class 3 principles

Principles of Design Graphic Design School: The Principles and Practices of Graphic Design Glossary, pp. 184–187

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Class 3 Powerpoint


Page 1: Class 3 Principles

Principles of DesignGraphic Design School: The Principles and

Practices of Graphic Design Glossary, pp. 184–187

Page 2: Class 3 Principles

Reading RecapDesign principles are the unseen forces that

drive the content of a design and create interaction among design elements.

They are the organizational rules used in conjunction with elements to create order and visual interest.

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Unity and VarietyUnity is achieved when all the separate

elements on a page look as if they coexist.

Unity allows the design to lead the eye.

A unified design is easier to read, remember, and absorb.

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VarietyVariety is the art of balancing visual contrasts

and is necessary for creating visual interest

Adds visual interest to a design piece, should not simply add elements to a design piece.

Eliminating distractions aids in better unity

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Unity and Variety

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Unity and Variety

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HierarchyGroup discussion

What is Hierarchy? What is visual Hierarchy? How is it achieved?

5 minutes – discuss answers

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HierarchyHierarchy is the prevailing influence of one

element over another, which is dominance.

Hierarchy is stressing the importance of one element over another, which is emphasis.

Hierarchy is the established order, importance, emphasis, and movement given to visual elements.

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HierarchyThe arranged order of a design is called


Hierarchy determines movement through a design.

Careful application of hierarchy can guide the reader to what is most important, followed by items of lesser importance.

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Balance and ProximityTwo design principles that are closely related

to each other are balance and proximity.

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Balance is the visual distribution of elements in a composition.

Elements may be symmetrical or asymmetrical.

A lack of balance results in tension. Design elements are used to achieve balance.

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Balance is used to create mood. Balance helps organize the message. Balance can be created using an alignment


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It refers to the placement of design elements in relation to each other.

It establishes visual continuity and harmony. It affects the relationship of design elements. It adds interest and excitement.

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Balance and Proximity

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Balance and Proximity

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Balance and Proximity

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Balance and Proximity

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Proportion or ScaleRelationship between design elements that

determine the structure of a design.

It is the relationship of the size of one element compared with that of another. Proportion or scale is used to establish a visual hierarchy and create variety and emphasis.

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Proportion or Scale

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Rhythm and RepetitionRhythm is an alternating occurrence of an

element, and repetition is defined as a pattern of related juxtaposed elements.

Both these principles tie together the elements in a design.

Although rhythm and repetition are similar, there are some differences

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It can be regular or static. It can pulsate or have movement. It is typically transparent in a design. It is the pattern or arrangement of elements.

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It forms a visual rhythm. It strengthens the overall organization of a

layout. It makes layout more unified and cohesive. It is used to apply visual elements

consistently on a page.

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Gestalt“The whole is greater than the sum of the


This Gestalt principle emphasizes that we perceive whole objects as well-organized patterns or groups rather than as a combination of separate parts.

Gestalt Handout – discuss examples

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Reading Assignment

Graphic Design School: The Principles and Practices of Graphic Design

Unit 4, “Fundamentals of Color,” pp. 92–101 Teach Yourself Visually Adobe Photoshop

CS3 Chapter 6, “Paint and Draw with Color,” pp.

98–133 Chapter 7, “Adjust Colors,” pp. 136–157

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QuizNext class: Quiz

Study: notes from classes 1-4

Page 30: Class 3 Principles

Writing Assignment 3Gestalt Principle


Page 31: Class 3 Principles

LAB 3Using the design Principles