client-server model - kent state universityruttan/sysprog/lectures/sockets.pdf · client-server...

Client-Server Model Frequently used programming paradigms client-server model: one process provides services for a set of client process, eg. HTTP server-web browser. X server- X client. master-slave: one master process assigns tasks to a group of slave processes, eg. Cluster Scheduler-Cluster Node, kernel-user processes.

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Client-Server Model

● Frequently used programming paradigms – client-server model: one process provides

services for a set of client process, eg. HTTP server-web browser. X server- X client.

– master-slave: one master process assigns tasks to a group of slave processes, eg. Cluster Scheduler-Cluster Node, kernel-user processes.

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Using Shell Programs

● popen:NAME       popen, pclose ­ process I/OSYNOPSIS       #include <stdio.h>      FILE *popen(const char *command, const char *type);       int pclose(FILE *stream);DESCRIPTION       The  popen()  function opens a process by creating a pipe, forking, and       invoking the shell.  Since a pipe is by definition unidirectional,  the       type  argument  may  specify  only  reading  or  writing, not both; the       resulting stream is correspondingly read­only or write­only.       The command argument is a pointer to a null­terminated string  contain­       ing  a shell command line.  This command is passed to /bin/sh using the       ­c flag; interpretation, if any, is performed by the shell.   The  type       argument  is a pointer to a null­terminated string which must be either       'r' for reading or 'w' for writing.       

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Using Shell Programs

● popen:

       The return value from popen() is a normal standard I/O  stream  in  all       respects  save  that  it  must  be  closed  with  pclose()  rather than       fclose().  Writing to such a stream writes to the standard input of the       command;  the command's standard output is the same as that of the pro­       cess that called popen(), unless this is altered by the command itself.       Conversely, reading from a ''popened'' stream reads the command's stan­       dard output, and the command's standard input is the same  as  that  of       the process that called popen.       Note that output popen streams are fully buffered by default.       The  pclose  function waits for the associated process to terminate and       returns the exit status of the command as returned by wait4.

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Using Shell Programs

● popen:

● System

fp = popen( "who|sort", "r" ); /* open the command */ while ( fgets( buf, 100, fp ) != NULL )/* read from command */ printf("%3d %s", i++, buf ); /* print data */ pclose( fp ); /* IMPORTANT! */ return 0;

system()  executes  a command specified in command by calling /bin/sh ­c command, and returns after the command has       been completed.  During execution of the command, SIGCHLD will be blocked, and SIGINT and SIGQUIT will be  ignored.

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Converting a file descriptor to a stream

● Streams:– Buffered for efficiency– Easier data conversion (fprintf )

● FILE *file:file=fdopen(fd)

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                                pipe(p)                                 fork()                                    |              +­­­­­­­­­­­­­­+­­­­­­­­­­+    close(p[1]);                    close(p[1]);    fp=fdopen(p[0],”r”);      dup2(p[1],1);    return fp;                         execl(“/bin/sh”,”sh”,”­c”, cmd, NULL);         

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● Setting up a server1.get a socket = phone line2.bind address to socket = get a phone number3.listen = allow incoming calls4.connect,write,close=provide service.

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● Setting up a server1.get a socket = phone line

2.bind address to socket = get a phone number3.listen = allow incoming calls4.connect,write,close=provide service.

#include <syslsocket.h>int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);domain tells the call where the socket is to be used. For example PF_INET specifies the internet domain for networking. Another domain,  is PF_UNIX, which is used if the processes are on the same machine. 

The type of the socket to be created specifies whether it is to be used in a connection or connectionless mode. SOCK_STREAM specifies a connection oriented link, SOCK_DGRAM a connectionless link. The final parameter, protocol, specifies which protocol should be used by this socket. This will normally be set to 0, in which case, by default, a SOCK_STREAM socket wiIl use TCP and a SOCK_DGRAM socket will use UDP­both standard UNIX protocols. The socket system call normally returns a non­negative integer which is the socket file descriptor, which enables sockets to be treated using the familiar UNIX file model. 

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● Setting up a server1.get a socket = phone line2.bind address to socket = get a phone number

3.listen = allow incoming calls4.accept,write,close=provide service.

#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/socket.h>int bind(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *address,size_t add_len);The first parameter, sockfd, is the socket file descriptor originally returned by the socket system call. The second parameter is a pointer to a generic socket structure. However, because we are sending information across the network in our example, we will actually provide the address of the relevant struct sockaddr_in which contains the addressing information for our server. The final parameter holds the size of the actual socket structure used. If the bind call is successful then it returns 0. On error, the bind call returns ­1, which may happen if a socket already exists for the address. The errno will then contain EADDRINUSE.

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● Setting up a server1.get a socket = phone line2.bind address to socket = get a phone number3.listen = allow incoming calls

4.accept,write,close=provide service.

#include <sys/socket.h>int listen(int sockfd, int queue-size);The sockfd parameter is as above. The server can queue up to queue-size incoming connection requests.

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● Setting up a server1.get a socket = phone line2.bind address to socket = get a phone number3.listen = allow incoming calls4.accept,write,close=provide service.

include <sysltypes.h>#include <syslsocket.h>int accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *address,size-t *add_len);The accept system call is passed the listening socket descriptor returned from the original socket system call. On completion, the return value is the new socket id to be used for the communication. The address parameter is filled out with the information about the client. However, because this is a connection oriented communication the server very rarely needs to know the address of the client, and therefore address can be replaced with NULL. If address is not NULL then the variable pointed to by add_len should initially contain the length of the address structure described by address. On the return of the accept call, *add_len will hold the number of bytes actually copied.

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4.accept,write,close=provide service.#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/socket.h>readwriteAlso:size_t recv(int sockfd, void *buffer, size_t length,int flags);size_t send(int sockfd, const void *buffer, size_t length,int flags);The recv call specifies the file descriptor to read the data from, the buffer into which the data should be put, and the length of the buffer. As with read, recv returns the amount of data read. The flags parameter affects the way in which the data can be received. The possible values are: MSG_PEEK: The process can look at the data without actually receivingit. MSG_OOB: Normal data is bypassed and the process only receives out of band data, for example, an interrupt signal. MSG_WAITALL: The recv call will only return when the full amount of data is available. send behaves just like write if the flags parameter is set to 0. It sends the message contained in buffer to sockfd, the local socket. The length parameter specifies the length of buffer. As with recv the flags parameter affects the way that messages are sent. The possible values are: MSG-OOB: Send 'out of band' data.

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● Setting up a client1.get a socket = phone line2.connect3.write,close=provide service.

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Sockets:Debugging, Info

● Using web browser:– enter ip address:– tcpserver.c listening on 7001

● Look at man 7 socket● Look at socklib.c on class page● Look at rfc1945.txt on class page

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main(){ int sock, fd; sock = make_server_socket( PORTNUM ); if ( sock == -1 ) oops( "make_server_socket" ); while( ( fd = accept(sock,NULL,NULL) ) != -1 ) { process_request(fd); close(fd); }}process_request(fd)/* * send the date out to the client via fd */{ int pid = fork(); if ( pid == -1 ) return ; /* error getting a new process */ if ( pid != 0 ) return; /* parent does not wati */ /* child code here */ dup2( fd, 1 ); /* moves socket to fd 1 */ close(fd); /* closes socket */ execlp("date","date",NULL); /* exec date */ oops("execlp date");}

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TimeServer2dmain(){ int sock, fd; sock = make_server_socket( PORTNUM ); if ( sock == -1 ) oops( "make_server_socket" ); while( ( fd = accept(sock,NULL,NULL) ) != -1 ) { process_request(fd); close(fd); }}process_request(fd)/* * send the date out to the client via fd */{ int pid = fork(); if ( pid == -1 ) return ; /* error getting a new process */ if ( pid != 0 ){ /* parent */ wait(NULL); /* do we have to wait? */ return; /* what about zombies? */ } /* child code here */ dup2( fd, 1 ); /* moves socket to fd 1 */ close(fd); /* closes socket */ execlp("date","date",NULL); /* exec date */ oops("execlp date");}

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Windows Sockets

● Initialize the WinSock DLL● int WSAStartup(WORD wVersionRequired,LPWSADATA lpWSAData);

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Windows SocketswVersionRequired

– Indicates the highest version of the WinSock DLL you need

– Returns a non-zero value if the DLL cannot support the version you want

– Low byte specifies the major version– High byte specifies the minor version– 0x0101 → version 1.1

lpWSAData points to a WSADATA structure that returns information on the configuration of the DLL

WSAGetLastError() for error number

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Allocate a Socket

Sockets are analogous to handles– A communication channel

Call socket() to create (or open) a socket– Actually a HANDLE

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Allocate a Socket

– Server: “Listening socket” for client connection requests

typedef unsigned int SOCKET;SOCKET socket(int af,

int type, int protocol);

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Allocate a Socket

– Server: “Listening socket” for client connection requests

typedef unsigned int SOCKET;SOCKET socket(int af,

int type, int protocol);

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Allocate a Socket

– af denotes the address family– PF_INET or AF_INET designates the Internet

protocol– type specifies connection-oriented (SOCK_STREAM)

or datagram communications (SOCK_DGRAM)– protocol unnecessary for TCP/IP

● Use 0

socket returns INVALID_SOCKET upon failure

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BINDNext, bind the socket to its address and service endpoint

int bind (SOCKET s,const struct sockaddr *saddr,int namelen);

– s is an “unbound” SOCKET returned by socket()– saddr specifies the address family and protocol-specific

information– namelen is sizeof(sockaddr)

Returns SOCKET_ERROR in case of error

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sa_data is protocol-specific

TCP/IP sockaddr_in:struct sockaddr_in{

short sin_family; // AF_INETu_short sin_port;struct in_addr sin_addr; //4-byte IP addrchar sin zero [8];

};typedef struct sockaddr_in SOCKADDR_IN,


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BINDList of hosts (mapped to IP addresses) can be found in


List of Services(mapped to services) can be found in%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\services

If you bind to a specific IP address, you can only receive incoming packets over that IP address

If you have more than one IP address, bind tohotnl(INADDR_ANY) “host to network long”

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BINDBOOL WINAPI WNetGetHostAddress(LPCSTR lpszHost,LPCSTR lpszService,LPCSTR lpszProto,LPSOCKADDR lpAddr)

/* Fill in a SOCKADDR using host, protocol, service */{ LPHOSTENT lpHost; LPSERVENT lpServ; SOCKADDR_IN sin; ZeroMemory(&sin, sizeof(sin));

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sin.sin_family = PF_INET; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); if(lpszHost != NULL) { lpHost = gethostbyname(lpszHost); if(lpHost != NULL) { CopyMemory(&sin.sin_addr,


} } lpServ = getservbyname(lpszService, lpszProto);

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BINDif(lpServ != NULL) { sin.sin_port = lpServ->s_port; ZeroMemory(sin.sin_zero,

sizeof(sin.sin_zero)); CopyMemory(lpAddr, &sin, sizeof(SOCKADDR));

return TRUE; /* lpAddr is now ready for bind() */ } return FALSE;}

The address returned by WNetGetHostAddress() can be passed directly to the bind() function

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listen() makes server available for client connection– Socket goes from “bound” to “listening” state

int listen(SOCKET s, int nQueueSize);

nQueueSize indicates the number of connection requests you are willing to have queued at the socket– Up to SOMAXCON (5 for 1.1, “unlimited” in 2.0)

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– The call to listen() places the socket into the listening state

– The server application calls accept()● Returning a “connected socket”

– accept() blocks until a client request for a connection arrives

– accept() return value gives the server a new socket for exchanging data

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/* Listening socket */LPSOCKADDR lpAddr,

/* Find client details here */LPINT lpnAddrLen

/* Length of the returned structure */);

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int connect(SOCKET s,LPSOCKADDR lpName,int nNameLen);

lpName points to a SOCKADDR structure designating the server machine name and port address

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Data Exchange– Partner stations exchange data using send() and recv()– send() and recv() have identical arguments:

int send ( int recv (SOCKET s, SOCKET s,LPSTR lpBuffer, LPSTR lpBuffer,int nBufferLen, int nBufferLen,

int nFlags); int nFlags);

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Data Exchange

– nFlags == MSG_OOB indicates urgency● OOB for out-of-band

– MSG_PEEK can be used to peek at the data without removing it

– These are standard Berkeley Sockets calls● But read() and write() are more common under

UNIX– Not atomic or message oriented

● Loop until full message is received● Or sent, although incomplete send() is rare