clase beatriz calle

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  • 7/28/2019 Clase Beatriz Calle


    Good Morning, Good morning ...nobody says good morning.. Good morning.





    Ok They four people are people in my life. Ok They are people in my life I need you to work in pairs and try to think,

    guess, suppose Who these people are?

    Maybe Magda is my teacher, maybe my neighbour, maybe my sister, maybe my student, maybe my mother I dontknow. So you have to supposed who are this people for me. Ok in pairs but don't forget speak English.

    I think, I think I think for example Magda is the teachers sister.

    What do you think Norma is?

    A: I think Magda is the teachers sister. Ok thats one opinion. Right.

    And persons B says B: Yeah, Yes, maybe or could be. Or I don't know I think Magda is the teachers mother. Yeah

    etcetera. Okey, Let`s repeat.

    I think I think I think Magda is the teachers sister I think Magda is the teachers sister Good.

    Yes, maybe Yes, maybe

    Yeah, could be Yeah, could be etcetera

    What do you think? What do you think?. Come on, repeat What do you think? What do you think?. etcetera

    Ok practise in pairs You two, you three. You two. Ok come on two minutes. Go.English thank you.

    Are you speaking in Spanish no right is my imagination. In English Nicole, thank you. Who is speaking Spanish?

    Nicole. We are going to write Nicoles name here Nicole one X because shes speaking Spanish.

    Ok thank you very much Any opinion about Magda. Any opinion. Yes.

    I think Magda is the Teachers Mom. Yes, good Magda is my mom.

    What about Mara? ... Any volunteer. Anybody I think Maria is the teachers uncle. My aunt? No. I think Maria is the

    teachers sister. No. I don't have a sister. No Mara is my neighbour. Mara is my neighbour. Neighbour yes. Its the

    person who live next to my flat. Next to my house. Yes, my neighbour.In Spanish Whats neighbour? Vecino. Ok

    Magda is my neighbour. And Roco and Lucy.

    Lets focus on Roco. Ok Roco is my neighbour ok Shes about forty years old I think but we are not friends ok I can

    say her Hello, Good morning good evening but no more. Ok

    Here are some adjectives about personality about people in general ok

    What do you think about my neighbour? What do you think about Roco? Do you think shes amazing, my

    neighbour? No. No.I don't like her, no. Friendly? No. No Actually Roco is unfriendly, very unfriendly. And she is

    very moody. Ok, Sometimes, shes happy and sometimes shes not happy and she doesnt say hello. Shes angry.Ok.

    What about your neighbours? I want you to talk about your neighbours. Do you have a neighbour? Do your

    neighbours have children? Do you know the name of your neighbours? Ok What about children jobs , interest?

    Open your books please. Open your books on page number 17.

    And here you can see a picture, a very nice picture of neighbours. Repeat after me neighbours? neighbours neighbours

    neighbours aj. So you have different neighbours here. Young people, old people, right and doing different activities

    right. So, I need you to talk with your partner ok and talk about your neighbours Ok, Here are some questions about

    your neighbour. Look at exercises number 3. Number 3. Do you know your neighbours? Yes? everybody number 3.1.- What are your nextdoor neighbour called?

    For example my nextdoor neighbour is called Roco. Roco, shes is my neighbour.

    Number 2.- What are they like? Number 2. My neighbour Roco is unfriendly and is moody. Yes, For example here

    says: quiet, noisy, friendly, helpful, unfriendly. You have possibilities there.

    3.-What are they jobs?

    My neighbour Mara is a housewife. Its ok housewife. She doesnt work because shes in her house with her children.

    Yes. Have they got a pet? Yes, a horrible dog. Ok. Wuau wuau wuau Barking all day. Have they got children your

    age? My age not. The two children they are teenagers similar to you. Fourteen , fifteen. Kevin and Justin I think. And

    their children interests?

    Kevin is into skateboarding? Marias son and the other boy is interested in football. Ok. Now

    You are going to work with your partner and you are going to talk a little about your neighbours. Ok Work in pairs is

    in English. Spanish no, because Im going to write your name there. Ok Come on. You too, You three... Ok, comeon.Three minutes.


    Ok. Thank you very much. So any neighbours. You don't have a neighbour. You don't know their names? What are

    they names? Is a boy like you or is a father? Hes into football aha. Is your friend? What about your interest? Do you

    play football together. And what about adjectives to describe your friend? Ok Any other person. Ok alright very good.

  • 7/28/2019 Clase Beatriz Calle


    Now we are going to listen to some descriptions. And look at the photos there look at the photos ok Weve got some

    photographs there. And we have four names. Mrs Adani. Whos Mrs. Adani in the photos?. The woman eating? Yes?

    Ok. Mr Taylor? Can you see Mr Taylor. Yes. What is he doing? Hes? Hes gardening. And Ellie. What do you think

    Ellie is? The girl with the? The girl with the racket? yes. And Danny? Is the boy who is skateboarding. Now you have

    to complete the information there. Ok, maybe you have space in your books no problem if you don't have space in

    your books copy it in your notebooks Ok but make sure you take notes. Ok. We have to complete the chart. We have

    to complete their jobs, interests and personalities. Ok. For Ellie and for Danny we don't have information about their

    jobs. Ok, so please listen and complete. Were going to listen two times Ok.

    One more time.

    Ok. Can you compare your answers. Compare Orally.Ok. So, Mrs. Adanis job Shes a doctor. Interest? Cooking Cooking You can see the photograph Right Cooking and

    the personality? Friendly. He always says hello. Mr Taylor his job? Teacher Interest? Gardening and personality?

    Helpful. Very good. Elli her interest is? Tennis very good and the personality? Shy And Danny Interest?

    Skateboarding and the personality? Hard-working. Im sorry. Hard-working. Very good. Excellent. Ok. So, weve

    mention two jobs. Which are the jobs that we mention. Doctor and teacher. Ok. Doctor and teacher. Here we have a

    list of jobs, ok key words jobs ok. Listen, please and repeat. Ok, one more time, please. Repeat and pay attention to

    the word stress. Ok. Lets see. Where is the stress. the stress. Remember that in English we don't have an accent We

    says dentist or dentist. Dentist aja. So, this is the first syllable. What about the next word? Electrician Which syllable?

    Electrician Ok mark the stress on the words in your books. Come on, together with your partners. Where goes the

    stress? Mark the stress in the same form that I did it on the board.

    Ok. What about here. Here. The next one, aja Here...we said pluma. not plumber. And here, Secretary and its three

    syllables not secretary in British English we says secretry secretry repeat secretry uhm (vet) well here theres onlyone syllable. And here Very important to practise pronunciation. Remember the next month you have your oral exam

    J06 yes, oral exam. And Theyre going to evaluate your pronunciation and your intonation too ok. Its very important

    to speak English well. Ok. Now, from these jobs I need you to think about friends, people in your family your uncles

    mother your father Do they do these jobs? for example my friend Eileen is a dentist she is very helpful and very

    friendly. And my mothers neighbour Mr. Gomez is a plumber is he is good, hes very helpful and my friend Pepe is a

    lorry driver. Ok What about people that you know. Ok. Do they do these jobs? Maybe a person that you know is a taxi

    driver or maybe a vet I don't know ok work with your partners, please. Come on, continue speaking. Ok, thank you

    very much. What about the job of a person who travels a lot? A lorry driver, ok could be a lorry driver, but any other

    job that is not here. A person who travels a lot. What kind of people travel a lot? To different countries, cities. Ok

    flight attendant Okflight attendant is a man or woman who works on a plane like a waiter and travels a lot. A

    musician ok. A musician travels a lot. A pilot? Very goof. Yes, a pilot travels a lot too. Ok, now some people travel a

    lot and they say Oh, my love I love this country and I want to stay here. And they move to different countries. Right,

    for example musicians as you mention musicians. For example, Shakira is from Colombia. Does she live in

    Colombia? No, I think she lives in Spain or I don't know in Europe. Right, or maybe because of the work. People

    travel to other countries. Do you have any people in your family who are in another country? In which country? In

    Spain. In the USA. What about London. London is the capital of? England, right. Im going to show you a video

    about London ok and you know that London is a cosmopolitan city right there are a lot of people from different

    nationalities who live in London, ok. I need you to listen, pay attention, watch the video and then Im going to ask you

    some questions about it. Ok. Lets see.

    In chunks:

    1.- Are these two people from London? No. They are not from London. The girl is from? Manchester and the boy is

    from? Canada. Hes from Canada. Thats interesting and they live in London.

    2.-Can you see the difference faces from people who live in London? Right can you see Chinese what else? Can yousee a black man? Yes, African people.And also there are people from the middle east. Arabic people also live in


    Ok, its very interesting right. I need you to work together with your partner and write two sentences about the video.

    Ok, for example 60 000 Chinese people live in London. Yes, what other information do you remember? Come on,

    two sentences, together with your partner. Ok, any idea about the video. Yes. Very good excellent. Fifty percent of

    people who live in London are from other countries. Excellent. Any other idea. No more. 7 million people live in

    London. Excellent and what about the three nationalities that we saw about the festivals there. The first festival was

    the Bali from? India. India very colourful and very noisy. The other? Chinese new year similar to this Chinese new

    year in Peru, right. There is a Chinatown. The Chinatown in Lima is in the centre of Lima right, yes, barrio chino.

    Other countries have a Chinatown too. And the other, Poland. People from Poland. Yes, dancers from Poland. Very,

    very difficult I think and a lot of physical effort there. Now open your books on page number 18 and the topic here is

    Londoners. Ok. Now, you have some photographs ok that relates some of the topics that we were talking. Look at thephotos a,b,c we have three photographs right and match them with the sentences. We have three sentences:

    Number 1 London has got the biggest Chinatown in Europe.