif,Burns, Stitches, Hoof Ail,Scalds, Stiff Joints, Screw

Backache, Worms,Bites, Gslb, Swinney,

Seres, Saddle- - Galls,Bunioas, Spavin Tiles,Corns, Cracks. I


accomplishes for everybody exactly what la claimedfor It. Ono of tho reasons for tho great popularity oftho Mustang Xlnlmcnt u lotuvimita nixivcrr-ti- i

ppllcabilltr. Everybody needs such a meaiciac.Tke IiHiabor:Raa ueed3 it in case of accident.TI10 Hoasovifc needs !t for gencralfamUy use.Tho Cannier necJs It for his teams and his men.Tho Wcciiaufc nocda It always on Uls work

bench.Tho Miner necds't In care of emergency.

Tho l'ionoer nvtHlt-can'tsetnl- ons without It.

The Farmer nceda It lu Ills houc, hU stable-- ,

and hUntocU ynnl.Tho Stcamtjontitmii ortlto Uonliiinn ncout

It In liberal supply afloatand nihorc.Tho HoMiM'nncIcr neoda it- -It U liU belt

friend and safest reliance.Htnclc.crroircr needs it It will cavo mm

thousands of dollars and a world of trouble.Tbn n.a iirnnd mnn needs It nul will need It so

Ions as his life Is a round of accidents and dangers,ipiin Baekwsadamau needs It. There Is noth

ing like it as an antidote for tho dangers to life,limb and comfort which surround tuo pioneer.

Tho Merchant needs ltaoout aa storo amonghis employees. Accidents will happen, and whentheso como tho Mustang Liniment is wanted atoncc.

Keep a Dottle la tho House, iuimbcboieconomy.

Keep n Bottle la tho Factory. iuuneaianuso In caso of accident saves pain and loss of wages,

Keen a Bottlo Always la tho Stable feuso irhcn wasted.











Pennsylvania Anthracite,,


Colorado Soft

AND '!Hi:







Prices Guaranteed to be the LowestLocust Street, 1 :i

North Platte, - - Nebraska.LADIES CONTEMPMTBfi

the purchase of new sewing machines are requested to; call at thejif!rOttfe

Street Hardware Store and examine-th- e

DAVIS VERTICAL FEED MACHINE.They are the finest and most complete in the market.


One single buggy, one two-ma- n road cart and one one-m- an roadcart.They will be disposed of at n bargain.

Best Goods for the Least at thejuFront Street Hardware Store.

Hinman's Block,EnHitStreet,




j q. thacker;to R.ITG-G-I- S tJHr r.' .fr .,... , ,.., ., -- i'i.,- ' -





Orders from the country and along the line of the UnionPacific Railway Solicited.

BRCEKER & BAUMBACH,Merchant Tailors,


LARGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS,embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order.


Call and see us in Ottcnsfcein building west of Foley's store,





In White and Black.Gloss White Caskets. Wooden Cofians of all Sizes

Shrouds and Shoes for Men, Women and Children.

Telegraph Orders Promptly Attended to. Open Day and Night.ENBALMING A SPECIALTY.

THE PATTEBSON WAGON SHOPllns always on hand now and second-han- d Lumber and Spring"Wagons, lluckboards and Buggies; Plows, Harrows and all kinds of .

.gric-uatTjLxa- l ircipleineiits. .

Ilorso and Ox Shoeing and Blacksmithing. I repair all kinds ofMachinery, Wagons, Carriages and Farming Tools. I will orderrepairs for kinds of mowers, reapers, hay rakes, etc. Agent for the


Also agent for the Celebrated Studebaker Road Wagons, SpringWagons, Buckboards and Buggies.