classified daily news, bowling green,...

Classified PAGE 10B – MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012 DAILY NEWS, BOWLING GREEN, KENTUCKY CLASSIFIEDS 2 7 0 - 7 8 3 - 3 2 3 2 b g d a i l y n e w s . c o m / c l a s s i f i e d s DIRECTORY DIRECTORY Business & Service Also, Ventilation For Both Crawl Space & Basements. Making The Air You Breathe Cleaner! w w w . b d r y . c o m 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 6 4 - 2 3 7 9 Call Rich Jackel, Jr. at BASEMENTS, CRAWLSPACES & FOUNDATION REPAIR Lifetime warranty Free estimates W a t e r p r o o f i n g Look Here! C h e r r y s R o t o R o o t i n g a n d S e p t i c S e r v i c e Owner: Kevin Cherry Grandson of the late Phillip Lamastus Formerly Commercial Sanitation Septic S e r v i n g W a r r e n C o . a n d s u r r o u n d i n g c o u n t i e s . C a l l D a y o r N i g h t . N o e x t r a c h a r g e f o r N i g h t s , W e e k e n d s o r H o l i d a y s . C e l l 2 7 0 - 9 9 1 - 1 0 1 8 O f f i c e 2 7 0 - 9 0 4 - 6 4 1 8 S e p t i c S e r v i c e Free Estimates • Free Clean Up • Best Prices in Town Stump Grinding Call Mike Phone: 270-782-7812 615-533-2283 T r e e S t u m p R e m o v a l Call Eric Wheat Interior/Exterior Painting FREE Estimates PRESSURE WASHING & HOME REPAIRS 28 Years In Business Licensed & Insured 792-0397 E x p e r i e n c e d , R e f e r e n c e s A v a i l a b l e , L i c e n s e d / I n s u r e d . F r e e E s t i m a t e s . Call Chad 779-3728 * W o r k G u a r a n t e e d . • Room Additions • Full Bath/Kitchen Remodels • Custom Tile Work • Hardwood/Laminate • Trim Work • Screened in Porches • Decks Complete Home Improvement & Tile Water Extraction • Drying Mold Removal • Air Duct Cleaning Mold / Water Certified to IICRC Standards Insurance Welcome For Professional Service call AdvantaClean 270-782-8522 “Customer Service Excellence” C o n s t r u c t i o n M o l d R e m e d i a t i o n D . W . A L E X A N D E R & A S S O C I A T E S S u b p o e n a S e r v i c e Darryl Alexander SENIOR SPECIAL INVESTIGATOR California Department of Justice Office of the Attorney General (Ret.) United States District Court, Western District of Kentucky Special Process Server P.O. Box 1083, Bowling Green, KY 42102 • (270) 784-5516 O d d J o b s H a n d y m a n S e r v i c e s B y r d s D o I t B y r d s D o I t Byrd’s Do It A l l , L L C A l l , L L C All, LLC Pressure Washing, fencing, tree and brush removal, landscaping, gutter cleaning, painting, ceramic tile, remodeling, cleaning, dryer vent cleaning odds and ends. Licensed and insured. Locally owned and operated. C a l l f o r p r i c e s a t 2 7 0 - 7 8 4 - 8 0 0 1 G u n s m i t h P r o f e s s i o n a l C l e a n i n g & R e p a i r H A N D G U N S - S H O T G U N S - R I F L E S 6 4 2 W H I T E S T O N E Q U A R R Y R D . , B O W L I N G G R E E N O p e n M o n d a y - F r i d a y w w w . p r e c i s i o n g u n c r a f t e r s . c o m 2 7 0 . 7 9 9 . 9 0 1 1 S p e c i a l i z i n g I n H a n d g u n U p g r a d e s & C u s t o m W o r k C o n c r e t e SPECIALIZING IN: • Site Work • Utilities • Grading • Demolition • Concrete-All-Types RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL 270-563-5621 Office • 270-563-5140 Fax 5535 Gotts Hydro Rd, Smiths Grove, KY 42171 C l e a n i n g A i r D u c t C l e a n i n g VENT MASTERs $ 25 first 5 vents $ 7 for each additional vent Free dryer vent cleaning with special. Breathe safer, feel better and save money. Free AC Evaporator coil inspection with special. Call 615-293-4865 today for appt. Whole Home AC Air Duct Cleaning. A d u l t C a r e L o v i n g T o u c h Loving Touch P e r s o n a l C a r e g i v e r s Personal Caregivers C P R / F i r s t A i d C e r t i f i e d . A l l p a t i e n t s a c c e p t e d . R e f e r e n c e s a n d 2 4 / 7 c a r e a v a i l a b l e . E x p e r i e n c e d a n d R e l i a b l e w i t h r e a s o n a b l e r a t e s . C a l l 2 7 0 - 7 8 4 - 1 4 0 5 . L a n d s c a p i n g / M o w i n g R o o f i n g Free Estimates • 20yr. Experience All Work Guaranteed For all your roofing needs… Drug free workplace Licensed/Insured G u t t e r C l e a n i n g & L e a f G u a r d I n s t a l l a t i o n RECOVERY ROOFING Call 270-535-0542 Local - Bowling Green & Surrounding Counties SPRING SPECIALS SPRING SPECIALS M W M W MW Amish roofer specializing in metal roofing Free Estimates Call 2 7 0 . 7 8 6 . 5 0 2 3 R o o f i n g R o o f i n g Roofing L u x u r y L a n d s c a p e L u x u r y L a n d s c a p e L u x u r y L a n d s c a p e M o w i n g , m u l c h , r o c k , t o p s o i l , f e r t i l i z i n g , w e e d c o n t r o l , s p r i n g c l e a n u p , t r e e r e m o v a l a n d s t u m p r e m o v a l . P r e s s u r e W a s h i n g S p e c i a l s ! Creative ideas! Guaranteed to have the best quality and lowest prices! Free estimates and insured. C A L L 2 7 0 - 4 2 7 - 6 5 0 9 C A L L 2 7 0 - 4 2 7 - 6 5 0 9 M o w i n g / L a n d s c a p i n g N i c k s M o w i n g S e r v i c e N i c k s M o w i n g S e r v i c e Nick’s Mowing Service • 13 years experience • Commercial & residential • Licensed & insured • References available • Free estimates • Senior discounts • Lawn Care • Landscaping • Bushhogging • Storm Cleanup • Tree Removal C a l l N i c k a t 2 7 0 - 5 9 7 - 7 3 4 0 C a l l N i c k a t 2 7 0 - 5 9 7 - 7 3 4 0 Call Nick at 270-597-7340 Will beat any competitor’s pricing and give you a 10% discount. A b l e & R e a d y P a i n t i n g P o w e r W a s h i n g - S t a i n i n g P a i n t i n g - S e a l i n g Free estimates. Licensed and Insured. Family Owned. C a l l 2 7 0 - 5 6 3 - 0 0 4 8 20 years of reliable, honest and quality interior/exterior work. P a i n t i n g / W a l l p a p e r Need Landscaping, Mowing, Drill Seeding, Maintenance or Leaf Removal? Licensed and Insured. Free estimates. Call Wes Keltner • (270) 991-4966 1 YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL CURBS F R E E E S T I M A T E S F R E E E S T I M A T E S F REE E STIMATES CALL POWER HOUSE WASHING (270)893-1459 L A N D S C A P I N G A N D L A N D S C A P I N G A N D L ANDSCAPING AND L A N D S C A P E C U R B I N G L A N D S C A P E C U R B I N G L ANDSCAPE C URBING Shirley Wilson’s Cleaning Call 270-784-3470 N o w i s t h e t i m e t o g e t y o u r s p r i n g c l e a n i n g s c h e d u l e d . Residential, rental clean up, commercial, and janitorial services. General cleaning, heavy cleaning, or one time cleaning. Windows, new construction cleanup, fall cleanup, and insurance claims. Accepting Visa/MC. Y o u N a m e I t , Y o u N a m e I t , Y o u N a m e I t , W e C a n W e C a n W e C a n D o I t ! D o I t ! D o I t ! New construction, additions, garages, pole barns, decks, driveways, demolition; we fix all residential problems. Licensed/insured. C a l l 2 7 0 - 2 8 2 - 5 5 3 6 C a l l 2 7 0 - 2 8 2 - 5 5 3 6 C a l l 2 7 0 - 2 8 2 - 5 5 3 6 s w a f f o r d s e r v i c e s @ g m a i l . c o m s w a f f o r d s e r v i c e s @ g m a i l . c o m s w a f f o r d s e r v i c e s @ g m a i l . c o m G E N E R A L C O N T R A C T O R G E N E R A L C O N T R A C T O R GENERAL CONTRACTOR A-1 BURCHS CONSTRUCTION “We’ve Got You Covered, Inside and Out.” Call 270-576-3710 A d d i t i o n s F l o o r i n g H a n d y m a n W o r k R e p a i r s R e m o d e l s R e t a i n i n g W a l l s R o o f i n g S t a i n i n g W a t e r I s s u e s L i c e n s e d a n d I n s u r e d Mention this ad & get 20% Off! L a w n a n d G a r d e n i n g Garden Time Again Gardens broken, tilled, bush hogging, yards mowed, fence rows cleaned, general services. Call Eddie 270-991-0835 For all your painting needs. Interior and exterior. Licensed and insured. Over 20 years of experience. Free Estimates. Call 270-303-0121. C o r y H a l l P A I N T I N G P r e s s u r e W a s h i n g Pressure washing, side walks, patios, houses and decks. Gutter cleaning, deck staining, side walk sealing and window washing. Call 270-670-8770 JP Pressure Washing and Home Care Classified Line Ad Deadlines: 3:30 p.m. The Day Before Publication - Call Early in the Week! INSTRUCTIONS: Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers. The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once.The difficulty level of the Conceptis Sudoku increases from Monday to Sunday Help at Home Inc has openings for the following positions: S c h e d u l i n g S u p e r v i s o r S C L - M R P f o r D e v e l o p m e n t a l D i s a b i l i t i e s H o m e m a k e r s a n d P e r s o n a l C a r e A t t e n d a n t s These candidates must be good communicators, highly organized and work well unsupervised; Traveling is required. We offer a highly competitive salary with flexible schedules; we also offer PD Vac, PD Sic, PD Hol, Health, Vision and Dental Ins, Mileage and Sign on bonuses for all employees. Help At Home, Inc. is offering free training to all staff. To apply please visit our office located at: Help at Home, Inc. 730 Fairview Ave. Suite A-1 Bowling Green, KY 42101 or fill out an Application on-line at: ACT FAST!!! S i m p s o n C o u n t y S h e r r i f f s O f f i c e is currently accepting applications for the position of: D E P U T Y S H E R I F F Applications can be picked up in person at the S i m p s o n C o u n t y S h e r i f f s O f f i c e 2 0 3 E a s t K Y . A v e . F r a n k l i n , K Y For more information please call ( 2 7 0 ) 5 8 6 - 7 4 2 5 All applications must be received by April 30, 2012 Now Hiring Full/Part Time No Phone Calls And Please Apply In Person 535 Wall Street, Bowling Green, KY 42104 EOE • HOUSEKEEPING • ROOM ATTENDENTS • BREAKFAST/HOUSEMAN • UTILITY/PREP C N A s A l l S h i f t s Make a difference in the lives of Older Adults. To learn more, please visit V i l l a g e M a n o r / C h r i s t i a n H e a l t h C e n t e r 1 8 0 0 W e s t e n S t . , B o w l i n g G r e e n K Y 4 2 1 0 4 Background check and drug screening required. E O E Boats and Trailers 630 Stratos Fish and Ski- Well equipped and maintained. Garage kept. $7850. Alvaton area, Call 777-2653. Motorcycles 625 ‘68 Harley Davidson FLH- Excellent condition, $7,800. Call 270-776-2376. Classifieds Work Wonders. Motorcycles 625 ‘02 Honda Rancher 4x4. Great condition. $2,000. Call (270)286-8541. Call Classified to Sell it Quick - 783-3232. Motorcycles 625 ‘08 Honda 420. 4 wheel or 2 wheel drive. Fuel injected. 3/4th of tires left. $3,800. Call (270)286-8541. Motorcycles 625 ‘03 Harley Davidson Soft- tail, Standard 9000 miles, garage kept, excellent con- dition. $9,500. Serious inquiries only. Call 270- 782-5725. Classified Hours Monday through Friday 8 to 5. Auto Parts 617 Four Uniroyal 225/70/14’s white letter over 80% tread 1st $195. Please call 782- 5574. Rims for sale: Factory rims for a ‘98 Monte Carlo (alu- minum alloy) $100. Call any- time 606-232-6212. Campers 620 5th Wheel 32 ft. 2002 Cedar Creek. Excellent condition. Loaded w/extras. $17,500. Hitch available. Call 270- 646-2602. 32 ft. Golfstream Travel trailer. 12 foot dining/living slide out. 2 full bdrms, super condition. $5,900. Call (270)791-0757. WANT IT? FIND IT! in the Daily News Classifieds! Motorcycles 625 ‘05 Honda Shad- ow 750cc 12k miles, Sharp! Black w/lots of chrome. For quick sale just $4500. Call Jerry 842-3514 or 842-7078. Trucks,Trailers,Vans 605 ‘01 Ford F250 XLT, 4x4 Supercab, 7.3 diesel, 205k miles, auto., power win- dows, locks. $7,300. Call 7am-4pm. 270-784-5242. ‘01 Ford F-150 long bed w/ liner.Auto transmission, V8, AM/FM CD, AC, Brand new General tires, 154k miles, very clean runs great. $3,900 obo. Call 799-7201. ‘00 Toyota 4Runner Limited, 2 wheel drive, 191k miles, sunroof, XM radio, leather, loaded. All maintenance records. Excellent shape. $7000/ obo. Call 270-792- 5361. ‘97 Ford F-150 XLT 4x4 Supercab, 245 miles. Auto , power windows, power door locks. Custom Wheels, $2500. Call 7am-4pm., 270- 784-5242. Autos 610 ‘10 Sebring Convertible- 8400 miles, Touring model, like new, $16,200. Call 842- 4171 or 303-3529. ‘09 Chevrolet Impala. 4 door, white. 33,251 miles, power everything. $12,950. Call (270)286-8541. ‘08 Toyota Highlander V6 AWD. Like new! Great condition. Black/grey cloth interior, radio/cd player. 57k miles. Asking $19,500/obo. Call 270- 535-1518. ‘08 Chevy Impala LT. mocha metallic exterior, tinted window, new tires, well maintanined 92k miles, $8500 obo. Call (270)392- 0811. ‘07 Cadillac CTS. Loaded, 41k miles, excellent condi- tion. Asking $19,500. Call 270-202-5076. ‘05 Honda Pilot EX. 123k miles, white, CD/DVD, leather, sunroof. $14,000. Call 270-618-4124. ‘05 Chrysler Sebring Limit- ed Convertible. 38,400 miles, white exterior, taupe interior, excellent condition. Luxury package, wood trim. $9,900. Call 270-792-7226 ‘03 Maroon Nissan Xterra. Runs great, downsizing, 135k miles, tire life 60 per- cent. Tags are current. $8,000. Call (270)784- 2475. ‘02 Mustang Coupe, silver, 120k miles, power every- thing. Works great, needs new air bags, has new head lights and tail lights, new battery. $4,500. Call (270)784-8837. ‘02 Mercury Sable- Duratec engine, 124k miles, good condition, runs good. $2500. Call 270-904-0352. ‘02 Honda CR-V EX 4WD in great condition. 236k high- way miles, driven 100 miles daily. 4 cyl, auto, power, no problems. Kelley Blue Book $6683, will take $5800. 270- 773-2586 or 270-473-1571. ‘01 Ford Taurus Wagon Good condition, 125k miles, red, all the extras. Price reduced $2,733. Call 843- 0348. Can be seen at Greens at Hartland. ‘00 Model Four Winds Hurricane 31 ft. Class A motor home. V-10 Ford, new tires, new battery, blue Ox tow bar, 2 new TV’s, new chair. Excellent condi- tion. Call 270-991-3526 or 270-529-3571. ‘98 Silver Honda Civic Sedan. 4 door, good condi- tion, 138k miles. Asking $3500/obo. Great for gas. Call 270-535-5817. ‘98 Oldsmobile Delta 88. 108k miles, good shape. Ask- ing $2750. Call 270-202- 5076. ‘98 Dodge Grand Caravan. Blue, 125k miles, new tires, Good condition. Asking $2800. Call 270-996-2015 after 10am. 2003 Honda Accord Excellent condition, all power, leather, heated seats, sun roof, new tires, 135,000 hwy miles. $8,100 obo. Call 792- 0066. Very Nice CLASSIFIEDS! BUY, SELL, TRADE! FIND WHATEVER YOU NEED, SELL WHATEVER YOU DON’T The Daily News accepts Visa and Mastercard. Classifieds Work Wonders. Call 781-1700 for Results.

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Business & Service

Also, Ventilation For Both Crawl Space & Basements. Making The Air You Breathe Cleaner! 1-800-264-2379

Call Rich Jackel, Jr. at


Lifetime warranty Free estimates


Look Here! Cherry’s

Roto Rooting and Septic Service

Owner: Kevin Cherry Grandson of the late Phillip Lamastus

Formerly Commercial Sanitation Septic

Serving Warren Co. and surrounding counties. Call Day or Night. No extra charge for Nights,

Weekends or Holidays.

Cell 270-991-1018 Office 270-904-6418

Septic Service

• Free Estimates • Free Clean Up • Best Prices in Town

Stump Grinding Call Mike

Phone: 270-782-7812 615-533-2283

Tree Stump Removal

Call Eric Wheat

Interior/Exterior Painting

FREE Estimates


28 Years In Business Licensed & Insured


Experienced, References Available, Licensed/Insured. Free Estimates.

Call Chad 779-3728

* Work Guaranteed.

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Water Extraction • Drying Mold Removal • Air Duct Cleaning

Mold / Water Certified to IICRC Standards

Insurance Welcome For Professional Service call AdvantaClean 270-782-8522

“Customer Service Excellence”


Mold Remediation


Subpoena Service Darryl Alexander

SENIOR SPECIAL INVESTIGATOR California Department of Justice Office of the Attorney General (Ret.)

United States District Court, Western District of Kentucky Special Process Server

P.O. Box 1083, Bowling Green, KY 42102 • (270) 784-5516

Odd Jobs

Handyman Services

Byrd’s Do It Byrd’s Do It Byrd’s Do It All, LLC All, LLC All, LLC

Pressure Washing,

fencing, tree and brush removal, landscaping,

gutter cleaning, painting, ceramic tile, remodeling, cleaning, dryer vent cleaning odds and ends.

Licensed and insured. Locally owned and


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Professional Cleaning & Repair HANDGUNS - SHOTGUNS - RIFLES

642 W HITE S TONE Q UARRY R D ., B OWLING G REEN Open Monday-Friday 270.799.9011

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Handgun Upgrades & Custom Work


SPECIALIZING IN: • Site Work • Utilities • Grading


270-563-5621 Office • 270-563-5140 Fax 5535 Gotts Hydro Rd, Smiths Grove, KY 42171


Air Duct Cleaning


$ 25 first 5 vents $ 7 for each additional vent

Free dryer vent cleaning with special. Breathe safer, feel better and

save money. Free AC Evaporator coil inspection with special.

Call 615-293-4865 today for appt.

Whole Home A C Air Duct Cleaning.

Adult Care

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Call 270-784-1405.



Free Estimates • 20yr. Experience All Work Guaranteed

For all your roofing needs…

Drug free workplace Licensed/Insured

Gutter Cleaning & Leaf Guard Installation


Call 270-535-0542 Local - Bowling Green & Surrounding Counties


MW MW MW Amish roofer specializing

in metal roofing

Free Estimates Call 270.786.5023

Roofing Roofing Roofing

Luxury Landscape Luxury Landscape Luxury Landscape Mowing, mulch, rock, top soil, fertilizing, weed control, spring clean up, tree removal and stump removal.

Pressure Washing Specials! Creative ideas! Guaranteed to have the best quality and lowest prices! Free estimates and insured.

CALL 270-427-6509 CALL 270-427-6509

Mowing / Landscaping

Nick’s Mowing Service Nick’s Mowing Service Nick’s Mowing Service • 13 years experience

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• References available • Free estimates

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Call Nick at 270-597-7340 Call Nick at 270-597-7340 Call Nick at 270-597-7340 Will beat any competitor’s pricing and give you a 10% discount.

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Free estimates. Licensed and Insured. Family Owned.

Call 270-563-0048

20 years of reliable, honest and quality

interior/exterior work.


Need Landscaping, Mowing, Drill Seeding, Maintenance or Leaf

Removal? Licensed and Insured. Free estimates.

Call Wes Keltner • (270) 991-4966


C ALL P OWER H OUSE W ASHING (270)893-1459


Shirley Wilson’s Cleaning

Call 270-784-3470

Now is the time to get your spring cleaning scheduled.

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You Name I t , You Name I t , You Name I t , We Can We Can We Can

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New construction, additions, garages, pole barns, decks, driveways, demolition; we fix all residential problems. Licensed/insured.

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“We’ve Got You Covered, Inside and Out.”

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Mention this ad & get 20% Off!

Lawn and Gardening

Garden Time Again Gardens broken, tilled, bush hogging,

yards mowed, fence rows cleaned, general services.

Call Eddie 270-991-0835

For all your painting needs. Interior and exterior. Licensed and insured. Over 20 years of experience. Free Estimates.

Call 270-303-0121.

Cory Hall


Pressure Washing

Pressure washing, side walks, patios, houses and

decks. Gutter cleaning, deck staining, side walk sealing

and window washing. Call 270-670-8770

JP Pressure Washing and Home Care

Classified Line Ad Deadlines: 3:30 p.m. The Day Before Publication - Call Early in the Week!

INSTRUCTIONS: Sudoku is a number-placing puzzlebased on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers. The objectis to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so thateach row, each column and each 3x3 box contains thesame number only once.The difficulty level of the ConceptisSudoku increases from Monday to Sunday

Help at Home Inc has openings for the following positions:

Scheduling Supervisor SCL-MRP for Developmental Disabilities

Homemakers and Personal Care Attendants

These candidates must be good communicators, highly organized and work well unsupervised; Traveling is required. We offer a highly competitive salary with flexible schedules; we also offer PD Vac, PD Sic, PD Hol, Health, Vision and Dental Ins, Mileage and Sign on bonuses for all employees.

Help At Home, Inc. is offering free training to all staff.

To apply please visit our office located at:

Help at Home, Inc. 730 Fairview Ave. Suite A-1 Bowling Green, KY 42101

or fill out an Application on-line at:


Simpson County Sherriff’s Office is currently accepting applications

for the position of: DEPUTY SHERIFF

Applications can be picked up in person at the

Simpson County Sheriff’s Office 203 East KY. Ave.

Franklin, KY For more information please call

(270) 586-7425

All applications must be received by April 30, 2012

Now Hiring Full/Part Time

No Phone Calls And Please Apply In Person 535 Wall Street,

Bowling Green, KY 42104 EOE


CNAs All Shifts

Make a difference in the lives of Older Adults.

To learn more, please visit

Village Manor/Christian Health Center 1800 Westen St.,

Bowling Green KY 42104

Background check and drug screening required. EOE

Boats and Trailers630Stratos Fish and Ski- Wellequipped and maintained.Garage kept. $7850. Alvatonarea, Call 777-2653.

Motorcycles625‘68 Harley Davidson FLH-Excellent condition, $7,800.Call 270-776-2376.

Classifieds Work Wonders.

Motorcycles625‘02 Honda Rancher 4x4.Great condition. $2,000.Call (270)286-8541.

Call Classified to Sell it Quick - 783-3232.

Motorcycles625‘08 Honda 420. 4 wheel or 2wheel drive. Fuel injected.3/4th of tires left. $3,800.Call (270)286-8541.

Motorcycles625‘03 Harley Davidson Soft-tail, Standard 9000 miles,garage kept, excellent con-dition. $9,500. Seriousinquiries only. Call 270-782-5725.

Classified Hours Monday through

Friday 8 to 5.

Auto Parts617Four Uniroyal 225/70/14’swhite letter over 80% tread1st $195. Please call 782-5574.

Rims for sale: Factory rimsfor a ‘98 Monte Carlo (alu-minum alloy) $100. Call any-time 606-232-6212.

Campers6205th Wheel 32 ft. 2002 CedarCreek. Excellent condition.Loaded w/extras. $17,500.Hitch available. Call 270-646-2602.

32 ft. Golfstream Traveltrailer. 12 foot dining/livingslide out. 2 full bdrms, supercondition. $5,900. Call(270)791-0757.


in the Daily News Classifieds!

Motorcycles625‘05 Honda Shad-

ow 750cc12k miles, Sharp! Blackw/lots of chrome. For quicksale just $4500. Call Jerry842-3514 or 842-7078.


‘01 Ford F250 XLT, 4x4Supercab, 7.3 diesel, 205kmiles, auto., power win-dows, locks. $7,300. Call7am-4pm. 270-784-5242.

‘01 Ford F-150 long bed w/liner.Auto transmission, V8,AM/FM CD, AC, Brand newGeneral tires, 154k miles,very clean runs great.$3,900 obo. Call 799-7201.

‘00 Toyota 4Runner Limited,2 wheel drive, 191k miles,sunroof, XM radio, leather,loaded. All maintenancerecords. Excellent shape.$7000/ obo. Call 270-792-5361.

‘97 Ford F-150 XLT 4x4Supercab, 245 miles. Auto ,power windows, power doorlocks. Custom Wheels,$2500. Call 7am-4pm., 270-784-5242.


‘10 Sebring Convertible-8400 miles, Touring model,like new, $16,200. Call 842-4171 or 303-3529.

‘09 Chevrolet Impala. 4door, white. 33,251 miles,power everything. $12,950.Call (270)286-8541.

‘08 ToyotaHighlander

V6 AWD. Like new! Greatcondition. Black/greycloth interior, radio/cdplayer. 57k miles. Asking$19,500/obo. Call 270-535-1518.

‘08 Chevy Impala LT.mocha metallic exterior,tinted window, new tires,well maintanined 92k miles,$8500 obo. Call (270)392-0811.

‘07 Cadillac CTS. Loaded,41k miles, excellent condi-tion. Asking $19,500. Call270-202-5076.

‘05 Honda Pilot EX. 123kmiles, white, CD/DVD,leather, sunroof. $14,000.Call 270-618-4124.

‘05 Chrysler Sebring Limit-ed Convertible. 38,400 miles,white exterior, taupe interior,excellent condition. Luxurypackage, wood trim. $9,900.Call 270-792-7226

‘03 Maroon Nissan Xterra.Runs great, downsizing,135k miles, tire life 60 per-cent. Tags are current.$8,000. Call (270)784-2475.

‘02 Mustang Coupe, silver,120k miles, power every-thing. Works great, needsnew air bags, has newhead lights and tail lights,new battery. $4,500. Call(270)784-8837.

‘02 Mercury Sable- Duratecengine, 124k miles, goodcondition, runs good. $2500.Call 270-904-0352.

‘02 Honda CR-V EX 4WD ingreat condition. 236k high-way miles, driven 100 milesdaily. 4 cyl, auto, power, noproblems. Kelley Blue Book$6683, will take $5800. 270-773-2586 or 270-473-1571.

‘01 Ford TaurusWagon

Good condition, 125k miles,red, all the extras. Pricereduced $2,733. Call 843-0348. Can be seen atGreens at Hartland.

‘00 Model Four WindsHurricane 31 ft. Class Amotor home. V-10 Ford,new tires, new battery, blueOx tow bar, 2 new TV’s,new chair. Excellent condi-tion. Call 270-991-3526 or270-529-3571.

‘98 Silver Honda CivicSedan. 4 door, good condi-tion, 138k miles. Asking$3500/obo. Great for gas.Call 270-535-5817.

‘98 Oldsmobile Delta 88.108k miles, good shape. Ask-ing $2750. Call 270-202-5076.

‘98 Dodge Grand Caravan.Blue, 125k miles, new tires,Good condition. Asking$2800. Call 270-996-2015after 10am.

2003 Honda AccordExcellent condition, allpower, leather, heatedseats, sun roof, newtires, 135,000 hwy miles.$8,100 obo. Call 792-0066.

Very Nice



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