classical epoch

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  • 8/8/2019 Classical Epoch


    Emergence of Island KingdomsEmergence of Island Kingdoms

  • 8/8/2019 Classical Epoch



  • 8/8/2019 Classical Epoch


    T H E C OUN TRY OF MAIT H E C OUN TRY OF MAIy Th e Ma-i was a Pre h ispanic Ph ilippine

    state wh ose existence was recorded inth e C h inese Imperial annals Chu Fan Chihand Sung Shih

    y It is also recorded in t h e Su ltanate of Brunei's royal records as t h e nation of

    Maidhy Th is state was said to h ave been centered

    on t h e island of Mindoro

  • 8/8/2019 Classical Epoch


    T H E C OUN TRY OF MAIT H E C OUN TRY OF MAIIn 1225, C h ina's C h ao Ju-ku a, asuperintendent of maritime trade inFuk ien province wrote t h e boo k entitledChu Fan Chih("An acco unt of t h e vario usbarbarians ") in wh ich h e described tradewith a co untry called Mai wh ich was a

    pre h ispanic Ph ilippine state.In it h e said:

  • 8/8/2019 Classical Epoch


    T H E C OUN TRY OF MAIT H E C OUN TRY OF MAIT he method of transacting business is for the savage traders to come all in a crowd and immediately transfer the merchandiseinto baskets and go off with it. If at first they can't tell who they are, gradually they cometo know those who remove the goods so in

    the end nothing is actually lost.

  • 8/8/2019 Classical Epoch


    T H E C OUN TRY OF MAIT H E C OUN TRY OF MAIT he savage traders then take the goodsaround to the other islands for barter and

    generally don't start coming back until September or October to repay the ship'smerchants with what they have got. Indeed,there are some who don't come back even

    then, so ships trading with Mai are the last toreach home.

  • 8/8/2019 Classical Epoch


    T H E C OUN TRY OF MAIT H E C OUN TRY OF MAIT he local products are beeswax, cotton, truepearls, tortoise shell, medicinal betel nuts and

    yuta cloth.T he merchants use such things asporcelain, trade gold, iron pots, lead, colored

    glass beads and iron needles in exchange.

  • 8/8/2019 Classical Epoch





    m-- 15891589

    y Ton d o , also referred to as Tun d o , Tun d un , Tun d ok , (C h inesech aracters : ) was a Ph ilippine fortified k ingdom wh ose capitalwas located in t h e Manila Bayarea , specifically nort h of t h e Pasigriver, on Luz on island. It is one of t h e settlements mentioned by t h ePh ilippines' earliest h istorical record , th e Laguna C opperplateInscription . Originally an Indianized k ingdom in th e 10 th cent ury, Tondo initiated diplomatic ties with C h ina during t h e Ming Dynasty, and t h us became a dominant force in regional trade. (See Lues).Its regional prominence in trade and alliance with Brunei's Su ltanBolk iah in 1500 led to its pea k age as a th alassocratic force in t h enort h ern arc h ipelago. W h en t h e Spanish first arrived in Tondo in1570 and defeated t h e local r u lers in t h e Manila Bayarea in 1591, Tondo came under t h e administration of Manila (a Spanish fort b u ilton t h e remains of Kota Seludong), ending its existence as anindependent state. Th is subjugated Tondo contin ues to exist todayas a district of t h e city of Manila .

  • 8/8/2019 Classical Epoch


  • 8/8/2019 Classical Epoch


    y Th eories s uch as Wil h elm Solh eim'sNusantao Maritime Trading andC omm unication Net wor k (NMT C N)


    ggest th

    at cu


    ral link

    s bet ween wh

    at arenow C h ina and t h e nations of Sou th east Asia, including th e Ph ilippines, date bac k to t h epeopling of t h ese lands. [6] Bu t t h e earliestarch eological evidence of trade bet ween t h ePh ilippines and C h ina ta k es t h e form of pottery and porcelain pieces dated to t h eTang and Song Dynasties. [7 ]

  • 8/8/2019 Classical Epoch


  • 8/8/2019 Classical Epoch




    -- 15



    y Th e C onfe d er ati on of Madya-as was a pre -H ispanic Ph ilippine state with in th e Visayas islandregion. It was establis h ed in t h e 13 th cent ury byrebel datus (ch iefs), led by Dat u Pu ti, wh o h ad fled





    nao of Borneo.Th

    e semi-

    democratic confederation reac h ed its pea k duringth e 15 th cent ury under t h e leaders h ip Dat u Padojinog wh en it warred against t h e C h ineseEmpire , th e R ajah nate of B u tuan, and t h esu ltanates of Su lu and Magu indanao. It was alsofeared by t h e people of t h e Kingdom of Maynilaand Tondo .[1 ] It was conq uered after t h e Spanish conq uest in 15 69 by Miguel Lope z de Legaspi andh is grandson Juan de Salcedo .

  • 8/8/2019 Classical Epoch


    y According to local oral legends and t h e boo k entitled Maragtas[2 ], early in t h e t h irteent h cent ury, th e dat us: Sumak wel, Bangk aya, Paiburong , Padu h inog, Dumangsol, Dumangsil, Dumaluglog, Balk asusa, and Lubay wh o were lead by Dat u Pu ti and t h eirfollowers , fled to t h e sea on t h eir barangays and sailed nort h to fleefrom t h e oppressive r u le of R ajah Mak atunaw, of Borneo and t h e

    destr uction of t h e Srivijayan Empire. Until t h ey reac h ed Panay island.Th ey immediately settled in t h e Ak lan and made a trade treatywith th e Negrito h ero named , Marikudo and h is wife Maniwantiwanwh o t h ey wanted to p urch ase t h e land from. A golden salakot wasgiven, as t h e Negritos relocated to t h e mo untains wh ile th enewcomers occ upy t h e coasts. Datu Bangkaya th en establis h ed asettlement at Madyanos , wh ile Datu Paiburog establish ed h is villageat Irong -irong (W h ich is now th e city of Iloilo) wh ile Datu Sumakwel and h is people crossed over t h e Madyaas mo untain range intoHamtik and establis h ed t h eir village at Malandong. [3]

  • 8/8/2019 Classical Epoch



    1500 1500 -- 15711571y Th e K ing d om of Selu d ong orSa lu d ung , wh ich after coloni zationbecame Manila, capital of t h e Ph ilippines, was one of t h ree major city -states t h atdominated t h e area aro und t h e upperportion of t h e Pasig R iver before t h e

    arrival of Spanish coloni zers in t h e 1500 s.y Th e early in h abitants of t h e present -day

    Manila engaged in trade relations with itsAsian neigh bors as well as with th e H indu em ires of ava and Sumatra as confirmed