cle report 2

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  • 7/25/2019 Cle Report 2


    Living Out Our

    Christian Vocation

  • 7/25/2019 Cle Report 2


    Reporters Introduction:

    Carl Florence Maglaqui


    Ma. Kla Fontillas

    !hat our stoc" "no#ledge tells us$

    Marron %a&alan

    !hat other sources tells us$

    'ret Capati

    (oseph )ldrin *uito

    Michael (ohn +oledano

  • 7/25/2019 Cle Report 2


    Our ,vidences:

    Camille 'ondoc

    (alen Rave Malolos

    -sing Faith as Lens:

    ,mmanuel %hilip %ineda

  • 7/25/2019 Cle Report 2


    !hat is Vocation$

    ) strong eeling o suita&ilit ora particular career or occupation.

  • 7/25/2019 Cle Report 2


    !hat is Christian Vocation$

    ,ver lie is a calling/ a vocation. !e #ould not&e here/ #e #ould not have &een &orn/ unless0od called us into e1istence. 0od calls us into

    &eing rom his ver heart. )nd he calls us into&eing or a reason.

    ,ver vocation requires conversion. !e have to

    overcome our sel2shness and ma"e (esus and his0ospel the center o our lives. !e have tochange all those #as o thin"ing and those #aso acting that are not in "eeping #ith his 0ospel.

  • 7/25/2019 Cle Report 2


    (esus calls each o us & name andhe calls each o us to conversion. 3ecalls us to live 4 not or ourselves/

    &ut to glori 0od and to serve our&rothers and sisters.

  • 7/25/2019 Cle Report 2



    Onl priests/ nuns and religioushave vocation.

  • 7/25/2019 Cle Report 2


    !hat our stoc" "no#ledge tells us5

    6o/ &ecause #e thin" thateverone should have a vocationnot 7ust the nuns/ priests andreligious.

  • 7/25/2019 Cle Report 2


    !hat other sources tells us5

    )ll o us have a vocation 8 #e arecalled to develop a personal

    relationship #ith 0od the Fatherthrough (esus Christ/ in the 3olSpirit.

  • 7/25/2019 Cle Report 2


    Our ,vidences

    ,phesians 9:; endeavoring to "eep the unito the spirit in the &ond o peace.

    Mar" :?

    )nd (esus said unto them/ come e ater me/and I #ill ma"e ou to &ecome 2shers o men.

  • 7/25/2019 Cle Report 2


    -sing Faith as Lens/ #e learned


    )ll o us have a vocation not 7ust

    the nuns/ priests and religiouspersons &ecause #e are called todevelop a personal relationship

    #ith 0od.

  • 7/25/2019 Cle Report 2



    +here are t#o &asic states in livingout our common calling namel @ALa and @BA Clerical State.

  • 7/25/2019 Cle Report 2


    !hat our stoc" "no#ledge tells us..

    es/ #e thin" that these are the&asic states in our commoncalling &ut #e &elieve that there

    is one state lac"ing.

  • 7/25/2019 Cle Report 2


    !hat other sources tells us5

    +here are < &asic states o living outour common calling to a hol lie.

    1. The Lay State

    Reers to all the aithul/ e1cept thosein 3ol Orders and those #ho &elong

    to a religious state sanctioned & theChurch. La persons or lait ollo#Christ as either married or single.

  • 7/25/2019 Cle Report 2


    La persons ollo# Christ according tothe lie the choose:

    A. Married Life

    +he ma7or Sacrament o Vocation or the lait

    is Matrimon/ #hich reers to &oth the

    sacramental cele&ration o the union o manand #oman &eore 0od and the ongoingmarried lie.

    B. Celibate Life 6ot all la persons marr. Some o them

    choose Dsingle &lessednessE as a special ormo service o 0od through serving others.

  • 7/25/2019 Cle Report 2


    2. The Religious State

    Reers to the state o lie o those#ho choose to enter a religious orderor congregation o lie celi&ate lieconsecrated to 0od/ mar"ed & thethree evangelical counsels.

  • 7/25/2019 Cle Report 2


    3. The Clerical State (orpriesthood

    Reers to the state o those #horeceived the other sacrament ovocation/ 3ol Orders/ the sacramento apostolic ministr. +he preach the

    0ospel/ shepherd the aithul/ as #ellas cele&rate divine #orship throughthe administration o the sacraments

  • 7/25/2019 Cle Report 2


    Our ,vidences

    Lumen 0entium B

    Lumen 0entium

  • 7/25/2019 Cle Report 2


    -sing Faith as Lens/ #e learned


    !e have < states o living out

    our calling to a hol lie. +he la/religious and clerical state. !ealso learned that #hether oure

    married or single ou can stillhave a hol lie i ou helpothers.