climate of despair? the future of u.s. climate policy and global negotiations

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  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    Climate & energy PaPer SerieS 2012

    Climate of DeSPair?

    tHe fUtUre of U.S. Climate PoliCy

    anD gloBal negotiationS

    nigel PUrviS

  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    2012 Te German Marshall Fund o the United States. All rights reserved.

    No part o this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any orm or by any means without permission in writing

    rom the German Marshall Fund o the United States (GMF). Please direct inquiries to:

    Te German Marshall Fund o the United States

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    Tis publication can be downloaded or ree at Limited print

    copies are also available. o request a copy, send an e-mail to [email protected].

    gmf Pp Ss

    Te GMF Paper Series presents research on a variety o transatlantic topics by sta, ellows, and partners o the German

    Marshall Fund o the United States. Te views expressed here are those o the author and do not necessarily represent the

    views o GMF. Comments rom readers are welcome; reply to the mailing address above or by e-mail to [email protected].

    abu gmfTe German Marshall Fund o the United States (GMF) is a non-partisan American public policy and grantmaking institu-

    tion dedicated to promoting better understanding and cooperation between North America and Europe on transatlantic

    and global issues. GMF does this by supporting individuals and institutions working in the transatlantic sphere, by conven-

    ing leaders and members o the policy and business communities, by contributing research and analysis on transatlan-

    tic topics, and by providing exchange opportunities to oster renewed commitment to the transatlantic relationship. In

    addition, GMF supports a number o initiatives to strengthen democracies. Founded in 1972 through a gi rom Germany

    as a permanent memorial to Marshall Plan assistance, GMF maintains a strong presence on both sides o the Atlantic. In

    addition to its headquarters in Washington, DC, GMF has seven ofces in Europe: Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Belgrade, Ankara,

    Bucharest, and Warsaw. GMF also has smaller representations in Bratislava, urin, and Stockholm.

    tsc C Bd i

    Tis paper would not have been possible without unding rom the ransatlantic Climate Bridge, an initiative o the German

    Ministry or Foreign Aairs to connect and support those working to address the challenges o climate change, energy

    security, and economic growth at the local, the state, and the ederal level in the United States and Germany.

  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    Climate of Despair?

    he Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations

    Climate & Energy Policy Paper Series

    March 2012

    N Pv

    C Av

    T G M F U S

    N Pv C Av w G M F U S. SGz . wk wA J. vw G M F U S.

    I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    D G N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    A A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    Climate of Despair? 1


    T w , w w


    w w

    w. , ,

    w vw -


    , ,

    M E, A,

    w, w

    C, F, U S, j

    . D ,

    w w .

    Y w -


    . N, v


    . M


    w -



    I I k w -

    w w . A

    v ,

    , w w A A


    w k I

    , w , w

    . I U S

    w ,

    w . W Nv

    w U.S. j, U.S. k v

    w W

    H C, w

    P O

    R v.

  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    Climate of Despair? 3

    Drifting Global Negotiations


    The combined glob

    mitigation effort is

    expected to be less

    half of what the wo

    needs to stay within


    I D , w

    D, S A w

    . E-

    U , C H,

    k. O v

    , j

    k . W

    k k D ,

    I x

    99 , k w D .

    The Growing Emissions Gap

    O j ,


    M C

    9 -


    C.3I Nv ,

    U N Ev P (UNEP)

    j w

    w . A v

    E U H H Bk UN Ck - E , The Economic Times, .., ://../w///----k----k/-w/764.. F Hv, D k: Hw C H GC A C D, The Guardian, D, , . Ev, ://www...k/v-

    ////----k.3 S v v w .5C. I j v - . M C . I C, w z[] vw w C. C A,D 8, 9.

    UNEP F .


    w w w

    w ,


    w w w C. x

    w x k


    Waiting for Godot?5

    F w ,

    U N (w v -

    v ) , . I


    W H.6


    , v w

    , , wk

    v w w

    . M ( W E

    ) v

    ( w) v v v


    , . I v

    , w ,

    997 K .

    Cv, vv v

    . A , w v

    j : ) w

    jv , )

    4 E w C P k B U UNEP R. E w C P C C 4 UNEP . UNEP,B E G M -D D

    - UNEP (UNEP, Nv ), ://www../w-/.xDID=659AID=8955.5 A S Bk, w - w v , w v .6 U.S. P Ww W v v k . vw , w G G W F H.
  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    The German Marshall Fund of the United States4

    - v , 3)

    v , , ,

    w, 4)


    ( w) . W

    v -

    k , w

    v -

    v ,

    , wk v,

    v. w

    w ,, v, v

    E C w


    Hv v W


    , - w v

    . A w ,

    -q w

    v -

    . A ,


    v , -

    -. F, v

    w own


    wk ,












    2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020




    Emissions without Copenhagen Pledges Emissions with Copenhagen Pledges 2C Pathway Range

    Figure 1: Growing Gap in Global Emissions

    Source: UNEP

  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    Climate of Despair? 5

    S v v . M

    w w UN


    w ( )

    v .

    v .

    I w 93


    . R q


    v v ,

    - . , , k


    Ev w ,

    . I

    99, v U N F-

    wk Cv C C (UNFCCC)

    . U



    , ,

    99 v .I, v

    .7 .


    I ,

    w 997 K P w w

    . Y,

    K v

    C, I,

    w w w . F

    , U S -

    . Ev v


    . C K ww

    7 P 99 CO, . E- k - . E v OECD. W R I, C A I- , F , , ://.w./.

    . R, Uk, v A - K q x

    w w . A

    q, 4

    99 v.8

    M j

    v . N-

    7 B w

    9 C. Y,


    C w

    , w

    x w k.

    D k ,

    . K P

    w. E k


    w 99 v . J

    v k

    k -

    . A,

    . G

    v w


    w K C,

    w w w

    v k

    v. H x


    M , wv,


    . I ,

    UN v

    . UN -

    wk, , z

    w wk

    8 I.
  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    The German Marshall Fund of the United States6

    w k . 9 C-

    C w

    G 9,


    I k

    k v k .

    A k

    , , 8-

    q. ,


    . W v -v


    w w



    v, w .

    Durban and Beyond

    A v, E

    D . W

    D ( P

    A) k 6

    w. I , , UNFCCC 5, w


    ( w )

    , v

    3. N

    w w

    w P x


    w C v .

    F v, D -

    w .J

    w -

    9 .6 99 8. - k - . I.

    w q k .I, UNFCCC v

    q ,

    . F, C I w

    K v

    , v. S,


    , w


    B D x

    v-. I D, C I

    w -

    v v .

    k w w w v v-

    995, w

    - B v

    K P. ,

    -v , ,



    . , D,

    v w -

    . W C j -

    w v

    - G 77, D j



    w .

    U.S. EU w -

    , w v

    , k Dx C I v -

    w ,

    After 20 years of

    climate diplomacy,

    global emissions are

    still rising.

  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    Climate of Despair? 7

    q .

    F, C , X


    w C w



    W C w

    , C


    . I , D

    x w x. w k

    E -

    , E w j KP v U

    S, J, R, C w . I

    x, D v


    Hwv, D k

    v. C . F,

    C I v j


    , k

    v v w -

    . I, C I q -D UNFCCC

    x -

    v w


    v . w

    L F J Ck, D k CP Nw C C I AN, ClimateWire, D , , ://www.w.//w////. L F, G G C U.S. I Bk

    C C D, ClimateWire, D 5, , ://www.w.//w///5/ .

    L F, I H Bk D P; PN W C k A, ClimateWire, M8, , ://www.w./w//3/8/v/=+; L F, CJ I Ak I N C EF, Climate, M 9, , ://www.w./w//3/9/v/7=+.

    w . C w , S W, , wk

    , wk

    v v v-

    w .3 I

    , w N D, P

    M S C C C,


    I v w D -


    q j .4 B

    C I

    , w v w


    5 . O -

    w ,


    w D .

    S, D , EU

    w , j -

    w v

    . M E v

    v w C 9


    . I ,

    x v . Fw

    D, j E w

    w v -

    . W


    D k


    3 L F, C C N S Dk D N Rv K I, ClimateWire, J ,, ://www.w./w////v/5=++.

    4 L F, U.S. I O F k C O, ClimateWire, F 5,, ://www.w./w///5/v/6=+.
  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    The German Marshall Fund of the United States8

    x q v

    w k

    . w K P

    995, x,

    5. B k,


    . N, k

    w k



    , D v

    v v-

    - . A wk -

    , v ,

    w v . C,

    I, U S, wk


    . Mv,

    w K

    P , w -


    q. I , k

    F w -

    w w k

    k .5 vx w w

    v own

    -w - -

    5 A v w GMF Rk C D . I v .

    Figure 2: International Climate Policy Preferences: The International Arrangements Nations

    Want Applied to Themselves

    United States,

    China, India



    Brazil, South


    IndonesiaCenter of



    Top Down Target Setting(National targets negotiated internationally based on global goals)

    Bottom Up Target Setting(National targets set unilaterally based on domestic politics)


    Accountability(Limited institutions and

    noncompliance consequences)


    Accountability(Expansive institutions and

    noncompliance consequences)

  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    Climate of Despair? 9

    Climate talks shoul

    continue, and with

    the greatest possib

    speed and seriousn

    but we must not all

    them to dominate o

    imagination abouthow to deliver clima


    v - w w -

    w . z

    x w w q

    w own

    j ,

    , k

    q . E

    w k- w z


    . w

    w j

    w w - w v

    v q .


    j w . I 9, x, J

    w x E

    . B


    w, J v

    k . I -D , J

    - . I

    wk .

    A j , E x-

    v -v -

    w -

    wk. A,


    -D k.

    v k j

    w w w

    w w v

    w v q . v

    q w D w


    v v .

    Lk w v j w v

    k w

    v v

    . - , x,

    w v -


    . I , w -

    v z w v

    , v ,

    v v-

    . N v x w -

    v ,

    w G C F. B

    q -

    , k 5 v

    v v -

    . -

    , v x j

    , w


    A , w v w . W

    , , w

    v x v x w

    v C w

    , v.


    N ,

    , w-

    , v v k

    . C wk w v


    - , . B v

    UN k k

  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    The German Marshall Fund of the United States10

    - - w v . C k

    , w

    , w w -

    w v


  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    Climate of Despair? 11

    Ex k w w j

    , .

    U S,

    , . U S

    . I

    w, U.S. v,

    v , k w


    . Cv w

    w (C -) k v

    U S .

    w v

    E (


    U S. N U.S. S


    , P Bk O

    v k


    . I , I x


    I D 9, C

    , P O U

    S w 7

    w 5 v . W

    U S ,

    P O j


    G W. B. I 8, P B w

    U.S. w 5, w 6.5

    v 5 v.16


    6 B - U.S. EI A A E Ok 8.E I A, A E Ok8, J 8, ://www..v//v/8/_..

    w B O , O ,

    v E 9

    w 99 v ,

    E w 8 w

    99 v K

    P. W C, P O

    j w

    z v

    $ v

    , w $


    , v w

    U S k

    . I ,

    w z

    v v-

    . I , .

    U S w

    , U S

    v v


    w x w U.S. x , v

    P O C .

    Myth of U.S. Inaction

    I , U

    S w w -

    , C



    U S w C w j w

    w v x . J ,

    U.S. v

    j v . w

    j U.S. - -

    America Adrift


    The United States

    appears to be drifti

    toward lower emiss

    potentially near the

    range of its Copenh

  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    The German Marshall Fund of the United States12

    5 v.18


    w v, -

    U.S. .4

    5 , v - w

    7 C.

    I w,

    w U S w

    v ( w ),

    x w W j

    8 E NS v EIAAEO . S ://www..v//v//x..

    Figure 3a1

    w S Gz C Av.










    2005 2010 2015 2020


    Copenhagen BAU (2009)

    Current BAU (2012)

    With Expected

    Policy Drivers

    With PossiblePolicy Drivers

    U.S. CopenhagenPledge



    7.5 w 5v .



    x ,

    x w

    , w



    w , C ,



    C BAU F

    3, U S

    k v 4

    C .


    wv, v


    x v U.S.

    w .

    F, w -



    x w, x,


    .7 S, U.S. C w

    x x v, x , -


    , .6

    7 D Bw, A P, M W, RE P Sv C Fx GHGS S S, RFF Discussion Paper, .3 (J ), ://www../RFF/D/RFF-DP--3..

    These policies could

    reduce U.S. emissions

    by 10.4 percent of

    2005 emissions, over

    three-fifths of the

    way to the 17 percent

    reduction pledge fromCopenhagen.

    Source: EIA, Burtraw et al 2011, NEPI
  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    Climate of Despair? 13

    Figure 3b1

    w S Gz C Av.





    Economic recession

    Large shale gas


    High oil prices

    Improvements in


    New automobile


    California ETS (AB 32)


    Expected Possible



    1. Regulation of Carbon

    Dioxide from Coal

    Power Plants

    2. Extension of existing

    Energy Policies

    3. Clean Energy Portfolio


    4. Geothermal heat


    5. Technological


    6. E conomic growth rate

    7. Oil price












    Policy Drivers



    Pledge( -17%)



    Low natural gas prices

    Coal plant retirements

    k wk x

    . v U

    S w 5




    U S B -

    . Mv, v w 9 --

    U.S. S w v q U

    S domestically. W w

    7 w 5 v ,

    w v v

    j v k.19

    A v-

    v U S v

    C . S

    C w C E S-

    (CES) U.S.

    w ,

    P O

    v ,




    v v


    . I , w

    U.S. 5.5 -

    v 5.

    I ,


    v . F

    x -


    , k-

    w U.S.


    , x

    (q v

    w w I)

    9 E I A, E Mk

    E I H.R. 454, A C E S A 9 (E I A,A 9), ://www..v//v/454//(9)5..

    A Kk ., Toward a New National Energy Policy:Assessing the Options (N E P I R F, Nv ), ://.//RFF_R/RFF-NEPI-F-R-F-Nv-..

    The U.S. political

    outlook for aggress

    long-term climate

    action remains utte


    Source: EIA, Burtraw et al 2011, NEPI
  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    The German Marshall Fund of the United States14

    kk 7 .


    , w

    w , w U.S. 8.9

    w 5 .22


    w v ,

    v w U.S. -

    4 w 5 -


    w F 3

    3. F 3 j

    U.S. E- E 9

    E I A (EIA), C. x

    w j U.S. -

    EIA q

    j U.S.

    x v -

    C .

    w F 3 w z

    v, -v

    v v.

    w w

    U.S. , w w

    x v -.

    I, -

    v v. W k, U.S.

    E H, Lw Gw, H O P v EIA AEO . H - v, w , q , , w w , w, w . Lw E Gw GDP w v . , w .7 .

    H O P -OECD w , $ 35. S ://www..v//v//x.. k w v w k v. F v, x, w k w, w w v v-.

    w qk w. R, v vv

    v -


    U.S. w. I, U

    S w w -

    j w

    C . W U.S. v

    , w

    j w U

    S w -


    The Great Unraveling

    Ev U.S. k



    U.S. k v, -


    w j

    w w w

    B . I 8,


    R S J

    MC, R v,

    v R U.S.


    . , w

    vw vv R

    w j w D

    k w k .

    I ,


    . Hw , , w U.S.

    N A S, v P L 9

    v U.S. v q-

    , w qv

  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    Climate of Despair? 15

    Shockingly, it is no

    longer politically

    acceptable for

    conservative U.S.

    politicians to suppo

    climate policies or

    publicly accept basclimate science.

    , v, k.3

    , U.S.

    . Sk,

    vv U.S. -

    . N w

    v w

    R P

    P O Nv -

    . Ov ,

    j R v v

    v v

    w. A w v v

    x. A vv

    w U.S. -

    . I, v


    M R, x, vw


    w w w v

    M. k H

    Rv, Nw G, w


    w Sk H N P,

    D ,

    Iv w .4 R-

    , , v

    O w-



    U.S. . P


    Gv R Believe in America

    3 N A, S Ev C CU N A R E BA I, News from the National Academies, M9, , ://www8../w/w-.xRID=59.4 Fx Nw F, D 3, .

    j w. , U S w

    - . Dv




    w 6 .

    F, j R -

    w w

    , vv C. I

    , z National

    Journalvw 65 R vw. O -

    w w

    . A w

    q, w

    w -


    , k

    . P O

    S U .

    I ,

    C -

    . C

    P -- ,


    w, v

    E Ev.6 F


    U.S. ,

    k v

    U.S. w. W U.S.


    v 5 M R, Believe In America: Mitt Romneys Plan for Jobsand Economic Growth, , 93, ://.//-vw//9/v-----j---w.6 P O R E Ev,Obama for America, .., ://www.k.//v.
  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    The German Marshall Fund of the United States16

    w 4 - 9.27

    Polarizing Forces

    q, , w W


    , w w

    , v j w


    j k A-

    , w

    -v ( - C-

    , w U.K.

    v w

    k w). x

    w. A w

    v w

    , w v w

    w j w v w.

    A Pw , v , w

    w 63% , w

    k 77% 57%

    9. S, v w v .

    A Pw ,

    w v w , 6%

    v , w

    66% 9, 58% .8


    w E -

    7 D F, C Cv w A , D C, J 3, , ://www../-w///-v-.

    8 Pw R C P P, MM R S Ev W, D ,, ://www.-.//-/--%G%w%..



    ) I, U.S. w

    5 . A w

    (6 ) -

    997 (w K P

    w ) w -


    A, w , wk

    , U.S.

    w, A vw


    . B E w. A G M

    F , x,

    k w

    U S E .31

    Y , v U.S.

    , w v

    z v

    . I w.

    Misleading Media

    A k

    U.S. . F, -

    ( v

    v jv ),

    vw ,

    v q w

    v v


    9 Sw Pk, I: P M W P A C C, C

    F R - I, .., ://../k///3/--w-----/.3 Kk, A P O C C I I V C P E-.3 , G M F, ://...5-3.w-.wk./_=375.

    Depending on where

    they get their news,

    Americans hear

    about and believe

    very different climate

  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    Climate of Despair? 17

    J w , w -

    . E w, U.S.



    S, w w,

    A v v

    . w


    . W v Aw w

    (k W Ck), w v

    -w -w . L


    New York Times MSNBC, w


    Cvv, , w Fx Nw

    , Wall Street Journal,

    R L w, w

    . O

    Fx Nw w

    v , k

    , k

    CNN MSNBC.32


    vv -

    , w, x,

    Fx Nw vw k

    jv P

    O .33



    3 L F ., C C: N

    I G W Cv Fx Nw, CNN, MSNBC, I J P/P (Nv, ), ://j../////3/946454..33 I.; C M, Fx Nw Vw A M M-: A Sv S Av Pv I VJ Sw!, Nv , , ://k./////374434/x-w-vw---j-w/.

    , , , w . I v,

    A x w


    Party Identification

    P z ,

    A v-

    , Hw .

    A ,

    v D.

    A G, D P - v 99

    , w

    k (Earth in the Balance)

    v (An Inconvenient Truth) .

    A w, k N P Pz

    O wk, v

    w- Sv Hw,

    v. D P 4 -

    , J K,

    U.S. S. A w

    8, P O

    v .

    I w ,

    , w w ,


    v v

    . A

    z V P G

    v ,

    , . M

    U S

    w D P.

    Rise of the Tea Party

    P z

    w ,
  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    The German Marshall Fund of the United States18

    Climate policy seems

    to symbolize all that

    is wrong with the

    Obama administration

    in the eyes of staunch

    conservatives and to

    pitomize everything theTea Party opposes.

    v v vv v

    w v P

    vv v

    k 9. v v-

    v v. B

    9, -

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    , j P



    P v.

    C z w

    w O

    vv z v


    , w

    j, v

    , U.S. v U N .

    Campaign Contributions

    M U.S.

    . I 8, w

    v 3 3 U.S. S

    397 46 U.S. H R-v.34

    R w v-

    wk v

    . Av w

    x xv U.S. k.

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    I , v

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    , , .36



    $76 .37

    M 75

    w R-

    , v j

    . A

    w D

    w .Av- ,

    , $


    I wk U.S.

    S C Citizens United

    , w w w


    w v

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  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    Climate of Despair? 19

    v v v




    , 9, -v


    v x

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    Obama vs. the Alternative

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    U.S. v

    O . I R

  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    The German Marshall Fund of the United States20

    U.S. Tax Reform, Deficits and Climate Policy

    In the most likely scenario, post-2012 elections, Washington will fail to take decisive action on climate

    change. One can imagine, however, a plausible scenario in which a major breakthrough occurs.

    One fairly certain fact is that a breakthrough will not come in the form of a cap-and-trade law of the type

    considered in 2009. The cap-and-trade approach was not only opposed but vilified by enough conservatives

    and moderates in the Senate that the 60-vote supermajority needed to overcome a filibuster would prove

    impossible to achieve even if Democrats won big in the November election. The main cause: there are too

    many coal state senators and the cap-and-trade policy could not overcome their opposition. Whats more, the

    cap-and-trade debate seems to have taken all major climate policy off the table for the next few years. This

    means that in 2013 and immediately beyond legislative progress on climate change can only really occur via

    other issues.

    Fortunately, there are two looming legislative issues that could potentially yield substantial climate dividends.In 2011, political brinksmanship over the U.S. debt ceiling and corresponding worries that the United States

    might default on its debt obligations revealed growing political concern about rising U.S. budget deficits.

    The U.S. deficit has exceeded $1 trillion dollars for the past three years and, absent major policy reform, is

    expected to grow further, fueled by the rising cost of government-paid medical care and social security and

    reduced revenues from slower than expected economic growth, as shown in Figure 4. The alternative fiscal

    scenario shown represents the best prediction of the Congressional Budget Office. A number of influential

    policymakers and opinion leaders see 2013 as a moment when the president and Congress could craft a

    major budget and entitlement program overhaul to reduce future spending and/or increase government


    Figure 4: Projected Federal Budget Deficits

    Even more interestingly, in 2013 both political parties will be looking for ways to reform the federal tax code

    to accelerate Americas anemic economic growth, which would in turn reduce unemployment and the deficit.

    To spur growth, many economists recommend reducing taxes on things that promote growth (such as hard

    work and investment) and increasing taxes on things society wants to discourage (such as pollution and

    2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035



















    Extended-Baseline Scenario

    Alternative Fiscal Scenario

    Actual Projected

    Source: Congressional Budget Ofce. 2011. Long-term Budget Outlook. Congressional Budget Ofce. http://www.cbo.


  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    Climate of Despair? 21

    excessive consumption). More specifically, many conservatives and major U.S. companies support reducing

    the taxes corporations pay on their profits as the United States has one of the highest in the OECD. In reality,

    U.S. companies pay some of the lowest effective tax rates because many corporations move profits offshore

    and take advantage of various loopholes in the U.S. tax code. Simplifying the U.S. tax code and reducing U.S.

    corporate tax rates, however, might encourage multinational companies to repatriate profits and economic

    activity to the United States (where they would provide new government revenue from remaining corporate

    taxes). President Obama has signaled his willingness to consider lower corporate taxes as part of a broader

    tax reform law.1 A similar dynamic might also bring about even more important reforms to individual income

    taxes, which have a far larger impact on growth and the deficit, but maybe much harder to get through


    Combining these factors, one can imagine a compromise tax reform law that would introduce a modest

    U.S. carbon tax (at say $15-20 a ton of CO2) as part of a far broader package that reigned in entitlement

    programs and other social welfare spending, reduced growth-inhibiting taxes on labor, investments, and

    corporate income, and shrank the U.S. budget deficit. If structured correctly, some of the companies that

    lobbied hardest against the cap-and-trade bill in 2009 might welcome this approach (because they are most

    affected by high corporate tax rates, even if they work hard to avoid paying those rates, and because they

    value regulatory certainty). As an example, a staunch opponent of cap-and-trade, Exxon Mobil, has already

    stated publicly that it is not opposed to a carbon tax and its investment decisions assume something akin to

    a carbon tax will be in place by 2020. Privately, at least some conservative lawmakers concede that a carbon

    tax might be a small price to pay for fundamental tax reform. Importantly, the U.S. public would not see tax

    reform as climate policy. Indeed, relative to other changes to entitlement programs, payroll tax rates and the

    like in such a bill, the carbon provisions would arguably be secondary or even tertiary for most voters. And

    even then, conservatives and progressives alike could support those provisions as essential to rid the United

    States of its addiction to imported oil, an objective that enjoys broad public support.

    In addition to the significant reductions in U.S. emissions, such a grand bargain could greatly benefit the

    U.S. economy. Introducing a $33 carbon tax and reducing less efficient personal income taxes in a budget-

    neutral manner would add $4.5 billion per year to the U.S. economy.2 Studies of the impact of Europeanclimate policies found positive GDP impacts in almost every country in Europe where it was introduced.3 This

    additional benefit, translated into additional jobs, higher wages, and faster economic growth, could provide

    an additional incentive to bring the two parties together on this issue.

    Opinions differ considerably among political commentators in Washington on the likelihood of major tax and

    budget reforms in 2013, let alone the chance of any carbon tax being in the mix. The odds are not great.

    Regardless, this is the most realistic scenario under which the United States would take a major new step

    toward climate leadership anytime soon.

    C, O O C C x R 8%. I P R C. W,Moving U.S. Climate Policy Forward: Are Carbon Taxes the Only Good Alternative?, D- P, RFF D P (R F, F ), ://www../P/P/P-D.xPID=47.3 NERI, Uv A ., Competitiveness Effects of Evironmental Tax Reform, 7, ://www..k//__..
  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    The German Marshall Fund of the United States22

    , D w R w

    w , w w R

    w P O

    . S Nx---C

    , -

    vv - k R Nx

    k w C


    S, k vv, -

    w -k v U

    S w .

    C M R, Nw G, RkS, R P

    R w

    Nx P

    k k

    w Gv R ,



    w- . Gv

    R, , ,

    , k w

    , ,

    k v- . H

    w U


    , U.S.

    k, U S

    w. O ,


    U S ,

    w v k

    v .

    U, / w k. I

    43 , R Nx w - v -. S, w P Nx 97 - w C v Bj C MZ, w Nx .

    - , Nx

    C M R.

    Uk P Nx, Gv R

    vv w

    vv v

    vv , w w

    R 8



    . B v

    , P

    R w vv. I , w -

    , P R w -

    - w,

    v vv

    P w

    , xz


    z k vv

    w w

    6. W Gv R -

    , -

    . w v , ,

    , v


    Gv v, E

    w x , , P

    R w v w

    - .

    R v S, G, P

    v vv

    Nx. Rk S jk .44 R P

    x.45 Nw G

    44 Aw Sk, Rk S v .M N Nwk.45 Fx B Nw, Nv 4, 9.

  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    Climate of Despair? 23

    z k:Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less.46

    November 2012 and Beyond

    Nv -

    , ,

    w. B , w

    v q w.

    I v v

    wk . P w v

    P O

    . A,

    z wk . N

    Fk D. Rv w w

    v 7. .47

    A , U.S. j w 8.3

    . B

    P Rv w

    w 9

    . V kw -

    w v.

    wk P O

    v. I ,


    C C

    . C w U.S.

    v - . O 3

    A v C


    Y, v v


    j k w -

    , . N, R

    x U.S. S


    Nw G, V H, D H, D Nw, P L(8)47 N Sv, O M Ix RBw U R-E, FvE, J, , ://v...//6//---x--w-----/.48 C - J R, .., ://www../CJ..

    vv -


    D v

    U.S. , v


    3 . M U.S.


    v v / j

    H S. P O

    k w andv

    j C. A E-

    k w k. M k, P-

    O w w R

    w C,

    , orP O w v

    Nv R w k

    j S H.

    U.S. v

    v v v,

    , k, . ,


    w x-

    v v v,

    j U.S. . -

    w, ,


    j . k

    v k -



    , , w

    j w W-

    , DC.

    W ,

    , U S w

    , w

    President Obama

    and conservatives

    are worlds apart on

    climate policy. Pres

    Obama intends to u

    regulation and fisca

    policy to promote thclean energy revolu

    his counterparts

    care far more abou

    expanding fossil fu

    production and low

    energy prices. In th

    near-term, however

    the inertia dealt int

    the U.S. political an

    economic system w

    probably keep U.S.emissions declining

    matter what happe

  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    The German Marshall Fund of the United States24

    , w -

    regardless of the 2012 election outcome.

    P O vv w

    . P O



    w . I -,

    wv, U.S.

    w k U.S.

    w Nv.

    M k, 3 ,

    D R w v wk


    z v-

    w k

    x .

    -v ,

    F 5

    x v w U.S.


    w C

    ( w).

    C, x, w v

    v k ,

    x v. A, U.S.

    F Rv U.S. w

    4, . I , , P

    R U.S. Ev

    P A w w

    w .


    x w, w

    D S k

    . v

    U.S. w w ,

    , C

    , j C

    W H.

    I ,

    w R D

    , P O v

    Impact on


    Easy Difcult Almost No Control

    Increase Delay and weaken

    slightly greenhouse

    gas and other clean

    air regulations

    Stop new greenhouse gas


    Substantially weaken other

    new pollution controls

    Substantially weaken new

    automobile eff iciency stan-


    Improve sluggish economy

    Reduce petroleum prices

    Overcome local opposition to

    coal plants

    Stop California and other state

    climate initiatives

    Decrease rate of technology


    Reduce Enact carbon tax or other

    major energy tax reform

    Increase petroleum prices

    Overcome local opposition to

    nuclear plants

    Increase rate of clean energy

    technology innovation

    Figure 5: Near-Term Ability of New President and Congress to Change U.S. Emissions Trajectory

  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    Climate of Despair? 25

    , . F , w w

    Nv. Y w U.S.

    , k

    v v x w


    . A v w k

    U.S. , k

    U.S. k

    w w U S

    w j

    v v x U.S. .

    Toward Climate Realpolitik

    vw v v

    . A -

    w -

    z q v

    w . U S


    . k

    P O,

    -, w

    w W H .

    Y, k


    . I ,

    , k v



    x w w, v-


    U S

    w. M k, w -



    v w -

    . W v w w v ,

    , w -

    , w -

    , v

    v v k

    v. W k -

    , w

    w z


    . W

    q x

    GMF Climate Realpolitik

    (Spring-Summer 2012).

  • 8/2/2019 Climate of Despair? The Future of U.S. Climate Policy and Global Negotiations


    Off i c e s

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