climate and meteorology lessons 1-3

Climate and Meteorology Lessons 1-3

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Climate and Meteorology Lessons 1-3. States of Water. Solid Liquid Gas. When a sample of water changes from a solid to a liquid, how much does the mass change?. Mass is greater in the solid state than it is in the liquid state - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Climate and Meteorology Lesson 01: Water Cycle

Climate and MeteorologyLessons 1-3

States of WaterSolid LiquidGas

When a sample of water changes from a solid to a liquid, how much does the mass change?Mass is greater in the solid state than it is in the liquid stateMass is great in the liquid state than it is in the solid stateMass is equal in the solid and liquid states.

Law of Conservation of Mass

The law of conservation of matter means that matter is not lost during a change in the state of water. Therefore, mass is not lost during a change in the state of water.

Where Can Water be Found?Hydrosphere: All the water on or beneath Earth's surface

Biosphere: All the living things on Earth and their environments

Where Can Water be Found?

Geosphere: The solid part of Earth including all rocks and mineral

Where Can Water be Found?

Water Cycle: the movement and storage of water between Earth's atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere

Where Can Water be Found?

Properties of WaterMolecule The smallest particle of a substance that retains the chemical and physical properties of the substance and is composed of two or more atoms

Billions and Billions of water molecules come together to form bodies of water such as rivers and lakes.

Movement of WaterPlay video

Parts of the Water Cycle

Human ImpactsWhat are some ways that humans can have an affect on the water cycle?

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What and how to turn your work into your teacher:Climate and Meteorology 02: The Atmosphere

The AtmosphereA protective layer of gases that surrounds the Earth like an envelop

How do you think the atmosphere protects the biosphere, geosphere, and water cycle?

Composition of the Atmosphere

Structure of the AtmosphereThe effects of gravity, solar radiation, and the properties of the gases cause the atmosphere to be layered.

These layers are ordered based on their temperature and density






Atmospheric PressureAir pressure is the force exerted on you by the weight of tiny particles of air (air molecules).

Why role does gravity play?

How does altitude affect air pressure?

Tools for Measuring Air PressureBarometer - Liquid mercury inside a long glass tube moves up and down based on the force of the atmosphere on the liquid.

What happens to the weather and temperature as the barometric pressure increases or decreases?

Air Pressure Lab

Earths Winds

Wind EnergyWhat can wind be used for?

What are some advantages and disadvantages of wind energy?

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What and how to turn your work into your teacher:Climate and Meteorology 03: Weather vs. ClimateSo What is the Difference?

Collecting Weather DataMethodType of DataImageThermometerTemperatureBarometerAir PressureHygrometerHumidityAnemometer and Wind VaneWind Speed and DirectionCloud Type and CoverTypes of Clouds and % coverageRain gaugeAmount of Precipitation

Weather Maps

What can you infer about the weather on March 11, 2010, compared with Floridas expected climate in March? Was it warmer or colder than usual?Hint: Compare the data on Map 1 with the data on Map 2 and Map 3. On March 11, 2010, how many of Floridas temperature readings for the daily high temperature were above average?Hint: Compare the top numbers in Map 1 with the climate data for the mean daily maximum temperatures for Florida in Map 2.Weather RecordsWeather data can be collected to make climate maps.

Predicting future climate events, such as droughts, can be easier.

Collecting weather records can help scientists see patterns in the weather.

Climate ZonesA climate zone is an area on Earth with similar temperature and precipitation patterns. Climate Zones affect the Biosphere

There are three types of zones

TropicalTemperatePolarTemperatePolarTropical Climate ZonesType Annual PrecipitationDescriptionExamples of lifeTropical Rain ForestHigh

Lush, dense, high diversityMonkeys , tree frogs, parrots, orchids, mahogany treesDesertsLowDry soil conditionsCactus, small bushes, lizards, small rodents, camelsSavannaAlternating highs and lowsWet and dry seasonsSmall shrubs, tall grasses, lions, giraffes, elephantsTemperate Climate ZonesGrasslandsTemperate ForestsChaparralType Annual PrecipitationDescriptionExamples of lifeGrasslandsVariable

Wet and dry seasonsPrairie grasses, wildflowers, small rodents, bison, foxesTemperate ForestSufficientRelatively consistent amount of waterDeer, bear, migrating birds, deciduous treesChaparralLowVery hot and dryThick leaves, small shrubs, coyotes, alligators, cattle, large birdsPolar Climate ZonesTaigaTundraType Annual PrecipitationDescriptionExamples of lifeTaigaForm of snowMild summers, long cold wintersPine trees, wolves, moose, and elkTundraLowColder than Taiga, ground permanently frozen

Moss, small flowers, polar bears, caribou, arctic foxesWeathering in the Geosphere

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