clen-denn- an

r THE WINNIPEG JANUARY HI I II 11 I The Boyd Seal i on a box ot full c assurance that the contents are fresh Ingredient Is and the goods ar man- - In a factory vi Ideal Try a you will find many delightful flavors under a ot rich Made In THE W. J. BOYD CANDY Spence Portage I ALL DRAUGHTS Excluded from WINDOWS DOORS By using Chamberlain Metal STRIPS W. R. RICHARDSON Fort I Tribune Telephones ft w 0 Editorial Room Bad jj Wonderful Cold-Cu- re 5 a Relieves at Once Prevents and J Curat You have a cold In the head some- thing you can't But there Is a cure a delightful method of prevention so even a child will use it Quick as lightning on colds-st- ops cures prevents Just Inhale in Its healing balsams and out goes the away go the sniffles ca- tarrh vanishes like tho To the sore membranes sends the healing of the pine to the Irritated surfaces It supplies pure balsamic extracts that loosen tho clear all destroy For the and tubes Is Tn pleas- ant find Two- - s treatment guar- - small size at nil or N. C. Poland Kinetic Energy Kinetic b a good It H means to nuke things 9 A fat bank a B rock on the edge of a H a barrel of and B SCOTT'S EMULSION all I contain P so the professor tells M Power is stored up in I Scott's This force let loose in the system of the consumptive r gives him the strength to b take on new It is a I powerful ad P PILES QUICKLY CURED i Pyramid Pile Cure Positively a Marvel of Quick Curing Send for a Free Trial Package We want every man and woman suf- fering from the excruciating torture of piles to just send their name and ad- dress to us and get by return mall a trial package of the most effec- tive and positive cure ever known for this Pyramid Pile As an Km ma Bodenhamer of was in constant pile-ago- ny for 23 Three 60 cent boxes of Pyramid Cure cured And George of cured his piles with only one 50 cent The way to prove what this remedy will do in your own Is to Just send your name and address to us and you will get by return mall a free trial treatment of Pyramid File Then after you have proven to your- self what It can you will go to the druggist and get a 50 cent Don't undergo an Opera- tions are rarely a success and often lead to terrible Pyramid Pile Cure reduces all makes sores and ulcers and tho piles simply Send your namo and address today for this free trail to Pyra- mid Drug Pyramid On sale at all drug at a PHONE 1690 you want a J I I When you feel tired and run Just try a bracing tonic such as DREWRY'S I This pure old beverage soon tones up the SOLD BY ALL owens Mcpherson auctioneers auction Prince Phone The Holidays Are I Gone 1 But Erzinger's 1 ing mixture is still and u as popular as 1 JOHN H 53 Portage Ave B Phone 69 Phone 2677 S Start the New Year Participate in the splendid bar- gains in 20 to 30 off MAIN STREET STORAGE We have tW best possible facilities for storing all kinds of Pictures and other Private Vans sent to all part of the city and experienced Low Cheap I Ideal House and St. I Where to I Dine j L For civility and it of everyone h says there Is no pla In tb v f Wet J I i i Imperial Bank OF CANADA f Heat OFFICE D. Agents In Great Lloyds Bank Head Lombard BU Brunches In Provinces of Co- lumbia and allowed on deposits at current credited Winnipeg and Street N. a. Corner Selkirk Ave and Main 1908 NOW OBI bishop McDermot Avenue Ladies' Kid-Cover- ed J Felt-Sol- ed Laced Boots Reduced to Per Pair RYAN'S Greatest Shoe Store DIONE FURS Now is the time to have your furs Place your ordera for new at summer DOUGLASS Wholesale and Retail Kennedy Opposite Eaton's I THE CENTRAL COAL AND WOOD D. D. Coal Prompt and Corner Western Goal and Creek and OFFICE I nei MAIN D. E. ADAMS Office Lombard T J. G. HARGRAVE m. wholesale MAIN ST PHONE ft WINNIPEG COAL COMPANY COAL Main corner TELEPHONE Coal for Heating- - Bienfait Soft Coal t per Ton A splendid coal for household In use in some of the largest blocks In the For sale by the PALACE COAL COMPANY i SUTHERLAND Phone Prompt Delivery 1 i W. Murray j HIGH-GRAD- E j j HARDWOOD FINISH j j For etc and jeweler's Interior of a bars and silent Bend J i 2 ua your plans and we will design a our MARKET J a 5 and A Suites i team heated t with era and I Bent to KM per Apply I John Kuan A SAM St. I Family Butcher If you have never tried our Sausage S you ought They are made of the freshest of and the seasoning Is Our cooked meats of ail kinds are made on the D. W. William Phena 1 GARDINER I 3 ul Director A I Main St. Phone Finest Ambulance In the and ot N. Mary A i I LOCAL NEWS PARAGRAPHS Burned- - On Sunday a small frame house at Morley owned and occupied by J. was badly gutted by en- tailing a loss of about J 5 Commercial A number of friends of the Northwestern Commercial Travellers' association paid the members a visit at their new club rooms Conservative Club The Toung Conservatives re-open- ed their club rooms at their old quarters yes- terday Among the callers were Robert James J. H. W. A. John An excellent entertain- ment given during the Mark of F. C. P. R. transfer was presented by the employees of that department yesterday with a case of superb and to- gether with a supply of tobacco that will last him several The pre- sentation was made as a tangible re- cognition of Ashburn's sterling service In the department with which he has been connected since its in- ception over nine years Purse While walking al- ong the east Bide of Fort be- tween St. Mary's and York Miss Ello Graham was the victim of the purse-snatche- rs who have been oper- ating In Winnipeg of While walk- ing quietly along a man approached her and grabbed a handbag which she was carrying on her He escaped up a nearby lane before she could summon The bag contained in bills and A Regrettable Yesterday while one of the loads of chil- dren going from Knox church was turning the corner of Spence and Notre Dame streets the sleigh struck the curb and throwing the chil- dren on the As a result of the accident little Balmoral aged seven had her nose Manchester at- tended to the little who was af- terwards removed to her The annual meeting of lodge A. F. and A. was held on the when the officers were In- stalled by the Installing officer R. W. J. as W. F. S. A. W. J. W E. R. J. E. J. A. Bell and E. W. W. Moran and B. I. J. A. H. di- rector of J. T. After the Installation the members were Invited to partake of a the guests of the master and when a very pleasant even- ing was brought to a The fol- lowing grand lodge were past grand master and Neff and COMING EVENTS I On Friday afternoon the regular monthly meeting of the Victoria India Orphan society will be held In the M. C. The annual of the Women's Foreign Missionary society of Knox church will be held tomorrow at o'clock In the lecture cf the The first annual dinner under the auspices of the Sick Benefit society of Winnipeg will be held next Sunday In the society's The Men's union of the First Baptist church will give a social this A. A. Shaw and a number of speak on better and great- er W. A. will The monthly meeting of the India Orphan society will be held In the M. C- - A. Friday at p.m. Arrangements will be made for the annual meeting to be held In The district W. C. tT U. will hold a prayer meeting Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Balmoral will give a paper on the life of Clen-denn- an and Gordon art to take charge of the evangelistic All members are cordially DECEMBER Hundred-Fou- r Young Couples Together-Bir- ths and the month of December rt a triages took The number of births Is being made up of males and There were deaths during the 61 males and The following Is a list of the mar- riages during the By J. C. O. Holmberg to C. By S. Leyman Herman to Pearl By C A. Comeau O. Roy to Adelina By J. W. Churchill A. F. Brown to Maggie A. John to P. F. to Fannie By Clarence McKinnon Parks to Victoria M. John W. Craig to Heber J. a to By Hugh J. Robertson Sandry to Florence By T. S. Stag-Sta- d to Mary By G. W. Wilson W. J. R. Wil- son to Margaret S. W. Hender- son to Flora By W. A. MacLean A. A. Gib- son to Mary Bertha W. to Annie J. C. Birch to Martha Rutley to Ina G. I to Ida M. By J. Roy Austin to Mary E. W. G. A. to Mabel J. V. Pickup to Annie L. O. W. Roberts to Sarah Vic- tor Walter to T. S. Will to Mary E. By S. Chambers W. L. to Charlotte C. E. J. to Beatrice B. Tay-l- ot to Elizabeth H. S. Everett to Lily C. Langston-t- o Flora E. J. to Ethel H. R. S. to Julia C. G. to Edith C. Cloude to Martha By J. Gordon F. T. Marshall to Fanny H. S. Price to Ethel M. P. G. to Alice J. F. to Blanche L. J. Blundell to Jennie Robert Gait to Mary W. M. Slater to W. H. Shears to Car- rie J. K W. F. Deeks to Mary M. J. W. Hair to Elizabeth Lumsden to Jessie A. Hay to Sarah A. T. Agnew to Bertha By O. F. Earl to Anna S. Wilson to Martha R. H. Parmenter to Alice W. Brown to Ethel G. A. C. Cane to Ethel G. A. to J. Howard J. Myers to Susie E. By J. R. Wll- - Hams to Emily By Archbishop Matheson George to Daisy By J. E. BJorkland Ben- son to Hulda By S. C. Arthur to Margaret By G. Sinclair Richard Lovey to Mary Edwin Cook to Barbara Robert to John McMillan to Mamie George Newton to Mary Chas to Anna By C. W. Morrow Seward to Janet By H. T. Leslie Oakley Smith to Margaret By Samuel Fea Christopher Oliver to Jane By T. E. Carl Carlson to Johanna By D. G. S. Connery Robert to Amy By W. Laner Jacob Beeso to Emma By R. J. Hay Stanley to Mary Richard Talbot to Minnie By E. F. to A. N. and Strom to Christina By J. C. W. to IC A. W. B. Sutherland to M. II By T. W. Saving G. B. Donovan to M. C. Richard Douglas to Gertie By T. P. Jones Andrew to Margaret Andrew to Clara By R. S. to Pauline S. tD By H. Hill to Marie Duncan Storehouse to Laura By Stewart John Loge to Lucy Gilbert Inman to Marshella James Wilson to Jane McNeil to Mary James Dodds to Alice Edward to Annie to Jean Austin to Gertrude Eu- gene to Mary Wilson to Jessie Frank to Irene Dorward to Helen By S. P. Rose O. E. Rogers to A. By C. W. Gordon R. G. Thompson to Charlotte C. J. Clements to Eva A. P. Mc- Donald to Florence John to Elsie By Sparling R. T. to A. E. Stan- ley to C. H. Blakeley to Martha W. H. Stephenson to E. E. Roy to Lau- ra M. W. to J. A. G. to By O. Murray to Alice By D. to Amelia By D. to IC S. to J. Bv T. Thompson to By Andrew Randall to J. By E. E. Thomas Langley to Margaret By R. Roland stratton to Harriett By O hill J. W. Connelly to E. I. to Mary Sullivan to E. By F. C. Fra-e- r to Walter Pace to Ethel Fox to Huston to G. to G. By Donnld Munro W. A. Me-Iv- or to Mary A. Fraser to F. A. to Janet J. A. Max to E. E. By Hamilton Wide to Edith G. Gordon Hill to Lil- ian Daniel Davidson to Jen- nie By J. M. Florell E. O. Strand-ber- g to Betty Martin Ceder-stran- d to Annie By Jon Bjornsson Peter John- son to S. G. By Karl Felix La-po- n to Alma By F. A. John W. Clark to Ida By E. Mason Norman to Mary By J. H. Sterling Ineal to Laura By H. C. Camp- bell to Mabel By Jeremiah R. Clark Alex- ander Love to C. M. By A. A. Shaw Walter Law-so- n to Alma By D. Jacob Ross to Hettle Bv A. Cowley Ware to Emily By W. E. Prescott But- ler Eva May WOMEN FARM Unable to obtain men enough for the harvest Manitoba farmers hired women In their They are said to have done Just as good work as the former farm and there was much less shirking among That Is the way with They work too hard and often overtax their Then the system be- comes run the liver gets out of and constipation and bilious- ness make life John of suffered from these troubles for ten years and found no relief until she tried want to say a word In re- gard to writes had liver trouble for ten years and tried different tut are made of fruit Juices and tonics and never fall to cure Skin and Bowel a MOVING Bright Young Merchants leaving the City of R. W. Nellson and J. M. who for three years have occupied the respective positions of store man- ager and European buyer In the big George Craig severed their connection with that Institution the last day of the They have pur- chased the big general store business of of was anxious to They both leave the city on Friday to take hold of the Wawanesa With their ex- tensive experience gained In the old later on In the city of and more recently In the departmental these two gentle- men are bound to make a success ot their new Their many friends In Winnipeg and the province generally will watch their career with great LEGISLATURE IS OPENED from page government has able to negotiate a satisfactory purchase of the entire business and Interests of the Bell Tele- phone Company in thereby Immediately establishing a governmen- t-owned telephone within the without creating a dual Representations have been made to my government that serious loss has been sustained In certain districts of this province from hall You will be asked to consider whether It Is possible for any relief to be by way of legislation for those who suffer from such My government have found It neces- sary to recommend a better and more thorough system ot auditing municipal and amendments to Municipal providing for that and other will be submitted to Bills for the purpose of establishing portfolios of telephones and and will be submitted for your and likewise bills will also be submitted to you amend- ing King's Bench and other Acts of public Importance to our The Grain On account of the paramount Im- portance of the grain Interests of our and the anxiety of my gov- ernment that the grain growers of Manitoba should receive the highest compensation for the products of their and whilst the whole measure of desired does not entirely He within the Jurisdiction of this It Is deemed advisable to sub- mit to you a bill to safeguard as far as their to facilitate as much an the sale of their grain and to procure for them the full- est recompense for that In order to Increase our revenues for educational purposes my government Intends to continue to press upon the parliament of Canada the advisability and necessity ot transferring to this for administration upon the trusts under which they are all school lands funds and all unsold school lands now held In trust by the The treatment of the province by the in to our swamp continues to bo and the province suffers great financial loss It Is earnestly desired that a better arrangement of the relations between my government and the Dominion on this subject be brought Tho report of and the evidence taken by the appointed to In- quire into cattle and indus- tries in the will be laid be- fore you at an early The public accounts for the past and also tho estimates for tho will be laid before you at an early date for your The latter will be found to have been pre- pared with all the economy consistent with an efficient public service and the growing demands of our I leave you to the consideration of the business that may require your In the fullest confidence that your under Divine will bo conducted with the sin- gle desire to advance the best inter- ests of the Composition of The following is the composition of the Legislature which met at 3 o'clock this afternoon for the first time since the held on March In the last Legislature tho govern- ment had 32 the opposi- tion and one David who sat with and usually voted with the making a total of 40 Since the last meeting of the legisla- ture am extra seat has been West which was captured by T. a The government in the present house has twenty-eig- ht members and the op- position giving a clear majority of 15 On Since last the house met one if he had would hivo been a member of the present S. W. Brai- - He died last He Is the only vacancy in the ranks caused by Since the session one being defeated fat the D. was suc- ceeded by the late W. who is now succeeded by G. Cold elected by acclimation nr A New One new minister faces the for the first time besides J. holds a new that nf telegraphs and Six members who previously seats in the They are William J. B. Joseph Bern-i- er and T. C. There are thir- teen new George A. T. H. I. F. D. A. George John A. L. Amle J. B. J. A. Campbell and J. W. The The James for Turtle will again be speaker of the It is expected that the leader of the opposition will be C. J. and the Liberal whips will be V. and George The government whip has not yet been but It Is thought that Glen Gilbert will be House A. H. will again be clerk of the He has been lot office since John who has filled the position of sergeant-at-arm- s since will again be present In his offi- cial The first legislature of the province was In when Governor Archibald delivered the speech from the many changes have taken place that The Composition of The following Is' a complete list of the members R. P. C. H. Campbell Rogers J. H. Agnew J. Howden Beautiful G. Coldwell James Johnson Turtle James Argue Alme Benard Albert St. George Steel Glen Campbell Gilbert Ferguson Orton I. Grain and St. George Lawrence Edwin D. Lynch J. B. Lauzon La B. Waddell F. Lyons Hugh Armstrong Portage la Isaac Riley A. L. Bonnycastle Joseph St. A. H. Carroll South James W. Robson Swan W. Taylor Centre J. F. Mitchell North James T. Gordon South C. J. John A. Campbell R. S. Thornton George Walton Jonasson J. W. Armstrong T. C. B. J. McCannell J. B. Valentine Winkler D. A. Ross H. Johnson West John Williams GRAINS OF American familiar with the English have declared since Rich- ard Croker's nily Rhodora won the Dewhurst plate at that the owner of Orby has an excellent chance to win the Oaks next spring with the and thus complete the measure of his turf success The winner of tho Dewhurst a seven-furlon- g Is accredited with having stronger claims on the suc- ceeding year's classic than has the winner of the Middle Park a which won the latter is described as a smal but exquisitely shaped Ally and not likely to grow If at He defeated Rhodora In the Middle Park but the latter was Just re- covering from an Lesbia did not start In the Dewhurst stake a the race won by It would appear as if Cro- ker's chances to win the Oaks are bet- ter than those of Sir Daniel the owner of Cap and Bells won the Oaks for tho Keene six years ago In hollow The Cornell association football team probably will play In South America next The management has received an offer of expenses and 76 per cent ot the gate receipts for a ser- ies of three games with the football league of the province of Sao Manager of the Cornell a grandson of former President of Argentine who is studying mechanical estimates that the soccer team will bring back to Professor who has supervi- sion ot minor stated that he saw no to the Providing the Philadelphia Nationals will grant his Kitty the great first will go to Milwaukee and manage the club of the American President Havenor has offered the Job and the latter has expres- sed his willingness to Relief A full meeting of the members of tha central relief committee has been called for at 4 p.m. to take up the matter of working In har- mony with other charity All who had an Invitation to the an- nual meeting are expected to attend and many Important questions are ex- pected to come up for The meeting will bo held In the com- mittee room at the city MANAGER BELL ARENA TALES Leap Year Skating Parties Hockey a Manager of the Arena in conversation with The Tribune this stated that he looks forward t j the balance of this season as being the best in the history of his particu- lar business in Western Ho U exceptionally well pleased with the activity which is evident in sporting says that this is evidence oi the healthy growth of the whole western A Healthy The enthusiasm which has been ex- hibited at every hockey match this winter Indicates In no uncertain man- ner that the people of this western metropolis are among the healthiest to be found and that the most strenuous winter game Is their favorite is evidence of the amount of energy stored up in the progressive people of the A Safety In respects a community re- sembles a as a is necessary in and the amount of noise made in letting off steam goes to show the physical strength of the boiler or the The great safety valve of Western Canada during the winter months la the game of where- in the stored-u- p energy that is fight- ing for expression is let oft as a Sport Opposes It is found in cases where a stren- uous life is and where there is no active sport in that men nat- urally turn to alcoholic beverages in order to let oft the stored-u- p as can be shown In many western but one of the strongest tem- perance movements in this country is ithe interest in active and healthy which gives the people an opportunity to oft in the healthy excitement of an athletic game rather than by the more harm- ful method ot Imbibing bar-roo- m Leap Year The Arena rink will be a scene of during tha next fo of this Next Fri- day night the employees of the T. Eaton will hold a leap-ye- ar skat- ing and every Wednes- day and Friday night in the future a leap-ye- ar party will be Among those to take place shortly Hud- son Bay Bell Tele- phone Robinson and Craig These evenings will not be as every- one who comes will be WEATHER REPORTS Temp at 7 a.m. Fair Calgary 34 10 Cleas 45 18 Cloudy Medicine Hat 80 20 Clear Prince Albert Clear Battleford Clear Swift 18 2 Clear 4 Clear 16 Clear Winnipeg 8 Clear Port 16 2 Fair Bulletin From Central The weather throughout Saskatchewan and Alberta in the nor- thern has been line and quite In Southern Alberta It has been much Forecast Milder with local snow- falls In elsewhere fine and cold today and College Opens Wesley college will awaken from the holiday rest tomorrow morning when all will be The college halls are today a scene of activity as a result ot the return ot students from tho enjoyment of Christ- mas and New Year's

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Page 1: Clen-denn- an


I HI I I II 11

I The Boyd

Seali on a box ot fullc assurance that the contents are

freshIngredient Isand the goods ar man- -

In a factory vi Ideal

Try a you will find manydelightful flavors under aot rich

Made In


Spence Portage

I ALL DRAUGHTSExcluded from

WINDOWS DOORSBy using Chamberlain Metal



I Tribune Telephones

ft w 0Editorial Room Bad jj

Wonderful Cold-Cu- re 5

a Relieves at Once Prevents and JCurat

You have a cold In the head some-thing you can't

But there Is a cure a delightfulmethod of prevention so evena child will use it

Quick as lightning on colds-st- ops

cures prevents

Just Inhalein Its healing balsams and out goesthe away go the sniffles ca-tarrh vanishes like tho

To the sore membranessends the healing of the pine

to the Irritated surfaces Itsupplies pure balsamic extracts thatloosen tho clear all

destroyFor the and

tubes IsTn pleas-

ant findTwo- - s treatment guar- -

smallsize at nil or N. C.Poland

Kinetic EnergyKinetic b a good It Hmeans to nuke things 9

A fat bank a Brock on the edge of a Ha barrel of and BSCOTT'S EMULSION all Icontain P

so the professor tells M

Power is stored up in I

Scott'sThis force let loose in thesystem of the consumptive rgives him the strength to btake on new It is a Ipowerful

ad P


iPyramid Pile Cure Positively a Marvel

of Quick Curing Send fora Free Trial Package

We want every man and woman suf-fering from the excruciating torture ofpiles to just send their name and ad-dress to us and get by return mall a

trial package of the most effec-tive and positive cure ever known forthis Pyramid Pile

As an Km ma Bodenhamerof was in constantpile-ago- ny for 23 Three 60 centboxes of Pyramid Cure cured

And George ofcured his piles with only

one 50 centThe way to prove what this

remedy will do in your own Is toJust send your name and address tous and you will get by return mall afree trial treatment of Pyramid File

Then after you have proven to your-self what It can you will go to thedruggist and get a 50 cent

Don't undergo an Opera-tions are rarely a success and oftenlead to terrible PyramidPile Cure reduces allmakessores and ulcers and thopiles simply

Send your namo and address todayfor this free trail to Pyra-mid Drug Pyramid

On sale at all drug ata

PHONE 1690you want a



I When you feel tired and runJust try a bracing tonic

such as


I This pure old beverage soontones up the


owens Mcpherson


Prince Phone


I Gone1 But Erzinger's 1

ing mixture is still and

u as popular as


H 53 Portage AveB Phone 69 Phone 2677 S

Start theNew Year

Participate inthe splendid bar-

gains in20 to 30 off


STORAGEWe have tW best possible facilities

for storing all kinds ofPictures and other

Private Vans sent to all part of thecity and


CheapI 1

Ideal House

and St.

I Where toI Dine jL For civility and it

of everyoneh says there Is no pla In tb vf Wet J

Ii i

Imperial BankOF CANADA




Agents In Great Lloyds BankHead Lombard BU

Brunches In Provinces ofCo-

lumbia and

allowed on deposits at currentcredited

Winnipegand Street

N. a.

Corner Selkirk Ave and Main


bishopMcDermot Avenue

Ladies' Kid-Cover- ed JFelt-Sol- ed Laced

BootsReduced to

Per Pair

RYAN'SGreatest Shoe Store


FURSNow is the time to have your furs

Place your ordera for newat summer

DOUGLASSWholesale and RetailKennedy Opposite Eaton's



D. D.



Western Goaland

Creek andOFFICE I nei MAIN


Office Lombard T

J. G. HARGRAVEm. wholesale



COALMain corner

TELEPHONECoal for Heating--

Bienfait Soft Coaltper Ton

A splendid coal for householdIn use in some of the largest

blocks In the For sale by thePALACE COAL COMPANY i

SUTHERLANDPhone Prompt Delivery

1 1 1 i

W. Murray



For etcand jeweler's Interior

of abars and silent Bend J i

2 ua your plans and we will designa our


5 and A

Suites iteam heated t with era and I

Bent to KM per Apply IJohn Kuan A SAM St. I

Family Butcher

If you have never tried our Sausage Syou ought They are made of thefreshest of and the seasoning Is

Our cooked meats of ailkinds are made on the

D. W.William Phena

1 GARDINER I3 ul Director A IMain St. Phone

Finest Ambulance Inthe

andot N.

Mary A




Burned- - On Sunday asmall frame house at Morley

owned and occupied by J.was badly gutted by en-

tailing a loss of about J 5

Commercial Anumber of friends of the NorthwesternCommercial Travellers' associationpaid the members a visit at their newclub rooms

Conservative Club TheToung Conservatives re-open- ed theirclub rooms at their old quarters yes-terday Among the callerswere Robert

JamesJ. H. W.

A. JohnAn excellent entertain-

ment given during the

Mark of F.C. P. R. transfer

was presented by the employees of thatdepartment yesterday with a case ofsuperb and to-

gether with a supply of tobacco thatwill last him several The pre-sentation was made as a tangible re-

cognition of Ashburn's sterlingservice In the department with whichhe has been connected since its in-

ception over nine years

Purse While walking al-

ong the east Bide of Fort be-

tween St. Mary's and YorkMiss Ello

Graham was the victim of thepurse-snatche- rs who have been oper-ating In Winnipeg of While walk-ing quietly along a man approachedher and grabbed a handbag which shewas carrying on her He escapedup a nearby lane before she couldsummon The bag contained

in bills andA Regrettable Yesterday

while one of the loads of chil-dren going from Knox church wasturning the corner of Spence andNotre Dame streets the sleigh struckthe curb and throwing the chil-dren on the As a result ofthe accident littleBalmoral aged seven hadher nose Manchester at-tended to the little who was af-terwards removed to her

The annualmeeting of lodge A.F. and A. was held on the

when the officers were In-

stalled by the Installing officer R. W.J. as W. F.

S. A. W. J.W E. R. J.

E. J.A. Bell and E. W.W. Moran and B. I. J.

A. H. di-

rector of J.T. After the Installation themembers were Invited to partake of a

the guests of the master andwhen a very pleasant even-

ing was brought to a The fol-lowing grand lodge were

past grandmaster and

Neff and


On Friday afternoon the regularmonthly meeting of the Victoria IndiaOrphan society will be held In theM. C.

The annual of the Women'sForeign Missionary society of Knoxchurch will be held tomorrow ato'clock In the lecture cf the

The first annual dinner under theauspices of the Sick Benefitsociety of Winnipeg will be held nextSunday In the society's

The Men's union of the First Baptistchurch will give a social this

A. A. Shaw and a number ofspeak on better and great-

er W. A. will

The monthly meeting of theIndia Orphan society will be

held In the M. C- - A. Friday atp.m. Arrangements will be made forthe annual meeting to be held In

The district W. C. tT U. will hold aprayer meeting Friday afternoon at3 o'clock at Balmoral

will give a paper on the lifeof Clen-denn- an

and Gordon art to takecharge of the evangelistic Allmembers are cordially


Hundred-Fou- r YoungCouples Together-Bir- ths


the month of Decemberrt a triages took The number ofbirths Is being made up ofmales and

There were deaths during the61 males and

The following Is a list of the mar-riages during the

By J. C. O. Holmbergto C.

By S. Leyman Hermanto Pearl

By C A. Comeau O. Roy toAdelina

By J. W. Churchill A. F.Brown to Maggie A. John

to P. Fannie

By Clarence McKinnonParks to Victoria M. John

W. Craig to Heber J. ato

By Hugh J. RobertsonSandry to Florence

By T. S. Stag-Sta- d

to MaryBy G. W. Wilson W. J. R. Wil-

son to Margaret S. W. Hender-son to Flora

By W. A. MacLean A. A. Gib-son to Mary Bertha W.

to Annie J. C. Birch toMartha Rutley to Ina

G. I to Ida M.

By J. Roy Austin toMary E. W. G. A. toMabel J. V. Pickup to Annie L.

O. W. Roberts to Sarah Vic-tor Walter to

T. S. Will to Mary E.By S. Chambers W. L.

to Charlotte C. E. Beatrice B. Tay-l- ot

to Elizabeth H. S. Everettto Lily C. Langston-t- o Flora

E. J. to Ethel H.R. S. to Julia C. G.

to Edith C. Cloude toMartha

By J. Gordon F. T. Marshallto Fanny H. S. Price to EthelM. P. G. to Alice

J. F. to BlancheL. J. Blundell to Jennie RobertGait to Mary W. M. Slater to

W. H. Shears to Car-rie J. K W. F. Deeks to MaryM. J. W. Hair to Elizabeth

Lumsden to Jessie A.Hay to Sarah A. T.

Agnew to BerthaBy O. F. Earl to

Anna S. Wilson to MarthaR. H. Parmenter to Alice

W. Brown to Ethel G.A. C. Cane to Ethel G. A.

to J.Howard J. Myers to Susie E.

By J. R. Wll- -Hams to Emily

By Archbishop Matheson Georgeto Daisy

By J. E. BJorkland Ben-son to Hulda

By S. C. Arthurto Margaret

By G. Sinclair RichardLovey to Mary Edwin Cookto Barbara Robert to

John McMillan toMamie George Newton toMary Chas toAnna

By C. W. Morrow Sewardto Janet

By H. T. Leslie Oakley Smithto Margaret

By Samuel Fea ChristopherOliver to Jane

By T. E. Carl Carlsonto Johanna

By D. G. S. Connery Robertto Amy

By W. Laner Jacob Beesoto Emma

By R. J. Hay Stanleyto Mary

Richard Talbotto Minnie

By E. A. N. and Strom

to ChristinaBy J. C. W. to

IC A. W. B. Sutherland to M.II

By T. W. Saving G. B. Donovan toM. C. Richard Douglas toGertie

By T. P. Jones Andrew toMargaret Andrewto Clara

By R. S. toPauline S. tD

By H. Hill toMarie Duncan Storehouse toLaura

By Stewart JohnLoge to Lucy Gilbert Inman toMarshella James Wilsonto Jane McNeil to Mary

James Dodds to AliceEdward to Annie

to JeanAustin to Gertrude Eu-gene to MaryWilson to Jessie Frank

to IreneDorward to Helen

By S. P. Rose O. E. Rogers toA.

By C. W. Gordon R. G.Thompson to Charlotte C.J. Clements to Eva A. P. Mc-Donald to Florence John

to ElsieBy Sparling R. T.

to A. E. Stan-ley to C. H. Blakeley toMartha W. H. Stephensonto E. E. Roy to Lau-ra M. W. to J. A.

G. toBy O. Murray

to AliceBy D.

to AmeliaBy D.

to IC S. to J.

Bv T. Thompsonto

By AndrewRandall to J.

By E. E. Thomas Langleyto Margaret

By R. Roland strattonto Harriett

By O hill J. W. Connelly toE. I. to Mary

Sullivan to E.

By F. C. Fra-e- rto Walter Pace to

Ethel Fox toHuston to

G. toG.

By Donnld Munro W. A. Me-Iv- or

to Mary A. Fraser toF. A. to

Janet J. A. Max to E. E.

By Hamilton Wide

to Edith G. Gordon Hill to Lil-

ian Daniel Davidson to Jen-nie

By J. M. Florell E. O. Strand-ber- g

to Betty Martin Ceder-stran- d

to AnnieBy Jon Bjornsson Peter John-

son to S. G.By Karl Felix La-po- n

to AlmaBy F. A. John W.

Clark to IdaBy E. Mason Norman

to MaryBy J. H. Sterling Ineal to

LauraBy H. C. Camp-

bell to MabelBy Jeremiah R. Clark Alex-

ander Love to C. M.By A. A. Shaw Walter Law-so- n

to AlmaBy D. Jacob

Ross to HettleBv A. Cowley Ware to

EmilyBy W. E. Prescott But-

ler Eva May


Unable to obtainmen enough for the harvestManitoba farmers hired women Intheir They are said to havedone Just as good work as the formerfarm and there was much lessshirking among

That Is the way with Theywork too hard and often overtaxtheir Then the system be-

comes run the liver gets outof and constipation and bilious-ness make life John

of suffered fromthese troubles for ten years and foundno relief until she tried

want to say a word In re-

gard to writeshad liver trouble for ten

years and tried differenttut

are made of fruitJuices and tonics and never fall tocure Skin andBowel a


Bright Young Merchants leavingthe City of

R. W. Nellson and J. M.who for three years have occupied

the respective positions of store man-ager and European buyer In the bigGeorge Craig severed theirconnection with that Institution thelast day of the They have pur-chased the big general store businessof ofwas anxious to They both leavethe city on Friday to take hold of theWawanesa With their ex-tensive experience gained In the old

later on In the city ofand more recently In the

departmental these two gentle-men are bound to make a success ottheir new Their many friendsIn Winnipeg and the province generallywill watch their career with great


from pagegovernment has able to negotiatea satisfactory purchase of the entirebusiness and Interests of the Bell Tele-phone Company in therebyImmediately establishing a governmen-t-owned telephone within the

without creating a dual

Representations have been made tomy government that serious loss hasbeen sustained In certain districts ofthis province from hall Youwill be asked to consider whether It Ispossible for any relief to beby way of legislation for those whosuffer from such

My government have found It neces-sary to recommend a better and morethorough system ot auditing municipal

and amendments toMunicipal providing for that andother will be submitted to

Bills for the purpose of establishingportfolios of telephones andand will be submitted foryour and likewise billswill also be submitted to you amend-ing King's Bench and otherActs of public Importance to our

The GrainOn account of the paramount Im-

portance of the grain Interests of ourand the anxiety of my gov-

ernment that the grain growers ofManitoba should receive the highestcompensation for the products of their

and whilst the whole measure ofdesired does not entirely He

within the Jurisdiction of thisIt Is deemed advisable to sub-

mit to you a bill to safeguard as far astheir to facilitate

as much an the sale of theirgrain and to procure for them the full-est recompense for that

In order to Increase our revenues foreducational purposes my governmentIntends to continue to press upon theparliament of Canada the advisabilityand necessity ot transferring to this

for administration upon thetrusts under which they are allschool lands funds and all unsoldschool lands now held In trust by the

The treatment of the province bythe in to ourswamp continues to bo

and the province suffers greatfinancial loss It Is earnestlydesired that a better arrangement ofthe relations between my governmentand the Dominion on this subject bebrought

Tho report of and the evidence takenby the appointed to In-quire into cattle and indus-tries in the will be laid be-fore you at an early

The public accounts for the pastand also tho estimates for tho

will be laid before you

at an early date for your Thelatter will be found to have been pre-pared with all the economy consistentwith an efficient public service and thegrowing demands of our

I leave you to the consideration ofthe business that may require your

In the fullest confidence thatyour under Divinewill bo conducted with the sin-

gle desire to advance the best inter-ests of the

Composition ofThe following is the composition of

the Legislature which met at 3 o'clockthis afternoon for the first time sincethe held on March

In the last Legislature tho govern-ment had 32 the opposi-tion and one David

who sat with andusually voted with themaking a total of 40

Since the last meeting of the legisla-ture am extra seat has beenWest which was capturedby T. a

The government in the present househas twenty-eig- ht members and the op-position giving a clear majority of15

OnSince last the house met one

if he had would hivobeen a member of the present

S. W. Brai- -He died last He Is

the only vacancy in the ranks causedby

Since the session onebeing defeated fat the

D. was suc-ceeded by the late W.who is now succeeded by G.Cold elected by acclimation nr

A NewOne new minister faces the

for the first time besidesJ.

holds a new that nftelegraphs and

Six members who previouslyseats in the They

are WilliamJ. B. Joseph Bern-i- er

and T. C. There are thir-teen new George A.

T. H. I. F.D. A.

George JohnA. L. Amle

J. B. J. A. Campbell and J. W.

TheThe James for

Turtle will again be speakerof the

It is expected that the leader of theopposition will be C. J.and the Liberal whips will be V.

and George

The government whip has not yetbeen but It Is thought thatGlen Gilbertwill be

HouseA. H. will again be clerk of

the He has been lot office since

John who has filled theposition of sergeant-at-arm- s since

will again be present In his offi-cial

The first legislature of the provincewas In when Governor Archibalddelivered the speech from themany changes have taken placethat

The Composition ofThe following Is' a complete list of

the members

R. P.C. H. Campbell

RogersJ. H. Agnew

J. Howden Beautiful

G. ColdwellJames Johnson Turtle

James ArgueAlme BenardAlbert St.George SteelGlen Campbell Gilbert

FergusonOrton I. Grain and St.

George LawrenceEdwin D. LynchJ. B. Lauzon La

B. WaddellF. Lyons

Hugh Armstrong Portage la

Isaac RileyA. L. BonnycastleJoseph St.A. H. Carroll SouthJames W. Robson Swan

W. Taylor CentreJ. F. Mitchell NorthJames T. Gordon South

C. J.John A. CampbellR. S. ThorntonGeorge Walton

JonassonJ. W. ArmstrongT. C.B. J. McCannellJ. B.Valentine WinklerD. A. Ross

H. Johnson WestJohn Williams


American familiar with theEnglish have declared since Rich-ard Croker's nily Rhodora won theDewhurst plate at thatthe owner of Orby has an excellentchance to win the Oaks next springwith the and thus complete themeasure of his turf success

The winner of tho Dewhurst aseven-furlon- g Is accredited withhaving stronger claims on the suc-ceeding year's classic than has thewinner of the Middle Park a

which wonthe latter is described as asmal but exquisitely shaped Ally andnot likely to grow If at

He defeated Rhodora In the MiddlePark but the latter was Just re-covering from an Lesbia didnot start In the Dewhurst stake a

the race won byIt would appear as if Cro-

ker's chances to win the Oaks are bet-ter than those of Sir Danielthe owner of Cap and Bellswon the Oaks for tho Keenesix years ago In hollow

The Cornell association football teamprobably will play In South Americanext The management hasreceived an offer of expenses and 76per cent ot the gate receipts for a ser-ies of three games with the footballleague of the province of Sao

Manager of theCornell a grandson of formerPresident of Argentine

who is studying mechanicalestimates that the soccer

team will bring back toProfessor who has supervi-

sion ot minor stated that hesaw no to the

Providing the Philadelphia Nationalswill grant his Kittythe great first will go toMilwaukee and manage theclub of the AmericanPresident Havenor has offered

the Job and the latter has expres-sed his willingness to

ReliefA full meeting of the members of

tha central relief committee has beencalled for at 4 p.m. totake up the matter of working In har-mony with other charity

All who had an Invitation to the an-nual meeting are expected to attendand many Important questions are ex-pected to come up for

The meeting will bo held In the com-mittee room at the city



Leap Year Skating PartiesHockey a

Manager of the Arena inconversation with The Tribune this

stated that he looks forwardtj the balance of this season as beingthe best in the history of his particu-lar business in Western HoU exceptionally well pleased with theactivity which is evident in sporting

says that this is evidenceoi the healthy growth of the wholewestern

A HealthyThe enthusiasm which has been ex-

hibited at every hockey match thiswinter Indicates In no uncertain man-ner that the people of this westernmetropolis are among the healthiestto be found and that

the most strenuous winter gameIs their favorite is evidence of

the amount of energy stored up in theprogressive people of the

A SafetyIn respects a community re-

sembles a as ais necessary in

and the amount of noise madein letting off steam goes to show thephysical strength of the boiler or the

The great safety valve ofWestern Canada during the wintermonths la the game of where-in the stored-u- p energy that is fight-ing for expression is let oft as a

Sport OpposesIt is found in cases where a stren-

uous life is and where there is noactive sport in that men nat-urally turn to alcoholic beverages inorder to let oft the stored-u- p

as can be shown In many westernbut one of the strongest tem-

perance movements in this country isithe interest in active andhealthy which gives the peoplean opportunity to oft inthe healthy excitement of an athleticgame rather than by the more harm-ful method ot Imbibing bar-roo- m

Leap YearThe Arena rink will be a scene of

during tha nextfo of this Next Fri-day night the employees of the T.Eaton will hold a leap-ye- ar skat-ing and every Wednes-day and Friday night in the future aleap-ye- ar party will be Amongthose to take place shortly Hud-son Bay Bell Tele-phone Robinson

and CraigThese evenings will

not be as every-one who comes will be


Temp at7 a.m.Fair

Calgary 34 10 Cleas45 18 Cloudy

Medicine Hat 80 20 ClearPrince Albert ClearBattleford ClearSwift 18 2 Clear

4 Clear16 Clear

Winnipeg 8 ClearPort 16 2 Fair

Bulletin From CentralThe weather throughout

Saskatchewan and Alberta in the nor-thern has been line and quite

In Southern Alberta It has beenmuch

Forecast Milder with local snow-falls In elsewhere fine and coldtoday and

College OpensWesley college will awaken from the

holiday rest tomorrow morning whenall will be

The college halls are today a sceneof activity as a result ot the return otstudents from tho enjoyment of Christ-mas and New Year's