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  • 7/29/2019 class11_Fortran.pdf


    Scientific Programming With Modern Fortran

    M. D. Jones, Ph.D.

    Center for Computational ResearchUniversity at Buffalo

    State University of New York

    High Performance Computing I, 2012

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    Part I

    Fortran Basic Operations

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    Introduction History

    History of FORTRAN

    One of the earliest of the high-level programming languages, FORTRAN(short for Formula Translation) was developed by John Backus at IBMin the 1950s (circa 1953 for the 704, first released in 1957):

    FORTRAN 66, ANSI standard (X3.9-1966) based on FORTRAN IV

    FORTRAN 77, X3.9-1978, improved I/OFortran 90, ISO/IEC 1539:1991(E), FORTRAN becomes Fortran

    Fortran 95, ISO/IEC 1539-1:1997, minor revisions

    Fortran 2003, ISO/IEC 1539:2004, command line arguments,

    more intrinsics, IEEE exception handling, C interoperabilityFortran 2008, revision to Fortran 2003, to include BIT type andCo-array parallel processing (not yet widely supported)

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    Introduction So What?

    Why Is This Language Still Used?

    So why is Fortran still in use?

    Efficiency has always been a priority, in the sense that compilersshould produce efficient code. Fortran data are generally not

    allowed to be aliased (e.g. pointers) making life easier on thecompiler

    Designed from the outset as the tool for numerically intensiveprogramming in science and engineering

    Backward compatibility - most modern compilers can still compile

    old (as in decades!) code

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    Introduction So What?

    Come On, Fortran is 50 Years Old!

    Indeed, Fortran celebrated its 50th birthday in 2007. How many other

    high-level languages can you say that about? Think of it this way - it is

    arguably the most efficient, compact, portable high-level languageavailable. And you will likely still be able to use programs written todayuntil you retire (unmodified, at that) ...

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    I d i S Wh ?

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    Introduction So What?

    Some Fortran Compilers

    Fortran compilers are easy to find, some are freely available (including

    compiler source code):

    gfortran, part of the GNU toolchain (gcc/g++), supplanted g77

    as of version 4.0

    g95, another freebie

    open64, open sourced by SGI (derived from their MIPSProcompiler suite), further developed by Intel and the Chinese

    Academy of Sciences (Gnu Public License), intended mainly forcompiler research (includes C/C++) on the IA64 platform

    ifort, Intels commercial compilerpgf95, PGIs commercial compiler

    Other commercial compilers: IBM, Qlogic/Pathscale,Lahey/Fujitsu, Sun, NAGWare, ...

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    I t d ti S Wh t?

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    Introduction So What?

    The Rest of This Talk

    In this presentation I will focus almost entirely on Fortran 90/95features, with some side notes on FORTRAN 77 (mostly for contrast).

    This talk is not intended to be exhaustive in its coverage of Fortransyntax, but should be enough to yield a rough and ready knowledgefor HPC.

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    Introduction Source Format

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    Introduction Source Format

    Source Code Format

    While FORTRAN 77 used by default a fixed format for its source code,

    the default with Fortran 95 is now a free format, in which lines can beup to 132 columns long, with a maximum of 39 continuation lines,indicated by the & character.

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    Introduction Source Format

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    Introduction Source Format

    Source Format Summary

    132 c ha ra ct er s per l i n e! i n i t i a t e s comment& c o n t i n u a t i o n character; s ta te me n t s ep ar at or ( m u lt i pl e p er l i n e )

    1 p r i n t , You need t wo c o n t i n u a t i o n &2 &c h a r a c t e r s when s p l i t t i n g a toke n &3 & o r s t r i n g across l i n e s

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    Introduction Source Format

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    Introduction Source Format

    Statement Labels

    Statement labels are still in fashion, and consist of 1-5 digits (leadingzeros are neglected), e.g.

    1 101 WRITE( 6 , ) E nt er r u n i d : ( < =9 c h ar s ) 2 READ( , 2 ) r u ni d3 2 format ( a 9 )

    Most commonly used for FORMAT statements.

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    Introduction Source Format

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    Introduction Source Format


    In Fortran, names must:

    Start with a letter (a-z)

    Contain only letters, digits, and underscore

    Must not be longer than 31 characters

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    Introduction Source Format

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    Introduction Source Format

    More Resources

    Good reference material on all things Fortran:M. Metcalf and J. Reid, Fortran 90/95 Explained, 2nd Ed., (Oxford,

    Great Britain, 2000)Fortran 95/2003 Explained, 3rd Ed., (Oxford, Great Britain, 2004),with M. Cohen

    Modern Fortran Explained, (Oxford, Great Britain, 2011), with M.Cohen

    Metcalfs online tutorial:

    Alan Millers Fortran Resources:

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    Language Elements Implicit Types
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    g g p yp

    Implicit Types

    Unfortunately FORTRAN historically allowed implicit types, which bydefault were:

    FORTRAN 77

    implicit real (a-h,o-z)implicit integer (i-n)

    Thanks to backward compatibility, this feature is still present:


    implicit type (letter-list) [,type (letter-list) ...]

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    Language Elements Implicit Types

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    g g p yp

    Implicit None

    I would recommend starting every declaration block with the following:


    implicit none

    which will turn all implicit typing off, and save a lot of potential errors

    (misspelled variable names just being one of them). Use implicit typesat your own risk!

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    Language Elements Intrinsic Types

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    Basic Declarations

    Declarative Syntax

    [,] :: & [ = ]

    The attribute is usually one of PARAMETER, DIMENSION, or POINTER.

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    Language Elements Intrinsic Types

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    Fortran Intrinsic Types

    We have five different intrinsic types, integer, real, logical,complex, and character. The syntax looks like:

    i n t e g e r : : ir e a l : : xcomplex : : zl o g i c a l : : b ea ut ycharacter : : c

    These are all of default kind ... (Note that integers can also be

    represented in binary (base 2), octal (base 8), and hex (base 16))

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    Language Elements Intrinsic Types

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    There is an intrinsic function KIND that returns an integer and can be

    used to query (or set) the kind type of a variable


    KIND(x) returns default integer whose value is the kind type parameter

    value of x

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    Language Elements Intrinsic Types

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    Example: Declarative Use of KIND

    These are two of the very handy transformational functions:



    p :: integer, decimal precision (intrinsic PRECISION)

    r :: integer, decimal exponent range (RANGE)

    (at least one of p or r must be present)


    r :: integer, decimal exponent range

    the return values of both functions are default integers whose valuescan be used in the KIND intrinsic function. -1 is returned if the desiredprecision is unavailable (-2 for the range in SELECTED_REAL_KIND, -3

    if both).

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    Best illustrated by example - this is a chunk of code that use in all ofmy Fortran codes:

    i n te g e r , parameter : : s i =KIND ( 1 ) , s p=KIND ( 1 . 0 ) , s c =KIND ( ( 1 . 0 , 1 . 0 ) ) , &d i =SELECTED_INT_KIND(2RANGE(1 _ s i ) ) , &dp=SELECTED_REAL_KIND(2PRECISION ( 1 . 0 _sp ) ) , &dc=SELECTED_REAL_KIND(2PRECISION ( 1 . 0 _ sc ) )

    Note the use of underscores in literal constants to indicate kind type,which is quite generally applicable:

    1 r e a l ( kind=dp ) : : a , b , c2 complex ( kind=dc ) : : z i = ( 0. 0 _dp , 1 . 0 _dp )

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    Language Elements Intrinsic Types


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    PARAMETER Attribute

    Instead of the old FORTRAN 77 PARAMETER statement, one can use

    the parameter attribute:

    REAL, PARAMETER : : E = 2 .7 18 28 , P I = 3. 141 59 2

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    Language Elements Intrinsic Types

    I t i i T A

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    Intrinsic Type Arrays

    Arrays can be indicated by the old-type DIMENSION attribute, or simplyin the declaration itself:

    1 re a l , dimension ( 3 ) : : a2 r e a l : : b ( 3 )3 r e a l : : c (1:1)

    are all arrays of rank 1, shape 3.

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    Note that arrays can be sectioned:

    1 a ( i : j ) ! rank 1 a rr ay , s iz e ji +12 b (k , 1 : n ) ! rank 1 a rr ay , s iz e n3 c ( 1 :m, 1 : n , k ) ! r an k 2 a rr ay , e x te n t m by n

    and vector subscripts can be used:1 x ( i v ec t or ) ! i v e ct o r i s an i n t e g e r a rr ay

    which makes for a very flexible (essentially arbitrary) indexing scheme.

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    Language Elements Intrinsic Types

    I iti li i A

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    Initializing Arrays

    There is some special syntax for initialization arrays:

    1 a (1 : 4 ) = 0 .02 a ( 1 : 4 ) = ( / 1 . 1 , 1 . 2 , 1 . 3 , 1 . 4 / )

    3 a ( 1 :4 ) = ( / i , i =1 ,7 ,2 / ) ! i m pl ie d do l oop w it h s t r i d e 2

    Note that the RESHAPE function can also be used to initialize an array

    of rank greater than 1.

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    Language Elements Intrinsic Types

    Character Arrays

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    Character Arrays

    Better known as strings, Fortran is not the best for string handling (it isintended for number crunching, after all), but modern Fortran isconsiderably improved in this regard:

    1 character , dimension ( 12 0) : : l i ne 12 character ( len =120) : : l i n e23 character ( len = 1 2 0 ) ,dimension ( 8 0) : : page

    Substrings can be handled in several ways:

    1 character ( len =1200) : : l i n e2 character ( len =1 2) : : words , te rm8 ! te rm has l e ng t h 8 , a l t e r n a t e l e ng t h s pec3 l i n e ( : i ) ! same as l i n e ( 1 : i )4 l i n e ( i : ) ! same as l i n e ( i : 1 2 0 )5 l i n e ( : ) ! same as l i n e ( 1 : 1 2 0 )

    and we will come back later to some of the intrinsic string handlingfunctions and subroutines.

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    Language Elements Derived Types

    Derived Types

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    Derived Types

    It is often advantageous to define your own data types:1 TYPE Coords_3D2 r e a l : : r , t h e t a , p h i ! s p h e r ic a l c o or di n at e s3 END TYPE Coords_3D45 TYPE ( C oords_3D ) : : p o i nt 1 , p o i n t 2

    You can reference the internal components of a structure:1 x1 = p oi nt 1%r SIN ( poin t1%th et a ) COS( point1%phi )2 y1 = p oi nt 1%r SIN ( poin t1%th et a ) SIN ( poi nt 1%ph i )3 z1 = p oi nt 1%r COS( point1%theta )4 x2 = p oi nt 2%r SIN ( poin t2%th et a ) COS( point2%phi )5 y2 = p oi nt 2%r SIN ( poin t2%th et a ) SIN ( poi nt 2%ph i )6 z2 = p oi nt 2%r COS( point2%theta )

    N.B. Derived type components can not be ALLOCATABLE (but theycan be POINTERS).

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    Language Elements Derived Types

    Assigning Derived Types

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    Assigning Derived Types

    Derived types can be assigned either by component or using aconstructor:

    1 p oi nt 1%r = 1 .02 p oi nt 1%t he ta = 0 .0

    3 p oi nt 1%p hi = 0 .04 p o i nt 1 = C oords_3D ( 1 . 0 , 0 . 0 , 0 . 0 )5 p o in t 2 = p o in t 1

    Note that two variables of the same type can be handled very simply.

    Derived types should always be placed in a MODULE.

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    Language Elements Pointers


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    Fortran finally has the capability (often best left unused) of usingpointers. Along with ALLOCATABLE and automatic arrays, pointers

    make up the 3 types of dynamic data in Fortran 90/95. Pointers can bemembers of derived types, most useful for implementation of linkedlists:

    1 re a l , pointer , dimension ( : , : ) : : a2 re a l , p o i n te r : : x , y3 !4 !5 NULLIFY ( x , y , a ) ! P oi nt t o n ot hi ng6 x => n u l l ( ) ! F o rt r an 95 o nl y7 ALLOCATE( x , y , a ( 1 0 0 : 1 0 0 ) ) ! Fres h s t o ra ge a l l o c a t i o n

    We will talk a bit more about pointers later when dealing with other

    aspects of dynamic memory.

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    Language Elements Pointers

    DATA Statement

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    DATA Statement

    The DATA statement can be used to initialize values:

    DATA o b j e c tl i s t / va l u el i s t / [ [ , ] o b je c tl i s t / va l u el i s t / ] . . .

    Values initialized in DATA statements automatically have the SAVE


    1 r e a l : : a , b , c2 i n t e g e r : : i , j , k3 DATA a , b , c / 1 . 0 , 2 . 0 , 3 . 0 / , i , j , k / 30 /4 r e a l : : d ia g ( 1 00 , 1 0 0)5 ! s e ts d i ag o na l e le me nt s b y i m p l i e d d o6 DATA ( d i a g ( i , i ) , i = 1 , 1 0 0) / 1 005. 0 / 7 ! s et s t he upper and l ow er t r i a n g l e s t o 0 , d ia go na l t o 18 DATA ( ( matA( i , j ) ,matA( j , i ) , j = i +1 ,1 0 0 ) , i =1 ,1 0 0 )/ 9 90 00.0 /

    9 DATA (matA( i , i ) , i =1 ,1 0 0 )/ 1 001.0 /

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    Expressions & Operators Scalar Expressions

    Scalar Expressions

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    Scalar Expressions

    Scalar expressions use operators , , /,+,. The following tablesummarizes the result KIND for all but exponentiation ()

    a b used(a) used(b) result

    I I a b II R real(a,kind(b)) b R

    I C cmplx(a,0,kind(b)) b CR I a real(b,kind(a)) RR R a b RR C cmplx(a,0,kind(b)) b CC I a cmplx(b,0,kind(a)) CC R a cmplx(b,0,kind(a)) CC C a b C

    (I = integer, R = real, C = complex)

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    Expressions & Operators Scalar Expressions

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    and for exponentiation ():

    a b used(a) used(b) result

    I I a b II R real(a,kind(b)) b RI C cmplx(a,0,kind(b)) b CR I a b R

    R R a b RR C cmplx(a,0,kind(b)) b CC I a b CC R a cmplx(b,0,kind(a)) CC C a b C

    (I = integer, R = real, C = complex)

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    Expressions & Operators Scalar Expressions

    Relational Operators

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    Relational Operators

    Fortran supports the old-style FORTRAN 77 relational operators aswell as more modern syntax (which most compilers were supporting byextension anyway):

    77 Modern

    .lt. =

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    Expressions & Operators Scalar Expressions

    Logical Operators

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    Logical Operators

    The logical operators are simply:

    .not. logical negation

    .and. logical intersection.or. logical union

    .eqv. logical equivalence

    .neqv. logical non-equivalence

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    Expressions & Operators Scalar Expressions

    Character Operations

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    Character Operations

    Substrings are easy using the same syntax as for arrays:

    1 character ( len =) , parameter : : a l ph a be t 1= a b c d e f g h i jk l m &2 a l p h ab e t2 = nopqrstuvwxyz 3 character ( len =) , parameter : : numerals= 0123456789

    45 p r i n t , F i r s t f o u r l e t t e r s : , a lp ha be t1 ( 1 : 4 )6 p r i n t , a l p h a n ume ri c : , a l p h a b e t1 / / a l p h a b e t2 / / n u mera l s

    where we also made use of the // concatenation operator.

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    Expressions & Operators Scalar Expressions

    Array Assignment

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    Array Assignment

    Arrays can be assigned using expressions that involve arrays of thesame shape, or by scalar (in which case the scalar is applied to allelements of the array), e.g.

    1 r e a l : : a ( 2 0 , 2 0 ) , b ( 1 0 )23 a (1 , 11 : 20 ) = b4 a = a + 1. 0

    This flexible syntax makes for much more compact code.

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    Control Constructs IF Conditional

    IF Construct

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    Co st uct

    1 [ name : ] i f ( expr ) then2 block3 [ el se i f ( expr ) then [ name ]4 block ] . . .5 [ else [ name ]6 block ]7 end i f [ name ]

    Note that the optional name is only for program clarity (especially fornested loops), and needs to be unique. Also note the single statementvariation:

    i f ( e x p r ) s i n g l esta te me n t

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    Control Constructs DO Loops

    DO Loops

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    Old style loop syntax:

    1 [ name : ] do var =expr1 , expr2 [ , expr3 ]2 block3 end do [ name ]

    where the loop is executed MAX(0,(expr2-expr1+expr3)/expr3) times,and var is a named scalar integer variable, and expr1, expr2, and

    expr3 are scalar integer expressions (expr3 must be nonzero if used).

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    Control Constructs DO Loops

    Infinite DO Loop

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    One important variation on the DO construct is the endless do loop,which has a simple means to exit:

    1 do2 i = i +1

    3 i f ( i >= e no ug h ) e x i t4 end do

    Note that the exit statment is also handy for early termination inbounded loops. The cycle statement is similar, but just dropsexecution to the next iteration.

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    Control Constructs DO Loops

    DO-WHILE Loop?

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    There is a DO-WHILE construct, but with the exit option for early looptermination, it is not really worth talking about ...

    1 DO WHILE ( a / = b )2 . . .3 END DO

    is exactly the same as

    1 DO2 i f ( a = = b ) e x i t3 . . .4 END DO

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    Control Constructs DO Loops

    The GOTO Statement

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    Ah, the bane of FORTRAN 77 programmers everywhere - the infamousGOTO statement. Still supported in Fortran 90/95, be wary of using theGOTO. If you have to use it, make it as clear as you possibly can.

    1 101 WRITE( 6 ,

    ) E nt er r u n i d : ( < =9 c h ar s ) 2 READ( , ( a 9 ) ) r u n i d3 i =INDEX ( r u n i d , )14 INQUIRE ( f i l e =r un id (1 : i ) / / " . in " , e x i s t = i f e x )5 i f ( . n ot . i f e x ) goto 1016 OPEN( u n i t = i u n i t , f i l e =ru n i d (1 : i ) / / . i n , s ta tu s= o l d , &7 & form= fo rma tte d )

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    Control Constructs DO Loops

    Using Named and Nested Loops

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    Here is an example of when using named loops comes in handy:

    1 outa : DO2 i n n a : DO3 . . .

    4 I F ( a . G T . b ) EXIT outa ! jump t o l i n e 105 I F ( a . E Q . b ) CYCLE outa ! jump t o l i n e 16 I F ( c . G T . d ) EXIT i n n a ! jump t o l i n e 97 I F ( c . EQ . a ) CYCLE i n n a ! jump t o l i n e 28 END DO i n n a9 END DO outa

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    Control Constructs CASE Construct

    The CASE Construct

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    Somewhat like the C switch statement ...

    1 [ name : ] s e l e c t c as e ( expr )2 [ case s e l ec t o r [ name ]3 block ] . . .4 end s e l e c t [ name ]

    The CASE construct can be used as an efficient substitute for a moreelaborate IF ... THEN ... ELSEIF ... ELSE ... ENDIF construct.

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    Control Constructs CASE Construct

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    An example of using CASE when parsing an input file:

    1 s e l e c t c as e ( c t er m s ( 1 ) )2 case ( "MODEL" )3 s e l e c t c as e ( c te rm s ( 2 ) )4 case ( "XBMC" , "xbmc" )5 MCflg = . t r u e .6 case ( "NRL" , " n r l " )

    7 case ( "NN2" , "nn2 " )8 c as e d e f a u l t9 end s e l e c t

    10 . . .

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    Part II

    Fortran Essentials

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    Modules, Functions & Subroutines Modules


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    Modules provide a way to package together commonly used code(similar to the old common blocks in FORTRAN 77) and have distinct


    Can be used to hide internal data and routines through PRIVATE

    and PUBLIC declarationsCan contain common subroutines and functions with explicit

    interfaces which can be changed without affecting calling code

    Modules can (and often should) be compiled separately, before

    the program units that use them

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    Modules, Functions & Subroutines Modules

    Module Syntax

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    module modulename[ s p e c i f i c a t i o n s ta te m en ts ]

    [ c o n t a i n s

    modulesubprograms ]end [ module [ modulename ] ]

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    Modules, Functions & Subroutines Modules

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    and a very simple example:

    1 MODULE TBconst2 i m p l i c i t none3 i n te g e r , parameter : : sp=KIND ( 1 . 0 ) , &4 & dp=SELECTED_REAL_KIND (2PRECISION ( 1 . 0 _sp ) ) , &5 & sc=KIND ( ( 1 . 0 , 1 . 0 ) ) , &

    6 & d c=SELECTED_REAL_KIND (2PRECISION ( 1 . 0 _ sc ) )7 r e a l ( kind=dp ) , parameter : : pi =3.141592653589793238462643_dp8 END MODULE TBconst

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    Modules, Functions & Subroutines Modules

    Using Modules

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    Modules encapsulate code that can be made accessible to otherprogram units through the USE statement:

    1 MODULE TBatoms2 USE TBconst3 . . .

    Modules are free to load other modules, but not themselves.

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    Modules, Functions & Subroutines Modules

    Module Data Visibility

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    You can allow or prevent access to the internal workings of a moduleusing the PRIVATE and PUBLIC attributes:

    1 PRIVATE : : pos , s t or e , s t a c k_ s i z e ! h id de n2 PUBLIC : : pop , push ! n ot h id de n


    1 PUBLIC ! s e t d e f a u l t v i s i b i l i t y2 INTEGER, PRIVATE, SAVE : : s t o r e ( s t a c k _ s i z e ) , p os3 INTEGER, PRIVATE, PARAMETER : : s t ac k _s i ze = 100

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    Modules, Functions & Subroutines Modules

    Renaming/USE ONLY

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    You can rename a module entity in a local context:

    1 USE T Bc on st , l o c a l _ d p => dp ! dp becomes l o c a l _ d p i n c u r r e n t s co pe

    or you can restrict access by

    1 USE TBconst , ONLY: d p , d c ! o n l y l o a d dp a nd d c f r o m m od ul e T B co ns t

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    Modules, Functions & Subroutines Modules

    Module Summary

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    1 MODULE modname

    2 . . . type d e fs3 . . . Gl o b a l data4 . . .5 CONTAINS6 SUBROUTINE sub_17 . . .8 CONTAINS9 SUBROUTINE i n t e r n a l _ 1

    10 . . .

    11 END SUBROUTINE i n t e r n a l _ 112 SUBROUTINE i n t e r n a l _ 213 . . .14 END SUBROUTINE i n t e r n a l _ 215 END SUBROUTINE sub_116 . . .17 FUNCTION fun_118 . . .19 CONTAINS

    20 . . .21 END FUNCTION fun_122 END MODULE modname

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    Modules, Functions & Subroutines Subroutines

    Subroutine Syntax

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    The syntax for a subroutine call is given by

    SUBROUTINE[recursive] subroutine subroutine-name[([dummy arguments])]

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    Modules, Functions & Subroutines Subroutines

    Argument Intent

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    You can provide information to the compiler (always a good idea!)about the dummy arguments to a routine by:

    1 REAL, INTENT ( IN ) : : arg1 ! p as si ng i n v al ue2 REAL, INTENT (OUT) : : arg2 ! r e t u r n i n g v a lu e o n ly3 REAL, INTENT ( INOUT) : : arg3 ! b ot h a pp ly

    You should always make use of the INTENT attribute - it allows the

    compiler to do extensive error checking and optimization (remember,the more that your compilers knows about your code, the better it will

    be able to perform).

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    Modules, Functions & Subroutines Subroutines

    SAVE Attribute

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    The SAVE attribute can be applied to a specified entity, or all of the

    local entities in a procedure:

    1 SUBROUTINE sub_1 ( arg1 , arg2 )2 i n te g e r , save : : n um be r_ ca ll s = 03 . . .4 n um ber _c al ls = nu mbe r_c al ls +1

    1 SUBROUTINE sub_1 ( arg1 , arg2 )2 . . .3 SAVE4 . . .

    SAVE acts to preserve values between calls to the subroutine/function.

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    Modules, Functions & Subroutines Functions

    Function Call Syntax

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    The syntax for a function call is given by


    type [recursive] function function-name[([dummy arguments])] &[result(result-name)]

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    Modules, Functions & Subroutines Explicit Interfaces

    Explicit Interfaces

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    External subprograms have an implicit interface by default (even if one

    uses the external statement to indicate that a subunit is outside thecurrent code, the arguments and their types remain unspecified), and

    an INTERFACE block is necessary to specify an explicit interface of anexternal subprogram; as mentioned above, this allows type-checking ofactual and formal arguments in a reference to a subprogram

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    Modules, Functions & Subroutines Explicit Interfaces

    Explicit Interface Example

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    2 SUBROUTINE r e s i d (m, n , x , f ve c , i f l a g )3 USE TBatoms4 USE TBconst5 USE T B f i t d a t a6 USE TBfl a g s7 USE TBmat8 USE TBopt9 USE TBparams


    11 i m p l i c i t none12 i n te g e r , i n t e n t ( i n ) : : m, n13 i n te g e r , i n t e n t ( i n o ut ) : : i f l a g14 r e a l ( kind=dp ) , i n t e n t ( i n ) : : x ( n)15 r e a l ( kind=dp ) , i n t e n t ( i n o ut ) : : f v ec (m)16 END SUBROUTINE r e s i d17 END INTERFACE

    Note that the syntax of the interface-body is just an exact copy of thesubprograms header, argument specifications, function result, andEND statement.

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    Modules, Functions & Subroutines Explicit Interfaces

    INTERFACE Properties

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    Can not use both EXTERNAL and INTERFACE

    Explicit interfaces required for POINTER or TARGET dummy

    arguments in a procedure, or pointer-valued function result

    Explicit interfaces also required for OPTIONAL, KEYWORD, andprocedural arguments

    Even when not required, explicit interfaces are a good idea

    (usually placed inside a MODULE)

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    Modules, Functions & Subroutines Explicit Interfaces

    Optional & Keyword Arguments

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    Dummy arguments can be optional - using OPTIONAL:

    1 SUBROUTINE o p t ar g s ( a , b )2 REAL, INTENT ( IN ) , OPTIONAL : : a3 INTEGER, INTENT ( IN ) , OPTIONAL : : b4 REAL : : ay ; INTEGER : : by56 ay = 1 . 0 ; bee = 1 ! d e fa u lt s7 I F (PRESENT(a ) ) ay = a8 I F (PRESENT(b ) ) bee = b

    9 . . .

    1 CALL o p t a r g s ( )2 CALL o p t ar g s ( 1 . 0 , 1 ) ; CALL o p t a r g s ( b = 1 , a = 1 . 0 ) ! same , u si n g ke yword s3 CALL o p t ar g s ( 1 . 0 ) ; CALL o p t a r g s ( a = 1 . 0 ) ! keywords h an di er s t i l l f o r l on g l i s t s4 CALL o p ta rg s (b =1 )

    Note that optional and keyword arguments need explicit interfaces, andshould come after positional arguments.

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    Modules, Functions & Subroutines Procedures as Arguments

    Procedures as Arguments

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    When using a procedure as an argument, an explicit interface isrequired (as it is for POINTER, optional, and keyword arguments):

    1 REAL FUNCTION minimum ( a , b , f u n c )2 ! r e t u r n s t he minimum v al ue o f t he f u n c t i o n f u nc ( x )3 ! i n t he i n t e r v a l ( a , b)4 REAL, INTENT ( i n ) : : a , b5 INTERFACE

    6 REAL FUNCTION f u n c ( x )7 REAL, INTENT ( IN ) : : x8 END FUNCTION fu n c9 END INTERFACE

    10 REAL f , x11 :12 f = fu n c ( x ) ! i n v oc a t i on o f t he u se r f u n c t i on .13 :14 END FUNCTION minimum

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    Modules, Functions & Subroutines Recursion


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    Recursion is supported in Fortran 90/95; we can illustrate it best by


    1 RECURSIVE FUNCTION f a c t o r i a l ( n ) RESULT( res )2 INTEGER r es , n3 I F (n .EQ.1 ) THEN

    4 r e s = 15 ELSE6 r e s = n f a c t o r i a l ( n1)7 END IF8 END FUNCTION f a c t o r i a l

    this would be an example of direct recursion ...

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    Modules, Functions & Subroutines Recursion

    and an example of indirect recursion:

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    1 volume = i n t e g r a t e ( f un c , bounds )2 :3 RECURSIVE FUNCTION i n t e g r a t e ( f , b oun ds )

    4 ! I n t e g r a t e f ( x ) f ro m b ounds ( 1 ) t o bounds ( 2 )5 REAL i n t e g r a t e6 INTERFACE7 FUNCTION f ( x )8 REAL f , x9 END FUNCTION f

    10 END INTERFACE11 REAL, DIMENSION( 2 ) , INTENT ( IN ) : : bounds12 :

    13 END FUNCTION i n t e g r a t e14 :15 FUNCTION f u n c ( x )16 USE MODfunc ! m od ul e MODfunc c o n t a i n s f u n c t i o n f17 REAL f un c , x18 x v a l = x19 fu n c = i n t eg ra te ( f , bounds )20 END FUNCTION fu n c21 :

    Generally indirect recursion is of the form A calls B calls A ... - in thiscase integrate calls func which calls integrate ...

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    Fortran I/O

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    Too large a topic to cover in its entirety here - we will focus on the

    basics required to familiarize you with basic Fortran I/O functionality.

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    Input/Output File Handling


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    OPEN ( [ UNIT= i n te g e r , ] FILE= f i le n am e , [ERR= l ab e l , ] &[STATUS=status , ] [ACCESS=me th od , ] [ ACTION=mode , ] &[RECL= i n texpr )

    filename is a string


    mode is READ, WRITE or READWRITE

    RECL (record length) needs to be specified for DIRECT access


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    Input/Output File Handling

    OPEN Examples

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    Note that UNIT 1-7 are typically reserved (6, or , is almost always thestandard output, for example), and each file stream needs a uniquenumber.

    1 OPEN(17 , FILE= out put . dat ,ERR=10, STATUS= REPLACE , &

    2 ACCESS= SEQUENTIAL ,ACTION= WRITE )3 :4 OPEN(14 , FILE= in pu t . dat ,ERR=1 0 , STATUS= OLD , RECL= i ex p , &5 ACCESS= DIRECT ,ACTION= READ )6 :7 w r i t e ( u n i t = i o u n i t , fm t=" (a ) " , i o s t a t =b a d u n i t ) t i t l e8 i f ( b a d u ni t > 0 ) c a l l er ro r_ han dl er (ERR_IO)

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    Input/Output File Handling


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    A very handy statement for querying the status of a file by unit numberor filename:

    INQUIRE ( [ UNIT = ] u n i t | FILE=fi l e n a me , i l i s t )

    and there are many possible entries in ilist, of which the most

    handy are:

    IOSTAT=ios as in the OPEN syntax

    EXIST=log_exist returns a logical on the existence of the file

    OPENED=log_opened returns a logical on whether the file is


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    Input/Output File Handling

    INQUIRE Example

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    1 !2 ! Open i n p u t f i l e f a i l g r a c e f u l l y i f n ot f ou nd .3 !4 INQUIRE ( f i l e =ru n i d (1 : l e n _ ru n i d ) / / . i n , e x i s t = e x i s t _ i n )5 i f ( . n o t . e x i s t _ i n ) then6 w r i t e ( ,) < r ea di n > Unable t o open i n p u t f i l e : , &7 r u n i d ( 1 : l e n _ r u n i d ) / / . i n 8 stop9 e n d i f

    10 OPEN( f i l e =ru n i d (1 : l e n _ ru n i d ) / / . i n , s ta tu s= ol d , u n i t = i n u n i t )

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    Input/Output File Handling

    Other I/O Statements

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    CLOSE unattach specified unit number

    REWIND place file pointer back to start of file

    BACKSPACE place file pointer back one record

    ENDFILE force writing end-of-file

    1 REWIND( 1 1 )2 BACKSPACE( UNIT=27)3 ENDFILE( 1 9 )4 CLOSE(13 , IOSTAT= i o _ v a l u e )

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    Input/Output Read & Write


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    READ ( [ UNIT= unit , ] [FMT=format , ] [ IOSTAT= i n t

    v a r ia b le , ] &[ERR= la be l , ] [END= l a b e l , ] [ EOR= l a b e l , ] &[ADVANCE=advmode , ] [REC= i n texpr , ] &[ SIZE=numc h a rs ] ) < o u t p utl i s t >

    where the non-obvious entries are:

    unit is an integer (some lower values are reserved) or forstandard input

    format is a string of FORMAT statement label number

    label is a statement label

    adv-mode is YES or NO

    IOSTAT returns zero for no error

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    Input/Output Read & Write

    READ Example

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    1 READ(1 4 ,FMT= (3 (F10 .7 ,1 x )) ,REC= ie xp ) a , b , c2 READ(1 4 , (3 (F10 .7 ,1 x )) ,REC= i e x p ) a , b , c ! same as above3 READ( , (A) ,ADVANCE= NO ,EOR=12 ,SIZE=nch ) s t r

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    Input/Output Read & Write


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    WRITE ( [ UNIT= u n i t , ] [FMT=format , ] [ IOSTAT= i n tv a r ia b le , ] &[ERR= la be l , ] [ADVANCE=advmode , ] &[REC= i n te x p r ) < o u t p u tl i s t >

    where the entries are as in the READ case.

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    Input/Output Read & Write


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    Fortran does have quite an elaborate formatting system. Here are the


    Iw w chars of integer dataFw.d w chars of real data, d decimal placesEw.d w chars of real data, d decimal placesLw w chars of logical dataAw w chars of CHARACTER data

    nX skip n spaces

    Note that:

    The E descriptor is just the F with scientific notation

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    Input/Output Read & Write

    FORMAT Example

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    1 WRITE( ,FMT= (2X, 2( I4 ,1X) , name ,A4, F13. 5 ,1X , E13 .5 ) ) &2 77778 ,3 , a b c d e fg h i ,14.45 ,14.566 6666

    1 3 name abcd 14.45000 0.14567E+02

    Note that are quite a few other format descriptors, much less

    commonly used.

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    Input/Output Read & Write

    Unformatted I/O

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    Unformatted I/O is simpler (no FORMAT statements) and involves less

    overhead, less chance of roundoff error), but is inherently non-portable,since it relies on the detailed numerical representation. A file must beeither entirely formatted or unformatted, not a mix of the two.

    READ( 1 4 ) AWRITE(15 , IOSTAT=i o s ,ERR=2001) B

    Note that unformatted i/o is generally quite a lot faster than formatted -

    so unless you are concerned with moving your files from one platformto another, you will be much better off using unformatted i/o.

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    Arrays and Array Syntax Assumed-shape & Automatic Arrays

    Assumed-shape Arrays

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    Arrays passed as dummy arguments should generally be what arecalled assumed-shape arrays, meaning that the dimensions are left tothe actual (calling arguments):

    1 SUBROUTINE s t u bb y ( a , b )2 i m p l i c i t none3 re a l , i n t e n t ( i n ) : : a ( : ) , b ( : , : )

    4 :

    Note that the default bounds (1) apply

    Actual arguments can not be vector subscripted or themselves


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    Arrays and Array Syntax Assumed-shape & Automatic Arrays

    Automatic Arrays

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    Local arrays whose extent is determined by dummy arguments arecalled automatic objects. Example:

    1 SUBROUTINE s t u b b y 1 ( b , m , n )2 i n te g e r , i n t e n t ( i n ) : : m, n3 re a l , i n t e n t ( inout ) : : b ( : , : ) ! assumed

    4 REAL : : b1 ( m, n ) ! a u t om a t ic5 REAL : : b2 ( SIZE ( b , 1 ) , SIZE ( b , 2 ) ) ! a u t om a t ic

    Note that both assumed-shape arrays and automatic objects are likelyto be placed on the stack in terms of memory storage.

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    Arrays and Array Syntax Dynamic(Allocatable) Arrays

    Allocatable Arrays

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    Finally, dynamic data storage elements for Fortran! An array that is nota dummy argument or function can be given the ALLOCATABLEattribute:

    re a l , a l l o c a t a b l e : : a ( : , : )::

    ALLOCATE( a ( n t yp e s , 0 : n t y pe s + 2 ) ) ! n ty pes i s an i n te g er:! l o t s o f work:


    Note that ALLOCATABLE arrays can not be part of a derived type (have

    to use a POINTER to get the same functionality) - that oversight shouldbe fixed in Fortran 2003.

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    Arrays and Array Syntax Dynamic(Allocatable) Arrays


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    The syntax for ALLOCATE and DEALLOCATE are given by:

    ALLOCATE( l i s t [ , s t a t = i s t a t ] )DEALLOCATE( l i s t [ , s t a t = i s t a t ] )

    The optional stat= specifier can be used to test the success of the(de)allocation through the scalar integer istat. As usual, zero forsuccess. Leaving out stat= should result in a termination if the

    (de)allocation was unsuccessful.

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    Arrays and Array Syntax More Pointers

    Pointer Flexibility

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    Note that you can not associate pointers with just any variable (as in

    C), instead the variables must be declared using the target attribute:

    re a l , t a r g e t : : x , y ( 1 0 0) , z ( 4 , 4 )i n te g e r , t a r g e t : : m, n ( 1 0 ) , k ( 1 0 , 1 0)

    re a l , p o i n te r : : p tr 1 , p tr 2 , p t r_ y ( : ) , p tr _ z1 ( : ) , p tr _ z2 ( : , : )

    p t r 1 => x ! s i m pl e p o i n t e r a ss ig nm en t

    a l p ha = e xp ( p t r 1 ) ! p o i n t e r s ha re s memory l o c a t i o n w i t h x ,! b ut used l i k e any v al ue

    n u l l i f y ( p tr1 ) ! f r ee s u p p o i n te r

    i f ( a sso ci a te d ( p tr1 ) ) thenp r i n t , p t r 1 i s a ss oc ia te d i f ( a sso ci a te d ( p tr1 , t a r g e t =x ) ) then

    p r i n t , p t r1 i s a ss oc ia te d w it h " x " e n d i f

    e n d i f

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    Arrays and Array Syntax More Pointers

    More Fun With Pointers

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    array-associated pointers have considerable flexibility:

    p t r_ y => y ! can use p t r _ y ( i ) j u s t as y ( i )p t r _ y => y ( 1 1 : 2 0) ! p t r_ y ( 1 ) i s now y ( 1 1 ) . . .p t r _ y => z ( 2 , 1 : 4 ) ! l o a ds row 2 o f z i n t r o p tr _y ( : )p t r _z 2 => z ( 2 : 4 , 2 : 4 ) ! p tr _z 2 i s 3x3 s ub ma tr ix o f z

    ALLOCATE( p t r _ z 1 ( 1 6 ) ) ! d i re c t a l l o c at i o n

    Note that pointers can also be used as components of derived types,

    making for very flexible data structures.

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    Arrays and Array Syntax More Pointers

    Pointer Considerations

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    Some things to think about when using pointers in Fortran:

    Can create complex (and difficult to maintain) code

    Easy to create bugs that only arise at run-time

    Inhibit compiler optimization (difficult to predict data patters anddisjoint memory structures)

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    Arrays and Array Syntax Elemental Operations

    Elemental Operations

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    We have already seen elemental operations in which conformableoperands can be used with intrinsic operators, e.g.

    r e a l : : a ( 10 0 , 1 00 ). . .

    a = SQRT( a )

    will apply the square root operator individually to all of the elements of

    a. Not only intrinsics can be elemental, and you can also use theelemental declaration in user-defined functions (Requires Fortran

    95) as well.

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    Array-valued Functions

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    Functions can return arrays - just be careful that you ensure that theinterface is an explicit one. An example:

    1 PROGRAM a r r f u n c2 i m p l i c i t none3 i n te g e r , parameter : : n di m=364 i n te g e r , dimension ( n di m , n di m ) : : m1 , m25 :6 m2 = fu n k y (m1, 4 )7 :8 CONTAINS9 FUNCTION funky (m, sc al )

    10 i n te g e r , i n t e n t ( i n ) : : ima ( : , : )11 i n te g e r , i n t e n t ( i n ) : : s c a l12 i n t e g e r : : f un ky ( SIZE (m,1 ) , SIZE ( m , 2 ) )13 fu n k y ( : , : ) = m( : , : ) s c a l14 END FUNCTION fu n ky15 END PROGRAM a r r f u n c

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    WHERE Statement

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    Useful for performing array operations only on certain elements of an

    array, but preserving the compact syntax:WHERE ( l o g i c a la rra yexpr )

    a rra yassignmentsEND WHERE

    1 WHERE ( p r e s s u re

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    Fortran 95 introduced the concept of a FORALL statement which is

    basically an array assignment with some explicit indexing:FORALL( i = 1:M) gr id ( i , i ) = diag ( i )FORALL ( i = 1 : M, j = 1 : N) g r i d ( i , j ) = u ( i )v ( j )FORALL ( i = 1 :M, j = 1 : N, eps ( i . j ) / = 0 . 0 ) g r i d ( i , j ) = 1 . 0 / eps ( i , j )

    Implied is that the assignment is trivially data-parallel, i.e. it can be

    carried out in any order, and therefore can be more efficient than amore traditional loop. Construct form:

    FORALL( i = 2: N1, j = 2 :N1)U( i , j ) = U( i , j1) + U( i , j +1 ) + U( i1, j ) + U( i +1 , j )V( i , j ) = U( i , j )


    where the results are executed in any order, held in temporary storage

    (to avoid indeterminate results), and then updated in arbitrary order.

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    Complete FORALL construct syntax:

    [ name : ] FORALL ( i n d e x=l o we r : u p pe r [ : st r i d e ] [ , i n d e x2 =l o wer2 : u p pe r2 [ : str i d e 2 ] ] . . . &[ , sca l a rl o g i c a le xp r ] )

    [ b o d y ]END FORALL [ name ]

    The body of a FORALL construct can be quite general (containing

    statements, additional FORALL or WHERE statements/constructs, etc.),but must not branch (e.g. goto) out of the construct. Any included

    subprograms must be pure, in the sense of inducing no undesiredside-effects in the sense of inducing an order dependence that wouldimpede parallel processing.

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    PURE Procedures (Fortran 95)

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    Programmer can assert that a function or subroutine is PURE: by

    adding the PURE keyword to the function/subroutine statement:a pure function does not alter its dummy arguments (must beINTENT(IN))

    INTENT of dummy arguments must be declared (IN for functions)

    does not alter variables accessed by host or use associationcontains no local variables with SAVE attribute

    contains no operations on external file

    contains no STOP statements

    any internal procedures must also be pureall intrinsic functions are pure.

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    Array Intrinsics

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    Fortran is designed around the notion of data manipulation, so it is nota great surprise that it has a number of built-in functions for array

    manipulation, some of which we have already seen (elementaloperations, masking).

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    Array Functions

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    Set of operations that involve common extractions from arrays:

    ALL(MASK [,dim]) all relations in mask are true [along dimension dim]ANY(MASK [,dim]) if any elements of mask are true [along dimension dim]COUNT(MASK [,dim]) number of elements of mask that are trueMAXLOC(ARRAY [,mask]) location of element with maximum valueMINLOC(ARRAY [,dim[,mask]]) location of element with minimum valueMAXVAL(ARRAY [,dim[,mask]]) maximum value [of true elements in mask, along dim]MINVAL(ARRAY [,dim[,mask]]) minimum value [of true elements in mask, along dim]PRODUCT(ARRAY [,dim[,mask]]) products [of true elements in mask, along dim] of valuesSUM (ARRAY [,dim[,mask]]) sum [of true elements in mask, along dim] of values

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    Example of Array Extraction Intrinsics

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    i n t e g e r : : i , j , max_e le me nt (2 ) , max_e le me nt_2 (2 )r e a l : : Amax, Amax_2, Amat(100 ,10 0)

    Amat = RESHAPE( ( / (( 100( i 1)+ j , j = 1 , 1 0 0 ) , i = 1 , 1 0 0) / ) , ( / 1 00 , 100 / ) , ORDER = ( / 2 , 1 / ) )

    max_element = MAXLOC( Amat ) ! f i n d s t he e le me nt o f Amax w i t h! max v a lu e [ A( 10 0 , 1 00 ) =

    Amax = MAXVAL( Amat ) ! 10000 ]

    max_element_2 = MAXLOC( Amat , Amat

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    Very useful array inquiry functions:

    ALLOCATED(ARRAY) logical if A has been allocatedLBOUND(ARRAY [,dim]) lower bound for dimension dim of A (integer vector if no dim)SHAPE(ARRAY) returns integer vector of shape of A

    SIZE(ARRAY [,dim]) size of dimension dim of A (else all of A)UBOUND(ARRAY [,dim]) upper bound for dimension dim of A (integer vector if no dim)

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    Array Reshaping

    RESHAPE is a general intrinsic function which delivers an array of a

    specific shape:

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    specific shape:

    RESHAPE( sourc e , shape [ , pad ] [ , o r de r ] )

    returns an array whose shape is given by the constant rank-1 integerarray (nonnegative elements) shape derived from the array source. Iforder is absent, elements of pad are used to fill out remaining

    elements in the result (whose size may then exceed that of source.order can be used to pad the result in non-element order.

    1 r e a l : : A2 ( 2 , 2 )2 A2 = RESHAPE ( ( / 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 / ) , ( / 2 , 2 / ) ) ! c r ea te a 2 x2 m a tr i x f rom 1x4 v e c to r3 p r i n t , A2 : 1 , 1 1 , 2 = , A2 ( 1 , 1 ) , A2 ( 1 , 2 )4 p r i n t , A2 : 2 , 1 2 , 2 = , A2 ( 2 , 1 ) , A2 ( 2 , 2 )

    produces (recall that Fortran is column-ordered):

    1 A2 : 1 ,1 1 ,2 = 1.000000 3.0000002 A2 : 2 ,1 2 ,2 = 2.000000 4.000000

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    Vector/Matrix Intrinsics

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    Fortran 90 has several intrinsics for vector dot products matrixmultiplication and transposition:

    DOT_PRODUCT(vector_1,vector_2) dot product of two rank-1 equal length vectors

    MATMUL(matrix_1,matrix_2) matrix multiplicationTRANSPOSE(matrix) transposition of any rank-2 array

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    Intrinsics Categories

    There are roughly 75 new intrinsic routines (versus FORTRAN 77), but

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    There are roughly 75 new intrinsic routines (versus FORTRAN 77), but

    they roughly fall into 4 categories:1 Elemental procedures

    2 Inquiry functions

    3 Transformational functions

    4 Nonelemental subroutinesI am going to group them a bit differently, and only cover the more

    common ones. Consult a good reference1 for a thorough list.

    1Metcalf, Reid, and CohenModern Fortran Explained, (Oxford, GreatBritain, 2011).

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    Mathematical Intrinsics

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    Far too many to enumerate here - you can find a handy reference for

    the full set in other references. Note that almost all support a genericinterface supporting available KIND types, and that most are




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    Numerical Intrinsics

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    The list of numerical intrinsics (with syntax and usage):

    INT(a[,KIND]) convert to integer, type KINDREAL(a[,KIND]) convert to real, type KINDCMPLX(x[,y][,KIND]) convert x or (x,y) to complex, type KINDAINT(a[,KIND]) truncate real to lowest whole number, type KINDANINT(a[,KIND]) returns nearest whole number real, type KINDNINT(a[,KIND]) integer (type KIND) value nearest aABS(a) absolute value of a, same KIND as a

    MOD(a,p) remainder of a modulo p, a-int(a/p)*p (has sign of a)MODULO(a,p) a-floor(a/p)*p (has sign of p)FLOOR(a[,kind]) greatest integer less than or equal to a, type KINDCEILING(a[,KIND]) least integer greater than or equal to a, type KINDSIGN(a,b) absolute value of a times sign of bDIM(x,y) max(x-y,0.0)MAX(a1,a2[,a3,...]) maximum of two or more numbersMIN(a1,a2[,a3,...]) minimum of two or more numbersAIMAG(z) imaginary part of complex number z, type real, KIND(z)CONJG(z) conjugate of complex number z

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    String Functions

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    Yes, Fortran does have string handling capability! And in fact, it ismuch improved. The following table gives a brief synopsis:

    ACHAR(I) ASCII character of number IADJUSTL(STRING) Adjusts to the leftADJUSTR(STRING) Adjusts to the rightCHAR(I, kind) Returns character of number IIACHAR(C) ASCII number of char C

    ICHAR(C) Number of char CINDEX(STRING, SUBSTRING, back) Starting pos of substring in stringLEN(STRING) Length of STRINGLEN_TRIM(STRING) Length of string without trailing blanksREPEAT(STRING, NCOPIES) String concatnationSCAN(STRING, SET, back) Position of 1st occurrence of any char in SET in STRINGTRIM(STRING) Returns string without trailing blanksVERIFY(STRING, SET, back) Position of 1st char in STRING not in SET

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    The following functions can be used for ASCII lexical stringcomparisons:


    Note that if the strings are of differing length, the shorter will be paddedwith blanks for comparative purposes. All return default logical results.

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    Bitwise Intrinsics

    M d F t dd d t f it f bit i ti

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    Modern Fortran added support for quite a few bitwise operations:

    BIT_SIZE(I) number of bits in a wordBTEST(I, POS) .true. if POS number of I is 1IAND(I, J) logical addition of bit chars in I and JIBCLR(I, POS) puts a zero in the bit in POSIBITS(I, POS, LEN) uses LEN bits of word I beginning at POS, additional

    bits are set to zero. POS + LEN 0).Positions that are vacated are set to zero.

    ISHIFTC(I, SHIFT, size) performs logical shift a number of stepscircularly to the right if SHIFT < 0,circularly to the left if SHIFT > 0. If SIZEis given, it is required that 0 < SIZE

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    Modern Fortran also has a built-in pseudorandom generator:

    CALL RANDOM_NUMBER( h a r v e s t )CALL RANDOM_SEED( [ s i ze ] | [ p ut ] | [ g et ] )

    harvest can be an array, and the range of the random numbers arethe interval [0, 1). size is intent OUT and returns the size of theinteger seed array, which can be input (put) or returned (get).

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    Fortran Intrinsics Timing & Random Numbers

    Real-time Clock

    Modern Fortran provides a pair of routines to access the real-time

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    p p


    DATE_AND_TIME([date] [,time] [,zone] [,values])

    date character string in form ccyymmdd

    time character string in form hhmmss.ssszone character string in form Shhmm, difference between local

    and UTC

    values integer vector of size at least 8 with year, month, day,

    difference from UTC in minutes, hour, minutes, seconds,milliseconds

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    Fortran Intrinsics Timing & Random Numbers

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    count processor-dependent value of processor clock

    (-huge(0) if no clock)

    count_rate clock counts per second (0 if no clock)count_max maximum for count (0 if no clock)

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    Fortran Intrinsics Timing & Random Numbers

    CPU Time

    Fortran 95 only:

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    time real assigned to processor-dependent time in seconds

    (negative value if no clock)

    r e a l : : t 1 , t 2:

    CALL CPU_TIME( t1 ) ! F or t ra n 95 o n ly::

    CALL CPU_TIME( t2 )p r i n t , Time s pe nt i n code : , t 2t1 , seconds

    In my experience the CPU_TIME intrinsic is not very precise, however,and depends rather strongly on the compiler ...

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    Fortran Intrinsics Timing & Random Numbers


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    STOPWATCH is not part of standard Fortran, but is a nice little package

    written by William Mitchell at NIST:

    which supports a more full featured set of timing routines (including

    wall time, cpu time, and system time).

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    Fortran Intrinsics Array Functions

    Array Functions
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    The array intrinsic functions will be discussed in a special section

    devoted to arrays ...

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    Part III

    Fortran Advanced Operations

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    Numerics in Modern Fortran Inquiry Functions

    Numerical Inquiry Functions

    There are a bunch of numerical inquiry functions in Fortran 90/95.

    First the integer representation model is given by

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    First, the integer representation model is given by

    i= s




    wherei integer values sign (+,)r radix (r > 1)

    q number of digits (q> 1)dk k-th digit, (0 dk < r)

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    Numerics in Modern Fortran Inquiry Functions

    The floating-point model is given by


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    x= sbek=1




    x real value

    s sign (+,)b base (b> 1)e exponent (q> 1)p number mantissa digits (p> 1)f

    kk-th digit, (0

