cle king david pp. 128-135

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  • 8/3/2019 CLE King David Pp. 128-135


    Saul became disobedient to Samuel and to God. Guided by God, Samuel left at once to find and anoint

    Israel's next king.

    David's Call and Anointing (1 Sm 16:1-13)

    - Samuel was led by God to the house of Jesse of Bethlehem

    - Jesse presented his sons to Samuel, who were all tall, strong, and handsome. However, Yahweh told

    Samuel, "Do not judge from his appearance or from his lofty stature.. Not as man sees does God see,

    because man sees the appearance but the Lord looks into the heart" (1 Sm 16:7)

    - God was concerned with the inner qualities of a person. Just as he had reasons for choosing Moses,

    God had his reasons for choosing David over his siblings

    - Samuel asked Jesse if had anymore sons, so Jesse sent for his youngest son, David

    - when David came, God said to Samuel, " 'There--anoint him for this is he!' Then Samuel, with the horn

    of oil in hand, anointed him.. and from that day on, the spirit of the Lord rushed upon David" (1 Sm


    Although David was the youngest and least experienced among Jesse's sons, it was he who Samuel

    anointed to be next king of Israel. Though David had the blessing of God, Saul was still the king. He

    respected Saul so he waited for his own time to be king.

    The Young David

    David at the Court of Saul (1 Sm 16:17-23)

    - Saul often felt stressed and experienced bad moods, so he asked his servants to find a harpist whose

    music could calm him down

    - the servants found David who was good with the harp. His playing would calm Saul down

    - David's soothing melodies became such a great comfort to Saul that he asked David to remain in hisservice; David became one of Saul's armor-bearers

    - the Philistines continued to threaten the Israelites. There was a giant Philistine warrior named Goliath

    who no Israelite dared to fight

    - Goliath personified to the people the cruelty and intimidating presence of their enemies

    David's Victory over Goliath (1 Sm 17:41-54)

    With all his soldiers afraid to face Goliath, Saul became desperate. Saul even offered my and even his

    daughter to anyone who could defeat the giant, but no one took his offer.

    1. Goliath dares the Israelites

    - for 40 days, Goliath waited for a challenger. During this time, David arrived at the Israelite camp to

    deliver food. He was surprised why no one challenged Goliath. He asked, "Who is Philistine.. that he

    should insult the armies of the living God?" (1 Sm 17:26)

    2. David accepts Goliath's challenge

    - instead of keeping quiet, David approached King Saul and offered to fight Goliath. The Philistines

    laughed when David came to the field, for he was so small and weak compared to Goliath. David only

  • 8/3/2019 CLE King David Pp. 128-135


    had a shepherd's staff, a sling, and 5 stones.

    - David was not afraid, for his confidence came from the conviction that God would decide the outcome

    of his battle.

    3. David wins the battle

    - David took a stone and hurled it with a sling at Goliath's forehead. Goliath got knocked out. David then

    took Goliath's sword and killed him in front of the shocked Philistines.

    - David's incredible victory showed that Yahweh was the living God who gave courage to the weak and

    fearful, saved the opperessed, and made the impossible come true.

    - David's days as a shepherd were over. He was now a great warrior in Saul's army; Israel's new hero and

    greatest champion.

    4. Saul became jealous of David (1 Sm 18:6-16)

    - when Saul and David returned from the Israelites' victorious battle, they were met by several women

    who sang, "Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands" (1 Sm 18:7)

    - Saul grew angry when he heard the song. He began to envy David's success and suddenly saw him as a

    threat to the throne.

    - Saul's jealousy grew so intense that he planned to kill David. Once, he aimed a spear at David while

    David was playing the harp. Saul also sent David into dangerous battles hoping that he would be killed in


    David's Friendship with Jonathan

    - David became a close friend of Saul's son, Jonathan. Jonathan was a great warrior; he often helped

    David in battle

    - Jonathan learned about Saul's plot to kill David, so Jonathan warned David and helped him escape.

    Jonathan showed that he was a good friend and a good son by saving both David and Saul

    - David became a fugitive and traveled from one place to another to escape from Saul's pursuit

    David Spares Saul (1 Sm 24)

    - one night, Saul came upon the cave where David was hiding, and rested there

    - David saw the perfect opportunity to kill Saul, but instead of murdering Saul and ending his ordeal,

    David just cut off a piece of Saul's robe

    - when Saul woke up in the morning, David showed the cloth to Saul and said, "My lord the king! ... Why

    do you listen to those who say, 'David is trying to harm you'? You see for yourself today that the Lord

    just now delivered you into my grasp in the cave. I had some thought of killing you, but I took pity on

    you instead... I will not raise a hand against my lord, for he is the Lord's anointed and a father to me"

    - Saul was deeply moved; he felt ashamed for plotting to kil l David. David had both reason andopportunity to kill Saul but wisely chose not to do so. David showed that he was still loyal to the king

    despite Saul's efforts to kill him

    - Saul returned to Canaan but quickly forgot the lesson he had learned. He again became jealous of

    David and wanted to hunt him down, but there were more serious problems this time. Samuel had died

    and the Philistines had invaded deep into Israelite territory

    - Jonathan fought valiantly to save his father but the Philistines had all Israelite forces surrounded. Soon

    after Jonathan died, Saul and his army were defeated. David, who was far away, heard about the news

    and mourned the tragic deaths of Jonathan and Saul