class 9 -

RPS GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS RPS Sr. Sec. School, Khatod, Mohindergarh Also Visit us at : E-mail : [email protected] Phone No. : 01285-222645, 222445 Class 9 th SAVE WATER SAVE LIFE 1. Turn off the taps Don't let your water consumption run out of control. Save 6 litres of water a minute by turning off your tap while you brush your teeth. Fix leaky taps too – and stop what could be 60 litres of water going straight down the drain every week. 2. Boil what you need Save water, money and energy by only boiling as many cups of water as you need. 3. Shower with less Every minute you spend in a power shower uses up to 17 litres of water . Set a timer on your phone to keep y our showers short, sweet and water-saving.Switching to an efficient shower head will allow you to lather up in less water, which means you'll save water and cut your bills. 4. Save up your dirty clothes Washing a full machine load of clothes uses less water and energy than 2 half-loads . This means lower bills as well. 5. Get a low-flush toilet The average UK household flushes the loo 5,000 times per year . Modern dual -flush systems save huge amounts of water. They use just 6 litres or 4 with a reduced flush much less than the 13 litres for each old-style single flush. If you can't invest in a new loo, get a water-saving bag for your old-style toilet . 6. Catch rainwater Installing water butts saves up to 5,000 litres of water a year . And your plants will thank you for rainwate r rather than treated tap water. You can also cut water use by 33% by watering plants manually instead of using automatic sprinklers. 7. Be plumbing prepared Regularly check your kitchen pipes and the dishwasher hose for slow leaks. 8. No more washing up Incredibly, if you fill up the dishwasher completely each time you run it, you'll use less water than you would doing the washing up. Yes, even if you're using a washing-up bowl. What better excuse to go and have a nice sit down? 9. Time your gardening A great water-saving tip is to water outdoor plants in the early morning or at the end of the day. This stops water immediately evaporating in sunlight and heat. Water onto the soil rather than leaves so that the liquid goes straight to the roots, where it’s needed. 10. Use a refillable water bottle Bring a water bottle to school. At the end of the day, any leftover water can be poured onto the garden. Non Foundation Sections Homework + News Letter

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RPS Sr. Sec. School, Khatod, Mohindergarh Also Visit us at : E-mail : [email protected] Phone No. : 01285-222645, 222445

Class – 9th

SAVE WATER SAVE LIFE 1. Turn off the taps Don't let your water consumption run out of control. Save 6 litres of water a minute by turning off your tap while you brush your

teeth. Fix leaky taps  too – and stop what could be 60 litres of water going straight down the drain every week. 2. Boil what you need Save water, money and energy by only boiling as many cups of water as you need. 3. Shower with less Every minute you spend in a power shower uses up to 17 litres of water . Set a timer on your phone to keep your showers short,

sweet and water-saving.Switching to an efficient shower head will allow you to lather up in less water, which means you'll save water and cut your bills.

4. Save up your dirty clothes Washing a full machine load of clothes uses less water and energy than 2 half-loads . This means lower bills as well. 5. Get a low-flush toilet The average UK household flushes the loo 5,000 times per year . Modern dual-flush systems save huge amounts of water.

They use just 6 litres – or 4 with a reduced flush – much less than the 13 litres for each old-style single flush. If you can't invest in a new loo, get a water-saving bag for your old-style toilet .

6. Catch rainwater Installing water butts saves up to 5,000 litres of water a year . And your plants will thank you for rainwater rather than treated tap water. You can also cut water use by 33% by watering plants manually instead of using automatic sprinklers.

7. Be plumbing prepared Regularly check your kitchen pipes and the dishwasher hose for slow leaks. 8. No more washing up Incredibly, if you fill up the dishwasher completely each time you run it, you'll use less water than you would doing the

washing up. Yes, even if you're using a washing-up bowl. What better excuse to go and have a nice sit down? 9. Time your gardening A great water-saving tip is to water outdoor plants in the early morning or at the end of the day. This stops water

immediately evaporating in sunlight and heat. Water onto the soil rather than leaves so that the liquid goes straight to the roots, where it’s needed.

10. Use a refillable water bottle Bring a water bottle to school. At the end of the day, any leftover water can be poured onto the garden.

Non Foundation Sections

Homework + News Letter


RPS Sr. Sec. School, Khatod, Mohindergarh Also Visit us at : E-mail : [email protected] Phone No. : 01285-222645, 222445

RPS Wishes all parents and students A very Happy Mother’s Day.

Mother’s day is a day dedicated to all mothers, celebrated every year to honor the mother and motherhood. It is

celebrated annually on second Sunday of May to remember an honor mother’s responsibilities in the family and


Mother’s Day is the happiest and highly memorable day of the year for everyone. Mother is our best friend

because she takes care of everything we need. So, say her thanks, and give her respect. We cannot live without

our mother and her caring love. She cares us so much, she becomes happy when we laugh and she becomes sad

when we weep. She is only one in this world who never leaves us alone. She is fully devoted to us like no one

else in whole the world. She has lots of responsibilities and does all continuously without getting tired. She is

the one whose job is unlimited without any fixed job time and work. We cannot repay her dedication and love

she renders to us. However we can say her big thanks and give lots of respect. We should always love and care

our mother and obey all her orders. In really we are indebted to our mothers.


RPS Sr. Sec. School, Khatod, Mohindergarh Also Visit us at : E-mail : [email protected] Phone No. : 01285-222645, 222445

Home Work – IX

Summer Vacation (2019-20)


1. Number system

Ex. 1.1 Questions – 2, 3

Ex. 1.2 Questions – 3

Ex. 1.3 Questions – 4, 7

Ex. 1.5 Questions – 5, 6

2. Polynomial

Ex. 2.2 Questions – 3

Ex. 2.3 Questions – 2, 3

Ex. 2.4 Questions – 5

Ex. 2.5 Questions – 9, 11

3. Co – Ordinate Geometry

Ex. 3.2 Questions – 1, 2

Ex. 3.3 Question – 2

4. Linear Equation in two variables Ex. 4.1 Question – 2

Ex. 4.2 Questions – 2, 4 Ex. 4.3 Questions – 7, 8 5. Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

Ex. 5.1 Questions – 4, 6

6. Lines and Angles

Ex. 6.1 Questions – 5, 6

Ex. 6.2 Questions – 3, 4

Ex. 6.3 Questions – 5, 6

Extra Question

1. If a and b are rational number such that

3 2

63 2 2 3

a b

then find a and b

2. If 1

2 3x

, then find the value of 2



x .

3. What must be added to 3 23 12 19x x x so

that the result is exactly divisible

by 2 6x x ?

4. If 10x y and 25xy . find the value of

3 3x y .

5. If x, y, z are positive real number, show that

1 1 1 1xy yz zx


6. Find the value of x , if 5

4 22 4 (64) 2x x x .

7. In the given figure, .AB CD PR and QR are

angle bisectors of QPB and PQD

respectively. Find PRQ









RPS Sr. Sec. School, Khatod, Mohindergarh Also Visit us at : E-mail : [email protected] Phone No. : 01285-222645, 222445

8. In the given figure, AD is the angle bisector of

BAC AE BC . Prove that

2B C EAD .

9. In the figure, p q and l m . Find the value of

, ,x y z .

10. If ,l m n m . Find the value x and y .

11. Represent 2 2 on number lines.

12. Simplify 8 3 5 8 3 5

3 5 3 5


13. Factorise : 2 2 22 4 3 4 2 4 3 2 6a b c ab bc ca

14. The Polynomials 3 2 33 4 2 5ax x and x x a when divided

by ( 2)x leave the remainder p and q resp.

if 2 4p q . Find value of a .

15. Factorise : 2


1 22 2x x

x x


1. Write and learn all NCERT Qeustions

form chapter.

I. Motion II. Force & laws of Motion

2. Prepare the following graph with five

example each from daily life.

I. Distance time graph –

1. Uniform motion

2. Non – Uniform motion

II. Velocity time graph –

1. Uniform motion

2. Non – Uniform motion

III. Acceleration – time graph – Non

uniform motion

3. Give the examples of circular motion.

4. Differentiate between the following.

I. Rest & Motion

II. Uniform motion & Non – Uniform


III. Accelerated motion & Non –

Accelerated Motion

IV. Balanced force & Unbalanced force.

V. Inertia of Rest & Inertia of direction.


1. Thoroughly read all chapter completely.

2. Learn and write NCERT questions for all chapter






4z + 15






l 3x





RPS Sr. Sec. School, Khatod, Mohindergarh Also Visit us at : E-mail : [email protected] Phone No. : 01285-222645, 222445

3. Prepare a project report on the work of any one


(a) Neil Bohr (b) john Dalton (c) J.J. Thomson


Take for stalked resins, put them in water for two hours examine the movement of water & write the observations in your notebook.

1. Put these swollen resins in salty water for two hours and write the observations in your notebook.

2. Learn all NCERT questions from

chapter 1 & 2.

3. Draw the following diagrams twice in

your notebook.

Plant cell, mitochondria, chloroplast, Nucleus, Plasma, Membrane, Parenchyma, Collenchymas, Sclerenchyma, xylem, Phloem, bacterial cell.

4. Make a chart of mitochondria or Nucleus.

Social Science

1. Make two charts (one from His. One from Geo.) at any topic of March, April and May syllabus. (Give Topic) (Heights Peaks of India) and Northern Plains.

2. Conducted a village survey as like Palampur in your

own Village.

3. Prepare a model of physical features of India (at any


4. Revise syllabus upto holidays for (class quiz)

5. Make a collage at any one topic – our political leaders,

actors, players social reformers.

Learn and Write Syllabus till may 2019.

English Literature

1. Write and prepare of all the taught lessons

from the Supplementary Reader (Moment).

2. Prepare and write 5 – 5 extra questions of your own from all the taught lessons and

poems from the First Flight.

3. Prepare and write a sonnet of your own

following rhyme scheme and give it a

suitable title.

4. Prepare a bio – sketch of Ruskin Bond with

picture on a chart.

Grammar Story Writing

Complete the following stories in about

150 – 200 words using your creative

imagination and writing skills.

1. Ravina used to limp. She never crossed

the road without help. On Sunday

morning she was on her way to the

auditorium for music class. She

suddenly …………………….

2. Once upon a time, a railway line passed

through a dense forest. The railway

signal was fixed near tall tree on which

a big monkey lived. He observed.

3. Aryan was alone at home. Suddenly the

phone rang. He ……………………

Complete the following stories on the basis

of the clues given below.

4. A village ………….. an old grandma very

poor ……………. grandchildren came

…………… went out to bring some food

……………… were trapped in a giant’s

house ……………. Giant ate them up

…………… used a trick …………. come

out of the stomach …………… helped

their grandma.

5. Once upon a time …………… boy lived with his mother ……………. Boy not to fond of his mother ………………….. as mother would stop him from falling in the bad company ……………… one day met an accident ………………… lost vision in one eye ……….. mother donated her own eye ……………. the boy was ashamed of his behavior.

Article (i) Conserve water (ii) Saving our Culture and Tradition

(iii) Freedom of the Press.

Prepare a Diary on each day’s

events during the summer



RPS Sr. Sec. School, Khatod, Mohindergarh Also Visit us at : E-mail : [email protected] Phone No. : 01285-222645, 222445


1. It can noticed from the following visual

that the young generation of the

country is copying western culture in

dress, manners, and life style which is

really very painful. Write a speech for

the morning assembly expressing your

views on this matter by using the

inputs form the following picture.

2. Everyday, we come across newspaper

articles in which we find the cases of

murder, violence etc. This is a major

concern of worry. In your school also

cases of violence have taken place. You,

as the captain of your school, write a

speech in about 120 words on the

topic, ‘students as harbinger of Peace’

to be delivered in the morning


Information Technology * Learn and write chapter – 1 to 3

Read ch- 4 * Make a chart of shortcut keys

(at least 50 with function)

* Prepare a presentation on ICT & its

application, computer system, Input and

output devices, and storage device, Mobile



1st UT - April 2019

Date Subject Syllabus


Monday SST

His.- 1 The French Revolution, Civ. – 2 What is Democracy? Why

Democracy, Geo. – 1. India size and Location


Tuesday HINDI


Wednesday ENG

Beehive L-1- The Fun They Had

Moments L-1- The Lost Child, Literary Devices, L-2 The Adventure of Toto.

Poem – 1- The Road Not Taken, Grammar- Tense, Subject-Verb-Concord


Thursday SCIENCE

Physics - Motion (up to acc.) Chemistry – Matter in our surrounding

Biology – Cell (Half)


Friday MATHS

Number System, Polynomials,


Saturday IT/Music


UT - May 2019 Date Subject Syllabus


Tuesday SST

Geo. – 2 Physical Features of India,

His. – 2 The Russian Revolution : Socialism in Europe

Civ. – 3 Constitutional Design, Eco- The Story of village Palampur


Wednesday MATHS

Linear equation in two variables

Euclid’s Geometry, Lines & Angles,


Thursday SCIENCE

Physics –Motion (Complete), Chemistry – Is matter around us pure (Half)

Biology – Cell (complete); Plant Tissue



Beehive :- 2- The Sound of Music, 3. The Little Girl.

Moments- Iswaran the Story- teller, Poem- 2. Wind

3. Rain on the Roof, Grammar. Determiners, Parts of Speech (Preposition and

Conjunction-In extended form), Sentence Re-ordering


Saturday HINDI

27.05.2019 IT/Music


UT - July 2019 Date Subject Syllabus


Tuesday HINDI


Wednesday MATHS

Herons Formula, Construction, Triangles, Co-ordinate geometry, Surface Areas & Volumes


Thursday SCIENCE

Physics – Force and laws of motion, Gravitation (Not Floatation)

Chemistry- Is matter around us pure, Atom and molecules,

(half up to-chemical formula)

Bio – Animal Tissue, Improvement in food resources (Complete)



Beehive : A Truly Beautiful Mind. 5 The Snake and the Mirror. 6. My Childhood

Moments: 4. In the Kingdom of Fools 5. The Happy Prince

Poem: 4. The Lake Isle of Innisfree. 5. A Legend of the Northland.

Grammar-Editing/Omission/Gap-Filling, Voice, Subject-verb - agreement


Saturday SST

His- Ch-3 Nazism & Rise of Hitler, Civics: Ch-4 Electoral politics, Geo- 3.

Drainage, Eco- Ch. 2

29.07.2019 IT/Music

Half Yearly Exam -August 2019 Date Day Subject Syllabus

21.08.2019 Wednesday SCIENCE UT – 1 to 3th


22.08.2019 Thursday HOLIDAY

23.08.2019 Friday HINDI UT – 1 to 3th


24.08.2019 Saturday HOLIDAY

25.08.2019 Sunday HOLIDAY

26.08.2019 Monday MATHS UT – 1 to 3th

Syllabus UT – 1 to 3th


27.08.2019 Tuesday HOLIDAY

28.08.2019 Wednesday ENGLISH UT – 1 to 3th

Syllabus UT – 1 to 3th


29.08.2019 Thursday

30.08.2019 Friday SST UT – 1 to 3th


31.08.2019 Saturday IT/MUSIC UT – 1 to 3th



UT - Sept 2019 Date Subject Syllabus


Tuesday MATHS

Quadrilaterals, Area of parallelogram


Wednesday ENG

Beehive : 7. Packing, 8. Reach For The Top

Moments: 6. Weathering the storm in Essama, 7. The Last Leaf

Poem: 6 No Men Are Foreign, 7. The Duck and the Kangaroo

Grammar: Narration


Thursday SCIENCE

Phy- Flotation, Chem- Atom and molecule complete Bio- Diversity in living

World, Plant diversity, Animal diversity (Non-Chordates)


Friday HINDI


Saturday SST

Civics : Ch-5 Working of institutions, Eco: Ch 3

Geo: Ch-4 Climate, Ch.5 Natural vegetation and wild life.

30.09.2019 IT/Music


UT - Oct. 2019 Date Subject Syllabus

18.10.2019 IT/Music


Saturday SST

His: Ch. 4 Forest society & Colonialism/ Ch-5 Pastoralists in the

modern world

Civics: Democratic rights, Eco- Food security


Monday HINDI


Tuesday MATHS

Circles, Statistics, Probability


Wednesday SCIENCE

Phy- Work, Power & Energy Sound, Che- Structure of Atom Revision

Bio- Animal Diversity (Complete), Why do we fall ill? (Half)


Thursday ENG

Beehive : 9. The Bond of Love 10. Kathmandu 11. If I were you

Moments: 8. A House is not a Home, 9. The Accidental Tourist, 10. The Beggar

Poem : 8. On Killing a tree, 9. The Snake Trying, 10. A slumber did my spirit seal,

Grammar: Modals , Clauses

27 Oct. 2019 – Diwali 4th to 10th Nov. Revise

Revision Test – 1 Date Subject Syllabus


Monday SST

His.- 1 The French Revolution, 2 The Russian Revolution : Socialism in


Civ. – 2.What is Democracy? Why Democracy, 3. Constitutional Design

Eco- The Story of village Palampur, Ch. 2 People as resources

Geo. – 1.India size and Location, 2.Physical Features of India, 3.Drainage 12.11.2019

Tuesday MATHS

Number System, Polynomials, Linear equation in two variables, Euclid’s

Geometry, Lines & Angles,


Wednesday ENG

Beehive L-1- The Fun They Had, 2- The Sound of Music,

3. The Little Girl.

Moments L-1- The Lost Child, L-2 The Adventure of Toto. Iswaran the Story- teller

Poem – 1- The Road Not Taken, 2. Wind, 3. Rain on the Roof

Grammar- Tense, Determiners, Parts of Speech (Preposition and Conjunction-In

extended form), Sentence Re-ordering


Thursday SCIENCE

Physics - Motion (up to Is law of motion)

Chemistry – Matter in our surrounding, Is matter around us pure

Biology – Why do we fall ill?, Natural Resources


Friday HINDI

16.11.2019 IT/Music

18th to 24th Nov. Revise

Revision Test – 2

Date Subject Syllabus


Monday English

Beehive : A Truly Beautiful Mind. 5 The Snake and the Mirror.

6. My Childhood, 7. Packing, 8. Reach For The Top

Moments: 4. In the Kingdom of Fools 5. The Happy Prince, 6. Weathering the

storm in Essama 7. The Last Leaf Poem: 4. The Lake Isle of Innisfree. 5. A Legend of the Northland. 6 No Men Are

Foreign, 7. The Duck and the Kangaroo

Grammar-Editing/Omission/Gap-Filling, Voice, Subject-verb – agreement,



Tuesday Maths

Herons Formula, Construction, Triangles, Co-ordinate geometry, Surface Areas & Volumes,

Quadrilaterals, Area of parallelogram


Wednesday Hindi


Thursday SST

His- Ch-3 Nazism & Rise of Hitler, Civics :Ch-4 Electoral politics Ch-5 Working

of institutions, Geo- 4 Drainage Geo: Ch-4- Climate, Eco- 3 Poverty as a



Friday Science

Physics – Force and laws of motion (Complete) Flotation, Gravitation

Chemistry- Is matter around us pure, Atom and molecule complete Atom and molecules (half up

to-chemical formula)

Bio – Animal Tissue Improvement in food resources (Complete) Plant Diversity, Animal

Diversity (Non Chordates)

30.11.2019 IT/Music

2nd Dec. to 8th Dec. Revise

Revision Test -3 Date Subject Syllabus


Monday Science

Phy- Work, Power & Energy, Sound

Che- Structure of Atom , Revision

Bio- Animal Diversity (Complete), Natural Resources, Why do we fall ill?



Tuesday SST

His: Ch. 4 Forest society & Colonialism/ Ch-5 Pastoralists in

the modern world

Geo: Ch-6 Population, Civics: Democratic rights, Eco- Food



Wednesday Hindi


Thursday Maths

Circles, Statistics, Probability


Friday English

Beehive : 9. The Bond of Love 10. Kathmandu 11. If I were you

Moments: 8. A House is not a Home, 9. The Accidental Tourist

10. The Beggar

Poem : 8. On Killing a tree, 9. The Snake Trying, 10. A slumber did my spirit seal,

Grammar: Modals , Clauses

14.12.2019 IT/Music

1st Pre-Board Exam -Dec. 2019

Date Day Subject Syllabus

24.12.2019 Tuesday SST Complete Syllabus

25.12.2019 Wednesday HOLIDAY

26.12.2019 Thursday HINDI Complete Syllabus

27.12.2019 Friday HOLIDAY

28.12.2019 Saturday SCIENCE Complete Syllabus

29.12.2019 Sunday HOLIDAY

30.12.2019 Monday MATHS Complete Syllabus

31.12.2019 Tuesday HOLIDAY

01.01.2020 Wednesday ENG Complete Syllabus

02.01.2020 Thursday IT/Music

Revision Test -4

Revision Test -5

Date Subject Syllabus

06.01.2020 Monday

Maths Area of parallelogram, Circles, Herons Formula, Statistics, Probability, Surface

Area & Volume

07.01.2020 Tuesday


08.01.2020 Wednesday

English Beehive : 7. Packing, 8. Reach For The Top, 9. The Bond of Love, 10.

Kathmandu, 11. If I were you Moments: 5. The Happy Prince, 6. Weathering the

Storm in Ersama, 7. The Last Leaf, 8. A House Is Not a Home 9. The Accidental

Tourist 10. The Beggar Poem:7-The Duck and the Kangaroo, 8. On Killing a Tree.

9. The Snake Trying 10. A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal. Grammar-Reading

Discursive, Omission, Composition - story completion and Sentence transformation

09.01.2020 Thursday

Science Phy – Floatation, Work, Energy and Power, Sound, Chem – Is matter around us

pure Matter in Our Surrounding. Bio- Biodiversity complete, Why do we fall

ill? Natural Resources

10.01.2020 Friday

Social Science

History Ch. 3 Nazism and the Rise of Hitler, Geo- Ch.4 Climate, Ch. 5, Civics :

Working of Institution, Eco- Ch. 3 Poverty as a challenge, History : Ch-4/5 Geo :

Ch-5 Natural vegetation and wildlife population. Civics : Ch-6 Democratic Rights. Eco: ch4. Food security in India

Date Subject Syllabus

15.01.2020 Wednesday

Science Phy – 1. Motion, Force and Laws of motion, 2. Gravitation, Chem- Structure of

Atom, Atom and Molecule, Biology – Cell (Complete), Tissue- Half (Plant

Tissue, Tissue – Animal Tissue, - Improvement in Food Resources

16.01.2020 Thursday

Maths Number System, Polynomials, Linear equation in two variables, Euclid’s

Geometry, Lines & Angles, Triangles, Co-ordinate geometry, Quadrilaterals,


17.01.2020 Friday



History: - Ch-1 French Revolution, Ch.2 Russian Revolution and socialism in

Europe. Civics: Ch1 India Size and Location 2 Constitutional Design, 3.

Electoral Politics, Eco- Story of village Palampur, Geo- 2. Physical Feature of


Ch3. Drainage, Eco. 2. People as a Resource

18.01.2020 Saturday


20.01.2020 Monday

English Beehive L-1- The Fun They Had :- 2- The Sound of Music, 3. The Little Girl. 4.

A Truly Beautiful Mind. 5 The Snake and the Mirror. 6. My Childhood, Poem –

1- The Road Not Taken, 2. Wind, 3. Rain on the Roof ,4. The Lake Isle of

Innisfree. 5. A Legend of the Northland. 6. No Men Are Foreign, Moments L-1-

The Lost Child L-2 The Adventure of Toto, 3. Iswaran the Story- teller , 4. In the

Kingdom of Fools, Grammar- Composition, Diary Entry, Gap Filling, Editing/Reading Factual

IX Final Exam Date Sheet Jan-2020

Date /Day Max. Marks Subject Syllabus

22.01.2020 Wednesday 80 Science COMPLETE SYLLABUS

25.01.2020 Saturday 80 Hindi COMPLETE SYLLABUS

28.01.2020 Tuesday 80 Maths COMPLETE SYLLABUS

31.01.2020 Friday 80 S.St COMPLETE SYLLABUS

03.02.2020 Monday 80 Eng COMPLETE SYLLABUS