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  • 7/30/2019 Classical Studies Homework Help - ScholarAnswer


  • 7/30/2019 Classical Studies Homework Help - ScholarAnswer


    The Greek Mythology has clear distinctions of different realms that areconsidered as abodes of the Major Gods. These places had distinct functions inspecific situations such as sea voyage, afterlife and calamities that occur on earth.

    Each of these places had entities ruling them and specific purposes. Transitionfrom one realm to another was believed possible for all entities during the lifespan and the afterlife.

    Introduction & Key Concepts:

    Prominent Places IncludeMount OlympusThe Ocean

    The UnderworldThe Earth

  • 7/30/2019 Classical Studies Homework Help - ScholarAnswer


    Mount OlympusThis is the realm of sky and is ruled by the Head of Gods called Zeus.

    Olympus is the permanent abode of all other gods except Poseidon and Hades.

    This place the represents the Heaven concept in Greek Mythology

    It is the meeting place of Gods and has the Throne RoomYearly conventions are held during solstices where the 13 Olympians meettwice every yearIt is the highest possible realm of existence that Heroes or men of great

    achievement can transcend to

    Some literatures dispute on whether Elysium is the Heaven concept or the Olympus since nomortals are allowed to reside here except the ones who became Gods like Heraclites orHercules whereas some heroes like Achilles stay in Elysium.

    Features and Functions:

  • 7/30/2019 Classical Studies Homework Help - ScholarAnswer


    The OceanThe Greek were great sailors and since they did not consider the Oceans as a partof earth, it was considered as a different realm of existence ruled by Poseidon

    The ocean has different layers and the bed of the ocean has the palaces of Poseidon

    The major entities associated with this plane are Poseidon the sea god, his immortalwife and son & Delphi the first dolphin and a commander of PoseidonThe palaces are made of corals, pearls and other under sea plants includingDarker and deeper sea beds belong to the titan lord named Oceanus the nemesis ofPoseidon

    Literatures like Odyssey and Iliad written around sea voyages of differentheroes explain the sea adventures that are either blessed or cursed by one ormore sea gods

    Features and Functions:

  • 7/30/2019 Classical Studies Homework Help - ScholarAnswer


    The UnderworldThe realm is reached generally by river Styx though there are other gateways

    mentioned as well. Hades is the God of Death ruling this domain.

    This realm is covers the concept of Hell in Greek mythology

    The major entities associated with this plane are Hades, his consort Persephone and hasdifferent distinctions to place the souls in after lifeFields Of Asphodelare the common area for all the souls wherein Heroes reach Elysium

    while the Fields Of Punishmentis reserved for sinners against the Gods and humanityConcepts of afterlife judgment and rebirth are associated with the underworld as well

    Many heroes have transcended or travelled to this domain even when they arealive to either fool Hades to being back a soul or for being a part of Elysiumaccording to the literatures.

    Features and Functions:

  • 7/30/2019 Classical Studies Homework Help - ScholarAnswer


    The EarthThis is the realm of mortals and is considered flat according to the belief of the

    time. Greece and its neighboring nations were the only places mentioned.

    Gods visited earth from all the other three layers

    Men born on earth were ruled by the Gods and each nation or social group had their ownpatron GodsTemples were constructed for the Gods on earth and venerated with great reverenceWeather changes and political occurrences such as wars were often closely associated

    with mythological beliefs such as signs from the gods

    The social and political life of the Greek was closely associated with mythology andwars were waged based on the disrespect or reverence placed on these mythologicalbeings. Trades of different nations were associated to the patron gods as well.

    Features and Functions:

  • 7/30/2019 Classical Studies Homework Help - ScholarAnswer


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