classroom management.odt

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  • 8/11/2019 Classroom management.odt


    Classroom management

    Classroom management is an essential key for our teaching practice. Besides, teaching would

    not be so effective without it. However, teachers acquire and hone it over time. will lose the

    control of the classroom

    Classroom management and management of student conduct are skills that teachers acquire and

    hone over time. These skills almost never "ell" until after a minimum of few years of teaching

    e!perience. To be sure, effective teaching requires considerable skill in managing the myriad of

    tasks and situations that occur in the classroom each day. kills such as effective classroom

    management are central to teaching and require "common sense," consistency, a sense of

    fairness, and courage. These skills also require that teachers understand in more than one way

    the psychological and developmental levels of their students. The skills associated with

    effective classroom management are only acquired with practice, feedback, and a willingness to

    learn from mistakes. adly, this is often easier said than done. Certainly, a part of this problem is

    that there is no practical way for education students to "practice" their nascent skills outside of

    actually going into a classroom setting. The learning curve is steep, indeed.

    #s we are talking about a course that takes place in $%& 'arago(a, and as consequence the class

    is full of adult people. )ot many rules are needed to govern the classes. o, teacher has only

    developed a system which consists on a basic set of rules and regulations for classroom

    management and discipline because all of these students have always a good behavior

    accordingly with their age. These rules and regulations should govern daily procedures and

    e!pectations such as timely attendance *students should sign everyday+

    . Having ensure it, the classroom is a safety, and positive learning environment, which promotes

    cooperation, creativity and academic success. #ll students are active participants in the

    educational process in order to achieve their full potential. or this reason, teacher only uses

    positive reinforcement praising his-her students $!cellent/, 0ood 1ob/.

    The appropriate application of positive reinforcement has repeatedly been demonstrated to

    increase both on2task behavior and work completion *for reviews, see Barkley, 34456 7u8aul 9

    toner, 344:6 0oldstein, 344;6 and s self2esteem is greatly

    influenced by the quality of interaction and the kind o...

    Aerbal $ncouragement

    Aerbal encouragement, as simple as it may seem, is a common type of reinforcement.

  • 8/11/2019 Classroom management.odt


    recogni(es how hard he has been working as of late, this feedback serves as verbal

    encouragement, giving the employee the pat2on2the2back that he may need to continue working

    toward being the best worker possible.

    tudies have shown that specific praise is very effective, while general praise is not. &n other

    words, saying, 1ohnny, e!cellent ob adding those numbers,/ is much better than saying, 0reatob, class./ eep this in mind when you praise or reward your students.

    To make praise mean something, it must be given at the appropriate time. or e!ample, if a

    student has a partially correct answer, you should not heap praise on her for answering the

    question correctly. &nstead, you should point out the part of her answer that is correct and then

    help her dissect the question to come up with the complete answer.

    #nother point about positive reinforcement is that it must be evenly administered. &ts not a

    good idea to keep praising the same one or two students in the class. Demember, even if you

    dont mean to play favorites, it is what the students perceive that matters.

    B. . kinners theory on operant conditioning/ says that rewards are much more effective

    when they do not occur regularly. &n other words, intermittent rewards mean more and have a

    greater effect than routine rewards. tudents who never know when a reward might happen will

    behave better than those who know that you never give out rewards on Tuesdays.

    , adults need to be shown respect. &nstructors must acknowledge the wealth of

    e!periences that adult participants bring to the classroom. These adults should be treated as


    in e!perience and knowledge and allowed to voice their opinions freely in class.