climate-proofing social housing landscapes – enhancing community resilience

Climate-proofing Social Housing Landscapes Enhancing Community Resilience Anita Konrad Director, Strategic Partnerships & Programmes Groundwork London

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Climate-proofingSocialHousingLandscapes–EnhancingCommunityResilienceAnita Konrad Director, Strategic Partnerships & Programmes Groundwork London

Improvepeople’sprospectsby increasing the confidence, skills, well-being and employability of those furthest removed from the labour market, in parDcular young people.

Createbe1erplacesby helping people work together to make their surroundings greener, safer and healthier and get involved in the way decisions are made about services in their area.

Promotegreenerlivingandworkingby helping people learn more about their environmental impact and act responsibly to reduce natural resource use.


Groundwork in London (2014/15)

•  PartnershipledbyGroundworkLondonwithLondonBoroughofHammersmith&Fulham

•  Total Budget ca. £1.3m •  Co-financed by the EU’s LIFE+ Programme

LIFE+ Climate-proofing Social Housing Landscapes

ObjecEves:•  Design and retrofit affordable and socially acceptable nature-based

adaptaDon measures in social housing landscapes. •  Test soluDons in three different types of social housing seTngs •  Implement main measures through employment programmes for

long-term unemployed beneficiaries

•  Develop a set of training modules on the whole cycle of procurement – design -retrofit – maintenance for housing and grounds maintenance professionals

•  Develop a methodology for resident engagement •  Evaluate technical performance and social return on investment.

LIFE+ Climate-proofing Social Housing Landscapes

Projectworkstages:•  Survey & analysis (incl. drainage maps, exisDng GI and

anecdotal evidence)

•  Resident engagement (co-design)

LIFE+ Climate proofing social housing landscapes

LIFE+ Climate-proofing Social Housing Landscapes

Projectworkstages:•  ResidentEngagement

Projectworkstages:•  Feasibility assessment

•  Design (hierarchy of measures – impact, aestheDcs, cost)

LIFE+ Climate proofing social housing landscapes




Physicalimprovements:•  2000m2 of impermeable surface diverted from draining directly to the sewer (further 1000m2 by September


•  2700m2 of land improved (further 1450m2 by September 2016)

Engagement:•  430 residents engaged (consultaDon events, food growing) Employment&training:•  15 Green Team trainees achieving City & Guilds Level 1 in PracDcal HorDculture Skills •  Training courses for Council maintenance contractors and senior managers •  Master classes for landscape architects and urban designers