classes with dynamic objects list as a (dynamic) class

Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

Classes with dynamic objects

List as a (dynamic) class

Page 2: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

int x;

void f() {



main() {




‘Class’ matters!

int x;

void f() {

int x;



main() {




class A {


int x;

void f();


main() {

A a;

a.x = 0;



localglobal public

Page 3: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

class A {


void f();

int x;


int y;


void A::f() {




int main() {

A a;


cout << a.x << endl;

cout << a.y << endl; // no!!!

a.x = 1000;

a.y = 10000; // no!!!


Public or private?

Page 4: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

class A {



int f();


int x;


A::A() {



int A::f() {

return x;


int main()


A a;

cout << a.f(); // not a.x!!!

A b(a);

A c;

c = a; // member-wise copy

}Objects are calling member funtions

(public interface)

Member functions are using member variables (private data)

Objects are not directly dependent on implementation (private data)

Abstract Data Type: public function, private data

Page 5: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

Static variables (objects) Dynamic variables (objects)

A (direct) named memory location A static part (pointer) + (indirect) nameless memory location

(dynamic part)int a;

a = 20;int* pa;

pa = new int;

*pa = 20;

20a 20pa

static static dynamic

Static and dynamic

Page 6: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

Only static member variablesAt least one pointer variable (I.e.

dynamic variable)

class A {




int x;


class B {



B(const B& b);



int* px;


(Must) a defaut value constructor A() for

‘copy constructor’ automatically privided

No destructor

‘assignment’ automatically provided

(Must) a defaut value constructor for

(Must) redefine ‘copy constructor’

(Must) the destructor

(Must) redefine ‘assignment’ (do later)

initialisation Creation by new + initialiation


Page 7: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

class B {



B(const B& b);



int* px;


B::B() {

px = new int;

*px = 0;


B::B(const B& b) {

px = new int;

(*px) = *(b.px);


B::~B() {

delete px;


Page 8: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

All constructors/destructor have automatic behavior, they are called ‘implicitly’!!! (that’s why they have standard names!)

Constructors are called when creating variables and other occasions:

Destructors are called when the variables go out of scope

A a; // implicitly call the default value constructor A::A();

A b(a); // implicitly call the copy constructor A::A(const A& a);

Automatic behavior of constructors/destructor

void somefunction() {

B b;


Page 9: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

Example of a (dynamic) class: linked list class

Page 10: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

bool listEmpty(NodePtr head) {

}int getHead(NodePtr head) {

}NodePtr getRest(NodePtr head) {

}NodePtr addHead(NodePtr head, int newdata) {

}void delHead(NodePtr& Head){


linked lists: definition

struct Node{ int data;Node* next;


typedef Node* NodePtr;

NodePtr head;

Page 11: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

void main(){

NodePtr Head1=NULL, Head2 = NULL, Head;

addHead(Head1, 50);

addHead(Head1, 40);

addHead(Head1, 30);

addHead(Head1, 20);

cout << "List 1: " << endl;


cout << "Length of Head1 list: " << length(Head1) << endl;

cout << "Recursive length of Head1 list: " << lengthRec(Head1) << endl;


cout << "Head1 list is palindrome" << endl;


cout << "Head1 list is not palindrome" << endl;

addHead(Head2, 25);

addHead(Head2, 35);

addHead(Head2, 45);

addHead(Head2, 35);

addHead(Head2, 25);

cout << "List 2: " << endl;


cout << "Length of Head2 list: " << length(Head2) << endl;

cout << "Recursive length of Head2 list: " << lengthRec(Head2) << endl;


cout << "Head2 list is palindrome" << endl;


cout << "Head2 list is not palindrome" << endl;

Head = mergeLists(Head1, Head2);

cout << "Merged List: " << endl;


cout << "Length of Merged list: " << length(Head) << endl;

cout << "Recursive length of Merged list: " << lengthRec(Head) << endl;


cout << "Merged list is palindrome" << endl;


cout << "Merged list is not palindrome" << endl;

cout << "check the list again:" << endl;




Page 12: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

Make an Abstract Data Type

One more example of ADT: integer linked list using class

A class with dynamic objects: Copy constructor Destructor

Page 13: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

struct Node{ public:

int data;Node* next;

};typedef Node* Nodeptr;

class list {public:

list(); // constructorlist(const list& list1); // copy constructor~list(); // destructor

bool empty() const; // boolean functionint headElement() const; // access functions

void addHead(int newdata); // add to the headvoid deleteHead(); // delete the head

int length() const; // utility functionvoid print() const; // output

private:Nodeptr head;

};‘old’ operations

‘new’ member functions

Page 14: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

void main(){list L; // constructor called automatically here for LL.print(); { }L.addHead(30);L.print(); { 30 }L.addHead(13);L.print(); { 13 30 } L.addHead(40);L.print(); { 40 13 30 }L.addHead(50);L.print(); { 50 40 13 30 }list N(L);N.print(); { 50 40 13 30 }

list R;R.print(); { }if(R.empty())

cout << "List R empty" << endl;L.deleteHead();L.print(); { 40 13 30 }L.deleteHead();L.print(); { 13 30 }if(L.empty())

cout << "List L empty" << endl;else{

cout << "List L contains " << L.length() << " nodes" << endl;cout << "Head element of list L is: " << L.headElement() << endl;

}} // destructor called automatically here for L

How to use it

Page 15: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

list::list(){head = NULL;


bool list::empty() const{if(head==NULL)

return true;else

return false;}

int list::headElement() const {if(head != NULL)

return head->data;else{

cout << "error: trying to find head of empty list" << endl;



Some simple member functions:


Page 16: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

list::list(const list& list1) {

head = NULL;

Nodeptr cur = list1.head;

while(cur != NULL) {

// addEnd(cur->data);

addHead(cur->data); // inverse list order

cur = cur->next;



(explicitly defined) copy constructor:

Page 17: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

Destructor: deallocation function


Nodeptr cur;


cur = head;

head = head->next;

delete cur;



Page 18: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

void list::addHead(int newdata){

Nodeptr newPtr = new Node;

newPtr->data = newdata;

newPtr->next = head;

head = newPtr;


Adding an element to the head:

Page 19: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

void list::deleteHead(){

if(head != NULL){

Nodeptr cur = head;

head = head->next;

delete cur;



Deleting the head:

Page 20: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

void list::print() const{cout << "{";Nodeptr cur = head;while(cur != NULL){

cout << cur->data << " ";

cur = cur->next;}

cout << "}" << endl;}

Print the list:

Page 21: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

int list::length() const{

int n=0;Nodeptr cur = head;while(cur != NULL){

n++;cur = cur->next;

}return n;


Computing the number of elements of a given list:

Page 22: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

struct Node{ public:

int data;Node* next;

};typedef Node* Nodeptr;

class list {public:

list(); // constructorlist(const list& list1); // copy constructorconst list& operator=(const list& list1); // assigment, l = l1;~list(); // destructor

bool empty() const; // boolean functionint head() const; // access functionslist remaining() const; // the list with the head removed void insert(int d); // insertionvoid delete(int d); // deletion

int length() const; // utility functionvoid print() const; //

private:Nodeptr head;


Interface functions

An almost ideal list class

Page 23: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

list::list(const listClass& list1) {

head = NULL;

Nodeptr cur = list1.head;

while(cur != NULL) {

// addEnd(cur->data);

addHead(cur->data); // inverse list order

cur = cur->next;



copy constructor:

Const list& operator=(const list& list1) {

if (this != &list1) {

head = NULL;

Nodeptr cur = list1.head;

while(cur != NULL) {

// addEnd(cur->data);

addHead(cur->data); // inverse list order

cur = cur->next;


return *this;


Operator assignment, ‘deep copy’

Delete[] head;

Big three: copy constructor, operator=, destructor

Page 24: Classes with dynamic objects List as a (dynamic) class

list l1, l2;


list l3(l1);

l3 = l2;

node* head1, head2;

head1 = NULL; head2 = NULL


node* head3 = NULL;

copylist(head1, head3);

head3 = head2;

Usage difference