classification of-cerebral-palsy

Classification Systems in Cerebral Palsy Susan A. Rethlefsen, PT a , Deirdre D. Ryan, MD a,b , Robert M. Kay, MD a,b, * The past decade has seen significant progress made in the evaluation of cerebral palsy (CP) and treatments for its sequelae. Because of advances in neonatal care and increased survival rates for preterm and low birth weight infants, efforts are being made to document the incidence and prev- alence of CP through registries in Europe and Australia. Advances in orthopaedic care for chil- dren with CP have also been significant. Comput- erized gait analysis has led to refinements of orthopedic surgeries performed in these patients. Single event, multilevel surgery is now considered the standard of care in areas where gait analysis testing is available. New treatments have emerged, such as botulinum toxin injection and intrathecal baclofen, to treat spasticity and other types of hypertonia directly. Because of increasing interest in conducting large-scale, multicenter investigations into the epidemiology of CP and its prevention and treat- ment, efforts have been made to establish a stan- dard definition and classification systems for CP. In recent years there has also been increased focus on measurement of functional status of patients, and new classifications for gross and fine motor function have been developed. The purpose of this article is to update the ortho- paedic community on the current classification systems for patients with CP. This information will be of value to surgeons in determining patients’ suitability for certain treatments and will also assist them in reviewing current literature in CP. DEFINITION OF CEREBRAL PALSY In 2007, the results of an International Workshop on Definition and Classification of CP were pub- lished. 1 The group included experts in the field of CP and developmental disorders from around the world. The purpose of the workshop was to update the existing definition and classification of CP to incorporate current knowledge about the disorder, and to improve communication among clinicians, researchers and epidemiologists. The following definition of CP was agreed upon: Cerebral palsy describes a group of perma- nent disorders of the development of move- ment and posture, causing activity limitation, that are attributed to non-progressive distur- bances that occurred in the developing fetal or infant brain. The motor disorders of cere- bral palsy are often accompanied by distur- bances of sensation, perception, cognition, communication and behavior, by epilepsy, and by secondary musculoskeletal problems. 2 This definition improves upon previous ones by emphasizing that CP involves a variety of disorders caused by various factors acting at different points in fetal development, and also highlights the impor- tance of comorbidities that accompany the ortho- paedic and neurologic manifestations. The definition excludes neurodevelopmental disabilities in which movement and posture are unaffected, as well as progressive disorders of the brain. The None of the authors received funding support for the preparation of this manuscript. a Childrens Orthopaedic Center, Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, 4650 Sunset Boulevard, MS 69, Los Angeles, CA 90027, USA b Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, 1521 San Pablo Street, Los Angeles, CA 90033, USA * Corresponding author. Childrens Orthopaedic Center, Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, 4650 Sunset Boule- vard, MS 69, Los Angeles, CA 90027. E-mail address: [email protected] KEYWORDS Cerebral palsy Classification Impairment Activity limitation Orthop Clin N Am 41 (2010) 457–467 doi:10.1016/j.ocl.2010.06.005 0030-5898/10/$ e see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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Classif ication Systemsin Cerebral Palsy

Susan A. Rethlefsen, PTa, Deirdre D. Ryan, MDa,b,Robert M. Kay, MDa,b,*


� Cerebral palsy � Classification � Impairment� Activity limitation

The past decade has seen significant progressmade in the evaluation of cerebral palsy (CP) andtreatments for its sequelae. Because of advancesin neonatal care and increased survival rates forpreterm and low birth weight infants, efforts arebeing made to document the incidence and prev-alence of CP through registries in Europe andAustralia. Advances in orthopaedic care for chil-dren with CP have also been significant. Comput-erized gait analysis has led to refinements oforthopedic surgeries performed in these patients.Single event, multilevel surgery is now consideredthe standard of care in areas where gait analysistesting is available. New treatments haveemerged, such as botulinum toxin injection andintrathecal baclofen, to treat spasticity and othertypes of hypertonia directly.

Because of increasing interest in conductinglarge-scale, multicenter investigations into theepidemiology of CP and its prevention and treat-ment, efforts have been made to establish a stan-dard definition and classification systems for CP.In recent years there has also been increasedfocus on measurement of functional status ofpatients, and new classifications for gross andfine motor function have been developed.

The purpose of this article is to update the ortho-paedic community on the current classificationsystems for patients with CP. This informationwill be of value to surgeons in determining patients’suitability for certain treatments and will also assistthem in reviewing current literature in CP.

None of the authors received funding support for the pa Childrens Orthopaedic Center, Childrens Hospital Los ACA 90027, USAb Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern CalifoUSA* Corresponding author. Childrens Orthopaedic Center,vard, MS 69, Los Angeles, CA 90027.E-mail address: [email protected]

Orthop Clin N Am 41 (2010) 457–467doi:10.1016/j.ocl.2010.06.0050030-5898/10/$ e see front matter � 2010 Elsevier Inc. Al


In 2007, the results of an International Workshopon Definition and Classification of CP were pub-lished.1 The group included experts in the field ofCP and developmental disorders from aroundthe world. The purpose of the workshop was toupdate the existing definition and classification ofCP to incorporate current knowledge about thedisorder, and to improve communication amongclinicians, researchers and epidemiologists. Thefollowing definition of CP was agreed upon:

Cerebral palsy describes a group of perma-nent disorders of the development of move-ment and posture, causing activity limitation,that are attributed to non-progressive distur-bances that occurred in the developing fetalor infant brain. The motor disorders of cere-bral palsy are often accompanied by distur-bances of sensation, perception, cognition,communication and behavior, by epilepsy,and by secondary musculoskeletal problems.2

This definition improves upon previous ones byemphasizing that CP involves a variety of disorderscaused by various factors acting at different pointsin fetal development, and also highlights the impor-tance of comorbidities that accompany the ortho-paedic and neurologic manifestations. Thedefinition excludes neurodevelopmental disabilitiesin which movement and posture are unaffected, aswell as progressive disorders of the brain. The

reparation of this manuscript.ngeles, 4650 Sunset Boulevard, MS 69, Los Angeles,

rnia, 1521 San Pablo Street, Los Angeles, CA 90033,

Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, 4650 Sunset Boule-

l rights reserved.

Rethlefsen et al458

definition does not specify an upper age limit foronset of disorders, but inclusion of the phrase “fetalor infant” implies that it refers to insults occurringbefore full development, before specificmilestones,such as walking, would have been achieved.There remains some disagreement about this

definition, but it is generally accepted and beingused. Current issues with it include the lack of defi-nition of an upper limit for age at onset in postna-tally acquired cases, the need for definition ofa lower limit for severity of involvement for acase to be classified as CP, and the need fora decision regarding whether to categorizesyndromes, genetic disorders, or brain abnormal-ities resulting in static encephalopathy as CP.


In 2001, the World Health Organization publishedthe International Classification of Functioning,Disability, and Health (ICF) for member states touse to standardize health and disability dataworldwide.3 The ICF is increasingly being incorpo-rated into research in developmental disabilities.The ICF describes disability as dysfunction at 1or more of 3 levels: impairment of body structures(organs or limbs) or functions (physiologic orpsychological), limitations in activities (executionof tasks or actions by the individual), and restric-tion of participation (involvement in life situations).Researchers frequently design studies addressingthese various domains of disability. Currently,classification schemes exist for CP at both theimpairment and activity limitation levels, and theseare the focus of this article. No classificationsystems exist to date for restriction ofparticipation.


It has been estimated that about 80% of childrenwith CP have some type of movement disorder.4

CP is most often classified as either spastic, dyski-netic, or ataxic.5 Although spasticity is often thedominant disorder, many children with CP havemixed spasticity and dystonia. When more than 1type of movement disorder is present in patients,experts recommend classifying patients bythe predominant disorder, for epidemiologicpurposes,1 with listing of secondary disorders aswell.6 Secondary movement disorders should benoted because this may impact treatment deci-sions. In particular, the results of soft-tissuesurgeries are often less predictable in childrenwith movement disorders.

The most current and comprehensive set ofclassifications for motor disorders has been pub-lished by the Task Force on Childhood MotorDisorders.7,8 The group is an interdisciplinarypanel of experts in the field of movement disordersand cerebral palsy, including pediatric neurolo-gists and neurosurgeons, orthopaedic surgeons,pediatricians, physical and occupational thera-pists, and other specialists. Their aims includedestablishment of definitions and classifications ofmotor disorders, with an ultimate goal of allowingimproved communication among clinicians andresearchers, and improving classification ofpatients for clinical and research purposes. Todate, definitions have been established for hyper-tonic and hyperkinetic movement disorders, aswell as negative motor signs in children.


Hypertonia is defined as “abnormally increasedresistance to externally imposed movement abouta joint.”8 Hypertonicity can be caused by spas-ticity, dystonia, or rigidity (though rigidity is rarein children and not associated with cerebral palsy).

SpasticitySpasticity is hypertonia in which resistance topassive movement increases with increasingvelocity of movement (or exhibits a spastic catch),and “varies with direction of the movement, and/orrises rapidly above a threshold speed or jointangle.”8 Spasticity is often a component of uppermotor neuron syndrome, along with hyperreflexia,clonus, reflex overflow, positive Babinski sign, andpyramidal distribution weakness (upper extremityextensors, lower extremity flexors). Spasticity iscaused by a hyperactive stretch reflex mechanismand is amendable to treatments, such as botu-linum toxin, baclofen, selective dorsal rhizotomy,and orthopaedic surgery, for resultant contrac-tures or balancing of muscle/tendon forces aboutthe joints.

DystoniaDystonia is defined as “a movement disorder inwhich involuntary sustained or intermittent musclecontractions cause twisting and repetitive move-ments, abnormal postures, or both.”8 When dys-tonic postures are such that they are present atrest and do not relax upon attempts at passivemovement, they cause hypertonia. Dystonia canalso be classified as hyperkinetic (see thefollowing). Dystonic hypertonia is present in caseswhere the resistance to passive movement doesnot change with changes in speed of passivemovement or joint angle (is present at low andhigh speeds with no spastic catch), may be

Classification Systems in Cerebral Palsy 459

associated with simultaneous agonist and antago-nist contraction (equal resistance when the direc-tion of passive movement is reversed), the limbtends to return to a fixed involuntary posture,and is triggered or worsened by voluntary move-ments at distant joints.8 Dystonia is not associatedwith hyperreflexia and often disappears when thechild is asleep. Because myelination is neededfor development of dystonia, it typically occurslater in life than spasticity (around 5e10 years ofage).4

It is postulated that a significant proportion ofpatients with cerebral palsy have a secondarycomponent of dystonia, resulting in mixed hyper-tonia. Dystonia is associated with disruption ofthe basal ganglia and therefore is not improvedby selective dorsal rhizotomy. In fact, what waspreviously considered recurrent spasticity afterrhizotomy is now thought to be unrecognized dys-tonia.4 It is generally accepted that tendon length-ening and transfer procedures are contraindicatedin cases of dystonia, because of the risk for recur-rence of deformity or development of reversedeformities. Although this is the conventionalwisdom, evidence in the literature is limited. Occa-sionally, surgery may be required despite optimalmedical management of the dystonia. Thisoutcome is most commonly seen with deformitiesof the foot and ankle, particularly varus defor-mities, which may make shoe wear and bracingproblematic. In such cases, surgery with splittendon transfers may be considered to addressthe varus foot. Whole tendon transfers should beavoided in children with dystonia. Dystonic hyper-tonia is responsive to botulinum toxin as well asintrathecal baclofen, which generally weakenoveractive muscles or muscle groups. For patientsin whom the primary movement disorder is hy-pertonic dystonia (vs spasticity), evaluation bya specialist in movement disorders is recommen-ded before considering orthopaedic surgery fortendon lengthening or transfers. However, bonydeformities in these patients, such as femoral an-teversion, tibial torsion or bony foot deformities,are appropriate and beneficial when indicated.

Hyperkinetic Movements

Hyperkinetic movements are defined as “anyunwanted excess movement”9 that is performedvoluntarily or involuntarily by the patient, andrepresent what have traditionally been referred toas extrapyramidal symptoms. The hyperkineticmovements most commonly seen in CP includedystonia, chorea, athetosis, and tremors.

Hyperkinetic dystonia is characterized by“abnormal postures that are superimposed upon

or substitute for voluntary movements.”9 Theseare repeated postures that are unique to eachpatient, although some common patterns exist,such as foot inversion and wrist ulnar deviation.They can be of varying durations, and can be trig-gered by volitional movement. Chorea is definedas “an ongoing random-appearing sequence ofone or more discrete involuntary movements ormovement fragments.”9 It is similar to hyperkineticdystonia except that it involves brief extraneousmovements rather than postures, which implymaintenance for a length of time. Choreiformmovements are also random, can appear contin-uous and jerky, and can be difficult for patientsto relax. Athetosis is defined as “a slow, contin-uous, involuntary writhing movement that preventsmaintenance of a stable posture,”9 where discrete,repetitive movements or postures cannot be iden-tified. It usually involves the hands or feet, andperioral muscles. Athetosis is not common as anisolated movement disorder in CP and is mostoften found in combination with chorea. The task-force recommends that the term dyskinetic CP isused instead of athetotic CP, because athetosisis rare as an isolated finding, and when presentis not often the primary movement disorder.9

Orthopaedic surgery in cases of predominantlyhyperkinetic movement disorders associatedwith cerebral palsy is most often limited to bonyprocedures, because fixed contractures are rarebecause of the often nearly continuous move-ments of the extremities and joints. Such patientsshould be referred to a movement disordersspecialist for management, because this type ofmovement disorder may be best managedthrough medications.

As noted, bony surgery is more commonly per-formed in such patients than is tendon surgery.Tendon lengthening in patients with hyperkineticmovement disorders are unreliable and may resultin a reverse deformity compared with that seenpreoperatively (eg, a posterior tibial tendon length-ening may result in a previously varus foot beingpositioned in valgus postoperatively). If tendontransfer surgery is contemplated, it should beremembered that split tendon transfers are moresuccessful in patients with dystonia than are wholetendon transfers. Isolated osseous surgery hasmore reliable results in these patients, but castingshould be minimized when possible becausethese patients often do not tolerate casts welland their dystonia may be exacerbated followingcast removal.

Hypertonia in CP is most often rated using theModified Ashworth Scale (MAS).10 The Tardieuscale11 is preferred by some clinicians andresearchers, because it assesses resistance to

Rethlefsen et al460

both fast and slow stretches, the angle at whichresistance is felt initially (R1), as well as the endof passively available range of motion (R2). Neithertest is able to distinguish spasticity from hyper-tonic dystonia (or contracture, in the case of theMAS). There are no pure measures of spasticityavailable. Dystonia in children with CP (hypertonicand hyperkinetic) is assessed using the Barry-Albright Dystonia scale,12 which was adapted foruse in CP from the Fahn-MarsdenMovement scaleused in adults with primary dystonia. A new scale isbeing developed to quantify both spasticity anddystonia in the same patient, because this is afrequent occurrence, and determine the primary dis-order (Hypertonia Assessment Tool-Discriminant).13

Negative Signs

Hypertonicity and dyskinetic movements consti-tute positive motor signs of increased activity.Negative signs include characteristics that aredecreased or insufficient and include weakness(insufficient muscle activation), poor selectivemotor control (inability to activate a specificpattern of muscles in an isolated fashion), ataxia(inability to activate the correct pattern of musclesduring a movement), and apraxia/developmentaldyspraxia (inability to activate the correct patternof muscles to perform a specific task, eitherbecause of loss of ability or lack of acquisition ofthe skill).7 These problems often coexist with posi-tive signs and can be more disabling than positivesigns in some patients. Negative signs shouldbe recognized because their presence may con-tribute to poor surgical outcomes. These problemsare best addressed through physical and occupa-tional therapy.

Topography or Limb Distribution

The traditional classifications of limb distributionfor the hypertonic (primarily spastic) form of CP,hemiplegia, diplegia, and quadriplegia/tetraplegia(and occasionally triplegia), continue to be usedclinically. However, these classifications haveshown poor inter-rater reliability and have beenthe source of discrepancies in proportions of CPsubtypes reported by registries in different coun-tries.14 Inconsistencies arise because of lack ofdefinition of how much upper extremity impair-ment is needed to classify patients as quadriplegicversus diplegic. In addition, children with hemi-plegia often have some motor signs on the contra-lateral side, which could put them in a category ofasymmetric diplegia, quadriplegia, or triplegia.Some experts recommend abandonment of theselabels2,6 and advocate simplified classifications,such as unilateral or bilateral, with an indication

of upper and lower extremity function (such asGross Motor Function Classification System level,or Manual Ability Classification System level) as isdone in the Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy inEurope registry.14 This change in classification iscontroversial, however, because there aresuggestions in the literature of etiologic, radiolog-ical, and functional distinctions between diplegiaand quadriplegia.15e20 If the traditional terms(diplegia, quadriplegia, hemiplegia) are used,complete description of the motor impairments inall body regions (including the trunk andoropharynx) is recommended.2 The term para-plegia is no longer used with respect to CP,because all children with diplegia have some levelof impairment of fine motor upper extremity skills.If no upper extremity involvement is seen in a childwith spasticity in the lower extremities thereshould be a suspicion of hereditary (familial)spastic paraparesis, tethered cord, or spinal cordtumor.5,21 Some experts suggest a limb-by-limbdescription of motor impairment and tonal abnor-malities seen in each limb, such as that used inthe Australian CP register.1 Their thought is thata description of the clinical presentation yieldsmore valid and reliable information than placementof patients into categories, such as diplegia andquadriplegia.

CLASSIFICATION OF ACTIVITY LIMITATIONGross Motor Function Classification System

In the past, patients’ gross motor functional limita-tions were categorized as mild, moderate, andsevere. Alternatively, some were characterizedusing the descriptors published by Hoffer andcolleagues22 for myelomeningocele (ie, householdand community walkers). Although these descrip-tions conveyed information regarding the patients’ambulatory function, they were not standardizedor validated. In 1997 a hallmark paper was pub-lished by Palisano and colleagues23 that provideda new classification system for gross motor func-tion in children with CP, the Gross Motor FunctionClassification System (GMFCS). This system ratedpatients’ ambulatory function, including use ofmobility aids and performance in sitting, standing,and walking activities. The original GMFCS hadsome limitations. These limitations included anupper age limit of 12 years (before adolescence)and the necessity of using a single rating todescribe a child’s ambulatory performance acrossdifferent terrains and distances, resulting ina tendency of parents and therapists to rate a childbased on their best capability rather than theirtypical performance when forced by the ratingscale to choose a single category.24 These issues


Classification Systems in Cerebral Palsy 461

were considered and addressed in an updatedversion of the scale.25 The GMFCS-Expandedand Revised includes children up to 18 years ofage. The descriptions of gross motor functionwere also revised to incorporate aspects of theframework of the ICH and recognizing that a child’senvironment and other factors may affect grossmotor performance.

The GMFCS-ER provides a method for commu-nicating about gross motor function, based on theuse of mobility aids and performance in sitting,standing, and walking activities. It is intended toclassify a patient’s level of gross motor functionbased on his or her typical performance, ratherthan their best capability. It classifies gross motorfunction on a 5-point ordinal scale, with descrip-tions of skills provided for 5 age groups: lessthan 2 years of age, 2 to 4 years of age, 4 to 6 yearsof age, 6 to 12 years of age, and finally 12 to 18years of age. In general, the levels are as follows(Fig. 1):

Level I: Walks without limitationsLevel II: Walks with limitationsLevel III: Walks using a hand-held mobility

deviceLevel IV: Self-mobility with limitations; may

use powered mobilityLevel V: Transported in a manual wheelchair.

The validity and reliability of the GMFCS-ERhave been demonstrated repeatedly in multiplestudies.26e29 Gross motor reference curves havebeen developed using GMFCS level data to allowclinicians to compare patients’ status to that ofchildren at the same age and GMFCS level, aswell as to enable them to give patients and familiesa prognosis for gross motor progress overtime.30,31 The GMFCS has also been used to studyand document the age at which peak gross motorfunction is achieved for each level (approximately5 years of age for GMFCS levels I and II, 8 yearsof age for level III, and 7 years of age for levels IVand V), and to document the stability or declinein gross motor skills through adolescence (nodecline for levels I and II, approximately 5%, 8%and 6 % decline in GMFM scores by 21 years ofage for levels III, IV, and V, respectively).30 Further,the GMFCS has been useful in categorizingpatients for orthopaedic prognostic and experi-mental studies, both short and long term. Hipsurveillance data in children with CP have shownthat the incidence of hip dislocation increases line-arly with GMFCS classification from level I (0%incidence) to level V (>90% incidence).32 Patientsat GMFCS levels IV and V have been shown tohave greater acetabular dysplasia and hip sublux-ation than those at levels II and III.33 Satisfaction

with the functional and cosmetic outcome of multi-level orthopaedic surgery has been shown to behigher among parents of patients classified atGMFCS level I than those whose children functionat levels II and III.34 Stability of GMFCS classifi-cation in patients over time has also beendocumented. McCormick and colleagues27

demonstrated that the GMFCS level observedaround 12 years of age is highly predictive of adultgross motor function. Children who are indepen-dent walkers at 12 years of age (GMFCS levels Iand II) have an 88% chance of having a similarfunctional status as an adult and children whouse a wheelchair as their primary mode of mobilityhave a 96% chance that they will continue to usethe wheelchair into adulthood. Single-event multi-level surgery (SEMLS) can affect the stability of theGMFCS over time as patients at all levels, espe-cially levels II, III and IV, have been shown to expe-rience an improvement in GMFCS level after suchsurgery.35 Although children functioning atGMFCS level IV can show improvement in ambu-latory function after SEMLS, they have been foundnot to benefit from the addition of distal rectusfemoris transfer to multilevel surgery.36 All of thisinformation is beneficial to orthopaedic surgeons,patients, family members, and caregivers inpreparing, administering, and planning for long-term care.

Functional Mobility Scale

The Functional Mobility Scale (FMS) was designedby Graham and colleagues24 as a measure ofambulatory performance in children with CP. Ithas been shown to be a better discriminator ofdifferences in ambulatory function among childrenwith CP than the Rancho Scale.22 The FMS is theonly existing functional scale that accounts forthe fact that children may demonstrate differentambulatory abilities and use different assistivedevices to walk various distances. Intended asan outcome measure, the FMS is also useful asa means of classifying ambulatory ability.

The FMS is administered via parent/patientinterview and categorizes the assistance needed(none, canes, crutches, walker, wheelchair) fora child to walk 3 distances (5, 50, and 500 yards,or 5, 50, and 500 m). The distances are not specif-ically measured, but are used as estimates torepresent household, school, and communityambulation. Ratings are given for each distancecategory: 1, uses wheelchair; 2, uses walker orframe; 3, uses crutches; 4, uses sticks (canes); 5,independent on level surfaces; 6, independent onall surfaces. A rating of C is given if the child crawlsthe designated distance, and an N is given if the

Fig. 1. (A) GMFCS expanded and revised, for children aged 6 to12 years. (B) GMFCS expanded and revised, forchildren aged 12 to 18 years. (Courtesy of Kerr Graham, MD, The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia.)

Rethlefsen et al462

Fig. 1. (continued)

Classification Systems in Cerebral Palsy 463

Rethlefsen et al464

child is unable to move through a given distance. Achild who ambulates independently for alldistances and on all types of surfaces would begiven a rating of 6, 6, and 6. A child who ambulatesindependently on level surfaces in the home, usescrutches at school, and a wheelchair for shopping

Fig. 2. Functional Mobility Scale. (Courtesy of Kerr GrahAustralia.)

trips and family outings would be given a rating of5, 3, and 1 (Fig. 2).Like the GMFCS, the FMS assesses a child’s

average performance in daily life rather than theirmaximum capability. The FMS has been demon-strated to have good construct and concurrent

am, MD, The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne,

Classification Systems in Cerebral Palsy 465

validity, good inter-rater reliability (substantialagreement among therapists and orthopaedicsurgeons), as well as showing sensitivity tochange after surgery (positive and negativechange).24,37,38

The FMS specifically addresses ambulationand, therefore, is not intended to substitute forthe GMFCS, which assesses mobility on a moregeneral level. The FMS should be used asa companion rating scale to the GMFCS.

Manual Ability Classification System

In 2006 a classification system similar to theGMFCS was developed for the upper extremitycalled The Manual Ability Classification System(MACS).39 The MACS was designed to describeupper-extremity performance in activities of dailyliving for children with CP. As with the GMFCS-ER, the MACS takes into account the fact thatupper-limb function is influenced by personal,environmental, and contextual factors. TheMACS is not designed to describe best capacityor the function of individual upper extremities,such as comparing involved to uninvolved sides.It reports on performance of upper-limb tasks indaily living, regardless of how they are accom-plished, and the collaboration of both handstogether (bimanual tasks).

The MACS is also designed as a 5 categoryscale and the levels include (Full descriptionsand distinctions between levels is available

Level I: Handles objects easily andsuccessfully

Level II: Handles most objects but with some-what reduced quality or speed ofachievement

Level III: Handles objects with difficulty; needshelp to prepare or modify activities

Level IV: Handles a limited selection of easilymanaged objects in adapted situations

Level V: Does not handle objects and hasseverely limited ability to perform evensimple actions.

The MACS is intended to apply to children of allages and, therefore, does not include age bands.Raters are instructed to consider the child’s perfor-mance doing age-appropriate tasks and usingage-appropriate objects. The MACS has beendemonstrated to be both reliable and valid.39e41

Eliasson and colleagues demonstrated excellentreliability of MACS among children aged 4 to 18years. Morris and colleagues found good reliabilityamong children aged 6 to 12 years. Finally, Plas-schaert and colleagues looked at reliability in

children aged 1 to 5 years. Results showedmoderate reliability among this age group withoverall less reliability in children aged less than 2years. Imms and colleagues42 looked at stabilityof caregiver-reported MACS and GMFCS-ER.Levels were found to be generally stable over 12months (67% for MACS and 79% for GMFCS). Itis important to note that there are other hand clas-sifications in the literature, but these all focus onspecific aspects of grasping and not overall func-tional performance.43e46

Carnahan and colleagues47 and Gunel andcolleagues48 looked at how closely associatedthe GMFCS-ER and MACS are when classifyingchildren. Overall results showed that the 2systems often show some discrepancies in chil-dren with CP. However, when looking at the 2systems in relation to CP subtypes some asso-ciations were found. In diplegic CP, childrenwere found to have a lower level (higher func-tioning) MACS score and higher level (lowerfunctioning) GMFCS-ER. The opposite wasfound for hemiplegic CP; in these childrenmanual ability was generally found to be morelimited than ambulatory function. In general,the study found that there were differences ingross motor function and manual ability whenlooking at different CP subtypes. It is, therefore,essential to combine information on CP subtypewith both the GMFCS and MACS systems whenevaluating these children.47,48

It should be noted that neither the GMFCS-ERnor the MACS are intended to identify the causeof activity limitation (neurologic or musculoskeletalimpairments, cognitive or attention deficits), butare simply intended to categorize a child’s abilityto function in daily life.

The development of both the GMFCS-ERand the MACS has revolutionized the way wedescribe the gross motor and manual abilities inCP patients. However, there is limited informationin the literature on the communication skills in thispatient population. In response to this weaknessThe Communication Function ClassificationSystem (CFCS) is currently under developmentby an international development and researchteam led by Michigan State University.49 TheCFCS is also a 5-level classification system thatis being modeled after the GMFCS and MACS.The goal of this classification system is to bea quick and simple instrument easily used bya person familiar with patients. This system willhelp parents and clinicians understand howdifferent communication environments, partners,and communication tasks affect the CFCS level,and will also assist in individual goal setting forcommunication.49

Rethlefsen et al466

Although still evolving, the standardization ofdefinitions and classifications has been an essen-tial step forward for the CP community. Armedwith these tools we can communicate more clearlyabout our patients and evaluate interventionsmore effectively. This progress has made con-ducting large-scale multicenter investigationsmore meaningful. As a result, we will continue toadvance our collective understanding of thecondition, further advance the care and improvethe quality of life for our patients with CP.


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