classroom procedures 7 th grade math room 208 mrs. righter

Classroom Procedures 7 th Grade Math Room 208 Mrs. Righter

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Page 1: Classroom Procedures 7 th Grade Math Room 208 Mrs. Righter

Classroom Procedures

7th Grade Math

Room 208

Mrs. Righter

Page 2: Classroom Procedures 7 th Grade Math Room 208 Mrs. Righter

What’s a PASS SHEET?

• Passes are for going to your locker, the restroom, the nurse, the office, etc.

• Each student will be given NINE (9) passes at the beginning of each grading period.

• Unused passes are worth 10 points extra credit each


Q: List 3 examples of times when you may want to use a pass

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How do I use a pass?• You must have your passes IN CLASS

• You cannot go get them from your locker, or bring them to me later

• You cannot borrow, share, or owe a pass

• When they are gone, you will not get any more until the next grading period

• Lost or stolen passes WILL NOT be replaced

• Forfeited passes WILL NOT be replaced

Q: What does forfeit mean?Q: I lost my passes. When can I get more?

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How can my passes be forfeited?

Passes are a PRIVILEGE, not a RIGHT. You can forfeit them!

Ways to forfeit a pass:1. unexcused tardy to class2. Inappropriate hallway behavior3. Talking or playing ANYTIME the class lines up 4. Misbehavior for a substitute teacher

Q: What kind of behavior is inappropriate in the hallway?

Q: List 3 times or reasons we may need to line up as a class



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What is appropriate hallway behavior?

• Walk on the right• Silence is expected• No running• Keep moving – do not

block doorways or cause traffic problems

• Do not touch lockers• Keep your hands to


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What should I bring to Math class?

All Students must have these items in class EVERY DAY:

• Math book • Homework log • Passes• Problem of the DAY (POD) notebook• Pencil, erasers, paper• Last night’s homework• Good Attitude and best effort

Q: What do the letters POD stand for?

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What to do when you come in:1. Enter the classroom without talking

2. Make sure all supplies are ready to use

3. Be in your seat when the bell rings

4. Put last night’s homework on your desk

5. Copy today’s assignment into your log

6. Start working on the problem of the day (POD)

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What if I’m late to class?If you are not in your seat and beginning your

work when the tardy bell rings you are TARDY

I will not waste class time to ask why you’re late

• Bring me your pass to class immediately

• No pass = forfeit one of your passes.

• If you do not have your passes with you, have used all of your passes, or do not bring them to me right away, you will have lunch detention and an extra assignment.

Q: How can I get a lunch detention?

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What if I was absent?

• Write ABSENT at the top of any assignments that were due while you were gone

• Give them to Mrs. Righter to initial

• Record the assignments from your absence in your homework log

• Check the ABSENT FOLDER for a copy of worksheets, handouts, etc.

• You have until Friday of the following week to turn in ABSENT work or make up a test/quiz

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What if I don’t have my homework?

HW is due when class starts

• In your locker? Use a pass

• HW may be turned in by the end of the day for half credit

• HW that is not turned in on the day it is due will not be accepted

Q: You forgot to do your HW. How can you still get credit for it?

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What if I need to use the restroom?

• Hold your passes up so I can see them• No passes are given during the 10/10 rule or during

instruction• Once I sign your pass, take the hall pass and go

NEVER ask to use the restroom if

you don’t have your passes

Q: At what times are NO passes allowed?

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What if I need to go to my locker?

• Hold your passes up so I can see them

• No passes are given during the 10/10 rule or during instruction

• Once I sign your pass, take the hall pass and go.

Q: Your homework is in your locker. What should you do?

Q: Give one example of a time when you will not be allowed to use a pass

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What if I need to sharpen my pencil?

• I expect that pencils will be sharpened and ready to go before class begins.

• If you must sharpen your pencil during class, raise your hand while holding the pencil.

• Only one person at a time will be allowed at the pencil sharpener.

• Use the pencil sharpener on YOUR side of the classroom

Q: When are you expected to sharpen your pencil?

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What if there’s an emergency drill?

• Fire Drill = windows closedTornado Drill = windows open

• Line up quickly and walk in an orderly line to our assigned spot

• TALKING or PLAYING = 2 pass forfeit

• Last student out turns lights off and closes door

Q: What happens if I talk or play around in line?

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What if there’s a substitute?• Never, never, never turn any

work in to a substitute teacher

• Keep your absence work until I return

• No computer use!• All subs are informed about

the pass policy. If you don’t have your passes – don’t ask to leave the room

• Students who misbehave for a sub will lose two passes

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How can I get good grades?• Have good attendance• Be on time• Bring your supplies to class every day• Focus on the lesson• Ask questions if you don’t understand• Always be on your best behavior• Do your CW and HW every day• Review for tests and quizzes

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How will my grade be calculated?

A 90 - 100

B 80 - 89

C 70 - 79

D 60 - 69

F Below 60

Grading Scale

Grades are made up of HW, CW, Quizzes, Tests, and Projects

You can check your grades anytime at

Page 18: Classroom Procedures 7 th Grade Math Room 208 Mrs. Righter

What about discipline?

Mrs. Righter uses the following consequences:

Forfeit a passExtra assignmentLunch detentionPhone call homeNew seating assignmentLast in line for lunchOffice Referral -- 190

The purpose of Discipline is to remind you of the rules. As a 7th grader, you are expected to control your own behavior. I never want or like to discipline students. BUT, if you cannot control yourself, then you force me to provide a consequence to help you

Page 19: Classroom Procedures 7 th Grade Math Room 208 Mrs. Righter

Quiz Questions1. List 3 examples of times when you may want to use a pass2. What does forfeit mean?3. Give one example of a time when you can’t use a pass4. What kind of behavior is inappropriate in the hallway?5. List 3 times or reasons we may need to line up as a class6. What do the letters POD stand for?7. You forgot to do your HW. How can you still get some credit for it?8. When are NO passes allowed?9. Your homework is in your locker. What should you do?10. When are you expected to sharpen your pencil?11. How can you make sure your supplies are ready to use? Why is this important?12. I lost my passes. When can I get more?13. What happens if I talk or play around in line?14. What will happen if I misbehave for a sub?15. How can I get a lunch detention?16. List 5 things you can do to help you get good grades?17. I have 3 passes left at the end of the 9 wks. What can I do with them?18.