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CANDIDATE NAME : WWW.QMATHS.IN EXAM START TIME : 16:15:00 EXAM DURATION : 01:15 Hrs TOTAL NO OF QUESTIONS : 100 Click to Print logout Challenges REGISTRATION NUMBER : WWW.QMATHS.IN EXAM DATE : 30-January-2017 EXAM NAME : SSC Examination 2016 TOTAL MARKS : 200 QID : 201 - Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives. Haemoglobin : Blood : : Chlorophyll : ? िदए गए िवकप संबंिधत शद/अर/संया को िनए। हीमोलोिबन : : : लोरोिफल : ? Options: 1) Leaf पा 2) Animal पश 3) Human आदमी 4) Oxygen ऑसजन Correct Answer: Leaf पा Candidate Answer: Leaf पा QID : 202 - Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives. MP : PN : : QR : ? िदए गए िवकप संबंिधत शद/अर/संया को िनए। MP : PN : : QR : ? Options: 1) PT 2) TP 3) LM 4) NR Correct Answer: TP Candidate Answer: TP QID : 203 - Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives. ST : ZM : : KR : ? िदए गए िवकप संबंिधत शद/अर/संया को िनए। ST : ZM : : KR : ? Options: 1) KR 2) RK 3) LR 4) LK Correct Answer: RK Candidate Answer: RK

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    QID : 201 - Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.

    Haemoglobin : Blood : : Chlorophyll : ?

    िदए गए िवक�प� म� स ेसंबंिधत श�द/अ�र/सं�या को चिुनए।

    हीमो�लोिबन : र� : : �लोरोिफल : ?Options:1) Leafप�ा2) Animalपशु3) Humanआदमी4) Oxygenऑ��सजनCorrect Answer: Leafप�ाCandidate Answer: Leafप�ा

    QID : 202 - Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.

    MP : PN : : QR : ?

    िदए गए िवक�प� म� स ेसंबंिधत श�द/अ�र/सं�या को चिुनए।

    MP : PN : : QR : ?Options:1) PT

    2) TP

    3) LM

    4) NRCorrect Answer: TPCandidate Answer: TP

    QID : 203 - Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.

    ST : ZM : : KR : ?

    िदए गए िवक�प� म� स ेसंबंिधत श�द/अ�र/सं�या को चिुनए।

    ST : ZM : : KR : ?Options:1) KR

    2) RK

    3) LR

    4) LKCorrect Answer: RKCandidate Answer: RK

  • QID : 204 - Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.

    3 : 27 : : 4 : ?

    िदए गए िवक�प� म� स ेसंबंिधत श�द/अ�र/सं�या को चिुनए।

    3 : 27 : : 4 : ?Options:1) 96

    2) 64

    3) 44

    4) 48Correct Answer: 64Candidate Answer: 64 QID : 205 - Select the odd word/letters/number/number pair from the given alternatives.

    िदए गए िवक�प� म� स ेिवषम श�द/अ�र/सं�या/सं�या यु� म को चिुनए।Options:1) Curdदही2) Oilतले3) Cheeseपनीर4) Butterम� खनCorrect Answer: OilतलेCandidate Answer: Oilतले QID : 206 - Select the odd word/letters/number/number pair from the given alternatives.

    िदए गए िवक�प� म� स ेिवषम श�द/अ�र/सं�या/सं�या यु� म को चिुनए।Options:1) LA

    2) PR

    3) OC

    4) USCorrect Answer: PRCandidate Answer: PR QID : 207 - Select the odd word/letters/number/number pair from the given alternatives.

    िदए गए िवक�प� म� स ेिवषम श�द/अ�र/सं�या/सं�या यु� म को चिुनए।Options:1) 8

    2) 64

    3) 125

    4) 343Correct Answer: 64Candidate Answer: 8 QID : 208 - Select the odd word/letters/number/number pair from the given alternatives.

    िदए गए िवक�प� म� स ेिवषम श�द/अ�र/सं�या/सं�या यु� म को चिुनए।Options:1) 844

    2) 972

    3) 716

    4) 345Correct Answer: 345

  • Correct Answer: 345Candidate Answer: 345 QID : 209 - A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

    ? , Lal Bahadur Shastri, Indira Gandhi, Morarji Desai, Choudhary Charan Singh

    एक अनु�म िदया गया है, िजसम� स ेएक पद ल�ुत है। िदए गए िवक�प� म� स ेवह सही िवक�प चिुनए, जो अनु�म को परूा कर।े

    ? , लाल बहादरु शा��ी, इंिदरा ग�धी, मोरारजी दसेाई, चौधरी चरण िसंहOptions:1) Jawahar Lal Nehruजवाहर लाल नहे�2) Rajiv Gandhiराजीव ग�धी3) Manmohan Singhमनमोहन िसंह4) V. P. Singhवी. पी. िसंहCorrect Answer: Jawahar Lal Nehruजवाहर लाल नहे�Candidate Answer: Jawahar Lal Nehruजवाहर लाल नहे� QID : 210 - A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

    VW, XU, ZS, BQ, ?

    एक अनु�म िदया गया है, िजसम� स ेएक पद ल�ुत है। िदए गए िवक�प� म� स ेवह सही िवक�प चिुनए, जो अनु�म को परूा कर।े

    VW, XU, ZS, BQ, ?Options:1) OD

    2) DO

    3) EO

    4) FOCorrect Answer: DOCandidate Answer: DO QID : 211 - A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

    AN, DQ, GT, JW, ?

    एक अनु�म िदया गया है, िजसम� स ेएक पद ल�ुत है। िदए गए िवक�प� म� स ेवह सही िवक�प चिुनए, जो अनु�म को परूा कर।े

    AN, DQ, GT, JW, ?Options:1) MA

    2) NZ

    3) MZ

    4) LYCorrect Answer: MZCandidate Answer: MZ QID : 212 - A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

    76, 101, 151, 226, ?

    एक अनु�म िदया गया है, िजसम� स ेएक पद ल�ुत है। िदए गए िवक�प� म� स ेवह सही िवक�प चिुनए, जो अनु�म को परूा कर।े

    76, 101, 151, 226, ?Options:1) 351

    2) 426

    3) 326

    4) 301Correct Answer: 326

  • Candidate Answer: 326 QID : 213 - In the following question, two statements are given each followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to consider the statements to be true even if theyseem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follows from the given statements.

    Statement:(I) The pass percentage in a subject Political Science is very low as compared to others in the same curriculum.(II) The students who were admitted to the programme did not study Political Science earlier.

    Conclusions:(I) The foundation of the subject is very important for a student to perform well in examination.(II) Political Science is a generic subject and students can attempt it without any problem.

    िन�निलिखत ��न म�, दो कथन िदए गए ह� िजनके आग ेदो िन�कष� I और II िनकाल ेगए ह�। आपको मानना है िक कथन स�य है चाहे व ेसामा�यतः �ात त�य� स ेिभ�न �तीत होत ेह�। आपकोिनण�य करना है िक िदए गए िन�कष� म� स ेकौन सा/कौन स ेिन��चत �प स ेकथन� �ारा सही िनकाला जा सकता है/सकत ेह�, यिद कोई हो।

    कथनः(I) उसी पा�य�म के दसूर ेिवषय� के मुकाबल ेराजनीित िव�ान िवषय म� उ�ीण� होन ेका �ितशत ब�त कम है।(II) िजन छा�� न ेइस िवषय म� �वशे िलया था उ�ह�न ेइसस ेपहल ेराजनीित िव�ान का अ�ययन नह� िकया था।

    िन�कष�ः(I) परी�ा म� अ�छा पिरणाम लान ेके िलए िवषय का बुिनयादी �ान छा� के िलए ब�त मह�वपणू� होता है।(II) राजनीित िव�ान एक सामा�य िवषय है और छा� िबना िकसी सम�या के इसका अ�ययन कर सकत ेह�।Options:1) Only conclusion II followsकेवल िन�कष� II लाग ूहोता है।2) Conclusion I and II both followिन�कष� I और II दोन� लाग ूहोता है।3) Neither I nor II followन िन�कष� I न ही II लाग ूहोता है।4) Only conclusion I followsकेवल िन�कष� I लाग ूहोता है।Correct Answer: Only conclusion I followsकेवल िन�कष� I लाग ूहोता है।Candidate Answer: Only conclusion I followsकेवल िन�कष� I लाग ूहोता है। QID : 214 - The first of April is a Wednesday. What day of the week will it be on the first of May of the same year?

    अ�ैल महीन ेका पहला िदन बुधवार है। उसी वष� म� मई माह की पहली तारीख को स�ताह का कौन-सा िदन होगा?Options:1) Saturdayशिनवार2) Fridayश�ुवार3) Sundayरिववार4) MondayसोमवारCorrect Answer: Fridayश�ुवारCandidate Answer: Fridayश�ुवार QID : 215 - Arrange the given words in the sequence in which they occur in the dictionary.

    i.    Treasureii.   Treadmilliii.  Trainingiv.  Translate

    िन�निलिखत श�द� को श�दकोश म� आन ेवाल े�म के अनुसार िलख�।

    i.    Treasureii.   Treadmilliii.  Trainingiv.  TranslateOptions:1) iii, iv, i, ii2) iv, i, iii, ii3) i, iii, ii, iv4) iii, iv, ii, i

  • Correct Answer: iii, iv, ii, iCandidate Answer: iii, iv, ii, i QID : 216 - In a certain code language, "VERBAL" is written as "KZAQDU". How is "CURIOUS" written in that code language?

    एक िविश�ट कोड भाषा म� "VERBAL" को "KZAQDU" िलखा जाता है। इस कोड भाषा म� "CURIOUS" को िकस �कार िलखा जाएगा?Options:1) RTHNQTB

    2) BTQHNTR

    3) RTNHQTB

    4) RTNHQTACorrect Answer: RTNHQTBCandidate Answer: RTNHQTB QID : 217 -

    Options:1) 0

    2) 4

    3) 2

    4) 6Correct Answer: 4Candidate Answer: 4 QID : 218 - If "A" means "plus", "B" means "divide", "C" means "multiply" and "D" means "minus", then

    180 B 36 C 5 A 8 D 32 = ?

    यिद "A" का अथ� "जोड़" है, "B" का अथ� "भाग" है, "C" का अथ� "गणुा" है और "D" का अथ� "घटाना" है, तो

    180 B 36 C 5 A 8 D 32 = ?Options:1) 02) 33) 14) 2Correct Answer: 1Candidate Answer: 0 QID : 219 - In the following question, which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it?


    िन�निलिखत ��न म� अ�र� का कौन सा समहू खाली �थान� पर �मवार रखन ेस ेदी गई अ�र �ृखंला को परूा करगेा?

    KK_LL_K_L_LLOptions:1) LKML

    2) LKKK

    3) LLKL

    4) LKKLCorrect Answer: LLKLCandidate Answer: LLKL QID : 220 - Rahul's school is in the north-east direction from his house. In which direction, is his house from his school?

    रा�ल का िव�ालय उसके घर स ेउ�र-पवू� िदशा म� है। तो उसका घर, उसके िव�ालय स ेिकस िदशा म� है?

  • Options:1) North-westउ�र-प��चम2) South-westदि�ण-प��चम3) South-eastदि�ण-पवू�4) Westप��चमCorrect Answer: South-westदि�ण-प��चमCandidate Answer: South-westदि�ण-प��चम QID : 221 -

    Options:1) 76, 00, 77, 24

    2) 56, 10, 89, 30

    3) 86, 34, 65, 85

    4) 69, 02, 75, 66Correct Answer: 56, 10, 89, 30 Candidate Answer: 56, 10, 89, 30  QID : 222 - A boy says to a girl, "Your father's wife is the only daughter of my maternal grandmother." How is the boy related to the girl?

    एक लड़का, एक लड़की स ेकहता है, "आपके िपता की प�नी, मरेी नानी की इकलौती बटेी है।" लड़का, उस लड़की स ेकैस ेसंबंिधत है?Options:1) Brotherभाई2) Sisterबहन3) Sonबटेा4) Cousinचचरेा भाई

  • Correct Answer: BrotherभाईCandidate Answer: Brotherभाई QID : 223 -





    Correct Answer:

    Candidate Answer:

     QID : 224 - Identify the diagram that best represents the relationship among the given classes.

    Earth, Crust, Mantle, Core

    वह आरखे चिुनए जो नीच ेिदए गए वग� के बीच के संबंध का सही िन�पण करता है ।

    पृ�वी, भपूटल, म�टल, कोर

  • Options:1) 




    Correct Answer:

    Candidate Answer:

     QID : 225 -

  • Options:1) 




    Correct Answer:

    Candidate Answer:

     QID : 226 - Panch Mahal is situated in?

    पचं महल िकसम� ��थत है?Options:1) Hawa Mahalहवा महल2) Gwalior Fort�वािलयर का िकला3) Fatehpur Sikriफतहेपुर सीकरी4) Agra Fortआगर ेका िकलाCorrect Answer: Fatehpur Sikriफतहेपुर सीकरीCandidate Answer: Fatehpur Sikriफतहेपुर सीकरी QID : 227 - Kedarnath Singh won Jnanpith Award for work in which language?

    केदारनाथ िसंह को िकस भाषा �े� म� काम करन ेके िलए �ानपीठ पुर�कार िमला था?Options:1) Gujaratiगजुराती2) Marathiमराठी3) Hindiिहंदी4) TeluguतलेगुCorrect Answer: HindiिहंदीCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 228 - To which class does Oxyreductases, transferases, hydrolases belong?

    ऑ�सीिरडकटेस, ��सफरजेसे, हाइ�ोलसेसे िकस वग� म� आत ेह�?

  • Options:1) Hormonesहाम�स2) Enzymesएजंाइ�स3) Proteins�ोटी�स4) VitaminsिवटािमसंCorrect Answer: Enzymesएजंाइ�सCandidate Answer: Enzymesएजंाइ�स QID : 229 - Which of the following is not true about Gymnosperms?

    िन�न म� स ेकौन सी बात अनावृतबीजी के बार ेम� सच नह� है?Options:1) Dominant phase is saprophytes�मुख चरण स�ेोफाई�स होता है2) Vascular bundles are absentसंवहनी बंडल अनुप��थत होत ेह�3) spores are heterosporesबीजाण ुहेटेरो�पोरस होत ेह�4) Flowers are absentफूल अनुप��थत होत ेह�Correct Answer: Vascular bundles are absentसंवहनी बंडल अनुप��थत होत ेह�Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 230 - The name of first mammal clone sheep is

    भड़े की �थम �तनपायी �ित�प (�लोन) का नाम हैOptions:1) Nooriनरूी2) Dollyडॉली3) Louiseलसूी4) Durgaदगु�Correct Answer: DollyडॉलीCandidate Answer: Dollyडॉली QID : 231 - What is dehydration?

    िनज�लीकरण �या है?Options:1) Removal of acid from a moleculeएक अण ुम� स ेऐिसड का हटाना2) Removal of base from a moleculeएक अण ुम� स े�ार का हटाना3) Removal of water from a moleculeएक अण ुम� स ेपानी का हटाना4) Removal of alkali from a moleculeएक अण ुम� स ेअ�कली का हटानाCorrect Answer: Removal of water from a moleculeएक अण ुम� स ेपानी का हटानाCandidate Answer: Removal of water from a moleculeएक अण ुम� स ेपानी का हटाना QID : 232 - ______ character of a bond between two atoms is greater if the difference in their electro negativities is lesser.

    दो परमाणओु ंके बीच बंध की _____ �कृित अिधक होती है, यिद उनकी िव�ुत् ऋणा�मकता का अतंर कम होता है।

  • Options:1) Polar�ुवीय2) Metallicधा��वक3) Ionicआयिनक4) CovalentसहसंयोजकCorrect Answer: CovalentसहसंयोजकCandidate Answer: Covalentसहसंयोजक QID : 233 - ___________ allows searching for information and computing derived information.

    ___________ जानकारी के िलए खोज और �ा�त जानकारी की कं�यिूटंग करन ेकी सुिवधा दतेा है।Options:1) Data definition languageडेटा डेिफिनशन ल��वजे2) Data manipulation languageडेटा मैनीपुलशेन ल��वजे3) Query language�वरेी ल��वजे4) OQLओ�यएूलCorrect Answer: Query language�वरेी ल��वजेCandidate Answer: Query language�वरेी ल��वजे QID : 234 - Garadi is a folk dance of_____.

    गराड़ी ______ का लोक नृ�य है।Options:1) Mizoramिमज़ोरम2) Puducherryपुिडचरेी3) Gujaratगजुरात4) Rajasthanराज�थानCorrect Answer: PuducherryपुिडचरेीCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 235 - If price of an article decreases from Rs 80 to Rs 60, quantity demanded increases from 600 units to 750 units. Find point elasticity of demand?

    यिद एक व�तु की कीमत 80 � स ेकम होकर 60 � हो जाती है, म�ग की गई मा�ा 600 इकाइय� स ेबढ़ कर 750 इकाइय� हो जाती है, तो म�ग के िबंद ुलोच का पता लगाए?ंOptions:1) -1

    2) 1

    3) -1.25

    4) 1.25Correct Answer: -1Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 236 - Which of the following measures will not increase a nation's wealth?

    िन�निलिखत म� स ेकौन सा उपाय एक रा�� की संपि� म� वृि� नह� करगेा?

  • Options:1) investing in new companiesनई कंपिनय� म� िनवशे2) increasing efficiency of factoriesकारखान� की बढ़ती काय��मता3) converting grasslands into orchardsघास के मैदान� को बाग� म� पिरवित�त करना4) By redistributing taxes as subsidiesस��सडी के �प म� कर� का पुनिव�तरण करकेCorrect Answer: By redistributing taxes as subsidiesस��सडी के �प म� कर� का पुनिव�तरण करकेCandidate Answer: By redistributing taxes as subsidiesस��सडी के �प म� कर� का पुनिव�तरण करके QID : 237 - Which type of pathogen causes the water-borne disease Typhoid fever?

    िकस �कार का रोगज़नक़ जल जिनत रोग टाइफाइड बुखार का कारण बनता है?Options:1) Algalशैवालीय2) Parasiticपरजीवी3) Protozoan�ोटोजुअन4) Bacterialबै�टीिरयलCorrect Answer: Bacterialबै�टीिरयलCandidate Answer: Protozoan�ोटोजुअन QID : 238 - Which of the following is a greenhouse gas or a gas which can deplete the ozone layer?

    िन�निलिखत म� स ेकौन सी �ीनहाउस गसै या ऐसी गसै है जो ओजोन परत को नुकसान प�ंचा सकती है?Options:1) B2H6

    2) Ne

    3) C6H14

    4) O3Correct Answer: O3Candidate Answer: C6H14 QID : 239 - Squadron Leader is one of the ranks of the Indian

    ��वा�न लीडर भारतीय _____ का एक पद है।Options:1) Armyसनेा2) Navyनौसनेा3) Air Forceवायुसनेा4) Paramilitary Forceअध�सैिनक बलCorrect Answer: Air ForceवायुसनेाCandidate Answer: Air Forceवायुसनेा QID : 240 - Which is called country of canals?

    नहर� का दशे िकस ेकहत ेह�?

  • Options:1) Indiaभारत2) Pakistanपािक�तान3) Japanजापान4) Myanmar�यंमारCorrect Answer: Pakistanपािक�तानCandidate Answer: Indiaभारत QID : 241 - Male is the Capital of ___________.

    माल े___________ की राजधानी है।Options:1) Algeriaअ�जिेरया2) Maldivesमालिद�स3) Kenyaके�या4) MauritiusमारीशसCorrect Answer: Maldivesमालिद�सCandidate Answer: Maldivesमालिद�स QID : 242 - Mahabalipuram was founded by ______.

    महाबलीपुरम _____ �ारा �थािपत िकया गया था।Options:1) Rajaraja Cholaराजाराज चोल2) Narasimha Varmanनरिसंह वम�न3) Chandragupta Mauryaच�ंग�ुत मौय�4) Vivasvanिवव�वानCorrect Answer: Narasimha Varmanनरिसंह वम�नCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 243 - Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (1674–1680 AD) was the ruler of which dynasty?

    छ�पित िशवाजी महाराज (1674–1680 ई.) िकस वशं के शासक थ?ेOptions:1) Nandaनदंा2) Haryankaहया� का3) Mauryaमौय�4) MarathaमराठाCorrect Answer: MarathaमराठाCandidate Answer: Marathaमराठा QID : 244 - Who Invented airbag?

    एयरबैग का आिव�कार िकसन ेिकया?

  • Options:1) Wright brothersराईट बंधू2) Reynold B. Johnsonरनेो�ड बी. जॉनसन3) Assen Jordanoffऐसन जोड�नॉफ4) Ken Kutaragiकेन कुटारागीCorrect Answer: Assen Jordanoffऐसन जोड�नॉफCandidate Answer: Wright brothersराईट बंधू QID : 245 - Why boiling point of water decreases at high altitudes?

    पानी का �वथन�क ऊँचाई पर कम �य� हो जाता है?Options:1) Because of high temperatureउ�च तापमान के कारण2) Because of low atmospheric pressureकम वायुमडंलीय दबाव के कारण3) Because of low temperatureकम तापमान के कारण4) Because of high atmospheric pressureउ�च वायुमडंलीय दबाव के कारणCorrect Answer: Because of low atmospheric pressureकम वायुमडंलीय दबाव के कारणCandidate Answer: Because of low atmospheric pressureकम वायुमडंलीय दबाव के कारण QID : 246 - What is the unit of the physical quantity, Momentum?

    भौितक मा�ा, संवगे की इकाई �या है?Options:1) newton second�यटून सकंेड2) joule secondजलू सकंेड3) erg secondअग� सकंेड4) pascal secondपा�कल सकंेडCorrect Answer: newton second�यटून सकंेडCandidate Answer: newton second�यटून सकंेड QID : 247 - Communist Party of India was founded in _____.

    भारत की क�युिन�ट पाट� को ______ म� �थािपत िकया गया था।Options:1) 1835

    2) 1885

    3) 1925

    4) 1964Correct Answer: 1925Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 248 - Article 39A of the Indian Constitution "Equal justice and free legal aid" deals with?

    भारतीय संिवधान का अनु�छेद 39A "समान �याय और िनश�ुक काननूी सहायता" िकसस ेसंबंिधत है?

  • Options:1) the State Governmentरा�य सरकार2) the directive principles of state policyरा�य नीित के िनद�िशत िस��त3) the Union Governmentक� � सरकार4) the fundamental rights of the Indian Citizenभारतीय नागिरक के मौिलक अिधकारCorrect Answer: the directive principles of state policyरा�य नीित के िनद�िशत िस��तCandidate Answer: the Union Governmentक� � सरकार QID : 249 - Who among the following has scored 2 triple hundreds in test matches?

    िन�निलिखत म� स ेिकसन ेटे�ट मैच� म� दो ितहर ेशतक बनाय?ेOptions:1) Ricky Ponting िरकी पॉ��टंग2) Jacques Kallisजकेास कैिलस3) Sachin Tendulkarसिचन त�दलुकर4) Brian Lara�ायन लाराCorrect Answer: Brian Lara�ायन लाराCandidate Answer: Brian Lara�ायन लारा QID : 250 - Who is the author of "Swami and Friends"?

    "�वामी एडं �� �स" का लखेक कौन है?Options:1) Sudeep Nagarkarसुदीप नगरकर2) Devdutt Pattanaikदवेद� पटनाईक3) R. K. Narayanआर.के.नारायण4) Aravind Adigaअरिव�द अिडगाCorrect Answer: R. K. Narayanआर.के.नारायणCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 251 - (91 + 92 + 93 + ……… +110) is equal to

    (91 + 92 + 93 + ……… +110) के बराबर हैOptions:1) 4020

    2) 2010

    3) 6030

    4) 8040Correct Answer: 2010Candidate Answer: 2010 QID : 252 - The value of x for which the expressions 15x + 4 and 13x - 2 become equal is ______

    x का मान िजसके िलए यह �यंजक 15x + 4 और 13x - 2 बराबर हो जात ेह�, ______ है।

  • Options:1) -1

    2) 1

    3) -3

    4) 3Correct Answer: -3Candidate Answer: -3 QID : 253 - A car travels a certain distance at 70 km/h and comes back at 30 km/h. Find the average speed for total journey.

    एक कार 70 िक.मी./घटंा स ेएक िन��चत दरूी तय करती है, और 30 िक.मी./घटंा स ेवापस आती है। इस परूी या�ा की औसत गित का पता लगाए।ंOptions:1) 42 km/hr42 िक.मी./घटंा2) 50 km/hr50 िक.मी./घटंा3) 34 km/hr34 िक.मी./घटंा4) 58 km/hr58 िक.मी./घटंाCorrect Answer: 42 km/hr42 िक.मी./घटंाCandidate Answer: 50 km/hr50 िक.मी./घटंा QID : 254 - The price of an article is cut by 42%, to restore to its original value, the new price must he increased by ______.

    एक व�तु की कीमत म� 42% की छूट दी जाती है। पुराना म�ूय वापस लान ेके िलए िकतन े�ितशत की वृि� करनी चािहए?Options:1) 42 percent42 �ितशत2) 72.41 percent72.41 �ितशत3) 29.58 percent29.58 �ितशत4) 52.5 percent52.5 �ितशतCorrect Answer: 72.41 percent72.41 �ितशतCandidate Answer: 52.5 percent52.5 �ितशत QID : 255 - The difference between simple and compound interests compounded annually on a certain sum of money for 2 years at 4% per annum is Rs 8. The sum is______.

    एक िन��चत रािश पर 2 वष� के िलए 4% वािष�क दर स ेवािष�क �प स ेसंयोिजत होन ेवाल ेसाधारण �याज और च�वृि� �याज म� अतंर 8 � है। रािश _____ है।Options:1) Rs 1000010000 �2) Rs 2000020000 �3) Rs 50005000 �4) Rs 1500015000 �Correct Answer: Rs 50005000 �Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 256 - If (x + y):(x - y) = 11:1, find value of (5x + 3y)/(x - 2y).

    यिद (x + y):(x - y) = 11:1, तो (5x + 3y)/(x - 2y) का मान �ात करो।

  • Options:1) 45/4

    2) 4/45

    3) -45/4

    4) -4/45Correct Answer: -45/4Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 257 - A rice trader buys 16 quintals of rice for Rs 5632. 20% rice is lost in transportation. At what rate should he sell to earn 25% profit?

    एक चावल �यापारी 5632 � म� 16 ��वटंल चावल खरीदता है। 20% चावल पिरवहन म� खराब/गमु हो जाता है। उस े25% लाभ �ा�त करन ेके िलए िकतनी दर पर चावल बचेना चािहए?Options:1) Rs 225.2 per quintal225.2 � �ित ��वटंल2) Rs 550 per quintal550 � �ित ��वटंल3) Rs 440 per quintal440 � �ित ��वटंल4) Rs 563.2 per quintal563.2 � �ित ��वटंलCorrect Answer: Rs 550 per quintal550 � �ित ��वटंलCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 258 - If 2 + 4x < 5 - x/2 and 3x + 3 > -5 - 3x; then x can take which of the following values?

    यिद 2 + 4x < 5 - x/2 और 3x + 3 > -5 - 3x; िफर x का मान �या है?Options:1) 1

    2) 2

    3) -2

    4) -1Correct Answer: -1Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 259 - The ten's digit of a 2-digit number is greater than the units digit by 7. If we subtract 63 from the number, the new number obtained is a number formed byinterchange of the digits. Find the number.

    िकसी 2 अकं� की सं�या का दहाई अकं इकाई अकं स े7 अिधक है। यिद हम सं�या म� 63 घटाए, तो �ा�त नई सं�या अकं� को अदला-बदली कर बनी है। सं�या का पता लगाए।ंOptions:1) 81

    2) 18

    3) 62

    4) 26Correct Answer: 81Candidate Answer: 18 QID : 260 - ΔDEF is similar to ΔGHI. Length of DE is 9 cm and length of the corresponding side GH is 16 cm. What is the ratio of areas of Δ DEF : Δ GHI?

    ΔDEF, ΔGHI के समान है। DE की ल�बाई 9 स.ेमी. है और इसकी संगत भुजा GH की ल�बाई 16 स.ेमी. है। ΔDEF और ΔGHI के �े�फल का अनुपात �ात कर�।Options:1) 3:42) 9:163) 81:2564) 16:9Correct Answer: 81:256Candidate Answer: 81:256 QID : 261 - A carpenter can build a cupboard in 48 hours. After 12 hours he takes a break. What fraction of the cupboard is yet to be built?

    एक बढ़ई एक कपबोड� को 48 घटें म� बनाता है। 12 घटें बाद वह िवराम लतेा है। कपबोड� का िकतना भाग अभी भी बनाना शषे है?

  • Options:1) 0.4

    2) 0.5

    3) 0.75

    4) 0.25Correct Answer: 0.75Candidate Answer: 0.25 QID : 262 - The average revenues of 7 consecutive years of a company is Rs 83 lakhs. If the average of first 4 years is Rs 78 lakhs and that of last 4 years is Rs 90lakhs, find the revenue for the 4th year.

    एक कंपनी का लगातार 7 साल का औसत राज�व 83 लाख � है। यिद पहल े4 साल का औसत 78 लाख � है और अिंतम 4 वष� का औसत 90 लाख � है, तो चौथ ेवष� का राज�व �ातकीिजय।ेOptions:1) Rs 91 lakhs91 लाख �2) Rs 93 lakhs93 लाख �3) Rs 89 lakhs89 लाख �4) Rs 87 lakhs87 लाख �Correct Answer: Rs 91 lakhs91 लाख �Candidate Answer: Rs 91 lakhs91 लाख � QID : 263 - The slope of the line passing through the points (7,-2) and (x,1) is -3/10. Find x.

    िबंद ु(7, -2) और (x, 1) स ेगजुरन ेवाली रखेा का ढाल -3/10 है। x का मान �ात कर�।Options:1) 4

    2) 2

    3) -4

    4) -3Correct Answer: -3Candidate Answer: -3 QID : 264 - 10% discount is offered on an item. By applying a promo code the customer wins 5% cash back. What is the effective discount?

    एक व�तु पर 10% छूट की पशेकश की गई है। एक �ोमो कोड लाग ूकरके �ाहक 5% नकद वापस जीतता है। उसको िमली �भावी छूट �या है?Options:1) 15.225 percent15.225 �ितशत2) 14.5 percent14.5 �ितशत3) 15 percent15 �ितशत4) 5.5 percent5.5 �ितशतCorrect Answer: 14.5 percent14.5 �ितशतCandidate Answer: 14.5 percent14.5 �ितशत QID : 265 - Find the sum of the measures all the interior angles of a polygon having 12 sides.

    12 भुजाओ ंवाल ेएक ब�भुज के सभी आंतिरक कोण� के योग का पता लगाए।ंOptions:1) 1800°

    2) 2520°

    3) 2880°

    4) 3240°

  • Correct Answer: 1800°Candidate Answer: 1800° QID : 266 - One diagonal of a rhombus is half the other. If the length of the side of the rhombus is 20 cm, what is the area of the rhombus?

    एक समचतुभु�ज का एक िवकण� अ�य का आधा है। यिद उस समचतुभु�ज की भुजा की लंबाई 20 स.ेमी. है, तो समचतुभु�ज का �े�फल �या है?Options:1) 320 sq cm320 वग� स.ेमी.2) 160 sq cm160 वग� स.ेमी.3) 240 sq cm240 वग� स.ेमी.4) 360 sq cm360 वग� स.ेमी.Correct Answer: 320 sq cm320 वग� स.ेमी.Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 267 - The curved surface area of a hemisphere is 27.72 sq cm and volume is 19.404 cubic cm, find its radius?

    एक गोला�� के व� सतह का �े�फल 27.72 वग� स.ेमी. है और आयतन 19.404 घन स.ेमी. है। उसकी ि��या �ात कर�।Options:1) 4.2 cm 4.2 स.ेमी.2) 2.1 cm 2.1 स.ेमी.3) 0.7 cm 0.7 स.ेमी.4) 1.05 cm 1.05 स.ेमी.Correct Answer: 2.1 cm 2.1 स.ेमी.Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 268 - If 6A = 11B = 7C; find A : B : C

    यिद 6A = 11B = 7C है; तो A : B : C का पता लगाएंOptions:1) 66:42:77

    2) 77:42:66

    3) 42:77:66

    4) 7:11:6Correct Answer: 77:42:66Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 269 - If cos -4π/3 = x, then the value of x is

    यिद cos -4π/3= x, तो x का मान �या है?Options:1) √3/22) 1/23) -√3/24) -1/2Correct Answer: -1/2Candidate Answer: -1/2 QID : 270 - If (cotAcotB - 1) / (cotB + cotA) = x, then the value of x is

    यिद (cotAcotB - 1) / (cotB + cotA) = x, तो x का मान �या है?Options:1) cot(A - B)2) tan(A + B)3) cot(A + B)4) tan(A - B)Correct Answer: cot(A + B)Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] 

  • QID : 271 - If 2cosec2A = x, then the value of x is

    यिद 2cosec2A = x, तो x का मान �या है?Options:1) 1/(1 - cosecA) - 1/(1 + cosecA)

    2) 1/(1 + sinA) + 1/(1 - tanA)

    3) 1/(1 + cosA) + 1/(1 - cosA)

    4) 1/(1 - tanA) - 1/(1 + sinA) Correct Answer: 1/(1 + cosA) + 1/(1 - cosA) Candidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 272 -

    Options:1) 26 : 37

    2) 39 : 28

    3) 28 : 39

    4) 37 : 26Correct Answer: 37 : 26Candidate Answer: 37 : 26 

  • QID : 273 -

    Options:1) 44

    2) 61

    3) 36

    4) 105Correct Answer: 36Candidate Answer: 36 QID : 274 -

    Options:1) $3.21 trillion$ 3.21 ि�लीयन2) $2.88 trillion$ 2.88 ि�लीयन3) $3.12 trillion$ 3.12 ि�लीयन4) $3 trillion$ 3 ि�लीयन

  • Correct Answer: $3.12 trillion$ 3.12 ि�लीयनCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 275 -

    Options:1) 49

    2) 54

    3) 59

    4) 64Correct Answer: 59Candidate Answer: 59 QID : 276 - In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which is the best substitute of the phrase.

    To place or deal with close together for contrasting effect.Options:1) to scrutiny2) to juxtapose3) to correlate4) to contrastCorrect Answer: to juxtaposeCandidate Answer: to contrast QID : 277 - In the following question, the sentence given with blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate itby selecting the appropriate option.

    After the votes were counted, the family _______________ was for a Hawaiian vacation.Options:1) together2) idea3) unity4) consensusCorrect Answer: consensusCandidate Answer: consensus QID : 278 - Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.

    My mother opened the parcel without (worrying) to read the address on it.Options:1) doubting2) bothering3) fearing4) no improvementCorrect Answer: botheringCandidate Answer: doubting 

  • QID : 279 - In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

    to cut to the chaseOptions:1) to chase your dreams2) to explain a very long story in brief3) to remove all negative thoughts from one's mind4) to come to the pointCorrect Answer: to come to the pointCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 280 - Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.

    She could not cope (by) the heavy workload.Options:1) with2) of3) up4) no improvementCorrect Answer: withCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 281 - In the following question, a sentence has been given in Active/Passive voice. Out of four alternatives suggested, select the one, which best expresses thesame sentence in Passive/Active voice.

    The teacher will give you instructions.Options:1) Instructions would be given to you by the teacher.2) Instructions will have been given to you by the teacher.3) Instructions will be given to you by the teacher.4) Instructions were given to you by the teacher.Correct Answer: Instructions will be given to you by the teacher.Candidate Answer: Instructions will be given to you by the teacher. QID : 282 - Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.

    The architectureP-was designed to promoteQ-of the Internet R-connectivity, not securityOptions:1) QPR2) RQP3) PQR4) PRQCorrect Answer: QPRCandidate Answer: PRQ QID : 283 - Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.

    It secured support from P-government, a significant development in itselfQ-other sections of theR-Opposition, and defeated theOptions:1) RQP2) QRP3) PRQ4) PQRCorrect Answer: QRPCandidate Answer: RQP QID : 284 - In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

    curiosity killed the catOptions:1) a person who constantly keeps asking questions is avoided by everybody2) everybody has a fatal weakness3) being inquisitive about other people's affairs may get you into trouble4) everyone feels like killing a nagging personCorrect Answer: being inquisitive about other people's affairs may get you into troubleCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 285 - Select the synonym of


  • Options:1) glut2) jaded3) satiated4) starvedCorrect Answer: starvedCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 286 - Select the word with the correct spelling.Options:1) humbeling2) wardrobe3) delicat4) gazelesCorrect Answer: wardrobeCandidate Answer: wardrobe QID : 287 - Select the antonym of

    mandateOptions:1) injunction2) behest3) breach4) decreeCorrect Answer: breachCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 288 - In the following question, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. Ifa sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.

    Not only we seen(A)/the Tali temple but(B)/also the Thirunelli temple.(C)/No error(D)Options:1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer: ACandidate Answer: A QID : 289 - In the following question, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. Ifa sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.

    The unique selling proposition of(A)/our products are that(B)/they are unbreakable.(C)/No error(D)Options:1) A2) B3) C4) DCorrect Answer: BCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 290 - Select the antonym of

    arcaneOptions:1) mystic2) recondite3) esoteric4) hackneyedCorrect Answer: hackneyedCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 291 - Select the synonym of

    thrashingOptions:1) edifice2) prefabrication3) bashing4) contourCorrect Answer: bashingCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 292 - Select the word with the correct spelling.

  • Options:1) guttered2) melower3) cystetis4) muteredCorrect Answer: gutteredCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 293 - In the following question, sentence given with blank is to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate itby selecting the appropriate option.

    My parents will ____________ my car if I get another speeding ticket.Options:1) capture2) grab3) confiscate4) mobCorrect Answer: confiscateCandidate Answer: grab QID : 294 - In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

    A long narrow ditch embanked with its own soil and used for concealment and protection in warfareOptions:1) trench2) gully3) furrow4) moatCorrect Answer: trenchCandidate Answer: [ NOT ANSWERED ] QID : 295 - In the following question, a sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect speech. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one, which best expressthe same sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.

    Vicky said, "Please say nothing about this."Options:1) Vicky asked her to not to say anything about this.2) Vicky asked her that she should not to say anything about that.3) Vicky asked her to say nothing about that.4) Vicky asked her that she say nothing about that.Correct Answer: Vicky asked her to say nothing about that.Candidate Answer: Vicky asked her to say nothing about that. QID : 296 - In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of thefour alternatives.

    The way criminal justice is designed and administered today _______________ serves any of the purposes for which it is set up: towards securing life and property. Itdoes not ________________ criminals because of the delay and uncertainties involved in its processes and ridiculously ineffective punishments it imposes____________________ those few who get convicted. It provides wide discretion to the police and the prosecution, __________________ the system vulnerable tocorruption and manipulation and endangering basic ____________________ of innocent citizens.

    today _______________ serves any of the purposes for which it is set up: towards securing life and property.Options:1) little2) only3) hardly4) scantilyCorrect Answer: hardlyCandidate Answer: hardly QID : 297 - In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of thefour alternatives.

    The way criminal justice is designed and administered today _______________ serves any of the purposes for which it is set up: towards securing life and property. Itdoes not ________________ criminals because of the delay and uncertainties involved in its processes and ridiculously ineffective punishments it imposes____________________ those few who get convicted. It provides wide discretion to the police and the prosecution, __________________ the system vulnerable tocorruption and manipulation and endangering basic ____________________ of innocent citizens.

    It does not ________________ criminals because of the delay and uncertainties involved in its processesOptions:1) deter2) divert3) ban4) prohibitCorrect Answer: deterCandidate Answer: prohibit 

  • QID : 298 - In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of thefour alternatives.

    The way criminal justice is designed and administered today _______________ serves any of the purposes for which it is set up: towards securing life and property. Itdoes not ________________ criminals because of the delay and uncertainties involved in its processes and ridiculously ineffective punishments it imposes____________________ those few who get convicted. It provides wide discretion to the police and the prosecution, __________________ the system vulnerable tocorruption and manipulation and endangering basic ____________________ of innocent citizens.

    it imposes ____________________ those few who get convicted.Options:1) of2) onto3) over4) onCorrect Answer: onCandidate Answer: over QID : 299 - In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of thefour alternatives.

    The way criminal justice is designed and administered today _______________ serves any of the purposes for which it is set up: towards securing life and property. Itdoes not ________________ criminals because of the delay and uncertainties involved in its processes and ridiculously ineffective punishments it imposes____________________ those few who get convicted. It provides wide discretion to the police and the prosecution, __________________ the system vulnerable tocorruption and manipulation and endangering basic ____________________ of innocent citizens.

    __________________ the system vulnerable to corruption and manipulationOptions:1) to render2) rendering3) rendered4) renderCorrect Answer: renderingCandidate Answer: rendering QID : 300 - In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of thefour alternatives.

    The way criminal justice is designed and administered today _______________ serves any of the purposes for which it is set up: towards securing life and property. Itdoes not ________________ criminals because of the delay and uncertainties involved in its processes and ridiculously ineffective punishments it imposes____________________ those few who get convicted. It provides wide discretion to the police and the prosecution, __________________ the system vulnerable tocorruption and manipulation and endangering basic ____________________ of innocent citizens.

    and endangering basic ____________________ of innocent citizens.Options:1) powers2) facilities3) duties4) rightsCorrect Answer: rightsCandidate Answer: rights