climate change and european forests: what do we know, what … · 2014. 8. 27. · review climate...

Review Climate change and European forests: What do we know, what are the uncertainties, and what are the implications for forest management? Marcus Lindner a , Joanne B. Fitzgerald a, * , Niklaus E. Zimmermann b , Christopher Reyer c, d , Sylvain Delzon e, f , Ernst van der Maaten g, h , Mart-Jan Schelhaas i , Petra Lasch c , Jeannette Eggers a, j , Marieke van der Maaten-Theunissen g, h , Felicitas Suckow c , Achilleas Psomas b , Benjamin Poulter b, k , Marc Hanewinkel b, l a European Forest Institute, Yliopistokatu 6, 80100 Joensuu, Finland b Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Zuercherstrasse 111, CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland c Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Telegrafenberg, P.O. Box 601203,14412 Potsdam, Germany d Department of Geography, Humboldt University Berlin, Berlin, Germany e INRA, UMR1202 BIOGECO, Cestas F-33610, France f Universit e de Bordeaux, UMR1202 BIOGECO, Talence F-33400, France g Chair of Forest Growth, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Tennenbacher Str. 4, 79106 Freiburg, Germany h Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology, University of Greifswald, Soldmannstr. 15, 17487 Greifswald, Germany i Team Vegetation, Forest and Landscape Ecology, Alterra, Wageningen UR, Netherlands j Department of Forest Resource Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden k Department of Ecology, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59715, USA l Forest Research Institute of Baden, Württemberg, Germany article info Article history: Received 6 November 2013 Received in revised form 12 July 2014 Accepted 23 July 2014 Available online Keywords: Climate change Forests Forest management Europe Uncertainty abstract The knowledge about potential climate change impacts on forests is continuously expanding and some changes in growth, drought induced mortality and species distribution have been observed. However despite a signicant body of research, a knowledge and communication gap exists between scientists and non-scientists as to how climate change impact scenarios can be interpreted and what they imply for European forests. It is still challenging to advise forest decision makers on how best to plan for climate change as many uncertainties and unknowns remain and it is difcult to communicate these to prac- titioners and other decision makers while retaining emphasis on the importance of planning for adaptation. In this paper, recent developments in climate change observations and projections, observed and projected impacts on European forests and the associated uncertainties are reviewed and synthesised with a view to understanding the implications for forest management. Current impact assessments with simulation models contain several simplications, which explain the discrepancy between results of many simulation studies and the rapidly increasing body of evidence about already observed changes in forest productivity and species distribution. In simulation models uncertainties tend to cascade onto one another; from estimating what future societies will be like and general circulation models (GCMs) at the global level, down to forest models and forest management at the local level. Individual climate change impact studies should not be uncritically used for decision-making without reection on possible shortcomings in system understanding, model accuracy and other assumptions made. It is important for decision makers in forest management to realise that they have to take long- lasting management decisions while uncertainty about climate change impacts are still large. We discuss how to communicate about uncertainty e which is imperative for decision making e without diluting the overall message. Considering the range of possible trends and uncertainties in adaptive forest management requires expert knowledge and enhanced efforts for providing science-based decision support. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ358 50 447 1441. E-mail addresses: (M. Lindner),, drjb[email protected] (J.B. Fitzgerald). Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Environmental Management journal homepage: 0301-4797/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Journal of Environmental Management 146 (2014) 69e83

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Climate change and European forests: What do we know, what are theuncertainties, and what are the implications for forest management?

Marcus Lindner a, Joanne B. Fitzgerald a, *, Niklaus E. Zimmermann b,Christopher Reyer c, d, Sylvain Delzon e, f, Ernst van der Maaten g, h, Mart-Jan Schelhaas i,Petra Lasch c, Jeannette Eggers a, j, Marieke van der Maaten-Theunissen g, h,Felicitas Suckow c, Achilleas Psomas b, Benjamin Poulter b, k, Marc Hanewinkel b, l

a European Forest Institute, Yliopistokatu 6, 80100 Joensuu, Finlandb Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Zuercherstrasse 111, CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerlandc Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Telegrafenberg, P.O. Box 601203, 14412 Potsdam, Germanyd Department of Geography, Humboldt University Berlin, Berlin, Germanye INRA, UMR1202 BIOGECO, Cestas F-33610, Francef Universit�e de Bordeaux, UMR1202 BIOGECO, Talence F-33400, Franceg Chair of Forest Growth, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Tennenbacher Str. 4, 79106 Freiburg, Germanyh Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology, University of Greifswald, Soldmannstr. 15, 17487 Greifswald, Germanyi Team Vegetation, Forest and Landscape Ecology, Alterra, Wageningen UR, Netherlandsj Department of Forest Resource Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Swedenk Department of Ecology, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59715, USAl Forest Research Institute of Baden, Württemberg, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 6 November 2013Received in revised form12 July 2014Accepted 23 July 2014Available online

Keywords:Climate changeForestsForest managementEuropeUncertainty

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ358 50 447 1441.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Lindn

[email protected] (J.B. Fitzgerald).© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

a b s t r a c t

The knowledge about potential climate change impacts on forests is continuously expanding and somechanges in growth, drought induced mortality and species distribution have been observed. Howeverdespite a significant body of research, a knowledge and communication gap exists between scientists andnon-scientists as to how climate change impact scenarios can be interpreted and what they imply forEuropean forests. It is still challenging to advise forest decision makers on how best to plan for climatechange as many uncertainties and unknowns remain and it is difficult to communicate these to prac-titioners and other decision makers while retaining emphasis on the importance of planning foradaptation.

In this paper, recent developments in climate change observations and projections, observed andprojected impacts on European forests and the associated uncertainties are reviewed and synthesisedwith a view to understanding the implications for forest management. Current impact assessments withsimulation models contain several simplifications, which explain the discrepancy between results ofmany simulation studies and the rapidly increasing body of evidence about already observed changes inforest productivity and species distribution. In simulation models uncertainties tend to cascade onto oneanother; from estimating what future societies will be like and general circulation models (GCMs) at theglobal level, down to forest models and forest management at the local level.

Individual climate change impact studies should not be uncritically used for decision-making withoutreflection on possible shortcomings in system understanding, model accuracy and other assumptionsmade. It is important for decision makers in forest management to realise that they have to take long-lasting management decisions while uncertainty about climate change impacts are still large. We discusshow to communicate about uncertainty e which is imperative for decision making e without diluting theoverall message. Considering the range of possible trends and uncertainties in adaptive forest managementrequires expert knowledge and enhanced efforts for providing science-based decision support.

© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

er), [email protected],

Page 2: Climate change and European forests: What do we know, what … · 2014. 8. 27. · Review Climate change and European forests: What do we know, what are the uncertainties, and what

Table 1Mean climate trends for the period 2051e2080 for European regions from six RCMscompared to the period 1951e2000 (see Supplementary material, Table S.1).

Northern Europe Central Europe SouthernEurope


þ1.5e2.6 �Chigher in NE

þ1.3e2.7 �Chigher towardsS and E

þ2.6e4.1 �Chigher awayfrom coasts


þ2.5e4.2 �Chigher in NE

þ1.5e3.5 �C higherin E and mountains

þ2.0e2.8 �Cconsistentlyall over


þ0-25% increasehigher in NE

�0e25% reductionhigher in W and S

�25e50%reductionhigher in S


þ5e40% higher inN and mountains

�10�þ15%reductionin W and S

�35eþ15%reductionin S and W

M. Lindner et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 146 (2014) 69e8370

1. Introduction

More than twenty years of climate change impact research haveimproved our understanding of the climate system (Krupa andKickert, 1989; Solomon et al., 2007; Rummukainen, 2012) and itsimpact on ecosystems. While a new set of climate change pro-jections have been made available for the Fifth IPCC AssessmentReport (van Vuuren et al., 2011), most impact assessments are stillbased on the previous generation of climate change projections ofthe Fourth IPCC Assessment Report (Christensen et al., 2007). Thesescenarios have now been around for several years, however aknowledge and communication gap still remains as to how theseclimate change scenarios can be interpreted and what they implyfor European forestry.

The knowledge about potential climate change impacts on Eu-ropean forests is continuously expanding (Lindner et al., 2010;Campioli et al., 2012; Hl�asny et al., 2012; Spathelf et al., 2014) andsome changes in growth (Piao et al., 2011; S�anchez-Salguero et al.,2012), drought-induced mortality (Allen et al., 2010), and speciesdistribution (Delzon et al., 2013) have already been observed.However, it is still challenging to advise forest decision makers onplanning for climate change impacts (Ogden and Innes, 2009;Peterson et al., 2011). Many uncertainties and unknowns remain(Millar et al., 2007; Yousefpour et al., 2012) and it is difficult tocommunicate these to practitioners and other decision makerswhile retaining emphasis on the importance of planning foradaptation (Spittlehouse and Stewart, 2003).

Because of resource and time limitations, many climate changeimpact studies focus only on a small selection of climate changescenarios instead of providing a full suite of possible futures, andthe chosen scenarios often vary between alternative impact as-sessments. Practitioners and other decision makers often lack theexpertise to understand why different studies yield differing andsometimes conflicting results. Observations of adverse climatechange impacts have been increasingly reported over recent years(e.g. S�anchez-Salguero et al., 2012; Rigling et al., 2013; Ruffaultet al., 2013). In contrast, the majority of published model simula-tions of climate change impacts indicate increasing productivityand larger carbon stocks compared to the baseline climate (Reyer,2013). There could be several explanations for such deviationsbetween observations and simulations. For example, the environ-mental conditions at the sites with adverse observed climatechange impacts could differ from those where the models havebeen applied. Another possible explanation could be that the crit-ical factors leading to the observed impacts, especially whenextreme events are involved, are not well represented by thesimulation models. Identifying the reasons for the deviations be-tween model results and observed growth responses to climatechange is crucial, as we often rely on model projections to explorefuture climate change impacts. Communicating the uncertaintyaround climate change impacts without diluting the message is adifficult task. There are many sources of uncertainty includingthose originating from future climate, from the sensitivity andresponse of forests, from simulation models, and from non-climatefactors such as invasive exotic species or pests influencing climatechange impacts (Reyer, 2013; Fischer et al., 2013).

The objective of this paper is to analyze and synthesize scientificknowledge as a basis of offering decision support to practitionersand decision makers in forest management. Regional climate pro-jections for Europe are discussed and recently observed changes inmean climate variables as well as in climate extremes aredescribed. Observed and projected climate change impacts on Eu-ropean forests are summarized and a description of the inherentuncertainty in climate change impact modelling is presented. Theinterpretation and communication of state of the art knowledge to

non-scientific audiences is also discussed. This work should assistdecision makers and practitioners in interpreting and respondingto observed and projected climate change, its impacts on forestryand its implicit uncertainties.

2. Regional climate change projections e mean trends andextremes

Several limitations apply when using climate models to un-derstand the likely effects on forest ecosystems. First, generalcirculation models (GCMs) project future climate for very largepixels, which are far too big to make a meaningful statementabout the local climate relevant to single forest stands or localmanagement decisions (Flint and Flint, 2012). Downscaling isnecessary, but adds inherent uncertainty to the values obtainedfrom such scaling exercises (Fowler et al., 2007). Second, forestsdo not respond linearly to changes in climate parameters such asannual temperature and precipitation (Stephenson, 1990), whichare often used when communicating climate scenario results todecision makers. Third, climate model results vary much more atregional compared to the continental and global level. Averageensemble climate data should not be interpreted as the mostlikely scenario at the regional level because in reality, climatechange will not happen uniformly across the continent.Depending on the (unpredictable) future location of atmosphericcirculation patterns there will be regions with lower and highertemperature and precipitation changes. Therefore, using meantrends in these two variables from many models, before trans-lating them into meaningful predictors, does not allow one tofully understand the range of likely impacts. Ensemble meanclimate data always extenuate the possible regional climatechange. Rather, one has to downscale all models individually, forall climate variables, generate physiologically meaningful vari-ables thereof for each model output, and only summarize in theform of ensembles the forest response to climate change. This is avery time consuming task, yet necessary to see the full picture oflikely responses. Fourth, forests only partly respond to changes inclimate means. Many responses are to extremes rather than tomeans (Reyer et al., 2013b), and therefore, larger uncertainties inthe projections of climate extremes cause considerable un-certainties when assessing the likely response of forest ecosys-tems towards the end of the current century. Finally, everyspecies, and every life stage of each species responds differentlyto changing climate variability. While all will respond to someextent to a general increase in temperature and a regional in-crease or decrease in precipitation, the climate seasonality withits seasonal shifts in extremes will very differently affect the

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Fig. 1. Representation of climate uncertainty from model simulations. The maps represent the absolute change in annual moisture index according to four A1B model runs (fourmaps on left) (see Supplementary material) between 1961e1990 and 2070e2099. The mean of the four models is presented in the top right corner and the standard deviation onbottom right corner. Overall the maps show northern Europe becoming wetter and southern Europe dryer. However the maps show large uncertainties e indicated by high standarddeviations e in the Mediterranean region and Southeast Europe, where much larger changes could occur than are represented by the mean ensemble trend among models.

M. Lindner et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 146 (2014) 69e83 71

many species that combine to make forest ecosystems (Urli et al.,2013; Dantec et al., 2014). Using simple scenarios with fewclimate variables as input to impact studies therefore pose lim-itations in capturing the full picture of likely changes which wemay expect to see in the future from climate change.

Current trends in projecting future climate are usually given inthe form of summary statistics that are derived from ensembleclimate projections, which combine the output from many climatemodels. Such summaries are usually provided in periodic reports bythe Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) or by na-tional authorities that extract such information from internationalefforts to summarize the future state at a country level. In order toprovide regional or country-level information, the output fromregional climatemodels (RCMs) is often preferred over GCMs due tothe better representation of the regional topography and its influ-ence on climate trajectories and patterns in these models. Table 1provides a summary for three European regions based on sixdifferent RCM runs that were generated from the projections forIPCC AR4. The more recent scenarios for the IPCC AR5 span a widerrange of possible climate changes compared to IPCC AR4 scenarios,but with similar average warming trends (see Rogelj et al., 2012).However, it is important to stress that the latest carbon dioxideemissions continue to track the high end of emission scenarios andfast and rigorous emission reduction efforts would be needed tomeet the political target of maximum 2� warming above the pre-industrial level by 2100. The current emission trajectory is in linewith climate change projections of 3.5e6.2 �C increase in globalmean annual temperature compared with pre-industrial levels(Peters et al., 2013), and consequently it is possible that the climatechange projections presented in this paper could be considerablyexceeded.

2.1. Trends in biologically meaningful climate parameters

Globally, the period of 2001e2010 was 0.477 �C above the1961e1990 mean annual temperature and was 0.217 �C warmerthan the 1991e2000 decade (Morice et al., 2012). The averagetemperature for the European land area for the last decade(2002e2011) was 1.3 �C above the pre-industrial level, whichmakes it the warmest decade on record (EEA, 2012). While clima-tologists often present annual mean trends in temperature andprecipitation, ecologists and environmental managers are inter-ested in using ecologically and physiologically more meaningfulclimate parameters. Admittedly, these are also largely influenced bychanges in temperature and precipitation, but the respective in-fluence of these two variables on the outcome of certain derivedvariables is not linear. Therefore, it is worthwhile discussing somederived climate variables that are important for forestry. Moreclimate variables and descriptions of how they were derived areavailable in the Supplementary material. Fig. 1 illustrates thediffering regional patterns generated by four different RCMs underthe A1B emissions scenario. Here we present the expected meanchanges for the moisture index, which is the difference betweenannual precipitation and potential evapotranspiration (where thislatter variable was derived with the 1963 formula using tempera-ture and potential global radiation (Turc, 1963)). The average trendshows a reduction in moisture index throughout Europe, except forthe most northern areas. This figure also illustrates the importanceof looking at several model runs as much larger changes canregionally be expected than those indicated by the mean; resultingin high uncertainties in certain regions (lower right panel).

Fig. 2 illustrates the change in average annual maximumcontinuous dry days (CDD) and indicates an aggravation of the

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M. Lindner et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 146 (2014) 69e8372

strong segregation between Northern Europe (currently withvery short drought stretches) and Southern Europe (currentlywith extended drought stretches). According to these models,Central Europe will see a strong increase in the length of theaverage longest annual drought period by 3e15 days, nowapproaching numbers formerly typical for the sub-Mediterranean belt. At the same time, Northern Europe is ex-pected to see an average reduction in drought risks, whichoriginates from the projected increase in rainfall for both sum-mer and winter seasons. Depending on which single model isused, this segregation can even be stronger, since we only pre-sent a mean trend here. However, these results have to beinterpreted with great caution because they refer to the averageduration of the longest annual drought. For drought extremesplease see Section 2.2.

The average number of annual frost days is projected to bereduced all over Europe (see Supplementary material), but whilethe frequency of cold extremes is projected to decrease, there aresome indications that the intensity and duration of cold extremesmight persist or increase under climate change (Rummukainen,2012). In other words, the reduced trend in average number offrost days might coincide with more frequent exceptional coldevents (see Section 2.3).

The projections for average and extreme wind speeds areunclear. There is no general trend visible in the analysed modelsregarding changes in average wind speed. While globally it isexpected that overall storm frequency may decline under climatechange (Ulbrich et al., 2009), there is some indication that thefrequency of the more intensive categories of tropical storms isincreasing and that regional shifts in storm severity and fre-quency may occur (Rummukainen, 2012). For example, Pryoret al. (2012) found 10e15% higher wind energy density for theBaltic Sea region. An increase in the top wind speed of stormswas projected for Europe also by Leckebusch et al. (2008). As aconsequence of longer storm paths, future storms might pene-trate further into Eastern Europe (Fink et al., 2009). Still, pro-jections of future wind climates are highly uncertain due to highstochasticity of storm events, decadal fluctuations, and also tothe fact that storms are small relative to the grid sizes used inGCMs (Rummukainen, 2012). A recent study with a very high-resolution climate model indicated that the occurrence ofhurricane-force storms over Western Europe during earlyautumn could increase significantly, because tropical cyclonescould more frequently follow pathways directly to Europe(Haarsma et al., 2013).

Fig. 2. Current patterns of the annual mean (1961e1990) longest period of the number of codays by 2071e2100 under the A1B scenario (mean from 4 models, for which daily climate

2.2. Observed changes in climate extremes

The IPCC report on extreme events analysed the evidence ofalready observed changes of extreme events since 1950 (Field et al.,2012). Recently the World Meteorological Organisation has pub-lished a report on climate extremes in the decade 2001e2010(WMO, 2013). Two extreme heat events occurred in Europe in 2003and 2010. The hot summer of 2010 was a so-called Mega-heat wavewith a heat record in Moscow and serious wild fires affecting morethan 1 million ha of land area (Barriopedro et al., 2011). Much ofWestern Europe was affected by a severe drought in 2003 andcentral European Russia experienced a drought in 2002, which sawrecord low rainfalls over a 5 month period. There has also been anobserved increase in severe cold waves in the Northern Hemi-sphere in recent years. Notable examples are the severe winter of2009/2010 and the cold temperatures of March 2013 in Europe.Rummukainen (2012) summarised that there is also evidence for aregional increase in frequency of precipitation related extremes (i.e.heavy precipitation, drought conditions). Observed changes inprecipitation were less robust due to larger spatial and temporalvariability. The trends concerning increased heavy precipitationevents were most consistent over central Western Europe andEuropean Russia.

2.3. Changes in occurrence of climate extremes

In general, we can expect that both temperature and precip-itation extremes will increase (Seneviratne et al., 2012). Howeverwhile the mean climate trends are still uncertain, it is even moredifficult to project changes in climate extremes. The confidencein projections of extreme events depends inter alia on the limi-tation of global and regional climate models related to the spatialresolution and the representation of physical climate processes(Rummukainen, 2012) as well as on the assumed emission sce-narios. It is evident that extreme events have the potential toaffect forests much more than gradual changes in temperature.According to results of a variety of GCM and RCM runs andemission scenarios (Field et al., 2012; Solomon et al., 2007) thereis a high confidence in an increase of warm days, primarily insummer and in Southern and Central Europe. Fischer and Sch€ar(2010) found that European summer heat waves would becomemore frequent at the end of the century and other characteristicsof heat waves like duration and amplitude (intensity) wouldchange regionally. Coumou and Robinson (2013) found thatmultiple climate model runs predict a robust several-fold

ntinuous dry days (left) and projected average change in the number of continuous drydata was available).

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M. Lindner et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 146 (2014) 69e83 73

increase in the frequency of heat extremes irrespective of emis-sion scenario by 2040. Field et al. (2012) reported an overall in-crease in heavy precipitation days all over Europe; this trend isstrong in Northern Europe particularly in winter. An increase inheavy precipitation intensity could be possible despite decreasesin summer precipitation means in some regions like CentralEurope. Rummukainen (2012) concluded that the projected in-creases in extreme precipitation in winter for Europe are ratherrobust. Drought risk, e.g. indicated by the index of continuous drydays (CDD), which is strongly related to seasonal precipitation,mainly will intensify in Mediterranean Europe (Field et al., 2012)but also extends to Central Europe (Fig. 2). Changes in theduration of the most extreme drought period indicate that theseget much longer across all of Europe. Even in the north, wherethe average maximum CDD length declines, models project thatthe most extreme drought events would become much longer in2070e2099 compared to 1961e1990. For example, the thirty yearmaximum length in CDD in Eastern Finland may increase from 27to 39 days (average of four models). For a region in TheNetherlands, the respective increase could be even more severefrom 29 to 55 days. These results suggest that the variabilitybetween years might become a more important consideration forthe management of forests, because even in a future that is onaverage wetter, it is likely that extreme dry years will occur morefrequently. Similar results were found by an analysis of soilmoisture changes indicating enhanced drought on the annualtime scale in the Mediterranean and parts of Central Europe(Orlowsky and Seneviratne, 2012).

3. Projected and observed impacts of climate change onforests

It is imperative for impact studies to explore the full breadth ofvariation and uncertainty from climate studies on biological re-sponses, instead of simply exploring the effect of the mean ofprojected trends. The range of possible impacts can only be un-derstood if done in such an ensemblemode. To provide an overviewof the potential impacts, the main trends reported by studies arediscussed addressing (i) growth/productivity changes, (ii) speciessuitability changes, and (iii) disturbance trends, with some focus onrecent European-scale analyses.

3.1. Observed impacts

3.1.1. Growth and productivityOver the twentieth century, trends in forest productivity were

generally positive, except for sites where lowwater availability, lowair temperature and (or) low nitrogen deposition levels limitedgrowth, i.e., in Mediterranean or boreal regions (Boisvenue andRunning, 2006; Kahle et al., 2008; Spiecker et al., 1996). Morerecently, however, there are an increasing number of studiespointing to adverse effects of climatic changes on growth and vi-tality of trees (e.g., Bigler et al., 2006; Piao et al., 2011; Sarris et al.,2011; Vicente-Serrano et al., 2010). Especially for European beech(Fagus sylvatica L.), there is increased evidence for drought-inducedgrowth decreases throughout the distribution area of the species(Kint et al., 2012). In north-eastern France for example, Bontempset al. (2009, 2010) observed a decline in dominant radial andheight growth of beech in the 1990s, which was confirmed byCharru et al. (2010). This latter study, based on French nationalforest inventory data, showed a drop in basal area increment of 5%over the period 1987e2004 in response to severe drought events.Also in low-mountainous areas in Spain, beech decline wasobserved and linked to recent warming (Jump et al., 2006; Penuelasand Boada, 2003).

3.1.2. Tree species movementsMost species studied have tracked recent warming only partly

or not at all (Zhu et al., 2012; Allen and Breshears, 1998; Lenoiret al., 2008) highlighting recent migration lags. Altitudinal andlatitudinal shifts in tree species distributions have been reportedfor the Montseny Mountains, where beech is replaced by Holm oak(Quercus ilex L.) (Penuelas and Boada, 2003). Migration rates areprimarily observed as a slowmigration into newly suitable habitatsat the leading edge of a species range due to a relaxation of coldtemperature constraints. Examples for such range adjustmentsinclude the upper tree line with upwards shifts of forest woodyspecies (Lenoir et al., 2008) and temperate and sub-Mediterraneantree species (Urli et al., 2014). Massive colonization of Holm oakoccurred in all the forests studied along the Atlantic coast; thespecies started to colonize new areas in the early 1900's and spreadconsiderably during themiddle of the century. Most inventories arenow indicating the presence of Holm oak over the whole area of allinvestigated forests in Western France. However, the maximumrate of colonisation by this species was much slower than thatnecessary to follow changes in climate-related habitat suitabilitysince the early 1900's. It is now likely that tree species won't be ableto track climate change at the speed of climate change due to a lackof dispersion ability (Delzon et al., 2013). At the rear-edge of treepopulations, a comparably rapid response compared to the leadingedge can be observed already, be it directly due to drought (Adamset al., 2009; Anderegg et al., 2013; van Mantgem et al., 2009; Allenet al., 2010), or due to secondary damage by forest insects andpathogens (Jactel et al., 2012). In the lowest altitudes of the Valais,Switzerland, which also represents the rear edge of the species, asignificant dieback in Pinus sylvestris with a lack of natural regen-eration has been observed over the past 10e15 years (Rigling et al.,2013). A recent study showed that all forest biomes were equallyvulnerable to drought regardless of their current rainfall environ-ment (Choat et al., 2012), explaining why drought-induced forestdecline is currently occurring not only in arid regions but also inwet temperate forests not normally considered at drought risk.

3.1.3. DisturbancesIn general, it is difficult to label individual disturbance events as

being caused by a changing climate. Instead, climate change effectswill become apparent through increased frequency of events, or byunprecedented magnitude of events. For example in Switzerland ithas been shown that measured wind gust speeds have increasedstrongly since the beginning of records in 1933 (Usbeck et al.,2010b). However, especially with stochastic events such asstorms, it takes a long time before trends can be distinguished fromnatural fluctuations. Another confounding factor is that impacts ofdisturbances are also influenced by the state of the forest, whichchanges over time as well. Seidl et al. (2011a,b) found that abouthalf of the observed increase in disturbance impact in Europe'sforests over the period 1958e2002 (for fires, storm and bark bee-tles) could be attributed to changes in the state of the forest, whilethe other half was attributed to climate change. Similarly, Moraaland Jagers op Akkerhuis (2011) found insect pest occurrence inthe Netherlands since 1946 to be influenced by changes in forestcomposition, but also found climate change impacts such as inva-sion of more southern species and changes in winter survival rates.The storm Kyrill of January 2007, penetrated far into Europe andaffected an exceptionally large land area (Fink et al., 2009).Exceptionally large forest fires during the last decade have beenassociated with extreme weather conditions that exceeded thenormal range of climate variability as demonstrated e.g. for the2010 fire season in Russia (Barriopedro et al., 2011; Rahmstorf andCoumou, 2011), but also the 2003 and 2005 fires in Portugal and the2007 fires in Greece were characterized by extremely long dry

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M. Lindner et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 146 (2014) 69e8374

spells with hot temperatures and high wind speeds (San-Miguel-Ayanz et al., 2013; Koutsias et al., 2012).

3.2. Projected impacts

3.2.1. Growth/productivityReyer et al. (2013a) have recently applied a process-based forest

model to study the impacts of climate change on net primaryproductivity (NPP), using a network of ICP forest plots acrossEurope. Fig. 3 shows the model results compared to data from aliterature review of similar modelling studies (Reyer, 2013). Pro-jected impacts differ clearly between impact studies that do or donot consider the effect of increasing CO2 contents in the atmo-sphere. While it is proven that atmospheric CO2 contents areincreasing significantly, it is still unclear, to what degree CO2fertilization affects forest growth and productivity in natural andmanaged ecosystems over longer periods of time. Recent modelevaluations against experimental data from free air CO2 enrichment(FACE) experiments have shown that terrestrial carbon cyclemodels generally overestimate the response of gross primary pro-ductivity (GPP) to CO2 fertilization (Piao et al., 2013). A crucialquestion in this context is how much the water use efficiency oftrees may benefit from the enhanced CO2 concentration, becausehigher water use efficiency could at least partly counteractincreasing water shortages under climate change (Battipaglia et al.,2013; De Kauwe et al., 2013; Keenan et al., 2013). Because of thehigh model uncertainties related to CO2 fertilization, it seemsadvisable that alternative model runs with and without increasedCO2 fertilization effects are compared to identify the CO2 relateduncertainties in the simulated climate change impacts. Such modelexperiments can approximate the effects of CO2 with persistent CO2fertilization effects or alternatively with a levelling-off of CO2-ef-fects when plant photosynthesis is acclimatizing to higher CO2-levels or limited by other factors. The effect of these two assump-tions is shown in Fig. 4 for an application of the 4C model acrossEurope (Reyer et al., 2013a). The model results underline the hugeinfluence that one single factor e CO2 fertilization e has on theprojected climate change impacts with this particular model: In six

Fig. 3. Projections of changing NPP in Europe from a European-wide application of the 4C2013) with increasing CO2 (left) and with constant CO2 (right) for different Environmental Zothe variability over several climate change scenarios and time periods, while for the literaturesite.

out of ten environmental zones, climate change without increasingCO2 concentrations had a positive long term effect (2061e2090) onaverage across multiple sites. The increase in these regions wasmuch higher with the additional consideration of CO2-effects(around þ15% higher NPP increase). The four environmental zoneswith on average negative climate change impacts without CO2-fertilization showed also much higher NPP with CO2-effects.

In a similar modelling study as the one by Reyer et al. (2013a)but now for all biomes of Europe in a 0.5� Lat/Lon grid using LPJ-WSL (Poulter et al., 2011), very similar results were obtained.Large regions in Southern Europe ande depending on the scenariosused e even further north in Central Europe showed mainlynegative growth responses to climate change if atmospheric CO2concentration was kept stable at current levels. It was only inNorthern Europe that NPP was simulated to increase towards theend of the century. However, if CO2 was simulated to increase asprojected in the different climate change scenarios, then only verysmall regions in Southern Europe revealed negative trends in NPP,while most regions showed an increase in NPP by the end of thecentury, compared to current climate and CO2 concentrations. Itshould be noted that the uncertainty among climate models usedfor these NPP effects was considerable.

3.2.2. Changes in species suitabilityUsing climate data from the A1B scenario for six RCMs and

species data from the ICP Forest Level I data set (Fischer et al., 2010),the expected change in species' habitat suitability in response toclimate change was simulated for a range of tree species by cali-brating six different statistical models (Zimmermann et al., 2011;see Supplementary material (S6) for details on the methods anddata used). These so-called species distribution models (SDMs; foran introduction, see Guisan and Zimmermann, 2000) allow formapping a species' habitat suitability as a function of climate andtopography, and represent a rapid method to assess potential im-pacts of climate change on the spatial suitability patterns of indi-vidual tree species (e.g. Meier et al., 2012). Several SDMs andclimate models were combined in an ensemble projection (Araujoand New, 2007) in order to account for projection uncertainties

model (Reyer et al., 2013a) and a literature review of similar modelling studies (Reyer,nes after Metzger et al. (2005). For the 4C simulations, the standard deviation indicatesdata, the number of models indicates howmany different models were applied at each

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Fig. 4. Relative NPP change simulated with 4C for three simulation periods (2001e2030, 2031e2060, 2061e2090) related to the simulated NPP of the base period (1971e2000), andover all species, the boxplots show median, 25th and 75th percentile, 1.5 interquartile range (whiskers), and outliers. The changes were aggregated for different EnvironmentalZones after Metzger et al. (2005): ALN e Alpine North; BOR e Boreal; NEM; Nemoral; ATN e Atlantic North; ALS e Alpine South; CON e Continental; ATC e Atlantic Central; PAN e

Pannonian; LUS e Lusitanian; MDM e Mediterranean Mountains (for more information see Reyer et al. (2013a).

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arising from the choice of statistical and climate model (Buissonet al., 2010). By 2100, significant changes in tree species suit-ability patterns can be expected as illustrated in Fig. 5, indicatingconsiderable shifts in functional groups of trees and whole biomes,

Fig. 5. Projected changes in tree species richness (high ¼ increase; low ¼ decrease) followinsix statistical models and six RCMs using the A1B scenario. The difference is given by compa

mapped here simply as a consequence of changing climates, butuncorrected for realistic migration rates (Zimmermann et al., 2011).

Projected tree species responses generally illustrated thetendency to shift their ranges to more Northern latitudes or

g climate change from an ensemble modelling of tree species suitability patterns fromring simulations under current (1961e1990) and projected future (2071e2100) climate.

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higher altitudes by the end of the Century. Hanewinkel et al.(2013) studied associated gains (North) and losses (Central andSouthern Europe) in forest economic value based on such pro-jected decreases of the potential range of mesic, cold e adaptedspecies like Norway spruce, and increases of drought e adaptedspecies like Mediterranean oaks in order to understand howrange shifts may affect timber production of European forestsand consequently downstream timber industries. However, it isimportant to stress that species distribution models presentedhere do not represent forecasts of what will most likely happenby 2100. Rather, the models illustrate how much the habitatsuitability of a given species is likely to change by 2100, withoutindicating how fast the trees actually will respond. Althoughsome species are moving already, their ability to track climatechange is still unclear. Some of the early successional species,such as birch (Betula pendula) or poplar (Populus tremula) mightrespond with little time lag, while late successional species(Quercus) might show considerable time lags in adjusting theirranges due to very slow migration rates (Meier et al., 2012;Delzon et al., 2013). Equally important is the question to whatextent and at what rate species will decline at the rear edge oftheir distribution, when environmental conditions become lesssuitable or completely unsuitable. The modelling of the realisedniche of species often overestimates range declines as the currentrange limits are not always constrained by climate. In otherwords the physiological limits of species are usually wider thanthe boundaries of the current distribution range (e.g. Loehle andLeBlanc, 1996; Kearney and Porter, 2009).

Another difficulty associated with these projections is that treesmight not only respond to shiftingmean climate values, but insteade or in addition e to changes in extremes (see Section 2.3). Indeed,an earlier study demonstrated that adding measures of climaticextremes to SDMs improved model projections (Zimmermannet al., 2009). Yet, the improved models still do not include amechanistic response to extremes and are not capable in projectinghow fast trees will adjust their ranges to changing climates. This isdue to a lack of included mechanisms of disturbance, mortality andregeneration.

Moreover, forest management in Europe has a long history ofplanting coniferous species outside of their natural ranges. Despitetheir higher sensitivity to some disturbance agents, these speciesare often preferred by forest managers as they offer higher eco-nomic value compared to ecologically more suitable species (Knokeet al., 2005). It can be anticipated that managers will continue tochoose species according to other factors as well as habitat suit-ability and this will likely result in quite different realised rangeshifts in the future.

3.2.3. DisturbancesThe impact of disturbances on forests is affected by both driving

weather variables and the state of the forest (Seidl et al., 2011a,b).Here we focus only on the weather component and how projectedclimate change might influence future disturbance impacts.

Fire risk is clearly related to warm, dry and windy conditions.Several indices have been developed to summarise relevantweather variables into one figure (Holsten et al., 2013). In Europe,the most commonly used index is the Canadian Fire Weather Index(Van Wagner, 1987). Such indices can be applied to projectedclimate data in order to obtain an impression of how severely thefuture fire weather would change. Such studies invariably showincreasing levels of fire danger, such as in France (Chatry et al.,2010), Portugal (Carvalho et al., 2011) and the Mediterranean ba-sin as a whole (Moriondo et al., 2006). The rest of Europe has beenstudied less intensively, but also other regions are likely to faceincreased fire risk (Lavalle et al., 2009).

Climate change will also affect the risks of insect pest outbreaksboth directly through effects on population growth and survivalrates, but also indirectly by affecting the vitality of the trees.Because insects are poikilothermic organisms, global warming isexpected to enhance their winter survival and development ratethus triggering increases in population abundance and risk ofoutbreaks (Robinet and Roques, 2010). Furthermore, damage bysecondary pests such as bark beetles is likely to increase with waterstress severity (Jactel et al., 2012) following decreases in summerprecipitation and increased temperatures as predicted in Europe byclimate models (Klapwijk et al., 2011). How pathogens will react toclimate change is not very well understood. However, there is alsoevidence of increased pathogen attack in trees after drought(Desprez-Loustau et al., 2006).

The possible increase in top wind speeds during the mostintense storms could lead to higher wind damages in parts of Eu-ropean forests (Gardiner et al., 2012). Climate change may alsoaffect the resistance of trees to uprooting. Wetter and warmerwinters are likely to increase wind damage because of poorerrooting (Usbeck et al., 2010a). Such weather patterns may alsoweaken rooting in Northern Europewhere soils are normally frozenduring the winter (Peltola et al., 1999).

3.3. Comparison of observed impacts with expectations fromprojections

There is a clear discrepancy between the majority of projectedclimate change impacts and recent observations. Recent evidenceabout growth declines and species die-back stresses the impor-tance of extreme events for triggering drastic impacts on treegrowth and survival. Climate variability and extreme events are stillpoorly represented in most ecosystem simulation models (Reyeret al., 2013b) and that explains why the projected impacts oftendisplay a more positive situation, at least in the short- to medium-term. For example, the exceptional drought year of 2003 showed amoisture index value that was similar to the projected averagevalue calculated by climate models for around 2060 (Ciais et al.,2005). As most simulation studies would only “see” this degree ofdrought stress in the second half of the century, it is not surprisingthat discrepancies can be quite large. We are still lacking goodunderstanding of how improved growth conditions in averageyears interspersed with a few exceptional years of adverse growthconditions will affect forest ecosystems. We can expect positivegrowth changes in average climatic conditions during the next fewdecades due to the fertilization effects of increased CO2 concen-tration, but also because of higher temperatures combined withsufficient precipitation in some parts of Europe. Forests will face,however, increasingly severe extreme events as well. It is theseexceptional events that will drive changes in ecosystem composi-tion (Dale et al., 2001; Ciais et al., 2005) and structure (Allen et al.,2010). This would suggest that some observed species changesfollowing the extreme event in 2003 could be similar to equilib-rium SDM responses after 50 years. Simulation results for the Valaisin Southern Switzerland with a strong climate change scenariowere quickly producing similar species loss as recently observed(Bigler et al., 2006). In this region, the realised niche of Scots pine isvery close to the species' fundamental niche, so that the SDMprojects a fast decline of the species. For other locations and/orspecies the difference between realised and fundamental niche andthe deviation between simulated and observed changes could belarger.

On the other hand, niche modelling generally predicts sub-stantial northward shifts in suitable habitats. The contemporaryrate of range expansion of Holm oak in Western France in responseto global changes is much lower than would be required to track

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Fig. 6. The Cascade of uncertainty. The upper boxes of each compartment representthree locations of uncertainties common to every step of the cascade and the stylizederror bars the range of uncertainty (Reyer, 2013).

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future climate change according to the predictions of nichemodelling and phylogeographic studies (Delzon et al., 2013). Theseresults indicate that the speed of tree dispersion and establishmentwill in many cases not allow for colonising all the climaticallysuitable habitats that are likely to appear in Europe over the next 50years or so.

Observed growth changes for Scots pine in Spain (Vayreda et al.,2012) were qualitatively similar to the projected productivitychanges simulated for future climate. But generally there is littleevidence available demonstrating how well simulated growth andproductivity changes are reproduced in real forests under climatewarming as observed over the last two decades. Most model vali-dations have been made against historical growth observations. Itwould be very valuable to utilize observations from intensive forestmonitoring plots (e.g. from the ICP forest network) and targetedexperimental studies to validate forest simulation models undertransient climate change conditions. Even more difficult is thecomparison between simulated and observed disturbance impacts.As discussed before, it is difficult to detect the climate inducedcomponent in disturbance impacts. The same holds also forobserved changes.

In south-western Germany, Norway spruce has lost about 7% ofits total area and has been replaced by deciduous species betweenthe first and the second National Forest Inventory (1987e2002;roughly around 90,000 ha). Although a part of this can be assignedto planned management activities (i.e. active forest conversion),this process is largely driven by disturbances, mainly in the form ofextreme events (storm damage followed by bark beetle outbreaks(Hanewinkel et al., 2011)). The majority of published forest impactstudies do not properly account for disturbance effects and this iswell recognized as a major development need for forest ecosystemmodelling (Seidl et al., 2011a,b).

When discussing impacts of climate change on European for-ests, we have to take into account that these forests are more or lessintensively managed. Management has strongly affected the pre-sent species composition in European forests (Spiecker, 2003) andit will continue to be of major importance in responding to climatechange. Koehl et al. (2010) found in a simulation study that theeffects of climate change on the future productivity and speciescomposition of German forests was minor compared to the effectsof forest management. Management activities such as planting ofbetter adapted species or removing bark beetle infested treesgreatly alter forest dynamics as they occur in natural forests.

4. Uncertainties and climate change impacts on forests e

what do we know and how do we communicate them?

4.1. Uncertainties

Impact assessments for forests are uncertain due to severalreasons. In fact, uncertainties accumulate along a ‘cascade of un-certainty’ (Schneider, 1983; Jones, 2000; Reyer, 2013). This cascadehas two dimensions: the first relates to the modelling chain used inclimate change impact assessments and the second to the differentcomponents of uncertainty at each step of the chain (Fig. 6).

A typical modelling chain for climate change impact studies isshown in Fig. 6 and can be described as follows. Since anthropo-genic climate change is mostly driven by an increase in the atmo-spheric concentration of greenhouse gases, usually in a first step,assumptions about the development pathways of future societieshave to be made. The most well-known examples of developmentpathways are the different storylines of the IPCC's Special Report onEmission Scenarios (SRES, Nakicenovic and Swart, 2000). Thesestorylines are then fed into Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs),which project the greenhouse gas emissions associated with each

development storyline. The newly developed RCP scenarios (Mosset al., 2010; van Vuuren et al., 2011) follow a different logic butthe implications for the model chain remain similar. The projectedgreenhouse gas emissions then drive GCMs to provide globalclimate change scenarios, usually on a 2.5e0.5� grid. For regionalapplications, the GCM results are then downscaled to lower reso-lutions (0.5� and smaller) using RCMs. To use that data at the foreststand level, a further downscaling/interpolation to the points atwhich particular forest stands will be simulated is required. Afterthe interpolation/downscaling, the data may be used as input into astand-level forest model. The results of the forest model can thenbe fed into decision support systems or other toolboxes andmodelsthat support decision-making in forest management and policy.

At each step of the modelling chain, uncertainties in simulationmodels are linked with the model structure, as well as with inputsand parameters of the models (Walker et al., 2003). GCMs do notyield the same results if run twice with exactly the same input,parameters, boundary conditions etc. since they may contain sto-chastic elements (Le Treut et al., 2007), which is part of the struc-tural uncertainty. Input uncertainty comes with data for initialconditions and driving variables. For example, the grid cell size ofthe input data influenced NPP predictions of forest ecosystem andbiosphere models (Jenkins et al., 2001). Uncertainty of model pa-rameters can also have a strong influence on the results. Projectionsof future carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in a coupled climate carbon-cycle GCM, for example, are very sensitive to one parameter thatgoverns the response of soil respiration to temperature (Jones andMoberg, 2003). Uncertainties related to the model parameters canbe expressed by a distribution of parameter values so that a range ofimpact results is generated rather than a single value.

Quantifying uncertainties at specific points in the cascade ofuncertainty has been subject to research for a long time. However,only rarely, the effects of model structural, input and parametricuncertainty are considered together and even less at different stepsof the modelling chain (Reyer, 2013). Although this is not alwayspossible in a systematic way because knowledge is lacking ordisputed, uncertainties can still be quantified by comparing modelsimulations with alternative assumptions just as described earlierfor considering the effects of CO2 on forest productivity. Moreover,it is important to note that all three aspects of uncertainty (model

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structure, input and parameters) at each step of the model chaincontain different levels of uncertainty. There may be statistical andscenario uncertainty and uncertainty due to recognized and totalignorance (Walker et al., 2003). Statistical uncertainty refers to themeasurement uncertainty, hence sampling error, inaccuracy andimprecision. Scenario uncertainty deals with plausible changes,which are based on assumptions and not (easily) verifiable. Theuncertainty due to recognized ignorance relates to the “knownunknowns”, hence a lack of knowledge about the system whichmaybe reducible or irreducible. Finally, uncertainty due to totalignorance refers to the ‘unknown unknowns’, hence to issues weare not even aware of that we are not aware of.

4.2. Handling uncertainties in decision support on climate changeimpacts on forests

Two decades of intensive research efforts in global climatemodelling have not succeeded in considerably reducing uncer-tainty around our future climate (Knutti and Sedlacek, 2013). Part ofthis uncertainty depends on the future development of GHGemissions. To limit climate warming below þ2 �C globally wouldrequire reducing CO2 emissions from the current level of almost10 Pg C per year to less than 4 Pg C per year by 2050 (Peters et al.,2013), which is a factor 4 smaller than the 16 Pg C per year thatwould result from a continuously rising emission trend as assumedin the A1B scenario of the 4th IPCC report. Even a perfect globalclimate model could not forecast the future climate conditionsunder such uncertain driving forces. But we also know that globalclimate models are not perfect and until around 2070, the uncer-tainty in climate projections is dominated by the uncertaintyinherent in the models themselves (Kjellstr€om et al., 2011). Thelocal spread between models is still large in the new RCP climatescenarios (Knutti and Sedlacek, 2013).

Mean trends from ensemble climate model projections may berobust when interpreted at the global level, but due to the largeinternal variability of the climate system it is crucial to comparedifferent model projections for the assessment of climate changeimpacts at the regional level. Systematic comparison of impactmodels is less developed than the comparison of climate models.While the latter are global/regional and easier to compare, manyimpact studies are local and have used different models with var-iable assumptions.

Model projections may converge somewhat in the future withimproved understanding of the climate system, but there is noreason to expect that the uncertainties around future climatedevelopment will generally disappear during the coming years oreven decades. What does this mean for decision making in forestmanagement? It is clear that uncertainties are inherent to thesystem we are trying to forecast and thus unavoidable. Waiting forimproved evidence and information cannot be the solution. Deci-sion makers in forest management have to realise that they musttake long-lasting management decisions while uncertainty aboutclimate change impacts are still large.

The comparison of climate change impact studies with alter-native model assumptions shows how difficult it is even for ex-perts to draw conclusions from individual impact studies. Beforeusing the assessment results in management decisions, it iscrucial to understand what assumptions were used in the impactassessment. It is specifically important to know: whether only oneor multiple climate change scenarios were used; if growth re-sponses to CO2 fertilization and disturbances (including extremeevents) were considered; what niche concept (the realised orphysiological niche) was the basis for modelled species ranges;and whether provenance differences, genetic adaptation or spe-cies migration were taken into account. Considering and

interpreting the consequences of all assumptions is alreadychallenging for scientists. Obviously the challenge is even largerfor non-specialists.

Possible procedures to handle uncertainty such as aggregatingalternative model outputs do not help a lot in this situation. Whileit is possible to aggregate and possibly weigh outputs of differentmodels (e.g. by model precision or performance), this does notremove much of the underlying uncertainties in future develop-ment of important drivers, nor does it resolve our lack of under-standing of crucial ecosystem response patterns (e.g. on CO2fertilization effects). Therefore there is a risk that averagingdifferent model outputs could suggest to the user a higher precisionabout future impacts, which really does not exist. What modelensemble runs can show, is the full range of uncertainties that weactually cover with our current understanding of the system.

In several studies including IPCC reports, the authors have triedto address the uncertainties in our knowledge by flagging state-mentswith high/medium/or low confidence. This is certainly usefulas ameasure to providemore information to decisionmakers aboutcomparative reliability of our current knowledge. When scientificevidence increases e.g. in successive IPCC reports, this gives ameaningful message to non-scientists. It should be stressed, how-ever, that low confidence statements may be caused by largersystem variability and scarce historical observations especially incontext of wind disturbances and other extreme events. Forexample, low confidence in a particular model outcome (e.g.“devastating storms are projected to become more frequent underclimate change”) does not mean that there is a high likelihood foran alternative interpretation (“climate change does not affect stormdamage risk”).

Methods and approaches that study decision making underclimate change also focus on how to consider uncertainties. Howcan management be adapted under climate change? Waiting 40years to get sufficient knowledge about the realised climate changetrend as demonstrated in a theoretical analysis by Yousefpour et al.(2013) is not practical to a forest manager who faces a decisionmaking problem today. There are many strategies available on howto adapt forest management (e.g. Bolte et al., 2009; Fitzgerald andLindner, 2013; Kolstr€om et al., 2011). In this paper we do notintend to go into details on adaptive forest management strategies,but still we wish to draw conclusions from the analysis to identifyneeds for adjusting management strategies. The lack of preciseprojections calls for strategies that increase the resilience of forestsystems e where resilience is defined as the capacity of anecosystem to absorb disturbance and retain its function andstructure (Walker and Salt, 2006). Other approaches that have beenproposed include searching for no-regret strategies that yieldbenefits even in absence of climate change, and favouring revers-ible and flexible options over irreversible choices (Hallegatte, 2009)and focussing on adaptive management which is continuouslyreassessing itself (Sepp€al€a et al., 2009). Moreover, managementtactics including monitoring, forecasting, planning and use ofmitigating strategies are essential components for managing un-certainties; e.g. those related to biotic forest disturbance risks(Sturrock et al., 2011).

It seems that projecting future forest conditions has become(and will get even more) complex. But despite these complexities,clear messages are needed to inform decision making. So where isthe highest congruity in the multitude of outcomes of climate-change related impact studies on forests?

� Despite considerable variation und uncertainty in ensemblemodels, some general trends are common to all existing climatescenarios such as warmer temperatures, increasing moisturelimitations and enhanced extremes.

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� Climate observations suggest that the last 20 years were on thehigher end of the existing SRES scenario range. New IPCC AR5scenarios include stronger warming scenarios, but these havenot yet been used in impact assessments. The existing range ofimpact studies does therefore not cover the most extremeclimate change conditions.

� Extreme events such as the drought of 2003 are not yet includedin many current impact studies, but these will affect ecosystemsmore drastically than average climate conditions.

� Changes in the temporal distribution of precipitation are likelyto have larger effects on forests than temperature changes, butthey can be regionally more variable, are difficult to project andmodel, and not always fully considered in current impactassessments.

� Some critical processes (e.g. extreme events in climate modelsor disturbances in forest ecosystem dynamics) are still difficultto simulate and thus are lacking in most available impactstudies.

� All these simplifications in simulated impact assessments sug-gest that the range of possible impacts has so far beenunderestimated.

� Individual climate change impact studies should not be uncrit-ically used for decision making without reflection on possibleshortcomings in system understanding, model uncertainty andother assumptions made.

In order to properly interpret climate change impact pro-jections, considerable expert knowledge and scientific under-standing is still necessary. To interpret and communicate thecomplex information is a challenge to scientists: Simple but notsimplistic messages are needed!

4.3. How to communicate complex climate change impacts onforests and related uncertainties

Communication of climate change projections and impacts andthe related uncertainties to non-scientific audiences is animportant contributor towards facilitating adaptation. Recentresearch (Blennow et al., 2012; Yousefpour et al., 2013) has foundthat forest managers' beliefs about climate change influencestheir decisions. Wachinger et al. (2013) show that personalexperience of a natural hazard and trustdor lack of trustdinauthorities and experts have the most substantial impact on riskperception and consequently on decision making. This underlinesthe importance of communicating observed and projected im-pacts to different audiences, from high level decision makers andnational forest governance organisations, to private forest ownersand forest companies. However it is difficult to communicatecomplex issues such as model uncertainties without diluting themessage. Many studies have appeared in recent times abouteffective communication of uncertainties to policy makers, oftenfocussing on the language used (Maslin, 2013; Budescu et al.,2011; Sterman, 2011). One approach to tackling the communica-tion problem is to place the emphasis on uncertainty on the dateby which things will happen, rather than onto whether they willhappen at all (Maslin, 2013). For example, Joshi et al. (2011)showed that a rise in global mean temperature of 2 �C will bereached sometime between 2040 and 2100 depending on whichemissions scenario and climate model is used.

Communication to decision makers has to be brief and simple tobe effective. Whereas presenting climate change uncertainties in asimple way can be difficult, it is, however, still important to high-light them. Kangas and Kangas (2004) have cautioned againstignoring uncertainty and to ensure it is taken into account in de-cision making. Therefore when making statements or judgements

in the type of forum which does not allow for elaboration, it ishelpful if scientists are prepared to provide a traceable account ofhow this judgement was arrived at for those who seek more in-formation (Mastrandrea and Mach, 2011).

At the regional level, different communication mechanisms arenecessary with forest practitioners at forest administrations as thekey target (Lawrence and Marzano, 2013). This target audienceneeds information with the aim of developing support measuresand preparing of recommendations towards forest managers at apractical level. An important question for forest managers is whenmanagement needs to be adjusted to expected changes(Yousefpour et al., 2012). Blennow et al. (2012) conducted a study,which showed that strength of belief in climate change whetherthrough direct experience or other learning mechanisms, accu-rately predicted adaptation to climate change and was more sig-nificant than socioeconomic factors. Uncertainties will always bepresent and postponing action until they are eliminated is not anappropriate response. Brunette et al. (2014) present an option valueapproach to support the decision when to change a tree speciesunder climate change and discuss the importance of the timing ofthe species change from an economic point of view. However thesedecisions should be solidly based on detailed knowledge aboutprobable outcomes of climate change for forests (Yousefpour et al.,2012). Forest decision makers already have experience in dealingwith similar uncertainty in the type of long term thinking which isrequired with respect to price uncertainty etc. Thus, handling un-certainties in the context of climate change is not an unknownchallenge.

5. Synthesis and conclusions

Most impact studies that were carried out since the Fourth IPCCAssessment Report in Europe are based on scenarios that projectedrelatively modest climate change compared to the newer RCP8.5scenario. Recent evidence shows that without rapid policy action,changes in climate could be more serious. Furthermore, observa-tions already document (i) tree movements (but species will beunable to keep up with projected climate change over the currentcentury) and (ii) changes in growth, which exceed the projectionsof many impact assessment models. Climate change may impactforests in ways that are partly opposing and therefore can requireadaptation activities that are difficult to design and to plan. On theone hand European forests are facing gradual changes such as thechange of biomes of major tree species and changes in productivity.On the other, forests are likely to be more and more exposed toextreme events such as the increased risk of fire and drought and,partly linked to that, the spread of pests and diseases. Both gradualchanges and extreme events can either have cumulative effects orcan counterbalance each other. The latter would be the case if theobserved increase of productivity in Northern Europe is counter-balanced by the effect of the expected increasing impact of stormsand insects in Nordic countries. Cumulative effects can already beseen in Southern Europe, where a gradual decrease in productivitycombined with extreme droughts and increased fire risk leads toincreased tree mortality and even a replacement of forests by othervegetation types. The speed of evolving changes such as rangeshifts of tree species should be carefully studied, as it will haveconsequences for the planning of adaptation strategies. Newermodelling studies which include tree species migration suggestthat standard applications of range shift models largely over-estimate the speed of such a change (Meier et al., 2012). The im-plications for tree physiology of increased atmospheric CO2concentration combined with climate change also remain unclearand this strongly increases the uncertainty of forest modelprojections.

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When interpreting climate scenario projections, more thanone average climate scenario needs to be studied. Impact as-sessments have to consider appropriate climate variables that arecritical for tree growth and survival. Uncertainties aroundclimate change impacts in European forests appear to beparticularly large in areas where the most adverse effects arelikely (e.g. in the Mediterranean). This underlines that uncer-tainty increases with the severity of the change we are projectingfor our climate (Knutti and Sedlacek, 2013). Simulation studiesthat operate with overly simplistic assumptions should not beused as a basis for guiding forest management decision making.Therefore scientists have an important role in communicatingknowledge about climate change impacts and uncertainties topractitioners and policy makers.

Based on this synthesis, planning adaptation strategies seemsto be a complex and challenging task, as gradual changes and themore catastrophic impacts of extreme events require differentactivities. An anticipated long-term change in suitability of a treespecies may require change to a more drought- and heat adaptedspecies. However, in the transition phase, extremes may occur inboth directions (hot and cold), which make a pro-active intro-duction of e.g. Mediterranean oaks in Central Europe on largerareas impossible. Adapting to an expected decrease of produc-tivity by introducing exotic species with higher productivity hasbeen successfully conducted with Douglas fir as replacement forNorway spruce in some parts of Europe, but we need additionalexperiences with other species also under unfavourable siteconditions. Adapting forests to extreme events is particularlydifficult where drought is concerned, as the increasing length ofdry periods in the future climate may lead to conditions in partsof Europe where almost no tree species will be able to survive.Reducing tree density in arid areas to enhance water availabilityfor the remaining trees may be efficient, but it is a costly measurein a region where the economic output of forestry is generallylow. Adapting forests to extreme storm events is e outside GreatBritain and Ireland with already existing particular stormadapted management strategies e an exception, and requiresmeasures such as limiting tree height that are unpopular andagainst the dominating “close-to-nature” forestry with longrotation periods in Central Europe.

Despite intensive research over two decades, we cannotaccurately forecast emissions and what the climate in Europe willbe like later this century. It is unlikely that this situation willchange anytime soon. Regional impact studies therefore need toanalyse multiple climate scenarios to explore a broad range ofpossible developments. Impact assessments contain simplifica-tions, and with our improving system understanding it isimportant to interpret them adequately. Growth decline andmortality are especially triggered by extreme events and it iscrucial to consider how disturbance impacts could alter the re-sults derived from simple models that lack a proper represen-tation of extreme events and disturbances. The challenge forforest management is how to cope with the observed andmodelled trends and their associated uncertainties in adaptiveforest management. Strategies that enhance ecosystem resilienceare recommended, as are strategies which increase the flexibilityof making future management changes, as required by realizedclimate change trends.


The study was supported by the European Community's Sev-enth Framework Programme under the project MOTIVE (“Modelsfor adaptive forest management”), grant agreement 226544.

Appendix A. Supplementary material

Supplementary material related to this article can be found at


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