clear & unbiased guide to hip replacement surgery


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Seeking Affordable Hip Replacement Surgery

with IndianMedTrip

Orthopedic surgeons generally remove damaged sections of the patient’s hip joint so

as to replace them with parts that are usually constructed of metal & extremely hard

plastic materials during hip replacement surgery. This prosthesis or artificial joint

helps the patient reduce pain & improve function at the same time. Total hip

arthroplasty is hip replacement surgery which is an ideal option for people with hip

pain interfering with daily activities in cases where more conservative treatments

have not proved to be helpful. Arthritis damage is one of the most common reasons

for people to seek total hip replacement surgery.

Figure 1. Total Hip Replacement


Why Undergo Total Hip Replacement Surgery

There are many conditions which can damage the hip joint & sometimes make it

necessary for the person to undergo total hip joint replacement surgery.

Osteoarthritis – This is commonly known as ‘wear & tear’ arthritis.

Osteoarthritis eventually damages slick cartilage which covers the ends of

bones & thereby enable joints move smoothly.

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Generally caused by an overactive immune

system, rheumatoid arthritis typically produces a type of inflammation which

can erode both bone & cartilage so as to deform joints.

Osteonecrosis – Bone may eventually collapse & deform in cases where

there is inadequate supply of blood to the ball portion of the hip joint.

Figure 2. Comparison between Osteoarthritic & Rheumatoid Arthritic Knees

People may consider hip replacement surgery in case they are experiencing pain with

the following symptoms.

Persisting pain, despite pain medication.

Pain worsening with walking, even with help of a cane or walker.

Pain interfering with sleep.

Pain affecting the patient’s ability to go up or down the stairs.

Pain which is making it difficult to rise from a seated position.


Risks & complications which are associated with hip replacement surgery include the


Infection – Infections are normally found to occur at the site of incisions &

within deeper tissue near the new hip joint. Most of these infections are

effectively treated with antibiotics, but in case there is a major infection near

the artificial hip joint will require another surgery in order to remove &

replace the prosthetic joint.

Blood Clots – These clots can form within leg veins following hip joint

replacement surgery. This can sometimes be dangerous when a piece of clot

will break off & travel to the patient’s lung, heart or in rare cases to the brain.

Doctors may therefore often prescribe blood-thinning medications in order to

reduce this risk.

Dislocation – Certain positions are found to cause ball of the new joint to

get dislodged. It is therefore often recommended that people who have

undergone total hip replacement surgery should not bend over 90 degrees at

hip & should not let their legs cross the midline of the body to avoid the

problem of dislocation. In case hip dislocates, orthopedic surgeons may fit the

patient with a brace so as to keep them in correct position. Moreover, another

surgery is often required to stabilize the joint in case the hip keeps dislocating.

Figure 3. X-Ray of Dislocated Hip Replacement

Fracture – Healthy portions of the patient’s hip joint may also sometimes

fracture during surgery. At times these fractures are so small that they can


heal on their own; but then larger fractures will need to be corrected with pins,

wires & sometimes possibly with grafts.

Loosening – Though this complication is quite rare with new implants, it

happens only when the new joint may not solidly fix to the bone or may

sometimes loosen with time so as to cause pain in the hip. Another surgery

might therefore be required to fix this loosening problem.

Change in Leg length – Although orthopedic surgeons take the required

steps to avoid this kind of problem, it occasionally happens that the new hip

joint makes one leg shorter or longer than the other. Sometimes, this is found

to be caused by weakness in muscles surrounding the hip joint. However,

progressively stretching & strengthening these muscles can effectively help in

such cases.

Need for a Second Hip Replacement Surgery

Prosthetic hip joints may eventually wear-out & therefore, young & active patients

undergoing hip replacement surgery may need a second hip replacement procedure

in their lifetime. However, newer materials utilized nowadays are making these

implants last longer so that a second hip replacement surgery may not be necessary

for many years.

Figure 4. Types of Hip Implants

Metal-On-Metal Complications – Most prosthetic hip joints have ceramic or

polished metal balls which fit into a cup liner made of extremely hard plastic. Some

other types of artificial joints use metal cup liners that although last longer but may

cause various other problems. Metal-on-metal artificial joints are likely to release

metal ions into the patient’s bloodstream & which can cause inflammation & bone

erosion. Mainly due to these concerns, metal-on-metal artificial joints are rarely used



Preparing for Hip Replacement Surgery

Figure 5. Interacting with the Doctor

Patients will meet the orthopedic surgeon for examination prior to undergoing hip

replacement surgery. The patient & the surgeon are most likely to discuss & take the

following steps for evaluation.

Orthopedic surgeons would ask about the patient’s medical history & list of

current medications they are taking.

Surgeon will conduct a brief general physical examination in order to make

sure that the patient is healthy enough to undergo surgery.

Doctors will examine the patient’s hip while paying good attention to the

range of motion within the hip joint & strength of surrounding muscles.

Doctors will order blood tests, X-ray & also possibly an MRI test.

These preoperative evaluation tests are also a good opportunity for patients to ask

questions about hip replacement surgery procedure. Patients must make sure to find

out from doctors about which medications they should be continuing or avoiding in

the week before undergoing hip replacement surgery.


Hip Replacement Surgery Procedure

When patients check in for hip replacement surgery, they will be asked by the

healthcare team to remove clothes & put on a hospital gown. Subsequently, patients

are either given a spinal block or general anesthetic which will either numb the lower

half of the body or put him to sleep during the procedure.

During Hip Replacement Surgery Procedure

Surgeons will take the following steps in order to perform hip replacement surgery.

Make incision over front or side of hip through layers of tissue.

Remove damaged & diseased cartilage & bone while leaving the healthy bone


Implanting prosthetic socket into pelvic bone so as to replace the damaged


Replace round top of the femur with prosthetic ball which is attached to a

stem fitted into the patient’s thighbone.

Figure 6. Total Hip Replacement Procedure

Techniques which are adopted for hip replacement surgery are still in an evolving

stage. Nevertheless, orthopedic surgeons continue to develop lesser invasive

techniques with a hope that these techniques may reduce time for recovery & pain

when compared with standard hip replacement procedures. However, studies which

compared outcomes of standard hip replacement surgery with minimally invasive

hip replacement techniques have put forward mixed results.

After Hip Replacement Surgery

Patient will be moved to a recovery area for a few hours of monitoring until the time

anesthesia wears off following hip replacement surgery. Nurses & other members of

the healthcare team will keep a watch on the patient’s alertness, pulse, blood

pressure, pain or level of comfort & his/her need for medications.


Preventing Blood Clot Following Hip

Replacement Surgery

Patients will be at increased risk of developing blood clots in legs following hip

replacement surgery. They should therefore take the following preventive measures

so as to avoid complications.

Early Mobilization – Patients are encouraged to sit up & try walking with

crutches or walkers soon after hip replacement surgery. This is most likely to

happen on the same day or on the next day following hip replacement surgery.

Figure 7. Walking with Crutches/Walker

Pressure Application – This is done both during & after hip replacement

surgery. Patients may for this purpose have to wear elastic compression

stockings or inflatable air sleeves which are similar to blood pressure cuffs on

lower legs. Pressure exerted by inflated sleeves will help in keeping blood from

pooling within veins in leg & thereby reduce chances of formation of blood


Blood Thinning Medications – Orthopedic surgeons often prescribe

either an injected or oral blood thinning medication following hip replacement

surgery. The choice of the two will however depend upon how soon the patient

is able to walk, how active he/she is & overall risk of blood clots. Patients may

also need to take these blood thinning medications for several weeks following

hip replacement surgery.


Physical Therapy Following Hip Replacement


Physical therapists can often help hip replacement surgery patients with some

exercises they can do in the hospital & at home for speedy recovery. Activity &

exercise must in fact be a regular part of the patient’s daily plan in order to regain the

use of muscles & the hip joint. Physical therapists will recommend mobility &

strengthening exercises which eventually can help patients learn how to use walking

aids like a cane, walker or crutches. As the training progresses, patients can gradually

increase weight they put on the leg until they are able to walk without any assistance.

Figure 8. Exercises

Follow Up Care & Recovery at Home after Hip Replacement Surgery

Before patients leave the hospital, both the hip replacement surgery patient & the

caregiver are given tips on how to care for the new hip for a smooth transition.

Patients must arrange for a friend or a relative to prepare meals for them.

Everyday items at home must be placed at waist level so that they can avoid

bending down or reaching up to fetch them.

Patients must essentially consider making modifications at home like getting

a raised toilet seat for one.

Six to eight weeks following hip replacement surgery, patients will have to return to

the hospital for a follow-up appointment with the orthopedic surgeon to ensure that

the hip is healing properly. In case recovery is progressing well, most patients would

also be able to resume normal activities by this time, even if it were in a limited

fashion. However, further recovery with improvement in strength will take anywhere

between 6 – 12 months of time to complete.


Hip Replacement Surgery Outcome

Hip replacement surgery patients can expect the new hip joint to effectively reduce

pain they felt before undergoing surgery along with substantial increase in range of

motion of the hip joint. However, they should not be expecting to do everything

including what they could not before hip replacement surgery, like running or playing

basketball which may be too stressful on the new artificial joint. But then, they may

be in time able to hike, swim, play golf or even comfortably ride a bike.

Low Cost Hip Total Replacement Surgery in


Figure 9. Medical Tourism in India India has emerged as one of the most popular healthcare tourism destinations

providing affordable medical procedures to people from all across the world.

Featuring a large pool of highly skilled doctors & surgeons who have initially trained

& experienced in developed western countries before returning to their homeland,

they are aware of the emerging trends & adept in handling latest technologies.

Healthcare infrastructure in the country is extensive & comprises of nationally &

internationally accredited hospital facilities managed by English speaking

professional staff. Moreover, in order to promote tourism Government of India has

eased & made it easier for international patients obtain medical visas. Wide spectrum

of medical procedures that are available in India at reasonable costs cover an

extensive range of specialties including cardiac, orthopedic, oncology, gynecology,

spine surgery, urology, ophthalmology, robotic & cosmetic surgery to name a few.


Avail Affordable Hip Replacement Surgery with


IndianMedTrip is a globally reputed medical tourism company which is based in

India. Associated with the top doctors, surgeons & accredited hospital facilities,

IndianMedTrip is ideally positioned so as to provide a wide range of affordable

healthcare services to international patients. In fact, variety of seamless services

provided by IndianMedTrip, begin with the first telephonic conversation & move on

to identifying the best doctor & ideal hospital facility for the patient as per his

requirements. Other list of efficient services offered by IndianMedTrip include

assisting the patient & his/her accomplice obtain medical visas, warm reception at

the airport when the patient arrives for treatment, convenient arrangements for local

travel, comfortable accommodation options which include budget hotels, luxury

hotels or serviced apartments nearby the hospital facility, scheduled appointments

with doctors & surgeons for treatments without any waiting period, choice of an

exotic recuperative vacation at reasonable costs, follow-up evaluation checks with the

operating surgeon & a successful farewell sendoff when the patient decides to head

back home.



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